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2.9.5-15- Ernestas Kulik - 2.9.5-14- Ernestas Kulik - 2.9.5-13Michal Židek - 2.9.5-12Ernestas Kulik - 2.9.5-11Martin Kutlak - 2.9.5-10Martin Kutlak - 2.9.5-9Ernestas Kulik - 2.9.5-8Michal Fabik 2.9.5-7Matej Habrnal 2.9.5-6Matej Habrnal 2.9.5-5Matej Habrnal 2.9.5-4Matej Habrnal 2.9.5-3Matej Habrnal 2.9.5-2Matej Habrnal 2.9.5-1Martin Kutlak 2.9.4-1Julius Milan 2.9.3-1Matej Habrnal 2.9.1-1Jakub Filak 2.9.0-1Jakub Filak 2.8.0-1Matej Habrnal 2.7.2-1Matej Habrnal 2.7.1-1Matej Habrnal 2.7.0-1Matej Habrnal 2.6.4-1Matej Habrnal 2.6.3-1- Add patch for rhbz#1867064- Add patch for #1860285- Add patch for #1848903- Resolves: rhbz#1835388 - abrt-addon-ccpp causes failures during openscap scans on CCE-27119-7 - This is just libreport side (abrt also needs to be patched)- Add patch for #1822092- reportclient: Search for required packages recursively - reportclient: Find and download required debuginfo packages - report-client: Find debuginfos in own method - Resolves: rhbz#1783897- lib: fix a SEGV in list_possible_events() - Resolves: rhbz#1733515- Uncomment some patches for Coverity issues- bugzilla: change the default bugzilla group - tests: Disable strcpm'ing a freed pointer - Add - Resolves #1660449- replace all Fedora URLs by corresponding values for RHEL - fix coverity issues - Resolves: #1602590, #1623406- Offer reporting to Bugzilla only for pre-GA Anaconda exceptions - Resolves: #1593734- Remove option to screencast problems and requires on fros- set PYTHON variable because of ./py-compile in - Make this build without /usr/bin/python- drop dependency on python-rhsm - Resolves: #1569595- spec: actualize according to downstream - spec: Conditionalize the Python2 and Python3 - report-python: fix tests if configure --without-python2 - autogen: correctly parse buildrequires from spec file- Translation updates - Revert "use /usr/sbin/" - ureport: remove json-c is_error() usage - ldconfig and gtk-update-icon-cache is not needed in rawhide - reporter-rhtsupport: Remove dependency on redhat-access-insights - do not expand macro in changelog - move defattr which match the defaults - use /usr/sbin/ - macro python_sitearch is always defined on rhel7+ - remove rhel6 specific items and accomodate to rhel7+ - This package uses names with ambiguous `python-` prefix in requirements. - reporter-{bugzilla,mantisbt,rhtsupport}: fix free - reporter-mailx: rely on configured email - spec: fix unowned directories - augeas: include local config path - doc: update to contain newly added user's local config - reporter-mantisbt: read configuration from user's home - reporter-rhtsupport: read configuration from user's home - reporter-bugzilla: read configuration from user's home - reporter-bugzilla: ask concrete bz when requiring login - makefile: fix make release- Translation updates - commit to delete - workflows: fix description in - workflows: add workflow for adding data to existing case - client-python,report-python: Allow python to be optional at build time - ignored words: add SYSTEMD_NSS_BYPASS_BUS - reporter-ureport: add 'ProcessUnpackaged' option - spec: add workflow for adding data to existing case - rep-sys-journal: fix in finding executable basename - remove old obsolete - Group is not used any more - remove old changelogs - requires pythonX-dnf instead of dnf - doc: fix obsolete doxygen tags & complains - lib: Introduce pid_for_children element from ns - client-python: Do not try to unlink None - spec: rename Python binary packages- build: create tarball in release-* target - problem_data: fix double const - wizard: fix error found by -Werror=format-security - run_event: fix cmp between pointer and zero character - build: do not upload tarball to - spec: do not use as source - build: fix generating list of dependences in - build: generate new release entries with date - report-newt: free allocated variables, don't close dd twice - build: fix scratch-build target - changelog: reflect the PR - lib: several bug fixes in parsing of mountinfo - lib: correctly recognize chroot in container - lib: declare CONTAINER_ROOTS element name - lib: add more log wrappers for perror - reporter-bugzilla: use /etc/os-release for default url - Remove nss dependency - spec: include testsuite headers in the devel package - tests: include testsuite.h in the dist archive - maint: check pulled .po files for errors - build: fix bug in changelog generating in release target - changelog: fix typos- Translation updates - build: make the release-* targets smarter - add - reporter-s-journal: enable SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER from env - report-python: add method run_event_on_problem_dir - lib: use lz4 instead of lz4cat - reportclient: honor ABRT_VERBOSE - tree-wide: introduce 'stop_on_not_reportable' option - client: add support for $releasever to debuginfo - lib: correct test for own root - workflows: run analyze_BodhiUpdates event on Fedora - man: fix formating - reporter-systemd-journal: introduce reporter-systemd-journal - problem_data: add function which returns all problem data keys - include: add exception_type element constant - spec: changes related to reporter-systemd-journal - problem_report: add normalization of crashed thread - problem_report: make generate report configurable - problem_report: use core_backtrace if there is no backtrace - lib: refuse to parse negative number as unsigned int - spec: simplify and remove old conditional - build: add gettext-devel to sysdeps - dd: add check for validity of new file FD - build: configure tree for debugging by default - spec: use %buildroot macro - spec: remove defattr which match the defaults - spec: do not clean buildroot - spec: remove Groups - spec: code cleanup - lib: fix a bug in dealing with errno - lib: add convenient wrappers for uint in map_string_t - problem_report: ensure C-string null terminator - lib: fix invalid cgroup namespace ID - lib: make die function configurable - lib: allow using FD of /proc/[pid] instead of pid_t - dd: add functions for opening dd item - lib: add xfdopen - problem data: search for sensitive words in more files - dd: add dd_copy_file_at - ignored words: add "systemd-logind" and "hawkey" - build: reset the default version with each release - doc: make README more verbose - tree-wide: produce less messages in NOTICE log lvl - ureport: less confusing logging - spec: install JavaScript workflows - workflow: add JavaScript workflows - bugzilla: stop including package details- lib: fix a memory leak in create_dump_dir fn - rhtsupport: fix a double free of config at exit - autogen: fix typo in usage help string - debuginfo: dnf API logging workarounds list - lib: don't warn when user word file doesn't exist - testuite: add test for forbidden_words - lib: be able to define base conf dir at runtime - wizard: use dnf instead of yum in add a screencast note - problem_report: document resevered elements- Translation updates - wizard: do not create reproducible if complex_detail == no - include: save_user_settings function declaration isn’t a prototype - Bugzilla: fix typo in comment don -> don't - client-python: fix a typo in error check - dd: do not log missing uid file when creating new dump dir - build: update searched pkg names for systemd- spec: compression updates - lib: add lz4 decompression - lib: avoid the need to link against lzma - all: format security - lib: add cgroup namespace - dd: introduce functions getting occurrence stamps - dd: introduce dd_get_env_variable - lib: add get env variable from a file - RHTSupport: include count in Support cases - lib: problem report API check fseek return code - ignored words: remove 'kwallet_jwakely' which I added wrongly- ignored words: update ignored words - mailx: introduce debug parameter -D - mailx: mail formatting: add comment right after %oneline - mailx: use problem report api to define an emais' content - lib: remove unused function make_description_bz - augeas: trim spaces before key value - Revert "xml parser: be more verbose in case xml file cannot be opened" - xml parser: be more verbose in case xml file cannot be opened - spec: add workflows.d to filesystem package - makefile: define LANG in release target - mailx: stop creating dead.letter on mailx failures - workflows: add comments to ambiguous functions - workflows: NULL for the default configuration dir - workflows: publish the function loading configuration - build: fix build on Fedora24 - augeas: exclude mantisbt format configurations - reporter-mantisbt: add missing '=' to conf file - curl: fix typo Ingoring -> Ignoring - rhtsupport: attach all dump dir's element to a new case - rhtsupport: add pkg_vendor, reproducer and reproducible to description - report client: add silent mode to clean_up() - doc: add documentation for requires-details attribute - rhtsupport: Discourage users from reporting in non Red Hat stuff - rhtsupport: Discourage users from opening one-shot crashes - report-gtk: Require Reproducer for RHTSupport - Add workflow for RHEL anonymous report - spec: add workflow for RHEL anonymous report files - wizard: fix the broken widget expansion - dd: add documentation of dd_create_skeleton - workflow: add extern C to the header file - Fix minor typos - Translation updates - translations: update zanata configuration - wizard: fix the broken "Show log" widget - wizard: remove the code correcting Bugzilla groups- doc: add option -o and -O into reporter-ureport man page - rhtsupport: use problme report API to create description - bugzilla: make the event configurable - report-gtk: offer users to create private ticket - bugzilla|centos: declare 'restricted access' support - event config: add support for 'restricted access' - lib: move CREATE_PRIVATE_TICKET to the global configuration - dd: dd_delete_item does not die - dd: add function getting stat of item - dd: correct handling of TYPE when creating dump directory - dd: add function computing dump dir file system size - dd: add function counting number of dd items - dd: add function copying file descriptor to element - dd: allow 1 and 2 letter long element names - problem_data: factor out function reading single problem element - formatdup: more universal comment - dd: make function uid_in_group() public - Refactoring conditional directives that break parts of statements. - bugzilla: actualize man pages - bugzilla: don't report private problem as comment - uploader: move username and password to the advanced options - uploader: allow empty username and password - spec: add uploader config files and related man page - uploader: add possibility to set SSH keyfiles - curl: add possibility to configure SSH keys - desktop-utils: deal with Destkop files without command line - ureport: enable attaching of arbitrary values - update .gitignore - uploader: save remote name in reported_to - curl: return URLs without userinfo - lib: add function for removing userinfo from URIs - plugins: port reporters to add_reported_to_entry - reported_to: add a function formatting reported_to lines - lib: introduce parser of ISO date strings - uploader: use shared dd_create_archive function - dd: add a function for compressing dumpdirs - problem_report: add examples to the documentation - client: document environment variables- wizard: correct comments in save_text_if_changed() - events: improve example - reporter-bugzilla: add parameter -p - wizard: fix save users changes after reviewing dump dir files - dd: make function load_text_file non-static - bugzilla: don't attach build_ids - run_event: rewrite event rule parser - dd: add convenience wrappers fro loading numbers - ureport: improve curl's error messages - ureport: use Red Hat Certificate Authority to make rhsm cert trusted - curl: add posibility to use own Certificate Authority cert - spec: add redhat-access-insights to Requires of l-p-rhtsupport - bugzilla: put VARIANT_ID= to Whiteboard - autogen: use dnf instead of yum to install dependencies - configure: use hex value for dump dir mode - curl: add a helper for HTTP GET - dd: don't warn about missing 'type' if the locking fails - dd: stop warning about corrupted mandatory files - Use a dgettext function returning strings instead of bytes 2.9.5-15.el82.9.5-15.el82.9.5-15.el8 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=6f1141d0c06570c9c60795f25b4065f6ceb5980b, strippeddirectoryXML 1.0 document, UTF-8 Unicode texttroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text, with very long lines (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)troff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)RRR RR RRRRRR RRRRRRRRRutf-8d3ffeed38435aae916fa44bd367a3929ff287e549569fe516150143afd550fa4?@7zXZ !#,i Y] b2u Q{KmR14DX|㟓rѼdD?K;Z>~RmSVSz(;1\U__ٜ~ҋե%Љ` ,"sa>2; i}uK%[ׇ,s9̫6^|,jay,& *WSiXp{ג:G_K^tX28O*ơ1I?@Yq^lKD+?Հ=rNh,^Z;cgc o~mӮK~:K#.5|JhZIx&C1YE~_PЛ}e= _Zq5 ury# :3vc'.BDyv ց/hCDa5( Ņ.9݆xJLa6]( _B/]X[C\?#R)̫]_h]}V_Ak-X߮~';9g>ȓGҒ#/:'<(C tKt8$ZS8 ^knɢ2k=ðg:D🠄|+G(Ra܄&o+>Nl8W9gmZma."ەz̾{^ 8#pTA']:nfWL+`WDԪlmuxKK ^4\zݗ7bߐx^mŲ&CDV%Bӡ(s6R+xh69;DJ)\ij\E Kgtd0fe"|xE[QD޻{@^!|gYrA#K0D GLŅQTFv B3R(klTPSC:fϋW~'VMuۣHmx;&H3Uz[䠘ڎu9c Yu!oE.tPr@=. ,`C?5|Ir/ɼ6,@犌fXntqnث+Y%Y-)eڵ} 9W_"3 axpL7{_ 8!CMe,x2WcAXp@&8{;8ʍ{+K7RtpFQ"U`ZG2Y4,gxv#kec'(ج(.̺ Ơw -Y#h1 Ś$N_!0|NMVQ!S涗<_4?[ 1VDQ)sthVEAd'oAǓ^x 3ia_H) Ii/ޏ!`(/7t!'K.{ZVڞEsmdN Ȍqf¹̕+/ kMgsT CU÷mbGǙH͑M<}:D®˧ i8 8΁Jk$fCIj8r5d]x`|Vjv4&nƔ"xF$h7u %X{ǰx̄ʝG\K~ TBVR#ǔ N49I-ԧ #\* xLG:uYB!YǷ1;JL|cQ]'(`&FIAH*'l] q_Nm֍<=iݙ?wt2i /\ƚ6I \ǡ 4\>g"OP?Kev"4;[šjۼ oyɪv5"!6]l2:uPootIG1 \BIY.~5|4r쒑L37뻣D{@.혃S@ !O$,[\[AFޖmV#ǔҎ3*uA[J4b{qf5HD^Cqoi_[ɉ$YTxX<)*ʘdrcIf#Ď(LI͈ySٛR*κAKy٠t)I\a=8Ta?S @e=Mi4_{}_ 4 *twuڠyVL,ublnٶ{hjƺ xphgMYy1ħ/*o-ۛt==02qњ"u⤖Wy 6x}bI=-<o>aVXUtom9:(,,LK XR5FXɅ7=+? 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