cairo-gobject-1.15.12-3.el8 >  A ]s U]>`Pb(_W1%EM; +2OWzb36[St~?:3 K.V/iA/5ɬK} U !&k: ;O3kD n?,̌5Xq\Ҥ/?ĬV3,-["nE2_nCP!uPk/! \|#i!$!IUy#anˎ3ұ}]Zs;]P/>!Ze] :O `yA;4[AO4*JV,)ȭ!Yĕ/R8x<~[ ɨu;Pۧ "y5 -1*b@5y~7buMi'F1xk^%gb']H$QٝhGSFvTӽR}2 !(B<1$~&b(,<7-{=J ҁkL텺dIOJ_$ë*Pn9S+F`o\am@Y? b`$Y A!K>p<F?Fd  904;BT v    ) |03(q8x9:#GBHBIBXBYB\C]C^C|bCdE+eE0fE3lE5tELuE`vEtwFxF(yF<FFFFCcairo-gobject1.15.123.el8GObject bindings for cairoCairo is a 2D graphics library designed to provide high-quality display and print output. This package contains functionality to make cairo graphics library integrate well with the GObject object system used by GNOME.\|CentOSCentOSLGPLv2 or MPLv1.1CentOS Buildsys Unspecifiedhttp://cairographics.orglinuxi6861|AA\\\\\37bb901964d8cf8ff5c593173949e3864cdcfeee0402ab2af777099662d0810d../../../../usr/lib/    @cairo(x86-32)\ @Z'ZJ@Z@Z`@Zz@Zu@Z/Y@YYx@Yg`YC@XQ@X@XIK@W@WW@VV4@Ua@U.@Ts@T Tq@T=@S@SS@R8D@R@QQQQ.Qh@P@P!@PZP@PP)Px@PYPXb@P@P_@O9OOaO@Nܲ@N MQ0@M=iM!@LL*@LL)@LMxL0wL0wL0wL'=@L@K @JuJi@J8IܑIId@ID@I&H}@H׈H)H4H@GRG@G^@G@GG@G@GfGfGC@GW@G(n@F%@FQ@Fj@F7+F#e@EEWEE@E@E@D[>@DX@DX@DRDN@DD/C@CCQ@Cg@CqCf@CK@CEC a@CC@CB2@B`@BBۙBBBRB@BBBAAAg@Marek Kasik - 1.15.12-3Kalev Lember - 1.15.12-2Kalev Lember - 1.15.12-1Adam Jackson - 1.15.10-5Adam Jackson - 1.15.10-4Fedora Release Engineering - 1.15.10-3Igor Gnatenko - 1.15.10-2Kalev Lember - 1.15.10-1Kalev Lember - 1.15.8-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.14.10-4Fedora Release Engineering - 1.14.10-3Adam Jackson - 1.14.10-2Kalev Lember - 1.14.10-1Kalev Lember - 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1.10.2-6Adam Jackson 1.10.2-5Rex Dieter 1.10.2-4Fedora Release Engineering - 1.10.2-3Christopher Aillon - 1.10.2-2Benjamin Otte - 1.10.2-1Tom "spot" Callaway - 1.10.0-4jkeating - 1.10.0-3Matthias Clasen - 1.10.0-2Benjamin Otte - 1.10.0-1Benjamin Otte - 1.9.14-1Benjamin Otte - 1.9.12-1Benjamin Otte - 1.9.10-3Benjamin Otte - 1.9.10-2Benjamin Otte - 1.9.10-1Benjamin Otte - 1.9.8-1Matthias Clasen - 1.8.10-1Matthias Clasen - 1.8.8-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.8.8-2Matthias Clasen 1.8.8-1Adam Jackson 1.8.6-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.8.6-2Matthias Clasen 1.8.6-1Mamoru Tasaka 1.8.0-3Matthias Clasen 1.8.0-2Behdad Esfahbod 1.8.0-1Behdad Esfahbod 1.7.6-1Matthias Clasen 1.7.4-1Tom "spot" Callaway 1.6.4-3Matthias Clasen 1.6.4-2Carl Worth 1.6.2-1Carl Worth 1.6.0-1Carl Worth 1.5.20-1Carl Worth 1.5.18-1Matthias Clasen 1.5.16-1Matthias Clasen 1.5.14-1Behdad Esfahbod Behdad Esfahbod 1.5.8-2Behdad Esfahbod 1.5.8-1Behdad Esfahbod 1.5.6-1Matthias Clasen - 1.5.4-1Behdad Esfahbod 1.5.2-1Adam Jackson - 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0.6.0-2Owen Taylor 0.6.0-1Kristian Høgsberg 0.5.2-1Kristian Høgsberg - 0.5.1-5Kristian Høgsberg - 0.5.1-4Kristian Høgsberg - 0.5.1-3Kristian Høgsberg - 0.5.1-2Kristian Høgsberg - 0.5.1-1Kristian Høgsberg - 0.5.0-2Kristian Høgsberg - 0.5.0-1Kristian Høgsberg - 0.3.0-1Kristian Høgsberg - 0.2.0-1Kristian Høgsberg - 0.2.0-1- Set default LCD filter to FreeType's default - Resolves: #1651240- Fix assertion failure in the freetype backend (#1567633)- Update to 1.15.12- Update the description to reflect dropping the OpenGL backend.- Drop cairo-gl in RHEL too.- Rebuilt for Switch to %ldconfig_scriptlets- Update to 1.15.10- Update to 1.15.8- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Disable cairo-gl in F27+- Update to 1.14.10- Remove all libtool .la files from cairo private directories as well- Rebuilt for Update to 1.14.8- xlib: Fix double free in _get_image_surface() (#1331021) - Minor spec file cleanups- Update to 1.14.6- Rebuilt for Update to 1.14.4 - Use license macro for COPYING*- Rebuilt for Update to 1.14.2- Rebuilt for Fedora 23 Change Add patch to fix crashes in dot. Fixes bug #1183242- Update to 1.14.0- Minor spec file cleanup: - Drop manual -devel subpackage deps - Tighten deps with the _isa macro- Rebuilt for Enable make check but don't (currently) fail the build on failure- Compile with -flto -ffat-lto-objects CFLAGS to fix FTBFSF with gcc 4.9- Update to 1.13.1 git snapshot for device scale support- Update to 1.12.16- Rebuilt for Fix a multilib issue in /usr/bin/cairo-trace- Backport an upstream patch for eog get_buddy() crashes (#912030)- cairo 1.12.14- cairo-1.12.10-xlib-regression-fix.patch: Fix a regression caused by mit-shm surfaces.- cairo 1.12.10 - 0001-xlib-shm-Fix-memory-leak.patch: Drop, merged.- Make inter-subpackage deps explicit- 0001-xlib-shm-Fix-memory-leak.patch: Fix a memory leak with shm image surfaces. (#882976)- Update to 1.12.8, including a fix for screenshots in fallback mode- *-x{c,li}b-Don-t-crash-when-swapping-a-0-sized-glyph.patch: Fix some crashes when client and server endian don't match.- Update to 1.12.6- 1.12.4 - drop obsolete patch- rebuild for f18- add patch from master to fix issues with weston- Rebuilt for Add ldconfig scriptlet calls to -gobject. - Fix rpmlint's spaces vs tabs warnings.- Update to 1.12.2- Update to latest stable release - Enable the GL backend- Add patch to make eclipse not crash (#803878)- Rebuilt for Rebuild for new libpng- cairo-devel doesn't own /usr/include/cairo (#716611)- Rebuilt for Enable tee support- Update to 1.10.2- add missing BuildRequires: librsvg2 for SVG support- Rebuilt for gcc bug 634757- Drop the explicit dep on the wrong package from -gobject-devel- Update to 1.10.0 - Add cairo-gobject package- Update to 1.9.14 snapshot- Update to 1.9.12 snapshot - Remove now unnecessary patch- Add patch to force linking with gcc, not g++. (#606523)- Don't use silent rules, we want verbose output in builders- Update to 1.9.10 snapshot- Update to 1.9.8 snapshot- Update to 1.8.10- Move ChangeLog to -devel to save space- Rebuilt for Update to 1.8.8- cairo-1.8.6-repeat-modes.patch: Enable the repeat and pad blend modes in the xlib backend to make firefox performance slightly less dire.- Rebuilt for Update to 1.8.6- Rebuild for pkgconfig provides- Tweak %summary and %documentation- Update to 1.8.0 - Update dep versions- Update to 1.7.6- Update to 1.7.4- fix license tag- Fix source url- Update to 1.6.2- Update to 1.6.0- Update to 1.5.20- Update to 1.5.18- Update to 1.5.16- Update to 1.5.14- Point Source to Change back to /releases when 1.6.0 is out.- Remove TODO and ROADMAP as they were removed from tarball upstream.- Update to 1.5.8- Update to 1.5.6- Update to 1.5.4- Update to 1.5.2 - Switch to external pixman.- Rebuild for PPC toolchain bug- Update to 1.4.10- Update to 1.4.8- Update to 1.4.6- Update to 1.4.4- Update to 1.4.2- Update to 1.4.0- Update to 1.3.14- Update to 1.3.12- Update to 1.3.10- Update to 1.3.8- Small spec file cleanups- Update to 1.3.6- Update to 1.3.4- Update to 1.3.2- Update to 1.2.6- Update to 1.2.4 - Drop libXt-devel BuildReq as it shouldn't need it anymore.- Remove unnecessary --disable-* arguments to configure, add --enable-* for those backends we really want to make sure are enabled.- add lame libXt-devel BuildReq to get things building again. - small spec tweaks to follow conventions- Update to 1.2.2- rebuild- rebuild- Update to 1.2.0- Update to 1.1.10 (fixes crash on 16-bit X servers like Xvnc)- Update to 1.1.8- buildrequire libxml2-devel- Refuse to build pdf2svg to avoid depending on newer poppler- Update to new upstream 1.1.6- Revert upstream commit that introduced a dependency on a newer poppler version for the PDF tests.- Update to new upstream 1.1.4 - Drop both embedded-bitmaps and XRenderAddGlyphs patches as both now have upstream versions- Add suggested patch for XRenderAddGlyphs crash of bug #4705 Update to new upstream 1.1.2 - Port forward the embedded bitmaps patch (now committed upstream to 1.1.3) - Drop build-fix and chunk-glyphs patches which now come from upstream- Update to 1.0.4 - Drop upstreamed patches- add patch to chunk Xlib glyph compositing (bug 182416 and CVE-20060528)- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- add patch from Tim Mayberry to support embbedded bitmap fonts (bug 176910)- rebuilt again- rebuilt- Require libXrender-devel instead of xorg-X11-devel- Rebuild against freetype-2.10 to pick up FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden.- Update to cairo-1.0.2.- Update to cairo-1.0.0. - Drop cairo-0.9.2-cache-eviction-fix.patch and cairo-0.9.2-dont-hash-null-string.patch.- Add cairo-0.9.2-dont-hash-null-string.patch to avoid crash when creating a cairo font from a FT_Face.- Rebuild against new freetype to get rid of --rpath in cairo.pc.- Also obsolete libpixman-debuginfo. - Add cairo-0.9.2-cache-eviction-fix.patch to fix ft font cache eviction.- Update to cairo 0.9.2. Add Obsoletes: for libpixman <= 0.1.6. - Drop cairo-0.6.0-font-options-to-scaled-font.patch.- Add cairo-0.6.0-font-options-to-scaled-font.patch to make sure font cache eviction works correctly (#164664).- Update to cairo-0.6.0- Update to cairo-0.5.2 and drop bitmap font patch.- Fix typo in use of libpixman_version macro (Thanks to Michael Schwendt, #162550).- Add more missing devel package requires (libpng-devel and xorg-x11-devel) (#161688) - Add Owens patch (cairo-0.5.1-bitmap-fonts.patch) to make bitmap fonts work with cairo (#161653).- Add requirement on libpixman-devel for devel package.- Package gtk docs as part of devel package. - Nuke static library. - Update devel files so /usr/include/cairo is owned by devel package.- Update to cairo 0.5.1. - Remove gtk-doc files, since --disable-gtk-doc doesn't work. - Disable gtk-doc and add freetype and fontconfig BuildRequires.- Add libpixman-devel BuildRequires. - Explicitly disable win32 backend.- Update to 0.5.0.- Update to 0.3.0, explicitly disable more backends.- Incorporate changes suggested by katzj: Require: ldconfig and run it in %post and %postun, don't pass CFLAGS to make.- Update license, explicitly disable glitz. - Create -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2i686-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=ac35e5036ef788cf21bd2e14caafc4ad3590a20f, strippedPRRRR RRR RRRRRRRR R RR RRutf-8129f130a2b0c1058237f960ddb71843f7a0bd898c1be7bbc6afd227e2d8a45d6?@7zXZ !#, ] b2u jӫ`(xxsV~2^ƨ<ş7lZQZE,S$b;3jxH.;nrA?["Qm .+2 ::=(ED9Zin ťqG |0ܫtU?j򒠳9PN1L$ 8b3 DxN+ry ևJ]O%x#L jY7P,^ÁQtij& tr,Zf=J h,*-! $nc~O]0xQq߻B Mu_zDo0:,K٠@gcj]ryzdW }^N{*2#w C&xY1;S9gfXo_;,(4%oYdMÈJ櫰>ǃ_4 0Cz1 6gXD  1񚣣d.gNEǍZ"-'GG &.Of+yCVhCG[ߔoǢW?7#GӠYlYz%( —Yh0x+X,nL)~~@.C|;{Y[($XL8|lGDgc*EL@1A4хq Ⅾ[kcÇKEC=OH$:hjd6ڍEp"޿(,=<)h'5+qFkHq G!`ݓ2Fߘ0.2ePy֏!+LgL^܁7s5?zSnoR`L@"ԗN>ߺR NK? b=OP߆7R3K29hr-Dd$FNk̍wР1B$>'z=SkTIysJkaSrP>?gxۥLk%娆؏Qv3 sUHRnx;R ʒqeUTk8]sPE t| ;vKq~u¹&Z?ra h: Q/"/vl:YUi}Th.34 .Nf[֠,5'MLTXV%6E!kiN_Tt@ Hx߸DXoY7P:\ xNBj,gm᝔retʃԖ"M )l,AURI5ho7O΀U'Xv2j:]4/UvHEz(ڹn P+MD@RRB ~"IK|l%Xkd4 A@;]c7bx쭐 pA=(WJǝ2:yGiՃ~|G\>F_j gXr4>n|Հ6\9@?͋EYQj<g @Vdh_n|| e]{ehǟs K&5|& H؍z1oºdb! %\ {g՗%^)d3J\i,i`= ZWR6/|؉|s¢{DU{,L?cz+J)B7˝›6BmN ZnAYP1ѽAu V^$ C~ )}e)?ʢGD\磚f9Aq^c>Nў"cU .K{@ +~"dCzY.7Q)a @H)b:= )G|tdlTy4p79XZyo;d\SѼ*Zܼ̾.RՏЊ)&`O/>@5V^Lzpv fx3=/V2( h0jKn~z3# @Sk2G &(XF dq:wzj14\ˬ*W `r0Hۀp{3BϘnmSE(Ar.Damu<A_s/]BؕOc{'Et 5oG{](Iȗ)o90 [/[6\]"enIHj/g@oivr#^04!oVZ:]EtRpQ7֕2{8y,]zӈ]~- =F`8c̭h-#[XsN16ɏB#C }mc&!)i ^["k![p. .ʽlf r12i&0x ኩxx;~XV\``K(o !ҍ=`yZ ?v}c!.q7Mi֛MjڐW xTTzR%Gc*{{lq 6W-4AݪK E[:-D]4FUh񍉸0|>X (+nLIxA |ۀW,~alW" x"<.Ha0SFEw7wbV͎~S:y(iO ˖S}eL& xޱȌfac|:O E;%HBduS4f} ;͊x#. 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