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This package contains the libraries and header files that are needed for developing MySQL client applications.a/x86-01.mbox.centos.orglCentOSCentOSGPLv2 with exceptions and LGPLv2 and BSDCentOS Buildsys Unspecifiedhttp://www.mysql.comlinuxx86_64  a >uD @%' A큤A큤Aa/a/a/׺`t`t`t`t`ta/׹`t`t`t`t`t`ta/a/a/a/a/a/}a/}a/׹a/`t`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../../../../usr/bin/    /bin/sh/usr/bin/` @`!@`|@`_@_*@_*@_*@__]D%]@1@]9\@[t[[[[Q@[Q@[Q@[Q@[[O+[M@[GB[,Zz@Z@Z؄ZH@Z@Z@Zz@ZdZc/@ZKt@Z+@ZOY|Y@YYaYYx@Yw2Yf@Y_wY@XQ@X9@XBX@XlXN@XWίW@WW-@Wq@WDB@Vl@VwVV@VqR@VqV @UU4@Ua@U8U'@U&iT@T@T T,@TTÉ@TÉ@T@T~@T5'@T+T)IT$T"@TT@SGSS@S/SR@SS\S@SDSSQS>RR@R>RUR@RRW@RUE@R$}RZ@RZ@QQdQ@Q@QLQ@Qo@Q)@QQ@Q@QQ@Qzl@QyQu&@Qq1QIQ?Q=@Q.Q.Q@P!@PP7@PfP`@P H@O@OOOm@Ohq@O_6OKp@O5O"O?@NN_N0N@N@N2N/N7@NNN@M{@M(M(MM=M[@MVv@MQ0@MK@MJMIG@M8#M.@M.@M!@MM9LΫL@LdLx@Lx@L=LT@>@>@>Ԥ>@>x[>R @>.>"@>>@>@==@=z@='=@=|@=u=n =f#=U@=;=6=-s@==@=<@<<ߪ<@ - 8.0.26-1Michal Schorm - 8.0.25-1Lars Tangvald - 8.0.24-1Lars Tangvald - 8.0.23-1Lukas Javorsky - 8.0.22-1Lukas Javorsky - 8.0.21-1Lukas Javorsky - 8.0.20-1Lukas Javorsky - 8.0.19-2Lukas Javorsky - 8.0.19-1Lukas Javorsky - 8.0.18-1Matej Mužila - 8.0.17-3Matej Mužila - 8.0.17-2Matej Mužila - 8.0.17-1Michal Schorm - 8.0.13-1Michal Schorm - 8.0.12-6Honza Horak - 8.0.12-5Jakub Janco - 8.0.12-4Michal Schorm - 8.0.12-3Honza Horak - 8.0.12-2Michal Schorm - 8.0.12-1Jakub Janco - 8.0.11-9Jakub Janco - 8.0.11-8Honza Horak - 8.0.11-7Honza Horak - 8.0.11-6Honza Horak - 8.0.11-5Honza Horak - 8.0.11-4Honza Horak - 8.0.11-3Norvald H. 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Update to MySQL 8.0.26- Update to MySQL 8.0.25- Update to MySQL 8.0.24 - Upstreamed patch: mysql-main-cast.patch- Update to MySQL 8.0.23 - Created mysql-fix-includes-robin-hood.patch - Created mysql-main-cast.patch- Update to MySQL 8.0.22 - mysql-certs-expired.patch patched by upstream - New zlib_decompress binary file in test package- Rebase to 8.0.21 - Use bundled libzstd and libevent for RHSCL and RHEL-8.0.0 - Check that we have correct versions in bundled(*) Provides - Remove re2 bundled dependency- Rebase to 8.0.20- Specify all perl dependencies- Rebase to 8.0.19- Rebase to 8.0.18 - Add libzstd-devel dependencies - Include patch to build against protobuf 3.11- Use RELRO hardening on all binaries - Resolves: #1734420- Use RELRO hardening on all binaries - Resolves: #1734420- Rebase to 8.0.17 - Resolves: #1732043 - CVEs fixed: CVE-2019-2737 CVE-2019-2738 CVE-2019-2739 CVE-2019-2740 CVE-2019-2741 CVE-2019-2743 CVE-2019-2746 CVE-2019-2747 CVE-2019-2752 CVE-2019-2755 CVE-2019-2757 CVE-2019-2758 CVE-2019-2774 CVE-2019-2778 CVE-2019-2780 CVE-2019-2784 CVE-2019-2785 CVE-2019-2789 CVE-2019-2791 CVE-2019-2795 CVE-2019-2796 CVE-2019-2797 CVE-2019-2798 CVE-2019-2800 CVE-2019-2801 CVE-2019-2802 CVE-2019-2803 CVE-2019-2805 CVE-2019-2808 CVE-2019-2810 CVE-2019-2811 CVE-2019-2812 CVE-2019-2814 CVE-2019-2815 CVE-2019-2819 CVE-2019-2822 CVE-2019-2826 CVE-2019-2830 CVE-2019-2834 CVE-2019-2879- Rebase to 8.0.13 - ICU patch removed; upstreamed - Patch for MySQL Router introduced. Do not build it. - Fixes for annocheck hardening Resolves: #1624148 - CVEs fixed: CVE-2018-3276 CVE-2018-3200 CVE-2018-3137 CVE-2018-3284 CVE-2018-3195 CVE-2018-3173 CVE-2018-3212 CVE-2018-3279 CVE-2018-3162 CVE-2018-3247 CVE-2018-3156 CVE-2018-3161 CVE-2018-3278 CVE-2018-3174 CVE-2018-3282 CVE-2018-3285 CVE-2018-3187 CVE-2018-3277 CVE-2018-3144 CVE-2018-3145 CVE-2018-3170 CVE-2018-3186 CVE-2018-3182 CVE-2018-3133 CVE-2018-3143 CVE-2018-3283 CVE-2018-3171 CVE-2018-3251 CVE-2018-3286 CVE-2018-3185 CVE-2018-3280 CVE-2018-3203 CVE-2018-3155- Fix the default configuration of the server, so it uses same authentication method as MySQL 5.7 Resolves: #1631400- Remove module on uninstall of the server and enable capability setting- Allow sys_nice in selinux- Add bundled ICU version - Add a patch for the 'mysql_com.h' header file - Use system mecab tool - Use RPATH for mysqld, so we can later set capabilities- Disable capabilities for mysqld because of SELinux issues- Rebase to MySQL 8.0.12 - Fix the SYS_NICE capabilities - Add requires for the semanage binary - CVEs fixed: CVE-2018-3054 CVE-2018-3056 CVE-2018-3060 CVE-2018-3062 CVE-2018-3064 CVE-2018-3065 CVE-2018-3077 CVE-2018-3081 CVE-2018-3067 CVE-2018-3073 CVE-2018-3074 CVE-2018-3075 CVE-2018-3078 CVE-2018-3079 CVE-2018-3080 CVE-2018-3082 CVE-2018-3084- Use same logfile path in logrotate and mysql configs- Prefix logrotate configuration in SCL- Add syspath subpackages- Use prefixes for dependencies- Move log file to a directory owned by mysql user Resolves: #1590369 - Use explicitly openssl-devel as dependency for -devel sub-package- Move mysqld back to /usr/libexec, and create a symlink in /usr/sbin- SCLizing the spec file- MySQL 8.0 has notify support - SQL restart command needs MYSQLD_PARENT_PID=1 - Increase LimitNOFILE - Disable symbolic links is default (and option deprecated) - Move mysqld to /usr/bin, with mysqld_safe gone there no reason to have mysqld in libexec - FIPS mode is now supported: - Remove legacy embedded refs from cnf files - Clean up patches: re-numbering and removing - Recommend to use systemctl edit to modify service files- Update to MySQL 8.0.11 (GA).- Rebase to 5.7.22 version - CVE fixes: #1568963 CVE-2018-2755 CVE-2018-2758 CVE-2018-2759 CVE-2018-2761 CVE-2018-2762 CVE-2018-2766 CVE-2018-2769 CVE-2018-2771 CVE-2018-2773 CVE-2018-2775 CVE-2018-2776 CVE-2018-2777 CVE-2018-2778 CVE-2018-2779 CVE-2018-2780 CVE-2018-2781 CVE-2018-2782 CVE-2018-2784 CVE-2018-2786 CVE-2018-2787 CVE-2018-2810 CVE-2018-2812 CVE-2018-2813 CVE-2018-2816 CVE-2018-2817 CVE-2018-2818 CVE-2018-2819 CVE-2018-2839 CVE-2018-2846- Rebuilt after Rawhide & f28 & f27 & f26 merge- Rebuilt for ldconfig_post and ldconfig_postun bug Related: #1548331- Move my_print_defaults binary to the server package to resolve conflict with mariadb- Rebuilt for - Removed 'static' library subpackage- Update to MySQL 5.7.21, for various fixes described at - Add rpcgen to buildrep - Add support for libtirpc - Fix for various CVEs listed on - Add fix for libxcrypt - do not assume "crypt()" function is provided by glibc Resolves: #1536881 - Fix obsoletes using isa macro, remove the line entirely Resolves: #1537210- Rebuilt for switch to libxcrypt- Provide subackage with a client static library Needed by mysql-connector-odbc package - Remove Group tag as it shouldn't be used anymore- Port for OpenSSL 1.1 Fix tests that expect some particular ciphers- In F>27 stick to upstream library version naming- Fix owner and perms on log file in post script Related: #1497694- Update to MySQL 5.7.20, for various fixes described at - Move all test binaries to -test package - Dont ship unneeded man pages on systemd platforms - Remove mysql_config_editor from -devel package, shipped in client - CVE fixes: #1503701 CVE-2017-10155 CVE-2017-10227 CVE-2017-10268 CVE-2017-10276 CVE-2017-10279 CVE-2017-10283 CVE-2017-10286 CVE-2017-10294 CVE-2017-10314 CVE-2017-10378 CVE-2017-10379 CVE-2017-10384- Add bundled(boost) virtual provide - Support --defaults-group-suffix option in systemd unit file Related: #1400702- Allow to use MD5 in FIPS mode Related: #1449689 - Remove snippets from that could have security impact Do not run parts of SysV init script as root if possible Related: CVE-2017-3312 - Include mysqld@.service file and do not run start scripts in the unit file as root- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Replication tests in the testsuite enabled, they don't fail anymore - Retry count in the testsuite dropped to 0- Update to MySQL 5.7.19, for various fixes described at - Use new --report-unstable-tests to handle unstable tests - Prefer /run over /var/run (#1462688) - Resolves: #1462688; /run - CVE fixes: #1472716 CVE-2017-3633, CVE-2017-3634, CVE-2017-3635, CVE-2017-3641, CVE-2017-3647 CVE-2017-3648, CVE-2017-3649, CVE-2017-3651, CVE-2017-3652, CVE-2017-3653- Rebuild due to bug in RPM (RHBZ #1468476)- Rebuilt for 'force' option for 'rm' removed in specfile - CVEs fixed by previous commit, #1443407: CVE-2017-3308 CVE-2017-3309 CVE-2017-3329 CVE-2017-3450 CVE-2017-3453 CVE-2017-3456 CVE-2017-3461 CVE-2017-3462 CVE-2017-3463 CVE-2017-3464 CVE-2017-3599 CVE-2017-3600- Update to MySQL 5.7.18, for various fixes described at - Remove patch for test fix now upstream - Sample my-*.cnf is gone- Fix of broken cross mysql-mariadb dependecies - Fix of community-mysql server-client dependecy - Testsuite retry count lifted to 3 tries- Rebuilt for Fix test that used a hardcoded date (2017-01-01)- Update to MySQL 5.7.17, for various fixes described at - Add new plugin: - Add MySQL Group Replication: - Add numactl-devel to buildreq and enable NUMA support (if available) - Simplify boost path - Build compat-openssl10 in rawhide for now - Reqs. in -devel packages was incomplete- Update to MySQL 5.7.16, for various fixes described at Update to MySQL 5.7.15, for various fixes described at - Remove patches now upstream (buf_block_align, lz4) - perl(JSON) needed for tests - Adjust list of problematic tests- Skip rpl tests, unstable in Fedora build environment- Update to MySQL 5.7.14, for various fixes described at - Remove patches for bugs fixed upstream - Fix for bug #79378 (buf_block_align) - Fix for bug #82426 (build failure with system liblz4) - Further reduce list of tests known to fail on certain platforms - Set check_testsuite to 0 to make sure the build fails if any tests fail- Update to MySQL 5.7.13, for various fixes described at BR multilib-rpm-config and use it for multilib workarounds- Update to 5.7.12 Thanks to Norvald H. Ryeng- Remove duplicate tmpfiles.d file Resolves: #1288216- Update to 5.7.11 Thanks to Norvald H. Ryeng Removing tar ball with boost and using mysql tar ball with boost bundled- Rebuilt for Use mysqld instead of mysqld_safe (mysqld_safe not necessary for 5.7) Use mysqld --initialize-insecure instead of mysql_install_db Create /var/lib/mysql-files (used by secure-file-priv) Remove unnecessary Perl dependencies (mysqlhotcopy was removed in 5.7) Thanks Norvald H. Ryeng- Update to 5.7.10- Update to 5.7.9- Update to 5.6.27- Update to 5.6.26- Update to 5.6.25- Rebuilt for gcc5 makes gcc49-aarch64 patch obsolete (and wrong)- Fix for big integers on gcc5- Update to 5.6.24- Do not use scl prefix more than once in paths Based on - Check permissions when starting service on RHEL-6 Resolves: #1194699 - Wait for daemon ends Related: #1072958- Expand paths in perl scripts in mysql-test - Use correct path in install_db script warning - Use --no-defaults when checking server status before starting- Update to MySQL 5.6.23, for various fixes described at - Expired certs patch now obsolete - Fixed changelog - Refreshed file contents patch - Man pages fixed upstream - Fix typo in Do not own /var/log- Use correct dir for config files- Move server settings to renamed config file under my.cnf.d dir- Fix path for sysconfig file Filter provides in el6 properly Fix initscript file location- Add configuration file for server- Update to MySQL 5.6.22- Fix rhbz #1149986- Add bcond_without mysql_names- Check upgrade script added to warn about need for mysql_upgrade - Move mysql_plugin into base and errmsg-utf8.txt into -errmsg to correspond with MariaDB upstream packages - Add with_debug option- Using %cmake macro break some tests, reverted - Unwanted dtrace dep fixed upstream- Update to MySQL 5.6.21, for various fixes described at Fix paths in mysql_install_db script Related: #1134328 - Use %cmake macro - Install systemd service file on RHEL-7+ Server requires any mysql package, so it should be fine with older client- Rebuilt for Introduce -config subpackage and ship base config files here- Adopt changes from mariadb to sync spec files- Update to MySQL 5.6.20, for various fixes described at - Rebase install and pluginerrmsg patch - Drop dos2unix from buildreq, files fixed upstream - No need to add -O3, it's default - LDFLAGS is passed by cmake option, not from environment - Using __requires_exclude in conditional don't seems to work, swap to dist macros - Avoid unwanted dtrace dep - Fix mysql.init and mysql-prepare-db-dir - Logfile name must match value from /etc/my.cnf (and be known by SELinux policy)- Hardcoded paths removed to work fine in chroot - Spec rewrite to be more similar to oterh MySQL implementations - Include SysV init script if built on older system - Add possibility to not ship some sub-packages - Port scripts for systemd unit from MariaDB- Port some latest changes from MariaDB package to sync those packages - Error messages now provided by a separate package (thanks Alexander Barkov)- Add mysql-compat-server symbol, common symbol for arbitrary MySQL implementation - Require /etc/my.cnf instead of shipping it - Server requires any compatible mysql-compat-client package- Fix build on aarch64 - Rebase cipherspec patch- Update to MySQL 5.6.19, for various fixes described at - outfile_loaddata resolved on all archs - Solaris files not installed, no need to remove - Simplify multilib install - Use install's -D option some places - Add explicit conflict with mariadb-galera-server- Rebuilt for Fix multiple mtr sessions- Update to MySQL 5.6.17, for various fixes described at - libmysqld built as shared lib now supported upstream - Remove patches now upstream: truncate-file, rhbz1059545, ssltest and regex-werror - Use more standard (and tested) build flags, while still respect optflags and hardened_build - libmysqlclient_r* symlinks are fixed upstream - Remove sysv to systemd logic - Rework skipping of arch specific tests - Multiple mtr sessions are supported by default- Rebuild -man-pages.patch to apply smoothly- Update to MySQL 5.6.16, for various fixes described at - Patches now upstream: tmpdir, cve-2013-1861, covscan-signexpr, covscan-stroverflow - Fixed upstream: innodbwarn - ldconfig needed in embedded subpackage - Remove unused from tree - Rediff mysql-install patch - Make symvers 18 default, provide symvers 16 for backward compat (bz #1045013) - Man page patch disabled due too many conflicts - Memcached build patched to not remove -Werror= in CFLAGSFix for CVE-2014-0001 Resolves: #1059545 - Don't test EDH-RSA-DES-CBC-SHA cipher, it seems to be removed from openssl which now makes mariadb/mysql FTBFS because openssl_1 test fails Related: #1044565- Disable tests for ppc(64) and s390(x): innodb.innodb_ctype_ldml main.ctype_ldml main.ps_ddl main.ps_ddl1 Related: #1056972- Some spec file clean-up based on Bjorn Munch's suggestions - Enable InnoDB Memcached plugin- Update to MySQL 5.6.15, for various fixes described at Fix my.cnf to not conflict with mariadb Resolves: #1003115- Update to MySQL 5.6.14, for various fixes described at - Incorporate changes done by Bjorn Munch - Enhanced my.cnf to be the same as in mariadb Resolves: #1003115- Update to MySQL 5.5.33, for various fixes described at Fix multilib header location for arm- Perl 5.18 rebuild- Copy some generated files in order finds them Related: #729040 - Fix systemd and perl requirements- Perl 5.18 rebuild- Revert path change to ldconfig, UsrMove is not complete yet- Arm support for multilib hacks- Use proper path to ldconfig - Use xz instead of gzip Resolves: #982387- Fix misleading error message when uninstalling built-in plugins Related: #966645- Remove external man pages, upstream fixed man pages license - Apply fixes found by Coverity static analysis tool- Use man pages from 5.5.30, because their license do not allow us to ship them since 5.5.31- Update to MySQL 5.5.32, for various fixes described at Use /var/tmp as default tmpdir to prevent potential issues Resolves: #905635 - Fix test suite requirements - Fix for CVE-2013-1861 backported from MariaDB Resolves: #921836- Added missing command-line options to man-pages (#948930)- Remove mysql provides from devel sub-packages to not build against community-mysql if mysql-devel is specified- Fix building with relro and PIE- Fix paths in -plugin-test patch- Build with _hardened_build - Fix some paths and require perl(Env), which is needed by tests- Update to MySQL 5.5.31, for various fixes described at Renaming package MySQL to community-mysql to handle issues introduced by case-insensitive operations of yum and for proper prioritizing mariadb over community-mysql- Allow server to be installed without client side - Separate -lib and -common sub-packages - Fix some path issues in tests- Adjusting major soname number of libmysqlclient to avoid library name conflicts with mariadb- Update to MySQL 5.5.30, for various fixes described at Use real- prefix for cross-package requirements- Provide own symbols with real- prefix to distinguish packages from other MySQL implementations unambiguously- Update to MySQL 5.5.29, for various fixes described at - Fix inaccurate default for socket location in mysqld-wait-ready Resolves: #890535- Rebase patches to not leave backup files when not applied smoothly - Use --no-backup-if-mismatch to prevent including backup files- Add patch for CVE-2012-5611 Resolves: #883642 - Widen DH key length from 512 to 1024 bits to meet minimum requirements of FIPS 140-2 Related: #877124- Update to MySQL 5.5.28, for various fixes described at - Clean up partially-created database files when mysql_install_db fails Related: #835131 - Honor user and group settings from service file in mysqld-prepare-db-dir Resolves: #840431 - Export THR_KEY_mysys as a workaround for inadequate threading support Resolves: #846602 - Adopt new systemd macros for server package install/uninstall triggers Resolves: #850222 - Use --no-defaults when invoking mysqladmin to wait for the server to start Related: #855704- Update to MySQL 5.5.27, for various fixes described at Rebuilt for Update to MySQL 5.5.25a, for various fixes described at - Don't use systemd's Restart feature; rely on mysqld_safe instead Resolves: #832029- Update to MySQL 5.5.24, for various fixes described at including the fix for CVE-2012-2122 Resolves: #830680 - Tweak logrotate script to put the right permissions on mysqld.log - Minor specfile fixes for recent packaging guidelines changes- Update to MySQL 5.5.23, for various fixes described at Update to MySQL 5.5.22, for various fixes described at - Turn on PrivateTmp in service file Resolves: #782513 - Comment out the contents of /etc/logrotate.d/mysqld, so that manual action is needed to enable log rotation. Given the multiple ways in which the rotation script can fail, it seems imprudent to try to make it run by default. Resolves: #799735- Revise mysql_plugin test patch so it moves plugin files to a temporary directory (better solution to #789530)- Fix ssl-related tests to specify expected cipher explicitly Related: #789600 - Fix several strcpy calls to check destination size- Update to MySQL 5.5.21, for various fixes described at - Hack openssl regression test to still work with rawhide's openssl - Fix assorted failures in post-install regression tests (mysql-test RPM) Resolves: #789530- Revise our test-disabling method to make it possible to disable tests on a platform-specific basis, and also to get rid of mysql-disable-test.patch, which broke in just about every upstream update (Honza Horak) - Disable cycle-counter-dependent regression tests on ARM, since there is not currently any support for that in Fedora ARM kernels Resolves: #773116 - Add some comments to mysqld.service documenting how to customize it Resolves: #785243- Update to MySQL 5.5.20, for various fixes described at as well as security fixes described at Resolves: #783828 - Re-include the mysqld logrotate script, now that it's not so bogus Resolves: #547007- Update to MySQL 5.5.19, for various fixes described at Update to MySQL 5.5.18, for various fixes described at Update to MySQL 5.5.17, for various fixes described at - Get rid of version-number assumption in sysv-to-systemd conversion trigger- Don't assume all ethernet devices are named ethX Resolves: #682365 - Exclude user definition from my.cnf, user is defined in mysqld.service now Resolves: #661265- Fix unportable usage associated with va_list arguments Resolves: #744707- Update to MySQL 5.5.16, for various fixes described at Update to MySQL 5.5.15, for various fixes described at Convert to systemd startup support (no socket activation, for now anyway) Related: #714426- Remove make_scrambled_password and make_scrambled_password_323 from mysql.h, since we're not allowing clients to call those functions anyway Related: #690346- Update to MySQL 5.5.14, for various fixes described at Remove erroneously-included Default-Start line from LSB init block Resolves: #717024- Update to MySQL 5.5.13, for various fixes described at Update to MySQL 5.5.12, for various fixes described at Add LSB init block to initscript, to ensure sane ordering at system boot Resolves: #703214 - Improve initscript start action to notice when mysqladmin is failing because of configuration problems Related: #703476 - Remove exclusion of "gis" regression test, since upstream bug 59908 is fixed (for some value of "fixed") as of 5.5.10.- Add my_make_scrambled_password to the list of symbols exported by Needed at least by pure-ftpd.- Update to MySQL 5.5.10, for various fixes described at Note that this includes a rather belated soname version bump for, from .16 to .18 - Add tmpfiles.d config file so that /var/run/mysqld is recreated at boot (only needed in Fedora 15 and later) Resolves: #658938- Disable a regression test that is now showing platform-dependent results Resolves: #674253- Update to MySQL 5.5.9, for various fixes described at - Add %{?_isa} to cross-subpackage Requires, per latest packaging guidelines- Rebuilt for Support s390/s390x in performance schema's cycle-counting functions (needed to make regression tests pass on these platforms)- PPC64 floating-point differences are not masked by -ffloat-store after all, so let's just disable gis regression test till upstream makes it less picky Resolves: #674253 - Add __perllib_requires setting to make rpm 4.9 do what we need- Work around some portability issues on PPC64 Resolves: #674253- Remove no-longer-needed special switches in CXXFLAGS, per yesterday's discussion in fedora-devel about -fexceptions. - Rebuild needed anyway to check compatibility with latest systemtap.- Fix failure to honor MYSQL_HOME environment variable Resolves: #669364- Fix crash during startup of embedded mysqld library Resolves: #667365- my_print_help, load_defaults, free_defaults, and handle_options all turn out to be documented/recommended in Paul DuBois' MySQL book, so we'd better consider them part of the de-facto API. Resolves: #666728- Add mysql_client_errors[] to the set of exported libmysqlclient symbols; needed by PHP.- Update to MySQL 5.5.8 (major version bump). Note this includes removal of - Add a linker version script to hide libmysqlclient functions that aren't part of the documented API.- Update to MySQL 5.1.52, for various fixes described at Resolves: #646569- Re-disable the outfile_loaddata test, per report from Dan Horak.- Update to MySQL 5.1.51, for various fixes described at Include my_compiler.h in distribution, per upstream bug #55846. Otherwise PHP, for example, won't build.- Update to MySQL 5.1.50, for various fixes described at Fix FTBFS with gcc 4.5. Related: #614293- Duplicate COPYING and EXCEPTIONS-CLIENT in -libs and -embedded subpackages, to ensure they are available when any subset of mysql RPMs are installed, per revised packaging guidelines - Allow init script's STARTTIMEOUT/STOPTIMEOUT to be overridden from sysconfig Related: #609734- Update to MySQL 5.1.48, for various fixes described at including a fix for CVE-2010-2008 Related: #614214- Add back "partition" storage engine Resolves: #597390 - Fix broken "federated" storage engine plugin Related: #587170 - Read all certificates in SSL certificate files, to support chained certs Related: #598656- Update to MySQL 5.1.47, for various fixes described at including fixes for CVE-2010-1848, CVE-2010-1849, CVE-2010-1850 Resolves: #592862 Resolves: #583717 - Create mysql group explicitly in pre-server script, to ensure correct GID Related: #594155- Update to MySQL 5.1.46, for various fixes described at Fix multiple problems described in upstream bug 52019, because regression tests fail on PPC if we don't.- Update to MySQL 5.1.45, for various fixes described at Add "Obsoletes: mysql-cluster" to fix upgrade-in-place from F-12 - Bring init script into some modicum of compliance with Fedora/LSB standards Related: #557711 Related: #562749- Update to MySQL 5.1.44, for various fixes described at - Remove, which is not freely redistributable Resolves: #560181 - Revert broken upstream fix for their bug 45058 Resolves: #566547- Remove mysql-cluster, which is no longer supported by upstream in this source distribution. If we want it we'll need a separate SRPM for it.- Update to MySQL 5.1.43, for various fixes described at Add backported patch for CVE-2008-7247 (upstream bug 39277) Related: #543619 - Use non-expired certificates for SSL testing (upstream bug 50702)- Emit explicit error message if user tries to build RPM as root Related: #558915- Correct Source0: tag and comment to reflect how to get the tarball- Disable symbolic links by default in /etc/my.cnf Resolves: #553652- Remove static libraries (.a files) from package, per packaging guidelines - Change %define to %global, per packaging guidelines- Disable building the innodb plugin; it tickles assorted gcc bugs and doesn't seem entirely ready for prime time anyway.- Update to MySQL 5.1.42, for various fixes described at - Start mysqld_safe with --basedir=/usr, to avoid unwanted SELinux messages Resolves: #547485- Stop waiting during "service mysqld start" if mysqld_safe exits Resolves: #544095- Update to MySQL 5.1.41, for various fixes described at including fixes for CVE-2009-4019 Related: #540906 - Don't set old_passwords=1; we aren't being bug-compatible with 3.23 anymore Resolves: #540735- Update to MySQL 5.1.40, for various fixes described at - Do not force the --log-error setting in mysqld init script Resolves: #533736- Replace kluge fix for ndbd sparc crash with a real fix (mysql bug 48132)- Work around two different compiler bugs on sparc, one by backing off optimization from -O2 to -O1, and the other with a klugy patch Related: #529298, #529299 - Clean up bogosity in multilib stub header support: ia64 should not be listed (it's not multilib), sparc and sparc64 should be- Work around upstream bug 46895 by disabling outfile_loaddata test- Update to MySQL 5.1.39, for various fixes described at Work around unportable assumptions about stpcpy(); re-enable main.mysql test - Clean up some obsolete parameters to the configure script- Remove one misguided patch; turns out I was chasing a glibc bug - Temporarily disable "main.mysql" test; there's something broken there too, but we need to get mysql built in rawhide for dependency reasons- rebuilt with new openssl- Add a couple of patches to improve the probability of the regression tests completing in koji builds- Update to MySQL 5.1.37, for various fixes described at Rebuilt for Update to MySQL 5.1.36, for various fixes described at Update to MySQL 5.1.35, for various fixes described at - Ensure that /var/lib/mysql is created with the right SELinux context Resolves: #502966- Update to MySQL 5.1.34, for various fixes described at - Increase startup timeout per bug #472222- Increase stack size of ndbd threads for safety's sake. Related: #494631- Update to MySQL 5.1.33. - Disable use of pthread_setschedparam; doesn't work the way code expects. Related: #477624- Update to MySQL 5.1.32.- Rebuilt for Update to MySQL 5.1.31.- hm, apparently --with-innodb and --with-ndbcluster are still needed even though no longer documented ...- Update to MySQL 5.1.30. Note that this includes an ABI break for libmysqlclient (it's now got .so major version 16). - This also updates mysql for new openssl build- Build the "embedded server" library, and package it in a new sub-RPM mysql-embedded, along with mysql-embedded-devel for devel support files. Resolves: #149829- Update to mysql version 5.0.67 - Move mysql_config's man page to base package, again (apparently I synced that change the wrong way while importing specfile changes for ndbcluster)- Enable ndbcluster support Resolves: #163758 - Suppress odd crash messages during package build, caused by trying to build dbug manual (which we don't install anyway) with dbug disabled Resolves: #437053 - Improve mysql.init to pass configured datadir to mysql_install_db, and to force user=mysql for both mysql_install_db and mysqld_safe. Related: #450178- Update to mysql version 5.0.51a- Fix mysql-stack-guard patch to work correctly on IA64 - Fix mysql.init to wait correctly when socket is not in default place Related: #435494- add sparc64 to 64 bit arches for test suite checking - add sparc, sparcv9 and sparc64 to multilib handling- Fix the stack overflow problem encountered in January. It seems the real issue is that the buildfarm machines were moved to RHEL5, which uses 64K not 4K pages on PPC, and because RHEL5 takes the guard area out of the requested thread stack size we no longer had enough headroom. Related: #435337- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3- Unbelievable ... upstream still thinks that it's a good idea to have a regression test that is guaranteed to begin failing come January 1. - ... and it seems we need to raise STACK_MIN_SIZE again too.- Back-port upstream fixes for CVE-2007-5925, CVE-2007-5969, CVE-2007-6303. Related: #422211- Rebuild for new openssl- Seems we need explicit BuildRequires on gawk and procps now - Rebuild to fix Fedora toolchain issues- Recent perl changes in rawhide mean we need a more specific BuildRequires- Update License tag to match code. - Work around recent Fedora change that makes "open" a macro name.- Update to MySQL 5.0.45 Resolves: #246535 - Move mysql_config's man page to base package Resolves: #245770 - move my_print_defaults to base RPM, for consistency with Stacks packaging - mysql user is no longer deleted at RPM uninstall Resolves: #241912- Use a less hacky method of getting default values in initscript Related: #233771, #194596 - Improve packaging of mysql-libs per suggestions from Remi Collet Resolves: #233731 - Update default /etc/my.cnf ([mysql.server] has been bogus for a long time)- Update to MySQL 5.0.37 Resolves: #231838 - Put client library into a separate mysql-libs RPM to reduce dependencies Resolves: #205630- Update to MySQL 5.0.33 - Install band-aid fix for "view" regression test designed to fail after 2006 - Don't chmod -R the entire database directory tree on every startup Related: #221085 - Fix unsafe use of install-info Resolves: #223713 - Cope with new automake in F7 Resolves: #224171- Update to MySQL 5.0.27 (see CVE-2006-4031, CVE-2006-4226, CVE-2006-4227) Resolves: #202247, #202675, #203427, #203428, #203432, #203434, #208641 - Fix init script to return status 1 on server start timeout Resolves: #203910 - Move mysqldumpslow from base package to mysql-server Resolves: #193559 - Adjust link options for BDB module Resolves: #199368- rebuild- Work around brew's tendency not to clean up failed builds completely, by adding code in mysql-testing.patch to kill leftover mysql daemons.- Update to MySQL 5.0.22 (fixes CVE-2006-2753) - Install temporary workaround for gcc bug on s390x (bz #193912)- Fix bogus perl Requires for mysql-test- Update to MySQL 5.0.21- Modify multilib header hack to not break non-RH arches, per bug #181335 - Remove logrotate script, per bug #180639. - Add a new mysql-test RPM to carry the regression test files; hack up test scripts as needed to make them run in /usr/share/mysql-test.- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- err-log option has been renamed to log-error, fix my.cnf and initscript- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- Update to MySQL 5.0.18- fix my_config.h for ppc platforms- my_config.h needs to guard against 64-bit platforms that also define the 32-bit symbol- oops, looks like we want uname -i not uname -m- Update to MySQL 5.0.16 - Add EXCEPTIONS-CLIENT license info to the shipped documentation - Make my_config.h architecture-independent for multilib installs; put the original my_config.h into my_config_$ARCH.h - Add -fwrapv to CFLAGS so that gcc 4.1 doesn't break it- rebuilt- Make stop script wait for daemon process to disappear (bz#172426)- Rebuild due to openssl library update.- Update to MySQL 5.0.15 (scratch build for now)- Update to MySQL 4.1.14- Use politically correct patch name.- Fix buffer overflow newly exposed in isam code; it's the same issue previously found in myisam, and not very exciting, but I'm tired of seeing build warnings.- Update to MySQL 4.1.12 (includes a fix for bz#158688, bz#158689) - Extend mysql-test-ssl.patch to solve rpl_openssl test failure (bz#155850) - Update mysql-lock-ssl.patch to match the upstream committed version - Add --with-isam to re-enable the old ISAM table type, per bz#159262 - Add dependency on openssl-devel per bz#159569 - Remove manual.txt, as upstream decided not to ship it anymore; it was redundant with the file anyway.- Include proper locking for OpenSSL in the server, per bz#155850- Enable openssl tests during build, per bz#155850 - Might as well turn on --disable-dependency-tracking- Avoid dependency on , cause it won't build anymore on ia64. This is probably a cleaner solution for bz#143537, too.- Update to MySQL 4.1.11 to fix bz#152911 as well as other issues - Move perl-DBI, perl-DBD-MySQL dependencies to server package (bz#154123) - Override configure thread library test to suppress HAVE_LINUXTHREADS check - Fix BDB failure on s390x (bz#143537) - At last we can enable "make test" on all arches- Update to MySQL 4.1.10a to fix security vulnerabilities (bz#150868, for CAN-2005-0711, and bz#150871 for CAN-2005-0709, CAN-2005-0710).- Fix package Requires: interdependencies.- Need -fno-strict-aliasing in at least one place, probably more. - Work around some C spec violations in mysql.- Update to MySQL 4.1.10.- Update to MySQL 4.1.9.- Don't assume /etc/my.cnf will specify pid-file (bz#143724)- Rebuilt for new readline.- Run make test on all archs except s390x (which seems to have a bdb issue)- Suppress someone's silly idea that libtool overhead can be skipped- Fix init script to not need a valid username for startup check (bz#142328) - Fix init script to honor settings appearing in /etc/my.cnf (bz#76051) - Enable SSL (bz#142032)- Add a restorecon to keep the mysql.log file in the right context (bz#143887)- Turn off old_passwords in default /etc/my.cnf file, for better compatibility with mysql 3.x clients (per suggestion from Joe Orton).- Handle ldconfig more cleanly (put a file in /etc/ rebuild in devel branch- Update to MySQL 4.1.x.- fix security issues CAN-2004-0835, CAN-2004-0836, CAN-2004-0837 (bugs #135372, 135375, 135387) - fix privilege escalation on GRANT ALL ON `Foo\_Bar` (CAN-2004-0957)- fix multilib problem with mysqlbug and mysql_config - adjust chkconfig priority per bug #128852 - remove bogus quoting per bug #129409 (MySQL 4.0 has done likewise) - add sleep to mysql.init restart(); may or may not fix bug #133993- fix low-priority security issues CAN-2004-0388, CAN-2004-0381, CAN-2004-0457 (bugs #119442, 125991, 130347, 130348) - fix bug with dropping databases under recent kernels (bug #124352)- rebuilt- remove redundant INSTALL-SOURCE, manual.* - compress manual.txt.bz2 - BR time- repair logfile attributes in %files, per bug #102190 - repair quoting problem in mysqlhotcopy, per bug #112693 - repair missing flush in mysql_setpermission, per bug #113960 - repair broken error message printf, per bug #115165 - delete mysql user during uninstall, per bug #117017 - rebuilt- rebuilt- fix chown syntax in mysql.init - rebuild- rebuilt- update mysql.init to use anonymous user (UNKNOWN_MYSQL_USER) for pinging mysql server (#108779)- update mysql.init to wait (max 10 seconds) for mysql server to start (#58732)- re-enable Berkeley DB support (#106832) - re-enable ia64 testing- rebuilt- upgrade to 3.23.58 for security fix- rebuilt- revert to prior version of MySQL due to license incompatibilities with packages that link against the client. The MySQL folks are looking into the issue.- restrict test on ia64 (temporary)- rebuilt- fix with less restrictive for mysql-bench- update for MySQL 4.0 - back-level shared libraries available in mysqlclient10 package- add sql-bench package (#90110)- upgrade to 3.23.56 for security fixes - remove patch for double-free (included in 3.23.56)- enable thread safe client - add patch for double free fix- rebuilt- disable checks on s390x- use internal dep generator.- fix mysql_config on hammer- don't use rpms internal dep generator- Push it into the build system- upgrade to 3.23.54a for safe_mysqld fix- upgrade to 3.23.54 for latest security fixes- Always include for errno - Remove unpackaged files- do not prereq userdel, not used at all- Use %{_libdir} - Add patch for x86-64- rebuilt with gcc-3.2-7- Add --enable-local-infile to configure - a new option which doesn't default to the old behaviour (#72885)- 3.23.52. Fixes a minor security problem, various bugfixes.- rebuilt with gcc-3.2 (we hope)- rebuild- Fix #63543 and #63542- Turn off bdb on PPC(#68591) - Turn off the assembly optimizations, for safety.- Work around annoying auto* thinking this is a crosscompile - 3.23.51- automated rebuild- Add dependency on perl-DBI and perl-DBD-MySQL (#66349)- 3.23.50- automated rebuild- Rebuild - Don't set CXX to gcc, it doesn't work anymore - Exclude Alpha- Add the various .cnf examples as doc files to mysql-server (#60349) - Don't include, it's just 200 bytes with a URL inside (#60349) - Don't include random files in /usr/share/mysql (#60349) - langify (#60349)- Rebuild- 3.23.49- work around perl dependency bug.- 3.23.48- Use kill, not mysqladmin, to flush logs and shut down. Thus, an admin password can be set with no problems. - Remove reload from init script- remove db3-devel from buildrequires, MySQL has had its own bundled copy since the mid thirties- 3.23.47 - Don't build for alpha, toolchain immature.- 3.23.46 - use -fno-rtti and -fno-exceptions, and set CXX to increase stability. Recommended by mysql developers.- 3.23.45- centralize definition of datadir in the initscript (#55873)- 3.23.44- 3.23.43- 3.23.42 - reenable innodb- 3.23.41 bugfix release - disable innodb, to avoid the broken updates - Use "mysqladmin flush_logs" instead of kill -HUP in logrotate script (#51711)- 3.23.40, bugfix release - Add zlib-devel to buildrequires:- BuildRequires-tweaking- Reenable test, but don't run them for s390, s390x or ia64 - Make /etc/my.cnf config(noplace). Same for /etc/logrotate.d/mysqld- 3.23.29 - enable innodb - enable assembly again - disable tests for now...- 3.23.38 - Don't use BDB on Alpha - no fast mutexes- 3.23.37 - Add _GNU_SOURCE to the compile flags- Make it obsolete our 6.2 PowerTools packages - 3.23.36 bugfix release - fixes some security issues which didn't apply to our standard configuration - Make "make test" part of the build process, except on IA64 (it fails there)- 3.23.35 bugfix release - Don't delete the mysql user on uninstall- 3.23.34a bugfix release- added readline-devel to BuildRequires:- small i18n-fixes to initscript (action needs $)- make it shut down and rotate logs without using mysqladmin (from #24909)- conflict with "MySQL"- improve gettextizing- 3.23.32 - fix logrotate script (#24589)- gettextize - move the items in Requires(post): to Requires: in preparation for an errata for 7.0 when 3.23.31 is released - 3.23.31- add the log file to the rpm database, and make it 0640 (#24116) - as above in logrotate script - changes to the init sequence - put most of the data in /etc/my.cnf instead of hardcoding in the init script - use /var/run/mysqld/ instead of /var/run/mysqld/pid - use standard safe_mysqld - shut down cleaner- 3.23.30 - do an explicit chmod on /var/lib/mysql in post, to avoid any problems with broken permissons. There is a report of rm not changing this on its own (#22989)- bzipped source - changed from 85 to 78 in startup, so it starts before apache (which can use modules requiring mysql)- 3.23.29a- add requirement for new libstdc++, build for errata- 3.23.29- 3.23.28 (gamma) - remove old patches, as they are now upstreamed- Add a requirement for a new glibc (#20735) - build on IA64- disable more assembly- fix mysql on SPARC (#20124)- 3.23.27- add patch for fixing bogus aliasing in mysql from Jakub, which should fix #18905 and #18620- check for negative niceness values, and negate it if present (#17899) - redefine optflags on IA32 FTTB- 3.23.26, which among other fixes now uses mkstemp() instead of tempnam(). - revert changes made yesterday, the problem is now isolated- use the compat C++ compiler FTTB. Argh. - add requirement of ncurses4 (see above)- 3.23.25 - fix shutdown problem (#17956)- Don't try to include no-longer-existing PUBLIC file as doc (#17532)- rename config file to /etc/my.cnf, which is what mysqld wants... doh. (#17432) - include a changed safe_mysqld, so the pid file option works. - make mysql dir world readable to they can access the mysql socket. (#17432) - 3.23.24- 3.23.23- Add "|| :" to condrestart to avoid non-zero exit code- it's, not and use correct path to source (#16830)- source file from /etc/rc.d, not /etc/rd.d. Doh.- don't run ldconfig -n, it doesn't update (#16034) - include some missing binaries - use safe_mysqld to start the server (request from mysql developers)- condrestart fixes- 3.23.22. Disable the old patches, they're now in.- bugfixes in the initscript - move the .so link to the devel package- rebuild due to glibc changes- disable compiler patch - don't include info directory file- move back to /etc/rc.d/init.d- more cleanups in initscript- add a patch to work around compiler bug (from don't build the SQL daemon statically (glibc problems) - fix the logrotate script - only flush log if mysql is running - change the reloading procedure - remove icon - glint is obsolete a long time ago- automatic rebuild- try the new compiler again - build the SQL daemon statically - add compile time support for complex charsets - enable assembler - more cleanups in initscript- use old C++ compiler - Exclusivearch x86- move .so files to devel package - more cleanups - exclude sparc for now- 3.23.21 - remove file from /etc/sysconfig - Fix initscript a bit - initialization of databases doesn't work yet - specify the correct licenses - include a /etc/my.conf (empty, FTTB) - add conditional restart to spec file- Rebuild with new C++- update to 3.23.20 - use %configure, %makeinstall, %{_tmppath}, %{_mandir}, %{_infodir}, /etc/init.d - remove the bench package - change some of the descriptions a little bit - fix the init script - some compile fixes - specify mysql user - use mysql uid 27 (postgresql is 26) - don't build on ia64- Version 3.22.32 release XOS.1 for LinuX/OS 1.8.0 - Upgrade from version 3.22.27 to 3.22.32. - Do "make install" instead of "make install-strip", because "install -s" now appears to fail on various scripts. Afterwards, strip manually. - Reorganize subpackages, according to common Red Hat packages: the client program and shared library become the base package and the server and some accompanying files are now in a separate server package. The server package implicitly requires the base package (shared library), but we have added a manual require tag anyway (because of the shared config file, and more). - Rename the mysql-benchmark subpackage to mysql-bench.- Version 3.22.27 release XOS.2 for LinuX/OS 1.7.1 - Add post(un)install scripts for updating (client subpackage).- Version 3.22.27 release XOS.1 for LinuX/OS 1.7.0 - Initial version. - Some ideas borrowed from Red Hat Powertools 6.1, although this spec file is a full rewrite from scratch. 8.0.26-1.module_el8.4.0+915+de2151148.0.26-1.module_el8.4.0+915+de21511421.1.26 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuPOSIX shell script, ASCII text executabledirectoryC source, ASCII textpkgconfig fileM4 macro processor script, ASCII texttroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)RRRPRRutf-8226fc97c87513c81b5c8349ea155af7b02dd39cb569e27f608fbad0fb3e86aafmysql:8.0:8040020210901180257:9f9e2e7e?7zXZ !#,|] b2u y-iSqiҍZL!컷GOukOi[-!HA)EH7e݄vP@~[p/2$tj緣x8jW̌>Ҹ g YbhwO.TW{10*Xs{pl!Έ֌C}0PY冗 udA(%ފ|8U"tl4maRc Q흶s] G[*p8 !J<ӡlHg]jZtGTm'_J tpQ("36ݔԻB sDڲ%DAzcf.-z`41c$zv{8 ߗjOvy%TfļHN)Gl%dl ?$׺.+W;^ )ѯQFH+Mo͔ɀ'/@즜9zln_( 9|$V J%XQAqfh/E|Ă:hO9Μ~ YMGpETpw\>ܶXmEx%PN 35#|gp]͍dUv}t Fc=o\ =9;L6^c7ۉ|Ca01N dG9^n~d4R~D2VT[≢d΃[6T^c])ͱԀ6{^kB[a:`6Us{+5UV;YA7Șа0.(7MSS~`ygQo>pE $2RgY&ʙ6:Ie>?RfռVBWgE{tzgNM~%.iTF^X-{IK٭âdצV:'4(ywQypcuI,ekP+[K(Ǜ Zϩ=KĊ A^g: zWY?UmhumʮtEpj(6u B<yidO{JoK7uR}ZsKs9@&6~hDix=<)Qpb(%*Ҡ_9=&K~{MO[U:EFu [ȍ2?G/!ps "͗HO`"2lS%ڝFЇ \Kr ? inkl?sYA!L̓.E 탹H]UBqf::9SΒi`V~QAwFl$Һû SqhYߴ)YSڝJûmH5bN+"M첏B٦bHef[^(n7m)][!/LOi۫z^4qZvsܒ 0z]'0jYe$'v߁/icOpN#XM.g} ڟ 2M4XSSǾRJځ.F` eN"t+&V1 }Gsp < n'KKh~lHS^Ӆf?SsږT G&+ypxOzamY82v(hocSkؔX. ).$wlB4^Bo~QI/CΘb|*!k HJf ,dwltG=:ﮥBV$zi zy/н_%90xlG>0N{p'n* Q'sSy{Mz5鍠0P.D;UK: g MLM\?Cqd{?TɆ^Ʊ$|rH5&xUtJg_5e"lfϧ릯1/ QΛU5R ,4F!q_O\p]Uwk9EG`nRk]%PoCUĦA֖>q˺]]abӈۅ'FW'x+rHK)XB!9l,dj=l~S>t ~Mas5 ?Y \m, 0z2>Ǥ]]e28ӮOl3Kqdrh@=VZ>ab ˹8w 5 e rrzz+p6%(#\I2F݃riqCi#j0`']&bWBcA0oN6"oIRL*2ސr;Z!jt#I'/+ssW^"h|T`0׍z15~xvr)h Z;L _x2uQ< dnDFl\H}4NT eN:#<ֳiӰBHazHK!> -ь)2G>j*cA&3) )馋~r #'$ \V\vNR5B2>ݴ'r>}_%!$J/UO!ՙf3jZITvl 0=Bod\O-R_+ e^Xrz*TTh>#BF~5cp"먦m^3!"MƂKc&jU ꍤkNܯ7ėx,ȱl=@t)s8:P}l% Et@GdžZZ6^l#A4s7e-ŻM.Xq*ȟU؟䵳TccJ֖cUJ`ѶPݝ0T{pbYA)5s "Ӝj׽P5ė1QGjHOLE:며QPi-R'?] J]#?QdZ"ulD6jmra!ffXc\J0<ģ-&Gb\,BAzf$f FPX@y =H666X($ۭ)@w C8܈T2ǰ~|U!fT~H d͵dE]OwBFgw5ՃS=Uną@Cy<Κ#\g ?d1|WȷջzH\͝R90? 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