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5.2.10-2Jiri Popelka - 5.2.10-1Jiri Popelka - 5.2.10-0.6.pre2Jaromír Končický - 5.2.10-0.5.pre2Jiri Popelka - 5.2.10-0.4.pre1Jaromír Končický - 5.2.10-0.3.pre1Jiri Popelka - 5.2.10-0.2.pre1Jaromír Končický - 5.2.10-0.1.pre1Tim Waugh - 5.2.9-15Fedora Release Engineering - 5.2.9-14Tim Waugh - 5.2.9-13Tim Waugh - 5.2.9-12Jiri Popelka - 5.2.9-11Jiri Popelka - 5.2.9-10Fedora Release Engineering - 5.2.9-9Jiri Popelka 5.2.9-8Tim Waugh 5.2.9-7Jiri Popelka 5.2.9-6Tim Waugh 5.2.9-5Tim Waugh 5.2.9-4Fedora Release Engineering - 5.2.9-2Jiri Popelka 5.2.9-1Jiri Popelka 5.2.8-2Jiri Popelka 5.2.8-1Nils Philippsen - 5.2.7-11Fedora Release Engineering - 5.2.7-10Nils Philippsen - 5.2.7-9Tim Waugh 5.2.7-8Tim Waugh 5.2.7-7Jiri Popelka 5.2.7-6Jiri Popelka 5.2.7-5Tim Waugh 5.2.7-4Tim Waugh 5.2.7-3Tim Waugh 5.2.7-2Jiri Popelka 5.2.7-1Jiri Popelka 5.2.6-3Tim Waugh 5.2.6-2Jiri Popelka 5.2.6-1Jiri Popelka 5.2.5-10Jiri Popelka 5.2.5-9Tim Waugh 5.2.5-8Jiri Popelka 5.2.5-7Tim Waugh 5.2.5-6Tim Waugh 5.2.5-5Tim Waugh 5.2.5-4Tim Waugh 5.2.5-3Tim Waugh 5.2.5-2Tim Waugh 5.2.4-11Tim Waugh 5.2.4-10Tim Waugh 5.2.4-9Tim Waugh 5.2.4-8Tim Waugh 5.2.4-7Tim Waugh 5.2.4-6Tim Waugh 5.2.4-5Tim Waugh 5.2.4-4Tim Waugh 5.2.4-3Tim Waugh 5.2.4-2Tim Waugh 5.2.3-8Fedora Release Engineering - 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removed foomatic and ghostscript/ijs support- Rebuild for Python 3.6- rebase to 5.2.12-pre4- rebase to 5.2.12-pre3, adding new share libraries to devel subpackage- adding new sources- rebase to 5.2.12-pre2, GhostScript IJS driver and Foomatic data generator were removed from package- Rebuilt for 5.2.11- 5.2.11-pre2- 5.2.11-pre1- Fix for PPD update script with more than one PPD (bug #1229619).- Disable test suite again (bug #1069274).- foomatic subpackage requires python3-cups (bug #1226871).- Enable test suite again to see if bug #1069274 is still current.- Rebuilt for Fedora 23 Change Require python3-cups to get postscriptdriver() tags.- Fix tagging of language-specific files (bug #1157347).- More Python 3 fixes for scripts (bug #1134092).- Python 3 fixes for scripts (bug #1132924).- Rebuilt for Ported scripts to Python 3- Supply man page for gutenprint-foomaticupdate. - Link to cups-genppd(8) man page from cups-genppd.5.2(8).- Link to ijsgutenprint(1) man page from ijsgutenprint.5.2(1).- Rebuilt for 5.2.10- Move libraries into separate subpackages (#1085599) - Remove archaic Provides&Obsoletes- 5.2.10-pre2.- BuildRequires: pkgconfig(foo) instead of foo-devel- Removing check phase because of strange and not reproducible segfault (bug #1069274)- BuildRequires libusb1-devel- 5.2.10-pre1. - Removed: device-ids.patch ui2-libdeps.patch- Fixed typo in cups-genppdupdate script (bug #1046073).- Rebuilt for Run test suite.- Fixed changelog dates. - Added some escputil options to the manpage (bug #979064).- Run autoreconf prior to running configure (#925535)- Added IEEE 1284 Device ID for Canon PIXMA MP500 (bug #911727).- Rebuilt for Added IEEE 1284 Device ID for Kyocera FS-1118MFP (bug #782379). - Use arch-specific dependency when requiring base package.- Don't export yy* symbols (bug #882194).- 5.2.9 has had wrong libgutenprintui2 dependencies- Added IEEE 1284 Device IDs for Samsung ML-1450 (bug #844687) and Canon ML280 series (bug #848093).- Updated source URL.- Rebuilt for 5.2.9- bumped release- 5.2.8- rebuild against gimp 2.8.0 release candidate- Rebuilt for rebuild for GIMP 2.7- Rebuild for new libpng.- Added IEEE 1284 Device ID for Canon PIXMA MP250 (bug #744087).- Use _cups_serverbin macro from cups-devel for where to put driver executables. - Added IEEE 1284 Device ID for: Epson Stylus Photo R2400 (bug #720270) Epson Stylus C92 (bug #735400) Canon PIXMA iP1900 (bug #741329) Canon PIXMA iP4000 (bug #741006)- Improve the null-pointer.patch (bug #725447). - Added IEEE 1284 Device ID for: Epson Stylus D78 (bug #245948).- Fixed use of find_lang macro (bug #716426).- Rebuilt against new python-cups package to fix postscriptdriver tags (bug #712074).- Fix build against newer versions of gcc. - cups-genppdupdate: fixed multicat support (bug #711021). It was writing an extra newline character after the URI, which caused the gutenprint.5.2 multicat process to exit. This prevented some PPDs from being updated.- 5.2.7.- Added IEEE 1284 Device ID for: Canon PIXMA iP4200 (bug #626365). Canon PIXMA iP3000 (bug #652179). Epson Stylus Color 680 (bug #652228). Epson Stylus Photo 1270 (bug #638537). HP LaserJet 4050/4100/4350/5100/8000/M3027 MFP/M3035 MFP/P3005 (bug #659043). HP Color LaserJet 2500/4550 (bug #659044). Brother hl-2035 (bug #651603#c3). - Avoid null pointer access in escputil (bug #659120).- The pycups requirement is now python-cups.- 5.2.6.- Added COPYING file to main package.- Don't ship kitload.log in foomatic sub-package (bug #594709).- Fixed Source0 URL.- Added IEEE 1284 Device ID for: Epson Stylus Photo 1400 (bug #577299). Epson Stylus Photo 830U (bug #577307). HP DeskJet 959C (bug #577291).- Added IEEE 1284 Device ID for Epson Stylus Photo R230 (from Ubuntu #520466).- Added IEEE 1284 Device ID for Epson Stylus D92 (bug #570888).- Better defattr use in file manifests. - Fixed mixed spaces and tabs. - Fixed main package summary. - Added comments for all sources and patches.- The cups sub-package requires the exactly-matching main gutenprint package.- 5.2.5.- CUPS driver: if DESTDIR is set, use it when looking for XML files. Fixes postscriptdriver tags.- Rebuild for postscriptdriver tags.- The foomatic sub-package requires foomatic-db (for directories).- Don't ship command.types as CUPS defines its own.- Removed incorrect Device ID for Brother HL-2060 (bug #531370).- Reimplemented PPD upgrade script in Python to avoid perl dependency (bug #524978).- Provide IEEE 1284 Device IDs in CUPS model list.- Enabled simplified CUPS drivers (bug #518030).- Silence gutenprint-foomaticppdupdate on gutenprint-foomatic upgrade.- 5.2.4. Re-enabled compiler optimization for ppc64.- Don't show output when upgrading cups sub-package (bug #507324). - Split documentation into doc sub-package (bug #492452).- Rebuilt for Don't build CUPS PPDs (instead build a CUPS driver that can generate them). Fixes build (bug #511538).- Rebuilt for When updating foomatic PPDs, don't give a traceback if some PPD is not strictly conformant (bug #481397).- Don't use popen2 in the foomatic PPD update script.- Only run the foomatic PPD update script on update, and make sure the script can deal with major version upgrades (bug #478328).- 5.2.3.- Fixed generation of globalized PPDs.- 5.2.2. - Restore SELinux file contexts of modified PPDs.- Fixed summary for foomatic sub-package.- fix license tag- Rebuild for GCC 4.3.- 5.0.2. No longer need lpstat patch.- Own %{_datadir}/gutenprint (bug #427801).- Don't ship samples in the main package.- Plug-in name is gutenprint, not print.- The foomatic package requires system-config-printer-libs for the update script (bug #246865).- Fix up foomatic PPD files after upgrade (bug #246448).- 5.0.1.- Try to work around GCC bug #239003. - Don't add extra compiler flags. - Moved gimp-print obsoletes/provides to the foomatic sub-package (bug #238890).- Slightly better obsoletes/provides to follow the naming guidelines.- - No longer need PPDs sub-packages: CUPS driver is included in the cups sub-package. - Package the CUPS driver in sbindir and put a symlink in the CUPS ServerBin directory to work around bug #231015. - Set POSIX locale when parsing lpstat output.- Fixed menu patch. - Don't list rastertogutenprint twice.- Fixed typo in patch line.- Ported menu patch from gimp-print package. - Fixed summary for plugin sub-package.- More obsoletes/provides for gimp-print sub-packages.- Disable libgutenprintui (GTK+ 1.2 library). Build requires gtk2-devel, not gtk+-devel.- More obsoletes/provides fixing (bug #222546).- Make cups sub-package obsolete/provide gimp-print-cups. - PPDs sub-packages require cups sub-package. - Remove foomatic cache after foomatic sub-package is installed/removed. - Obsoletes/Provides gimp-print-utils.- The cups subpackage no longer requires gimp-print-cups. - Ship escputil, native CUPS backend/filters, and cups-calibrate.- Enabling -plugin subpackage as gimp-print dropped its -plugin subpackage.- Added missing dependency of gimp-print-cups in gutenprint-cups- Did some fix for tag issue- Removed unwanted .la files and made following files owned by main package. /usr/share/gutenprint/5.0.0 /usr/share/gutenprint- Fixed some missing file remove locations path- Fixed rpm build for x86_64 arch- Separated GIMP plugin under gutenprint-plugin package- Added gimp as BR- Removed Requires(post) and Requires(postun) lines in SPEC - Removed mixed usage of macros- Moved cups related files from main rpm to gutenprint-cups- Moved /usr/share/gutenprint/doc to %doc of main rpm and devel rpm - Additionally added API documents for gutenprint and gutenprintui2- Added cups-genppdupdate.5.0 at post section - Splitted gutenprint main rpm for separate languages- New upstream release- Removed Requires on perl-Curses and perl-perlmenu as both are automatically added on binary RPM - Commented Obsoletes and provides tag as Fedora Extras package can not Obsoletes Fedora Core Package.- Added 3 more sub-packages-extras,cups,foomatic - Added BuildRequires gtk+-devel - Added correct options for %configure - Added Requires for perl-Curses, perl-perlmenu - Added cups restart command at post section of SPEC- Added Obsoletes and Provides tag- Initial -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=815e17ec40a6f13601b81d4afc783481393dc8a7, strippedRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRR RRRR RRRRRR R RRRR#utf-8fa031d670926c991804cbdc67ccc03584f4fe3dd5aaa7a4d56cd154ea1ab3239?@7zXZ !#,mW$K] b2u jӫ`(xx@IݲV6׿[SAïtX[0h$ Xh\vb4\[q*@ M!NAJ㢕4ˈ><"ظH6 Mq߿p+ߗ^3߽G"'E#a%6dJAmIbӴn~!o?\ވbm^kr2~o$], H3 qYewJlUY(fש7ClaPu7mjȐ ᠈tJJ^E )>Dq;ӡ$ʳWJWg+2q&zaVJK'];l#d)Hh4LيC"C4>J\ |ӥT  (eg]wds_ "çi!& Og{^]T 5^bJz;ED{ /L8h-k_in!b0=Q؏ӂuW07-{"} %N6Q1U6= hrީAzpLJQ <`)(tCҊ5wQ%:Zwtk d,C[}rv`OiY/0U7*@Sc#C ;twͱZCtRXKkY1 6Z${t,>>:7?|ϷeGѭ[:i)P>bs]'xѰȚff{-c $UTb$׹EXѐdhx[NZr^H&:RQNx%^ⓢb})2ӣz^F|}sq ^r_.<] [iT.e$ОӜ@X7]_SQI+pV |5fhg8l/6#]nZp8; "8,C <-j[0:4Ąe{<19N+(NoJۋ| (<6yDK+xė8J?X5xLU.ۼgJNlR?`Le<6A dwytv#X:86D:MgQ.mS_޹"ቁ1DhV0cϓ_gl0s{,ːSg q<3*x#*x0qcF>G)z>C~kd["۠~G QC4ՍS[5BBTGc&Arm}E<lfͥ o jznP/x9Ε6]pJYT9uO=v Ziu!9VLJS`-C>OlPZ FKX+?3=_[mެYrI@lc!q5ђڃCS9HO9#E[;LcW5㊀sPvF?7 &A3 ׍-m=|j%<۳QwvL]2`5 <jWq( ~9K/TǍxn֣tB,8XJ9kkqrUf~L>rQY|&(Q̙Y5(ބjD|xD0k{CzXi{V۬)KI?%u^NxxDwШSq\c.N7;/ xGا_2_I`+-y~[S`oV.VS>wi,XZ-a16[a1N^m5RЖoɚu5 QL, 7 Pwextlhz]Cu՚m9g-+;[塉#0_9ׅ~g{` P Hzxj}$97{Bg/J5 -`|SMЄƏe8,5DQ!}>@MH$k!Y0r)"axW!5iqlKΛ%}WSg ҃8bp~Ά~KʤX_)촦=F$[GC1gӒcHXXwKIHbk "~1[ߵZ|I'ȅRyI3ܘ r::lq'cd&%02Mg)= TFH!zh&Ȏs;YiǢ/ _瓨#ڄkz&D؎? kFp YWJX=JqlcF%6_'B5ٲ/M,U&{x&ڀ 33*!qvrMwQfz7Rl2E;APca^yzO)=ՆO߸+>iR ;%@_A ש犮{gk:Ae2H.CfZf.S*ǕǷӛp7(7R!8A/f>4|wo~$txUNhlv@Z޷Z{Wʯ+~T;?/+r#=@PuC9.($T{ ًZU3@MT@6_nM>Wè{(ב%|R*O> R`z{\0PUR7pD!$:ycGaJ ǣ_w;'{sJ `(BP'ZŅgUڃAyx_hQL)CT{~ǐtd F|&7~@8ZE>XJoݽ"{9gSqE O|IaV 鵙~eF'ͤx9+fvgr0O-c_rg8ZM;JE}0"1 a6=#e1V4>߼MC6vA/fe HxR[裆owhjdn]vQsH"0C B}mS"9] elpīsWs#r4; zlң<^l fmAlߛ.37)էm$u+vS8(ARt>b;E\0 CN0~~ 9LjϜZo,p usyՉH` }߹Aq`r0<;/O5ҒXzdfȴgCSCD|k^ \ $.Mv; ,.vTawkȧ㟳iWG?,s) oR6p~&"\ꐴ[0yp ?Ħ)eJT,wd(#_iO}NL"c~Xælv$~hv.1[(bnz’oXU K=K˰SO?)3i5w 腎rS y'EۊM_pz021Ɋ<ɬ ԶDHoYqY[)M !&P;Je< I4%ɥ h&{U2*e^`=\|VA[]TPlHqK&!3I|Abo{ykIt0?wf$Dn:[]_v PAQa`g7StHY6}tSJ];n5YL6g§lݏ9!kt&[ n{&t¸H/ۯ.*X~u(*Liݰ/!w*I ]vdʹ?@!'pA;5sBP-<LnzqR{˾,:`fjwr5XcKn:<rIQjÅ{Eo2V6Dvm*x*7!Ի8GSl,ݞ9&zj=! 1UZ^ 8B\ZmT =nEÀ˵dETn`njbr 8SV?ꇴVZlpU( %),},Ӈ=e~u_Ai2ڈrs=? r Ӯ}~^WQZ0P5oed$_FW%FE]ypn=9~SA6ͯ6IߛcmЁʖpO!1;GH0C?AL ( b{;sU,"] Tĉ\5WI>#8Q_ #uCYǐ[M` g{ᵩ55 @lt c#__וNt\~tj ̶>Ze@i#ҙsHJ#wez)LѾhtA"M|_*40C'JHOu'fp t"3(,:U%qt:{;s4㦀8&YVdAĉiAf܆=^CSns'%]̤:EZW@Z[ Pyr s>_U>5Ux(eƷ[Dzxc:uZX6 !G+a "ǭkcaOeq6Ewi;} 1alCZuFyw?RD]/II k&%fq3ב/> t^f%Gt 4"2r|1G`v‘( a^n⵫9lQ}]yAR^WDs>ws)@\ % 2G~WZ/k~1mԥhfꝈ+lMZLWU튪2ݙ3iQ3%:|lSi5<`$*~*1 O^Z'T@9`2nJԫ~S K&wſR3&t)2w?g0~-/P]3N0E^Ln]PGgT}_%F 6HZnJF;ӶQ0b[,iV;|IN~Fis̟=̲lDh(1HNcߺ5yi@看>*D^CuG7Ȗ-j=|Ȩ`mN"uh$R@,C2$m @( bAgPM:ܩ1H~RYȿїA} ff5Yp&ƜnC*HgoطФ$Pt`BOGĐ 1QjH=?hD=yt>8}fNX&i=V={I+ǔ}r̼^nI[" Aq>ˉ VnghFP K\9hF4^[ sS %3iAÙC- 5y/ b D: ǁ(6Vh@P=nR @p>j)2`zf%3_}I>hvʉ8`sU+I-RbɈ Sbފd* b7d"q7WhT6#i꛰-oWm=O;9-Ճ!Gdnb$2AIqHA6uPlm:?pc˶qn5JHgMĈxg_)@u\qF,5AWzC`f. m;ϬkZɽ_h %8Y:"cl+ty'@?0Ru7rRgu绂Ϸ$~oz2% q -]g,\\q&! 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