perl-Devel-Peek-0:1.26-420.el8 >  A `zU]L,oI='.EaU{oZziA"jyy/I;R,/'|~Frnߩc޼%_D6ggf=8fP 2To^"&B9iX}"y:[ߘnj1%[)z HoϩxFI'A q?$ވ fGL+ɰ,L::Kv2.ƌ$W^K.Ժk&8p\hïQu.^D3,t֞!P!dc}VARMLd|R,GGZy;'*XF?c03u BK[i*QMbrcBmJ$kz83#U6/Q2V$̮0qWuo:}}XΏ* Hi^La³i%u_iXxGJVHέYhYgk3d487f827f133cb88e8531ca96e0171a67e0b9b58207d434040b59b8f2e294e62625c878d4cb1aa080323454144deb7993472f7f`\`zU]9H4Ï/6[b7p#DDעx 8T{ ]HXYGBfn`k Jҵq]( p}2CX8S W:ܿ.4[iB5Ֆ>F֨ |˴# ^z~P>b0Y]LA°X M$9zh,=W^(u%ijT[~j fbr?W ^+6;>5)K[l..20lp\a Ĩ>p@?d  $ P@D\`gn    0  4T| P  (89 :XGHIXY\]0^bKdefltuvw x,yL ptzCperl-Devel-Peek1.26420.el8A data debugging tool for the XS programmerDevel::Peek contains functions which allows raw Perl data types to be manipulated from a Perl script. This is used by those who do XS programming to check that the data they are sending from C to Perl looks as they think it should look.`~x86-02.mbox.centos.org_CentOSCentOSGPL+ or ArtisticCentOS Buildsys Unspecified큤AA큤`}`}`}3`}3`}3`}N`}O`}D52ec24cdf3633d0ed1796fcdeddf132c2a5cd4d7fa1f97c628f3c405047d2de8061700a2893f4f28d75a874ea192411d6559808525dcc30fc876a320cc6036cfd63c1cd7e8955a7a492a86957c03102f13f131e468743aad44a0fc0a4ce75eed../../../../usr/lib64/perl5/auto/Devel/Peek/Peek.sorootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootperl-5.26.3-420.el8.src.rpmperl(Devel::Peek)perl-Devel-Peekperl-Devel-Peek(x86-64)@@@@@@@`9@_@_ܙ_@\ @[<@[][CN@[Z@ZԐ@Z@Z}@ZyZs@Zo Zc/@Z\ZTYYYYY|xYyYS@YGY6@Y0XDX@XX@XXX|XwoXoXWX@X#X&WiW@WWPWWW~D@W~D@WzOWm Wj}WgWbW_W=WRR@Ra@R&R&R@Rv@RfhR-@R QQ@QQ@QکQcQQQbQ@QyQ?@QQQ@Qzl@QeT@QdQ^Q^QP<@QLGQJ@QHS@QC @QAQ5@Q"QQQ@QQ@Q@QQ @Q @QQsP@PP@PZPZP@PP~P`K@P\VP[@PXb@PS@PPy@PO'PG>P7lP(@P#@P#@P H@P O@OOROЗOF@OF@OȮOȮO]@Ot@OO~O@O@O OC@O/O (@O@O@NxNN@N1N@N=@NHN@N0NS@N @N$@N@N@NNN@NyNqNoEN\NGN;@N2N.@N)f@N%qN!}@NNpN*NM6@M6@M6@M@MMMMMM)MM@M@M@M@MTM_MQ0@MA^@M@ M@ M>@M=iMMLL7L@L@L@LdL@L@L@L{LA@L)@L)@L)@L)@Lk@LMxL>@L9@L7@L5L(LKK.KыKŮ@KŮ@K"@KrK!@K@K@K@KKl@K0K/c@K+nK+nK@K@K@K@KVK@KK JęJęJ@Ju@JJ@JrJn@JmJjJW-@JS8JS8J,@J'@J&eI4I@@I@@I̿I@IyIIIV@I@IU@IU@IwI1Itk@IO@IBR@I/@I*@Ig@HHO@Hf@Hf@H@HϟH@HH@HHz@HuHt@Hl@Hj@Hd@H`HO@HNlHI&H:@H5`@H1kH.G߮G߮G߮G߮G߮GGGG.@G.@G.@G.@G.@G@GGfGfGG@GeGNJitka Plesnikova - 4:5.26.3-420Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.26.3-419Petr Pisar - 4:5.26.3-418Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.26.3-417Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.26.3-416Petr Pisar - 4:5.26.2-415Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.26.2-414Petr Pisar - 4:5.26.2-413Petr Pisar - 4:5.26.2-412Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.26.2-411Petr Pisar - 4:5.26.2-410Florian Weimer - 4:5.26.1-409Igor Gnatenko - 4:5.26.1-408Petr Pisar - 4:5.26.1-407Petr Pisar - 4:5.26.1-406Petr Pisar - 4:5.26.1-405Björn Esser - 4:5.26.1-404Petr Pisar - 4:5.26.1-403Petr Pisar - 4:5.26.1-402Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.26.1-401Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.26.1-400Petr Pisar - 4:5.26.0-399Petr Pisar - 4:5.26.0-398Igor Gnatenko - 4:5.26.0-397Fedora Release Engineering - 4:5.26.0-396Petr Pisar - 4:5.26.0-395Petr Pisar - 4:5.26.0-394Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.26.0-393Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.26.0-392Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.1-391Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.1-390Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.1-389Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.1-388Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.1-387Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.1-386Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.24.1-385Igor Gnatenko - 4:5.24.0-384Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.0-383Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.0-382Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.0-381Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.0-380Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.0-379Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.0-378Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.24.0-377Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.0-376Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.0-375Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.0-374Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.0-373Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.0-372Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.24.0-371Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.0-370Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.0-369Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.0-368Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.0-367Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.0-366Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.0-365Petr Pisar - 4:5.24.0-364Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.24.0-363Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.24.0-362Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.22.6-361Petr Pisar - 4:5.22.1-360Petr Pisar - 4:5.22.1-359Petr Pisar - 4:5.22.1-358Petr Pisar - 4:5.22.1-357Fedora Release Engineering - 4:5.22.1-356Petr Pisar - 4:5.22.1-355Jitka Plesnikova - 5.22.1-354Petr Pisar - 4:5.22.0-353Petr Pisar - 4:5.22.0-352Petr Pisar - 4:5.22.0-351Petr Pisar - 4:5.22.0-350Petr Pisar - 4:5.22.0-349Petr Pisar - 4:5.22.0-348Petr Pisar - 4:5.22.0-347Petr Pisar - 4:5.22.0-346Fedora Release Engineering - 4:5.22.0-345Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.22.0-244Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.22.0-243Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.22.0-242Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.22.0-241Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.20.2-328Petr Šabata - 4:5.20.2-327Petr Šabata - 4:5.20.2-326Petr Pisar - 4:5.20.2-325Lubomir Rintel - 4:5.20.2-324Petr Pisar - 4:5.20.2-323Till Maas - 4:5.20.2-322Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.20.2-321Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.20.2-320Petr Pisar - 4:5.20.1-319Petr Pisar - 4:5.20.1-318Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.20.1-317Petr Pisar - 4:5.20.1-316Petr Pisar - 4:5.20.1-315Petr Pisar - 4:5.20.1-314Petr Pisar - 4:5.20.1-313Petr Pisar - 4:5.20.1-312Petr Pisar - 4:5.20.1-311Petr Pisar - 4:5.20.1-310Petr Šabata - 4:5.20.1-309Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.20.1-308Petr Pisar - 4:5.20.0-307Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.20.0-306Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.20.0-305Fedora Release Engineering - 4:5.18.2-304Petr Pisar - 4:5.18.2-303Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.18.2-302Petr Pisar - 4:5.18.2-301Petr Pisar - 4:5.18.2-300Fedora Release Engineering - 4:5.18.2-299Petr Pisar - 4:5.18.2-298Petr Pisar - 4:5.18.2-297Petr Pisar - 4:5.18.2-296Petr Pisar - 4:5.18.2-295Petr Pisar - 4:5.18.2-294Petr Pisar - 4:5.18.2-293Petr Pisar - 4:5.18.2-292Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.18.2-291Petr Pisar - 4:5.18.1-290Petr Pisar - 4:5.18.1-289Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.18.1-288Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.18.1-287Fedora Release Engineering - 4:5.18.0-286Petr Pisar - 4:5.18.0-285Petr Pisar - 4:5.18.0-284Petr Pisar - 4:5.18.0-283Petr Pisar - 4:5.18.0-282Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.18.0-281Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.3-280Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.3-279Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.3-278Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.3-277Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.3-276Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.3-275Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.3-274Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.3-273Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.3-272Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.3-271Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.3-270Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.3-269Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.3-268Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.3-267Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.3-266Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.3-265Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.3-264Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.3-263Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.3-262Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.3-261Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.2-260Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.2-259Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.2-258Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.2-257Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.2-256Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.2-255Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.2-254Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.2-253Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.2-252Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.2-251Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.2-250Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.2-249Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.2-248Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.2-247Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.2-246Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.2-245Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.2-244Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.2-243Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.16.2-242Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.1-241Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.16.1-240Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.1-239Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.1-238Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.1-237Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.1-236Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.1-235Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.1-234Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.1-233Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.1-232Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.1-231Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.16.0-230Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.16.0-229Jitka Plesnikova 4:5.16.1-228Fedora Release Engineering - 4:5.16.0-227Paul Howarth 4:5.16.0-226Jitka Plesnikova 4:5.16.0-225Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.0-224Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.0-223Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.0-222Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.0-221Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.0-220Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.0-219Jitka Plesnikova - 4:5.16.0-218Petr Pisar - 4:5.16.0-218Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.16.0-217Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.16.0-RC2-217Petr Pisar - 4:5.14.2-216Petr Pisar - 4:5.14.2-215Petr Pisar - 4:5.14.2-214Petr Pisar - 4:5.14.2-213Petr Pisar - 4:5.14.2-212Petr Pisar - 4:5.14.2-211Paul Howarth - 4:5.14.2-210Iain Arnell -4:5.14.2-209Paul Howarth - 4:5.14.2-208Petr Pisar - 4:5.14.2-207Petr Pisar - 4:5.14.2-206Petr Pisar - 4:5.14.2-205Ville Skyttä - 4:5.14.2-204Petr Pisar - 4:5.14.2-203Petr Pisar - 4:5.14.2-202Petr Pisar - 4:5.14.2-201Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.14.2-200Petr Pisar - 4:5.14.2-199Petr Pisar - 4:5.14.2-198Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.14.2-197Petr Pisar - 4:5.14.2-196Petr Pisar - 4:5.14.2-195Iain Arnell 4:5.14.2-194Petr Pisar - 4:5.14.2-193Petr Pisar - 4:5.14.1-192Petr Pisar - 4:5.14.1-191Petr Pisar - 4:5.14.1-190Petr Pisar - 4:5.14.1-189Petr Pisar - 4:5.14.1-188Petr Pisar - 4:5.14.1-187Iain Arnell 4:5.14.1-186Petr Sabata - 4:5.14.1-185Iain Arnell 4:5.14.1-184Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.14.1-183Paul Howarth - 4:5.14.1-182Petr Sabata - 4:5.14.1-181Iain Arnell 4:5.14.1-180Iain Arnell 4:5.14.1-179Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.14.1-178Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.14.1-175Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.14.1-174Iain Arnell 4:5.14.1-173Paul Howarth - 4:5.14.1-172Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.14.1-171Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.14.0-170Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.14.0-169Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.14.0-167Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.14.0-165Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.14.0-163Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.14.0-162Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.14.0-161Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.14.0-161Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.12.3-160Petr Pisar - 4:5.12.3-159Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.12.3-158Robin Lee - 4:5.12.3-157Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.12.3-156Iain Arnell 4:5.12.3-154Fedora Release Engineering - 4:5.12.3-153Petr Pisar - 4:5.12.3-152Tom Callaway - 4:5.12.3-151Petr Pisar - 4:5.12.3-150Lukas Berk - 4:5.12.3-149Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.12.3-148Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.12.2-146Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.12.2-145Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.12.2-144Petr Pisar - 4:5.12.2-143Petr Pisar - 4:5.12.2-142Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.12.2-141Petr Pisar - 4:5.12.2-140Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.12.2-139Petr Pisar - 4:5.12.2-138Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.12.2-137Petr Pisar - 4:5.12.2-136Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.12.2-135Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.12.2-134Petr Pisar - 4:5.12.2-133Petr Sabata - 5:5.12.2-132Petr Sabata - 4:5.12.2-1Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.12.1-131Petr Pisar - 4:5.12.1-130Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.12.1-129Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.12.1-128Dan Horák - 4:5.12.1-127Petr Pisar - 4:5.12.1-126Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.12.1-125Ralf Corsépius - 4:5.12.1-124Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.12.1-123Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.12.0-122Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.12.0-121Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.12.0-120-testMarcela Mašláňová - 4:5.12.0-119.1Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.12.0-119Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.1-118Chris Weyl - 4:5.10.1-117Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.1-116Paul Howarth - 4:5.10.1-115Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.1-114Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.1-112Chris Weyl - 4:5.10.1-111Chris Weyl - 4:5.10.1-110Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.1-109Chris Weyl - 4:5.10.1-107Ralf Corsépius - 4:5.10.1-106Ralf Corsépius - 4:5.10.1-105Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.1-104Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.1-103Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.1-102Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.1-101Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.1-100Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-87Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-86Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-85Chris Weyl - 4:5.10.0-84Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-83Chris Weyl - 4:5.10.0-82Chris Weyl - 4:5.10.0-81Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-80Chris Weyl - 4:5.10.0-79Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-78arcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-77Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-76Fedora Release Engineering - 4:5.10.0-75Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-74Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-73Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-72Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-71Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-70Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-69Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-68Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-67Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-66Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-65Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-64Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-63Tom "spot" Callaway - 4:5.10.0-62Tom "spot" Callaway - 4:5.10.0-61Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-60Robert Scheck - 4:5.10.0-59Tom "spot" Callaway - 4:5.10.0-58Dennis Gilmore - 4:5.10.0-57Dennis Gilmore - 4:5.10.0-56Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-55Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-54Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-53Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-52Tom "spot" Callaway - 4:5.10.0-51Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-50Tom "spot" Callaway - 4:5.10.0-49Lubomir Rintel - 4:5.10.0-48Marcela Mašláňová 4:5.10.0-47.fc10Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-46Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-45Marcela Maslanova 4:5.10.0-44.fc10Marcela Maslanova 4:5.10.0-43.fc10Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-42.fc10Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-41.fc10Marcela Maslanova 4:5.10.0-40.fc10Stepan Kasal 4:5.10.0-39.fc10Marcela Maslanova 4:5.10.0-38Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-36Stepan Kasal 4:5.10.0-35Stepan Kasal 4:5.10.0-34Marcela Maslanova 4:5.10.0-33Stepan Kasal 4:5.10.0-32Marcela Maslanova 4:5.10.0-28Marcela Maslanova 4:5.10.0-27Stepan Kasal 4:5.10.0-26Marcela Maslanova 4:5.10.0-25Marcela Maslanova 4:5.10.0-24Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-23Marcela Maslanova Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-21Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-20Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-19Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-18Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-17Marcela Maslanova 4:5.10.0-16Marcela Maslanova 4:5.10.0-15Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-14Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-13Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-12Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-11Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-10Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-9Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-8Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-7Fedora Release Engineering - 4:5.10.0-6Tom "spot" Callaway - 4:5.10.0-5Tom "spot" Callaway - 4:5.10.0-4Tom "spot" Callaway - 4:5.10.0-3Tom "spot" Callaway - 4:5.10.0-2Tom "spot" Callaway - 4:5.10.0-1Robin Norwood - 4:5.10.0_RC2-0.1- Fix _resolv return value in Net-Ping (bug #1973030)- Fix CVE-2020-10543 (bug #1839273) - Fix CVE-2020-10878 (bug #1839276) - Fix a file mode of a perl-example.stp example (bug #1913693)- Fix CVE-2020-12723 (bug #1839279)- Fix Time-Local tests to pass after year 2019 (bug #1807120) - Run-require perl(Encode) by perl-libs (bug #1903503)- 5.26.3 bump (bug #1655526) - Fix CVE-2018-18311 (integer overflow leading to buffer overflow) (bug #1654920) - Fix CVE-2018-18312 (heap buffer overflow in regcomp.c) (bug #1654922) - Fix CVE-2018-18313 (heap buffer overflow read in regcomp.c) (bug #1654924) - Fix CVE-2018-18314 (heap based buffer overflow) (bug #1654925)- Install Encode developmental files when installing complete Perl (bug #1645225)- Fix annocheck failure by passing CFLAGS to dtrace (bug #1630617)- Adjust tests to gdbm-1.15 (RT#133295) - Fix an integer wrap when allocating memory for an environment variable (RT#133204) - Fix printing a warning about a wide character when matching a regular expression while ISO-8859-1 locale is in effect - Fix invoking a check for wide characters while ISO-8859-1 locale is in effect- perl-devel requires redhat-rpm-config because of hardened compiler profiles (bug #1557667) - Do not clobber file bytes in :encoding layer (RT#132833) - Fix line numbers in multi-line s/// (RT#131930) - Fix parsing extended bracketed character classes (RT#132167) - Fix a possibly unitialized memory read in the Perl parser (RT#133074) - Fix an infinite loop in the regular expression compiler (RT#133185)- Correct license tags of perl-libs (bug #1579524)- 5.26.2 bump - Fix CVE-2018-6913 (heap buffer overflow in pp_pack.c) (bug #1567776) - Fix CVE-2018-6798 (heap read overflow in regexec.c) (bug #1567777) - Fix CVE-2018-6797 (heap write overflow in regcomp.c) (bug #1567778)- Rebuild to pick up new build flags from redhat-rpm-config- Escape macros in %changelog- Fix parsing braced subscript after parentheses (RT#8045) - Fix a heap use after free when moving a stack (RT#131954) - Call ldconfig scriptlets using a macro- Correct shell bangs in tests- Link XS modules to pthread library to fix linking with -z defs- Add patch to conditionalize a fix for an old and long fixed bug in libcrypt / glibc (rhbz#1536752)- Rebuild against glibc without nsl library- Remove invalid macro definitions from macros.perl (bug #1532539) - Fix an overflow in the lexer when reading a new line (RT#131793) - Fix Term::ReadLine not to create spurious &STDERR files (RT#132008) - Fix a crash when a match for inversely repeated group fails (RT#132017) - Fix an overflow when parsing a character range with no preceding character (RT#132245) - Fix walking symbol table for ISA in Carp - Fix handling file names with null bytes in stat and lstat functions (RT#131895) - Fix a crash when untying an object witout a stash - Fix deparsing of transliterations with unprintable characters (RT#132405) - Fix error reporting on do() on a directory (RT#125774) - Fix stack manipulation when a lexical subroutine is defined in a do block in a member of an iteration list (RT#132442) - Fix setting $! when statting a closed file handle (RT#108288) - Fix tainting of s/// with overloaded replacement (RT#115266) - Expand system() arguments before a fork (RT#121105) - Avoid undefined behavior when copying memory in Glob and pp_caller (RT#131746)- Update perl(:MODULE_COMPAT)- 5.26.1 bump (see for release notes)- Fix unreliable Time-HiRes tests (CPAN RT#122819) - Do not require $Config{libs} providers by perl-devel package (bug #1481324)- Fix reporting malformed UTF-8 character (RT#131646) - Fix File::Glob rt131211.t test random failures - Fix t/op/hash.t test random failures - Parse caret variables with subscripts as normal variables inside ${...} escaping (RT#131664) - Do not display too many bytes when reporting malformed UTF-8 character - Fix select called with a repeated magical variable (RT#131645) - Fix error message for "our sub foo::bar" (RT#131679) - Fix executing arybase::_tie_it() in Safe compartement (RT#131588) - Fix handling attribute specification on our variables (RT#131597) - Fix splitting non-ASCII strings if unicode_strings feature is enabled (RT#130907) - Fix compiler warnings in code generated by ExtUtils::Constant (CPAN RT#63832, CPAN RT#101487) - Fix GCC version detection for -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE override (RT#131809)- Enable separate debuginfo back- Rebuilt for perl package installs all core modules, interpreter moved to perl-interpreter package, perl-core package is obsolete (bug #1464903)- Make File::Glob more resistant against degenerative matching (RT#131211) - Fix a crash when calling a subroutine from a stash (RT#131085) - Fix an improper cast of a negative integer to an unsigned 8-bit type (RT#131190) - Fix cloning :via handles on thread creation (RT#131221) - Fix glob UTF-8 flag on a glob reassignment (RT#131263) - Fix a buffer overflow in my_atof2() (RT#131526) - Fix handling backslashes in PATH environment variable when executing "perl -S" (RT#129183) - Fix a conditional jump on uninitilized memory in re_intuit_start() (RT#131575) - Fix spurious "Assuming NOT a POSIX class" warning (RT#131522) - Provide perl-interpreter RPM dependency symbol - Stop providing old perl(MODULE_COMPAT_5.24.*)- 5.26.0 bump (see for release notes) - Update sub-packages - Update or remove patches - Enable hardening (bug #1238804) - Use 64 bit ints on 32 bit platforms (bug #1268828)- Introduce build-conditions for groff, systemtap, syslog tests, and tcsh- Fix a null-pointer dereference on malformed code (RT#130815) - Fix an use-after-free in substr() that modifies a magic variable (RT#129340) - Fix a memory leak leak in Perl_reg_named_buff_fetch() (RT#130822) - Fix an invalid memory read when parsing a loop variable (RT#130814) - Fix a heap-use-after-free in four-arguments substr call (RT#130624)- Adapt Compress::Raw::Zlib to zlib-1.2.11 (bug #1420326) - Fix a heap buffer overflow when evaluating regexps with embedded code blocks from more than one source (RT#129881) - Fix a memory leak in list assignment from or to magic values (RT#130766)- Adapt tests to zlib-1.2.11 (bug #1420326) - Fix a crash when compiling a regexp with impossible quantifiers (RT#130561) - Fix a buffer overrun with format and "use bytes" (RT#130703) - Fix a buffer overflow when studying some regexps repeatedly (RT#129281, RT#129061)- Fix UTF-8 string handling in & operator (RT#129287) - Fix recreation of *:: (RT#129869) - Fix a memory leak in B::RHE->HASH method (RT#130504) - Fix parsing goto statements in multicalled subroutine (RT#113938) - Fix a heap overlow in parsing $# (RT#129274)- Fix a buffer overflow in split in scalar context (RT#130262) - Fix a heap overflow with pack "W" (RT129149) - Fix a use-after-free when processing scalar variables in forms (RT#129125) - Fix a heap overflow if invalid octal or hexadecimal number is used in transliteration expression (RT#129342) - Fix out-of-bound read in case of unmatched regexp backreference (RT#129377)- 5.24.1 bump (see for release notes)- Rebuild for readline 7.x- Remove bundled Math-BigInt-FastCalc (bug #1408463) - Remove bundled Math-BigRat (bug #1408467) - Remove bundled bignum (bug #1409585)- Fix a crash in optimized evaluation of "or ((0) x 0))" (RT#130247) - Fix a memory leak in IO::Poll (RT#129788) - Fix regular expression matching (RT#130307)- Fix crash in Storable when deserializing malformed code reference (RT#68348, RT#130098) - Fix crash on explicit return from regular expression substitution (RT#130188) - Tighten dependencies between architecture specific sub-packages to ISA - Fix assigning split() return values to an array - Fix const correctness in hv_func.h (bug #1242980)- Tie perl-Errno release to interpreter build because of kernel version check (bug #1393421)- Fix crash in "evalbytes S" (RT#129196) - Fix crash in splice (RT#129164, RT#129166, RT#129167) - Fix string overrun in Perl_gv_fetchmethod_pvn_flags (RT#129267) - Fix crash when matching UTF-8 string with non-UTF-8 substrings (RT#129350) - Fix parsing perl options in shell bang line (RT#129336) - Fix firstchar bitmap under UTF-8 with prefix optimization (RT#129950) - Avoid infinite loop in h2xs tool if enum and type have the same name (RT130001) - Fix stack handling when calling chdir without an argument (RT#129130)- perl-core depends on Parse::CPAN::Meta module instead of package name to allow upgrading perl-CPAN-Meta to 2.150010 (bug #1370681)- Avoid loading of modules from current directory, CVE-2016-1238, (bug #1360425)- Fix handling \N{} in tr for characters in range 128--255 (RT#128734)- Fix building without perl in the build root - Own systemtap directories by perl-devel- Fix a crash in lexical scope warnings (RT#128597)- Fix a crash in "Subroutine redefined" warning (RT#128257)- Fix a crash when vivifying a stub in a deleted package (RT#128532)- Do not let XSLoader load relative paths (CVE-2016-6185)- Fix line numbers with perl -x (RT#128508)- Do not crash when inserting a non-stash into a stash (RT#128238)- Do not use unitialized memory in $h{\const} warnings (RT#128189) - Fix precedence in hv_ename_delete (RT#128086) - Do not treat %: as a stash (RT#128238)- Fix compiling regular expressions like /\X*(?0)/ (RT#128109)- Do not mangle errno from failed socket calls (RT#128316)- Fix a memory leak when compiling a regular expression with a POSIX class (RT#128313)- Remove reflexive dependencies - Use pregenerated dependencies on bootstrapping - Specify more build-time dependencies- Stop providing old perl(MODULE_COMPAT_5.22.*) - Update license tags- 5.24.0 bump (see for release notes) - Update sub-packages; Update or remove patches- 5.22.2 bump (see for release notes)- Weak perl-Encode-devel dependency on perl-devel to Recommends level (bug #1129443) - Remove perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS dependency on perl-devel (bug #1129443) - Require perl-devel by perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker - Provide MM::maybe_command independently (bug #1129443) - Replace ExtUtils::MakeMaker dependency with ExtUtils::MM::Utils in IPC::Cmd (bug #1129443) - Remove perl-ExtUtils-Install dependency on perl-devel (bug #1129443) - Remove perl-ExtUtils-Manifest dependency on perl-devel (bug #1129443)- Do not filter FCGI dependency, CGI is non-core now- Remove bundled perl-IPC-SysV (bug #1308527)- Fix CVE-2016-2381 (ambiguous environment variables handling) (bug #1313702)- Rebuilt for Remove bundled Math-BigInt (bug #1277203)- 5.22.1 bump (see for release notes)- Rebuild to utilize perl(:VERSION) dependency symbol- Do not own IO::Socket::IP manual page by perl-IO- Sub-package Attribute-Handlers - Sub-package Devel-Peek - Sub-package Devel-SelfStubber - Sub-package SelfLoader - Sub-package IO - Sub-package Errno - Correct perl-Digest-SHA dependencies - Correct perl-Pod-Perldoc dependencies - Move utf8 and dependencies to perl-libs - Correct perl-devel and perl-CPAN dependencies - Sub-package IPC-SysV - Sub-package Test - Sub-package utilities (splain) into perl-utils - Provide perl version in perl(:VERSION) dependency symbol- Sub-package Memoize - Sub-package Net-Ping - Sub-package Pod-Html- Disable hardening due to some run-time failures (bug #1238804)- Sub-package bignum - Sub-package Math-BigRat - Sub-package Math-BigInt-FastCalc - Sub-package Math-Complex - Remove bundled perl-Config-Perl-V (bug #1238203) - Remove bundled perl-MIME-Base64 (bug #1238222) - Remove bundled perl-PerlIO-via-QuotedPrint (bug #1238229) - Remove bundled perl-Pod-Escapes (bug #1238237) - Remove bundled perl-Term-Cap (bug #1238248) - Remove bundled perl-Text-Balanced (bug #1238269) - Remove bundled perl-libnet (bug #1238689) - Remove bundled perl-perlfaq (bug #1238703) - Remove bundled perl-Unicode-Normalize (bug #1238730) - Remove bundled perl-Unicode-Collate (bug #1238760)- Store distribution's linker and compiler flags to more Config's options in order to apply them when linking executable programs (bug #1238804) - Sub-package Config-Perl-V (bug #1238203) - Sub-package MIME-Base64 (bug #1238222) - Sub-package PerlIO-via-QuotedPrint (bug #1238229) - Update Pod-Escapes metadata (bug #1238237) - Sub-package Term-Cap (bug #1238248) - Sub-package Text-Balanced (bug #1238269) - Sub-package libnet (bug #1238689) - Sub-package perlfaq (bug #1238703) - Sub-package Unicode-Normalize (bug #1238730) - Sub-package Unicode-Collate (bug #1238760) - Sub-package Math-BigInt - Do not provide Net/libnet.cfg (bug #1238689) - Revert downstream change in Net::Config default configuration - Move libnetcfg tool from perl-devel into perl-libnetcfg sub-package- Subpackage "open" module in order to keep deprecated "encoding" module optional (bug #1228378) - Control building dual-lived sub-packages by perl_bootstrap macro - Make PadlistNAMES() lvalue again (bug #1231165) - Make magic vtable writable as a work-around for Coro (bug #1231165) - Explain file break-down into RPM packages in perl package description- Rebuilt for Stop providing old perl(MODULE_COMPAT_5.20.*)- Move ok and Test::Use::ok to perl-Test-Simple- Move bin/encguess to perl-Encode- 5.22.0 bump (see for release notes) - Update sub-packages and erase the removed modules from the core - Clean patches, not needed with new version - Update patches to work with new version- Sub-package perl-CGI-Fast and perl-Module-Build-Deprecated - Add missing dual-life modules to perl-core- Bump to make koji happy- Correct license tags of the main package, CGI, Compress-Raw-Zlib, Digest-MD5, Test-Simple and Time-Piece - Package a Pod-Html license clarification email- Sub-package Text-Tabs+Wrap (bug #910798)- Add systemtap probes for new dtrace markers- Move perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_*) symbol and include directories to perl-libs package (bug #1174951)- Rebuilt for Fedora 23 Change Provide 5.20.2 MODULE_COMPAT - Clean list of provided files - Update names of changed patches- 5.20.2 bump (see for release notes) - Regenerate a2p.c (BZ#1177672)- Improve h2ph fix for GCC 5.0- Fix regressions with GCC 5.0- Sub-package inc-latest module- Delete dual-living programs clashing on debuginfo files (bug #878863)- Report inaccesible file on failed require (bug #1166504) - Use stronger algorithm needed for FIPS in t/op/taint.t (bug #1128032)- Consider Filter::Util::Call dependency as mandatory (bug #1165183) - Sub-package encoding module - Own upper directories by each package that installs a file there and remove empty directories (bug #1165013)- Freeze epoch at perl-Pod-Checker and perl-Pod-Usage (bug #1163490) - Remove bundled perl-ExtUtils-Command (bug #1158536) - Remove bundled perl-Filter-Simple (bug #1158542)- Do not double-own perl-Pod-Usage' and perl-Pod-Checker' files by perl-Pod-Parser on bootstrap - Sub-package ExtUtils-Command (bug #1158536) - Sub-package Filter-Simple (bug #1158542) - Build-require groff-base instead of big groff- Remove bundled perl-Devel-PPPort (bug #1143999) - Remove bundled perl-B-Debug (bug #1142952) - Remove bundled perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder (bug #1144033) - Remove bundled perl-ExtUtils-Install (bug #1144068)- Move all Module-CoreList files into perl-Module-CoreList - Sub-package corelist(1) into perl-Module-CoreList-tools (bug #1142757) - Remove bundled perl-Module-CoreList, and perl-Module-CoreList-tools (bug #1142757) - Sub-package Devel-PPPort (bug #1143999) - Sub-package B-Debug (bug #1142952) - Use native version for perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder - Specify all dependencies for perl-ExtUtils-Install (bug #1144068) - Require perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS by perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker because of xsubpp- Provide 5.20.0 MODULE_COMPAT- 5.20.1 bump (see for release notes) - Sub-package perl-ExtUtils-Miniperl (bug #1141222)- Specify all dependencies for perl-CPAN (bug #1090112) - Disable non-core modules at perl-CPAN when bootstrapping - Remove bundled perl-CPAN (bug #1090112)- Stop providing old perl(MODULE_COMPAT_5.18.*)- Update to Perl 5.20.0 - Clean patches, not needed with new version - Update patches to work with new version - Update version of sub-packages, remove the deleted sub-packages - Sub-package perl-IO-Socket-IP, perl-experimental - Disable BR perl(local::lib) for cpan tool when bootstraping- Rebuilt for Declare dependencies for cpan tool (bug #1122498) - Use stronger algorithm needed for FIPS in t/op/crypt.t (bug #1128032) - Make *DBM_File desctructors thread-safe (bug #1107543)- Sub-package perl-Term-ANSIColor and remove it (bug #1121924)- Remove bundled perl-App-a2p, perl-App-find2perl, perl-App-s2p, and perl-Package-Constants - Correct perl-App-s2p license to ((GPL+ or Artistic) and App-s2p)- Sub-package perl-App-find2perl (bug #1111196) - Sub-package perl-App-a2p (bug #1111232) - Sub-package perl-App-s2p (bug #1111242)- Rebuilt for Pass -fwrapv to stricter GCC 4.9 (bug #1082957)- Fix t/comp/parser.t not to load system modules (bug #1084399)- Move macro files into %{_rpmconfigdir}/macros.d- Provide perl(CPAN::Meta::Requirements) with six decimal places- Drop perl-Test-Simple-tests package is it is not delivered by dual-lived version - Hide dual-lived perl-Object-Accessor- Use a macro to cover all 64-bit PowerPC architectures (bug #1052709)- Use upstream patch to fix a test failure in perl5db.t when TERM=vt100- 5.18.2 bump (see for release notes)- Document Math::BigInt::CalcEmu requires Math::BigInt (bug #959096)- perl_default_filter macro does not need to filter private libraries from provides (bug #1020809) - perl_default_filter anchors the filter regular expressions - perl_default_filter appends the filters instead of redefining them- Fix rules for parsing numeric escapes in regexes (bug #978233) - Fix crash with \&$glob_copy (bug #989486) - Fix coreamp.t's rand test (bug #970567) - Reap child in case where exception has been thrown (bug #988805) - Fix using regexes with multiple code blocks (bug #982131)- 5.18.1 bump (see for release notes) - Disable macro %{rebuild_from_scratch} - Fix regex seqfault 5.18 regression (bug #989921) - Fixed interpolating downgraded variables into upgraded (bug #970913) - SvTRUE returns correct value (bug #967463) - Fixed doc command in perl debugger (bug #967461) - Fixed unaligned access in slab allocator (bug #964950)- Rebuilt for Stop providing old perl(MODULE_COMPAT_5.16.*)- Perl 5.18 rebuild- Define SONAME for and move the libary into standard path - Link XS modules to on Linux (bug #960048)- Do not load system Term::ReadLine::Gnu while running tests - Disable ornaments on perl5db AutoTrace tests- Update to Perl 5.18.0 - Clean patches, not needed with new version- Edit local patch level before compilation- Do not distribute File::Spec::VMS (bug #973713) - Remove bundled CPANPLUS-Dist-Build (bug #973041)- Update SystemTap scripts to recognize new phase__change marker and new probe arguments (bug #971094) - Update h2ph(1) documentation (bug #948538) - Update pod2html(1) documentation (bug #948538) - Do not double-own archlib directory (bug #894195)- Move CPANPLUS-Dist-Build files from perl-CPANPLUS - Move CPAN-Meta-Requirements files from CPAN-Meta - Add perl-Scalar-List-Utils to perl-core dependencies- Require $Config{libs} providers (bug #905482)- Correct typo in perl-Storable file list (bug #966865) - Remove bundled Storable (bug #966865)- Sub-package Storable (bug #966865)- Use lib64 directories on aarch64 architecture (bug #961900)- Make regular expression engine safe in a signal handler (bug #849703) - Remove bundled ExtUtils-ParseXS, and Time-HiRes- Sub-package Time-HiRes (bug #957048) - Remove bundled Getopt-Long, Locale-Maketext, and Sys-Syslog- Fix leaking tied hashes (bug #859910) - Fix dead lock in PerlIO after fork from thread (bug #947444) - Add proper conflicts to perl-Getopt-Long, perl-Locale-Maketext, and perl-Sys-Syslog- Sub-package Sys-Syslog (bug #950057)- Sub-package Getopt-Long (bug #948855) - Sub-package Locale-Maketext (bug #948974)- Remove bundled constant, DB_File, Digest-MD5, Env, Exporter, File-Path, File-Temp, Module-Load, Log-Message-Simple, Pod-Simple, Test-Harness, Text-ParseWords- Filter provides from *.pl files (bug #924938)- Conflict perl-autodie with older perl (bug #911226) - Sub-package Env (bug #924619) - Sub-package Exporter (bug #924645) - Sub-package File-Path (bug #924782) - Sub-package File-Temp (bug #924822)- Sub-package constant (bug #924169) - Sub-package DB_File (bug #924351)- Correct perl-Digest-MD5 dependencies - Remove bundled Archive-Extract, File-Fetch, HTTP-Tiny, Module-Load-Conditional, Time-Local- Correct dependencies of perl-HTTP-Tiny - Sub-package Time-Local (bug #922054)- 5.16.3 bump (see for release notes) - Remove bundled autodie, B-Lint, CPANPLUS, Encode, File-CheckTree, IPC-Cmd, Params-Check, Text-Soundex, Thread-Queue- Fix CVE-2013-1667 (DoS in rehashing code) (bug #918008)- Sub-package autodie (bug #911226) - Add NAME headings to CPAN modules (bug #908113)- Fix perl-Encode-devel dependency declaration- Sub-package Thread-Queue (bug #911062)- Sub-package File-CheckTree (bug #909144) - Sub-package Text-ParseWords - Sub-package Encode (bug #859149)- Remove bundled Log-Message - Remove bundled Term-UI- Correct perl-podlators dependencies - Obsolete perl-ExtUtils-Typemaps by perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS (bug #891952)- Sub-package Pod-Checker and Pod-Usage (bugs #907546, #907550)- Remove bundled PathTools- Sub-package B-Lint (bug #906015)- Sub-package Text-Soundex (bug #905889) - Fix conflict declaration at perl-Pod-LaTeX (bug #904085) - Remove bundled Module-Pluggable (bug #903624)- Run-require POD convertors by Module-Build and ExtUtils-MakeMaker to generate documentation when building other packages- Sub-package Pod-LaTeX (bug #904085)- Remove bundled Pod-Parser- Fix CVE-2012-6329 (misparsing of maketext strings) (bug #884354)- Do not package App::Cpan(3pm) to perl-Test-Harness (bug #893768)- Remove bundled Archive-Tar - Remove bundled CPAN-Meta-YAML - Remove bundled Module-Metadata- Remove bundled Filter modules- 5.16.2 bump (see for release notes)- Remove bundled podlators (bug #856516)- Do not crash when vivifying $| (bug #865296)- Conflict perl-podlators with perl before sub-packaging (bug #856516)- Do not leak with attribute on my variable (bug #858966) - Allow operator after numeric keyword argument (bug #859328) - Extend stack in File::Glob::glob (bug #859332)- Put perl-podlators into perl-core list (bug #856516)- Remove bundled perl-ExtUtils-Manifest - perl-PathTools uses Carp- Override the Pod::Simple::parse_file to set output to STDOUT by default (bug #826872)- Sub-package perl-podlators (bug #856516)- Do not access freed memory when cloning thread (bug #825749) - Match non-breakable space with /[\h]/ in ASCII mode (bug #844919) - Clear $@ before `do' I/O error (bug #834226) - Do not truncate syscall() return value to 32 bits (bug #838551)- Move App::Cpan from perl-Test-Harness to perl-CPAN (bug #854577)- Remove perl-devel dependency from perl-Test-Harness and perl-Test-Simple- define perl_compat by macro for rebuilds - sub-packages depend on compat rather than on nvr- apply conditionals for dual life patches- 5.16.1 bump (see for release notes) - Fixed reopening by scalar handle (bug #834221) - Fixed tr/// multiple transliteration (bug #831679) - Fixed heap-overflow in gv_stashpv (bug #826516)- Rebuilt for Move the rest of ExtUtils-ParseXS into its sub-package, so that the main perl package doesn't need to pull in perl-devel (bug #839953)- Fix broken atof (bug #835452)- perl-Pod-Perldoc must require groff-base because Pod::Perldoc::ToMan executes roff- Test::Build requires Data::Dumper - Sub-package perl-Pod-Parser- Remove MODULE_COMPAT_5.14.* Provides- Perl 5.16 rebuild- perl_bootstrap macro is distributed in perl-srpm-macros now- Own zipdetails and IO::Compress::FAQ by perl-IO-Compress- Fix find2perl to translate ? glob properly (bug #825701)- Shorten perl-Module-Build version to 2 digits to follow upstream- upload the stable 5.16.0- clean patches, not needed with new version - regen by podcheck list of failed pods. cn, jp, ko pods failed. I can't decide whether it's a real problem or false positives.- Enable usesitecustomize- Rebuild perl against Berkeley database version 5 (bug #768846)- perl-Data-Dumper requires Scalar::Util (bug #811239)- Sub-package Data::Dumper (bug #811239)- Sub-package Filter (bug #790349)- Fix searching for Unicode::Collate::Locale data (bug #756118) - Run safe signal handlers before returning from sigsuspend() and pause() (bug #771228) - Correct perl-Scalar-List-Utils files list - Stop !$^V from leaking (bug #787613)- Rebuild again now that perl dependency generator is fixed (#772632, #772699)- perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker sub-package requires ExtUtils::Install- Rebuild for gcc 4.7- Fix interrupted reading. Thanks to Šimon Lukašík for reporting this issue and thanks to Marcela Mašláňová for finding fix. (bug #767931)- Fix leak with non-matching named captures (bug #767597)- Sub-package ExtUtils::Install - Sub-package ExtUtils::Manifest - Do not provide private perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker::_version)- Add $RPM_LD_FLAGS to lddlflags.- Sub-package Socket- Sub-package Pod::Perldoc- Increase epoch of perl-Module-CoreList to overcome version regression in upstream (bug #754641)- perl(DBIx::Simple) is not needed in spec requirement in CPANPLUS. It's generated automatically.- Provide perl(DB) by perl- Do not warn about missing site directories (bug #732799)- cleaned spec (thanks to Grigory Batalov) - Module-Metadata sub-package contained perl_privlib instead of privlib - %files parent section was repeated twice- Filter false perl(DynaLoader) provide from perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker (bug #736714) - Change Perl_repeatcpy() prototype to allow repeat count above 2^31 (bug #720610) - Do not own site directories located in /usr/local (bug #732799)- Fix CVE-2011-3597 (code injection in Digest) (bug #743010) - Sub-package Digest and thus Digest::MD5 module (bug #743247)- add provide for perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.14.2)- 5.14.2 bump (see for release notes). - Fixes panics when processing regular expression with \b class and /aa modifier (bug #731062) - Fixes CVE-2011-2728 (File::Glob bsd_glob() crash with certain glob flags) (bug #742987)- Enable GDBM support again to build against new gdbm 1.9.1- Disable NDBM support temporarily too as it's provided by gdbm package- Disable GDBM support temporarily to build new GDBM- Correct perl-CGI list of Provides - Make tests optional - Correct perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS Provides - Correct perl-Locale-Codes Provides - Correct perl-Module-CoreList version - Automate perl-Test-Simple-tests Requires version- Make gdbm support optional to bootstrap with new gdbm - Split Carp into standalone sub-package to dual-live with newer versions (bug #736768)- Split Locale::Codes into standalone sub-package to dual-live with newer versions (bug #717863)- perl needs to own vendorarch/auto directory- Move xsubpp to ExtUtils::ParseXS (#728393)- fix Compress-Raw-Bzip2 pacakging - ensure that we never bundle bzip2 or zlib- remove from provides MODULE_COMPAT 5.12.*- Have perl-Module-Build explicitly require perl(CPAN::Meta) >= 2.110420, needed for creation of MYMETA files by Build.PL; the dual-life version of the package already has this dependency- Temporarily provide 5.12.* MODULE_COMPAT- fix escaping of the __provides_exclude_from macro- Parse-CPAN-Meta explicitly requires CPAN::Meta::YAML and JSON::PP - Exclude CPAN::Meta* from CPAN sub-package - Don't try to normalize CPAN-Meta, JSON-PP, and Parse-CPAN-Meta versions; their dual-life packages aren't and have much higher numbers already- update macros -> add %perl_bootstrap 1 and example for readability - add into Module::Build dependency on perl-devel (contains macros.perl) - create new sub-package macros, because we need macros in minimal buildroot- remove from macros BSD, because there exists BSD::Resources- remove old MODULE_COMPATs- move ptargrep to Archive-Tar sub-package - fix version numbers in last two changelog entries- add provide for perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.14.1)- update to 5.14.1 - no new modules, just serious bugfixes and doc - switch off fork test, which is failing only on koji- try to update to latest ExtUtils::MakeMaker, no luck -> rebuild with current version, fix bug RT#67618 in modules- filter even Mac:: requires, polish filter again for correct installation - add sub-package Compress-Raw-Bzip2, solve Bzip2 conflicts after install - and add IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2 correctly into IO-Compress- Perl 5.14 mass rebuild, bump release, remove releases in subpackages- Perl 5.14 mass rebuild- Perl 5.14 mass rebuild- add new sub-packages, remove BR in them- arm can't do parallel builds - add require EE::MM into IPC::Cmd 711486- test build of released 5.14.0 - remove Class::ISA from sub-packages - patches 8+ are part of new release - remove vendorarch/auto/Compress/Zlib- add provides UNIVERSAL and DB back into perl- Remove rpath-make patch because we use --enable-new-dtags linker option- 692900 - lc launders tainted flag, RT #87336- go to the PathTools sub-package- sub-package Path-Tools- sub-package Scalar-List-Utils- Rebuilt for Document ExtUtils::ParseXS upgrade in local patch tracking- update ExtUtils::ParseXS to 2.2206 (current) to fix Wx build- Make %global perl_default_filter lazy - Do not hard-code tapsetdir path- added systemtap tapset to make use of systemtap-sdt-devel - added an example systemtap script- stable update 5.12.3 - add COMPAT- 463773 revert change. txt files are needed for example by UCD::Unicode, PDF::API2,...- required systemtap-sdt-devel on request in 661553- create sub-package for CGI 3.49- Sub-package perl-Class-ISA (bug #651317)- Make perl(ExtUtils::ParseXS) version 4 digits long (bug #650882)- 643447 fix redefinition of constant C in h2ph (visible in git send mail, XML::Twig test suite) - remove ifdef for s390- Package Test-Simple tests to dual-live with standalone package (bug #640752)- remove removal of NDBM- Consolidate Requires filtering - Consolidate* Provides- filter useless requires, provide Reformat perl-threads description - Fix threads directories ownership- sub-package threads- add vendor path, clean paths in Configure in spec file - create sub-package threads-shared- Do not leak when destroying thread (RT #77352, RHBZ #630667)- Fixing release number for modules- Update to 5.12.2 - Removed one hardcoded occurence of perl version in build process - Added correct path to dtrace binary - BuildRequires: systemtap-sdt-devel- run Configure with -Dusedtrace for systemtap support- Run tests in parallel - Add "-Wl,--enable-new-dtags" to linker to allow to override perl's rpath by LD_LIBRARY_PATH used in tests. Otherwise tested perl would link to old in-system - Normalize spec file indentation- 617956 move perlxs* docs files into perl-devel- 614662 wrong perl-suidperl version in obsolete- add temporary compat provides needed on s390(x)- Add Digest::SHA requirement to perl-CPAN and perl-CPANPLUS (bug #612563)- 607505 add another dir into Module::Build (thanks to Paul Howarth)- Address perl-Compress-Raw directory ownership (BZ 607881).- remove patch with debugging symbols, which should be now ok without it - update to 5.12.1 - MODULE_COMPAT- packages in buildroot needs MODULE_COMPAT 5.10.1, add it back for rebuild- rebuild with tests in test buildroot- MODULE_COMPAT 5.12.0 - remove BR man - clean configure - fix provides/requires in IO-Compress- rebuild 5.12.0 without MODULE_COMPAT- initial 5.12.0 build- 463773 remove useless txt files from installation - 575842 remove PERL_USE_SAFE_PUTENV, use perl putenv- package tests in their own subpackage- add noarch into correct sub-packages - move Provides/Obsoletes into correct modules from main perl- restore missing version macros for Compress::Raw::Zlib, IO::Compress::Base and IO::Compress::Zlib- clean spec a little more - rebuild with new gdbm- fix license according to advice from legal - clean unused patches- update subpackage tests macros to handle packages with an epoch properly- add initial EXPERIMENTAL tests subpackage rpm macros to macros.perl- 547656 CVE-2009-3626 perl: regexp matcher crash on invalid UTF-8 characters - 549306 version::Internals should be packaged in perl-version subpackage - Parse-CPAN-Meta updated and separate package is dead- subpackage parent and Parse-CPAN-Meta; add them to core's dep list- exclude "parent".- exclude Parse-CPAN-Meta.- do not pack Bzip2 manpages either (#544582)- do not pack Bzip2 modules (#544582) - hack: cheat about Compress::Raw::Zlib version (#544582)- switch off check for ppc64 and s390x - remove the hack for "make test," it is no longer needed- be more careful with the compatibility symlink (#543936)- new upstream version - release number must be high, because of stale version numbers of some of the subpackages - drop upstreamed patches - update the versions of bundled modules - shorten the paths in @INC - build without DEBUGGING - implement compatibility measures for the above two changes, for a short transition period - provide perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.10.0), for that transition period only- fix patch-update-Compress-Raw-Zlib.patch (did not patch - update Compress::Raw::Zlib to 2.023 - update IO::Compress::Base, and IO::Compress::Zlib to 2.015 (#542645)- 542645 update IO-Compress-Base- back out perl-5.10.0-spamassassin.patch (#528572)- add /perl(UNIVERSAL)/d; /perl(DB)/d to perl_default_filter auto-provides filtering- update Storable to 2.21- update our Test-Simple update to 0.92 (patch by Iain Arnell), #519417 - update Module-Pluggable to 3.9- fix macros.perl *sigh*- Remove -DDEBUGGING=-g, we are not ready yet.- add helper filtering macros to -devel, for perl-* package invocation (#502402)- Add configure option -DDEBUGGING=-g (#156113)- 510127 spam assassin suffer from tainted bug- 494773 much better swap logic to support reentrancy and fix assert failure (rt #60508)- Rebuilt for fix generated .ph files so that they no longer cause warnings (#509676) - remove PREREQ_FATAL from Makefile.PL's processed by miniperl - update to latest Scalar-List-Utils (#507378) - perl-skip-prereq.patch: skip more prereq declarations in Makefile.PL files- re-enable tests- move -DPERL_USE_SAFE_PUTENV to ccflags (#508496)- #504386 update of Compress::Raw::Zlib 2.020- update File::Spec (PathTools) to 3.30- fix #221113, $! wrongly set when EOF is reached- do not use quotes in patchlevel.h; it breaks installation from cpan (#495183)- update CGI to 3.43, dropping upstreamed perl-CGI-escape.patch- fix CGI::escape for all strings (#472571) - perl-CGI-t-util-58.patch: Do not distort lib/CGI/t/util-58.t Move the gargantuan Changes* collection to -devel (#492605)- update module autodie- update Digest::SHA (fixes 489221)- drop 26_fix_pod2man_upgrade (don't need it) - fix typo in %define ExtUtils_CBuilder_version- apply Change 34507: Fix memory leak in single-char character class optimization - Reorder @INC, based on b9ba2fadb18b54e35e5de54f945111a56cbcb249 - fix Archive::Extract to fix test failure caused by tar >= 1.21 - Merge useful Debian patches- remove compatibility obsolete sitelib directories - use a better BuildRoot - drop a redundant mkdir in %install - call patchlevel.h only once; rm patchlevel.bak - update modules Sys::Syslog, Module::Load::Conditional, Module::CoreList, Test::Harness, Test::Simple, (dropping the upstreamed patch), File::Path (that includes our perl-5.10.0-CVE-2008-2827.patch), constant, Pod::Simple, Archive::Tar, Archive::Extract, File::Fetch, File::Temp, IPC::Cmd, Time::HiRes, Module::Build, ExtUtils::CBuilder - standardize the patches for updating embedded modules - work around a bug in Module::Build tests bu setting TMPDIR to a directory inside the source tree- Rebuilt for add /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl to otherlibs (bz 484053)- build sparc64 without _smp_mflags- limit sparc builds to -j12- update IPC::Cmd to v 0.42- 455410 Attempt to free unreferenced scalar fiddling with the symbol table Keep the refcount of the globs generated by PerlIO::via balanced.- add missing into Pod::Simple- 295021 CVE-2007-4829 perl-Archive-Tar directory traversal flaws - add another source for binary files, which test untaring links- to fix Fedora bz 473223, which is really perl bug #54186 ( we apply Changes 33640, 33881, 33896, 33897- change summary according to RFC fix summary discussion at fedora-devel :)- update File::Temp to 0.20- Include fix for rt#52740 to fix a crash when using Devel::Symdump and Compress::Zlib together- rt#33242, rhbz#459918. Segfault after reblessing objects in Storable. - rhbz#465728 upgrade Simple::Pod to 3.07- also preserve the timestamp of AUTHORS; move the fix to the recode function, which is where the stamps go wrong- give Changes*.gz the same datetime to avoid multilib conflict- remove from Archive-Extract - fix version of Test::Simple in spec - update Test::Simple - update Archive::Tar to 1.38- 462444 update Test::Simple to 0.80- move libnet to the right directory, along Net/ do not create directory .../%{version}/auto- 457867 remove required IPC::Run from CPANPLUS - needed only by win32 - 457771 add path- bug in exists() on tied param hash (#457085) - move the enc2xs templates (../Encode/*.e2x) to -devel, (#456534)- 455933 update to CGI-3.38 - fix fuzz problems (patch6) - 217833 pos() function handle unicode characters correct- rebuild for new db4 4.7- remove db4 require, it is handled automatically- 453646 use -DPERL_USE_SAFE_PUTENV. Without fail some modules f.e. readline.- 451078 update Test::Harness to 3.12 for more testing. Removed verbose test, new Test::Harness has possibly verbose output, but updated package has a lot of features f.e. TAP::Harness. Carefully watched all new bugs related to tests!- bump the release number, so that it is not smaller than in F-9- CVE-2008-2827 perl: insecure use of chmod in rmtree- 447371 wrong access permission rt49003- make config parameter list consistent for 32bit and 64bit platforms, add config option -Dinc_version_list=none (#448735) - use perl_archname consistently - cleanup of usage of *_lib macros in %install- 449577 rebuild for FTBFS- 448392 upstream fix for assertion- sparc64 breaks with the rpath hack patch applied- 447142 upgrade CGI to 3.37 (this actually happened in -21 in rawhide.)- sparc64 fails two tests under mysterious circumstances. we need to get the rest of the tree moving, so we temporarily disable the tests on that arch.- create the vendor_perl/%{perl_version}/%{perl_archname}/auto directory in %{_libdir} so we own it properly- fix CPANPLUS-Dist-Build Provides/Obsoletes (bz 437615) - bump version on Module-CoreList subpackage- forgot to create the auto directory for multilib vendor_perl dirs- own multilib vendor_perl directories - mark Module::CoreList patch in patchlevel.h- 437817: RFE: Upgrade Module::CoreList to 2.14- xsubpp now lives in perl-devel instead of perl.- back out Archive::Extract patch, causing odd test failure- add missing lzma test file- conditionalize multilib patch report in patchlevel.h - Update Archive::Extract to 0.26 - Update Module::Load::Conditional to 0.24- only do it once, and do it for all our patches- note 32891 in patchlevel.h- get rid of bad conflicts on perl-File-Temp- use /usr/local for sitelib/sitearch dirs - patch 32891 for significant performance improvement- Add perl-File-Temp provides/obsoletes/conflicts (#433836), reported by Bill McGonigle - escape the macros in Jan 30 entry- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3- disable some futime tests in t/io/fs.t because they started failing on x86_64 in the Fedora builders, and no one can figure out why. :/- create %{_prefix}/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/%{perl_version}/auto and own it in base perl (resolves bugzilla 214580)- Update Sys::Syslog to 0.24, to fix test failures- add some BR for tests- 5.10.0 final - clear out all the unnecessary patches (down to 8 patches!) - get rid of super perl debugging mode - add new subpackages- first attempt at building -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryPerl5 module source textELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=55012ab705acf31c9b9ca4e72ebfb68b34ecbfa4, strippedtroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)PRRRRRRRR utf-8fcbaffa239ff69dd6227b92e3a2995e9175650b8914f97064cd6176611ac1b8d?7zXZ !#,๧X"] b2u jӫ`(y,x{ Mzi<1"GqByCǦ+*Oy<[  UZ F8JZԵPfc`c4D8+nb>@ 휮 ֟FkX^KJD^ ͒p#ML`?N b+ˎ՛Q(8{m'z;V`ʍz|l`Rߺ"`uJ89+XY/c ceorԣR}᷋ց"?`sj[##&40z|zkXk϶GeeFMq3ly޲a$߿EzslI&dK|%{x-X("_}@NͦkM=-hpԓq#/cx VB-h%IUc3*BGѶ,%ÖQ8Ooc؊\CU\}Jq W]sAqN'z`=vqPŠߒ1G3 JiRM"W~?A8IN7Ҿ5<-F^܀~߿-[e1Bz癋HOVWj}9Be$0-Z)$-ȼGB?*㬘PDJXSVx?,nu7ZGDNMk4aZE-f>[PWA` LUa4͝w|q%FKZ]XK}@-DEG9a^\ [i@aFV憓 Q (ӣ# ! 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