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2.2.16-1Joe Orton - 2.2.15-3Robert Scheck - 2.2.15-1- Related: #2007235 - CVE-2021-40438 httpd:2.4/httpd: mod_proxy: SSRF via a crafted request uri-path- Resolves: #2007235 - CVE-2021-40438 httpd:2.4/httpd: mod_proxy: SSRF via a crafted request uri-path - Resolves: #2014063 - CVE-2021-26691 httpd:2.4/httpd: Heap overflow in mod_session- Resolves: #1680111 - httpd sends reply to HTTPS GET using two TLS records - Resolves: #1905613 - mod_ssl does not like valid certificate chain - Resolves: #1935742 - [RFE] backport samesite/httponly/secure flags for usertrack - Resolves: #1972500 - CVE-2021-30641 httpd:2.4/httpd: MergeSlashes regression - Resolves: #1968307 - CVE-2021-26690 httpd:2.4/httpd: mod_session NULL pointer dereference in parser - Resolves: #1934741 - Apache trademark update - new logo- Resolves: #1952557 - mod_proxy_wstunnel.html is a malformed XML - Resolves: #1937334 - SSLProtocol with based virtual hosts- prevent htcacheclean from while break when first file processed- Resolves: #1918741 - Thousands of /tmp/modproxy.tmp.* files created by apache- Resolves: #1883648 - [RFE] Update httpd directive SSLProxyMachineCertificateFile to be able to handle certs without matching private key- Resolves: #1896176 - [RFE] ProxyWebsocketIdleTimeout from httpd mod_proxy_wstunnel - Resolves: #1847585 - mod_ldap: High CPU usage at apr_ldap_rebind_remove()- Resolves: #1651376 - centralizing default index.html for httpd- Resolves: #1868608 - Intermittent Segfault in Apache httpd due to pool concurrency issues - Resolves: #1861380 - httpd/mod_proxy_http/mod_ssl aborted when sending a client cert to backend server - Resolves: #1680118 - unorderly connection close when client attempts renegotiation- Resolves: #1677590 - CVE-2018-17199 httpd:2.4/httpd: mod_session_cookie does not respect expiry time - Resolves: #1869075 - CVE-2020-11984 httpd:2.4/httpd: mod_proxy_uswgi buffer overflow - Resolves: #1872828 - httpd: typo in htpasswd, contained in httpd-tools package - Resolves: #1869576 - httpd : mod_proxy should allow to specify Proxy-Authorization in ProxyRemote directive - Resolves: #1875844 - mod_cgid takes CGIDScriptTimeout x 2 seconds for timeout - Resolves: #1891829 - mod_proxy_hcheck Doesn't perform checks when in a balancer- Resolves: #1209162 - support logging to journald from CustomLog- Resolves: #1823263 (CVE-2020-1934) - CVE-2020-1934 httpd: mod_proxy_ftp use of uninitialized value- Related: #1771847 - BalancerMember ping parameter for mod_proxy_http doesn't work- Resolves: #1823259 - CVE-2020-1927 httpd:2.4/httpd: mod_rewrite configurations vulnerable to open redirect - Resolves: #1747284 - CVE-2019-10098 httpd:2.4/httpd: mod_rewrite potential open redirect - Resolves: #1747281 - CVE-2019-10092 httpd:2.4/httpd: limited cross-site scripting in mod_proxy error page - Resolves: #1747291 - CVE-2019-10097 httpd:2.4/httpd: null-pointer dereference in mod_remoteip - Resolves: #1771847 - BalancerMember ping parameter for mod_proxy_http doesn't work - Resolves: #1794728 - Backport of SessionExpiryUpdateInterval directive- Resolves: #1775158 - POST request with TLS 1.3 PHA client auth fails: Re-negotiation handshake failed: Client certificate missing- Resolves: #1704317 - Add support for SSLKEYLOGFILE- mod_cgid: enable fd passing (#1633224)- Resolves: #1744121 - Unexpected OCSP in proxy SSL connection - Resolves: #1725031 - htpasswd: support SHA-x passwords for FIPS compatibility - Resolves: #1633224 - mod_cgid logging issues- remove bundled mod_md module - Related: #1747898 - add mod_md package- Resolves: #1744999 - CVE-2019-9511 httpd:2.4/mod_http2: HTTP/2: large amount of data request leads to denial of service - Resolves: #1745086 - CVE-2019-9516 httpd:2.4/mod_http2: HTTP/2: 0-length headers leads to denial of service - Resolves: #1745154 - CVE-2019-9517 httpd:2.4/mod_http2: HTTP/2: request for large response leads to denial of service- Resolves: #1730721 - absolute path used for default state and runtime dir by default- Resolves: #1724549 - httpd response contains garbage in Content-Type header- Resolves: #1696142 - CVE-2019-0217 httpd:2.4/httpd: mod_auth_digest: access control bypass due to race condition - Resolves: #1696097 - CVE-2019-0220 httpd:2.4/httpd: URL normalization inconsistency - Resolves: #1669221 - `ExtendedStatus Off` directive when using mod_systemd causes systemctl to hang - Resolves: #1673022 - httpd can not be started with mod_md enabled- Resolves: #1695432 - CVE-2019-0211 httpd: privilege escalation from modules scripts - Resolves: #1696091 - CVE-2019-0215 httpd:2.4/httpd: mod_ssl: access control bypass when using per-location client certification authentication- Resolves: #1672977 - state-dir corruption on reload- Resolves: #1670716 - Coredump when starting in FIPS mode- add security fix for CVE-2019-0190 (#1671282)- add DefaultStateDir/ap_state_dir_relative() (#1653009) - mod_dav_fs: use state dir for default DAVLockDB - mod_md: use state dir for default MDStoreDir- add httpd.conf(5) (#1611361)- Resolves: #1652966 - Missing RELEASE in http header- Resolves: #1641951 - No Documentation= line in htcacheclean.service files- Resolves: #1643713 - TLS connection allowed while all protocols are forbidden- mod_ssl: fix off-by-one causing crashes in CGI children (#1649428)- Resolves: #1644625 - httpd rebase to 2.4.37- Related: #1493510 - RFE: httpd, add IP_FREEBIND support for Listen- mod_ssl: allow sending multiple CA names which differ only in case- mod_ssl: drop SSLRandomSeed from default config (#1638730) - mod_ssl: follow OpenSSL protocol defaults if SSLProtocol is not configured (Rob Crittenden, #1638738)- mod_ssl: don't require SSLCryptoDevice to be set for PKCS#11 cert- Resolves: #1635681 - sync with Fedora 28/29 httpd - comment-out SSLProtocol, SSLProxyProtocol from ssl.conf in default configuration; now follow OpenSSL system default (#1468322) - dropped NPN support - mod_md: change hard-coded default MdStoreDir to state/md (#1563846) - don't block on service try-restart in posttrans scriptlet - build and load mod_brotli - mod_systemd: show bound ports in status and log to journal at startup - updated httpd.service.xml man page - tweak wording in privkey passphrase prompt - drop sslmultiproxy patch - apachectl: don't read /etc/sysconfig/httpd - drop irrelevant Obsoletes for devel subpackage - move instantiated httpd@.service to main httpd package- Resolves: #1602548 - various covscan fixes- apache httpd can work with TLS 1.3 (#1617997) - drop SSLv3 support patch- new version 2.4.35 (#1632754)- mod_ssl: enable SSLv3 and change behavior of "SSLProtocol All" configuration (#1622630)- mod_ssl: add PKCS#11 cert/key support (Anderson Sasaki, #1527084)- new version 2.4.33 - add mod_md subpackage; load mod_proxy_uwsgi by default- remove %ghosted /etc/sysconfig/httpd (#1572676)- Resolves: #1512563 - httpd: update welcome page branding - Resolves: #1511123 - RFE: httpd use event MPM by default - Resolves: #1493510 - RFE: httpd, add IP_FREEBIND support for Listen- new version 2.4.28- add notes on enabling httpd_graceful_shutdown boolean for prefork- drop Requires(post) for mod_ssl- better error handling in httpd-ssl-gencerts (#1494556)- Require sscg 2.2.0 for creating service and CA certificates together- Address CVE-2017-9798 by applying patch from upstream (#1490344)- use sscg defaults; append CA cert to generated cert - document httpd-init.service in httpd-init.service(8)- Address CVE-2017-9798 by applying patch from upstream (#1490344)- Generate SSL certificates on service start, not %posttrans- move httpd.service.d, httpd.socket.d dirs to -filesystem- add new content-length filter (upstream PR 61222)- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for update mod_systemd (r1802251)- switch to event by default for Fedora 27 and later (#1471708)- Resolves: #1469959 - httpd update cleaned out /etc/sysconfig- new version 2.4.27- mod_proxy_fcgi: fix further regressions (PR 61202)- new version 2.4.26- move unit man pages to section 8, add as Documentation= in units- add httpd.service(5) and httpd.socket(5) man pages- require mod_http2, now packaged separately- Resolves: #1397243 - Backport Apache Bug 53098 - mod_proxy_ajp: patch to set worker secret passed to tomcat- Resolves: #1434916 - httpd.service: Failed with result timeout- link only httpd, not support/* against -lselinux -lsystemd- Rebuilt for mod_watchdog: restrict thread lifetime (#1410883)- Resolves: #1358875 - require nghttp2 >= 1.5.0- new version 2.4.25- Resolves: #1401530 - CVE-2016-8740 httpd: Incomplete handling of LimitRequestFields directive in mod_http2- fix build with OpenSSL 1.1 (#1392900) - fix typos in ssl.conf (josef randinger, #1379407)- no longer package /etc/sysconfig/httpd - synch ssl.conf with upstream- add security fix for CVE-2016-5387- load mod_watchdog by default (#1353582)- restore build of mod_proxy_fdpass (#1325883) - improve check tests to catch configured-but-not-built modules- update to 2.4.23 (#1325883, #1353203) - load mod_proxy_hcheck - recommend use of "systemctl edit" in httpd.service- have "apachectl graceful" start httpd if not running, per man page- use redirects for lang-specific /manual/ URLs- fix welcome page HTML validity (Ville Skyttä)- remove httpd pre script (duplicate of httpd-filesystem's) - in httpd-filesystem pre script, create group/user iff non-existent- Rebuilt for update to new version 2.4.18- re-enable mod_asis due to popular demand (#1284315)- fix crash when using -X argument (#1272234)- rebase socket activation patch to 2.4.17- update to 2.4.17 (#1271224) - build, load mod_http2 - don't build mod_asis, mod_file_cache - load mod_cache_socache, mod_proxy_wstunnel by default - check every built mod_* is configured - synch ssl.conf with upstream; disable SSLv3 by default- update to 2.4.16- mod_ssl: use "localhost" in the dummy SSL cert if len(FQDN) > 59 chars- Rebuilt for update to 2.4.12- fix compilation with lua-5.3- remove filter for auto-provides of httpd modules, it is not needed since F20- core: fix bypassing of mod_headers rules via chunked requests (CVE-2013-5704) - mod_cache: fix NULL pointer dereference on empty Content-Type (CVE-2014-3581) - mod_proxy_fcgi: fix a potential crash with long headers (CVE-2014-3583) - mod_lua: fix handling of the Require line when a LuaAuthzProvider is used in multiple Require directives with different arguments (CVE-2014-8109)- require apr-util 1.5.x- use NoDelay and DeferAcceptSec in httpd.socket- increase suexec minimum acceptable uid/gid to 1000 (#1136391)- fix hostname requirement and conflict with openssl-libs- use KillMode=mixed in httpd.service (#1135122)- set vstring based on /etc/os-release (Pat Riehecky, #1114539)- pull in httpd-filesystem as Requires(pre) (#1128328) - fix cipher selection in default ssl.conf, depend on new OpenSSL (#1134348) - require hostname for mod_ssl post script (#1135118)- mod_systemd: updated to the latest version - use -lsystemd instead of -lsystemd-daemon (#1125084) - fix possible crash in SIGINT handling (#958934)- mod_ssl: treat "SSLCipherSuite PROFILE=..." as special (#1109119) - switch default ssl.conf to use PROFILE=SYSTEM (#1109119)- Rebuilt for add /usr/bin/useradd dependency to -filesystem requires- fix creating apache user in pre script (#1128328)- enable mod_request by default for mod_auth_form - move disabled-by-default modules from 00-base.conf to 00-optional.conf- update to 2.4.10 - expand variables in docdir example configs- add support for systemd socket activation (#1111648)- remove conf.modules.d from httpd-filesystem subpackage (#1081453)- add httpd-filesystem subpackage (#1081453)- mod_ssl: don't use the default OpenSSL cipher suite in ssl.conf (#1109119)- Rebuilt for add support for SetHandler + proxy (#1078970)- move macros from /etc/rpm to macros.d (#1074277) - remove unused patches- update to 2.4.9- use 2048-bit RSA key with SHA-256 signature in dummy certificate- Create drop directory for systemd snippets- remove provides of old MMN, because it contained double-dash (#1068851)- fix graceful restart using legacy actions- conflict with pre-1.5.0 APR - fix sslsninotreq patch- update to 2.4.7 (#1034071)- switch to requiring system-logos-httpd (#1031288)- change mmnisa to drop "-" altogether- drop ambiguous invalid "-" in RHS of httpd-mmn Provide, keeping old Provide for transition- systemd: use {MAINPID} notation to ensure /bin/kill has always the second arg- mod_ssl: allow SSLEngine to override Listen-based default (r1537535)- systemd: send SIGWINCH signal without httpd -k in ExecStop- load mod_macro by default (#998452) - add README to conf.modules.d - mod_proxy_http: add possible fix for threading issues (r1534321) - core: add fix for truncated output with CGI scripts (r1530793)- require fedora-logos-httpd (#1009162)- revert fix for dumping vhosts twice- update to 2.4.6 - mod_ssl: use revised NPN API (r1487772)- mod_unique_id: replace use of hostname + pid with PRNG output (#976666) - apxs: mention -p option in manpage- add patch for aarch64 (Dennis Gilmore, #925558)- remove duplicate apxs man page from httpd-tools- remove zombie dbmmanage script- return 400 Bad Request on malformed Host header- ignore /etc/sysconfig/httpd and document systemd way of setting env variables in this file- htpasswd/htdbm: fix hash generation bug (#956344) - do not dump vhosts twice in httpd -S output (#928761) - mod_cache: fix potential crash caused by uninitialized variable (#954109)- execute systemctl reload as result of apachectl graceful - mod_ssl: ignore SNI hints unless required by config - mod_cache: forward-port CacheMaxExpire "hard" option - mod_ssl: fall back on another module's proxy hook if mod_ssl proxy is not configured.- fix service file to not send SIGTERM after ExecStop (#906321, #912288)- protect MIMEMagicFile with IfModule (#893949)- really package mod_auth_form in mod_session (#915438)- update to 2.4.4 - fix duplicate ownership of mod_session config (#914901)- add mod_session subpackage, move mod_auth_form there (#894500)- Rebuilt for add systemd service for htcacheclean- drop patch for r1344712- filter mod_*.so auto-provides (thanks to rcollet) - pull in syslog logging fix from upstream (r1344712)- rebuild to pick up new apr-util-ldap- rebuild- pull upstream patch r1392850 in addition to r1387633- define PLATFORM in os.h using vendor string- use systemd script unconditionally (#850149)- use systemd scriptlets if available (#850149) - don't run posttrans restart if /etc/sysconfig/httpd-disable-posttrans exists- use systemctl from apachectl (#842736)- fix some error log spam with graceful-stop (r1387633) - minor mod_systemd tweaks- use IncludeOptional for conf.d/*.conf inclusion- adding mod_systemd to integrate with systemd better- mod_ssl: add check for proxy keypair match (upstream r1374214)- update to 2.4.3 (#849883) - own the docroot (#848121)- add mod_proxy fixes from upstream (r1366693, r1365604)- Rebuilt for drop explicit version requirement on initscripts- mod_ext_filter: fix error_log warnings- support "configtest" and "graceful" as initscripts "legacy actions"- avoid use of "core" GIF for a "core" directory (#168776) - drop use of "" in systemd unit file- use _unitdir for systemd unit file - use /run in unit file, ssl.conf- mod_ssl: fix NPN patch merge- move tmpfiles.d fragment into /usr/lib per new guidelines - package /run/httpd not /var/run/httpd - set runtimedir to /run/httpd likewise- fix htdbm/htpasswd crash on crypt() failure (#818684)- pull fix for NPN patch from upstream (r1345599)- update suexec patch to use LOG_AUTHPRIV facility- really fix autoindex.conf (thanks to remi@)- fix autoindex.conf to allow symlink to poweredby.png- suexec: use upstream version of patch for capability bit support- suexec: use syslog rather than suexec.log, drop dac_override capability- mod_ssl: add TLS NPN support (r1332643, #809599)- add BR on APR >= 1.4.0- use systemctl from logrotate (#221073)- pull from upstream: * use TLS close_notify alert for dummy_connection (r1326980+) * cleanup symbol exports (r1327036+)- really fix restart- tweak default ssl.conf - fix restart handling (#814645) - use graceful restart by default- update to 2.4.2- fix macros- add _httpd_moddir to macros- fix symlink for poweredby.png - fix manual.conf- add mod_proxy_html subpackage (w/mod_proxy_html + mod_xml2enc) - move mod_ldap, mod_authnz_ldap to mod_ldap subpackage- clean docroot better - ship proxy, ssl directories within /var/cache/httpd - default config: * unrestricted access to (only) /var/www * remove (commented) Mutex, MaxRanges, ScriptSock * split autoindex config to conf.d/autoindex.conf - ship additional example configs in docdir- update to 2.4.1 - adopt upstream default httpd.conf (almost verbatim) - split all LoadModules to conf.modules.d/*.conf - include conf.d/*.conf at end of httpd.conf - trim %changelog- fix build against PCRE 8.30- update to 2.2.22- Rebuild against PCRE 8.30- fix #783629 - start httpd after named- complete conversion to systemd, drop init script (#770311) - fix comments in /etc/sysconfig/httpd (#771024) - enable PrivateTmp in service file (#781440) - set LANG=C in /etc/sysconfig/httpd- Rebuilt for fix #751591 - start httpd after remote-fs- allow change state of BalancerMember in mod_proxy_balancer web interface- Make mmn available as %{_httpd_mmn}. - Add .svgz to AddEncoding x-gzip example in httpd.conf.- update to 2.2.21- update to 2.2.20 - fix MPM stub man page generation- fix #707917 - add httpd-ssl-pass-dialog to ask for SSL password using systemd- rebuild while rpm-4.9.1 is untagged to remove trailing slash in provided directory names- fix #716621 - suexec now works without setuid bit- fix #689091 - backported patch from 2.3 branch to support IPv6 in logresolve- update to 2.2.19 - enable dbd, authn_dbd in default config- fix path expansion in service files- add systemd service files (#684175, thanks to Jóhann B. Guðmundsson)- minor updates to httpd.conf - drop old patches- rebuild- use arch-specific mmn- Rebuilt for generate dummy mod_ssl cert with CA:FALSE constraint (#667841) - add man page stubs for httpd.event, httpd.worker - drop distcache support - add STOP_TIMEOUT support to init script- update default SSLCipherSuite per upstream trunk- fix requires (#667397)- de-ghost /var/run/httpd- add tmpfiles.d configuration, ghost /var/run/httpd (#656600)- drop setuid bit, use capabilities for suexec binary- update to 2.2.17- link everything using -z relro and -z now- update to 2.2.16- default config tweaks: * harden httpd.conf w.r.t. .htaccess restriction (#591293) * load mod_substitute, mod_version by default * drop proxy_ajp.conf, load mod_proxy_ajp in httpd.conf * add commented list of shipped-but-unloaded modules * bump up worker defaults a little * drop KeepAliveTimeout to 5 secs per upstream - fix LSB compliance in init script (#522074) - bundle NOTICE in -tools - use init script in logrotate postrotate to pick up PIDFILE - drop some old Obsoletes/Conflicts- update to 2.2.15 (#572404, #579311) 2.4.37-43.module_el8.5.0+1022+b541f3b12.4.37-43.module_el8.5.0+1022+b541f3b1 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=4c83c9ff7f3582c02c3ed20f1b0782e9ea057cc1, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=336c269480766febcb49d92ac989c447c6ccf020, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=43ddb0757ee63df612386e5f9e979ddb13fd2a67, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=8c465d35e5425ee725c67d7f91d8daefd4117856, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=710b9fa43212365ecd69cda8475f99226c10292b, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=95b29a4b8eae007fa43f315144d11e76d69147ae, strippeddirectoryASCII textHTML document, ASCII text, with very long lines (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)troff or preprocessor input, ASCII text, with very long lines (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)troff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix) +9D  RRR RRRRRRRR RRRR RR RRR RRRRRR RRR RRRRRRRRR RRR RRR RRRRRRR RRR RRRRRRRRR RRR RRRRRRRR RRR RRutf-80bd7f27d0308daf3c88a7682dcf5257044cbb6fbab48357551f89bd34e5905abhttpd:2.4:8050020211112043353:b4937e53?07zXZ !#,] b2u y-iSqigc$AS%| (]W OpSlPMѪbu-1+.鸱mJeVk$S4kt,dQ)%+kcaJt7f CBϚulgj~lM%7bOa98mX;,CsF΄L[=NVlYo½#?W$a \5G%jtড4bN uo!W4%s W o񫎿L.}K0nF,#dsD¾ZM筑pl ɫs] c)=S@@#' BokÀͶſvo|=i=eok0YtQ*:mqcf@<3~ Ɓia9ɓkY `,-><1`*˜Q?/ΕLFAX11A*ȓ=F S!Õ\2pBofc;_ÿxg1u>x)ذ%֪*Vpœ~0ᨨkˎ׍Tc&,X*IdÍ̒UK-XWrSxB6`r;çv,f+T|Z-x!X\( N'V]`v=,ט oaco#'H:3 z&4u&pӅX,L3%zq5MB$`wT`obC`wsD&^AWp|>-['4DEr5Gn}qƓyq8ܵW.H96)t{ZCMUiN-te JR̅Y9K-}YxvqEIx^\쮠EM|%Pd|وJ†gr8+|F).xlv_F4hD݁"m˒&n+ ww6e,8觕 rke;Ȕd/ {a ތ"Ê^^%d\fz]^` Qc?A":1ée놽VkUI>AvL*f?+E䋉Sj._M<нoi{{;ƭE1ߊ1p'yܜ?Ɂ^s(hRM*,+UlQ5c_[*DK1/k%4iO 2[*֤ YɅMF3YJg|9 9I.1r^ljwѮkngDȅb7-PLu0 ,V/i}^l} ~؟a  sNʬ 'C ^d;WZV766ƲXGU9퇩kRӦ Q;GطZt=qHt9WѲw'`oF&r$ܫ㒧~0e x4Pjq86c/E]2W P \~gwV DMO=Z4\T U&MT_o:)Ն0CَBܶ[{6/p ]q~$#39I>q~|&2MMYxzR (K0Nj|fQ\ES bz٫1"\kt{1'6jץטCb-ʌLn<20X+:;$=IТVS<)UwL g{m':+0A!9claŵwOVZg /6yI 0@ "az|oʭE~oONRITN$SAew=v:<#^Ş\-clu<=HETwjz3ōt!`MSzq F.ڂ`)/hw *{hM ./N؄;3 Ip 1).0-BKѡ SJCh&J _ֽ2Km߶Y2PhC쉏&yKn˼[ y1 V,O`*E/7-kwjm*{.HRjoSK[~{XUXh~ͫIz-dA /B٬mю]c19na]/&kP1e3uәz^X-PiN +dߖV anó]gTPy1i-'2f{υ7ը~1,lT]|UNUoB7<^鬋Mҡ̽c9T=G-Jr0qXԥT7z- q1Ϝ8ה56d-3?,fXBKjIRV6ZQ<Ȳӝ+~]ZY_Dظٚg V;ۻof/nࠩ] RzGVnwFJjl*L  /X ٽ ]sd ے}LIk8YykI*|yCuVGtK=G=n=| 5A]@ 0s\"Dt'8[qUM ;N ďO+sJS[H65 'Q3ElТ{9lM/YmHA?{ߏ3U-~mӮR!dǥϋ}?oed+wS?P'\)jƀS7ܛ^ԫ}Cj72B<CQFfS4IELQ#uy("FF쁓ݗkXꑮ>ņM(Bt(#wV7ߎ-2+9n [ymEho4xτ٢ۏc3fzQl&nPI7Rg9a D7iI7~_p>M+* ɣm puZ|XOqKS}rwF!Y_Ʃ5B"_L G_b6C˷qrؗ"ss~".%(ō8D3oN;2_jESfZAx/<.=c '3Q@о Aϔz&͞~3!g`~ I= DV-8.Nn(ZIP&JֽXͫHt~1^sސ.1˄;d#y;}2P+{4În [p41ZN~Htf#4~U ~Ci(Aal(ݟ8xǒMqkt>T9諒_RHz(,ͳ1[jUYrGPw,2(5 y(k/Bguʽ(sUd 9YPY׶763@E^{״LKO(ê?Jn^Dyw8娱ד-^GF<ˆex;OJLeT"J2y $m}9,CzTxLo]D86m sz/f8Zx4ᬻ$QAa\3SDGޘxoBqoT =/̓%յןQ?$T/Kg`7n*iOQ_jP|vHsh1[@"þWW-}A>>5՞sA_~ɑӸ7{\aJ֬;wUԊ! 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