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Fix mariadb-ownsetup - Add manual for aria_s3_copy- Rebase to 10.5.4 - Add spider.cnf to the server config files- Rebase to 10.5.3- Test rebase to 10.5.2 - Beta - TokuDB SE has been deprecated- Test rebase to 10.5.1 - Beta- Test rebase to 10.5.0 - Alpha- Resolves: #1851605- Resolves: #1873999, #1874446- Rebase to 10.4.14- Do CMake out-of-source builds - Force the CMake change regarding the in-source builds also to F31 and F32 - Use CMake macros instead of cmake & make direct commands - %cmake macro covers the %{set_build_flags}, so they are not needed Other changes to compile flags must be specified *after* the %cmake macro- Disable LTO- Second attempt - Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Make conflicts between corresponding mariadb and mysql packages explicit - Get rid of the Conflicts macro, it was intended to mark conflicts with *upstream* packages- Extend Perl "Requires" filtering to wsrep Resolves: #1845376- Rebase to 10.4.13- Remove mariadb_rpl.h from includedir to prevent conflict with connector-c's libraries- Fix string quoting for rpm >= 4.16- Add perl dependencies needed for tests- Rebase mariadb-connector-c git submodule to commit fbf1db6 For fix: Update the fix for building in the debug mode- Rebase to 10.4.12- Rebuilt for Rebase to 10.4.11 Related: #1756468 - Remove 'bench' subpackage. Upstream no longer maintains it. - Use Valgrind for debug builds - Remove ancient obsoletions - Tweak build flags - Add patch for auth_pam_tool directory- Rebase to 10.3.21- Change path of groonga's packaged files - Fix bz#1763287- Rebuild on top fo new mariadb-connector-c- Rebase to 10.3.20- Rebase to 10.3.19- Rebase to 10.3.18- Disable building of the ed25519 client plugin. From now on it will be shipped by 'mariadb-connector-c' package- Fix the debug build- Rebase to 10.3.17- Rebuilt for Rebase to 10.3.16 - Added patch for armv7hl builds of spider SE- Rebase to 10.3.15 - CVEs fixed: CVE-2019-2510 CVE-2019-2537 - CVEs fixed: CVE-2019-2614 CVE-2019-2627 CVE-2019-2628- Remove Cassandra subpackage; it is no longer developed- Fix building of TokuDB with Jemalloc 5 - Fix building with / without lz4- Add patch for mysqld_safe --dry-run- Add patch for server pkgconfig file location- conditionally depend on selinux-policy-targeted again (rhbz#1665643)- Disable the requirement of mysql-selinux, until its bug is solved for good; #1665643- Rebuilt for Fix several SSL tests that failed because of different SSL cipher expectation- Fix TokuDB Jemalloc ld_preload Resolves: #1668375 - Tweak macros usage- Enable mysql-selinux requirement - Tweak the testsuite execution, speed up the testsuite on rebuilds - Change weak dependency of RocksDB and TokuDB storage engines from Recommends to Suggests - Add "Suggests" weak dependencies to more storage engines- Tweak handling of the mysql-selinux requirement, leave disabled due to #1665643- Rebuilt for (#1666033)- Drop mysql-selinux recommends for now due to bug #1665643- Use specific python shebang- Rebase to 10.3.12 - Disable building of the caching_sha2_password plugin, it is shipped by 'mariadb-connector-c' - Remove libmariadb.pc, is it shipped by 'mariadb-connector-c'- Rebase to 10.3.11 - CVEs fixed: CVE-2018-3282, CVE-2016-9843, CVE-2018-3174, CVE-2018-3143, CVE-2018-3156 CVE-2018-3251, CVE-2018-3185, CVE-2018-3277, CVE-2018-3162, CVE-2018-3173 CVE-2018-3200, CVE-2018-3284- Rebase to 10.3.10- Fix parallel installability of x86_64 and i686 devel packages- Rebase to 10.3.9- Update mariadb-server-galera sub-package to require the correct package with /usr/sbin/semanage- Do not build config on systems where mariadb-connector-c-config exists instead- Move config files mysql-clients.cnf and enable_encryption.preset to correct sub-packages, similar to what upstream does- Rebuilt for Rebase to 10.3.8 - Build TokuDB with jemalloc- Rebase to 10.3.7 - Remove the galera obsoletes- Use mysqladmin for checking the socket - Jemalloc dependency moved to the TokuDB subpackage. CMake jemalloc option removed, not used anymore. The server doesn't need jemalloc since 10.2: - Build MariaDB with TokuDB without Jemalloc.- Rebase to 10.2.15 - CVEs fixed: #1568962 CVE-2018-2755 CVE-2018-2761 CVE-2018-2766 CVE-2018-2771 CVE-2018-2781 CVE-2018-2782 CVE-2018-2784 CVE-2018-2787 CVE-2018-2813 CVE-2018-2817 CVE-2018-2819 CVE-2018-2786 CVE-2018-2759 CVE-2018-2777 CVE-2018-2810- Rebase to 10.2.14 - Update testsuite run for SSL self signed certificates- Further fix of ldconfig scriptlets for F27 - Fix hardcoded paths, move unversioned libraries and symlinks to the devel subpackage- Rebase to 10.2.13- SPECfile refresh, RHEL6, SySV init and old fedora stuff removed- Rebuilt for ldconfig_post and ldconfig_postun bug Related: #1548331- Rebuilt for Use '-ldl' compiler flag when associated library used Resolves: #1538990- Fix the upgrade path. Build TokuDB subpackage again, but build a unsupported configuration by upstream (without Jemalloc). Jemmalloc has been updated to version 5, which isn't backwards compatible. - Use downstream tmpfiles instead of the upstream one Related: #1538066- Rebuilt for switch to libxcrypt- Do not build connect plugin with mongo and jdbc connectors - Support MYSQLD_OPTS and _WSREP_NEW_CLUSTER env vars in init script, same as it is done in case of systemd unit file Related: #1455850 - Print the same messages as before when starting the service in SysV init, to not scare users Related: #1463411- Rebase to 10.2.12 - Temporary fix for removed - TokuDB disabled- Temporary fix for #1523875 removed, bug in Annobin fixed Resolves: #1523875- Rebase to 10.2.11 - Temporary fix for introduced - Temporary fix for #1523875 intoruced Related: #1523875- Fix PID file location Related: #1483331, #1515779 - Remove 'Group' tags as they should not be used any more Related: Rebase to 10.2.10 version - Patch 2: mariadb-install-test.patch has been incorporated by upstream - Patch 8: mariadb-install-db-sharedir.patch; upstream started to use macros - Update PCRE check - Start using location libdir/mariadb for plugins - Move libraries to libdir - Divided to more sub-packages to match upstream's RPM list Resolves: #1490401; #1400463 - Update of Cmake arguments to supported format Related: - Remove false Provides- Fix client library obsolete Related: #1498956 - Enable testsuite again - RPMLint error fix: Remove unused python scripts which remained from TokuDB upstream - RPMLint error fix: description line too long- Fix of "with" and "without" macros, so they works - Use 'iproute' dependency instead of 'net-tools' Related: #1496131 - Set server package to own /usr/lib64/mysql directory - Use correct obsolete, so upgrade from maridb 10.1 to 10.2 is possible with dnf "--allowerasing" option Related: #1497234 - Fix building with client library- Rebase to 10.2.9 - Testsuite temorarly disabled in order to fast deploy critical fix Related: #1497234- Fix building without client library part - Start building mariadb without client library part, use mariadb-connector-c package >= 3.0 instead - Use obosletes of "-libs" in "-common", if built without client library part- Fix paths in galera_recovery and galera_new_cluster Resolves: #1403416 - Support --defaults-group-suffix properly in systemd unit file Resolves: #1485777 - Allow 4567 port for tcp as well - Install mysql-wait-ready on RHEL-6 for the SysV init - Run mysql-prepare-db-dir as non-root - Sync mysql.init with community-mysql- Rebase to 10.2.8- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Revert previous change, go back to libmariadb headers (RHBZ #1474764)- Install correct headers (server, not client) - MDEV-13370- Rebuilt for s390x binutils bug- Rebuilt for Boost 1.64- Remove mysql-wait-* scripts. They aren't needed when using systemd "Type=notify"- Rebase to 10.2.7 - Get back mysql_config, its "--libmysqld-libs" is still needed- Add manual Provides: for the libmysqlcient compat symlink- Move compat link to -libs subpackage- Disable Dtrace - Disable Sphinx, circural dependency- Rebase to 10.2.6 - SSL patch removed - '' replaced '', symlinks provided - "make test" removed, it needs running server and same test are included in the testsuite- Rebase to 10.1.25 - Disable plugins 'cracklib' and 'gssapi' by default - Related: #1468028, #1464070 - Looks like the testsuite removes its 'var' content correctly, no need to do that explicitly.- Rebuild due to bug in RPM (RHBZ #1468476)- Use "/run" location instead of "/var/run" symlink - Related: #1455811 - Remove AppArmor files- Downstream script mariadb-prepare-db-dir fixed for CVE-2017-3265 - Resolves: #1458940 - Check properly that datadir includes only expected files - Related: #1356897- Fixed incorrect Jemalloc initialization; #1459671- Rebase to 10.1.24 - Build dependecies Bison and Libarchive added, others corrected - Disabling Mroonga engine for i686 architecture, as it is not supported by MariaDB - Removed patches: (fixed by upstream) Patch5: mariadb-file-contents.patch Patch14: mariadb-example-config-files.patch Patch31: mariadb-string-overflow.patch Patch32: mariadb-basedir.patch Patch41: mariadb-galera-new-cluster-help.patch - Resolves: rhbz#1414387 CVE-2017-3313 - Resolves partly: rhbz#1443408 CVE-2017-3308 CVE-2017-3309 CVE-2017-3453 CVE-2017-3456 CVE-2017-3464- Plugin oqgraph enabled - Plugin jemalloc enabled - 'force' option for 'rm' removed - Enabled '--big-test' option for the testsuite - Disabled '--skip-rpl' option for the testsuite = replication tests enabled - Multilib manpage added- Rebuilt for Cracklib plugin enabled - Removed strmov patch, it is no longer needed. The issue was fixed long ago in both MariaDB and MySQL- Fix for some RPMLint issues - Fix: Only server utilities can be move to server-utils subpackage. The rest (from client) were moved back to where they came from (client - the main subpackage) - Added correct "Obsoletes" for the server-utils subpackage - Fixed FTBFS in F26 on x86_64, because of -Werror option - Related: #1421092, #1395127- Rebuilt for Rebase to version 10.1.21 - Most of the non-essential utilites has been moved to the new sub-package mariadb-server-utils - Patches "admincrash" and "errno" removed, they are no longer relevant "mysql-embedded-check.c" removed, no longer relevant - Buildrequires krb5-devel duplicity removed - Manpage for mysql_secure_installation extended - Preparation for the CrackLib plugin to be added (waiting for correct SELinux rules to be relased) - Related: #1260821, #1205082, #1414387- Add explicit EVR requirement in main package for -libs - Related: #1406320- Use correct macro when removing doc files - Resolves: #1400981- Rebase to version 10.1.20 - Related: #1405258- Move patch from specfile to standalone patch file - Related: #1382988- -devel: use pkgconfig(openssl) to allow any implementation (like compat-openssl10)- Testsuite blacklists heavily updated. Current tracker: #1399847 - Log-error option added to all config files examples - Resolves: #1382988- JdbcMariaDB.jar test removed - PCRE version check added - Related: #1382988, #1396945, #1096787- test suite ENABLED, consensus was made it still should be run every build- fixed bug 1382988 - added comment to the test suite - test suite DISABLED for most builds in Koji, see comments- Update to 10.1.19 - added temporary support to build with OpenSSL 1.0 on Fedora >= 26 - added krb5-devel pkg as Buldrquires to prevent gssapi failure- Update to 10.1.18- Update to 10.1.17- Fixed galera replication - Resolves: #1352946- Update to 10.1.16- Fail build when test-suite fails - Use license macro for inclusion of licenses- Revert Update to 10.1.15, this release is broken Check datadir more carefully to avoid unwanted data corruption - Related: #1335849- Bump epoch (related to the downgrade from the pre-release version)- Update to 10.1.15- Revert "Update to 10.2.0" It is possible that MariaDB 10.2.0 won't be stable till f25 GA.- BR multilib-rpm-config and use it for multilib workarounds - install architecture dependant pc file to arch-dependant location- Fix mysql-prepare-db-dir - Resolves: #1335849- Update to 10.2.0- Add selinux policy - Update to 10.1.14 (includes various bug fixes) - Add -h and --help options to galera_new_cluster- wsrep_on in galera.cnf- Moved /etc/sysconfig/clustercheck and /usr/share/mariadb/systemd/use_galera_new_cluster.conf to mariadb-server-galera- Update to 10.1.13- Fixed conflict with mariadb-galera-server- Add subpackage mariadb-server-galera - Resolves: 1310622- Rebuild for BZ#1309199 (symbol versioning)- Update to 10.1.12- Remove dangling symlink to /etc/init.d/mysql- Use epoch for obsoleting mariadb-galera-server- Add Provides: bundled(pcre) in case we build with bundled pcre - Related: #1302296 - embedded-devel should require libaio-devel - Resolves: #1290517- Fix typo s/obsolate/obsolete/- Add missing requirements for proper wsrep functionality - Obsolate mariadb-galera & mariadb-galera-server (thanks Tomas Repik) - Resolves: #1279753 - Re-enable using libedit, which should be now fixed - Related: #1201988 - Remove mariadb-wait-ready call from systemd unit, we have now systemd notify support - Make mariadb@.service similar to mariadb.service- Use systemd unit file more compatible with upstream- Temporarily disabling oqgraph for Rebuilt for Update to 10.1.11- Update to 10.1.10- rebuilt for s390(x)- Expand variables in server.cnf- Update to 10.1.8- Rebuilt for Boost 1.59- Update to 10.0.21- Rebuilt for rebuild for Boost 1.58- Update to 10.0.20- Rebuilt for Update lists of failing tests (jdornak) - Related: #1149647- Update to 10.0.19- Update to 10.0.18- Include client plugins into -common package since they are used by both -libs and base packages. - Do not use libedit - Related: #1201988 - Let plugin dir to be owned by -common - Use correct comment in the init script - Related: #1184604 - Add openssl as BuildRequires to run some openssl tests during build - Related: #1189180 - Fail in case any command in check fails - Related: #1124791 - Fix mysqladmin crash if run with -u root -p - Resolves: #1207170- Rebuilt for GCC 5 C++11 ABI change- Wait for daemon ends - Resolves: #1072958 - Do not include symlink to libmysqlclient if not shipping the library - Do not use scl prefix more than once in paths Based on Rebase to version 10.0.17 - Added variable for turn off skipping some tests- Check permissions when starting service on RHEL-6 - Resolves: #1194699 - Do not create test database by default - Related: #1194611- Enable tokudb- Fix openssl_1 test- Include new certificate for tests - Update lists of failing tests - Related: #1186110- Rebase to version 10.0.16 - Resolves: #1187895- Rebuild for boost 1.57.0- Fix typo in the config file- Do not create log file in post script- Move server settings to config file under my.cnf.d dir- Fix path for sysconfig file Filter provides in el6 properly Fix initscript file location- Disable failing tests connect.mrr, connect.updelx2 on ppc and s390- Fix macros paths in my.cnf - Create old location for pid file if it remained in my.cnf- Rework usage of macros and remove some compatibility artefacts- Update to 10.0.15- Applied upstream fix for mysql_config --cflags output. - Resolves: #1160845- Fixed compat service file. - Resolves: #1155700- Remove bundled cmd-line-utils - Related: #1079637 - Move mysqlimport man page to proper package - Disable main.key_cache test on s390 Releated: #1149647- Disable tests connect.part_file, connect.part_table and connect.updelx - Related: #1149647- Add bcond_without mysql_names Use more correct path when deleting mysql logrotate script- Build with system libedit - Resolves: #1079637- Add with_debug option- Update to 10.0.14- Move connect engine to a separate package Rename oqgraph engine to align with upstream packages - Move some files to correspond with MariaDB upstream packages client.cnf into -libs, mysql_plugin and msql2mysql into base, tokuftdump and aria_* into -server, errmsg-utf8.txt into -errmsg - Remove duplicate cnf files packaged using %doc - Check upgrade script added to warn about need for mysql_upgrade- Client related libraries moved from mariadb-server to mariadb-libs - Related: #1138843- Disable vcol_supported_sql_funcs_myisam test on all arches - Related: #1096787 - Install systemd service file on RHEL-7+ Server requires any mysql package, so it should be fine with older client- Fix paths in mysql_install_db script - Resolves: #1134328 - Use %cmake macro- Build config subpackage everytime - Disable failing tests: innodb_simulate_comp_failures_small, key_cache rhbz#1096787- Rebuilt for Include mysqld_unit only if required; enable tokudb in f20-- Rebase to version 10.0.13- Introduce -config subpackage and ship base config files here- Adopt changes from mysql, thanks Bjorn Munch - Use explicit sysconfdir - Absolut path for default value for pid file and error log- Hardcoded paths removed to work fine in chroot - Spec rewrite to be more similar to oterh MySQL implementations - Use variable for daemon unit name - Include SysV init script if built on older system - Add possibility to not ship some sub-packages- Reformating spec and removing unnecessary snippets- Enable OQGRAPH engine and package it as a sub-package - Add support for TokuDB engine for x86_64 (currently still disabled) - Re-enable tokudb_innodb_xa_crash again, seems to be fixed now - Drop superfluous -libs and -embedded ldconfig deps (thanks Ville Skyttä) - Separate -lib and -common sub-packages - Require /etc/my.cnf instead of shipping it - Include README.mysql-cnf - Multilib support re-worked - Introduce new option with_mysqld_unit - Removed obsolete mysql-cluster, the package should already be removed - Improve error message when log file is not writable - Compile all binaries with full RELRO (RHBZ#1092548) - Use modern symbol filtering with compatible backup - Add more groupnames for server's my.cnf - Error messages now provided by a separate package (thanks Alexander Barkov) - Expand paths in helper scripts using cmake- Use -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks to avoid segfaults with gcc 4.9- Rebase to version 10.0.12- Rebuilt for rebuild with tests failing on different arches disabled (#1096787)- rebuild with tests failing on big endian arches disabled (#1096787)- Rebase to version 10.0.11- Script for socket check enhanced- use system pcre library- Rebase to version 10.0.10- Server crashes on SQL select containing more group by and left join statements using innodb tables - Resolves: #1065676 - Fix paths in helper scripts - Move language files into mariadb directory- Rebase to 5.5.36 Daemon helper scripts sanity changes and spec files clean-up- Fix typo in mysqld.service - Resolves: #1063981- Do not touch the log file in post script, so it does not get wrong owner - Resolves: #1061045- Rebase to 5.5.35 Also fixes: CVE-2014-0001, CVE-2014-0412, CVE-2014-0437, CVE-2013-5908, CVE-2014-0420, CVE-2014-0393, CVE-2013-5891, CVE-2014-0386, CVE-2014-0401, CVE-2014-0402 - Resolves: #1054043 - Resolves: #1059546- Adopt compatible system versioning - Related: #1045013 - Use compatibility mysqld.service instead of link - Related: #1014311- move mysql_config alternatives scriptlets to -devel too- Build with -O3 on ppc64 - Related: #1051069 - Move mysql_config to -devel sub-package and remove Require: mariadb - Related: #1050920- Disable main.gis-precise test also for AArch64 - Disable perfschema.func_file_io and perfschema.func_mutex for AArch64 (like it is done for 32-bit ARM)- Clean all non-needed doc files properly- Read socketfile location in mariadb-prepare-db-dir script- Don't test EDH-RSA-DES-CBC-SHA cipher, it seems to be removed from openssl which now makes mariadb/mysql FTBFS because openssl_1 test fails - Related: #1044565 - Use upstream's layout for symbols version in client library - Related: #1045013 - Check if socket file is not being used by another process at a time of starting the service - Related: #1045435 - Use %ghost directive for the log file - Related: 1043501- Fix mariadb-wait-ready script- Rebase to 5.5.34- Fix spec file to be ready for backport by Oden Eriksson - Resolves: #1026404- Add pam-devel to build-requires in order to build - Related: #1019945 - Check if correct process is running in mysql-wait-ready script - Related: #1026313- Turn on test suite- Rebase to 5.5.33a - Enable outfile_loaddata test - Disable tokudb_innodb_xa_crash test- Re-organize my.cnf to include only generic settings - Resolves: #1003115 - Move pid file location to /var/run/mariadb - Make mysqld a symlink to mariadb unit file rather than the opposite way - Related: #999589- Move log file into /var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log - Rename logrotate script to mariadb - Resolves: #999589- fix alternatives usage- Multilib issues solved by alternatives - Resolves: #986959- Perl 5.18 rebuild- Do not use login shell for mysql user- Remove unneeded systemd-sysv requires - Provide mysql-compat-server symbol - Create mariadb.service symlink - Fix multilib header location for arm - Enhance documentation in the unit file - Use scriptstub instead of links to avoid multilib conflicts - Add condition for doc placement in F20+- remove "Requires(pretrans): systemd" since its not possible - when installing mariadb and systemd at the same time. as in a new install- Set rpm doc macro to install docs in unversioned dir- add Requires(pre) on systemd for the server package- replace systemd-units requires with systemd - remove solaris files- Rebase to 5.5.32 - Clean-up un-necessary systemd snippets- Perl 5.18 rebuild- Test suite params enhanced to decrease server condition influence - Fix misleading error message when uninstalling built-in plugins - Related: #966873- Apply fixes found by Coverity static analysis tool- Do not use pretrans scriptlet, which doesn't work in anaconda - Resolves: #975348- Explicitly enable mysqld if it was enabled in the beginning of the transaction.- Apply man page fix from Jan Stanek- Rebase to 5.5.31 - Preserve time-stamps in case of installed files - Use /var/tmp instead of /tmp, since the later is using tmpfs, which can cause problems - Resolves: #962087 - Fix test suite requirements- Remove mytop utility, which is packaged separately - Resolve multilib conflicts in mysql/private/config.h- Rebase to 5.5.30 Obsolete MySQL since it is now renamed to community-mysql - Remove real- virtual names- Adding epoch to have higher priority than other mysql implementations when comes to provider comparison- Let mariadb-embedded-devel conflict with MySQL-embedded-devel - Adjust mariadb-sortbuffer.patch to correspond with upstream patch- Mask expected warnings about setrlimit in test suite- Use configured prefix value instead of guessing basedir in mysql_config - Resolves: #916189 - Export dynamic columns and non-blocking API functions documented by upstream- Fix sort_buffer_length option type- Suppress warnings in tests and skip tests also on ppc64p7- Suppress warning in tests on ppc - Enable fixed index_merge_myisam test case- Packages need to provide also %_isa version of mysql package - Provide own symbols with real- prefix to distinguish from mysql unambiguously - Fix format for buffer size in error messages (MDEV-4156) - Disable some tests that fail on ppc and s390 - Conflict only with real-mysql, otherwise mariadb conflicts with ourself- Let mariadb-libs to own /etc/my.cnf.d- Rebase to 5.5.29 - Fix inaccurate default for socket location in mysqld-wait-ready - Resolves: #890535- Enable obsoleting mysql- Adding necessary hacks for perl dependency checking, rpm is still not wise enough - Namespace sanity re-added for symbol default_charset_info- Removed %{_isa} from provides/obsoletes, which doesn't allow proper obsoleting - Do not obsolete mysql at the time of testing- Added licenses LGPLv2 and BSD - Removed wrong usage of %{epoch} - Test-suite is run in %check - Removed perl dependency checking adjustment, rpm seems to be smart enough - Other minor spec file fixes- Packaging of MariaDB based on MySQL package 3:10.5.9-1.module_el8.4.0+801+647c49153:10.5.9-1.module_el8.4.0+801+647c4915 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textdirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=86cf67318912b3820dc6938f5f81de946a6685c9, strippedsetuid ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=a8b92fe213e07b9d316ad0d3ccd98b9767059afb, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=5ec46d3b22292c177bb90e924ed6accbbad195cf, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=e19ab8303d010d24f8e44e924372ff4a378c3573, stripped   RRRRR R RRRRR R RRRRR RRRR RRRR RRRR R RRRR RRRutf-8c2ab7d46f7d324b769cfa53e32cf5dd88ff63091db42d84e703ad6933b7cab7dmariadb:10.5:8040020210520210922:9f9e2e7e? 7zXZ !#,ʏ5] b2u Q{LPԣ`e"x{_zB7/0bq4._V94k_fSWΝ#ɳXoRN9@ YYVsMn3}ИLicT]t}4Лe-k u(j{0iM Ґ.f2j\Cn#nAh-*|8qК=^YwH#k ɱK?"܆UzAG~yXFM"}lf;zJx4 MAd %(yKDBÃW]v&Ur ],9ζ4#wO;?UQS0q޹eGS%dWu#ctxM2=ߧ[Ts >kT=>ME3YJYJ(F&w:' 9KrkuC!m0g-ϥ奝g=TӢsN'΁Os#E% 4‹'H=T$tƫMac; _ Jl)-xԵ]nwN^>}rF=kwJ[yHvzY"+H1X^^ 뜟A\gI\8v54J:1Hg̲Fg2_,jm3 ޜ9#8Ϟ,Sr)ip*_$d*%RU~V}J1>*0rw߮I>LШnфq!^bƟVjSߊtk5k .\:d38.-CgcHJu /G>i)eu w\єѮC+lӛ`Jty _@O  %K漬oIG=XuζI8#Jp5P6 ~Ɗ OI`3:;= X}q*&ޱ(S>-TX㚽~ou7=K#*OeϬq9gd=`=.PbsK/z2Fe/wJK g$; mGt;D0 Ь|f/rhґ誆~r0ޭe!8ǨX g~aFd" ?nl 'V#ry炞inჷOʡGN; :|MP;n~ :!cK{_5F`$)MCGkNX5ݭ ?”eߑ /bm."E咁/ɰ.qɫS)čöF^p=6ZBѰp!Þ ԗ'_$df*{=LOIb}H k2^)7wҥ(UrY;PeIyhkL+V_6HִwG lyX⒮\ !h>P\{F|ImU V-O\Y;"&8RV% aQO臜(ە z""y +z4땟J тy+dh_$M3 Ts~kclDWؔԁJ+٬\7=1myh)?T@z@Nr{S{Z 6)%u_!ͣYt*K%z{ˊ [s3,K"N|p jp6*qC(zKrf [JxnS&$V\Z\B~HV) 5rU_OVr -(E!)!jO࠭% ݈Jc`ۣgؓkqA\\ Yw, A`2Vꄋ!MឞNA9sڜ(4KC.GxXBv30|~P1ɃuJn赌d,^Mo9O+* *aODrtJ iL([G5` ]=m6UŊW?Hη`SGݵ82 +I,5*>M[XeHRvb$SD*i" ^?̅)ȷ&V/f>Y7RUh1'5$-&k8;Gp{/:؛-(Κ6R wǗqsw҈@w,LWvdM#hNMvZdcGz@G_{("1s!d'_lqK@O3`.u*3MʴKN{\PNz+D>yB aX|;0rɓMaYi0!Kxg+o sT?0_V3 YMX]6]ӻ'/ŏc?R+e\쌞܆VZԐjp4~@>6P IzUzf8T-2? 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