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Jones - 1.2.4-1Dan Horák - 1.2.3-3Dan Horák - 1.2.3-2Richard W.M. Jones - 1.2.3-1Richard W.M. Jones - 1.2.2-3Marcela Maslanova - 1.2.2-2Richard W.M. Jones - 1.2.2-1Richard W.M. Jones - 1.2.1-1Richard W.M. Jones - 1.2.0-2Richard W.M. Jones - 1.1.2-3Richard W.M. Jones - 1.1.2-2Richard W.M. Jones - 1.1.2-1- Bounds check for block exceeding page length (CVE-2021-3504) resolves: rhbz#1950501- Resolves: bz#1810193 (Upgrade components in virt:rhel module:stream for RHEL-8.3 release)- Resolves: bz#1810193 (Upgrade components in virt:rhel module:stream for RHEL-8.3 release)- Rebuild all virt packages to fix RHEL's upgrade path - Resolves: rhbz#1695587 (Ensure modular RPM upgrade path)- Drop hivex-static subpackage resolves: rhbz#1560207- Rebuild for OCaml 4.07.0.- Remove python2 support resolves: rhbz#1559086- Add upstream patch to fix injection of LDFLAGS (RHBZ#1548536).- Rebuild with new redhat-rpm-config/perl build flags- New upstream version 1.3.15.- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for switch to libxcrypt- F-28: rebuild for ruby25- Fix string mutability.- OCaml 4.06.0 rebuild.- ocaml-hivex-devel should Require hivex-devel.- OCaml 4.05.0 rebuild.- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for OCaml 4.04.2 rebuild.- Perl 5.26 rebuild- Create python2 and python3 subpackages (RHBZ#1453189).- OCaml 4.04.1 rebuild.- New upstream version 1.3.14. - Add GPG signature and mechanics for checking it.- Rebuilt for F-26: rebuild again for ruby24- Rebuild for readline 7.x- Rebuilt for Rebuild for OCaml 4.04.0.- Perl 5.24 rebuild- Explicitly BR rubygem(rdoc) RHBZ#1334753 and rubygem(json) RHBZ#1325022.- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for New upstream version 1.3.13. - Drop ancient 'Conflicts' rule. - Drop Perl patch for setting INSTALLDIRS. - Depend on pod2html, pod2man binaries explicitly.- New upstream version 1.3.12. - Drop patches which are now upstream. - Use OCaml macros to test if OCaml native compiler is available. - Use autoreconf --force option.- Correcting the perl build time dependency list Switching to virtual perl()-style symbols Dropping unused dependencies and adding some new to fix the FTBFS- OCaml 4.02.3 rebuild.- ocaml-4.02.2 final rebuild.- ocaml-4.02.2 rebuild.- Rebuilt for Perl 5.22 rebuild- Move hivexregedit to perl-hivex subpackage, since otherwise hivex and hence libguestfs depends on perl (RHBZ#1194158).- ocaml-4.02.1 rebuild.- Rebuild for Increase HIVEX_MAX_SUBKEYS. - Don't leak errno E2BIG to callers.- Pull in a couple of upstream fixes: * Fix memory leak in _hivex_get_children. * Increase HIVEX_MAX_VALUE_LEN.- New upstream version 1.3.11. - Python objects are now placed in a hivex/ subdirectory.- Perl 5.20 rebuild- ocaml-4.02.0 final rebuild.- Perl 5.20 rebuild- ocaml-4.02.0+rc1 rebuild.- Rebuilt for ocaml-4.02.0-0.8.git10e45753.fc22 rebuild.- OCaml 4.02.0 beta rebuild.- Rebuilt for Remove the ruby(release) version. It is not needed.- Rebuild to fix Ruby dependencies problem.- Rebuilt for New upstream version 1.3.10. - Fix ruby test failures (RHBZ#1090407).- New upstream version 1.3.9. - Remove patches which are now upstream.- OCaml 4.01.0 rebuild.- Include various upstream patches to fix endianness problems on ppc64.- Bump and rebuild, since ARM package still appears to depend on Perl 5.16.- New upstream version 1.3.8. - Fixes handling of keys which use ri-records, for both reading and writing (RHBZ#717583, RHBZ#987463). - Remove upstream patch. - Rebase dirs patch against new upstream sources. - Rebase ruby patch against new upstream sources. - Modernize the RPM spec file. - Fix .gitignore.- Perl 5.18 rebuild- Rebuild for Ruby 2.0.0. - Change ruby(abi) to ruby(release).- Fix for latest Ruby in Rawhide. Fixes build failure identified by mass rebuild yesterday. - Do not ignore error from running autoreconf.- Rebuilt for Rebuild for OCaml 4.00.1.- New upstream version 1.3.7.- Rebuilt for Perl 5.16 rebuild- New upstream version 1.3.6. - Enable Ocaml bindings on ppc64.- Rebuild for OCaml 4.00.0.- Perl 5.16 rebuild- "blobs" -> "files" in the description.- Bundled gnulib (RHBZ#821763).- Don't need to rerun the generator (thanks Dan Horák).- New upstream version 1.3.5. - Remove upstream patch. - Depend on automake etc. for the patch.- ruby(abi) 1.9.1.- Bump and rebuild for Ruby update. - Add upstream patch to fix bindings for Ruby 1.9. - Add non-upstream patch to pass --vendor flag to extconf.rb- Rebuild for OCaml 3.12.1.- Disable OCaml on ppc64. - Ensure OCaml files are deleted when not packaged.- New upstream version 1.3.3. - Rebased gnulib to work around RHBZ#756981. - Remove patches which are now upstream.- New upstream version 1.3.2. - Add upstream patch to fix building of hivexsh, hivexget.- New upstream version 1.3.1. - Remove patch, now upstream. - Don't need hack for making an unversioned Python module.- New upstream version 1.3.0. - This version adds Ruby bindings, so there is a new subpackage 'ruby-hivex'. - Add upstream patch to fix Ruby tests. - Remove epoch macro in ruby-hivex dependency.- New upstream version 1.2.8. - Remove 4 upstream patches.- Add upstream patch to fix Perl CCFLAGS for Perl 5.14 on i686. - Enable 'make check'.- i686 package is broken, experimentally rebuild it.- Perl mass rebuild- Perl 5.14 mass rebuild- New upstream version 1.2.7. - Removed patch which is now upstream. - Add upstream patches to fix ocaml install rule.- New upstream version 1.2.6. - Removed patch which is now upstream. - Add upstream patch to fix ocaml tests.- Fix Python bindings on 32 bit arch with upstream patch.- New upstream version 1.2.5. - This version fixes a number of important memory issues found by valgrind and upgrading to this version is recommended for all users. - Remove patch now upstream.- Rebuilt for Fix multilib conflicts in *.pyc and *.pyo files. - Only install unversioned *.so file for Python bindings.- Rebuild against OCaml 3.12.0.- Backport upstream patch to fix segfault in Hivex.value_value binding.- New upstream version 1.2.4. - This adds Python bindings (python-hivex subpackage). - Fix Source0.- fix built with recent perl- conditionalize ocaml support- New upstream version 1.2.3.- Create a hivex-static subpackage.- Mass rebuild with perl-5.12.0- New upstream version 1.2.2.- New upstream version 1.2.1. - Includes new tool for exporting and merging in regedit format.- New upstream version 1.2.0. - This includes OCaml and Perl bindings, so add these as subpackages.- Missing Epoch in conflicts version fixed.- Add Conflicts libguestfs <= 1.0.84.- Initial Fedora RPM.1.3.18-21.module_el8.5.0+821+974720451.3.18-21.module_el8.5.0+821+974720451.3.18hivex.hlibhivex.sohivex.pchivex-develLICENSEhivex.3.gz/usr/include//usr/lib64//usr/lib64/pkgconfig//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/hivex-devel//usr/share/man/man3/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuC source, ASCII textpkgconfig filedirectoryASCII texttroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)RPRutf-87ae59a1ed055bac44f1e20976e7a5195953839a0ed05310a771a61119257be22virt:rhel:8050020210608170124:b4937e53?07zXZ !#,[Y] b2u Q{LQ;+oW;(*}rmq: <c Q!Z4ׁ!E}{ t3&C@A,ݫی1\<8~N>^xf/,8+қÌݩNS~b?6_v2Vd+s7M;\9Xboosӎ$`ЃXPgFvh2L]wW'R˛r`r6AtդG՝ HK"o,!㞴E;,/Q AjFo!`ȍƍ N0@R @7`!S |-MiC}^g}YVENh,W途r:14>yQebԡ?eV3Ou²!p}n(oVIپPR7uԧ{}Cgv5Ge2C駵r݁"i 9M16Ō=ik(iUݾ֐n6a#$%x[EFIjӻ1tHé*t8z!lI;<`Tڄe m\Abeyd!n:6Q#nվjw,Ip%EI43D Tڗ?@edLP-5+{s哘{owc5JZIT?Dj:#|^|?@HHL[h,5 ęE|"T0J!1h{Ò1>6"H؏p)dXqo6dHbAߧA׺}k)bGXKSW{T9etmNO񒰳 :Ke t8.HīUeϹfVg1u*ʁi׊U/Y"Cuؾf7S_d}3G%&DWN[q L;(\˪rpINE0(nrWdp1 }DE1 V IR^HuDOF*k̶-ɝ b9YN~x s}Z1:]Eh򉳴ԆENŢYn2Zu{BPCCI/qX=Iu-zՠ2q^uFh6'euVZ+UA6|9gdƫalk(%+,Qe;bP',q.IE}LBbD1`oj}ڐ{z2†]QYPXoJ:;™f7/!xnn6,-hC &i^(#r5ޘ3J^|1qg}BW%l2]66:״!CPstuԅ :JyT8]JkҷoDN+RC@a-<+Ő (GٖWpED4﹄ϜjYNˏog{x$T#4_Eyx`fRPۛ(׌>aV Sic4<%>Bpa<:e9XKռx  Ƣ~QpvYCt$GSDf> k'pN* V!V~XY6F3f5'wMl2ߊs߃,_ۢ~U!l>8k=QXvxێSx^)X0qri%Eiޗ z-rR L.#Mb,D /(*\U\Ex'X[xLlH40\]/x8! *R53}A@@m(do%ݽfhuMQ>Ef&.ؤZ`I lj\k#^f`ur! 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