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This package contains files common to all Bacula daemons.]ŚJx86-01.mbox.centos.orgJCentOSCentOSAGPLv3 with exceptionsCentOS Buildsys Unspecifiedhttp://www.bacula.orglinuxx86_64getent group bacula >/dev/null || groupadd -g 133 -r bacula &>/dev/null || : getent passwd bacula >/dev/null || useradd -u 133 -r -s /sbin/nologin \ -d /var/spool/bacula -M -c 'Bacula Backup System' -g bacula bacula &>/dev/null || : exit 0l]o : A큤A큤A큤AA]Ś@]Ŗ;]ŚH]ŚZdLZdLZdL]Ś]ŚI]ř]ř]ř]ř]Ś@]Ś<]Ś<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-9.0.6-6.el8.src.rpmbacula-commonbacula-common(x86-64)config(bacula-common)group(bacula)user(bacula)@    /bin/sh/bin/shbacula-libs(x86-64)config(bacula-common)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)shadow-utilsshadow-utils9.0.6-6.el89.0.6-6.el83.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.14.2]@]@[ug@[@Z@Z3@ZUZ@YYJYYx@Yu@Yp@Ym@YdYcl@X@X~@X8@X@X@Xx@XwoWv@W@WgW@W~D@W{@WPV@VVHV@Vm]VjV }@UK@Ua@UUUQ@UD@TPTgS@S/S@SS @SuSuSt@SXS=M@S:@S:@S8@S8@S8@R@R@QQ@Q@Q)@Q@Q@Qm=@Qb@Qb@Q4Q,Q+R@Q']Q& @Q$QQQP@P[P[P~P~PS@PS@PQPQPO'PO'P>@P H@P@P@O@O@OiO/@OOO@OF@Ọ@Ọ@OhOhO@O.@Oc+@ODO5O&@O!@@OKOW@OW@O@O@O yOONxN'@N'@N'@N@NINU@NU@NNܲ@Nܲ@NؽNl@Nl@N@NVáclav Doležal - 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5.2.3-3Simone Caronni - 5.2.3-2Simone Caronni - 5.2.3-1Simone Caronni - 5.2.2-11Simone Caronni - 5.2.2-10Simone Caronni - 5.2.2-9Simone Caronni - 5.2.2-8Simone Caronni - 5.2.2-7Simone Caronni - 5.2.2-6Simone Caronni - 5.2.2-5Simone Caronni - 5.2.2-4Simone Caronni - 5.2.2-3Tom Callaway - 5.2.2-2Tom Callaway - 5.2.2-1Simone Caronni - 5.2.1-1- Fix error in postun and rpm -V- use OpenSSL library instead of internal implementations of MD5 and HMAC (#1613068)- remove Nagios plugin (#1616438)- add missing file to library sub-package (#1580598)- Fix directory permissions (#1569584)- Update to 9.0.6 -> Supports OpenSSL 1.1 and Qt5 (#1542223)- Resolves: #1565003 - remove ImageMagic dependency- Add support for openssl (#1512577) - Change build requirement form mysql-devel to mariadb-connector-c-devel (#1545413)- Update to 9.0.4.- New upstream release 9.0.3 (#1480230)- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Update to 9.0.2. - Update patches.- Add patch to allow compilation on MariaDB 10.2. - Make only Fedora 27 require perl-interpreter. - Adjust categories in desktop files for RHEL 7.- Update to 9.0.1.- Fix ppc64le build. - Fix tray-monitor build. Use source file for tray monitor desktop entry.- Update to 9.0.0, update all patches. - Add new utitilies. - Use source files for desktop and icon of bat. - Temporarily disable tray-monitor build due to missing files in the source. - Add fixes for rpmlint.- Remove all RHEL/CentOS 5 compatibility.- Update to 7.4.7.- Update to 7.4.6.- Update README.Redhat document.- Update to 7.4.5. - Update patches.- Move to compat-openssl10 to fix FTBFS, BZ 1412924.- Rebuild for readline 7.x- Update to 7.4.4.- Add upstream patch to fix el5 i386 builds.- Remove GCC 6+ workaround bug, reset to default distribution optimizations.- Update to 7.4.3.- Update to 7.4.2.- Temporary workaround for GCC bug: Update to 7.4.1.- Fix FTBFS on rawhide (#1307338).- Rebuilt for use %qmake_qt4 macro to ensure proper build flags- Update to 7.4.0. - Rebase patches, remove git patch.- Re-add autoconf patch erraneously removed.- Add fixes from upstream 7.2 branch.- Update to 7.2.0. - Remove bpluginfo(8).- Use an external icon for tray monitor. - Add gcc and gcc-c++ to build requires.- Rebuilt for Split logwatch files in its own package. Logwatch should be installed explicitly by an administrator, and not by defaul. Also, the current logwatch package for RHEL 7 has a bug and can not be customized: Thanks to Dimitri Maziuk for reporting.- Require dejavu-lgc-sans-fonts for graphical programs. Fixes startup of bat on headless servers without a desktop installed.- Rebuilt for GCC 5 C++11 ABI change- Fix tray-monitor packaging (again).- Add license macro.- Rebuilt for Update to 7.0.5.- Remove RPM filters, add back patch inadvertently removed during 7.0 upstream release.- Rebuilt for Update to 7.0.4.- Add versioned library to alternatives system.- Filter out libbaccats from auto generated Provides/Obsoletes and add note on the shared object name mess.- Update to 7.0.3.- Bug fixes from upstream.- Update to 7.0.2, drop upstreamed patches.- Add patch for Nagios plugin. - Add missing requirement for Nagios plugin folder.- Update to 7.0.1; remove Python. - Drop git patch.- Update git patch. - Sort file sections.- Backport changes from git for QT Tray monitor, Nagios plugin and configure script. - Removed upstream patches.- Update to 7.0.0. - Momentarily disable Nagios plugin and QT tray monitor as they don't build anymore.- Fix dependencies for devel subpackage. - Explicitly declare dependency also on libs-sql subpackage where required, so we can save one extra cpu cycle during the upgrade (...). - Bat subpackage used to rely on files in %_docdir for operation, move them elsewhere. Fixes also Fedora 20 unversioned %_docdir feature. - Make sure any package combination results in installed license files.- Remove Fedora 17 conditionals, distribution EOL. - Remove systemd-sysv dependency as per new packaging guidelines.- Rebuilt for Perl 5.18 rebuild- make dependency of bacula packages on bacula-libs RHEL-7 rpmdiff (#881146)- Correct systemd unitfiles permissions- Fix for nonfree code (#967417)- Add aarch64 patch (#925072). - Add bpluginfo commmand.- Systemd service files cleanup, thanks Michal Schmidt (#952334)- Correcting options and man pages (#948837)- include /var/log/bacula/*.log in logwatch (#924797)- Add mt-st requirement to storage package; update quick start docs.- Improve documentation.- Fix director reload command. - Adjust to 5.2.13 permission changes.- Renamed README to README.Redhat.- Removed bacula-checkconf stuff. - Separated postgresql, sqlite3 and mysql how to from README.- Update to 5.2.13, drop upstreamed patch. - Remove Fedora 16 (EOL) checks.- remove vendor tag from desktop file. Fix: (#881146) syntax error in Fix (#905309) e_msg: Process /usr/sbin/bat was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)- Added missing line in bacula-sd SysV init script.- Move unversioned libraries into the devel package (#889244).- Updated SysV init script according to Fedora template: Add sample-query.sql file to Director's docs.- Fix fedpkg checks. Requires fedpkg > 1.10: - Change systemd requirements as per new package guidelines.- Update to 5.2.12, containing only patches from 5.2.11-4.- Add a sleep timer for RHEL init scripts restart as Debian does. Problems verified on the sd exiting too early on VMs and slow boxes.- Introduce last minute critical patches.- Do not remove user on common subpackage uninstall.- Update to 5.2.11. - Removed upstreamed patches. - Updated bat patch. - Removed useless docs.- Add Fedora 18 systemd macros. - Remove old distribution checks.- Remove user definition during prep so they are not used during the install phase (rhbz#852732). - Enforce permissions in default config files.- Removed make_catalog_backup bash script, leave only the default perl one (rhbz#456612,665498).- Rebuilt for Updated log path patch (rhbz#837706).- Add as required to service files (rhbz#838828). - Fix bsmtp upstream bug sending mails to ipv4/ipv6 hosts.- Update to 5.2.10.- Remove _isa on BuildRequires. - Remove useless code in SysV init scripts.- Update to 5.2.9, remove termlib patch.- Fix console build on RHEL 5.- Update to 5.2.8. - Removed upstram xattr patch. - Added database backend detection to bacula-libs-sql for upgrades from <= 5.0.3-28-fc16 and 5.2.6-1.fc17.- Make a note about mt-st and mtx (bz#829888). - Update README.Fedora with current information. - Fix bacula-sd group on Fedora and RHEL >= 6 (bz#829509).- Final xattr patch from upstream for bz#819158. - Switch alternatives to point to the unversioned system libraries. Pointed out by the closely related bug #829219.- Remove python-devel test leftover. - Updated bat build patch to add support for RHEL 6.- Updated to 5.2.7, removed patches included upstream. - Removed python-devel patch, fix included in python package. - Replaced tabs with blanks in spec file (rpmlint).- Even if pulled in by dependencies, re-add explict BR on systemd-units. - Remove .gz suffix for man pages in file lists as per packaging guidelines.- Patch for bug #819158. - Updated hostname patch with official fix. - Sorted all BuildRequires and removed useless systemd-units.- Added python config workaround for Fedora 16.- Removed _install, _mkdir and _make macro. - Added _isa to BuildRequires. - Removed lzo-devel option for RHEL 4 (EOL).- Move libbaccats and libbacsql into bacula-libs-sql package so only Director and Storage daemons pull in SQL dependencies: Update to 5.2.6.- WX and gnome console should be upgraded from bconsole, not libraries.- License has changed to AGPLv3 in 5.0.3. Thanks Erinn. - Fix ldconfig/alternatives symlinks on removal of packages and upgrades from recent f15/f16 changes.- Update to 5.2.5. - Change the alternative library to the base shared object name so the preference set is not lost when changing releases.- Remove old BuildRequires for bacula-docs.- Fix for rhbz#728693.- Close bugs rhbz#708712, rhbz#556669, rhbz#726147- Update to 5.2.4, rework libbaccats installation as they have fixed the soname library problem.- Fix tray monitor desktop file.- Split off bacula-docs subpackage.- Make docs conditional at build for testing. - Add devel subpackage.- Trim changelog. - Merge bacula-director backends and move libbacats alternatives to bacula-libs. - Move bscan to bacula-storage now that is dependent only on bacula-libs. - Added README.Fedora.- Changing uid from 33 per previous discussion, static uid already allocated is 133: "cat /usr/share/doc/setup-2.8.36/uidgid | grep bacula"- Remove fedora-usermgmt entirely, see thread at: Remove leftover users when removing bacula-common. - Allow building "--without fedora" to avoid RHEL dependency on EPEL: Updated to 5.2.3. - Remove fedora-usermgmt from libs Requires section.- Add bat html docs so the help button works. - Minor packaging changes. - Default permissions on bconsole and bat. - Use localhost as default on config files instead of patching fake hostnames. - Add QT tray monitor.- Added patch for mysql 5.5.18 from Oliver Falk.- Add sample-query.sql as config file. - Small log changes.- Fixed building on RHEL/CentOS 4. - Split out libs package to remove dependency on bacula-common for bconsole, bat and check_bacula. - Fix typo in post scriptlet for director-sqlite.- Added libcap for POSIX.1e capabilities in bacula-fd (5.0.0 feature). - Allow systemd files to read options set in the sysconfig configuration files like SysV scripts to enable capabilities. - Set capabilities as optional for now.- Removed leftover files and small rpmlint fixes. - Additional file moves between packages. - Enabled LZO compression (5.2.1 feature).- Remove redundant user/group in service files. - Reduce patching for what can be passed through configure. - Remove dsolink patch, not needed anymore.- Rename storage-common to storage and make it provide storage-common. - Move bscan to director-common. - Move storage scripts to storage. - Add html docs. - Install dummy catalogue library and mark it as ghost.- Add missing conditional for bat in the build section. - Make bat require qt4-devel on build (rhel 5 fix). - Bumped requirement for qt >= 4.6.2 for 5.2.2. - Renamed bacula-config.patch to bacula-5.2.2-config.patch as it always changes. - Fix installation of bat and check_bacula binaries. Enabling libtool for produces binaries under .libs. - Removed fedora-usermgmt requirement for director-common. - Removed examples from docs and make them "noarch". - Fix bacula-console requirements. - Fix nagios plugin summary. - Removed checkconf functions from SysV init files and replace the call with the script used in systemd service files. Make the script available in all builds. - Make docs NoArch where supported.- resolve broken dependency issues- Update to 5.2.2 - minor spec cleanups, conditionalized support for systemd- Updated to 5.2.1. - Reworked and removed some patches for 5.2.1 codebase. - Reworked bat installation. - Removed sqlite2 support. - Removed all the fancy database backend rebuilding. - Disabled libtool for - Passed plugins dir as libdir/bacula. - Added sql libs to alternatives. - Disabled traymonitor. - Minor fixes to spec file, rpmlint fixes. - Nagios patch for Enterprise FDs. - Removed all gui/web stuff. - Removed a lot of comments. - Conditional on Fedora 11 / RHEL 6 for bat build. - Obsolete bacula-sysconfdir. - Removed bwxconsole./bin/shbacula-sysconfdir 9.0.6-6.el89.0.6-6.el89.0.6-6.el8133133 2.4 baculabaculabaculabacula_configbtraceback.dbxbtraceback.gdbbtraceback.mdbbtracebackbacula-commonREADME.Redhatquickstart_mysql.txtquickstart_postgresql.txtquickstart_sqlite3.txtbtraceback.8.gzbaculabacula/etc//etc/logrotate.d//usr/libexec//usr/libexec/bacula//usr/sbin//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/bacula-common//usr/share/man/man8//var/log//var/spool/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryASCII textPOSIX shell script, ASCII text executable, with very long linesPOSIX shell script, ASCII text executabletroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)RRutf-8640e5df7a0fbe05f1a3743752ac8324a0133e539fb6bfaaa22163a775b841974?7zXZ !#,Tww] b2u jӫ`(xx'.z`QTu؈uXȃ nƓkz!v%,- ub üi^jLE S{=BlM ~+r-dQ8ҽS#Q컒m3c`31#(>cMṿ XC18^gN>Rm-.Tqߓq:"7|Y_: R*y$+unȪHs /H:Y0Ć֣揟i,7uVk~Ӝ"ԏRŁrn泏%_/uo-# գpMs^Ʊ<\?uh8>uF?)Uv$f2i(SoۀD~AJҒ$G sʗ#5ttoPj [/5 R)O VāC% r %,@.vB7V/$d\r(\Ul!+pq~#]*OUjdrӅrK<>DpG$gu=Vv~ެ9ՈpTPM2K +Ɂ;jq31GGBupY3'5qT5)&*xדgWLn:mxHI+j vu^ T#z&yi7Bpwe;d+ıR]tx}T);uAenvŽf$!+"h9Vߣ&(_:)rXg֤7/X bQic?}vLc)㉹g- 2'ScZ. |ެT*VZ9R<\ Щ-!ꖡ=͊0s2>*g"?C 63M*r&2YrU2_-_ P ٚBb !!qXaPoG3q'<ï}/W|g:PIra, A=XZNIrXk!z<>pWuSD뛃T K4R"R;O 1AByaN1V8$gQCûrډyD,o4G^,DuJ}om0c޿!f#I拉sa ?cFIBpd]H"@Axg&rE~h}~N̵J6x*]3W%#|Z!"(s, nkuJq$i)TDaQ#-xkYv[@rCY,/hJGn?m#/2]u{WF7ˬ]YxZܑq[%e[1͵k:u)َVa!D8nA@cp*6Ǡ୔g#WpA[8.;ЫMÖLڊ_MĚ|{!~zưeEI:I灬vio5YMbA~߀ؤ \ =$Wc6-JJF5-]DX_4^ԍryl*MÖA9) Z cun[:AAopmd!FvṰ]N,Q%(ۧBG eǷ:0M g]~io`1&@ ZW>y)U ekh^fr% 1~uMdWaW%otWn 6l&{U/[K3{pNo,]1l3$7fDy*dƥ6R4:ɸƁ*u>[aPW?N)F==w&er+iIڱ]ɅH 9iݖ  І^R\(p[\3v+r'7'(ʽWMCo tV9TfPaGy造*5W>yI+-N#־qbe)FuDZP@(_41r9,pjҀgE|@pCa7tvˡ9l*>0Rf?_핔ְmdPϻt:Qj݉YndVFXSɼݛ(@LS/RhOe~Q^:8b>~esDB[>Txfj^ˀJFg&01ʬf(Wu2.qT#OԬQzE9!x8)2lo?i7F\eWҥsc6ii ܋BH,hyщ! 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