gcc-toolset-10-elfutils-libelf-devel-0.182-6.el8_4 >  A aKCU]ffbVj,[{sj}M%J7D>R*XGP>jkpv@EMÈS쐵دOTbBs=*?rp\֋I좢bfGp<<?,d'- 5 TDH`dkr      4  `  +  8 d   ,   (89 l:2G H I, X8YD\d ] ^bdeflt0 u\ vw( xT y(Cgcc-toolset-10-elfutils-libelf-devel0.1826.el8_4Development support for libelfThe elfutils-libelf-devel package contains the libraries to create applications for handling compiled objects. libelf allows you to access the internals of the ELF object file format, so you can see the different sections of an ELF file.aKBx86-01.mbox.centos.orgCentOSCentOSGPLv2+ or LGPLv3+CentOS Buildsys Development/Toolshttp://elfutils.org/linuxx86_64,0LuAtN___aKBaKB`aKBaKBF____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-toolset-10-elfutils-0.182-6.el8_4.src.rpmgcc-toolset-10-elfutils-libelf-develgcc-toolset-10-elfutils-libelf-devel(x86-64)scl-package(gcc-toolset-10)@@@    /usr/bin/pkg-configgcc-toolset-10-elfutils-libelf(x86-64)gcc-toolset-10-runtimepkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)zlib-devel0.182-6.el8_43.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.14.3a2@a@` @_@___^^@^y^V@];\Q\\8@[[<[*A[d@[5@ZZ@ZZv@Z}@Zz@Zu@Z:PZYY@YYx@YqYlYlY7Y-^Y i@XBX@X|Xx@Xc@W@W/@W@V@V=@VVVV@V U|@U@UWU@UUyx@UD@U@T@Ts@T@T[@TT@S@SGSGS;@S @S#@S@S@SSSy@SFSRʚRRRUE@RIgR)RC@R@Q@Q@QQ*Q']Q"@P@P;a@P*=P@P@O@O^@OyOF*@OW@OMZjMQ0@M-L@LL*@L@L(K޺KK@KPXKO@JjJn@IX@I@IIy@I\@I[^Hf@H@Hr@H(1@GGʖG@G6G@GFɂ@F@FiDF&@E@E@E@E+@DeD{D@DKDu@D2_C@CCǖ@CqCC@Cf@C!y@C3@C a@BB@B@BBBB/@BhB@BPB}@B}@BQ,@BQ,@BQ,@BGBAZ@B5B@AV@A!@@B@@mU@Dw@@,@@@@@?F@????.@?t*@?p5?@?? ? @>@>@>j@>@>Z @>T@>N+>H>BN@>5@>.>.> @=z@=(=(=@=@==K@==@=V=@=Ӑ@=U=@==@===@==TMark Wielaard - 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0.104-2Jakub Jelinek 0.103-2Jakub Jelinek 0.101-2Jeff Johnson 0.99-2Jeff Johnson 0.97-3Jakub Jelinek 0.95-5Jakub Jelinek 0.95-4Elliot Lee Jeff Johnson 0.95-2Elliot Lee Elliot Lee Jakub Jelinek 0.94-1Jakub Jelinek 0.93-1Jakub Jelinek 0.92-1Jakub Jelinek 0.91-2Ulrich Drepper Jakub Jelinek 0.91-1Jeff Johnson 0.89-3Bill Nottingham 0.89-1Jakub Jelinek 0.86-3Jeff Johnson 0.84-3Jeff Johnson 0.83-3Jeff Johnson 0.82-3Jeff Johnson 0.81-3Jeff Johnson 0.80-3Elliot Lee Jeff Johnson 0.79-2Jeff Johnson 0.78-2Elliot Lee Jeff Johnson 0.76-2Jakub Jelinek 0.75-2Jakub Jelinek 0.74-2Jeff Johnson 0.73-3Jeff Johnson 0.73-2Tim Powers Jakub Jelinek 0.72-4Karsten Hopp 0.72-3Jakub Jelinek 0.72-2Jakub Jelinek 0.71-2Jeff Johnson 0.69-4Jeff Johnson 0.68-2Jeff Johnson 0.67-2Jeff Johnson 0.65-2Jeff Johnson 0.64-2Ulrich Drepper 0.64Jeff Johnson 0.63-2Ulrich Drepper 0.62Jeff Johnson 0.59-2Jeff Johnson 0.56-2Jeff Johnson 0.54-2Jeff Johnson 0.53-2Jeff Johnson 0.52-3Jeff Johnson 0.52-2Ulrich Drepper 0.52Ulrich Drepper 0.50Ulrich Drepper 0.49Jeff Johnson 0.46-1- Also use __requires_exclude_from for libdw.pc- Use __provides_exclude_from instead of filter_from_provides- Filter out pkgconfig provides- Add -lzstd to libdw.so linker script.- Add elfutils-0.182-debuginfod-test-fix.patch.- Upgrade to upstream 0.182 - backends: Support for tilegx has been removed. - config: New /etc/profile.d files to provide default $DEBUGINFOD_URLS. - debuginfod: More efficient package traversal, tolerate various errors during scanning, grooming progress is more visible and interruptible, more prometheus metrics. - debuginfod-client: Now supports compressed (kernel) ELF images. - libdwfl: Add ZSTD compression support.- Add Requires for -devel packages (#1873413)- New upstream release.- New upstream release. - debuginfod: New server, client tool and library to index and fetch ELF/DWARF files addressed by build-id through HTTP. - doc: There are now some manual pages for functions and tools. - backends: The libebl libraries are no longer dynamically loaded through dlopen, but are now compiled into libdw.so directly. - readelf: -n, --notes now takes an optional "SECTION" argument. -p and -x now also handle section numbers. New option --dyn-sym to show just the dynamic symbol table. - libdw: Abbrevs and DIEs can now be read concurrently by multiple threads through the same Dwarf handle. - libdwfl: Will try to use debuginfod when installed as fallback to retrieve ELF and DWARF debug data files by build-id.- New upstream release. - elfclassify: New tool to analyze ELF objects. - readelf: Print DW_AT_data_member_location as decimal offset. Decode DW_AT_discr_list block attributes. - libdw: Add DW_AT_GNU_numerator, DW_AT_GNU_denominator and DW_AT_GNU_bias. - libdwelf: Add dwelf_elf_e_machine_string. dwelf_elf_begin now only returns NULL when there is an error reading or decompressing a file. If the file is not an ELF file an ELF handle of type ELF_K_NONE is returned.- Add elfutils-0.176-pt-gnu-prop.patch- Add elfutils-0.176-strip-symbols-illformed.patch- Add elfutils-0.176-gcc-pr88835.patch - Add elfutils-0.176-xlate-note.patch - Add elfutils-0.176-elf-update.patch- Update to elfutils-0.176. - Fixes CVE-2019-7146, CVE-2019-7148, CVE-2019-7149, CVE-2019-7150, CVE-2019-7664, CVE-2019-7665.- Update to elfutils-0.175.- New upstream release - libelf, libdw and all tools now handle extended shnum and shstrndx correctly - elfcompress: Don't rewrite input file if no section data needs updating. Try harder to keep same file mode bits (suid) on rewrite. - strip: Handle mixed (out of order) allocated/non-allocated sections. - unstrip: Handle SHT_GROUP sections. - Fixes CVE-2018-16062, CVE-2018-16402 and CVE-2018-16403.- New upstream release - More fixes for crashes and hangs found by afl-fuzz. In particular various functions now detect and break infinite loops caused by bad DIE tree cycles. - readelf: Will now lookup the size and signedness of constant value types to display them correctly (and not just how they were encoded). - libdw: New function dwarf_next_lines to read CU-less .debug_line data. dwarf_begin_elf now accepts ELF files containing just .debug_line or .debug_frame sections (which can be read without needing a DIE tree from the .debug_info section). Removed dwarf_getscn_info, which was never implemented. - backends: Handle BPF simple relocations. The RISCV backends now handles ABI specific CFI and knows about RISCV register types and names. - Add scl macros and elfutils-0.173-dts.patch.- Add elfutils-0.172-robustify.patch.- New upstream release. - No functional changes compared to 0.171. - Various bug fixes in libdw and eu-readelf dealing with bad DWARF5 data. Thanks to running the afl fuzzer on eu-readelf and various testcases. - eu-readelf -N is ~15% faster.- New upstream release. - DWARF5 and split dwarf, including GNU DebugFission, support. - readelf: Handle all new DWARF5 sections. --debug-dump=info+ will show split unit DIEs when found. --dwarf-skeleton can be used when inspecting a .dwo file. Recognizes GNU locviews with --debug-dump=loc. - libdw: New functions dwarf_die_addr_die, dwarf_get_units, dwarf_getabbrevattr_data and dwarf_cu_info. libdw will now try to resolve the alt file on first use when not set yet with dwarf_set_alt. dwarf_aggregate_size() now works with multi-dimensional arrays. - libdwfl: Use process_vm_readv when available instead of ptrace. - backends: Add a RISC-V backend.- Add explict libstdc++-devel BuildRequires for demangle support. - Add elfutils-0.170-unwind.patch. (#1555726)- Add elfutils-0.170-GNU_variable_value.patch - Add elfutils-0.170-locviews.patch- Add elfutils-0.170-core-pid.patch - Add elfutils-0.170-elf_sync.patch - Add elfutils-0.170-new-notes-hack.patch- Add elfutils-0.170-sys-ptrace.patch - Make sure spec can be build even when ldconfig_scriplets aren't defined. - Add elfutils-0.170-m68k-packed-not-aligned.patch- Escape macros in %changelog- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild- Switch to %ldconfig_scriptlets- Add elfutils-0.170-dwarf_aggregate_size.patch.- Rely on (and check) systemd_requires for sysctl_apply default-yama-scope.- Config files under /usr/lib/sysctl.d (_sysctldir) aren't %config (#1506660) Admin can place the real config file under /etc/sysctl.d as override.- New upstream release. Remove upstreamed patches. - provide_yama_scope for either fedora >= 22 and rhel >= 7.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild- Add elfutils-0.169-strip-data-marker-symbols.patch.- Fix build on s390 (ptrace.h). Add elfutils-0.169-s390x-ptrace.patch.- Add elfutils-0.169-strip-keep-remove-section.patch (#1465997)- Add elfutils-0.169-dup-shstrtab.patch - Add elfutils-0.169-strip-empty.patch- Add ppc64 fallback unwinder.- New upstream release. Removed upstreamed patches.- Add patches for new gcc warnings and new binutils ppc64 attributes. - elfutils-0.168-libasm-truncation.patch - elfutils-0.168-ppc64-attrs.patch- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild- Never use old, deprecated, filter_provides_in, it really is too broken.- Filter out private libebl backends from provides.- New upstream release from new home https://sourceware.org/elfutils/ - Resolves: - #1396092 Please implement eu-readelf --symbols[=SECTION] - #1388057 memory allocation failure in allocate_elf - #1387584 memory allocation failure in __libelf_set_rawdata_wrlock- Add elfutils-0.167-strip-alloc-symbol.patch (#1380961)- Upgrade to elfutils-0.167 Drop upstream elfutils-0.166-elfcmp-comp-gcc6.patch Fixes: #1365812, #1352232.- Add elfutils-0.166-elfcmp-comp-gcc6.patch- Upgrade to elfutils-0.166 Drop upstreamed patches: - elfutils-0.165-nobitsalign-strip.patch. - elfutils-0.165-reloc.patch. - elfutils-0.165-elf-libelf.patch.- Add elfutils-0.165-nobitsalign-strip.patch.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild- Add elfutils-0.165-reloc.patch.- Add elfutils-0.165-elf-libelf.patch.- Update to elfutils-0.165 (#1294079, #1236699, #807053) - Add eu-elfcompress - Add pkg-config files for libelf and libdw.- Update to elfutils-0.164 - Drop old compat stuff- Add elfutils-0.163-readelf-n-undefined-shift.patch (#1259259)- Add elfutils-0.163-default-yama-conf.patch (#1250079) Provides: default-yama-scope- Add elfutils-0.163-unstrip-shf_info_link.patch- Update to 0.163 - Drop elfutils-0.162-ftruncate-allocate.patch- Add elfutils-0.162-ftruncate-allocate.patch (#1232206)- Update to 0.162 (#1170810, #1139815, #1129756, #1020842) - Include elfutils/known-dwarf.h - Drop BuildRequires glibc-headers (#1230468) - Removed integrated upstream patches: - elfutils-0.161-aarch64relro.patch - elfutils-0.161-copyreloc.patch - elfutils-0.161-addralign.patch - elfutils-0.161-ar-long-name.patch - elfutils-0.161-formref-type.patch- Rebuilt for GCC 5 C++11 ABI change- Add elfutils-0.161-aarch64relro.patch (#1201778)- Add elfutils-0.161-copyreloc.patch.- Rebuilt for Fedora 23 Change https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Harden_all_packages_with_position-independent_code- Add elfutils-0.161-addralign.patch (#1189928)- Add elfutils-0.161-formref-type.patch- Add elfutils-0.161-ar-long-name.patch (#1181525 CVE-2014-9447)- Update to 0.161.- Update to 0.160. - Remove integrated upstream patches: elfutils-aarch64-user_regs_struct.patch elfutils-0.159-argp-attach.patch elfutils-0.159-aarch64-bool-ret.patch elfutils-0.159-elf-h.patch elfutils-0.159-ppc64le-elfv2-abi.patch elfutils-0.159-report_r_debug.patch elfutils-0.159-ko_xz.patch- Add elfutils-0.159-ko_xz.patch- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild- Add elfutils-0.159-report_r_debug.patch (#1112610)- Add configure check to elfutils-aarch64-user_regs_struct.patch.- fix license handling- Add elfutils-0.159-aarch64-bool-ret.patch - Add elfutils-0.159-elf-h.patch - Add elfutils-0.159-ppc64le-elfv2-abi.patch (#1110249)- Add elfutils-0.159-argp-attach.patch (#1107654)- AArch64: handle new glibc-headers which provides proper GETREGSET structs.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild- Update to 0.159. - Remove integrated upstream patches: robustify.patch, mod-e_type.patch and CVE-2014-0172.patch. - Remove special handling of now default compile and configure flags: Don't remove -Werror=format-security, don't configure --enable-dwz.- Add elfutils-0.158-CVE-2014-0172.patch (#1085729)- Add elfutils-0.158-mod-e_type.patch.- Update to 0.158. Remove all patches now upstream. Add eu-stack.- Add elfutils-0.157-aarch64-got-special-symbol.patch. - Remove -Werror=format-security from RPM_OPT_FLAGS.- Add upstream support for aarch64- Show tests/test-suite.log in build.log when make check fails.- Update to 0.157. - Remove elfutils-0.156-abi_cfi-ppc-s390-arm.patch. - Remove elfutils-0.156-et_dyn-kernels.patch.- Add elfutils-0.156-abi_cfi-ppc-s390-arm.patch. Sets up initial CFI return register, CFA location expression and register rules for PPC, S390 and ARM (dwarf_cfi_addrframe support).- Add elfutils-0.156-et_dyn-kernels.patch. Fixes an issue on ppc64 with systemtap kernel address placement.- Make check can now also be ran in parallel.- Update the %configure command for compatibility with fc20 Koji.- Update to 0.156. - #890447 - Add __bss_start and __TMC_END__ to elflint. - #909481 - Only try opening files with installed compression libraries. - #914908 - Add __bss_start__ to elflint. - #853757 - Updated Polish translation. - #985438 - Incorrect prototype of __libdwfl_find_elf_build_id. - Drop upstreamed elfutils-0.155-binutils-pr-ld-13621.patch. - Drop upstreamed elfutils-0.155-mem-align.patch. - Drop upstreamed elfutils-0.155-sizeof-pointer-memaccess.patch.- bump release and rebuild to fix dependencies on PPC- Add ARM variant to elfutils-0.155-binutils-pr-ld-13621.patch rhbz#914908. - rhel >= 5 has xz-devel- Replace elfutils-0.155-binutils-pr-ld-13621.patch with upstream fix.- Backport sizeof-pointer-memaccess upstream fixes.- #891553 - unaligned memory access issues.- Update to 0.155. - #844270 - eu-nm invalid %N$ use detected. - #847454 - Ukrainian translation update. - Removed local ar 64-bit symbol patch, dwz support patch and xlatetom fix.- Add support for archives with 64-bit symbol tables (#843019)- Add dwz support- Add upstream xlatetom fix (#835877)- disable unstrip-n check for now (835877)- Update to 0.154 - elflint doesn't recognize SHF_INFO_LINK on relocation sections (#807823) - Update license to GPLv3+ and (GPLv2+ or LGPLv3+) - Remove elfutils-0.153-dwfl_segment_report_module.patch - Add elfutils-0.154-binutils-pr-ld-13621.patch- Fix for eu-unstrip emits garbage for librt.so.1 (#805447)- Update to 0.153 - New --disable-werror for portability. - Support for .zdebug sections (#679777) - type_units and DW_AT_GNU_odr_signature support (#679815) - low level support DW_OP_GNU_entry_value and DW_TAG_GNU_call_site (#688090) - FTBFS on rawhide with gcc 4.7 (#783506) - Remove gcc-4.7 patch- Fixes for gcc-4.7 based on upstream commit 32899a (#783506).- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild- Update to 0.152 - Various build and warning nits fixed for newest GCC and Autoconf. - libdwfl: Yet another prelink-related fix for another regression. (#674465) - eu-elfcmp: New flag --ignore-build-id to ignore differing build ID bits. - eu-elfcmp: New flag -l/--verbose to print all differences.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild- Update to 0.151 - libdwfl: Fix for more prelink cases with separate debug file. - eu-strip: New flag --strip-sections to remove section headers entirely.- libdwfl: Remove bogus assert. (#658268)- Update to 0.150 - libdw: Fix for handling huge .debug_aranges section. (#638432) - libdwfl: Fix for handling prelinked DSO with separate debug file. (#652857) - findtextrel: Fix diagnostics to work with usual section ordering.- Rebuilt for gcc bug 634757- Update to 0.149 - libdw: Decode new DW_OP_GNU_implicit_pointer operation; new function dwarf_getlocation_implicit_pointer. - libdwfl: New function dwfl_dwarf_line. - eu-addr2line: New flag -F/--flags to print more DWARF line info details. - eu-readelf: better .debug_loc processing (#627729) - eu-strings: Fix non-mmap file reading. (#609468) - eu-strip: -g recognizes .gdb_index as a debugging section. (#631997)- Update to 0.148 - libdw: Accept DWARF 4 format: new functions dwarf_next_unit, dwarf_offdie_types. New functions dwarf_lineisa, dwarf_linediscriminator, dwarf_lineop_index. - libdwfl: Fixes in core-file handling, support cores from PIEs. (#588818) When working from build IDs, don't open a named file that mismatches. - readelf: Handle DWARF 4 formats.- Update to 0.147- Update to 0.146 - libdwfl: New function dwfl_core_file_report. - libelf: Fix handling of phdrs in truncated file. (#577310) - libdwfl: Fix infinite loop handling clobbered link_map. (#576379) - Package translations.- Update to 0.145 - Fix build with --disable-dependency-tracking. (#564646) - Fix build with most recent glibc headers. - libdw: Fix CFI decoding. (#563528) - libdwfl: Fix address bias returned by CFI accessors. (#563528) Fix core file module layout identification. (#559836) - readelf: Fix CFI decoding.- Fix sloppy #include's breaking build with F-13 glibc.- Update to 0.144 - libdw: New function dwarf_aggregate_size for computing (constant) type sizes, including array_type cases with nontrivial calculation. - readelf: Don't give errors for missing info under -a. Handle Linux "VMCOREINFO" notes under -n. - Resolves: RHBZ #527004, RHBZ #530704, RHBZ #550858- Update to 0.143 - libdw: Various convenience functions for individual attributes now use dwarf_attr_integrate to look up indirect inherited attributes. Location expression handling now supports DW_OP_implicit_value. - libdwfl: Support automatic decompression of files in XZ format, and of Linux kernel images made with bzip2 or LZMA (as well as gzip).- Update to 0.142 - libelf: Bug fix in filling gaps between sections. (#512840) - libelf: Add elf_getshdrnum alias for elf_getshnum and elf_getshdrstrndx alias for elf_getshstrndx and deprecate original names. - libebl, elflint: Add support for STB_GNU_UNIQUE. (#511436) - readelf: Add -N option, speeds up DWARF printing without address->name lookups. (#505347) - libdw: Add support for decoding DWARF CFI into location description form. Handle some new DWARF 3 expression operations previously omitted. Basic handling of some new encodings slated for DWARF 4.- Update to 0.141 - libebl: sparc backend fixes (#490585) some more arm backend support - libdwfl: fix dwfl_module_build_id for prelinked DSO case (#489439) fixes in core file support (#494858) dwfl_module_getsym interface improved for non-address symbols - eu-strip: fix infinite loop on strange inputs with -f - eu-addr2line: take -j/--section=NAME option for binutils compatibility (same effect as '(NAME)0x123' syntax already supported) - Resolves: RHBZ #495213, RHBZ #465872, RHBZ #470055, RHBZ #484623- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild- Update to 0.140 - libelf: Fix regression in creation of section header. (#484946)- Update to 0.139 - libcpu: Add Intel SSE4 disassembler support - readelf: Implement call frame information and exception handling dumping. Add -e option. Enable it implicitly for -a. - elflint: Check PT_GNU_EH_FRAME program header entry. - libdwfl: Support automatic gzip/bzip2 decompression of ELF files. (#472136)- Fix libelf regression.- Update to 0.138 - Install header file for applications to use in source version compatibility checks. - libebl: backend fixes for i386 TLS relocs; backend support for NT_386_IOPERM - libcpu: disassembler fixes (#469739) - libdwfl: bug fixes (#465878) - libelf: bug fixes - eu-nm: bug fixes for handling corrupt input files (#476136)- fix libdwfl regression (#462689)- Update to 0.137 - libdwfl: bug fixes; new segment interfaces; all the libdwfl-based tools now support --core=COREFILE option - Resolves: RHBZ #325021, RHBZ #447416- fix conditional comparison- Update to 0.135 - libdwfl: bug fixes - eu-strip: changed handling of ET_REL files wrt symbol tables and relocs- Update to 0.134 - elflint: backend improvements for sparc, alpha (#204170) - libdwfl, libelf: bug fixes (#439344, #438867, #438263, #438190) - Remove Conflicts: libelf-devel from elfutils-libelf-devel. (#435742)- Update to 0.133 - readelf, elflint, libebl: SHT_GNU_ATTRIBUTE section handling (readelf -A) - readelf: core note handling for NT_386_TLS, NT_PPC_SPE, Alpha NT_AUXV - libdwfl: bug fixes and optimization in relocation handling - elfcmp: bug fix for non-allocated section handling - ld: implement newer features of binutils linker. - Install eu-objdump and libasm, now has limited disassembler support.- Update to 0.132 - libelf: Use loff_t instead of off64_t in libelf.h header. (#377241) - eu-readelf: Fix handling of ET_REL files in archives. - libcpu: Implement x86 and x86-64 disassembler. - libasm: Add interface for disassembler. - all programs: add debugging of branch prediction. - libelf: new function elf_scnshndx.- Update to 0.131 - libdw: DW_FORM_ref_addr support; dwarf_formref entry point now deprecated; bug fixes for oddly-formatted DWARF - libdwfl: bug fixes in offline archive support, symbol table handling; apply partial relocations for dwfl_module_address_section on ET_REL - libebl: powerpc backend support for Altivec registers- Fix ET_REL support. - Fix odd indentation in eu-readelf -x output.- Update to 0.130 - eu-readelf -p option can take an argument like -x for one section - eu-readelf --archive-index (or -c) - eu-readelf -n improved output for core dumps - eu-readelf: handle SHT_NOTE sections without requiring phdrs (#249467) - eu-elflint: ditto - eu-elflint: stricter checks on debug sections - eu-unstrip: new options, --list (or -n), --relocate (or -R) - libelf: new function elf_getdata_rawchunk, replaces gelf_rawchunk; new functions gelf_getnote, gelf_getauxv, gelf_update_auxv - libebl: backend improvements (#324031) - libdwfl: build_id support, new functions for it - libdwfl: dwfl_module_addrsym fixes (#268761, #268981) - libdwfl offline archive support, new script eu-make-debug-archive- Fix false-positive eu-elflint failure on ppc -mbss-plt binaries.- Update to 0.129 - readelf: new options --hex-dump (or -x), --strings (or -p) (#250973) - addr2line: new option --symbols (or -S) - libdw: dwarf_getscopes fixes (#230235) - libdwfl: dwfl_module_addrsym fixes (#249490)- Update to 0.128 - new program: unstrip - elfcmp: new option --hash-inexact - Replace Conflicts: with Provides/Requires using -arch- Update to 0.127 - libdw: new function dwarf_getsrcdirs - libdwfl: new functions dwfl_module_addrsym, dwfl_report_begin_add, dwfl_module_address_section- Update to 0.126 - New program eu-ar. - libdw: fix missing dwarf_getelf (#227206) - libdwfl: dwfl_module_addrname for st_size=0 symbols (#227167, #227231)- Fix overeager warn_unused_result build failures.- Update to 0.125 - elflint: Compare DT_GNU_HASH tests. - move archives into -static RPMs - libelf, elflint: better support for core file handling - Really fix libdwfl sorting of modules with 64-bit addresses (#220817). - Resolves: RHBZ #220817, RHBZ #213792- eu-strip -f: copy symtab into debuginfo file when relocs use it (#203000) - Update to 0.124 - libebl: fix ia64 reloc support (#206981) - libebl: sparc backend support for return value location - libebl, libdwfl: backend register name support extended with more info - libelf, libdw: bug fixes for unaligned accesses on machines that care - readelf, elflint: trivial bugs fixed- Update to 0.123 - libebl: Backend build fixes, thanks to Stepan Kasal. - libebl: ia64 backend support for register names, return value location - libdwfl: Handle truncated linux kernel module section names. - libdwfl: Look for linux kernel vmlinux files with .debug suffix. - elflint: Fix checks to permit --hash-style=gnu format.- Fix warnings in elflint compilation.- Update to 0.122 - Fix libdwfl sorting of modules with 64-bit addresses (#198225). - libebl: add function to test for relative relocation - elflint: fix and extend DT_RELCOUNT/DT_RELACOUNT checks - elflint, readelf: add support for DT_GNU_HASH - libelf: add elf_gnu_hash - elflint, readelf: add support for 64-bit SysV-style hash tables - libdwfl: new functions dwfl_module_getsymtab, dwfl_module_getsym.- Update to 0.121 - libelf: bug fixes for rewriting existing files when using mmap (#187618). - make all installed headers usable in C++ code (#193153). - eu-readelf: better output format. - eu-elflint: fix tests of dynamic section content. - libdw, libdwfl: handle files without aranges info.- rebuild to pick up -devel deps- Update to 0.120 - License changed to GPL, with some exceptions for using the libelf, libebl, libdw, and libdwfl library interfaces. Red Hat elfutils is an included package of the Open Invention Network. - dwarf.h updated for DWARF 3.0 final specification. - libelf: Fix corruption in ELF_C_RDWR uses (#187618). - libdwfl: New function dwfl_version; fixes for offline.- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- update to 0.119- rebuilt- update to 0.118 - elflint: more tests. - libdwfl: New function dwfl_module_register_names. - libebl: New backend hook for register names. - Make sure -fexceptions is always in CFLAGS.- update to 0.117 - libdwfl: New function dwfl_module_return_value_location (#166118) - libebl: Backend improvements for several CPUs- update to 0.116 - libdw fixes, API changes and additions - libdwfl fixes (#169672) - eu-strip/libelf fix to preserve setuid/setgid permission bits (#167745)- Update requires/conflicts for better biarch update behavior.- update to 0.115 - New program eu-strings. - libdw: New function dwarf_getscopes_die. - libelf: speed-ups of non-mmap reading. - Implement --enable-gcov option for configure.- update to 0.114 - new program eu-ranlib - libdw: new calls for inlines - libdwfl: new calls for offline modules- update to 0.113 - elflint: relax a bit. Allow version definitions for defined symbols against DSO versions also for symbols in nobits sections. Allow .rodata section to have STRINGS and MERGE flag set. - strip: add some more compatibility with binutils. - libdwfl: bug fixes. - Separate libdw et al into elfutils-libs subpackage.- update to 0.112 - elfcmp: some more relaxation. - elflint: many more tests, especially regarding to symbol versioning. - libelf: Add elfXX_offscn and gelf_offscn. - libasm: asm_begin interface changes. - libebl: Add three new interfaces to directly access machine, class, and data encoding information.- update portability patch- update to 0.111 - libdwfl library now merged into libdw- update to 0.110- update to 0.109 - verify that libebl modules are from the same build - new eu-elflint checks on copy relocations - new program eu-elfcmp - new experimental libdwfl library- robustification of eu-strip and eu-readelf- more robustification- robustification- update to 0.108 - merge strip fixes - sort records in dwarf_getsrclines, fix dwarf_getsrc_die searching - update elf.h from glibc- fix strip -f byte-swapping bug- update to 0.107 - readelf: improve DWARF output format - elflint: -d option to support checking separate debuginfo files - strip: fix ET_REL debuginfo files (#156341)- fix some bugs in new code, reenable make check- disable make check for most arches, for now- update to 0.106- update to 0.104- update to 0.103- update to 0.101. - use %configure macro to get CFLAGS etc. right- upgrade to 0.99.- upgrade to 0.97.- upgrade to 0.96.- rebuilt with GCC 3.4.x, workaround VLA + alloca mixing warning- rebuilt- upgrade to 0.95.- rebuilt- rebuilt- upgrade to 0.94- upgrade to 0.93- full version - macroized spec file for GPL or OSL builds - include only libelf under GPL plus wrapper scripts- macroized spec file for GPL or OSL builds- split elfutils-devel into two packages.- include only libelf under GPL plus wrapper scripts- readelf, not readline, in %description (#111214).- update to 0.89 (fix eu-strip)- update to 0.86 (fix eu-strip on s390x/alpha) - libebl is an archive now; remove references to DSO- upgrade to 0.84 (readelf/elflint improvements, rawhide bugs fixed).- upgrade to 0.83 (fix invalid ELf handle on *.so strip, more).- upgrade to 0.82 (strip tests fixed on big-endian).- upgrade to 0.81 (strip excludes unused symtable entries, test borked).- upgrade to 0.80 (debugedit changes for kernel in progress).- rebuilt- upgrade to 0.79 (correct formats for size_t, more of libdw "works").- upgrade to 0.78 (libdwarf bugfix, libdw additions).- debuginfo rebuild- use the correct way of identifying the section via the sh_info link.- update to 0.75 (eu-strip -g fix)- update to 0.74 (fix for writing with some non-dirty sections)- another -0.73 update (with sparc fixes). - do "make check" in %check, not %install, section.- update to 0.73 (with s390 fixes).- rebuilt- fix arguments to gelf_getsymshndx and elf_getshstrndx - fix other warnings - reenable checks on s390x- temporarily disable checks on s390x, until someone has time to look at it- update to 0.72- update to 0.71- update to 0.69. - add "make check" and segfault avoidance patch. - elfutils-libelf needs to run ldconfig.- update to 0.68.- update to 0.67.- update to 0.65.- update to 0.64.- split packages further into elfutils-libelf- update to 0.63.- Adjust for dropping libtool- update to 0.59- update to 0.56- update to 0.54- update to 0.53 - drop x86_64 hack, ICE fixed in gcc-3.2-11.- get beehive to punch a rhpkg generated package.- build in 8.0.1. - x86_64: avoid gcc-3.2 ICE on x86_64 for now.- Add libelf-devel to conflicts for elfutils-devel- Split into runtime and devel package- integrate into official sources- Swaddle. 0.182-6.el8_40.182-6.el8_4gelf.hlibelf.hnlist.hlibelf.alibelf.arlibelf.solibelf.pcelf_begin.3.gzelf_clone.3.gzelf_getdata.3.gzelf_update.3.gz/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/include//opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib64//opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/lib64/pkgconfig//opt/rh/gcc-toolset-10/root/usr/share/man/man3/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linuxC source, ASCII textASCII textcurrent ar archivepkgconfig filetroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix) PRPRPRPRPRPRRRRPRPRPRPRutf-8a2f6d8f43223c164d40c0ba28bacfa6c9049f4363e0b7ce5b0da2deefb93caf9?@7zXZ !#,] b2u Q{K#BеZ$~rV4`xj\ޚp3HHgv -eɭK"nx׺ X^sUwbe ~]Q% ؂acʙXHd)U-t`~'ߍWQQ, &5R+b@V$HH[:'~ tst/M|Eum:{{jQg*Źs-RwUAj䡡$*+neq8}ZP.x6:uZvcQJ?jycJnUrKoU$QB֫;kwc8]N\.̊!!,84{yC8.y+ԶD `"d_D?d -(~ :cH {ֆ#&X;6 i/bZrxccZ~'RZp/v-sqVv $U4gA׽wu5 Kb}Rwb٪Lұ%By艫aMiBᑢŽk89I :Q`PK`N}K6lh 2dX0"V7Z-`$bK]67U@Fa]ȿ)b _aT CHj3 [؊߫|2h(=G (]:hn!D-O:a PϞ֔,i4zQjGFx;6g>CV/+8P|ю~嫎#1ӣKnc`HGt{ A\0VdL_{͕[23}1m^eMZi~x@0Zx|pzwߡl)9ދIP=| (F:)5b4YT]eDԭtof֤ܥUzΗj>B`h#bWdK¦`mJ "VRx eN!a2ƷVֿ'1g' |NvjuU@3جGG遵kzzh*j9͜ 8~sj Ȼ/eh#-7s}ݧVVaZI} ~ЅC/abzqL! ۰&s`{qY:yeQcf(BՌࡅmؖcoMSYDMǾ 7@\4+m>Kwhksͮ)r-T&p>1dSeIh\ܫXǓ|V40}LZV1 ÅKG!@ VQ{?z$N$nS?FTؐ#$3>GG! x{S2O*uaX)p7pH>5D#vF#9/~r]'jnW횫m\{ %s*4Q`+8)^ _}yڏ=Gh`K88&YbUkF5:>7O1@mJ`mXFR#<<5Sv8Gg-58*{]kRpyRyEL&0_CgUyT}Ӗ,Ǧ֭htdJRk6E Ǟ)n4ni#Ǥw+55hHg9r?C-KH\-SjsR'AlVF*o\gx!}vh6\s<` 0{7*n+LvLٽXm4A<ӄK`gNyLPk%$If'EڒF͈BЂ|#*_ҳw 8Q9@RhJkq_S@WyoYˡod`=A}+BU5*@zP\a9P[:h V Ñ;|Dµ#)ɋ87չ@p<,qޥ  S ͻAy$bL(eh`PupHY޿9ENC*41g5޳%Z2aM"Oל F?T vi~[i&Q/@, -Q˯zO=E9^t.\}Y8x.ӝK2u9[΅J?B^ k&UAB]CzeW(Wƙ!&zj>hWlQ$'9"ϻ4Kfg+ǣ_ɳ=BK?78*E;4}Cl4ΔQT5in86@WV]3]6_׋_xǦITGrk3Ц̉e^tDMI]l7) 5h5J8Դ"B!hj&VZ?ڬ:@AF ZRUyLxJH|ÎxۥPwT.ɦwuZG| *>ŵ,Tf.P[p(8ڒDTԕа0+tS wdG?j!^+ w4_ʼn ufY2ujd 4 r :z3m|CTվI2fU|^%D~shLn* |WQ{! ><7XdZrZt.S/b⾙2)C:;z5S;?yяZs*i w(k\2QW4ėYTdþ:5Ι=}T bA{+I珱Q ~w6N,mwW/juKnLzq!&YjU4)_J?6ҵǴ٨5Ly^WY^4 dc 1n=DwLL|ס7֏?h>—x48W휍\sSw#|+6J_ >!eӥ|Gx8 7ŶxS~' RZXKQhl{xF&?PΣ_&9v RΔs) X mu%`>๱X5) pkӝƈ 2SR0v`SC:3&a7!'11$clk \{~Lzp:r+:@FǑTH`߫Y㿋P)Xr 2R&o@Lcw{k}$)e[և E&O]~sW?H_MqV4Q"bxaԡ'ID+VW] NܳtU3)ⓩCwLJGb0.2<'ϟ+1M/C~M=04Dy]Ky&92;J><ηsh.h x~)sP|I@ jYrl̈}0-r!ls^چtJ̚2_~(SknVHpA|nbʎ>I XƷHEJLͦtAljǠ#1Sll&(͏?|OkoAbQWkh 0KO9^|;Kekc>7Eoe#t)~&;?Pz"~1-n!y;V(#b4a˥?r躼Xq1=@!$ؘ!qE*ʵb})'>JMW@@8R/')y/0Zb:/EqLiw{nEqgoeҲ|yHpЀx+!#>k*r0P慽|pkj|(bwfkdF)SP:wux"J}myUD VixmnN8nT;X<"_[p^FcY >IpMٮhCs촹n"@=KUI[[5R|&i'x3i (]ªɩ>U"v~`o ʗiѓK2" 11[%0!׎VEx[9@='ʷ$SW蕾P͝J^R {$YAEH3kFU`$W:us|Tѡ3ZA5c2Xt^`9zi)u\ҁ#E67NUj]Uxczbߚ5K/'ty+a?^aQm7i؉bW9< W;犋b0M\8IpKaI0r yd=F|,MFE#%eډ/~ `}%}>]hr c/HMT a,Me+/ee"_5PލagWoU:#0(q1h yaY,ܥIM 4!x3'_C`YѪ/jx!Qˎ\!9Ief5}]hώ#N_!}}v'Mx|;C[|YD]7S-l9 zϾ0K 4H>M>4ϟYXOh`dcugZ{lDA}V:=f#jHPƄl}>?@Xk"tE,Zp0mQw7lc`U$OԆh ,(sIՑ6vJvEXe:P$p|!>RـPW)7wbVl/6[Jc,^-y~G@U#QB6:Jّ*98̮}V.Eqt;HdMȳ(;3VTpR֢YZ|T25-P 0ȌonLVa=%ylFڎ̛,uUpqF26 `h.R?R3Ì;vyw?Gz]tQ9t-^]os06q`H$IΆ٩F??Y` ׷Y- u`QYW)Pl[yB5vь)\40$*$vKr$thUkE'7'B" FD+~vto:5bԈ랳a֝[?9d^U* G Lb﩯VekY ey 7ih#u7+@,8QP=S2e_zʣOx:542~RaS3 5qt ,4D;1'?5JˌzsA97B]gpL4m]x(!parg87"*eFbUpyDLij{yrs+]v ϓo)X Ъ)Rv| :4e2,3YTD۫3{+yؘVi-,NkOBY:2--Z3(c\0xKB:.a@,.~st1"RW(2t^$LxgN-Dv% 4&B<*w=Rgۢli[kB j购59SY!az֏j4Iz.kFt\k(:_-Om1߽SWNH6L6vs/tsZ@"iz'6TC Dt03l$c m#B^{?U s3ǥȄe?PGB 14N&A Ƅ2N#()yvMmF$Ȅ[̹pΫB~Y`E7ӃL|3Wgʹ K&ψ6rWzr߅D*>#mz*LT uVa}'hd ih1N`*ՑRiݲ.ceQHUTCqrƩLއ C1Wkx .?ȶ'TC'3p.5{{d4{b&$n&`ǼJR-e7@9{_Zyk9/U< tuQ9aTvY>ec#zR?F Bs棛4,IIі\ħvC_=+*FLt_s_ \g*W?`0i9.B`4oTĂ lIE*RxݢaZQIwK 9ɵ.U1#](Q_B~ M͠򒴴k{+,&OR&u{bSn2czVM' }E$M `̥Bq |OZzm0"nTͱ T 0!4@ [̢nc=1aUYrCI'9{} e>On[҄T^WPc=p>?o4"ȱt*0e1LWtsiZi| sBm0! ̐Yg$9q9nwû'(<soRo):ڟ˴CA }'ٸ\2_Dd"b7?QEżnSz !y:)ʅˎ)bߦW6.q&k6inxB D# xpf;& j6r:p! 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