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Move sefcontext_compile to -utils package (#1612518)- SELinux userspace 2.9 release- Fix RESOURCE_LEAK coverity scan defects- selinux_restorecon: Skip customized files also without -v - man pages fixes- Build libselinux-python when 1 macro is set to non-zero value- Build libselinux-ruby (#1581322)- Don't build the Python 2 subpackage (#1567358)- SELinux userspace 2.8 release- SELinux userspace 2.8-rc3 release candidate- SELinux userspace 2.8-rc2 release candidate- SELinux userspace 2.8-rc1 release candidate- Do not build libselinux-ruby- build: Replace PYSITEDIR with PYTHONLIBDIR- Correct manpages regarding removable_context - build: follow standard semantics for DESTDIR and PREFIX- Escape macros in %changelog- Rebuilt for Switch to %ldconfig_scriptlets- Update Python 2 dependency declarations to new packaging standards (See F-28: rebuild for ruby25- Rebuild with libsepol-2.7-3- Drop golang bindings - Add support for pcre2 to pkgconfig definition- Enable the python3 subpackages on EL- Also add Provides for the old name without %_isa- Python 2 binary package renamed to python2-libselinux See - Python 3 binary package renamed to python3-libselinux- Update to upstream release 2017-08-04- Rebuilt for Rebuild with binutils fix for ppc64le (#1475636)- Always unmount selinuxfs for SELINUX=disabled- Rebuilt for Don't finalize mount state in selinux_set_policy_root() - Follow upstream and rename to Fix setfiles progress indicator- Fix segfault in selinux_restorecon_sb() (#1433577) - Change matchpathcon usage to match with matchpathcon manpage - Fix a corner case getsebool return value- Fix 'semanage boolean -m' to modify active value- Fix FTBFS - fatal error (#1427902)- Update to upstream release 2016-10-14- Rebuilt for Add missing %license macro- Rebuilt for Rewrite restorecon() python method- Rebuild for Python 3.6- Fix pointer handling in realpath_not_final (#1376598)- Fix -Wsign-compare warnings - Drop unused stdio_ext.h header file - Kill logging check for selinux_enabled() - Drop usage of _D_ALLOC_NAMLEN - Add openrc_contexts functions - Fix redefinition of XATTR_NAME_SELINUX - Correct error path to always try text - Clean up process_file() - Handle NULL pcre study data - Fix in tree compilation of utils that depend on libsepol- Rebuilt with libsepol-2.5-9- Clarify is_selinux_mls_enabled() description - Explain how to free policy type from selinux_getpolicytype() - Compare absolute pathname in matchpathcon -V - Add selinux_snapperd_contexts_path()- Move to /usr/lib64/python*/site-packages- Modify audit2why analyze function to use loaded policy - Sort object files for deterministic linking order - Respect CC and PKG_CONFIG environment variable - Avoid mounting /proc outside of selinux_init_load_policy()- Fix multiple spelling errors- Rebuilt with libsepol-2.5-5- Fix typo in sefcontext_compile.8- Fix location of selinuxfs mount point - Only mount /proc if necessary - procattr: return einval for <= 0 pid args - procattr: return error on invalid pid_t input- Use fully versioned arch-specific requires- Update to upstream release 2016-02-23- Update to upstream rc1 release 2016-01-07- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Build libselinux without rpm_execcon() (#1284019)- Rebuilt for Python3.5 rebuild- Flush the class/perm string mapping cache on policy reload (#1264051) - Fix restorecon when path has no context- Simplify procattr cache (#1257157,#1232371)- Export ldflags into the build so hardening works- Update to 2.4 release- Rebuilt for is_selinux_enabled: Add /etc/selinux/config test (#1219045) - matchpathcon/selabel_file: Fix man pages (#1219718)- revert support for policy compressed with xv (#1185266)- - use os.walk() instead of os.path.walk() (#1195004) - is_selinux_enabled(): drop no-policy-loaded test (#1195074) - fix -Wformat errors and remove deprecated mudflap option- bump release and rebuild so that koji-shadow can rebuild it against new gcc on secondary arch- Rebuilt for Compiled file context files and the original should have the same permissions from - Add selinux_openssh_contexts_path() to get a path to /contexts/openssh_contexts- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Update to upstream * Get rid of security_context_t and fix const declarations. * Refactor rpm_execcon() into a new setexecfilecon() from Guillem Jover.- Add selinux_openssh_contexts_path()- Rebuilt for Fix spelling mistake in man page- More go bindings - restorecon, getpidcon, setexeccon- Add additional go bindings for get*con calls - Add go bindings test command - Modify man pages of set*con calls to mention that they are thread specific- Move selinux.go to /usr/lib64/golang/src/pkg/ - Add Int_to_mcs function to generate MCS labels from integers.- Add ghost flag for /var/run/setrans- Update to upstream * Fix userspace AVC handling of per-domain permissive mode. - Verify context is not null when passed into *setfilecon_raw- revert unexplained change to rhat.patch which broke SELinux disablement- Verify context is not null when passed into lsetfilecon_raw- Mv selinux.go to /usr/share/gocode/src/selinux- Add golang support to selinux.- Remove togglesebool man page- Update to upstream * Remove -lpthread from pkg-config file; it is not required. - Add support for policy compressed with xv- Update to upstream * Fix avc_has_perm() returns -1 even when SELinux is in permissive mode. * Support overriding Makefile RANLIB from Sven Vermeulen. * Update pkgconfig definition from Sven Vermeulen. * Mount sysfs before trying to mount selinuxfs from Sven Vermeulen. * Fix man pages from Laurent Bigonville. * Support overriding PATH and LIBBASE in Makefiles from Laurent Bigonville. * Fix LDFLAGS usage from Laurent Bigonville * Avoid shadowing stat in load_mmap from Joe MacDonald. * Support building on older PCRE libraries from Joe MacDonald. * Fix handling of temporary file in sefcontext_compile from Dan Walsh. * Fix procattr cache from Dan Walsh. * Define python constants for getenforce result from Dan Walsh. * Fix label substitution handling of / from Dan Walsh. * Add selinux_current_policy_path from Dan Walsh. * Change get_context_list to only return good matches from Dan Walsh. * Support udev-197 and higher from Sven Vermeulen and Dan Walsh. * Add support for local substitutions from Dan Walsh. * Change setfilecon to not return ENOSUP if context is already correct from Dan Walsh. * Python wrapper leak fixes from Dan Walsh. * Export SELINUX_TRANS_DIR definition in selinux.h from Dan Walsh. * Add selinux_systemd_contexts_path from Dan Walsh. * Add selinux_set_policy_root from Dan Walsh. * Add man page for sefcontext_compile from Dan Walsh.- Add systemd_contexts support - Do substitutions on a local sub followed by a dist sub- Eliminate requirement on pthread library, by applying patch for Jakub Jelinek Resolves #1013801- Fix handling of libselinux getconlist with only one entry- Add Python constants for SELinux enforcing modes- Rebuilt for Add sefcontext_compile.8 man page - Add Russell Coker patch to fix man pages - Add patches from Laurent Bigonville to fix Makefiles for debian. - modify spec file to use %{_prefix}/lib- Fix patch that Handles substitutions for /- Handle substitutions for / - semanage fcontext -a -e / /opt/rh/devtoolset-2/root- Add Eric Paris patch to fix procattr calls after a fork.- Move secolor.conf.5 into mcstrans package and out of libselinux- Fix python bindings for selinux_check_access- Fix reseting the policy root in matchpathcon- Cleanup setfcontext_compile atomic patch - Add matchpathcon -P /etc/selinux/mls support by allowing users to set alternate root - Make sure we set exit codes from selinux_label calls to ENOENT or SUCCESS- Make setfcontext_compile atomic- Fix memory leak in set*con calls.- Move matchpathcon to -utils package - Remove togglesebool- Fix selinux man page to reflect what current selinux policy is.- Add new constant SETRANS_DIR which points to the directory where mstransd can find the socket and libvirt can write its translations files.- Bring back selinux_current_policy_path- Revert some changes which are causing the wrong policy version file to be created- Update to upstream * audit2why: make sure path is nul terminated * utils: new file context regex compiler * label_file: use precompiled filecontext when possible * do not leak mmapfd * sefcontontext_compile: Add error handling to help debug problems in libsemanage. * man: make selinux.8 mention service man pages * audit2why: Fix segfault if finish() called twice * audit2why: do not leak on multiple init() calls * mode_to_security_class: interface to translate a mode_t in to a security class * audit2why: Cleanup audit2why analysys function * man: Fix program synopsis and function prototypes in man pages * man: Fix man pages formatting * man: Fix typo in man page * man: Add references and man page links to _raw function variants * Use ENOTSUP instead of EOPNOTSUPP for getfilecon functions * man: context_new(3): fix the return value description * selinux_status_open: handle error from sysconf * selinux_status_open: do not leak statusfd on exec * Fix errors found by coverity * Change boooleans.subs to booleans.subs_dist. * optimize set*con functions * pkg-config do not specifc ruby version * unmap file contexts on selabel_close() * do not leak file contexts with mmap'd backend * sefcontext_compile: do not leak fd on error * matchmediacon: do not leak fd * src/label_android_property: do not leak fd on error- Update to latest patches from eparis/Upstream- Update to latest patches from eparis/Upstream- Try procatt speedup patch again- Roll back procattr speedups since it seems to be screwing up systemd labeling.- Fix tid handling for setfscreatecon, old patch still broken in libvirt- Fix tid handling for setfscreatecon, old patch still broken in libvirt- setfscreatecon after fork was broken by the Set*con patch. - We needed to reset the thread variables after a fork.- Fix setfscreatecon call to handle failure mode, which was breaking udev- Ondrej Oprala patch to optimize set*con functions - Set*con now caches the security context and only re-sets it if it changes.- Rebuild against latest libsepol- Update to latest patches from eparis/Upstream - Fix errors found by coverity - set the sepol_compute_av_reason_buffer flag to 0. This means calculate denials only? - audit2why: remove a useless policy vers variable - audit2why: use the new constraint information- Rebuild with latest libsepol- Return EPERM if login program can not reach default label for user - Attempt to return container info from audit2why- Apply patch from eparis to fix leaked file descriptor in new labeling code- Add new function mode_to_security_class which takes mode instead of a string. - Possibly will be used with coreutils.- Add back selinuxconlist and selinuxdefcon man pages- Fix segfault from calling audit2why.finish() multiple times- Fix up selinux man page to reference service man pages- Rebuild with fixed libsepol- Update to upstream * Add support for lxc_contexts_path * utils: add service to getdefaultcon * libsemanage: do not set soname needlessly * libsemanage: remove PYTHONLIBDIR and ruby equivalent * boolean name equivalency * getsebool: support boolean name substitution * Add man page for new selinux_boolean_sub function. * expose selinux_boolean_sub * matchpathcon: add -m option to force file type check * utils: avcstat: clear sa_mask set * seusers: Check for strchr failure * booleans: initialize pointer to silence coveriety * stop messages when SELinux disabled * label_file: use PCRE instead of glibc regex functions * label_file: remove all typedefs * label_file: move definitions to include file * label_file: do string to mode_t conversion in a helper function * label_file: move error reporting back into caller * label_file: move stem/spec handling to header * label_file: drop useless ncomp field from label_file data * label_file: move spec_hasMetaChars to header * label_file: fix potential read past buffer in spec_hasMetaChars * label_file: move regex sorting to the header * label_file: add accessors for the pcre extra data * label_file: only run regex files one time * label_file: new process_file function * label_file: break up find_stem_from_spec * label_file: struct reorg * label_file: only run array once when sorting * Ensure that we only close the selinux netlink socket once. * improve the file_contexts.5 manual page- rebuild for make with_python3 be conditional on fedora- Rebuilt for Move the tmpfiles.d content from /etc/tmpfiles.d to /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d- Revert Eric Paris Patch for selinux_binary_policy_path- Update to upstream * Fortify source now requires all code to be compiled with -O flag * asprintf return code must be checked * avc_netlink_recieve handle EINTR * audit2why: silence -Wmissing-prototypes warning * libsemanage: remove build warning when build swig c files * matchpathcon: bad handling of symlinks in / * seusers: remove unused lineno * seusers: getseuser: gracefully handle NULL service * New Android property labeling backend * label_android_property whitespace cleanups * additional makefile support for rubywrap- Fix booleans.subs name, change function name to selinux_boolean_sub, add man page, minor fixes to the function- Fix to compile with Fortify source * Add -O compiler flag * Check return code from asprintf - Fix handling of symbolic links in / by realpath_not_final- Add support for lxc contexts file- Add support fot boolean subs file- Update to upstream * Fix dead links to * Remove jump over variable declaration * Fix old style function definitions * Fix const-correctness * Remove unused flush_class_cache method * Add prototype decl for destructor * Add more printf format annotations * Add printf format attribute annotation to die() method * Fix const-ness of parameters & make usage() methods static * Enable many more gcc warnings for libselinux/src/ builds * utils: Enable many more gcc warnings for libselinux/utils builds * Change annotation on include/selinux/avc.h to avoid upsetting SWIG * Ensure there is a prototype for 'matchpathcon_lib_destructor' * Update Makefiles to handle /usrmove * utils: Stop separating out matchpathcon as something special * pkg-config to figure out where ruby include files are located * build with either ruby 1.9 or ruby 1.8 * assert if avc_init() not called * take security_deny_unknown into account * security_compute_create_name(3) * Do not link against python library, this is considered * bad practice in debian * Hide unnecessarily-exported library destructors- Add selinux_current_policy_path to return /sys/fs/selinux/policy if it exists - Otherwise search for policy on disk- Change selinux_binary_policy_path to return /sys/fs/selinux/policy - Add selinux_installed_policy_path to return what selinux_binary_policy_path used to return - avc_has_perm will now return yes if the machine is in permissive mode - Make work with ruby-1.9- avc_netlink_recieve should continue to poll if it receinves an EINTR rather- use /sbin/ldconfig, glibc does not provide /usr/sbin/ldconfig in the RPM database for now- Rebuild with cleaned up upstream to work in /usr- install everything in /usr Add Dan Berrange code cleanup patches.- Fix selabal_open man page to refer to proper selinux_opt structure-Update to upstream * Fix setenforce man page to refer to selinux man page * Cleanup Man pages * merge freecon with getcon man page- Add patch from Richard Haines When selabel_lookup found an invalid context with validation enabled, it always stated it was 'file_contexts' whether media, x, db or file. The fix is to store the spec file name in the selabel_lookup_rec on selabel_open and use this as output for logs. Also a minor fix if key is NULL to stop seg faults. - Fix setenforce manage page.- Rebuild with new libsepol- Fix setenforce man page, from Miroslav Grepl- Upgrade to upstream * selinuxswig_python.i: don't make syscall if it won't change anything * Remove assert in security_get_boolean_names(3) * Mapped compute functions now obey deny_unknown flag * get_default_type now sets EINVAL if no entry. * return EINVAL if invalid role selected * Updated selabel_file(5) man page * Updated selabel_db(5) man page * Updated selabel_media(5) man page * Updated selabel_x(5) man page * Add man/man5 man pages * Add man/man5 man pages * Add man/man5 man pages * use -W and -Werror in utils- Change python binding for restorecon to check if the context matches. - If it does do not reset- Upgrade to upstream * Makefiles: syntax, convert all ${VAR} to $(VAR) * load_policy: handle selinux=0 and /sys/fs/selinux not exist * regenerate .pc on VERSION change * label: cosmetic cleanups * simple interface for access checks * Don't reinitialize avc_init if it has been called previously * seusers: fix to handle large sets of groups * audit2why: close fd on enomem * rename and export symlink_realpath * label_file: style changes to make Eric happy.- Apply libselinux patch to handle large groups in seusers.- Add selinux_check_access function. Needed for passwd, chfn, chsh- Handle situation where selinux=0 passed to the kernel and both /selinux and-Update to upstream * utils: matchpathcon: remove duplicate declaration * src: matchpathcon: use myprintf not fprintf * src: matchpathcon: make sure resolved path starts * put in /lib not /usr/lib * tree: default make target to all not- Switch to use ":" as prefix separator rather then ";"- Avoid unnecessary shell invocation in %post.- Fix handling of subset labeling that is causing segfault in restorecon- Change matchpathcon_init_prefix and selabel_open to allow multiple initial prefixes. Now you can specify a ";" separated list of prefixes and the labeling system will only load regular expressions that match these prefixes.- Change matchpatcon to use proper myprintf - Fix symlink_realpath to always include "/" - Update to upstream * selinux_file_context_verify function returns wrong value. * move realpath helper to matchpathcon library * python wrapper makefile changes- Move to new Makefile that can build with or without PYTHON being set-Update to upstream 2.1.4 2011-0817 * mapping fix for invalid class/perms after selinux_set_mapping * audit2why: work around python bug not defining * resolv symlinks and dot directories before matching 2.1.2 2011-0803 * audit2allow: do not print statistics * make python bindings for restorecon work on relative path * fix python audit2why binding error * support new python3 functions * do not check fcontext duplicates on use * Patch for python3 for libselinux 2.1.1 2011-08-02 * move .gitignore into utils * new setexecon utility * selabel_open fix processing of substitution files * mountpoint changing patch. * simplify SRCS in Makefile 2.1.1 2011-08-01 * Remove generated files, introduce more .gitignore-Update to upstream * Release, minor version bump * Give correct names to mount points in load_policy by Dan Walsh. * Make sure selinux state is reported correctly if selinux is disabled or fails to load by Dan Walsh. * Fix crash if selinux_key_create was never called by Dan Walsh. * Add new file_context.subs_dist for distro specific filecon substitutions by Dan Walsh. * Update man pages for selinux_color_* functions by Richard Haines.- Only call dups check within selabel/matchpathcon if you are validating the context - This seems to speed the loading of labels by 4 times.- Move /selinux to /sys/fs/selinux - Add selinuxexeccon - Add realpath to matchpathcon to handle matchpathcon * type queries.- Update for latest libsepol- Update for latest libsepol- Fix restorecon python binding to accept relative paths-Update to upstream * Give correct names to mount points in load_policy by Dan Walsh. * Make sure selinux state is reported correctly if selinux is disabled or fails to load by Dan Walsh. * Fix crash if selinux_key_create was never called by Dan Walsh. * Add new file_context.subs_dist for distro specific filecon substitutions by Dan Walsh. * Update man pages for selinux_color_* functions by Richard Haines.- Clean up patch to make handling of constructor cleanup more portable * db_language object class support for selabel_lookup from KaiGai Kohei. * Library destructors for thread local storage keys from Eamon Walsh.- Add distribution subs pathAdd patch from to initialize thread keys to -1 Errors were being seen in libpthread/libdl that were related to corrupt thread specific keys. Global destructors that are called on dl unload. During destruction delete a thread specific key without checking if it has been initialized. Since the constructor is not called each time (i.e. key is not initialized with pthread_key_create each time), and the default is 0, there is a possibility that key 0 for an active thread gets deleted. This is exactly what is happening in case of OpenJDK. Workaround patch that initializes the key to -1. Thus if the constructor is not called, the destructor tries to delete key -1 which is deemed invalid by pthread_key_delete, and is ignored.- Call fini_selinuxmnt if selinux is disabled, to cause is_selinux_disabled() to report correct data- Change mount source options to use "proc" and "selinuxfs"- Update to upstream * Turn off default user handling when computing user contexts by Dan Walsh- Rebuilt for Fixup selinux man page- Fix Makefile to use pkg-config --cflags python3 to discover include paths- Update to upstream - Turn off fallback in to SELINUX_DEFAULTUSER in get_context_list- Update to upstream * Thread local storage fixes from Eamon Walsh.- Add /etc/tmpfiles.d support for /var/run/setrans- Ghost /var/run/setrans- Rebuilt for gcc bug 634757- rebuild via updated swig (#624674)- Update for python 3.2a1- Turn off fallback in to SELINUX_DEFAULTUSER in get_context_list- Rebuilt for Turn off messages in audit2why- Update to upstream * Add const qualifiers to public API where appropriate by KaiGai Kohei. 2.0.95 2010-06-10 * Remove duplicate slashes in paths in selabel_lookup from Chad Sellers * Adds a chcon method to the libselinux python bindings from Steve Lawrence - add python3 subpackage from David Malcolm* Set errno=EINVAL for invalid contexts from Dan Walsh.- Update to upstream * Show strerror for security_getenforce() by Colin Waters. * Merged selabel database support by KaiGai Kohei. * Modify netlink socket blocking code by KaiGai Kohei.- Update to upstream * Fix from Eric Paris to fix leak on non-selinux systems. * regenerate swig wrappers * pkgconfig fix to respect LIBDIR from Dan Walsh.- Update to upstream * Change the AVC to only audit the permissions specified by the policy, excluding any permissions specified via dontaudit or not specified via auditallow. * Fix compilation of label_file.c with latest glibc headers.- Fix potential doublefree on init- Fix libselinux.pc- Fix man page for selinuxdefcon- Free memory on disabled selinux boxes- Update to upstream * add/reformat man pages by Guido Trentalancia . * Change to be called with bash by Manoj Srivastava - Fix selinuxdefcon man page- Update to upstream * Add pkgconfig file from Eamon Walsh.- Update to upstream * Rename and export selinux_reset_config()- Update to upstream * Add exception handling in libselinux from Dan Walsh. This uses a shell script called to generate a swig interface file. * make swigify * Make matchpathcon print <> if path not found in fcontext file.- Eliminate -pthread switch in Makefile- Update to upstream * Removal of reference counting on userspace AVC SID's.- Rebuilt for Update to upstream * Reverted Tomas Mraz's fix for freeing thread local storage to avoid pthread dependency. * Removed fini_context_translations() altogether. * Merged lazy init patch from Stephen Smalley based on original patch by Steve Grubb.- Update to upstream * Add per-service seuser support from Dan Walsh. * Let load_policy gracefully handle selinuxfs being mounted from Stephen Smalley. * Check /proc/filesystems before /proc/mounts for selinuxfs from Eric Paris.- Add provices ruby(selinux)- Update to upstream * Fix improper use of thread local storage from Tomas Mraz . * Label substitution support from Dan Walsh. * Support for labeling virtual machine images from Dan Walsh.- Update to upstream * Trim / from the end of input paths to matchpathcon from Dan Walsh. * Fix leak in process_line in label_file.c from Hiroshi Shinji. * Move matchpathcon to /sbin, add matchpathcon to clean target from Dan Walsh. * getdefaultcon to print just the correct match and add verbose option from Dan Walsh.- Update to upstream * deny_unknown wrapper function from KaiGai Kohei. * security_compute_av_flags API from KaiGai Kohei. * Netlink socket management and callbacks from KaiGai Kohei.- Fix Memory Leak- Fix crash in python- Add back in additional interfaces- Add back in av_decision to python swig- Update to upstream * Netlink socket handoff patch from Adam Jackson. * AVC caching of compute_create results by Eric Paris.- Add patch from ajax to accellerate X SELinux - Update eparis patch- Add eparis patch to accellerate Xwindows performance- Fix URL- Add substitute pattern - matchpathcon output <> on ENOENT- Update to upstream * Fix incorrect conversion in discover_class code.- Rebuilt for Add - selinux_virtual_domain_context_path - selinux_virtual_image_context_path- Throw exeptions in python swig bindings on failures- Fix restorecon python code- Update to upstream- Strip trailing / for matchpathcon- Fix segfault if seusers file does not work- Add new function getseuser which will take username and service and return - seuser and level. ipa will populate file in future. - Change selinuxdefcon to return just the context by default- Rebuild for Python 2.6- Update to Upstream * Allow shell-style wildcards in x_contexts file.- Eamon Walsh Patch - libselinux: allow shell-style wildcarding in X names - Add Restorecon/Install python functions from Luke Macken- Update to Upstream * Correct message types in AVC log messages. * Make matchpathcon -V pass mode from Dan Walsh. * Add man page for selinux_file_context_cmp from Dan Walsh.- Update to Upstream * New man pages from Dan Walsh. * Update flask headers from refpolicy trunk from Dan Walsh.- Fix matchpathcon -V call- Add flask definitions for open, X and nlmsg_tty_audit- Add missing get/setkeycreatecon man pages- Split out utilities- Add missing man page links for [lf]getfilecon- Update to Upstream * Add group support to seusers using %groupname syntax from Dan Walsh. * Mark setrans socket close-on-exec from Stephen Smalley. * Only apply nodups checking to base file contexts from Stephen Smalley.- Update to Upstream * Merge ruby bindings from Dan Walsh. - Add support for Linux groups to getseuserbyname- Allow group handling in getseuser call- Update to Upstream * Handle duplicate file context regexes as a fatal error from Stephen Smalley. This prevents adding them via semanage. * Fix audit2why shadowed variables from Stephen Smalley. * Note that freecon NULL is legal in man page from Karel Zak.- Add ruby support for puppet- Rebuild for new libsepol- Add Karel Zak patch for freecon man page- Update to Upstream * New and revised AVC, label, and mapping man pages from Eamon Walsh. * Add swig python bindings for avc interfaces from Dan Walsh.- Update to Upstream * Fix selinux_file_context_verify() and selinux_lsetfilecon_default() to call matchpathcon_init_prefix if not already initialized. * Add -q qualifier for -V option of matchpathcon and change it to indicate whether verification succeeded or failed via exit status.- libselinux no longer neets to telnet -u in post install- Add sedefaultcon and setconlist commands to dump login context- Update to Upstream * Fixed selinux_set_callback man page. * Try loading the max of the kernel-supported version and the libsepol-supported version when no manipulation of the binary policy is needed from Stephen Smalley. * Fix memory leaks in matchpathcon from Eamon Walsh.- Add Xavior Toth patch for security_id_t in swig- Add avc.h to swig code- Grab the latest policy for the kernel- Update to Upstream * Man page typo fix from Jim Meyering.- Update to Upstream * Changed selinux_init_load_policy() to not warn about a failed mount of selinuxfs if selinux was disabled in the kernel.- Fix matchpathcon memory leak- Update to Upstream * Merged new X label "poly_selection" namespace from Eamon Walsh.- Update to Upstream * Merged reset_selinux_config() for load policy from Dan Walsh.- Reload library on loading of policy to handle chroot- Update to Upstream * Merged avc_has_perm() errno fix from Eamon Walsh.- Update to Upstream * Regenerated Flask headers from refpolicy flask definitions.- Update to Upstream * Merged compute_member AVC function and manpages from Eamon Walsh. * Provide more error reporting on load policy failures from Stephen Smalley.- Update to Upstream * Merged new X label "poly_prop" namespace from Eamon Walsh.- Update to Upstream * Disable setlocaldefs if no local boolean or users files are present from Stephen Smalley. * Skip userspace preservebools processing for Linux >= 2.6.22 from Stephen Smalley.- Update to Upstream * Merged fix for audit2why from Dan Walsh.- Fix audit2why to grab latest policy versus the one selected by the kernel* Merged audit2why python binding from Dan Walsh.* Merged updated swig bindings from Dan Walsh, including typemap for pid_t.- Update to use libsepol-static library- Move libselinux.a to -static package - Spec cleanups- Put back libselinux.a- Fix memory references in audit2why and change to use tuples - Update to Upstream * Fix for the avc: granted null message bug from Stephen Smalley.- Fix specification- Add audit2why python bindings- Add pid_t typemap for swig bindings- smp_mflag- Fix spec file caused by spec review- Upgrade to upstream * matchpathcon(8) man page update from Dan Walsh.- Upgrade to upstream * dlopen rather than from Stephen Smalley. * Based on a suggestion from Ulrich Drepper, defer regex compilation until we have a stem match, by Stephen Smalley. * A further optimization would be to defer regex compilation until we have a complete match of the constant prefix of the regex - TBD.- Upgrade to upstream * Regenerated Flask headers from policy.- Upgrade to upstream * AVC enforcing mode override patch from Eamon Walsh. * Aligned attributes in AVC netlink code from Eamon Walsh. - Move back into devel package, procps has been fixed- Upgrade to upstream * Merged refactored AVC netlink code from Eamon Walsh. * Merged new X label namespaces from Eamon Walsh. * Bux fix and minor refactoring in string representation code.- Upgrade to upstream * Merged selinux_get_callback, avc_open, empty string mapping from Eamon Walsh.- Upgrade to upstream * Fix segfault resulting from missing file_contexts file.- Fix segfault on missing file_context file- Upgrade to upstream * Make netlink socket close-on-exec to avoid descriptor leakage from Dan Walsh. * Pass CFLAGS when using gcc for linking from Dennis Gilmore.- Add sparc patch to from Dennis Gilmore to build on Sparc platform- Remove leaked file descriptor- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Fix selabel option flag setting for 64-bit from Stephen Smalley.- Change matchpatcon to use syslog instead of syserror- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Re-map a getxattr return value of 0 to a getfilecon return value of -1 with errno EOPNOTSUPP from Stephen Smalley. * Fall back to the compat code for security_class_to_string and security_av_perm_to_string from Stephen Smalley. * Fix swig binding for rpm_execcon from James Athey.- Apply James Athway patch to fix rpm_execcon python binding- Move back into main package, breaks procps- Upgrade to upstream * Fix file_contexts.homedirs path from Todd Miller.- Remove requirement on setransd, Moved to selinux-policy-mls- Move into devel package - Upgrade to upstream * Fix segfault resulting from uninitialized print-callback pointer. * Added x_contexts path function patch from Eamon Walsh. * Fix build for EMBEDDED=y from Yuichi Nakamura. * Fix markup problems in selinux man pages from Dan Walsh.- Upgrade to upstream * Updated version for stable branch. * Added x_contexts path function patch from Eamon Walsh. * Fix build for EMBEDDED=y from Yuichi Nakamura. * Fix markup problems in selinux man pages from Dan Walsh. * Updated av_permissions.h and flask.h to include new nscd permissions from Dan Walsh. * Added swigify to top-level Makefile from Dan Walsh. * Fix for string_to_security_class segfault on x86_64 from Stephen Smalley.- Apply Steven Smalley patch to fix segfault in string_to_security_class- Fix matchpathcon to set default myprintf- Upgrade to upstream * Fix for getfilecon() for zero-length contexts from Stephen Smalley.- Update to match flask/access_vectors in policy- Fix man page markup lanquage for translations- Fix semanage segfault on x86 platform- Upgrade to upstream * Labeling and callback interface patches from Eamon Walsh.- Refactored swig- Upgrade to upstream * Class and permission mapping support patches from Eamon Walsh. * Object class discovery support patches from Chris PeBenito. * Refactoring and errno support in string representation code.- Upgrade to upstream - Merged patch to reduce size of libselinux and remove need for libsepol for embedded systems from Yuichi Nakamura. This patch also turns the link-time dependency on libsepol into a runtime (dlopen) dependency even in the non-embedded case. 2.0.17 2007-05-31 * Updated Lindent script and reindented two header files.- Upgrade to upstream * Merged additional swig python bindings from Dan Walsh. * Merged helpful message when selinuxfs mount fails patch from Dax Kelson.- Upgrade to upstream * Merged build fix for avc_internal.c from Joshua Brindle.- Add get_context_list funcitions to swig file- Upgrade to upstream * Merged rpm_execcon python binding fix, matchpathcon man page fix, and getsebool -a handling for EACCES from Dan Walsh.- Add missing interface- Upgrade to upstream * Merged support for getting initial contexts from James Carter.- Upgrade to upstream * Merged userspace AVC patch to follow kernel's behavior for permissive mode in caching previous denials from Eamon Walsh. * Merged sidput(NULL) patch from Eamon Walsh.- Make rpm_exec swig work- Upgrade to upstream * Merged class/av string conversion and avc_compute_create patch from Eamon Walsh.- Upgrade to upstream * Merged fix for avc.h #include's from Eamon Walsh.- Add stdint.h to avc.h- Merged patch to drop support for CACHETRANS=0 config option from Steve Grubb. - Merged patch to drop support for old /etc/sysconfig/selinux and - /etc/security policy file layout from Steve Grubb.- Do not fail on permission denied in getsebool- Upgrade to upstream * Merged init_selinuxmnt() and is_selinux_enabled() improvements from Steve Grubb.- Upgrade to upstream * Removed sending of setrans init message. * Merged matchpathcon memory leak fix from Steve Grubb.- Upgrade to upstream * Merged more swig initializers from Dan Walsh.- Upgrade to upstream * Merged patch from Todd Miller to convert int types over to C99 style.- Merged patch from Todd Miller to remove sscanf in matchpathcon.c because of the use of the non-standard format (original patch changed for style). - Merged patch from Todd Miller to fix memory leak in matchpathcon.c.- Add context function to python to split context into 4 parts- Upgrade to upstream * Updated version for stable branch.- Upgrade to upstream * Merged man page updates to make "apropos selinux" work from Dan Walsh.- Upgrade to upstream * Merged getdefaultcon utility from Dan Walsh.- Add Ulrich NSCD__GETSERV and NSCD__SHMEMGRP for Uli- Add reference to selinux man page in all man pages to make apropos work Resolves: # 217881- Upstream wanted some minor changes, upgrading to keep api the same - Upgrade to upstream * Merged selinux_check_securetty_context() and support from Dan Walsh. Resolves: #200110- Cleanup patch- Add securetty handling Resolves: #200110- Upgrade to upstream * Merged patch for matchpathcon utility to use file mode information when available from Dan Walsh.- rebuild against python 2.5- Fix matchpathcon to lstat files- Update man page- Upgrade to upstream- Add James Antill patch for login verification of MLS Levels - MLS ragnes need to be checked, Eg. login/cron. This patch adds infrastructure.- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Merged updated flask definitions from Darrel Goeddel. This adds the context security class, and also adds the string definitions for setsockcreate and polmatch.- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Updated version for release.- rebuilt for unwind info generation, broken in gcc-4.1.1-21- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Merged av_permissions.h update from Steve Grubb, adding setsockcreate and polmatch definitions.- really make -devel depend on libsepol-devel- Add sgrubb patch for polmatch- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Merged patch from Steve Smalley to fix SIGPIPE in setrans_client- have -devel require libsepol-devel- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Merged patch to not log avc stats upon a reset from Steve Grubb. * Applied patch to revert compat_net setting upon policy load. * Merged file context homedir and local path functions from Chris PeBenito.- rebuilt with latest binutils to pick up 64K -z commonpagesize on ppc* (#203001)- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Merged file context homedir and local path functions from Chris PeBenito. * Rework functions that access /proc/pid/attr to access the per-thread nodes, and unify the code to simplify maintenance.- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Merged return value fix for *getfilecon() from Dan Walsh. * Merged sockcreate interfaces from Eric Paris.- Fix translation return codes to return size of buffer- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Merged no-tls-direct-seg-refs patch from Jeremy Katz. * Merged netfilter_contexts support patch from Chris PeBenito.- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Merged context_*_set errno patch from Jim Meyering.- only build non-fpic objects with -mno-tls-direct-seg-refs- build with -mno-tls-direct-seg-refs on x86 to avoid triggering segfaults with xen (#200783)- Rebuild for new gcc- Fix libselinux to not telinit during installs- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Lindent. * Merged {get,set}procattrcon patch set from Eric Paris. * Merged re-base of keycreate patch originally by Michael LeMay from Eric Paris. * Regenerated Flask headers from refpolicy. * Merged patch from Dan Walsh with: - Added selinux_file_context_{cmp,verify}. - Added selinux_lsetfilecon_default. - Delay translation of contexts in matchpathcon.- Yet another change to matchpathcon- Turn off error printing in library. Need to compile with DEBUG to get it back- Fix error reporting of matchpathcon- Add function to compare file context on disk versus contexts in file_contexts file.- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Merged patch from Dan Walsh with: * Added selinux_getpolicytype() function. * Modified setrans code to skip processing if !mls_enabled. * Set errno in the !selinux_mnt case. * Allocate large buffers from the heap, not on stack. Affects is_context_customizable, selinux_init_load_policy, and selinux_getenforcemode.- Add selinux_getpolicytype()- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Merged !selinux_mnt checks from Ian Kent.- Check for selinux_mnt == NULL- Merged matchmediacon and trans_to_raw_context fixes from Serge Hallyn.- Remove getseuser- Bump requires to grab latest libsepol- Add BuildRequires for swig- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Merged simple setrans client cache from Dan Walsh. Merged avcstat patch from Russell Coker. * Modified selinux_mkload_policy() to also set /selinux/compat_net appropriately for the loaded policy.- More fixes for translation cache - Upgrade to latest from NSA * Added matchpathcon_fini() function to free memory allocated by matchpathcon_init().- Add simple cache to improve translation speed- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Merged setrans client cleanup patch from Steve Grubb.- Add Russell's AVC patch to handle large numbers- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Merged getfscreatecon man page fix from Dan Walsh. * Updated booleans(8) man page to drop references to the old booleans file and to note that setsebool can be used to set the boot-time defaults via -P.- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Merged fix warnings patch from Karl MacMillan. * Merged setrans client support from Dan Walsh. This removes use of libsetrans. * Merged patch to eliminate use of PAGE_SIZE constant from Dan Walsh. * Merged swig typemap fixes from Glauber de Oliveira Costa.- Change the way translations work, Use setransd/remove libsetrans- Add selinuxswig fixes - Stop using PAGE_SIZE and start using sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE)- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Added distclean target to Makefile. * Regenerated swig files. * Changed matchpathcon_init to verify that the spec file is a regular file. * Merged python binding t_output_helper removal patch from Dan Walsh.- Fix python bindings for matchpathcon - Fix booleans man page- Merged Makefile PYLIBVER definition patch from Dan Walsh.- Make some fixes so it will build on RHEL4 - Upgrade to latest from NSA * Updated version for release. * Altered rpm_execcon fallback logic for permissive mode to also handle case where /selinux/enforce is not available.- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Merged install-pywrap Makefile patch from Joshua Brindle.- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Merged pywrap Makefile patch from Dan Walsh.- Split out pywrap in Makefile- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Added getseuser test program.- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Added format attribute to myprintf in matchpathcon.c and removed obsoleted rootlen variable in init_selinux_config().- Build with new libsepol- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Merged several fixes and improvements from Ulrich Drepper (Red Hat), including: - corrected use of getline - further calls to __fsetlocking for local files - use of strdupa and asprintf - proper handling of dirent in booleans code - use of -z relro - several other optimizations * Merged getpidcon python wrapper from Dan Walsh (Red Hat).- Add build requires line for libsepol-devel- Fix swig call for getpidcon- Move to base package- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Merged call to finish_context_translations from Dan Walsh. This eliminates a memory leak from failing to release memory allocated by libsetrans.- update to latest libsetrans - Fix potential memory leak- rebuilt- Update to never version * Merged patch for swig interfaces from Dan Walsh.- Update to never version- Fix some of the python swig objects- Update to latest from NSA * Added MATCHPATHCON_VALIDATE flag for set_matchpathcon_flags() and modified matchpathcon implementation to make context validation/ canonicalization optional at matchpathcon_init time, deferring it to a successful matchpathcon by default unless the new flag is set by the caller. * Added matchpathcon_init_prefix() interface, and reworked matchpathcon implementation to support selective loading of file contexts entries based on prefix matching between the pathname regex stems and the specified path prefix (stem must be a prefix of the specified path prefix).- Update to latest from NSA * Change getsebool to return on/off instead of active/inactive- Update to latest from NSA * Added -f file_contexts option to matchpathcon util. Fixed warning message in matchpathcon_init(). * Merged Makefile python definitions patch from Dan Walsh.- Update to latest from NSA * Merged swigify patch from Dan Walsh.- Separate out libselinux-python bindings into separate rpm- Read libsetrans requirement- Add python bindings- Update to latest from NSA * Merged make failure in rpm_execcon non-fatal in permissive mode patch from Ivan Gyurdiev.- Remove requirement for libsetrans- Update to latest from NSA * Added MATCHPATHCON_NOTRANS flag for set_matchpathcon_flags() and modified matchpathcon_init() to skip context translation if it is set by the caller.- Update to latest from NSA * Added security_canonicalize_context() interface and set_matchpathcon_canoncon() interface for obtaining canonical contexts. Changed matchpathcon internals to obtain canonical contexts by default. Provided fallback for kernels that lack extended selinuxfs context interface. - Patch to not translate mls when calling setfiles- Update to latest from NSA * Merged seusers parser changes from Ivan Gyurdiev. * Merged setsebool to libsemanage patch from Ivan Gyurdiev. * Changed seusers parser to reject empty fields.- Update to latest from NSA * Merged seusers empty level handling patch from Jonathan Kim (TCS).- Rebuild for latest libsepol- Rebuild for latest libsepol- Change default to __default__- Change default to __default__- Add selinux_translations_path- Update to latest from NSA * Merged selinux_path() and selinux_homedir_context_path() functions from Joshua Brindle.- Need to check for /sbin/telinit- Update to latest from NSA * Merged fixes for make DESTDIR= builds from Joshua Brindle.- Update to latest from NSA * Merged get_default_context_with_rolelevel and man pages from Dan Walsh (Red Hat). * Updated call to sepol_policydb_to_image for sepol changes. * Changed getseuserbyname to ignore empty lines and to handle no matching entry in the same manner as no seusers file.- Tell init to reexec itself in post script- Update to latest from NSA * Changed selinux_mkload_policy to try downgrading the latest policy version available to the kernel-supported version. * Changed selinux_mkload_policy to fall back to the maximum policy version supported by libsepol if the kernel policy version falls outside of the supported range.- Update to latest from NSA * Changed getseuserbyname to fall back to the Linux username and NULL level if seusers config file doesn't exist unless REQUIRESEUSERS=1 is set in /etc/selinux/config. * Moved seusers.conf under $SELINUXTYPE and renamed to seusers.- Update to latest from NSA * Added selinux_init_load_policy() function as an even higher level interface for the initial policy load by /sbin/init. This obsoletes the load_policy() function in the sysvinit-selinux.patch. * Added selinux_mkload_policy() function as a higher level interface for loading policy than the security_load_policy() interface.- Update to latest from NSA * Merged fix for matchpathcon (regcomp error checking) from Johan Fischer. Also added use of regerror to obtain the error string for inclusion in the error message.- Update to latest from NSA * Changed getseuserbyname to not require (and ignore if present) the MLS level in seusers.conf if MLS is disabled, setting *level to NULL in this case.- Update to latest from NSA * Merged getseuserbyname patch from Dan Walsh.- Fix patch to satisfy upstream- Update to latest from NSA - Add getseuserbyname- Fix patch call- Fix strip_con call- Go back to original libsetrans code- Eliminate forth param from mls context when mls is not enabled.- Update from NSA * Merged modified form of patch to avoid dlopen/dlclose by the static libselinux from Dan Walsh. Users of the static libselinux will not have any context translation by default.- Update from NSA * Added public functions to export context translation to users of libselinux (selinux_trans_to_raw_context, selinux_raw_to_trans_context).- Update from NSA * Remove special definition for context_range_set; use common code.- Update from NSA * Hid translation-related symbols entirely and ensured that raw functions have hidden definitions for internal use. * Allowed setting NULL via context_set* functions. * Allowed whitespace in MLS component of context. * Changed rpm_execcon to use translated functions to workaround lack of MLS level on upgraded systems.- Allow set_comp on unset ranges- Merged context translation patch, originally by TCS, with modifications by Dan Walsh (Red Hat).- Apply translation patch- Update from NSA * Merged several fixes for error handling paths in the AVC sidtab, matchpathcon, booleans, context, and get_context_list code from Serge Hallyn (IBM). Bugs found by Coverity. * Removed setupns; migrated to pam. * Merged patches to rename checkPasswdAccess() from Joshua Brindle. Original symbol is temporarily retained for compatibility until all callers are updated.- Update makefiles- Update from NSA * Merged security_setupns() from Chad Sellers. - fix selinuxenabled man page- Update from NSA * Merged avcstat and selinux man page from Dan Walsh. * Changed security_load_booleans to process booleans.local even if booleans file doesn't exist.- Fix avcstat to clear totals- Add info to man page- Update from NSA * Merged set_selinuxmnt patch from Bill Nottingham (Red Hat). * Rewrote get_ordered_context_list and helpers, including changing logic to allow variable MLS fields.- Update from NSA- Add backin matchpathcon- Fix selinux_policy_root man page- Change assert(selinux_mnt) to if (!selinux_mnt) return -1;- Update from NSA * Fixed bug in matchpathcon_filespec_destroy.- Update from NSA * Fixed bug in rpm_execcon error handling path.- Update from NSA * Merged fix for set_matchpathcon* functions from Andreas Steinmetz. * Merged fix for getconlist utility from Andreas Steinmetz.- Update from NSA- Better handling of booleans- Update from NSA * Merged destructors patch from Tomas Mraz.- Update from NSA * Added set_matchpathcon_flags() function for setting flags controlling operation of matchpathcon. MATCHPATHCON_BASEONLY means only process the base file_contexts file, not file_contexts.homedirs or file_contexts.local, and is for use by setfiles -c. * Updated matchpathcon.3 man page.- Update from NSA- Update from NSA * Fixed bug in matchpathcon_filespec_add() - failure to clear fl_head.- Update from NSA * Changed matchpathcon_common to ignore any non-format bits in the mode.- Default matchpathcon to regular files if the user specifies a mode- Update from NSA * Merged several fixes from Ulrich Drepper.- Fix matchpathcon on eof.- Update from NSA * Merged matchpathcon patch for file_contexts.homedir from Dan Walsh. * Added selinux_users_path() for path to directory containing system.users and local.users.- Process file_context.homedir- Update from NSA * Changed relabel Makefile target to use restorecon.- Update from NSA * Regenerated av_permissions.h.- Update from NSA * Modified avc_dump_av to explicitly check for any permissions that cannot be mapped to string names and display them as a hex value. * Regenerated av_permissions.h.- Update from NSA * Generalized matchpathcon internals, exported more interfaces, and moved additional code from setfiles into libselinux so that setfiles can directly use matchpathcon.- Update from NSA * Prevent overflow of spec array in matchpathcon. * Fixed several uses of internal functions to avoid relocations. * Changed rpm_execcon to check is_selinux_enabled() and fallback to a regular execve if not enabled (or unable to determine due to a lack of /proc, e.g. chroot'd environment).- Update from NSA * Merged minor fix for avcstat from Dan Walsh.- rpmexeccon should not fail in permissive mode.- fix printf in avcstat- Update from NSA- Modify matchpathcon to also process file_contexts.local if it exists- Add is_customizable_types function call- Update to latest from upstream * Just changing version number to match upstream- Update to latest from upstream * Changed matchpathcon to return -1 with errno ENOENT for <> entries, and also for an empty file_contexts configuration.- Fix link devel libraries- Fix unitialized variable in avcstat.c- Upgrade to upstream * Removed some trivial utils that were not useful or redundant. * Changed BINDIR default to /usr/sbin to match change in Fedora. * Added security_compute_member. * Added man page for setcon.- Upgrade to upstream- Add avcstat program- Add lots of missing man pages- Fix output of getsebool.- Update from upstream, fix setsebool -P segfault- Add a patch from upstream. Fixes signed/unsigned issues, and incomplete structure copy.- More fixes from sgrubb, better syslog- Have setsebool and togglesebool log changes to syslog- Add patch to make setsebool update bool on disk - Make togglesebool have a rollback capability in case it blows up inflight- Upgrade to latest from NSA- Changed the location of the utilities to /usr/sbin since normal users can't use them anyways.- Updated various utilities, removed utilities that are for testing, added man pages.- Add -g flag to make - Upgrade to latest from NSA * Added rpm_execcon.- Upgrade to latest from NSA * Merged setenforce and removable context patch from Dan Walsh. * Merged build fix for alpha from Ulrich Drepper. * Removed copyright/license from selinux_netlink.h - definitions only.- Change setenforce to accept Enforcing and Permissive- Add alpha patch- Upgrade to latest from NSA- Add selinux_removable_context_path- Update from NSA * Add matchmediacon- Update from NSA * Merged in matchmediacon changes.- Update from NSA * Regenerated headers for new nscd permissions.- Add matchmediacon- Update from NSA * Added get_default_context_with_role.- Clean up spec file * Patch from Matthias Saou- Update from NSA * Added set_matchpathcon_printf.- Update from NSA * Reworked av_inherit.h to allow easier re-use by kernel.- Add strcasecmp in selinux_config - Update from NSA * Changed avc_has_perm_noaudit to not fail on netlink errors. * Changed avc netlink code to check pid based on patch by Steve Grubb. * Merged second optimization patch from Ulrich Drepper. * Changed matchpathcon to skip invalid file_contexts entries. * Made string tables private to libselinux. * Merged strcat->stpcpy patch from Ulrich Drepper. * Merged matchpathcon man page from Dan Walsh. * Merged patch to eliminate PLTs for local syms from Ulrich Drepper. * Autobind netlink socket. * Dropped compatibility code from security_compute_user. * Merged fix for context_range_set from Chad Hanson. * Merged allocation failure checking patch from Chad Hanson. * Merged avc netlink error message patch from Colin Walters.- Update from NSA * Merged second optimization patch from Ulrich Drepper. * Changed matchpathcon to skip invalid file_contexts entries. * Made string tables private to libselinux. * Merged strcat->stpcpy patch from Ulrich Drepper. * Merged matchpathcon man page from Dan Walsh. * Merged patch to eliminate PLTs for local syms from Ulrich Drepper. * Autobind netlink socket. * Dropped compatibility code from security_compute_user. * Merged fix for context_range_set from Chad Hanson. * Merged allocation failure checking patch from Chad Hanson. * Merged avc netlink error message patch from Colin Walters.- Update from NSA - Add optflags- Update from NSA- Add matchpathcon man page - Latest from NSA * Merged patch to eliminate PLTs for local syms from Ulrich Drepper. * Autobind netlink socket. * Dropped compatibility code from security_compute_user. * Merged fix for context_range_set from Chad Hanson. * Merged allocation failure checking patch from Chad Hanson. * Merged avc netlink error message patch from Colin Walters.- Latest from NSA * Autobind netlink socket. * Dropped compatibility code from security_compute_user. * Merged fix for context_range_set from Chad Hanson. * Merged allocation failure checking patch from Chad Hanson. * Merged avc netlink error message patch from Colin Walters.- Latest from NSA- New upstream version- Latest from Upstream- Fix man pages- Latest from Upstream- Latest from Upstream- Add man page for boolean functions and SELinux- Latest from NSA- Latest from NSA- uppercase getenforce returns, to make them match system-config-securitylevel- Remove old path patch- Update to latest from NSA - Add fix to only get old path if file_context file exists in old location- Update to latest from NSA- add nlclass patch - Update to latest from NSA- rebuilt- Fix selinux_config to break once it finds SELINUXTYPE.-Update with latest from NSA- Change to use new policy mechanism- add man patch- Update with latest from NSA- Update with latest from NSA- Add changes for relaxed policy - Update to match NSA- Add relaxed policy changes- Sync with NSA- Remove requires glibc>2.3.4- Fix selinuxenabled man page.- Upgrade to 1.11- Add memleaks patch- Upgrade to latest from NSA and add more man pages- Update to match NSA - Cleanup some man pages- Upgrade to latest from NSA- Add Russell's Man pages- Change getenforce to also check is_selinux_enabled- Add ownership to /usr/include/selinux- fix location of file_contexts file.- Fix matchpathcon to use BUFSIZ- rebuilt- add matchpathcon- rebuilt- Add rootok patch- Updated getpeernam patch- Add getpeernam patch- Add getpeercon patch- Put mntpoint patch, because found fix for SysVinit- Add remove mntpoint patch, because it breaks SysVinit- Add mntpoint patch for SysVinit- Add -r -u -t to getcon- Upgrade to latest from NSA- Fix x86_64 build- Latest tarball from NSA.- Update with latest changes from NSA- Change location of .so file- Break out into development library- Move location of to /lib- Add selinuxenabled patch- Update with final NSA 1.2 sources.- Update with latest from NSA.- Fix to build on x86_64- update for version 1.2- Initial versionlibselinux-python -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=1ad7465953afc097b94a085e2d46283948d18500, strippedASCII textPython script, ASCII text executablepython 2.7 byte-compiledELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=bf890cda8323edfe4d74acd6e6015a1f5a704dcc, stripped   R RRRRR RRRRR PPR R R R R RRRRRRR RRRRutf-8d8b39e990a4b71099a68ce5c3b77b76aa889b3ee747a71cda1b7d49b6428c502libselinux-python:2.8:8020020200507003547:b0d89eb3?7zXZ !#,] b2u jӫ`(xy`Es/qM'f.BBŦ[sI3X>v[XBtW?[UX1NbN7s,o{k}ͳ&TȔ@x>9ᆃ?xfS1oX(LR}vo`RHjC"PT}eԜxMCs$iUؗ=`5v|+ptt!g)MH?&>p6WiBa1P~Z.cyT3.*m#:A3)w@4$ڈ2  9^lfD8n톸6 -u>l-+FKjZ5-L‚s(9o8(sOWOW|t[{8izVW[JODȜfjhh Э3ܝ1i]ELWK_"B#ύ_|X`0_c8Kkbyt::ԯ,v`(&WSx-}X\>:6糔cW-7i!9!I,+;0ihvDܸu%3@-4fӑQ# ԆɠXFyT3J(] {wD<DVQ#1N KC]{uĘ] a)|@/wySF2H\j|Uˍ"={8Q ^r^IZTm$=k%怽7GW.(4>>_ B/pbS-_/dWo=xϿ_LDS_jz7TRNUn-sc=Zk{yt;\>0FS * >#>`MV ''x}vQHC6“y8KnR&*/Ȭ #:'<#/s.Sߗ@31iN׊oˋ~caqsJ_:_@I#nAr]`Y1P-&$\ngDl}M:C"|*z> 9z+(CZA?QO/*װ|޵}Br)ŗJ'm=SS-&oHM:#"6)k(ρ)+'1Durl_+݄^q[-h[4Z]"A0(!?ʍx}SA" *f)/{j*D}U^?0vyxLxqbc" j +=>rRLʐLk}xN?~/ei&|&Ї)uu#uhZyB SQ I8AI#LE7un$=v0 I(] τ#wV"IDn)Z0U(ψz&Eb"`q O 5 eSOJ-$d6ďYvo{fϧz%H3hNO5fG? |ap髹URy݄!$;Uh⤘kv B=_!ڢ y촂ꞿO'MEzS֊ؖD^ 7pI4ϱy.LePVQi&(wZP.kma}+nƨHWz1.[{ F'e5hx̣;-R$p&rA, /[F`I 9ʺϓlXPL縶Yۚ !xu=y@W=r.Z/n|Y495a0W{d!LR v}QUtkfƨ՚?mR\هnr,O C?<۸ ̦6(+UyΈI@ )]5R/4޷orrx\={EqK-#p pLdAr({c겭gyi?_:kX mfoHW7eQ0Kǰl ƔMVg `{1ǖz&@v`,4#ҮsP7=b3U ӈ+o#@i2h/7PAldLJ ^&3"+(eϒ ' =XtcfcwE. 1dH?oİOЊݩoLҰ\pAI^FRAE[ZX8R~@*l5^:1ba[=)pipzٟTZN @ ~){॓zLSy%|wrkX"fc7xC_XF3gh~)w 3~8!D!)eP3&}R;0w{=jŹc)|4e)E贬O^L̶\a^pʈ"'0SVه܆%^;.PΰMuB̎";IAN?JEd9kTeM"mon@BN+ufx0ͥB*NPNyd )'j`7Ɋkv"'z 5}{ԐBvnci>P|vqZ|.~jIl-dfFx uw~5Rnt\n>h%9&daQcy<!PkE<:mB94%ӟ҇NG+ tG+T;t\mϧ́GK6,5fnز$j}qQV< t}KM31u޺OE[tԽN^+og zUW> Uˑ46 jS4r #:!pDbVbxFbyFWm:X*) AGGdKl6>۩ڸ "oɾEd[ldCh'nCz(~xځ!7?˵b<(tXiINaI m{!,9Ɩ`ʉmT5ob "doxղ}DGaCr^ٍcO#{J.4SJB#6\͒|Ց *{2n5F0S5< LFY2 Q/:%_ME cӪ^fcA9v摝4mj;:#Gp0ַsvT5'QA l*O]Gk.V\Ѫ3<ˇޏftB$%' 2n*S2Ћӷ+-:ߐTfNMf?H/|h>Tw}ƑƦMSq_kUj?o$ɐU>HtӇCb -TJZG'An/hE.磻KMm\b MټB"#xBw\YY$_HXQChp8T<\kfѰ6'@ӋK9~Ty= o'CGV_$ܩSTRuuVIYqh,hI8c )F5bQY7=QSgY932\?vcC`  m݁DuI\\Uin?([Xۖi :iI\f ᕭvIVtMm6J%LxDGv!VvuoV@g#̅o+;t?PtxF ]i*dCgn:F1ܶt;-uɹҡ{" .O}(xy5´<@ql_r٥[oSW˱s 3nu's1ڳWܹU*\hfT_Z: MP}&5~vB|SMFI^t)b7TҔBǤ!Rh{6̐¯у67=o.9fVi^}&.ͦ/׊,@ld}l6{9#?1$ a L|oVmW<*$ d0!.8"muj8nٕco,{N$2 ]V`='N%ĨzPME.J7FtAD߳IMM%`p3po?@ywG9>%!ˁ@E6+]5*eWiE |đM8BrQ>Ɀc#~ME,2>/c~Oeqs9hʗ0KB%CY(t_{"UMN>y@yްM E0!CZV`5sϴZ'f)4hLNu{{-fR̉U៧Q]ˆ󕃽!xspt-@y jem?1d$O\Cqq(V/&g'!~ B-ڜv5*v:2"ޑf2oy n6`(WE/xP ; c~Y` 7|j^ 7e'SuJtyt%%Gמ)ڇVzf&n]9I 蜝\v0Bp&97 WRAX槺)}B>͏#r7̟όRh*_D{u TjS!w5-uW__k\s]I 0X_KfSil0L˻iyךjS~w{A|mj>%nrB.RMfNR+7us4#[0=_N7 ]EW"BSGNfp9vpMҀ@0hU/hIN.F&sX&瑀)0 PKyD)Ǐ3=aRWF dlIoI9RQմHL* }neθM"Ko[5Ċæ <#֑T&:v(jN̞iȠSl~(kWǫwRB:fyQ[7|G?Eص 4ʅȶwzPA0߷kPiG- - 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