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3.12.0-1Richard Hughes - 3.11.91-1Richard Hughes - 3.11.2-1Richard Hughes - 3.11.1-1Ignacio Casal Quinteiro - 3.10.1-1Ignacio Casal Quinteiro - 3.10.0-1Fedora Release Engineering - 3.8.3-2Ignacio Casal Quinteiro - 3.8.3-1Ignacio Casal Quinteiro - 3.8.2-1Marek Kasik - 3.8.1-2Kalev Lember - 3.8.1-1Kalev Lember - 3.8.0-2Ignacio Casal Quinteiro - 3.8.0-1Ignacio Casal Quinteiro - 3.7.1-1Ignacio Casal Quinteiro - 3.6.1-1Ignacio Casal Quinteiro - 3.6.0-1Ignacio Casal Quinteiro - 3.5.2-1Ignacio Casal Quinteiro - 3.5.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 3.4.0-3Kalev Lember - 3.4.0-2Ignacio Casal Quinteiro - 3.4.0-1Ignacio Casal Quinteiro - 3.3.4-1Ignacio Casal Quinteiro - 3.3.3-1Ignacio Casal Quinteiro - 3.3.2-1Fedora Release Engineering - 3.3.1-2Ignacio Casal Quinteiro - 3.3.1-1Ignacio Casal Quinteiro - 3.2.1-1Ignacio Casal Quinteiro - 3.2.0-1Ignacio Casal Quinteiro - 3.1.5-1Ignacio Casal Quinteiro - 3.1.4-1Ignacio Casal Quinteiro - 3.1.3-1Ignacio Casal Quinteiro - 3.1.2-1Tomas Bzatek - 3.1.1-1Ignacio Casal Quinteiro - 3.0.2-2Matthias Clasen - 3.0.2-1Christopher Aillon - 3.0.1-1Tomas Bzatek - 3.0.0-1Christopher Aillon - 2.91.3-1Matthias Clasen - 2.91.1-1Matthias Clasen - 2.91.90-3Matthias Clasen - 2.91.90-2Matthias Clasen - 2.91.90-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.31.6-3Matthias Clasen 2.31.6-1Rakesh Pandit 2.31.6-1David Malcolm - 2.31.1-2Rakesh Pandit 2.31.1-1Rakesh Pandit 2.30.0-1Rakesh Pandit 2.29.4-1Rakesh Pandit 2.29.3-1Rakesh Pandit 2.28.0-1Ville Skyttä - 2.26.1-3Fedora Release Engineering - 2.26.1-2Dodji Seketeli - 2.26.1-1Dodji Seketeli - 2.26.0-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.22.3-4Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams - 2.22.3-3Rakesh Pandit - 2.22.3-2Rakesh Pandit - 2.22.3-1Rakesh Pandit - 2.22.0-2Trond Danielsen - 2.22.0-1Trond Danielsen - 2.18.0-2Trond Danielsen - 2.18.0-1- bump release for correctly start gating process Related: #1698642- Add obsoletes/provides for dropped plugin Related: #1698642- Drop unused dependencies Resolves: #1599393- Remove gnome-doc-utils dependency- Drop gucharmap plugin Resolves: #1576731 - Drop libgit plugin too- Update to 3.28.1- Update to 3.28.0- Update to 3.27.92- Update to 3.27.1 - Add new translate plugin- Rebuilt for Drop non-functional python2 support- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Update to 3.22.0 - Don't set group tags - Use make_install macro - Update project URLs- Update to 3.20.0- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Update to 3.18.0- Update to 3.17.1 - Require gucharmap-libs instead of gucharmap- Rebuilt for libgit2-0.23.0 and libgit2-glib-0.23- Require libpeas-loader-python3 for Python 3 plugin support (#1226879)- Rebuilt for Update to 3.17.0 - Include new findinfiles plugin- Update to 3.16.0- Update to 3.15.1 - Use %license macro for the COPYING file- Update to 3.15.0- Update to 3.14.1- We need the new VTE API/ABI to run - Carry an upstream patch to pick up a last-minute VTE API break- Update to 3.14.0- Rebuilt for Update to 3.13.2- Update to 3.13.1- Ship gpdefs in the -data package - Build the zeitgeist plugin- Update to 3.13.0- Split out the plugins into subpackages - This allows us to add and remove them separately in gnome-software- Rebuilt for Update to 3.12.1- Update to 3.12.0- Update to 3.11.91- Update to 3.11.2- Update to 3.11.1- Update to 3.10.1- Update to 3.10.0- Rebuilt for Update to 3.8.3- Update to 3.8.2- Make building of Zeitgeist plugins and usage of python3 conditional- Update to 3.8.1- Rebuilt for gtksourceview3 soname bump- Update to 3.8.0- Update to 3.7.1- Update to 3.6.1- Update to 3.6.0- Update to 3.5.2- Update to 3.5.1- Rebuilt for Silence rpm scriptlet output- Update to 3.4.0- Update to 3.3.4- Update to 3.3.3- Update to 3.3.2- Rebuilt for Update to 3.3.1- Update to 3.2.1- Update to 3.2.0 - Bump pygobject to 3.0- Update to 3.1.5- Update to 3.1.4- Update to 3.1.3- Update to 3.1.2- Update to 3.1.1- Remove useless deps- Update to 3.0.2- Update to 3.0.1- Update to 3.0.0- Update to 2.91.3- Update to 2.91.1- Rebuild against newer libpeas- Add runtime dependencies to make introspection work- Update to 2.91.90- Rebuilt for Rebuild against newer gucharmap- Updated to 2.31.6 - FTBFS 599912- recompiling .py files against Python 2.7 (rhbz#623308)- Updated to 2.31.1- Updated to 2.30.0- Updated to 2.29.4- Updated to 2.29.3- Updated to 2.28.0- Use bzipped upstream tarball.- Rebuilt for Update to upstream release 2..26.1 - Fixes GNOME bugzilla bug #576766 - Crash when Configuring "Draw Spaces" - Make sure to remove all *.la files - Remove BuildRequire libgnomeui-devel as needless now- Update to upstream release (2.26.1) - Add plugin files from %{_datadir} - Don't check for vte anymore, the package checks it pkg-config - Add 'bookmarks' to the plugin set- Rebuilt for Rebuild for Python 2.6- Fixed buildrequires- Updated to 2.22.3- rebuild to pick latest gucharmap- Updated.- Disable buggy session saver plugin. - Removed static libraries.- Initial version./bin/ -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=51d6633740625b50f7fd7a09a1ae9cc38c0cf245, stripped, too many notes (256)UTF-8 Unicode textXML 1.0 document, UTF-8 Unicode textASCII textPRRRRRR RRRRRR RRR R RR RRRPPglib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas &>/dev/null || : # Empty files section for the metapackage to make sure it's created/bin/shutf-882be8d5855949904501efde02693769a13e428b5cc9882e4772e66ea558aceae?7zXZ !#,35] b2u jӫ`(xx'OD{~*KH֭>Md=Y!{ZY5. 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