gcc-toolset-11-elfutils-debuginfod-client-0.185-4.el8 >  A aIU] G CD1P%y|4hin᭞oa4hCL  L $ 0 lKel;slWU(=&S DoFv6=W2cŶi-Z=aփ& *R]{f(>|Y!CZp5ơbZ`yynp *WӦm!3K՘? 8Vͤ\QO >_#ghjVQ\=n]XukncRsb,eR6qDfvI;- Eh.w->jlEI{H اJmw8 Q1q%%76'.酊/N H\(DX+. HGߎz u}Эe`%>;\? * fSؾ c1o a"Ղ2=͌,-E6g[ײ~Pփ,ħIsa5988bd206906e9a99d6c7b6c8fe31f8070b0dfd32915362230cd422bbac7ae35bdfad4bfdbc81222005c76817f82ea88734d06baIU]x!D. l-"5&w"&I:/TnE-=8XMebPyXd7qsV> \"m7BԳ J3(XO FR(>Z#øASM<ȵlѝlNe]HQص3p#DQxW&&{xjkwH.Hz c#Nļm-WK@YM=ZEc0 ia# W}9 57\KͿi.-ğ?T0Bux+Io|Yى$sHwA1ȶexM7pX&d VjsUA L?=g~6.q'T1zer#Yp١-BXbC⢵4Xt &EyxŨf;rT&7#A'>d=0߼$h< ("2__(KMB~3h})^Fn1Ѽqè#:oE>Wu+HͬA?aN6>p< ?d,2 8 {LPhlsz    0 P  ,Xx (8 9 :46GXHxIXY\]^bvdefltuv$wxy'Cgcc-toolset-11-elfutils-debuginfod-client0.1854.el8Library and command line client for build-id HTTP ELF/DWARF serverThe elfutils-debuginfod-client package contains shared libraries dynamically loaded from -ldw, which use a debuginfod service to look up debuginfo and associated data. Also includes a command-line frontend.ax86-02.mbox.centos.orgCentOSCentOSGPLv3+ and (GPLv2+ or LGPLv3+)CentOS Buildsys Development/Toolshttp://elfutils.org/linuxx86_64A^ 5G>AAaWaWaV`Laaaaa9defa3766c22a0f2de44c7645bf13de0bdf8bba5d8bf3a19f82951f6c9bc861a415ffd3d58e20eae46df8c8f6070311d80e09f8940543cb9564a1e198793ad222d85a474fb583f72742cad174f8bfdb1bae50663b00058b9da0355c2a2e45calibdebuginfod-0.185.so../../../../opt/rh/gcc-toolset-11/root/usr/lib64/libdebuginfod-0.185.so../../../../opt/rh/gcc-toolset-11/root/usr/bin/debuginfod-findrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootgcc-toolset-11-elfutils-0.185-4.el8.src.rpmgcc-toolset-11-elfutils-debuginfod-clientgcc-toolset-11-elfutils-debuginfod-client(x86-64)libdebuginfod.so.dts.1()(64bit)libdebuginfod.so.dts.1(ELFUTILS_0)(64bit)libdebuginfod.so.dts.1(ELFUTILS_0.178)(64bit)libdebuginfod.so.dts.1(ELFUTILS_0.179)(64bit)libdebuginfod.so.dts.1(ELFUTILS_0.183)(64bit)scl-package(gcc-toolset-11)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    @gcc-toolset-11-runtimelibc.so.6()(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2.5)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3.4)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.4)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.8)(64bit)libcurl.so.4()(64bit)libdebuginfod.so.dts.1()(64bit)libdebuginfod.so.dts.1(ELFUTILS_0.178)(64bit)libdebuginfod.so.dts.1(ELFUTILS_0.179)(64bit)libdebuginfod.so.dts.1(ELFUTILS_0.183)(64bit)libdw.so.dts.1()(64bit)libdw.so.dts.1(ELFUTILS_0.159)(64bit)libdw.so.dts.1(ELFUTILS_0.177)(64bit)libelf.so.dts.1()(64bit)libelf.so.dts.1(ELFUTILS_1.0)(64bit)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)rtld(GNU_HASH)3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.14.3a2@a@`s`_@___^^@^y^V@];\Q\\8@[[<[*A[d@[5@ZZ@ZZv@Z}@Zz@Zu@Z:PZYY@YYx@YqYlYlY7Y-^Y i@XBX@X|Xx@Xc@W@W/@W@V@V=@VVVV@V U|@U@UWU@UUyx@UD@U@T@Ts@T@T[@TT@S@SGSGS;@S @S#@S@S@SSSy@SFSRʚRRRUE@RIgR)RC@R@Q@Q@QQ*Q']Q"@P@P;a@P*=P@P@O@O^@OyOF*@OW@OMZjMQ0@M-L@LL*@L@L(K޺KK@KPXKO@JjJn@IX@I@IIy@I\@I[^Hf@H@Hr@H(1@GGʖG@G6G@GFɂ@F@FiDF&@E@E@E@E+@DeD{D@DKDu@D2_C@CCǖ@CqCC@Cf@C!y@C3@C a@BB@B@BBBB/@BhB@BPB}@B}@BQ,@BQ,@BQ,@BGBAZ@B5B@AV@A!@@B@@mU@Dw@@,@@@@@?F@????.@?t*@?p5?@?? ? @>@>@>j@>@>Z @>T@>N+>H>BN@>5@>.>.> @=z@=(=(=@=@==K@==@=V=@=Ӑ@=U=@==@===@==TMark Wielaard - 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backends: Support for tilegx has been removed. - config: New /etc/profile.d files to provide default $DEBUGINFOD_URLS. - debuginfod: More efficient package traversal, tolerate various errors during scanning, grooming progress is more visible and interruptible, more prometheus metrics. - debuginfod-client: Now supports compressed (kernel) ELF images. - libdwfl: Add ZSTD compression support.- Add Requires for -devel packages (#1873413)- New upstream release.- New upstream release. - debuginfod: New server, client tool and library to index and fetch ELF/DWARF files addressed by build-id through HTTP. - doc: There are now some manual pages for functions and tools. - backends: The libebl libraries are no longer dynamically loaded through dlopen, but are now compiled into libdw.so directly. - readelf: -n, --notes now takes an optional "SECTION" argument. -p and -x now also handle section numbers. New option --dyn-sym to show just the dynamic symbol table. - libdw: Abbrevs and DIEs can now be read concurrently by multiple threads through the same Dwarf handle. - libdwfl: Will try to use debuginfod when installed as fallback to retrieve ELF and DWARF debug data files by build-id.- New upstream release. - elfclassify: New tool to analyze ELF objects. - readelf: Print DW_AT_data_member_location as decimal offset. Decode DW_AT_discr_list block attributes. - libdw: Add DW_AT_GNU_numerator, DW_AT_GNU_denominator and DW_AT_GNU_bias. - libdwelf: Add dwelf_elf_e_machine_string. dwelf_elf_begin now only returns NULL when there is an error reading or decompressing a file. If the file is not an ELF file an ELF handle of type ELF_K_NONE is returned.- Add elfutils-0.176-pt-gnu-prop.patch- Add elfutils-0.176-strip-symbols-illformed.patch- Add elfutils-0.176-gcc-pr88835.patch - Add elfutils-0.176-xlate-note.patch - Add elfutils-0.176-elf-update.patch- Update to elfutils-0.176. - Fixes CVE-2019-7146, CVE-2019-7148, CVE-2019-7149, CVE-2019-7150, CVE-2019-7664, CVE-2019-7665.- Update to elfutils-0.175.- New upstream release - libelf, libdw and all tools now handle extended shnum and shstrndx correctly - elfcompress: Don't rewrite input file if no section data needs updating. Try harder to keep same file mode bits (suid) on rewrite. - strip: Handle mixed (out of order) allocated/non-allocated sections. - unstrip: Handle SHT_GROUP sections. - Fixes CVE-2018-16062, CVE-2018-16402 and CVE-2018-16403.- New upstream release - More fixes for crashes and hangs found by afl-fuzz. In particular various functions now detect and break infinite loops caused by bad DIE tree cycles. - readelf: Will now lookup the size and signedness of constant value types to display them correctly (and not just how they were encoded). - libdw: New function dwarf_next_lines to read CU-less .debug_line data. dwarf_begin_elf now accepts ELF files containing just .debug_line or .debug_frame sections (which can be read without needing a DIE tree from the .debug_info section). Removed dwarf_getscn_info, which was never implemented. - backends: Handle BPF simple relocations. The RISCV backends now handles ABI specific CFI and knows about RISCV register types and names. - Add scl macros and elfutils-0.173-dts.patch.- Add elfutils-0.172-robustify.patch.- New upstream release. - No functional changes compared to 0.171. - Various bug fixes in libdw and eu-readelf dealing with bad DWARF5 data. Thanks to running the afl fuzzer on eu-readelf and various testcases. - eu-readelf -N is ~15% faster.- New upstream release. - DWARF5 and split dwarf, including GNU DebugFission, support. - readelf: Handle all new DWARF5 sections. --debug-dump=info+ will show split unit DIEs when found. --dwarf-skeleton can be used when inspecting a .dwo file. Recognizes GNU locviews with --debug-dump=loc. - libdw: New functions dwarf_die_addr_die, dwarf_get_units, dwarf_getabbrevattr_data and dwarf_cu_info. libdw will now try to resolve the alt file on first use when not set yet with dwarf_set_alt. dwarf_aggregate_size() now works with multi-dimensional arrays. - libdwfl: Use process_vm_readv when available instead of ptrace. - backends: Add a RISC-V backend.- Add explict libstdc++-devel BuildRequires for demangle support. - Add elfutils-0.170-unwind.patch. (#1555726)- Add elfutils-0.170-GNU_variable_value.patch - Add elfutils-0.170-locviews.patch- Add elfutils-0.170-core-pid.patch - Add elfutils-0.170-elf_sync.patch - Add elfutils-0.170-new-notes-hack.patch- Add elfutils-0.170-sys-ptrace.patch - Make sure spec can be build even when ldconfig_scriplets aren't defined. - Add elfutils-0.170-m68k-packed-not-aligned.patch- Escape macros in %changelog- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild- Switch to %ldconfig_scriptlets- Add elfutils-0.170-dwarf_aggregate_size.patch.- Rely on (and check) systemd_requires for sysctl_apply default-yama-scope.- Config files under /usr/lib/sysctl.d (_sysctldir) aren't %config (#1506660) Admin can place the real config file under /etc/sysctl.d as override.- New upstream release. Remove upstreamed patches. - provide_yama_scope for either fedora >= 22 and rhel >= 7.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild- Add elfutils-0.169-strip-data-marker-symbols.patch.- Fix build on s390 (ptrace.h). Add elfutils-0.169-s390x-ptrace.patch.- Add elfutils-0.169-strip-keep-remove-section.patch (#1465997)- Add elfutils-0.169-dup-shstrtab.patch - Add elfutils-0.169-strip-empty.patch- Add ppc64 fallback unwinder.- New upstream release. Removed upstreamed patches.- Add patches for new gcc warnings and new binutils ppc64 attributes. - elfutils-0.168-libasm-truncation.patch - elfutils-0.168-ppc64-attrs.patch- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild- Never use old, deprecated, filter_provides_in, it really is too broken.- Filter out private libebl backends from provides.- New upstream release from new home https://sourceware.org/elfutils/ - Resolves: - #1396092 Please implement eu-readelf --symbols[=SECTION] - #1388057 memory allocation failure in allocate_elf - #1387584 memory allocation failure in __libelf_set_rawdata_wrlock- Add elfutils-0.167-strip-alloc-symbol.patch (#1380961)- Upgrade to elfutils-0.167 Drop upstream elfutils-0.166-elfcmp-comp-gcc6.patch Fixes: #1365812, #1352232.- Add elfutils-0.166-elfcmp-comp-gcc6.patch- Upgrade to elfutils-0.166 Drop upstreamed patches: - elfutils-0.165-nobitsalign-strip.patch. - elfutils-0.165-reloc.patch. - elfutils-0.165-elf-libelf.patch.- Add elfutils-0.165-nobitsalign-strip.patch.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild- Add elfutils-0.165-reloc.patch.- Add elfutils-0.165-elf-libelf.patch.- Update to elfutils-0.165 (#1294079, #1236699, #807053) - Add eu-elfcompress - Add pkg-config files for libelf and libdw.- Update to elfutils-0.164 - Drop old compat stuff- Add elfutils-0.163-readelf-n-undefined-shift.patch (#1259259)- Add elfutils-0.163-default-yama-conf.patch (#1250079) Provides: default-yama-scope- Add elfutils-0.163-unstrip-shf_info_link.patch- Update to 0.163 - Drop elfutils-0.162-ftruncate-allocate.patch- Add elfutils-0.162-ftruncate-allocate.patch (#1232206)- Update to 0.162 (#1170810, #1139815, #1129756, #1020842) - Include elfutils/known-dwarf.h - Drop BuildRequires glibc-headers (#1230468) - Removed integrated upstream patches: - elfutils-0.161-aarch64relro.patch - elfutils-0.161-copyreloc.patch - elfutils-0.161-addralign.patch - elfutils-0.161-ar-long-name.patch - elfutils-0.161-formref-type.patch- Rebuilt for GCC 5 C++11 ABI change- Add elfutils-0.161-aarch64relro.patch (#1201778)- Add elfutils-0.161-copyreloc.patch.- Rebuilt for Fedora 23 Change https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Harden_all_packages_with_position-independent_code- Add elfutils-0.161-addralign.patch (#1189928)- Add elfutils-0.161-formref-type.patch- Add elfutils-0.161-ar-long-name.patch (#1181525 CVE-2014-9447)- Update to 0.161.- Update to 0.160. - Remove integrated upstream patches: elfutils-aarch64-user_regs_struct.patch elfutils-0.159-argp-attach.patch elfutils-0.159-aarch64-bool-ret.patch elfutils-0.159-elf-h.patch elfutils-0.159-ppc64le-elfv2-abi.patch elfutils-0.159-report_r_debug.patch elfutils-0.159-ko_xz.patch- Add elfutils-0.159-ko_xz.patch- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild- Add elfutils-0.159-report_r_debug.patch (#1112610)- Add configure check to elfutils-aarch64-user_regs_struct.patch.- fix license handling- Add elfutils-0.159-aarch64-bool-ret.patch - Add elfutils-0.159-elf-h.patch - Add elfutils-0.159-ppc64le-elfv2-abi.patch (#1110249)- Add elfutils-0.159-argp-attach.patch (#1107654)- AArch64: handle new glibc-headers which provides proper GETREGSET structs.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild- Update to 0.159. - Remove integrated upstream patches: robustify.patch, mod-e_type.patch and CVE-2014-0172.patch. - Remove special handling of now default compile and configure flags: Don't remove -Werror=format-security, don't configure --enable-dwz.- Add elfutils-0.158-CVE-2014-0172.patch (#1085729)- Add elfutils-0.158-mod-e_type.patch.- Update to 0.158. Remove all patches now upstream. Add eu-stack.- Add elfutils-0.157-aarch64-got-special-symbol.patch. - Remove -Werror=format-security from RPM_OPT_FLAGS.- Add upstream support for aarch64- Show tests/test-suite.log in build.log when make check fails.- Update to 0.157. - Remove elfutils-0.156-abi_cfi-ppc-s390-arm.patch. - Remove elfutils-0.156-et_dyn-kernels.patch.- Add elfutils-0.156-abi_cfi-ppc-s390-arm.patch. Sets up initial CFI return register, CFA location expression and register rules for PPC, S390 and ARM (dwarf_cfi_addrframe support).- Add elfutils-0.156-et_dyn-kernels.patch. Fixes an issue on ppc64 with systemtap kernel address placement.- Make check can now also be ran in parallel.- Update the %configure command for compatibility with fc20 Koji.- Update to 0.156. - #890447 - Add __bss_start and __TMC_END__ to elflint. - #909481 - Only try opening files with installed compression libraries. - #914908 - Add __bss_start__ to elflint. - #853757 - Updated Polish translation. - #985438 - Incorrect prototype of __libdwfl_find_elf_build_id. - Drop upstreamed elfutils-0.155-binutils-pr-ld-13621.patch. - Drop upstreamed elfutils-0.155-mem-align.patch. - Drop upstreamed elfutils-0.155-sizeof-pointer-memaccess.patch.- bump release and rebuild to fix dependencies on PPC- Add ARM variant to elfutils-0.155-binutils-pr-ld-13621.patch rhbz#914908. - rhel >= 5 has xz-devel- Replace elfutils-0.155-binutils-pr-ld-13621.patch with upstream fix.- Backport sizeof-pointer-memaccess upstream fixes.- #891553 - unaligned memory access issues.- Update to 0.155. - #844270 - eu-nm invalid %N$ use detected. - #847454 - Ukrainian translation update. - Removed local ar 64-bit symbol patch, dwz support patch and xlatetom fix.- Add support for archives with 64-bit symbol tables (#843019)- Add dwz support- Add upstream xlatetom fix (#835877)- disable unstrip-n check for now (835877)- Update to 0.154 - elflint doesn't recognize SHF_INFO_LINK on relocation sections (#807823) - Update license to GPLv3+ and (GPLv2+ or LGPLv3+) - Remove elfutils-0.153-dwfl_segment_report_module.patch - Add elfutils-0.154-binutils-pr-ld-13621.patch- Fix for eu-unstrip emits garbage for librt.so.1 (#805447)- Update to 0.153 - New --disable-werror for portability. - Support for .zdebug sections (#679777) - type_units and DW_AT_GNU_odr_signature support (#679815) - low level support DW_OP_GNU_entry_value and DW_TAG_GNU_call_site (#688090) - FTBFS on rawhide with gcc 4.7 (#783506) - Remove gcc-4.7 patch- Fixes for gcc-4.7 based on upstream commit 32899a (#783506).- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild- Update to 0.152 - Various build and warning nits fixed for newest GCC and Autoconf. - libdwfl: Yet another prelink-related fix for another regression. (#674465) - eu-elfcmp: New flag --ignore-build-id to ignore differing build ID bits. - eu-elfcmp: New flag -l/--verbose to print all differences.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild- Update to 0.151 - libdwfl: Fix for more prelink cases with separate debug file. - eu-strip: New flag --strip-sections to remove section headers entirely.- libdwfl: Remove bogus assert. (#658268)- Update to 0.150 - libdw: Fix for handling huge .debug_aranges section. (#638432) - libdwfl: Fix for handling prelinked DSO with separate debug file. (#652857) - findtextrel: Fix diagnostics to work with usual section ordering.- Rebuilt for gcc bug 634757- Update to 0.149 - libdw: Decode new DW_OP_GNU_implicit_pointer operation; new function dwarf_getlocation_implicit_pointer. - libdwfl: New function dwfl_dwarf_line. - eu-addr2line: New flag -F/--flags to print more DWARF line info details. - eu-readelf: better .debug_loc processing (#627729) - eu-strings: Fix non-mmap file reading. (#609468) - eu-strip: -g recognizes .gdb_index as a debugging section. (#631997)- Update to 0.148 - libdw: Accept DWARF 4 format: new functions dwarf_next_unit, dwarf_offdie_types. New functions dwarf_lineisa, dwarf_linediscriminator, dwarf_lineop_index. - libdwfl: Fixes in core-file handling, support cores from PIEs. (#588818) When working from build IDs, don't open a named file that mismatches. - readelf: Handle DWARF 4 formats.- Update to 0.147- Update to 0.146 - libdwfl: New function dwfl_core_file_report. - libelf: Fix handling of phdrs in truncated file. (#577310) - libdwfl: Fix infinite loop handling clobbered link_map. (#576379) - Package translations.- Update to 0.145 - Fix build with --disable-dependency-tracking. (#564646) - Fix build with most recent glibc headers. - libdw: Fix CFI decoding. (#563528) - libdwfl: Fix address bias returned by CFI accessors. (#563528) Fix core file module layout identification. (#559836) - readelf: Fix CFI decoding.- Fix sloppy #include's breaking build with F-13 glibc.- Update to 0.144 - libdw: New function dwarf_aggregate_size for computing (constant) type sizes, including array_type cases with nontrivial calculation. - readelf: Don't give errors for missing info under -a. Handle Linux "VMCOREINFO" notes under -n. - Resolves: RHBZ #527004, RHBZ #530704, RHBZ #550858- Update to 0.143 - libdw: Various convenience functions for individual attributes now use dwarf_attr_integrate to look up indirect inherited attributes. Location expression handling now supports DW_OP_implicit_value. - libdwfl: Support automatic decompression of files in XZ format, and of Linux kernel images made with bzip2 or LZMA (as well as gzip).- Update to 0.142 - libelf: Bug fix in filling gaps between sections. (#512840) - libelf: Add elf_getshdrnum alias for elf_getshnum and elf_getshdrstrndx alias for elf_getshstrndx and deprecate original names. - libebl, elflint: Add support for STB_GNU_UNIQUE. (#511436) - readelf: Add -N option, speeds up DWARF printing without address->name lookups. (#505347) - libdw: Add support for decoding DWARF CFI into location description form. Handle some new DWARF 3 expression operations previously omitted. Basic handling of some new encodings slated for DWARF 4.- Update to 0.141 - libebl: sparc backend fixes (#490585) some more arm backend support - libdwfl: fix dwfl_module_build_id for prelinked DSO case (#489439) fixes in core file support (#494858) dwfl_module_getsym interface improved for non-address symbols - eu-strip: fix infinite loop on strange inputs with -f - eu-addr2line: take -j/--section=NAME option for binutils compatibility (same effect as '(NAME)0x123' syntax already supported) - Resolves: RHBZ #495213, RHBZ #465872, RHBZ #470055, RHBZ #484623- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild- Update to 0.140 - libelf: Fix regression in creation of section header. (#484946)- Update to 0.139 - libcpu: Add Intel SSE4 disassembler support - readelf: Implement call frame information and exception handling dumping. Add -e option. Enable it implicitly for -a. - elflint: Check PT_GNU_EH_FRAME program header entry. - libdwfl: Support automatic gzip/bzip2 decompression of ELF files. (#472136)- Fix libelf regression.- Update to 0.138 - Install header file for applications to use in source version compatibility checks. - libebl: backend fixes for i386 TLS relocs; backend support for NT_386_IOPERM - libcpu: disassembler fixes (#469739) - libdwfl: bug fixes (#465878) - libelf: bug fixes - eu-nm: bug fixes for handling corrupt input files (#476136)- fix libdwfl regression (#462689)- Update to 0.137 - libdwfl: bug fixes; new segment interfaces; all the libdwfl-based tools now support --core=COREFILE option - Resolves: RHBZ #325021, RHBZ #447416- fix conditional comparison- Update to 0.135 - libdwfl: bug fixes - eu-strip: changed handling of ET_REL files wrt symbol tables and relocs- Update to 0.134 - elflint: backend improvements for sparc, alpha (#204170) - libdwfl, libelf: bug fixes (#439344, #438867, #438263, #438190) - Remove Conflicts: libelf-devel from elfutils-libelf-devel. (#435742)- Update to 0.133 - readelf, elflint, libebl: SHT_GNU_ATTRIBUTE section handling (readelf -A) - readelf: core note handling for NT_386_TLS, NT_PPC_SPE, Alpha NT_AUXV - libdwfl: bug fixes and optimization in relocation handling - elfcmp: bug fix for non-allocated section handling - ld: implement newer features of binutils linker. - Install eu-objdump and libasm, now has limited disassembler support.- Update to 0.132 - libelf: Use loff_t instead of off64_t in libelf.h header. (#377241) - eu-readelf: Fix handling of ET_REL files in archives. - libcpu: Implement x86 and x86-64 disassembler. - libasm: Add interface for disassembler. - all programs: add debugging of branch prediction. - libelf: new function elf_scnshndx.- Update to 0.131 - libdw: DW_FORM_ref_addr support; dwarf_formref entry point now deprecated; bug fixes for oddly-formatted DWARF - libdwfl: bug fixes in offline archive support, symbol table handling; apply partial relocations for dwfl_module_address_section on ET_REL - libebl: powerpc backend support for Altivec registers- Fix ET_REL support. - Fix odd indentation in eu-readelf -x output.- Update to 0.130 - eu-readelf -p option can take an argument like -x for one section - eu-readelf --archive-index (or -c) - eu-readelf -n improved output for core dumps - eu-readelf: handle SHT_NOTE sections without requiring phdrs (#249467) - eu-elflint: ditto - eu-elflint: stricter checks on debug sections - eu-unstrip: new options, --list (or -n), --relocate (or -R) - libelf: new function elf_getdata_rawchunk, replaces gelf_rawchunk; new functions gelf_getnote, gelf_getauxv, gelf_update_auxv - libebl: backend improvements (#324031) - libdwfl: build_id support, new functions for it - libdwfl: dwfl_module_addrsym fixes (#268761, #268981) - libdwfl offline archive support, new script eu-make-debug-archive- Fix false-positive eu-elflint failure on ppc -mbss-plt binaries.- Update to 0.129 - readelf: new options --hex-dump (or -x), --strings (or -p) (#250973) - addr2line: new option --symbols (or -S) - libdw: dwarf_getscopes fixes (#230235) - libdwfl: dwfl_module_addrsym fixes (#249490)- Update to 0.128 - new program: unstrip - elfcmp: new option --hash-inexact - Replace Conflicts: with Provides/Requires using -arch- Update to 0.127 - libdw: new function dwarf_getsrcdirs - libdwfl: new functions dwfl_module_addrsym, dwfl_report_begin_add, dwfl_module_address_section- Update to 0.126 - New program eu-ar. - libdw: fix missing dwarf_getelf (#227206) - libdwfl: dwfl_module_addrname for st_size=0 symbols (#227167, #227231)- Fix overeager warn_unused_result build failures.- Update to 0.125 - elflint: Compare DT_GNU_HASH tests. - move archives into -static RPMs - libelf, elflint: better support for core file handling - Really fix libdwfl sorting of modules with 64-bit addresses (#220817). - Resolves: RHBZ #220817, RHBZ #213792- eu-strip -f: copy symtab into debuginfo file when relocs use it (#203000) - Update to 0.124 - libebl: fix ia64 reloc support (#206981) - libebl: sparc backend support for return value location - libebl, libdwfl: backend register name support extended with more info - libelf, libdw: bug fixes for unaligned accesses on machines that care - readelf, elflint: trivial bugs fixed- Update to 0.123 - libebl: Backend build fixes, thanks to Stepan Kasal. - libebl: ia64 backend support for register names, return value location - libdwfl: Handle truncated linux kernel module section names. - libdwfl: Look for linux kernel vmlinux files with .debug suffix. - elflint: Fix checks to permit --hash-style=gnu format.- Fix warnings in elflint compilation.- Update to 0.122 - Fix libdwfl sorting of modules with 64-bit addresses (#198225). - libebl: add function to test for relative relocation - elflint: fix and extend DT_RELCOUNT/DT_RELACOUNT checks - elflint, readelf: add support for DT_GNU_HASH - libelf: add elf_gnu_hash - elflint, readelf: add support for 64-bit SysV-style hash tables - libdwfl: new functions dwfl_module_getsymtab, dwfl_module_getsym.- Update to 0.121 - libelf: bug fixes for rewriting existing files when using mmap (#187618). - make all installed headers usable in C++ code (#193153). - eu-readelf: better output format. - eu-elflint: fix tests of dynamic section content. - libdw, libdwfl: handle files without aranges info.- rebuild to pick up -devel deps- Update to 0.120 - License changed to GPL, with some exceptions for using the libelf, libebl, libdw, and libdwfl library interfaces. Red Hat elfutils is an included package of the Open Invention Network. - dwarf.h updated for DWARF 3.0 final specification. - libelf: Fix corruption in ELF_C_RDWR uses (#187618). - libdwfl: New function dwfl_version; fixes for offline.- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- update to 0.119- rebuilt- update to 0.118 - elflint: more tests. - libdwfl: New function dwfl_module_register_names. - libebl: New backend hook for register names. - Make sure -fexceptions is always in CFLAGS.- update to 0.117 - libdwfl: New function dwfl_module_return_value_location (#166118) - libebl: Backend improvements for several CPUs- update to 0.116 - libdw fixes, API changes and additions - libdwfl fixes (#169672) - eu-strip/libelf fix to preserve setuid/setgid permission bits (#167745)- Update requires/conflicts for better biarch update behavior.- update to 0.115 - New program eu-strings. - libdw: New function dwarf_getscopes_die. - libelf: speed-ups of non-mmap reading. - Implement --enable-gcov option for configure.- update to 0.114 - new program eu-ranlib - libdw: new calls for inlines - libdwfl: new calls for offline modules- update to 0.113 - elflint: relax a bit. Allow version definitions for defined symbols against DSO versions also for symbols in nobits sections. Allow .rodata section to have STRINGS and MERGE flag set. - strip: add some more compatibility with binutils. - libdwfl: bug fixes. - Separate libdw et al into elfutils-libs subpackage.- update to 0.112 - elfcmp: some more relaxation. - elflint: many more tests, especially regarding to symbol versioning. - libelf: Add elfXX_offscn and gelf_offscn. - libasm: asm_begin interface changes. - libebl: Add three new interfaces to directly access machine, class, and data encoding information.- update portability patch- update to 0.111 - libdwfl library now merged into libdw- update to 0.110- update to 0.109 - verify that libebl modules are from the same build - new eu-elflint checks on copy relocations - new program eu-elfcmp - new experimental libdwfl library- robustification of eu-strip and eu-readelf- more robustification- robustification- update to 0.108 - merge strip fixes - sort records in dwarf_getsrclines, fix dwarf_getsrc_die searching - update elf.h from glibc- fix strip -f byte-swapping bug- update to 0.107 - readelf: improve DWARF output format - elflint: -d option to support checking separate debuginfo files - strip: fix ET_REL debuginfo files (#156341)- fix some bugs in new code, reenable make check- disable make check for most arches, for now- update to 0.106- update to 0.104- update to 0.103- update to 0.101. - use %configure macro to get CFLAGS etc. right- upgrade to 0.99.- upgrade to 0.97.- upgrade to 0.96.- rebuilt with GCC 3.4.x, workaround VLA + alloca mixing warning- rebuilt- upgrade to 0.95.- rebuilt- rebuilt- upgrade to 0.94- upgrade to 0.93- full version - macroized spec file for GPL or OSL builds - include only libelf under GPL plus wrapper scripts- macroized spec file for GPL or OSL builds- split elfutils-devel into two packages.- include only libelf under GPL plus wrapper scripts- readelf, not readline, in %description (#111214).- update to 0.89 (fix eu-strip)- update to 0.86 (fix eu-strip on s390x/alpha) - libebl is an archive now; remove references to DSO- upgrade to 0.84 (readelf/elflint improvements, rawhide bugs fixed).- upgrade to 0.83 (fix invalid ELf handle on *.so strip, more).- upgrade to 0.82 (strip tests fixed on big-endian).- upgrade to 0.81 (strip excludes unused symtable entries, test borked).- upgrade to 0.80 (debugedit changes for kernel in progress).- rebuilt- upgrade to 0.79 (correct formats for size_t, more of libdw "works").- upgrade to 0.78 (libdwarf bugfix, libdw additions).- debuginfo rebuild- use the correct way of identifying the section via the sh_info link.- update to 0.75 (eu-strip -g fix)- update to 0.74 (fix for writing with some non-dirty sections)- another -0.73 update (with sparc fixes). - do "make check" in %check, not %install, section.- update to 0.73 (with s390 fixes).- rebuilt- fix arguments to gelf_getsymshndx and elf_getshstrndx - fix other warnings - reenable checks on s390x- temporarily disable checks on s390x, until someone has time to look at it- update to 0.72- update to 0.71- update to 0.69. - add "make check" and segfault avoidance patch. - elfutils-libelf needs to run ldconfig.- update to 0.68.- update to 0.67.- update to 0.65.- update to 0.64.- split packages further into elfutils-libelf- update to 0.63.- Adjust for dropping libtool- update to 0.59- update to 0.56- update to 0.54- update to 0.53 - drop x86_64 hack, ICE fixed in gcc-3.2-11.- get beehive to punch a rhpkg generated package.- build in 8.0.1. - x86_64: avoid gcc-3.2 ICE on x86_64 for now.- Add libelf-devel to conflicts for elfutils-devel- Split into runtime and devel package- integrate into official sources- Swaddle.0.185-4.el80.185-4.el8debuginfod-findlibdebuginfod-0.185.solibdebuginfod.so.dts.1debuginfod-find.1.gz.build-id68bbba164c3eb1ea46109aa2faca27dcf6642a24ed585112cb1421622b64d33575aef620ed8970/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-11/root/usr/bin//opt/rh/gcc-toolset-11/root/usr/lib64//opt/rh/gcc-toolset-11/root/usr/share/man/man1//usr/lib//usr/lib/.build-id//usr/lib/.build-id/68//usr/lib/.build-id/e8/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linuxELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=e8ed585112cb1421622b64d33575aef620ed8970, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=68bbba164c3eb1ea46109aa2faca27dcf6642a24, strippedC source, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)directory#%R R R RRRRRRRR RR RRPRPPPPPPPPRRRRRRRRPRPRPRutf-8947e5c9e794e0aa5904781f8142191544598a17bf3985ed4490bcf2f49253a22?@7zXZ !#,A] b2u y-iSqiL Im'Qڇ0c?L1$ F*kF(GۯHqKMmn;2 _e5\1`v{Φ^P &xE\p Zg6"ހ2ٓ ,7;2}QN9IUvU *W,v>,Cb0`u˴{ࡵ .ߣ,IkXI*v)QG[@.l->创kȖ W9j s6~<ɡrH,dѦy2_1(2ࠬvF[.Ttw~Z !Pt C7kRu@zR71؍&O#\!-?.Ifox&810^? ^Cf@Yq5c0 e#Y\_Jy#U *a./` a} cWd|r"fJKGn.+PO7C_ T6=q/Ipk6h+l{C#|:HT5B٠io2]F1Ы.a4T3c+S?H'g81/hO~"EB2ƼVHl>dR: ϔo0;&ϨoP5#d!7oG窷&՞vAv@& 6aJ6k Ir*vÔ0Rn!LGRS*EcQbq)*7k mD-uYmjn09([߸17Ie3 IK-r?AcԉnХ hiw|YhANAf_4u'dm^%AKkFN>uD^M'cz~~qWaRGT!MpY*^% _\RV*0p-60S@6z12mMB,qAV׈I>zgdtq;` y[IG}C2C7 2-$f?64QiEΔԃ p6l!ku{q&q]}#–)`gBJlT6Deq7a6qhҠ_'uNO DtQ70;p:[å s]gødӳ@}-VӁ[U(fy/lĮ9wecW|.2ȅ#IJ29om1ˋTh1>6:TP⦹#[S?&Dž݁~_NS/HvrleGh~z]ǚG1uF:;Hq{ZlZnpoJUꜽNX*gߞTj2 P¤|z,rg&g9^F22cw H*§ʹ>Ah6X}}9qkb ^Qd í֔질\m72 -L֎ voڪ/@0/;L_EeSz[t?fi/wHԺY>g2P9gJۇ`hlͳC(_;SsXQ+…mSϘ"0oO! ǜjkM9w%ʵ8'dVktRr'@ÓeefM#[h9_XFHXIH%ɤu76%̄$:wYV?O9w4VAF$ٹ""nԱٶQI>t Q:#=럴 ˅y3ʄ=c d39z0qbtg73ԯKvbƬqF=gs)~8NHkP;%`!vEUXw*70,5mmÂ:4\9Ƅb][j=L}-Ɓ sVj2) *\9 I CQ]ڔ ŋL`)j~_Y!qN׷f9`K2]^c嫷6Z`A4?}s`L'ٓ'e%A#X,0rGˢj}.ɚD%e^J؅t s3Ak?<ak''$oXw!LYR349{DCrDp{O/54Ep}"*7vRᔿ2T;-O`auF_Ya8*ɶ}w_TeHGG(jI~(e|E{9|84 2dIV7Uͦk\i^S,ύ4aCLJ֑8ؙ40ngW0o`:6!0"]*)ɡ l-@u Д?4i r43}D), XQDVhw'JċFUAo_p+ٱKVGE#@q}k pBQWv(W8 Lkˆ!G'L׉AWbz:xC,**{91EΎHN4GޢK*} 9J=ҿ]*oeRdc%4G*Gn` "={̎+B\QƱ:x>]I\߃=HfxϳٶP+sT a9TW긊{yM 7 -+CоU}Ds` VhN Ӹ8h ^# 3ADiiz(>8g~pJü3t9p3ľ'tb`ߴq|ȣ-4|4cp(L|Qo뢣*߫St==v*ƉDMm_z&t)':g7BDrڹEU {+{3\ J"q]߆5 +S]J&gu$B$N:*?2Fn0G8{ԉ{_> ~[涄snN^l׎I%Of.a*6gOvǬwtĴDPҭqAײe8fx8m\_C~|$8Cr4O?htF.㯄RNz&xcnm R.SmZun!y(ޕ/D2ag fXjnGlo%ez1u>p- Al.94Ylί] HtKjrΨ'Hx̕4KyȒ\[&{J̈>HK,\&E!<s2spxf1Щ89jC_ PO4L>c⨋%Јc *ޢ閌SF2z6O{dn$N) (&%Dz#X^kݤ;MP΋z/=bڗ\J]0 hvk1 y4C)C>7$By[H:/Sp0J?bAfcN3h0Ğ;! ɡ\vҁ3d;%]Z9fUȶzq2KV*F+Z,QބIV 4Թ,| Ĵ }ZSrnTI٣R(zQ9;?$)(07< j+C$*'`TDMn5и;匐g:HcӀ7QHg"Q:q Q VN? 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