pcp-pmda-netcheck-5.3.1-5.el8 >  A a.PU]t6lS0фoh&rsOG,TgHL&jpU0מ뭢Hp.Ŀf%;]f=]ګ1RI:FNZjp>NeKo]oEh=$K~]<1LK;-^_cz7 V~D>Bs$VBQ+kT@Tm>Za @קrYw&z-&]hK_p =Եz>H!Ϯ@Pib JՅZ> a#3l%l«~a̫BK2dW*ˠ hlYb{b@F40>Ng-G;cn6[EFaAK~G)8缬O4dwVX(WE7i~ao)8Dx/J6ˣ Vrcg _&BeReAwz޷ uG/?+YW3W ר.0~9@NhiY 03bcb4092b919d31d14a93be17ccf437499ab68bf08fc87fd6c4b1f2ebaa698bb5cc9a1928683327b3c02e524bb9044f54addf12a.PU] 8mқ5,n8i:Tp ث+<8liErY}x-e}_ v*غDDpe)i3ZOJLcFƤɂox ^裭N*#WzDejlӨmo>$Co ׊v`ۇc>YKѳ6sS^} d>J]vyN_ʐ;"4`CPa0TWf{l2l#¤&Jկ ׾El-frTۈ@/[p ɈU aQvb{+)!{.K o541wdl?ua: i#P>p>?d  ]  /;JPWl$$ D$ $ $ @$  @$ $ $8P$( T  (P8X9:,w?,G4$H$IT$XxY\$]8$^< b&dve{f~lt$u($vw$$x$yDTX^Cpcp-pmda-netcheck5.3.15.el8Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) metrics for simple network checksThis package contains the PCP Performance Metrics Domain Agent (PMDA) for collecting metrics from simple network checks.a-bx86-01.mbox.centos.orgnCentOSCentOSGPLv2+CentOS Buildsys Unspecifiedhttps://pcp.iolinuxx86_64 if [ "$1" -eq 0 ] then PCP_PMDAS_DIR=/var/lib/pcp/pmdas PCP_PMCDCONF_PATH=/etc/pcp/pmcd/pmcd.conf if [ -f "$PCP_PMCDCONF_PATH" -a -f "$PCP_PMDAS_DIR/"netcheck"/domain.h" ] then (cd "$PCP_PMDAS_DIR/"netcheck"/" && ./Remove >/dev/null 2>&1) fi fiZ O 1M  oA ]54HJKKDLIIG-A=4A큤AA큤큤AAa-a-a-a-;a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-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../../../../../usr/libexec/pcp/pmdas/netcheck/Install../../../../../usr/libexec/pcp/pmdas/netcheck/Remove../../../../../../usr/libexec/pcp/pmdas/netcheck/modules/__init__.python../../../../../../usr/libexec/pcp/pmdas/netcheck/modules/dns_lookup.python../../../../../../usr/libexec/pcp/pmdas/netcheck/modules/dns_reverse.python../../../../../../usr/libexec/pcp/pmdas/netcheck/modules/pcpnetcheck.python../../../../../../usr/libexec/pcp/pmdas/netcheck/modules/ping.python../../../../../../usr/libexec/pcp/pmdas/netcheck/modules/ping_latency.python../../../../../../usr/libexec/pcp/pmdas/netcheck/modules/ping_loss.python../../../../../../usr/libexec/pcp/pmdas/netcheck/modules/port_open.python../../../../../../usr/libexec/pcp/pmdas/netcheck/modules/url_get.python../../../../../etc/pcp/netcheck/netcheck.conf../../../../../usr/libexec/pcp/pmdas/netcheck/pmdanetcheck.python../../../../../usr/libexec/pcp/pmdas/netcheck/pmdautil.python../../../../../usr/libexec/pcp/pmdas/netcheck/pypreprootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootpcp-5.3.1-5.el8.src.rpmconfig(pcp-pmda-netcheck)pcp-pmda-netcheckpcp-pmda-netcheck(x86-64) @@    /bin/sh/bin/sh/usr/bin/pmpythonconfig(pcp-pmda-netcheck)pcppcp-libspython3-pcprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)5.3.1-5.el85.3.1-5.el85.3.1-5.el83.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.14.3a*%@`:@`s``f@`e@`~@`y|@`/@`&m`!'`!'_ܙ_@_s!_m^^^@^I^h^\@^W@]@]]L@]n]V]:@]@\\l<\@\\v{\[@[@[[dC[dC[H@[;e@[6@[4[(@[#@ZZ@Z@Z ZZ|;ZV@Z@YB@YY@Y3Yg`YV=@Y5GY1S@Y;@XDXXZnX%W WWc@W9@W#LVVT@VqR@V3[UYU@UL@U@U~@U.RTTPT@T@T7T|X@Tk4TSyT SvS@SS@Si@S@S@St@SM@S)S@SR@Rx@R@Rv:RsRa"R6R5@R0[@R-@QQ@Q@Q'@Qq1QIQP - 5.3.1-5Mark Goodwin - 5.3.1-3Nathan Scott - 5.3.1-2Nathan Scott - 5.3.1-1Nathan Scott - 5.3.0-4Nathan Scott - 5.3.0-3Nathan Scott - 5.3.0-2Nathan Scott - 5.3.0-1Nathan Scott - 5.2.5-4Mark Goodwin - 5.2.5-3Andreas Gerstmayr - 5.2.5-2Nathan Scott - 5.2.5-1Nathan Scott - 5.2.3-1Nathan Scott - 5.2.2-1Nathan Scott - 5.2.1-2Nathan Scott - 5.2.1-1Mark Goodwin - 5.1.1-3Mark Goodwin - 5.1.1-2Mark Goodwin - 5.1.1-1Mark Goodwin - 5.1.0-2Mark Goodwin - 5.0.3-3Mark Goodwin - 5.0.3-2Mark Goodwin - 5.0.3-1Nathan Scott - 5.0.2-1Nathan Scott - 5.0.1-1Mark Goodwin - 5.0.0-2Mark Goodwin - 5.0.0-1Nathan Scott - 4.3.4-1Fedora Release Engineering - 4.3.3-2Mark Goodwin - 4.3.3-1Igor Gnatenko - 4.3.2-4Igor Gnatenko - 4.3.2-3Jitka Plesnikova - 4.3.2-2Mark Goodwin - 4.3.2-1Mark Goodwin - 4.3.1-1Nathan Scott - 4.3.0-1Mark Goodwin - 4.2.0-1Nathan Scott - 4.1.3-1Nathan Scott - 4.1.1-3Dave Brolley - 4.1.1-2Dave Brolley - 4.1.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 4.1.0-7Petr Pisar - 4.1.0-6Miro Hrončok - 4.1.0-5Jitka Plesnikova - 4.1.0-4Miro Hrončok - 4.1.0-3Nathan Scott - 4.1.0-2Mark Goodwin - 4.0.2-1Mark Goodwin - 4.0.1-1Iryna Shcherbina - 4.0.0-3Nathan Scott - 4.0.0-2Nathan Scott - 4.0.0-1Nathan Scott - 3.12.2-5Lukas Berk - 3.12.2-4Igor Gnatenko - 3.12.2-2Lukas Berk - 3.12.2-1Nathan Scott - 3.12.1-3Lukas Berk - 3.12.1-2Nathan Scott - 3.12.1-1Petr Pisar - 3.12.0-2Lukas Berk - 3.12.0-1Jitka Plesnikova - 3.11.10-3Lukas Berk - 3.11.10-2Dave Brolley - 3.11.10-1Nathan Scott - 3.11.9-1Lukas Berk - 3.11.8-1Dave Brolley - 3.11.7-1Mark Goodwin - 3.11.6-1Mark Goodwin - 3.11.5-1Nathan Scott - 3.11.4-1Nathan Scott - 3.11.3-1Jitka Plesnikova - 3.11.2-2.1Lukas Berk - 3.11.2-1Dave Brolley - 3.11.1-1Mark Goodwin - 3.11.0-1Lukas Berk - 3.10.9-1Mark Goodwin - 3.10.8-1Nathan Scott - 3.10.7-1Kalev Lember - 3.10.6-2.1Lukas Berk - 3.10.6-2Nathan Scott - 3.10.6-1Mark Goodwin - 3.10.5-1Nathan Scott - 3.10.4-1Dave Brolley - 3.10.3-2Dave Brolley - 3.10.3-1Slavek Kabrda - 3.10.2-3Nathan Scott - 3.10.2-2Dave Brolley - 3.10.2-1Nathan Scott - 3.10.1-1Dave Brolley - 3.10.0-2Nathan Scott - 3.10.0-1Nathan Scott - 3.9.10-1Jitka Plesnikova - 3.9.9-1.2Fedora Release Engineering - 3.9.9-1.1Nathan Scott - 3.9.9-1Mark Goodwin - 3.9.7-1Dave Brolley - 3.9.5-1Fedora Release Engineering - 3.9.4-1.1Nathan Scott - 3.9.4-1Dave Brolley - 3.9.2-1Nathan Scott - 3.9.1-1Nathan Scott - 3.9.0-2Nathan Scott - 3.9.0-1Nathan Scott - 3.8.12-1Nathan Scott - 3.8.10-1Nathan Scott - 3.8.9-1Nathan Scott - 3.8.8-1Nathan Scott - 3.8.6-1Nathan Scott - 3.8.5-1Nathan Scott - 3.8.4-2Nathan Scott - 3.8.4-1Stan Cox - 3.8.3-2Nathan Scott - 3.8.3-1Petr Pisar - 3.8.2-1.1Nathan Scott - 3.8.2-1Nathan Scott - 3.8.1-1Nathan Scott - 3.8.0-1Nathan Scott - 3.7.2-1Nathan Scott - 3.7.1-1Nathan Scott - 3.7.0-1Fedora Release Engineering - 3.6.10-2.1Nathan Scott - 3.6.10-2Nathan Scott - 3.6.10-1Nathan Scott - 3.6.9-1Nathan Scott - 3.6.8-1Nathan Scott - 3.6.6-1.1Mark Goodwin - 3.6.6-1Mark Goodwin - 3.6.5-1Mark Goodwin Mark Goodwin Dan Hork - 3.6.3-1.1Mark Goodwin - 3.6.3-1Mark Goodwin - 3.6.2-1Mark Goodwin - 3.6.1-1Mark Goodwin - 3.6.0-1Mark Goodwin - 3.5.11-2Mark Goodwin - 3.5.11-1Mark Goodwin - 3.5.10-1Mark Goodwin - 3.5.9-1Mark Goodwin - 3.5.8-1Mark Goodwin - 3.5.7-1Mark Goodwin - 3.5.6-1Mark Goodwin - 3.5.5-1Mark Goodwin - 3.5.0-1Mark Goodwin - 3.4.0-1Mark Goodwin - 3.3.3-1Mark Goodwin - 3.3.2-1Mark Goodwin - 3.3.1-1Mark Goodwin - 3.3.0-1Mark Goodwin - 3.1.2-1Mark Goodwin - 3.1.0-1Mark Goodwin - 3.0.3-1Mark Goodwin - 3.0.2-1Martin Hicks - 3.0.1-2Mark Goodwin - 3.0.0-9- Fix pmdapodman initialization and selinux policy (BZ 1962019)- Improve pmproxy and libpcp_web scalability (BZ 1975069) - Provide a pcp-ss(1) tool in pcp-system-tools (BZ 1879350)- Fix pmproxy parallel TLS requests bug (BZ 1947989) - Backport pmrep archive creation fix (BZ 1974266)- Improved diagnostics from pmie service scripts (BZ 1954576) - Drop option configuration file env var setting (BZ 1967174) - Add pmie support for thermal throttle detection (BZ 1908212) - Annotate a couple of obscure config files in rpm (BZ 1964253) - Rebase to a more recent upstream version of PCP (BZ 1922040)- Improve pmchart duplicate archive diagnostics (BZ 1615718) - Save pmchart users prefered archive locations (BZ 1615742) - Remove libvarlink dependency from podman PMDA (BZ 1956608)- Correct pcp-testsuite file permissions (BZ 1922040)- Resolve pcp-testsuite linkage problems (BZ 1950263)- Allow pcp-atop to filter processes on state (BZ 1807046) - Dynamically adjust the pmproxy open file limit (BZ 1954711) - Rebase to a more recent upstream version of PCP (BZ 1922040) - PCP scalability and memory footprint improvements (BZ 1942292)- Revert removal of pmcd unit dependencies (BZs 1929556, 1930284)- Specify pmns_name in sockets PMDA Install and Remove scripts - Add selinux rules for pmcd to use netlink tcpdiag sockets (BZ 1926756)- Fixed typo in specfile (pcp-testsuite requires pcp-pmda-hacluster and pcp-pmda-sockets instead of pcp-pmdas-hacluster etc.)- Extended socket statistic metrics (BZ 1491892) - Add explicit umask to startup scripts (BZ 1833647) - Fix pmlogger scripts fore remote loggers (BZ 1919950) - Enhance selinux policy for netcheck metrics (BZ 1897719) - Resolve packaging issue related to tmpfiles (BZ 1919974) - Ensure online help text exists for all metrics (BZ 1670029) - Adds HA cluster metrics (Pacemaker, Corosync, DRBD and SBD) - Rebase to a more recent upstream version of PCP (BZ 1854035)- Adds a new pcp-htop(1) utility (BZ 1716242) - Adds per-process network metrics to pcp-atop(1) (BZ 1733901) - Rebase to latest upstream stable release of PCP (BZ 1854035) - Resolves an selinux issue in the netcheck agent (BZ 1897719) - Rebase to a more recent upstream version of PCP (BZ 1854035)- Add online help text for PCP derived metrics (BZ 1670029) - Add process accounting metrics and pcp-atop support (BZ 1814526) - Fix pmchart recorded archive folio host names (BZ 1824403) - Fix selinux issue with secure pmcd connections (BZ 1857396) - Extend pmlogger_daily script compression docs (BZ 1880392) - perfevent support for hv_24x7/hv_gpci dynamic events (BZ 1889613) - Improve pmlogger multiple remote node setups (BZ 1892326) - Rebase to a more recent upstream version of PCP (BZ 1854035)- Fix rpm spec permissions for pmie and sa directories (BZ 1882615) - Add versioned rpm spec dependencies for pcp-zeroconf (BZ 1882664)- Interactive mode in pcp-atop for time intervals (BZ 1806824) - Add branch-to-specific-time feature in pcp-atop (BZ 1806927) - Fix hostname written to archive folio by pmchart (BZ 1824403) - Allow pmafm to function with compressed archives (BZ 1839666) - Fix folio handling of archive files outside /tmp (BZ 1839698) - pcp-pmda-lio deals with a missing kernel module (BZ 1843792) - Windows authentication mode for SQL Server PMDA (BZ 1847808) - Fix previous sample selection within pcp-atop (BZ 1847925) - Make pcp-atopsar honour the -e (end time) option (BZ 1851838) - Fix pcp-pmda-zswap crashing with namespace error (BZ 1851887) - Fix pcp-atopsar handling of -H (header) option (BZ 1857121) - Update pcp-free(1) to show 'shared' memory usage (BZ 1878768) - Rebase to a more recent upstream version of PCP (BZ 1854035)- Fix for missing runtime deps on perl Net::SNMP (BZ 1790433) - Resolve covscan and other issues from upstream QA (BZ 1849511) - Possible memory leak detected in pcp-atop (BZ 1846705) - Installation of pcp-pmda-samba causes SELinux issues (BZ 1790452) - Fix Intermittent pminfo crashes (BZ 1848995) - Silence openmetrics PMDA warnings, add status metrics (BZ 1846711) - Set PACKAGE_BUILD in VERSION.pcp so pmcd.build metric is correct- Activate pmlogger_rewrite on upgrades (BZ 1541406) - Fix Coverity issues in pmdastatsd and pmlogconf (BZ 1792971) - libpcp_web: ensure context is freed only after timer is fully closed - Services: pmlogger and pmie services Want pmcd on boot - Fix intermittent pmlogconf core dumps (BZ 1845241) - pcp-atop: resolve potential null task pointer dereference - pmproxy: improve diagnostics, particularly relating to http requests - pmproxy: cleanup, remove unused flags and dead code in http encoding - pmproxy: support the OPTIONS protocol in HTTP 1.1 - libpcp_web: add resilience to descriptor lookup paths (BZ 1837153)- Rebuild to pick up changed HdrHistogram_c version (BZ 1831502) - pmdakvm: handle kernel lockdown in integrity mode (BZ 1824297) - PCP_NSSDB_DIR should not be mentioned in /etc/pcp.conf (BZ 1826020) - pmie_daily.service runs as pcp but tries to do root things (BZ 1832262) - pcp-testsuite-5.1.0-2.el8 package is missing pcpqa.pp file (BZ 1835422) - GFS2 kernel trace points turning on by themselves (BZ 1825386) - pcp-atop various fixes (BZ 1818710) - SELinux prevents pmlogger from secure connection to remote pmcd (BZ 1826047) - pmda-lustre fails to start since lustre 2.12 (BZ 1788937) - Added labels support for pmrep and various pcp2xxx tools - Update to latest pcp-5.1.1 PCP sources.- Replace pmdads389log dep on 389-ds-base with a softdep - Fix install deps for pcp-testsuite on pcp-pmda-mssql - Improve pmlogger and pmie system log messages (BZ 1806428) - Missing dep of pcp-pmda-dbping on perl-DBI (BZ 1790421) - Missing dep of pcp-pmda-ds389log on 389-ds-base (BZ 1790422) - Missing dep of pcp-pmda-gpsd on perl-JSON and perl-Time-HiRes (BZ 1790426) - Missing dep of pcp-pmda-lmsensors on lm_sensors (BZ 1790427) - Missing dep of pcp-pmda-redis on perl-autodie (BZ 1790431) - Missing dep of pcp-pmda-smart on smartmontools (BZ 1790432) - Missing dep of pcp-pmda-snmp on net-snmp-perl (BZ 1790433) - SELinux issues with pcp-pmda-zimbra (BZ 1790437) - Missing dep of pcp-pmda-pdns on perl-Time-HiRes (BZ 1790441) - Installation of pcp-pmda-netcheck causes SELinux issue (BZ 1790450) - Installation of pcp-pmda-samba causes SELinux issues (BZ 1790452) - Some PMDAs are missing dependency on PCP (BZ 1790526) - pmieconf randomly fails (BZ 1800545) - collectl2pcp does not handle large collectl archives well (BZ 1785101) - Missing dep of pcp-pmda-redis on perl-autodie and perl-Time-HiRes (BZ 1788519) - Cannot install pcp-pmda-activemq, wrong location of RESTClient (BZ 1788878) - Missing dep of pcp-pmda-bind2 on various perl packages (BZ 1790415) - pmlogger_daily_report causing PCP upstream testsuite to fail (BZ 1805146) - Missing selinux rules preventing pcp-pmda-named runing rndc(BZ 1825663) - SELinux is preventing PostgreSQL PMDA to collect metrics (BZ 1825957) - pmnewlog generates inaccessible config file (BZ 1810110) - pmnewlog is causing PCP testsuite to hang (BZ 1810118) - pmdakvm: debugfs access is restricted (BZ 1824297) - Error starting pmlogger; pid file not owned by root (BZ 1761962) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Resolve pcp-selinux issues causing services failures - (BZ 1810458)- Fix typo in Requires: perl-Time-HiRes affecting pcp-pmda-bind2- Avoid python ctypes bitfield struct on-stack (BZ 1800685) - Add dstat support for DM/MD/part devices (BZ 1794273) - Fix compilation with gcc version 10 (BZ 1793495) - Fix dstat sub-sample averaging (BZ 1780039) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Resolve fresh install pmlogger timeout bug (BZ 1721223) - Fix dstat exception writing to a closed fd (BZ 1768619) - Fix chan lib dependency of pcp-pmda-statsd (BZ 1770815) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Resolve selinux policy issues in PCP tools (BZ 1743040) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Various spec fixes for pmdastatsd - Add patch1 to fix pmdastatsd build on rawhide- Update to latest PCP sources.- Resolve bootup issues with pmlogger service (BZ 1737091, BZ 1721223) - Resolve selinux policy issues in PCP tools (BZ 1721644, BZ 1711547) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild- Resolve segv running pmchart with bogus timezone (BZ 1718948) - Resolve pmrep wait.formula for collectl-dm-sD and collectl-sD (BZ 1724288) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Rebuild for RPM 4.15- Rebuild for RPM 4.15- Perl 5.30 rebuild- Resolve selinux policy issues for pmie daemon mode (BZ 1702589) - Resolve selinux policy issues for BPF permissions (BZ 1693332) - Further improvements to daily archive processing (BZ 1647390) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Fixes pcp-dstat in --full (all instances) mode (BZ 1661912) - Remove package dependencies on initscripts (BZ 1592380) - Set include directory for cppcheck use (BZ 1663372) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Add the dstat -f/--full option to expand instances (BZ 1651536) - Improve systemd interaction for local pmie (BZ 1650999) - SELinux is preventing ps from 'search' accesses on the directory .config (BZ 1569697) - SELinux is preventing pmdalinux from 'search' accesses on the directory /var/lib/libvirt/images (BZ 1579988) - SELinux is preventing pmdalinux from 'unix_read' accesses on the semáforo Unknown (BZ 1607658) - SELinux is preventing pmdalinux from 'unix_read' accesses on the shared memory Unknown (BZ 1618756, BZ 1619381, BZ 1601721) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Resolves dstat packaging issues (BZ 1640912) - Resolves dstat cursor positioning problem (BZ 1640913) - Resolve a signal handling issue in dstat shutdown (BZ 1648552) - Rename variable named await in python code (BZ 1633367) - New conditionally-built pcp-pmda-podman sub-package. - SELinux is preventing pmdalinux from 'unix_read' accesses on the shared memory labeled gpsd_t (BZ 1626487) - SELinux is preventing ps from 'search' accesses on the directory .cache (BZ 1634205, BZ 1635522) - SELinux is preventing ps from 'sys_ptrace' accesses on the cap_userns Unknown (BZ 1635394) - PCP SELinux AVCs (BZ 1633211) - SELinux is preventing pmdalinux from 'search' accesses on the directory spider (BZ 1647843) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Updated versions of Vector (1.3.1) and Blinkenlights (1.0.1) webapps- pcp.spec: Fix the _with_dstat reference in the %configure command- SELinux is preventing pmdalinux from 'unix_read' accesses on the shared memory Unknown (BZ 1592901) - SELinux is preventing pmdalinux from getattr, associate access on the shared memory Unknown (BZ 1594991) - PCP BCC PMDA AVCs (BZ 1597978) - PCP BCC PMDA packaging issue (BZ 1597979) - pmdaproc only reads the first 1024 bytes of the /proc/*/status file resulting in lost metric values(BZ 1600262) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_29_Mass_Rebuild- Perl 5.28 rebuild- Rebuilt for Python 3.7- Perl 5.28 rebuild- Rebuilt for Python 3.7- Rapid compression of PCP log data and metadata (BZ 1293471) - Added Perl package build dependencies. - Update to latest PCP sources.- Propogate build flags throughout PCP (BZ 1538187) - Further additions to selinux policy (BZ 1565158) - Update to Vector v1.2.2 in pcp-webapp-vector. - Update to latest PCP sources.- Fix selinux policy to allow pmdagluster to work (BZ 1558708) - pmcd binding only to localhost:44321 by default (BZ 1529915) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Update Python 2 dependency declarations to new packaging standards (See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FinalizingFedoraSwitchtoPython3)- Disable pmdabcc on architectures without BCC/eBPF support.- pcp-atopsar: robustness around missing data (BZ 1508028) - python pmcc method checking for missing metrics (BZ 1508026) - Fix generic -s and -T option handling in libpcp (BZ 1352461) - Resolve crash in local context mode in libpcp_pmda (BZ 1451475) - python api: fix timezone segv from incorrect free (BZ 1352465) - Remove section 1 and 5 man pages for pmview tool (BZ 1289126) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Update the Vector webapp to latest upstream (v1.2.1).- Remove Obsoletes line for pcp-gui-debuginfo - Update Python 2 dependency declarations to new packaging standards (See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FinalizingFedoraSwitchtoPython3)- Remove old crufty coreutils requires- selinux: add pmlogger_exec_t rule from (BZ 1483320) - selinux: pmlc accessing tcp port 4330 (BZ 1447585) - selinux: pmnewlog.sh using ps to check pid's for pmloggers (BZ 1488116) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Disable infiniband and papi packages on armv7hl (BZ 1485692)- Rebuild for infiniband dep breakage.- Update to latest PCP sources.- perl dependency renamed to perl-interpreter - Fix pcp-atop failure in open-ended write mode (BZ 1431292) - Resolve additional selinux policy issues (BZ 1317515) - Improve poor pmlogconf performance (BZ1376857) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Perl 5.26 rebuild- Correct subrpm inclusion of zeroconf config files (BZ 1456262)- python api: handle non-POSIXLY_CORRECT getopt cases (BZ 1289912) - Fix pmchart reaction to timezone changes from pmtime (BZ 968823) - Require Qt5 for Fedora. - Update to latest PCP sources.- Fix pmchart chart legends toggling behaviour (BZ 1359961) - Improve multiple local context attr handling (BZ 1430248) - Fix error during installation of pcp-selinux (BZ 1433271) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Support newer kernels /proc/vmstat file contents (BZ 1396148) - Added pcp-selinux policy (BZs 1214090, 1381127, 1337968, 1398147)- pmchart run-away mem leak replaying multi-archive when rewinding (BZ 1359975)- Optimize DSO lookups for local context mode startup (BZ 1275293) - Correct return code for derive metric help text (BZ 1336208) - Improve pmrep metrics collection via extend_indom (BZ 1377464) - Fix network.interface.speed value extraction (BZ 1379431)- Allow systemd-based auto-restart of all daemons (BZ 1365658) - Ensure pmieconf and pmlogconf handle empty files (BZ 1249123) - Ignore rpmsave and rpmnew suffixed control files (BZ 1375415) - Add new pcp-pmda-libvirt package for virtual machine metrics - Update to latest PCP sources.- Support inside-container metric values in python (BZ 1333702) - Fix pmdaproc handling of commands with whitespace (BZ 1350816) - Use persistent DM names for the filesystem metrics (BZ 1349932) - Add to the ds389{,log} RPM package dependencies (BZ 1354055) - Use "dirsrv" as default pmdads389log user account (BZ 1357607) - Make pmie(1) honour SIGINT while parsing rules (BZ 1327226) - Add pmlogconf support for pcp-pidstat and pcp-mpstat (BZ 1361943) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Fix memory leak in derived metrics error handling (BZ 1331973) - Correctly propogate indom in mixed derived metrics (BZ 1337212, BZ 1336130) - Disallow stopping pmie/pmlogger daemons from cron (BZ 1336792) - Fail fast for easily detected bad pmcd configuration (BZ 1336210) - Implement primary (local) pmie concept in rc pmie (BZ 1323851) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Perl 5.24 rebuild- Negative nice values reported incorrectly (BZ 1328432) - Multithreaded clients with concurrent pmNewContext improvements (BZ 1325363) - PMCD agent auto-restart (BZ 1323521) - Segv in libpcp during discovery error processing (BZ 1319288) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Call Remove script when uninstalling individual PMDAs (BZ 1304722) - Restrict pmcd.services to checking known pcp services (BZ 1286361) - Support for multi-archive contexts, across all clients (BZ 1262723) - Remove the default shotgun approach to stopping daemons (BZ 1210976) - Add mechanism for automatic recovery from PMDA timeouts (BZ 1065803) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Significant speedups to elapsed time stopping pmcd (BZ 1292027) - Fix python derived metric exception handling issues (BZ 1299806) - incorrect interpolation across record in a merged archive (BZ 1296750) - pcp requires pcp-compat pulling in a lot of unneeded pcp-pmda-* packages (BZ 1293466) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Add -V/--version support to several more commands (BZ 1284411) - Resolve a pcp-iostat(1) transient device exception (BZ 1249572) - Provides pmdapipe, an output-capturing domain agent (BZ 1163413) - Python PMAPI pmSetMode allows None timeval parameter (BZ 1284417) - Python PMI pmiPutValue now supports singular metrics (BZ 1285371) - Fix python PMAPI pmRegisterDerived wrapper interface (BZ 1286733) - Fix pmstat SEGV when run with graphical time control (BZ 1287678) - Make pmNonOptionsFromList error message less cryptic (BZ 1287778) - Drop unimplemented pmdumptext options from usage, man page (BZ 1289909) - Stop creating configuration files in tmp_t locations (BZ 1256125) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Update pmlogger to log an immediate sample first (BZ 1269921) - Add pmOption host and archive setter python APIs (BZ 1270176) - Replace old pmatop(1) man page with pcp-atop(1) (BZ 1270761) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Resolved pmchart sigsegv opening view without context (BZ 1256708) - Fixed pmchart memory corruption restoring Saved Hosts (BZ 1257009) - Fix perl PMDA API double-free on socket error path (BZ 1258862) - Fix python API pmGetOption(3) alignment interface (BZ 1262722) - Added missing RPM dependencies to several PMDA sub-packages. - Update to latest stable Vector release for pcp-vector-webapp. - Update to latest PCP sources.- Rebuilt for librpm soname bump- Fix SDT related build error (BZ 1250894)- Fix pcp2graphite write method invocation failure (BZ 1243123) - Reduce diagnostics in pmdaproc unknown state case (BZ 1224431) - Derived metrics via multiple files, directory expansion (BZ 1235556) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Provide and use non-exit(1)ing pmGetConfig(3) variant (BZ 1187588) - Resolve a pmdaproc.sh pmlogger restart regression (BZ 1229458) - Replacement of pmatop/pcp-atop(1) utility (BZ 1160811, BZ 1018575) - Reduced installation size for minimal applications (BZ 1182184) - Ensure pmlogger start scripts wait on pmcd startup (BZ 1185760) - Need to run pmcd at least once before pmval -L will work (BZ 185749)- Update to latest PCP, pcp-webjs and Vector sources. - Packaging improvements after re-review (BZ 1204467) - Start pmlogger/pmie independent of persistent state (BZ 1185755) - Fix cron error reports for disabled pmlogger service (BZ 1208699) - Incorporate Vector from Netflix (https://github.com/Netflix/vector) - Sub-packages for pcp-webjs allowing choice and reducing used space.- papi 5.4.1 rebuild- Update to latest PCP sources. - New sub-package for pcp-import-ganglia2pcp. - Python3 support, enabled by default in f22 onward (BZ 1194324)- Only use Python 3 in Fedora >= 23, more info at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1194324#c4- Initial changes to support python3 as default (BZ 1194324)- Update to latest PCP sources. - Improve pmdaInit diagnostics for DSO helptext (BZ 1182949) - Tighten up PMDA termination on pmcd stop (BZ 1180109) - Correct units for cgroup memory metrics (BZ 1180351) - Add the pcp2graphite(1) export script (BZ 1163986)- New conditionally-built pcp-pmda-perfevent sub-package. - Update to latest PCP sources.- papi 5.4.0 rebuild- Create new sub-packages for pcp-webjs and python3-pcp. - Fix __pmDiscoverServicesWithOptions(1) codes (BZ 1139529) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Convert PCP init scripts to systemd services (BZ 996438) - Fix pmlogsummary -S/-T time window reporting (BZ 1132476) - Resolve pmdumptext segfault with invalid host (BZ 1131779) - Fix signedness in some service discovery codes (BZ 1136166) - New conditionally-built pcp-pmda-papi sub-package. - Update to latest PCP sources.- Perl 5.20 rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Daemon signal handlers no longer use unsafe APIs (BZ 847343) - Handle /var/run setups on a temporary filesystem (BZ 656659) - Resolve pmlogcheck sigsegv for some archives (BZ 1077432) - Ensure pcp-gui-{testsuite,debuginfo} packages get replaced. - Revive support for EPEL5 builds, post pcp-gui merge. - Update to latest PCP sources.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild- Merged pcp-gui and pcp-doc packages into core PCP. - Allow for conditional libmicrohttpd builds in spec file. - Adopt slow-start capability in systemd PMDA (BZ 1073658) - Resolve pmcollectl network/disk mis-reporting (BZ 1097095) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Improve pmdarpm(1) concurrency complications (BZ 1044297) - Fix pmconfig(1) shell output string quoting (BZ 1085401) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Workaround further PowerPC/tapset-related build fallout.- Create new sub-packages for pcp-webapi and pcp-manager - Split configuration from pcp-libs into pcp-conf (multilib) - Fix pmdagluster to handle more volumes, fileops (BZ 1066544) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Resolves SNMP procfs file ICMP line parse issue (BZ 1055818) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Reduce set of exported symbols from DSO PMDAs (BZ 1025694) - Symbol-versioning for PCP shared libraries (BZ 1037771) - Fix pmcd/Avahi interaction with multiple ports (BZ 1035513) - Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources (simple build fixes only).- Update to latest PCP sources. - Rework pmpost test which confused virus checkers (BZ 1024850) - Tackle pmatop reporting issues via alternate metrics (BZ 998735)- Update to latest PCP sources. - Disable pcp-pmda-infiniband sub-package on RHEL5 (BZ 1016368)- Disable the pcp-pmda-infiniband sub-package on s390 platforms.- Very minor release containing mostly QA related changes. - Enables many more metrics to be logged for Linux hosts.- Disable pmcd.stp on el5 ppc.- Default to Unix domain socket (authenticated) local connections. - Introduces new pcp-pmda-infiniband sub-package. - Disable systemtap-sdt-devel usage on ppc.- Perl 5.18 rebuild- Update to latest PCP sources. - Integrate gluster related stats with PCP (BZ 969348) - Fix for iostat2pcp not parsing iostat output (BZ 981545) - Start pmlogger with usable config by default (BZ 953759) - Fix pmatop failing to start, gives stacktrace (BZ 963085)- Update to latest PCP sources. - Fix log import silently dropping >1024 metrics (BZ 968210) - Move some commonly used tools on the usual PATH (BZ 967709) - Improve pmatop handling of missing proc metrics (BZ 963085) - Stop out-of-order records corrupting import logs (BZ 958745)- Update to latest PCP sources. - Validate metric names passed into pmiAddMetric (BZ 958019) - Install log directories with correct ownership (BZ 960858)- Update to latest PCP sources. - Ensure root namespace exists at the end of install (BZ 952977)- Update to latest PCP sources. - Migrate all tempfiles correctly to the new tempdir hierarchy.- Update to latest PCP sources. - Migrate all configuration files below the /etc/pcp hierarchy.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild- Ensure tmpfile directories created in %files section. - Resolve tmpfile create/teardown race conditions.- Update to latest PCP sources. - Resolve tmpfile security flaws: CVE-2012-5530 - Introduces new "pcp" user account for all daemons to use.- Update to latest PCP sources. - Fix pmcd sigsegv in NUMA/CPU indom setup (BZ 858384) - Fix sar2pcp uninitialised perl variable warning (BZ 859117) - Fix pcp.py and pmcollectl with older python versions (BZ 852234)- Update to latest PCP sources.- Move configure step from prep to build section of spec (BZ 854128)- Update to latest PCP sources, see installed CHANGELOG for details. - Introduces new python-pcp and pcp-testsuite sub-packages.- Update to latest PCP sources, see installed CHANGELOG for details. - Fix security flaws: CVE-2012-3418 CVE-2012-3419 CVE-2012-3420 and CVE-2012-3421 (BZ 848629)- pmcd and pmlogger services are not supposed to be enabled by default (BZ 840763) - 3.6.3-1.3- remove pcp-import-sheet2pcp subpackage due to missing deps (BZ 830923) - 3.6.3-1.2- fix build on s390x- Update to latest PCP sources- Update to latest PCP sources- Update to latest PCP sources- use %configure macro for correct libdir logic - update to latest PCP sources- patched configure.in for libdir=/usr/lib64 on ppc64- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- Update to latest PCP sources.- BuildRequires: initscripts for %{_vendor} == redhat.- BuildRequires: initscripts for FC12.- Added sysfs.kernel metrics, rebased to minor community release.- Remove IB dependencies. The Infiniband PMDA is being moved to a stand-alone package. - Move cluster PMDA to a stand-alone package.- This is the initial import for Fedora - See 3.0.0 details in CHANGELOG/bin/sh  !"#$5.3.1-5.el85.3.1-5.el85.3.1-5.el8netchecknetcheck.confpcp-pmda-netcheck.confnetcheckInstallRemovemodules__init__.pythondns_lookup.pythondns_reverse.pythonpcpnetcheck.pythonping.pythonping_latency.pythonping_loss.pythonport_open.pythonurl_get.pythonpmdanetcheck.pythonpmdautil.pythonpyprepnetcheckInstallRemovemodules__init__.pythondns_lookup.pythondns_reverse.pythonpcpnetcheck.pythonping.pythonping_latency.pythonping_loss.pythonport_open.pythonurl_get.pythonnetcheck.confpmdanetcheck.pythonpmdautil.pythonpyprep/etc/pcp//etc/pcp/netcheck//usr/lib/tmpfiles.d//usr/libexec/pcp/pmdas//usr/libexec/pcp/pmdas/netcheck//usr/libexec/pcp/pmdas/netcheck/modules//var/lib/pcp/pmdas//var/lib/pcp/pmdas/netcheck//var/lib/pcp/pmdas/netcheck/modules/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryASCII textPOSIX shell script, ASCII text executableemptyPython script, ASCII text executableRRRRutf-88f0ec1b8b17b3b7533eb7f8212b8f394ef45da2ebab9d74b28222b48f583c703? 7zXZ !#,#O.] b2u jӫ`(y-zn>~XU"q^ZM0W~:;D219*U~t0&1'jr!i+Ԫ\,AY0kY fwa&(`p6US=SM@9}].@{H㿏8!߄׸ ܝװb uGU}Upq|t/H5`bGCRu._gHEn|+D+iJE@1r?;c'#Qb.^%)*=|y ;uYQS= "m; 4#ޥvv`¨ qPhhd6c8;jJfC1>^~z]eӸZs+D&&\#fI , _^8TN׻I-t%9 <ĵlR"!S^kfmO~j <H-=QyK%S+xN&M\Y!: x0>ï WJnf -"))w'\$4 fr};8Q(e9#(qK^sMPgcJ]@oJCwѨ6 0?DQB6YNޕuX@ N5xjMY!.H#\uq'd纈u{+-RISIhcl/cͲ~ LU "L(X11ҥ9&TiuœT>\9q!w]BIG2!㠘b+ʸ?*%WiX:oinKv[n=QJkծ*pjuX.c|G'2dQiYjS¹}` }{ :6ʛ"&J4U)&s{ޯ0Jd Zo)Xh'RTkYxmyFDf@R9ƚ/D;/\ޛO-992;0,kPb\Vw Ánm?&h{ `q;tS@`mfl!gJТ&x]a9=KrOBsٗ;ɾDg4%ٮ w5A'R[邏 +! r`Э4AHmr xFe||pcQw{rbizTR{,%@R^$/U/5|T(1drߓ" ޹o^' Tf\HDȫF{5H1MET ,aCec΄ѭd ">а/Y=G1a|?i'u7<4Btl]/ @%Qh-|o֑L뛾:ep r0X"a$ݢcZedDnMܣ4(wclKUD8\܋E5rsXy^?i)$3`|Tl_tN 5!pD: 䙍"!h&H_ ymQZAN++ƌtO;:sscԍWIgOgEl]/ikLJTn4}p>y0N<.,kcz+2{Clh/;0tzwWz;}k)IxdY|mVkr, a2j)fVBLb?7+sN$hw901 #ٶQܗM?&$ =6Zc%m$.h,7붧LiEq6CKa28JRyY-ҊS&L'.("Q{͌Xb4*`h\oi NFsu!ySz=)=5']p[|ކ+%hdsm/ELP{ &цZ7NVKO9CGF.pyEjS v 򨽾ۙKVIL0^Ӎ  ,yoxgj},fbGie=Vq -X> -3߇'2S9(C{V Q@08 A3 %<+l|؏^|3oΣ`eo'4=A)3Q{˫ֳo" L@Á5c9ݝ>< ʭTO-Mù=(`a&GS(X먁jN8x:HZ;?"c9/\ 'GZzt5WgGHC)3P. 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