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add support for user redirect in Lync autodiscover - enable audio/video calls for Office365 cloud-based accounts - drop obsolete patch for GCC 8.0 compilation error- add BR gcc- change source URL to https://- add upstream patch to fix build failure on rawhide- Rebuilt for update to 1.23.0: - add support for IPv6 addresses in SIP & SDP messages - extend libpurple D-Bus interface - don't load buddy photos from unknown sites by default - add BR dbus-1, gstreamer-rtp-1.0 & krb5- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for update to 1.22.1: - fix multiple client detection - speed up Lync Autodiscover - avoid rare SSL read deadlock - various bug fixes- Rebuilt for update to 1.22.0: - add support for Application Sharing Viewer - add support for Lync Autodiscover - separate logging and debugging output - add BR farstream-0.2 & gio-2.0- update to 1.21.1: - various bug fixes in media support- add patch to fix configure failure on F23+ x86_64 (bz #1333438)- update to 1.21.0: - add support for Lync File Transfer - support embedded XML as buddy photo URL - improve "Join scheduled conference" dialog - add AppStream metadata file- Rebuilt for update to 1.20.1: - add support for another type of ADFS response - improve configure check for back-ported features- add build fix for heavily patched libpurple-2.10.11 on F22+- update to 1.20.0: - add support for SRTP (requires libpurple >= 3.0.0) - parse HTML from Lync conference URL - fixes Office365 authentication failure (bz #1257485)- Rebuilt for update to 1.19.1: - add workaround for farstream 0.1.x with libnice >= 0.1.10 - fix SIP re-authentication timeout to be max. 8 hours - drop obsolete patches- add upstream patch to ignore TCP candidates with newer libnice - add upstream patch to build against same GStreamer as Pidgin- add upstream patch to fix GCC 5.0 compilation errors on F22+- update to 1.19.0: - added support for automatic authentication scheme selection - added support for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) - added support for buddy photos from contact card - added support for SIP ID in contact search - added support for EWS based contact search when UCS is used - improves user experience for [MS-DLX] based contact search - fixes calendar state machine when EWS URL is set - Fedora Packaging Guidelines: use license tag instead of doc- update to 1.18.5: - fixes Pidgin user status being stuck in "Away" - fixes RealmInfo request when user and login name differ- update to 1.18.4: - fixes ADFS failure when user and login name differ - fixes a longstanding issue that the Pidgin user status sometimes didn't switch back to "Available" after the end of a meeting - fixes some memory leaks- Rebuilt for update to 1.18.3: - fixes audio/video call if host has IPv6 address (bz #1124510) - fixes assert triggered by EWS autodiscover in older libxml2 versions - fixes crash triggered by EWS autodiscover when glib2 < 2.30.0 - add dependency on gssntlmssp(-devel) >= 0.5.0 for F21+- update to 1.18.2: - fixes crash when PersistentChat sends BYE - fixes joining of conference for some users - fixes conference call ending in error message - fixes EWS autodiscover for some Office 365 users - UCS now honors email URL set by user- update to 1.18.1: - fixes crash when gstreamer nice plugin is missing (bz #1071710) - fixes false "not delivered" errors in conference - fixes incorrect HTML escaping for URLs - fixes conference call ending in error message - fixes endless loop with failed HTTP Basic authentication - fixes EWS autodiscover for some Office 365 users - fixes missing "Copy to" in buddy menu- drop gmime-2.6 from BRs- Fedora Packaging Guidelines: use pkgconfig() for BRs- add dependency on libnice-gstreamer for F20+ (bz #1071710)- update to 1.18.0: - added support for EWS Autodiscover redirection- update to 1.17.3: - fixes crash when groupchat session expired (again) - fixes HTTP re-authentication with NTLM - fixes UCS Persona key extraction- update to 1.17.2: - fixes problems with typing notifications fix (bz #1031554) - fixes crash when groupchat session expired- update to 1.17.1: - fixes typing notifications - fixes that passwords were not entity encoded - accept alternatives for webticket timestamp/keydata- update to 1.17.0: - added Lync 2013 support: buddy list modification, buddy photo, group chat - added support for group chat history - fixes group chat: duplicate messages & users, HTML tags in text - fixes EWS autodiscover for Office 365- Rebuilt for update to 1.16.1: bug fix release - fixes call failure when host has multiple IP addresses - fixes buddy list handling after moving to Lync 2013 - fixes crashes in new HTTP stack- update to 1.16.0: - new HTTP stack: reduced network traffic, no more crashes - added support to call to a phone number - fixes subscription timeout handling, e.g. for buddy status updates- update to 1.15.1: bug fix release - fixes crash experienced by some users (bz #928323) - fixes broken NTLM fallback in Negotiate- update to 1.15.0: - added support for Kerberos & Negotiate authentication in HTTP connections - added support for DNS A record search in server auto-discovery - added setting to suppress calendar information publishing - unified Single Sign-On (SSO) handling in all places- Rebuilt for update to 1.14.1: bug fix release- update to 1.14.0: - added support for Web Ticket authentication using ADFS - added support for buddy photos - added support for call to Audio Test Service - reduced network traffic for acquiring Web Tickets- update to 1.13.3: bug fix release- Rebuilt for update to 1.13.2: bug fix release- update to 1.13.1: bug fix release - drop obsolete patch for GCC 4.7.0 compilation errors- add patch to fix maybe-uninitialized errors for F17+- update to 1.13.0: - support for Lync & Office365 - added [MS-SIPAE] TLS-DSK authentication scheme - added [MS-DLX] based Get Info/Contact Search - added experimental media TCP transport - add BR nss-devel - drop obsolete patch to replace deprecated glib2 functions- add patch to replace deprecated glib2 functions for F17+- enable audio/video call support for F15+ (bz #761528)- Update to 1.12.0: - Add support for OCS2007R2 Group Chat - Miscellaneous features and bugfixes- Rebuilt for Update to 1.11.2- Update to 1.11.0- Fix group for purple-sipe (#624246)- Upstream 1.10.1: - Fixes to build against pidgin-2.7 - Initial support for Office 2007+ "Access Levels" - SVG icon artwork - Miscellaneous bugfixes- Upstream 1.9.1: - Fix Kerberos authentication for unix platforms (broken in 1.9.0) - Bugfixes- Upstream 1.9.0: - Contributed File transfer functionality. File encryption is supported. - NTLMv2 and NTLMv2 Session Security support - Implemented SIP Authentication Extensions protocol version 4 and 3 - another shot at presence update problems - fix crash caused by uninitialized security contexts - Updated translations: ru, de, es, pt_BR - Bugfixes and crash fixes - BR libpurple >= 2.4.0 - Split into purple-sipe and pidgin-sipe - Other spec fixes to match upstream's spec file- Upstream 1.8.1 (crash fixes)- Upstream 1.8.0 (new features) - Exchange Calendar integration - New and updated translations - Bugfixes- Upstream 1.7.1 (bugfixes)- Upstream 1.7.0- Upstream 1.6.3- Upstream 1.6.2 - Drop obsoleted ppc fix patch- Add BR: gettext to build on EPEL- Another attempt at ppc build fix (patch from Stefan Becker)- Upstream 1.6.0 - Build on ppc, but pass --enable-quality-check=no to configure- Build --with-krb5- Initial packaging.1.23.2-1.el81.23.2-1.el8pidgin-sipe.metainfo.xmlsipe.pngsipe.pngsipe.pngsipe.svg/usr/share/appdata//usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin/protocols/16//usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin/protocols/22//usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin/protocols/48//usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin/protocols/scalable/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuXML 1.0 document, ASCII textPNG image data, 16 x 16, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 22 x 22, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 48 x 48, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedSVG Scalable Vector Graphics imagePPutf-873d4326a1e0230c8783b2858e030ac2e6904f8b85737e5564c024e624fd54bf2?@7zXZ !#,++] b2u Q{KDTUB;,Շפo"9 qD]AH3 z,>W|p a€!c$w&7:~\) rɹ k!T);ZڔB_<;?BojmbvfA|\%0^~Smr٘ Wni1LWy}fzfKl[JpmvނQ+i"5mafC4^uPnD `5Eq4 Hf`[<g dd׭ Z!<#{l8H@C:0ʸX yؠy29: HdÜMЏ:˧xuv5s_# -POuR TB}wX9ۉR͠he{ tK-KoyKek_Q0c/[mE4o=zn:1 L=ΊH%* AyF]bb+*W@[{-C= 8%$ؿ࢚ѩ/W;!C [דx3 .elN^nWBSմPǙ˽u D%2OHh{ b! 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