plymouth-plugin-two-step-0.9.4-10.20200615git1e36e30.el8 >  A a&TU]w p<}A_xiorV0q *Y{ <* jW = %o~E„Vi,լvWAdj]">ѽ#<P]i)U0T~nqbA JVз>EhOuIDr3JT1۝b-V }>Aƚ{cL&>!*&b^0uS*;շ{gGo7]GoKZ1akvP}cݟ I#DzW?LSR9/}:'QmP^RDhl7Tz p7OCe+U݌B/idͭp(=On2cGɶӛf GW.kUa9И4KB =29$j_o/ƹ^)Bh>rюZ%υ]$A׌<8Q -h^dU'lR B$~pa!tV;i,c972771b04ea9ba0f3b04cb867ac5094a5de92dc10c629b4e9bf81287cbc09a585352a6ed915c960512410820f9548b125daeb64ĉa&TU],fmF `!*N<4Qq]C \#IOf#W ]wgx0Hƈ&uM(M6Ly?# jV{eaKd/@Zfi[ܻB3Jm6Z!OIaY5DԓyG]YM~!H%Xr!yo.PDQ }pVc &C};*$EW6_Qj]dd! +<JsEڙۡ wvI@x;Y9hj!'I1"\~Rr@ƒÂ|e)"N+Zr.sQ$ S`{m<XviOBn(ebp >s[hR<בяÕkՙMg_ƥ>EJ< >p<|?|d! ; V48PT[bi     X @(O8X9 :7GxHxIxXxYx\y8]yH^ybyd{"e{'f{*l{,t{Du{Tv{dw{x| y||`|d|j|Cplymouth-plugin-two-step0.9.410.20200615git1e36e30.el8Plymouth "two-step" pluginThis package contains the "two-step" boot splash plugin for Plymouth. It features a two phased boot process that starts with a progressing animation synced to boot time and finishes with a short, fast one-shot animation.a%x86-02.mbox.centos.orgCentOSCentOSGPLv2+CentOS Buildsys System Environment/Base*AAa%a%a%a%5008d28b87faa2322bb8e6b300a98242a476b41f358e7c69845ea0d0799ef599../../../../usr/lib64/plymouth/two-step.sorootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootplymouth-0.9.4-10.20200615git1e36e30.el8.src.rpmplymouth-plugin-two-stepplymouth-plugin-two-step(x86-64)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`@__C_@_^b]]rJ@\]o@[ā@[ā@[@[t[GBZ>Z@Z}@Z}@ZOZOY@YyXWgWbW_WXWV@WDB@V=@VHsV.U@U@UٵUU\w@Ts@S@SS@S@RrF@R^RQPR q@QB@QQQ& @P@P@PPd@P{@P3x@P3x@P

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0.5.0-14.2008.08.08Ray Strode - 0.5.0-13.2008.08.07Ray Strode - 0.5.0-12.2008.08.06Ray Strode - 0.5.0-11.2008.08.01Ray Strode - 0.5.0-10.2008.08.01Ray Strode - 0.5.0-9.2008.08.01Ray Strode - 0.5.0-8.2008.08.01Ray Strode - 0.5.0-8.2008.07.31Peter Jones - 0.5.0-7Ray Strode - 0.5.0-6Ray Strode - 0.5.0-5Ray Strode - 0.5.0-4Ray Strode - 0.5.0-3Ray Strode - 0.5.0-2Ray Strode - 0.5.0-1Ray Strode - 0.4.5-1Ray Strode - 0.4.0-4Ray Strode - 0.4.0-3Ray Strode - 0.4.0-2Ray Strode - 0.4.0-1Ray Strode - 0.3.2-2Ray Strode - 0.3.2-1Ray Strode - 0.3.1-3Ray Strode - 0.3.1-2Ray Strode - 0.3.1-1Ray Strode - 0.3.0-1Ray Strode - 0.2.0-1Ray Strode - 0.1.0-1- Stop using /var/run, just use /run instead Resolves: #1977446- Fix watermark Resolves: #1914930- Add Recommends to pull in plymouth-theme-spinner Resolves: #1907422- Fix typo in poweroff path Resolves: #1871817 Related: #1626342- Fix one last bit of flicker in the shutdown path Related: #1626342- Die at shutdown with everything else Resolves: #1626342- Rebase to git snapshot Resolves: #1688935- ship fonts in initrd Resolves: #1702764 - fix unapplied patch- Fix udev activation race Resolves: #1661880- Make /var/log/boot.log more modular Resolves: #1658026- Update description of charge theme (found by rpmdiff when building previous fix) Related: #1607020- Coverity leak fixes Resolves: #1607020- Fix placement of spinner to patch rhel 8 design Resolves: #1623525- drop initscripts requirement Resolves: #1610282- Add backports to avoid loading renderers on non-rhgb boot and to handle 'rhgb' when no renderers available - Move framebuffer plugin to graphics subpackage Related: #1600634- Add patches from upstream git for devices with non upright mounted LCD panels Drop default boot duration: Escape macros in %changelog- Rebuilt for Bump ShowDelay back up to 5 Related: #1518037- Update to 0.9.3 release - Reduce ShowDelay to 0 (rhbz#1518037) - Change %define to %global- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Fix color palette issue - Fix splash at shutdown (if shutdown takes longer than 5 secs) - Make sure text based splashes update terminal size when fbcon loads- really (?) fix password prompt on text plugin Resolves: #1344141- fix password prompt on text plugin Resolves: #1344141- new release versioning scheme to be more guideliney- Update to latest git snapshot - Fixes use after free Related: #1342673- Update to latest git snapshot - Drop plymouth-generate-initrd scriptlets- Rebuilt for Fix plymouth-update-initrd script- Fix updates with script and spinner themes Resolves: #1267949- Fix a typo in Requires- Fix Requires for various libs subpackages- Use %license - Cleanup spec - Move drm render driver to graphics-libs sub package- Rebuilt for Fix theme override using PLYMOUTH_THEME_NAME (#1223344)- Rebuilt for Fedora 23 Change Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Move system-logos dep to graphics-libs (no use on text/serial console minimal installs)- Fix splash after change in /sys/class/tty/console/active- Don't timeout plymouth quit waiting Related: #967521- Drop rhgb-client compat link- Make sure the release number compares higher than the previous builds- Update to snapshot to fix system units- Rebuilt for Update to snapshot to fix systemd vconsole issue- Merge newer F18 release into rawhide- Ensure fedup gets right splash screen Related: #879295- Drop set-default-plugin compat script - Just use upstream update-initrd- More boot blocking fixes Related: #870695- Fix crash when deactivating multiple times Related: #870695- Latest upstream release - includes systemd fixes and system update fixes- Latest upstream release - includes systemd fixes- fix plymouth race at bootup breaking efi/vesa handoff. - fix version number - its against fedora package policy to have 0.year- One more crack at #830482 (will probably need additional fixes tomorrow)- fix bz704658 (thanks to Ian Pilcher for the patch), resolves issue where spinfinity theme never goes idle and thus, never exits to gdm- Rebuilt for Update to since I mucked up 0.8.6 Resolves: #830482- Update to 0.8.6 - Fixes encrypted fs bug Resolves: #830482 - Adds support for offline package updates- Rebuild without libkms- Add %{_prefix} to systemd service path- Update to latest release - Ship systemd service files - Conflict with old systemd- Disable the nouveau driver as I've broken it with the new libdrm ABI- Don't try to build against libdrm_intel on non-intel architectures- Update to latest snapshot- Don't require libdrm_intel on non intel arches- make plymouth-scripts require plymouth (RH #794894)- install everything in /usr Rebuilt for Change spec based on suggestion from Nicolas Chauvet to fix scriptlet error during livecd creation Resolves: #666419- Rebuild for libpng 1.5- Make plymouth background dark gray at the request of Mo / design team.- Update to latest git snapshot - Reintroduce accidentally dropped spinner theme and systemd integration- Rebuild- retry reopening tty if we get EIO Hopefully Resolves: #681167- unlock tty when reopening in case it spontaenously goes bonkers and we need to fix it up Resolves: #655538- Fix up obsoletes typo- Update to latest snapshot- Rebuilt for Drop log viewer- Dir ownership fixes (#645044).- Fix serial console issue eparis was seeing- Update to recent snapshot- Update to recent snapshot- Add more Requirse- Add more Requires- Fix plymouth-update-initrd It's regressed to the pre-dracut version. This commit fixes that.- Update to newer pre-release snapshot of 0.8.4 - Generate separate initrd in /boot- Update to newer pre-release snapshot of 0.8.4 - Fix bizarre-o animation during boot up.- Update to pre-release snapshot of 0.8.4- Don't link plymouthd against libpng either- Make it possible to do a basic plymouth installations without libpng- Drop nash dep- rebuild for API bump in libdrm- Update to latest snapshot- Add new x11-renderer plugin from Charlie Brej for debugging- Fix escape and ask-for-password- Add prerelease of 0.8.0 for multihead support- Go back to blue charge background (bug 522460)- Remove duplicate Provides: plymouth(system-theme)- Fix set_verbose error reported by yaneti.- Look for inst() in dracut as well as mkinitrd bash source file - Drop plymouth initrd for now.- Create plymouth supplementary initrd in post (bug 515589)- Get plugin path from plymouth instead of trying to guess. Should fix bug 502667- Update to 0.7.1- Set charge bgcolor to black. (#519052)- Update to 0.7.0- Rebuilt for Fix spinfinity theme to point to the right image directory (bug 500994)- Update to new snapshot that renames plugins to fix upgrades somewhat (bug 499940)- Add some fixes for shutdown- Don't slow down progress updating at the end of boot- Change colors to transition better to gdm- Make "charge" theme require two-step plugin instead of solar (oops)- Update to "plugin-rework" branch from git- Drop the version on system-logos requires for now, causing hell with other -logos providers not having the same version.- Destroy terminal on detach (may help with bug 490965)- Address one more issue with password handling. It wasn't working well for secondary devices when using the "details" plugin.- Attempt to address some problems with password handling in the 0.7.0 snapshots- Fix set default script- more scriptlet changes to move from solar to spinfinity- Updated to development snapshot - Guess progress better on second boot of persistent live images - Drop upstream patches - swap "solar" and "spinfinity" scriptlet behavior- Add fix-heap-corruptor patch from master. Problem spotted by Mr. McCann.- Add patch from drop-nash branch for jeremy- Update to 0.6.0- Strip %name from %summary- don't give error about missing - rework packaging of boot-duration to prevent .rpmnew droppings (bug 469752)- Don't tell gdm to transition unless booting into runlevel 3 (bug 471785)- Crawl progress bar if boot is way off course (Charlie, bug 471089)- Don't loop forever when tty returns NUL byte (bug 471498)- Generate solar background dynamically to reduce ondisk size, and look better at various resolutions (Charlie, bug 471227)- Move Obsoletes: plymouth-text-and-details-only to base package so people who had it installed don't end up solar on upgrade- Redo packaging to work better with minimal installs (bug 471314)- Fix plymouth-set-default-plugin to allow external $LIB- Fix star image (Charlie, bug 471113)- Improve solar flares (Charlie) - redirect tty again on --show-splash - ignore subsequent --hide-splash calls after the first one - turn off kernel printks during boot up- Disconnect from tty when init=/bin/bash (bug 471007)- Force the right arch when calling plymouth-set-default-plugin (bug 470732)- Drop comet (bug 468705) - make boot-duration config(noreplace)- Don't abort if no splash when root is mounted - Actually move patches upstream- Fix feedback loop with plymouth:debug - Move patches upstream - Improve comet animation- Fix up more-debug patch to not assert with plymouth:nolog (bug 470569)- add some more debug spew to help debug a problem jlaska is having- show details plugin on --hide-splash so people can see why the splash got hidden.- Don't exit on plymouth --show-splash after sulogin - Properly retake console after that --show-splash- reset colors on quit --retain-splash - fix off by one in damage calculation for label- Add a sample boot-duration for livecds and first time boots (bug 469752)- Allow pre-setting the default plugin when calling plymouth-populate-initrd- Add pango minimum version to buildrequires- Update prompt text colors to be legible on new artwork- Drop upstreamed patches - Patch from Charlie to update artwork - Patch from Charlie to make password screen match animation better (bug 468899)- Fix escape at password prompt (bug 467533)- Don't require /bin/plymouth before it's installed (bug 468925)- Force raw mode for keyboard input with solar and fade-in (bug 468880) - make sure windows get closed on exit- Make "Solar" lock icon the same as the "Spinfinity" one.- Make plymouth-libs own /usr/lib/plymouth (bug 458071)- Default to "Solar" instead of "Spinfinity"- Don't set plymouth default plugin to text in %post- Add Charlie patch to dither in lower color modes (bug 468276)- More requires changing to avoid loops (#467356)- Add updated progress bar for solar plugin from Charlie - Log plymouth:debug output to boot log - Ignore sigpipe signals in daemon- Bump so name of libply to hopefully force plymouth to get installed before kernel (or at least make plymouth-libs and plymouth get installed on the same side of kernel in the transaction).- Add patch from Charlie to align progress bar to milestones during boot up - force tty to be sane on exit (bug 467207)- add empty files section for text-and-details-only so the subpackage shows up.- add text-and-details-only subpackage so davej can uninstall spinfinity, pango, cairo etc from his router.- Minor event loop changes - drop upstream patches - Charlie Brej fix for progress bar resetting when escape gets pressed- Don't make plymouth-libs require plymouth (more fun with 467356)- Add initscripts requires (bug 461322)- Put tty1 back in "cooked" mode when going into runlevel 3 (bug 467207)- Clear screen in details plugin when it's done - Make plymouth-update-initrd a small wrapper around mkinitrd instead of the broken monstrosity it was before.- Move plymouth-set-default-plugin, plymouth-update-initrd, and plymouth-populate-initrd to plymouth-scripts subpackage (the last fix didn't actually help with bug 467356)- Move plymouth-set-default-plugin to -libs (might help with bug 467356) - Fix up requires, provides and postun scripts- Don't free windows on --hide-splash (fix from Jeremy)- Solar fixes from Charlie Brej - Better cpu usage from Charlie- Add Requires(post): nash (bug 466500)- Rework how "console=" args done again, to hopefully fix bug 460565- Add "Solar" plugin from Charles Brej - Move things around so computers with separate /usr boot (hopefully this won't break things, but it probably will) - Make GDM show up on vt1 for all plugins- Remove mkinitrd requires to break the dep loop and ensure things get installed in the right order- Add new snapshot to fold in Will Woods progress bar, and move ajax's splash upstream, putting the old text splash in a "pulser" subpackage- Last snapshot was broken- Update to latest snapshot to get better transition support- Turn on gdm trigger for transition- add quit command with --retain-splash option to client- Fix text rendering for certain machines- More serial console fixes (bug 460565 again)- make the text plugin use the system release info rather than a hardcoded 'Fedora 10'- Try to support multiple serial consoles better (bug 460565)- Fix some confusion with password handling in details plugin- Fix another crasher for users with encrypted disks (this time in the text plugin, not the client)- Update to latest snapshot - Add the ability to show text prompts in graphical plugin - Fix crasher for users with encrypted disks- Update to latest snapshot- Update previous patch to remove some assertions- add a patch that may help serial console users- add spool directory to file list- Make plymouth-gdm-hooks require plymouth-utils- Add a boot failure viewer to login screen (written by Matthias)- plymouth-0.5.0-textbar-hotness.patch: Change the text plugin to a slightly more traditional progress bar, to maintain the illusion of progress better than the eternally oscillating cylon. Note: still incomplete.- Don't require a modifiable text color map (may fix serial consoles)- Update to new snapshot which when combined with a new mkinitrd should make unlocking encrypted root partitions work again- Update to new snapshot which fixes some assertion failures in the client code- Add Requires(post): plymouth to plugins so they get plymouth-set-default-plugin (bug 458071)- Add plymouth dirs to file list (bug 457871)- new plymout-populate-initrd features don't work with the set -e at the top of it.- Update to another snapshot to actually get new plymouth-populate-initrd features- Update to snapshot to get new plymouth-populate-initrd features - Make removing rhgb use details plugin instead of exiting- Make it a mkinitrd requires instead of a nash requires (that will still pull in nash, but we need mkinitrd for newer plymouth-populate-initrd)- Add nash requires- Use a new heuristic for finding libdir, since the old one falls over on ia64- add ctrl-r to rotate text color palette back to stock values- Fix populate script on ppc (bug 454353)- Pull in spinfinity by default. This whole "figure out which plugin to use" set of scripts and scriptlets needs work. We need to separate distro default from user choice.- Add new client "ask-for-password" command which feeds the user input to a program instead of standard output, and loops when the program returns non-zero exit status.- Update to version 0.4.5 - Make text plugin blue and less 80s- Make "Password: " show up correctly in text plugin- Require elfutils (bug 452797)- Make plymouth-set-default-plugin --reset choose the latest installed plugin, not the earliest- Update to version 0.4.0 - Only run if rhgb is on kernel command line - Make text plugin more animated- dont go back to text mode on exit- Update to version 0.3.2 - show gradient in spinfinity plugin - Drop fade out in spinfinity plugin - fix throbber placement - rename to scriplet should be preun, not postun- Fix postun scriptlet- Update to version 0.3.1 - Don't ship generated initrd scripts in tarball- Update to version 0.3.0 - Better plugin handling - Better integration with mkinitrd (pending mkinitrd changes) - random bug fixes- Update to version 0.2.0 - Integrate more tightly with nash (pending nash changes) - ship libs for out of tree splash plugins - gradient support - random bug fixes- Initial import, version -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=5a785c759fac950f7a90062c5bcd9de215d15390, strippedRRRRRRR R RR RR RR RRRutf-820002697c95f82c01de0328fe781b87f64e3f44e242a8598bd583c0ed8e9dbff?@7zXZ !#,L] b2u jӫ`(y-2!ɺ ̌4F?c=+bkZ'ȬoUEM@Nk|O1w7Si/g1wqvWLI -=)T&ٔΒPKD߸qw¸y!ئe_5{p7dhEfVɔC :=rZT>ȼ2 ¾6mړ4x!2 @Y2EM맰9uUr*fvG67n٧H'yp bG\Tǐ23FSZgΧmC`kNSn"/[O\T+Ւ8(pmΈHDEEmcSQp_Cg"M$/j2~8]ߦ//v㭎;}vG6:f87o̞e@T $?o"nyTz` 9$*72 \lnؚr8ޣa6P@nfC8 ,=~dn8Ϲ4&ɬʵz 5Fb)AiJn5j.M֢-B9SC( Bt=_{@`jvh hV #K!ĽrBi>D3җUda~Aa>Ԣ *qG/EL6EAuZ@) q|op ӞYiTZg+>6vOϺ(-h}N1K\>({`~ͬG,Z[lyƧNNsr` ׆a)Yg@1#=jwxY]#jжi0]zQqd:9-11r<>!`]T"#OjR;r58YC7m?ae_[_ v &ťցѕ,VNQF9UN0܌6nC.*0d* / F>-Wȧ`{-1H~j{0Wd_q|\bE<5eMS#6m1ۇ(yPƌDE5-6y)ÁE ɖx?n,*^lߡPG<^Gz)MZ§0zhOLr,˫9 T~$ ?"k3..Ai\ Pj#9k_rdM_ ת͌|xi iugE|jwì:O&Tв$ُ[lee[K򥓒˭X~:`Cu%xb.Fd'1?|= pc%)C-aș;^{]0{oTWMC ID{) s(w5\!;{r񻁚ƥR!zi(1wEt!W9 vFGlSI:u3 c3 ,"FH]aPScb."K|]/@\lxF= $rt[C!{R5l0`,Zc4 enes[4IB:> ,g̹FdFwĔTX#BbN)|;Ω&Mvӹ9Ȝ1Ғ*q<oi]Fi q U׫skUݓhMX(ZS9BHg}u@-&8Nt$ߵIp%{bOz9 c&i(Og+yR3.U-ˆJ5#8'd,!t9tcQnBq p>6@?^Bqcܦ]0pj"}kT,f/Vh)j)mC*AʒPӓE:̘";K^dFg؄;ؓ1dȥaҬɤqu< @TB=?Wr(zOY lA4Cμ QlqKX٢BCwG!Eh_F:['j}-cŁSϦS^nM.w#.@@?#$¥YTySw:ѭ{CsZ 8ѡRI#m# =`}#̠}ᐵ|;Q9JR6ū9}EZv(߶nNo\Wݨ$P6}͊oN/urT5#sO@hp>U &B8ǣ<1}b!bb_3WQ5^$OD/)DSL_@b| ~PұGk"j5@,$St}^gknAP8MY\o0Xh R;6<>o@@$I7Jz0s uV'~mrr8v4_XՙS oCa=C7rzl(i pT&.k\)L* Ӕ$rdk {9SÇ۞ՍX?Yiq/lPU0#j_~q&(oP smT ,ܤlhFQ5fޡ*872\* GK ~fWl;[@#:Xp@MAz+*$1s- qpС+Q[ 2Ŏ17;\4n5JFSNAQ({V+eIb >xSUL s̋_,(7G,.RjNRrl= mh/0Woj*z,GN`]e(Āϙn1 X?bLف, &D`hԏlCqauZڿ9F:lMIa45&, 8-*1ݯC_t[2%7M S 됶BI=c\&Ͼ' m"SrQyLTny8Z:_ݨ>+"Z5+:ՠDy 0~!!ʒB¥ p]x+k2D.0V3 c?āD'q$+7y*zzG/DqSt ~o .p.բv#\e5G%N Z)qţ"46EM0n0E;_cN0*aꃸ/Biz#9Z$uO8u?b¡%r(|A3ӣWb wJ/M 3{.= &g\\I_BLDۿUOqݾZ㌍2`:7&QX`sH+8]=2,ÿٮ w#z`/CA&"Fdfg,0u!Z\]Fq"0b] >^>0s~ &ϒIb۴aTx{J%&,SXQFk| R\ox-=cbD h]dޑB^кmcb 6AfGkxuq4Hn|'~RbZ8۶G4A^CseX2BsxV~S(ᦹ5y?u"TbW2W$jH qQuꝮ쀇4LY%*9nZhW}gAxh"dfJd& \in\73njMp?߷m,јQNEous/\ 0 ?p׬$G|!Qg/J gf^cZznnX8[^2Ba353@= 05[1&6xr0ne5O4h *ބx!^@'`PDnEa&-aˑM Qi޷>F'ձ8=)w3/m/L2[њ/ ʿ{t,"!P|IAr}nS+;n}*17Y|*Y_^EǮqIhtfor7zYɃ3D>gYܝFtuѩϙO]kM*tf%f]KHT =2z^XĮqӯl \:ZS No|Eq a4ihڌz= qzyoiʐ$OMvVdk[ I.'"Q2|R4:ݚ'dF[egMzo P]i\# =@1z9z&=٭Q:eD|zew iR+n֤ d'bhМ=M2~'${BqI* e 3A! 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