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2:2.21-2Dan Walsh - 2.21-1Dan Walsh - 2.20-2Dan Walsh - 2.20-1Lokesh Mandvekar - 2:2.19-2.1Dan Walsh - 2:2.19-1Lokesh Mandvekar - 2:2.15-1.1Dan Walsh - 2:2.10-2.1Dan Walsh - 2:2.10-1Lokesh Mandvekar - 2:2.9-4Lokesh Mandvekar - 2:2.9-3Lokesh Mandvekar - 2:2.9-2Lokesh Mandvekar - 2:2.8-2Lokesh Mandvekar - 2:2.7-1Lokesh Mandvekar - 2:2.4-2Dan Walsh - 2:2.4-1Dan Walsh - 2:2.3-1Lokesh Mandvekar - 2:2.2-4Jonathan Lebon - 2:2.2-3Lokesh Mandvekar - 2:2.2-2Lokesh Mandvekar - 2:2.2-1Lokesh Mandvekar - 2:2.0-2Lokesh Mandvekar - 2:2.0-1Lokesh Mandvekar - 2:1.12.4-29- update to - Related: #1934415- update to - Related: #1934415- update to - Related: #1934415- update to - Related: #1934415- fix the build of 2.163.0 - Resolves: #1957904- update to - Related: #1934415- update to - Related: #1934415- update to - Related: #1934415- update to - Related: #1934415- do not use lockdown class yet - it is not available in RHEL - Related: #1934415- update to - Related: #1934415- update to - Related: #1934415- update to - Related: #1934415- update to - Related: #1934415- update to - Related: #1934415- update to - Related: #1883490- update to - Related: #1883490- update to - Related: #1883490- update to - Related: #1883490- update to - Related: #1883490- update to - Related: #1883490- update to - Related: #1883490- update to - Related: #1883490- synchronize with stream-container-tools-rhel8 - Related: #1883490- update to - Related: #1821193- update to - Related: #1821193- update to - Related: #1821193- update to - Related: #1821193- update to - Related: #1821193- update to - Related: #1821193- update to - Related: #1821193- update to - Related: #1821193- synchronize containter-tools 8.3.0 with 8.2.1 - Related: #1821193- update to - don't use macros in changelog - Related: #1821193- update to 2.124.0 - Related: RHELPLAN-25139- implement spec file refactoring by Zdenek Pytela, namely: Change the uninstall command in the %postun section of the specfile to use the %selinux_modules_uninstall macro which uses priority 200. Change the install command in the %post section if the specfile to use the %selinux_modules_install macro. Replace relabel commands with using the %selinux_relabel_pre and %selinux_relabel_post macros. Change formatting so that the lines are vertically aligned in the %postun section. ( - Related: RHELPLAN-25139- update to 2.123.0 - Related: RHELPLAN-25139- update to 2.122.0 - Related: RHELPLAN-25139- update to master container-selinux - bug 1769469 - Related: RHELPLAN-25139- fix post scriptlet - fail if semodule fails - bug 1729272 - Related: RHELPLAN-25139- update to 2.119.0 - Related: RHELPLAN-25139- update to 2.116 Resolves: #1748519- Use at least selinux policy 3.14.3-9.el8, Resolves: #1728700- Resolves: #1720654 - rebase to v2.107- bump to v2.89- bump to v2.75 - built commit 99e2cfd- Resolves: #1641655 - bump to v2.74 - built commit a62c2db- tweak macro for fedora - applies to rhel8 as well- moved changelog entries: - Define spc_t as a container_domain, so that container_runtime will transition to spc_t even when setup with nosuid. - Allow container_runtimes to setattr on callers fifo_files - Fix restorecon to not error on missing directory- Make sure we pull in the latest selinux-policy- Add map support to container-selinux for RHEL 7.5 - Dontudit attempts to write to kernel_sysctl_t- Add label for /var/lib/origin - Add customizable_file_t to customizable_types- Add policy for container_logreader_t- Allow dnsmasq to dbus chat with spc_t- Allow containers to create all socket classes- Label overlay directories under /var/lib/containers/ correctly- Allow spc_t to load kernel modules from inside of container- Allow containers to list cgroup directories - Transition for unconfined_service_t to container_runtime_t when executing container_runtime_exec_t.- Run restorecon /usr/bin/podman in postinstall- Add labels to allow podman to be run from a systemd unit file- Set the version of SELinux policy required to the latest to fix build issues.- Allow container_runtime_t to transition to spc_t over unlabeled filesAllow iptables to read container state Dontaudit attempts from containers to write to /proc/self Allow spc_t to change attributes on container_runtime_t fifo files- Add better support for writing custom selinux policy for customer container domains.- Allow shell_exec_t as a container_runtime_t entrypoint- Allow bin_t as a container_runtime_t entrypoint- Add support for MLS running container runtimes - Add missing allow rules for running systemd in a container- Update policy to match master branch - Remove typebounds and replace with nnp_transition and nosuid_transition calls- Add support to nnp_transition for container domains - Eliminates need for typebounds.- Allow container_runtime_t to use user ttys - Fixes bounds check for container_t- Allow container runtimes to use interited terminals. This helps satisfy the bounds check of container_t versus container_runtime_t.- Allow container runtimes to mmap container_file_t devices - Add labeling for rhel push plugin- Allow containers to use inherited ttys - Allow ostree to handle labels under /var/lib/containers/ostree- Allow containers to relabelto/from all file types to container_file_t- Allow container to map chr_files labeled container_file_t- Dontaudit container processes getattr on kernel file systems- Allow containers to read /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/hosts if volume - mounted into container.- Make sure users creating content in /var/lib with right labels- Allow the container runtime to dbus chat with dnsmasq - add dontaudit rules for container trying to write to /proc- Add support for lxcd - Add support for labeling of tmpfs storage created within a container.- Allow a container to umount a container_file_t filesystem- Allow container runtimes to work with the netfilter sockets - Allow container_file_t to be an entrypoint for VM's - Allow spc_t domains to transition to svirt_t- Make sure container_runtime_t has all access of container_t- Allow container runtimes to create sockets in tmp dirs- Add additonal support for crio labeling.- Fixup spec file conditionals- Rebuilt for Allow containers to execmod on container_share_t files.- Relabel runc and crio executables- Allow container processes to getsession- update release tag to isolate from 7.3- Fix mcs transition problem on stdin/stdout/stderr - Add labels for CRI-O - Allow containers to use tunnel sockets- Resolves: #1451289 - rebase to v2.15 - built @origin/RHEL-1.12 commit 583ca40- Make sure we have a late enough version of policycoreutils- Update to the latest container-selinux patch from upstream - Label files under /usr/libexec/lxc as container_runtime_exec_t - Give container_t access to XFRM sockets - Allow spc_t to dbus chat with init system - Allow containers to read cgroup configuration mounted into a container- Resolves: #1425574 - built commit 79a6d70- Resolves: #1420591 - built @origin/RHEL-1.12 commit 8f876c4- built @origin/RHEL-1.12 commit 33cb78b-- built origin/RHEL-1.12 commit 21dd37b- correct version-release in changelog entries- Add typebounds statement for container_t from container_runtime_t - We should only label runc not runc*- Fix labeling on /usr/bin/runc.* - Add sandbox_net_domain access to container.te - Remove containers ability to look at /etc content- use upstream's RHEL-1.12 branch, commit 56c32da for CentOS 7- properly disable docker module in %post- depend on selinux-policy-targeted - relabel docker-latest* files as well- bump to v2.2 - additional labeling for ocid- install policy at level 200 - From: Dan Walsh - Resolves: #1406517 - bump to v2.0 (first upload to Fedora as a standalone package) - include projectatomic/RHEL-1.12 branch commit for building on centos/rhel- new package (separated from docker)/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shcontainer-selinuxdocker-selinux 2:2.167.0-1.module_el8.5.0+1006+8d0e68a22:2.167.0-1.module_el8.5.0+1006+8d0e68a22:2.167.0-1.module_el8.5.0+1006+8d0e68a2 2:1.12.5-142:1.12.4-28selinuxcontextscontainer-selinuxREADME.mddevelincludeservicescontainer.ifpackagescontainer.pp.bz2/usr/share/containers//usr/share/containers/selinux//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/container-selinux//usr/share/selinux//usr/share/selinux/devel//usr/share/selinux/devel/include//usr/share/selinux/devel/include/services//usr/share/selinux/packages/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2noarch-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryASCII textUTF-8 Unicode textSE Linux policy interface source . /etc/selinux/config _policytype=targeted if [ -z "${_policytype}" ]; then _policytype="targeted" fi if /usr/sbin/selinuxenabled && [ "${SELINUXTYPE}" = "${_policytype}" ]; then if [ -f /var/lib/rpm-state/file_contexts.pre ]; then /usr/sbin/fixfiles -C /var/lib/rpm-state/file_contexts.pre restore &> /dev/null rm -f /var/lib/rpm-state/file_contexts.pre fi fi #define license tag if not already defined/bin/shutf-8a3081b9932bd37ea60a74407c0d2ff35b82ae939db1eeef1b689a281bf16e7f4container-tools:3.0:8050020211110013114:faa19cc5?7zXZ !#,l] b2u jӫ`(y-$s.*;K67Mva00'/ t| 9L'`wDYeƴNpJPyt9:)~QbmijdNEFP8=W"Sc&aӪ`ksQ׃yĴaA6flR)IPp2I{ un[Zٺrj( /knJGQ$Z-XWz2 6j% "FÂ.Ccɼ^+FarVdvđ__hDZrQ#R/P=NG Z Xf~]pg/;cx1(&3M5Vv1ߎŘ}ๆ )d/eK51D}%uB-U0I6,:pu#yډ&6̑V@/XE-x,7e%0Ћ%̸KclLbI3B݁Ewq)N $G  {M7nn>J>]? 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