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0.92.1-6.20170713bzr15740Gwyn Ciesla - 0.92.1-5.20170510bzr15686Gwyn Ciesla - 0.92.1-4.20170510bzr15686David Tardon - 0.92.1-3.20170321bzr15604Gwyn Ciesla - 0.92.1-2.20170321bzr15604Jon Ciesla - 0.92.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.92.0-12Jon Ciesla - 0.92.0-11Jon Ciesla - 0.92-10.pre5Jon Ciesla - 0.92-9.pre4David Tardon - 0.92-8.pre3Jon Ciesla - 0.92-7.pre3David Tardon - 0.92-6.pre2Jon Ciesla - 0.92-5.pre2Jon Ciesla - 0.92-4.pre2Jon Ciesla - 0.92-3.pre2Marek Kasik - 0.92-2.pre2Jon Ciesla - 0.92-0.pre2Marek Kasik - 0.92-1.pre1Jon Ciesla - 0.92-0.pre1Jon Ciesla - 0.92-0.pre0Marek Kasik - 0.91-27Jon Ciesla - 0.91-26Orion Poplawski Jonathan Underwood - 0.91-24Jonathan Underwood - 0.91-23Jonathan Underwood - 0.91-22Jonathan Underwood - 0.91-21Fedora Release Engineering - 0.91-20Marek Kasik - 0.91-19Jonathan Wakely - 0.91-18Kalev Lember - 0.91-17Jonathan Wakely - 0.91-16Jonathan Wakely 0.91-15Jonathan Underwood - 0.91-14Jonathan Underwood - 0.91-13Fedora Release Engineering - 0.91-12Adam Williamson - 0.91-11David Tardon Marek Kasik - 0.91-10Fedora Release Engineering - 0.91-9Marek Kasik - 0.91-8Kalev Lember - 0.91-7Richard Hughes - 0.91-6Jon Ciesla - 0.91-5Peter Robinson 0.91-4Petr Machata - 0.91-3Jon Ciesla - 0.91-2Jon Ciesla - 0.91-1Petr Machata - 0.48.5-7Marek Kasik - 0.48.5-6Jon Ciesla - 0.48.5-5Marek Kasik - 0.48.5-4Jitka Plesnikova - 0.48.5-3Fedora Release Engineering - 0.48.5-2Jon Ciesla - 0.48.5-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.48.4-18Jon Ciesla - 0.48.4-17David Tardon - 0.48.4-16Petr Machata - 0.48.4-15Lubomir Rintel - 0.48.4-14Jon Ciesla - 0.48.4-13Jon Ciesla - 0.48.4-12Jon Ciesla - 0.48.4-11Marek Kasik - 0.48.4-10Fedora Release Engineering - 0.48.4-9Petr Machata - 0.48.4-8Petr Pisar - 0.48.4-7Jon Ciesla - 0.48.4-6Jon Ciesla - 0.48.4-5Jon Ciesla - 0.48.4-4Fedora Release Engineering - 0.48.4-3Marek Kasik - 0.48.4-2Jon Ciesla - Ciesla - Philippsen - Ciesla - Ciesla - Ciesla - 0.48.2-13Fedora Release Engineering - 0.48.2-12Petr Pisar - 0.48.2-11Marek Kasik - 0.48.2-10Petr Pisar - 0.48.2-9Rex Dieter Petr Pisar - 0.48.2-7Adel Gadllah - 0.48.2-6Peter Robinson - 0.48.2-5Daniel Drake - 0.48.2-4Fedora Release Engineering - 0.48.2-3Fedora Release Engineering - 0.48.2-2German Ruiz - 0.48.2-1Rex Dieter - 0.48.1-10Marek Kasik - 0.48.1-9Marek Kasik - 0.48.1-8Petr Sabata - 0.48.1-7Petr Sabata - 0.48.1-6Marek Kasik - 0.48.1-5Marek Kasik - 0.48.1-4Fedora Release Engineering - 0.48.1-3Lubomir Rintel - 0.48.1-2Lubomir Rintel - 0.48.1-1Lubomir Rintel - 0.48.0-10Rex Dieter - 0.48.0-9Rex Dieter - 0.48.0-8Caolán McNamara - 0.48.0-7Lubomir Rintel - 0.48.0-6Nils Philippsen - 0.48.0-5jkeating - 0.48.0-4Dan Horák - 0.48.0-3Tom "spot" Callaway - 0.48.0-2Lubomir Rintel - 0.48.0-1Rex Dieter - 0.48-0.5.20100505bzrDavid Malcolm - 0.48-0.4.20100505bzrMarcela Maslanova - 0.48-0.3.20100505bzrLubomir Rintel - 0.48-0.2.20100505bzrCaolán McNamara - 0.48-0.2.20100318bzrLubomir Rintel - 0.48-0.1.20100318bzrLubomir Rintel - 0.47-7Stepan Kasal - 0.47-6Stepan Kasal - 0.47-5Owen Taylor - 0.47-4Lubomir Rintel - 0.47-2Lubomir Rintel - 0.47-1Adam Jackson 0.47-0.18.pre4.20091101svnLubomir Rintel - 0.47-0.17.pre4.20091101svnLubomir Rintel - 0.47-0.16.pre4.20091101svnLubomir Rintel - 0.47-0.16.pre3.20091017svnLubomir Rintel - 0.47-0.16.pre3.20090925svnLubomir Rintel - 0.47-0.16.pre2.20090907svnLubomir Rintel - 0.47-0.15.pre2.20090907svnLubomir Rintel - 0.47-0.15.pre1.20090629svnFedora Release Engineering - 0.47-0.14.pre0.20090629svnLubomir Rintel - 0.47-0.13.pre0.20090629svnLubomir Rintel - 0.47-0.12.pre0.20090616svnLubomir Rintel - 0.47-0.11.20090602svnLubomir Rintel - 0.47-0.10.20090518svnLubomir Rintel - 0.47-0.9.20090518svnLubomir Rintel - 0.47-0.8.20090508svnLubomir Rintel - 0.47-0.7.20090508svnLubomir Rintel - 0.47-0.6.20090410svnLubomir Rintel - 0.47-0.6.20090301svnLubomir Rintel - 0.47-0.5.20090301svnLubomir Rintel - 0.47-0.4.20090301svnLubomir Rintel - 0.47-0.4.20090227svnLubomir Rintel - 0.47-0.3.20090227svnLubomir Rintel - 0.47-0.3.20090226svnLubomir 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0.42-2Michael Schwendt - 0.42-1Michael Schwendt - 0.41-7Michael Schwendt - 0.41-6Michael Schwendt - 0.41-5Jeremy Katz - 0.41-4Jeremy Katz - 0.41-3Michael Schwendt Phillip Compton - 0.41-1Phillip Compton - 0.40-1Phillip Compton - 0.40-0.pre3Phillip Compton - 0.39-0.fdr.2Phillip Compton - 0:0.39-0.fdr.1P Linnell 0:0.38.1-0.fdr.1P Linnell 0:0.38.1-0.fdr.0P Linnell 0:0.38-0.fdr.2P Linnell 0:0.38.0.fdr.1P Linnell 0:0.37.0.fdr.7P Linnell 0:0.37.0.fdr.6P Linnell 0:0.37.0.fdr.5P Linnell 0:0.37.0.fdr.4P Linnell 0:0.37.0.fdr.3P Linnell 0:0.37.0.fdr.2P Linnell 0:0.37.1.fdr.1P Linnell 0:0.37.0.fdr.1P Linnell P Linnell - Rebuild due to newer poppler- Fixed cflags and inkscape-view dependency- Stop using bundled ImageMagick- Filtering magick from requires/provides - Removed libgdl depedency- Enable s390x again- Use python2 for building - Fix building with poppler 0.66.0- Use python2 for the extensions explicitly - Exluding s390x, build problems, making no sense to build Inkscape for mainframe hardware- Bundle ImageMagick into the package - Removed gnome-vfs2-devel requirement - Make uniconvertor weak dependency- 0.92.3.- Rebuild for poppler-0.63.0- Update Python 2 dependency declarations to new packaging standards (See rebuild for poppler 0.62.0- Rebuilt for Remove obsolete scriptlets- rebuild for poppler 0.61.0- rebuild for poppler 0.60.1- 0.92.2 final.- rebuild for poppler 0.59.0- Rebuild for ImageMagick 6 reversion, drop ImageMagick 7 patch- Own the /usr/lib/inkscape dir - %langify non-English man pages- Rebuilt for ImageMagick- Require aspell-en- rebuild for poppler 0.57.0- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for ImageMagick- Rebuilt for Updated snapshot.- Move from gtkspell to gtkspell3, BZ 1464487.- Update to fix on Wayland. - Fix CFLAGS.- rebuild for poppler 0.53.0- Snapshot to fix gcc7 FTBFS.- 0.92.1 final.- Rebuilt for 0.92 final.- 0.92pre5.- 0.92pre4.- rebuild for poppler 0.50.0- 0.92pre3. - Include Fedora Color Palette, BZ 981748- rebuild for poppler 0.49.0- Require python-scour, BZ 1389772.- BR potrace-devel, BZ 1389772.- Fix release tag.- Rebuild for poppler-0.48.0- 0.92pre2.- Rebuild for poppler-0.45.0- 0.92pre1. - Drop docs requirement on main package, BZ 1247239.- 0.92pre0, BZ 1336412.- Rebuild for poppler-0.43.0- Fix FTBFS with patch from Rebuild for gsl 2.1- Add Requires for gvfs- Break appdata file out of spec into its own file - Validate appdata file once installed - Add BuildRequires for libappstream-glib (provides appstream-util) - Remove commented out line in file list - Re-add export CXXFLAGS="%{optflags} -std=c++11" to fix build- Drop --disable-strict-build since this is fixed: - Drop export CXXFLAGS="%{optflags} -std=c++11" since that's now default- Remove BuildRequires for gnome-vfs2-devel- Rebuilt for Rebuild for poppler-0.40.0- Rebuilt for Boost 1.60- Fix the build with latest glibmm24- Rebuilt for Boost 1.59- Rebuilt for Boost 1.58- Remove some entries from unused Requires block that we now explicitly Require or Suggests.- Add Suggests deps for packages needed to enable LaTeX fragment embedding- Rebuilt for --disable-strict-build (as gtkmm currently uses a deprecated glibmm symbol)- rebuild for Boost 1.58- Rebuild (poppler-0.34.0)- Rebuilt for Rebuild (poppler-0.33.0)- Rebuilt for GCC 5 ABI change- Add an AppData file for the software center- ImageMagick rebuild.- Cleanup spec - Use %license - Drop (now unneeded) perl requirements (rhbz#579390) - Drop ChangeLog as details are covered in NEWS- Bump for rebuild.- Move tutorials into main package, BZ 1187686.- Latest upstream.- Rebuild for boost 1.57.0- Rebuild (poppler-0.30.0) - Backport commit "Fix build with poppler 0.29.0 (Bug #1399811)"- Added aspell support, BZ 1171934.- Rebuild (poppler-0.28.1)- Perl 5.20 rebuild- Rebuilt for Latest bugfix release. - Spurious comma patch upstreamed. - Dropped Freetype, poppler, gc patches.- Rebuilt for Switch to lcms2.- switch to librevenge-based import libs- Rebuild for boost 1.55.0- Fix build with new Poppler and GC (Sandro Mani, #1097945)- poppler rebuild.- ImageMagick rebuild. - Patch for Freetype path.- ImageMagick rebuild.- Rebuild (poppler-0.24.0)- Rebuilt for Rebuild for boost 1.54.0- Perl 5.18 rebuild- libpoppler rebuild.- ImageMagick rebuild.- Fix FTBFS.- Rebuilt for Rebuild (poppler-0.22.0)- 0.48.4, fix XXE security flaw. - Correct man page ownership.- Fix directory ownership, BZ 873817. - Fix previous changelog version.- update sourceforge download URL- Allow loading large XML, BZ 871012.- Lastest upstream.- Added dep on uniconvertor, BZ 796424.- Rebuilt for Perl 5.16 rebuild- Rebuild (poppler-0.20.1)- Perl 5.16 rebuild- 0.48.2-8 - fix icon/desktop-file scriptlets (#739375) - drop .desktop vendor (f18+) - inkscape doesn't build with poppler-0.20.0 (#822413)- Perl 5.16 rebuild- Rebuild for new poppler- Rebuild for ImageMagik- Fix build with GCC 4.7- Rebuilt for c++ ABI breakage- Rebuilt for New upstream version - Fix glib include compile problem - Fix compilation against libpng-1.5- rebuild(poppler)- Rebuild (poppler-0.18.0)- Rebuild (poppler-0.17.3)- Perl mass rebuild- Perl mass rebuild- Rebuild (poppler-0.17.0)- Rebuild (poppler-0.16.3)- Rebuilt for Re-enable GVFS for OCAL- Bump release- Drop gnome-vfs requirement - Fix Rawhide build- rebuild (poppler)- rebuild (poppler)- rebuilt (libwpd)- rebuilt (poppler)- Rebuild for poppler update- Rebuilt for gcc bug 634757- drop the s390(x) ExcludeArch- rebuild for new ImageMagick- New upstream release - Drop el5 support- rebuild (poppler)- Rebuilt for Mass rebuild with perl-5.12.0- Move to later snapshot - Drop uniconvertor patch- Resolves: rhbz#565106 fix inkscape-0.47-x11.patch to not clobber INKSCAPE_LIBS- Update to latest bazaar snapshot- Fix build- ExcludeArch: s390 s390x- require perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.10.x) because the package requires - the same for inkscape-view- Remove loudmouth BuildRequires; there is no current usage of loudmouth in the code- Fix Rawhide build.- Stable release- Fix RHEL6 build.- Icon for main window (#532325)- Move to a later snapshot - python-lxml and numpy seem to be rather popular, add them as hard deps- Move to a later snapshot- Move to a later snapshot - Drop debugging compiler flags, enable optimizations again - Make it build on everything since EL5 again- Move inkview man page to -view subpackage (#515358) - Add license, etc. to main package- Update to a post-pre2 snapshot- Update to a post-pre1 snapshot - Drop upstreamed CRC32 fix- Rebuilt for Update to a newer snapshot- Update to post-pre0 snapshot- More recent snapshot - Upstream removed rasterized icons again- Rebuild for new poppler- Update past upstream Beta release- Fix ODG export- Update to a post-alpha snapshot - Upstream applied our GCC 4.4 patch- Update to newer snapshot - Fix doc/incview reversed subpackage content- Rebuild for new ImageMagick- Split documentation and inkview into subpackages- Bump to later SVN snapshot to fix inkscape/+bug/331864 - Fix a startup crash when compiled with GCC 4.4 - It even runs now! :)- Enable the test suite- Past midnight! :) - More recent snapshot, our gcc44 fixes now upstream - One more gcc44 fix, it even compiles now - We install icons now, update icon cache - Disable inkboard, for it won't currently compile- Later snapshot - Compile with GCC 4.4- Update to newer SVN - Drop upstreamed patches - Enable WordPerfect Graphics support - Enable embedded Perl scripting - Enable Imagemagick support - Disable OpenSSL due to licensing issues- Update to today's SVN snapshot - Drop the upstreamed poppler patch- Rediff patches for zero fuzz - Use uniconvertor to handle CDR and WMF (#458845)- Subversion snapshot- Fix compile issues with newer gtk and poppler- Remove useless old hack, that triggered an assert after gtkfilechooser switched to gio- More buildrequires more flexible, so that this builds on RHEL- Fix LaTeX rendering, #441017- 0.46 released- Rebuild for newer Poppler- Probably last prerelease?- Panel icon sizes- 0.46pre2 - Dropping upstreamed patches- Attempt to fix the font selector (#432892)- Tolerate recoverable errors in OCAL feeds - Fix OCAL insecure temporary file usage (#432807)- Fix crash when adding text objects (#432220)- Build with gcc-4.3- 0.46 prerelease - Minor cosmetic changes to satisfy the QA script - Dependency on Boost - Inkboard is not optional - Merge from Denis Leroy's svn16571 snapshot: - Require specific gtkmm24-devel versions - enable-poppler-cairo - No longer BuildRequire libsigc++20-devel- Rebuild with new openssl- Added missing dependencies for modules (#301881)- Satisfy desktop-file-validate, so that Rawhide build won't break- Use GTK print dialog - Added compressed SVG association (#245413) - popt headers went into popt-devel, post Fedora 7 - Fix macro usage in changelog- Update to bugfix release 0.45.1 - Added R to ImageMagick-perl (#231563)- Update to 0.45 - Enabled inkboard, perl and python extensions - Added patch for correct python autodetection - LaTex patch integrated upstreamed, removed - Some rpmlint cleanups- Added patches to fix LaTex import (#217699) - Added patch to base postscript import on pstoedit plot-svg- Update to 0.44.1 - Removed png export patch, integrated upstream - Some updated BRs- FE6 Rebuild- Removed skencil Require (bug 203229)- Added patch to fix png dpi export problem (#168406)- Bumping up release to fix upgrade path- Update to 0.44 - Removed obsolete patches - Disabled experimental perl and python extensions - Added pstoedit, skencil, gtkspell and LittleCms support - Inkboard feature disabled pending further security tests- Rebuild- Updated GC patch, bug 171791- Update to 0.43 - Added 2 patches to fix g++ 4.1 compilation issues - Enabled new jabber/loudmouth-based inkboard feature- rebuilt with newer glibmm- update to 0.42.2- rebuilt - add patch to repair link-check of GC >= 6.5 (needs pthread and dl)- Extend ngettext/dgettext patch for x86_64 build.- update to 0.42 (also fixes #160326) - BR gnome-vfs2-devel - no files left in %_libdir/inkscape - include French manual page - GCC4 patch obsolete, 64-bit patch obsolete, dgettext patch split off- append another 64-bit related patch (dgettext configure check failed)- remove explicit aclocal/autoconf calls in %build as they create a bad Makefile for FC4/i386, which causes build to fail (#156228), and no comment explains where they were added/needed- bump and rebuild as 0.41-4 failed in build system setup- add patch for gcc4 problems (ignacio, #156228) - fix build on 64bit boxes. sizeof(int) != sizeof(void*)- rebuild on all arches- rebuilt- 0.41. - enable python.- 0.40.- 0.40pre3.- post/postun for new mime system. - Dropped redundant BR XFree86-devel.- 0.39.- respin real fix for Provides/Requires for perl(SpSVG)- respin with updated tarball with fix for postscript printing- respin to fix provides- version upgrade with many improvements and bug fixes- repsin - sourceforge does not allow reloading files with same name- fix typo in provides- add %{release} to provides perl(SpSVG) = %{epoch}:%{version}:%{release} only- add %{release} to provides- add arch dependent flags- add libsigc++-devel instead of add libsigc++ - duh - add BuildRequires: perl-XML-Parser - fix package name to follow package naming guidelines- disable static libs - enable inkjar- pgp'd tarball from - clean out the cvs tweaks in spec file - enable gnome-print - add the new tutorial files - make sure .mo file gets packaged - add provides: perlSVG - submit to Fedora QA- rebuild of current cvs - tweaks to build cvs instead of dist tarball - add inkview- First crack at Fedora/RH spec file - nuke gnome print - it won't work (bug is filed already) -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=f8b6754fdcbea233346d409a8ae91a8994e7a93a, strippeddirectoryUTF-8 Unicode textASCII texttroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)9R6RR1R3R2RRRRR$R R%R#RR R RRRRRR"RR!R R)R(R4R-R.R R'R*R+RRRRR&RR R/RRRRRRR7R5R8R0RRRR,R<utf-8554bffb8dfccf121154c3affd82bf94a0ce90da6254d8f2b01d91639e2c9be95inkscape:0.92.3:8040020201222184813:6435bff4?07zXZ !#,GE] b2u y-iSqiPURHrl"76 yLªgwZ/ګo[ϩ M2U~^C•Č`֓W%qvx671x#W#3Tld^k-9JR=a텦,EiÙОO}r1;T 'ClKkΣʼn^VyFPe5YA1q:hdc,=EPxȐUypKvBA F(O=:wP^@*;ދdHy?Uǜ8w{7_ᷪT&s00cZmVfOPUVsn8t1R#6x3BV@oj_a)T<3NVat#e m`œt=~fpXˉ2QNK|-88"y\Z?ӓYiCpi0t6m"ˉ$T 1< $5h8PPɐk3=>WϡjXWш'efCݤ27|Z!rSRtF]ǦaWL8'v/ 7JK6OkW03M@~>M  ~Kd.J^fu}₯s _fc.><.dƟI jgfxі^,ču-ҤĞ#oK|J̩PE ]I׬@~-Ӑfz_b'2+L+Η):sJM ju{@mZU] O|үs\}A!Lg#^VZkNn\Uks7OUl'v%#W ^#2!| zGLtݭ{\3fqDG U"{@ʂ @AMTd~3Ĺٔ0$R 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