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Install this if you want to write database functions in Tcl.`Mx86-02.mbox.centos.orgCentOSCentOSPostgreSQLCentOS Buildsys Unspecified$ o w H  X ?    d \ 9vAA큤`?`?`?`5`"`"`"`"`"`"`"`"`"`"`"`"`"`"`"`"`"`"`"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../../../../usr/lib64/pgsql/pltcl.sorootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootpostgresql-13.3-2.module_el8.5.0+866+90b85912.src.rpmpostgresql-pltclpostgresql-pltcl(x86-64)@@@@@```+_ ]]@]ʞ]]z3@]L]\@\@\~d\iL\eX@\eX@\U@\G\@Y3@Y"YR@XXsXX}@XwoXWXWWSW@WgW8dW4p@W0{WV>@VV=@VVqR@V`.VD@VA@V VV7@U@U@UUU~@Uyx@UrUn@U]U]U@U @T Tи@TY@TsTD@TS@S@S@S@SR@S @SSS,S8@S|@SsZS*@S!S@R@Ra@RRRRR@RjR_@RVR/ R R@R6R@QB@QQp@QQ@QQ@Q@Q@Q(@Q]k@Q@PrPѬ@PP`K@PM@P - 13.3-2Filip Januš - 13.3-1Honza Horak - 13.2-1Honza Horak - 13.1-1Patrik Novotný - 12.1-3Patrik Novotný - 12.1-2Patrik Novotný - 12.1-1Patrik Novotný - 12.0-1Patrik Novotný - 12.0-0.3Petr Kubat - 12.0-0.2Patrik Novotný - 12.0-0.1Jitka Plesnikova - 11.3-2Patrik Novotný - 11.3-1Pavel Raiskup - 11.2-3Igor Gnatenko - 11.2-2Patrik Novotný - 11.2-1Pavel Raiskup - 11.1-5Fedora Release Engineering - 11.1-4Pavel Raiskup - 11.1-3Björn Esser - 11.1-2Patrik Novotný - 11.1-1Pavel Raiskup - 11.0-2Pavel Raiskup - 11.0-1Pavel Raiskup - 10.5-4Pavel Raiskup - 10.5-3Pavel Raiskup - 10.5-2Pavel Raiskup - 10.5-1Pavel Raiskup - 10.4-8Fedora Release Engineering - 10.4-7Pavel Raiskup - 10.4-6Pavel Raiskup - 10.4-5Petr Pisar - 10.4-4Jitka Plesnikova - 10.4-3Miro Hrončok - 10.4-2Pavel Raiskup - 10.4-1Pavel Raiskup - 10.3-5Pavel Raiskup - 10.3-4Pavel Raiskup - 10.3-3Pavel Raiskup - 10.3-2Pavel Raiskup - 10.3-1Petr Kubat - 10.2-1Björn Esser - 10.1-5Pavel Raiskup - 10.1-4Pavel Raiskup - 10.1-3Pavel Raiskup - 10.1-2Pavel Raiskup - 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9.4.5-1Pavel Raiskup - 9.4.4-6Pavel Raiskup - 9.4.4-5Pavel Raiskup - 9.4.4-4Pavel Raiskup - 9.4.4-3Fedora Release Engineering - 9.4.4-2Pavel Raiskup - 9.4.4-1Pavel Raiskup - 9.4.4-1Jitka Plesnikova - 9.4.3-2Jozef Mlich - 9.4.3-1Jozef Mlich - 9.4.2-1Pavel Raiskup - 9.4.1-4Jozef Mlich - 9.4.1-3Jozef Mlich - 9.4.1-2Pavel Raiskup - 9.4.1-1Pavel Raiskup - 9.4.0-2Jozef Mlich - 9.4.0-1Pavel Raiskup - 9.3.5-8Pavel Raiskup - 9.3.5-7Pavel Raiskup - 9.3.5-6Jitka Plesnikova - 9.3.5-5Pavel Raiskup - 9.3.5-4Fedora Release Engineering - 9.3.5-3Pavel Raiskup - 9.3.5-2Pavel Raiskup - 9.3.5-1Pavel Raiskup - 9.3.4-8Pavel Raiskup - 9.3.4-7Fedora Release Engineering - 9.3.4-6Honza Horak - 9.3.4-5Honza Horak - 9.3.4-4Jaroslav Škarvada - 9.3.4-3Pavel Raiskup - 9.3.4-2Jozef Mlich - 9.3.4-1Jozef Mlich - 9.3.3-2Jozef Mlich - 9.3.3-1Pavel Raiskup - 9.3.2-7Pavel Raiskup - 9.3.2-6Pavel Raiskup - 9.3.2-5Pavel Raiskup - 9.3.2-4Pavel Raiskup - 9.3.2-3Pavel Raiskup - 9.3.2-2Jozef Mlich - 9.3.2-2Jozef Mlich - 9.3.2-1Jozef Mlich - 9.3.1-2Jozef Mlich - 9.3.1-1Pavel Raiskup - 9.3.0-1Pavel Raiskup - 9.2.4-11Pavel Raiskup - 9.2.4-10Pavel Raiskup - 9.2.4-9Pavel Raiskup - 9.2.4-8Fedora Release Engineering - 9.2.4-7Pavel Raiskup - 9.2.4-6Pavel Raiskup - 9.2.4-5Petr Pisar - 9.2.4-5Pavel Raiskup - 9.2.4-4Pavel Raiskup - 9.2.4-3Pavel Raiskup - 9.2.4-3Jan Stanek - 9.2.4-3Pavel Raiskup - 9.2.4-2Pavel Raiskup - 9.2.4-2Tom Lane 9.2.4-1Tom Lane 9.2.3-1Tom Lane 9.2.2-3Tom Lane 9.2.2-2Tom Lane 9.2.2-1Tom Lane 9.2.1-1Tom Lane 9.2.0-1Tom Lane 9.1.5-2Tom Lane 9.1.5-1Tom Lane 9.1.4-5Fedora Release Engineering - 9.1.4-4Tom Lane 9.1.4-3Petr Pisar - 9.1.4-2Tom Lane 9.1.4-1Tom Lane 9.1.3-3Tom Lane 9.1.3-2Tom Lane 9.1.3-1Tom Lane 9.1.2-2Tom Lane 9.1.2-1Honza Horak 9.1.1-2Tom Lane 9.1.1-1Tom Lane 9.1.0-1Tom Lane 9.0.4-8Petr Sabata - 9.0.4-7Petr Sabata - 9.0.4-6Tom Lane 9.0.4-5Marcela Mašláňová 9.0.4-4Tom Lane 9.0.4-3Tom Lane 9.0.4-2Tom Lane 9.0.4-1Fedora Release Engineering - 9.0.3-3Tom Lane 9.0.3-2Tom Lane 9.0.3-1Tom Lane 9.0.2-1Tom Lane 8.4.6-1Tom Lane 8.4.5-1Orcan Ogetbil - 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Niemi 7.4-0.1- Enable ssl for upgrade server Resolves: #1982697- Update to 13.3 Resolves: #1966339 Fix: CVE-2021-32027,CVE-2021-32028,CVE-2021-32029- Update to 13.2 Related: #1855776- Rebase to upstream release 13.1 Resolves: #1855776- Release bump for 8.2.0 BZ#1776805- Release bump for rebuild against libpq-12.1-3- Rebase to upstream release 12.1- Rebase to upstream release 12.0- Rebase to upstream beta release 12beta4 - postgresql-server-devel requires krb5-devel- Rebase to upstream beta release 12beta3- Rebase to upstream beta release 12beta2- Perl 5.30 rebuild- Rebase to upstream release 11.3 update postgresql-setup to 8.4 (related to rhbz#1668301)- Rebuild for readline 8.0- Rebase to upstream release 11.2- protect against building server against older libpq library- Rebuilt for build with ICU support, to provide more opt-in collations- Rebuilt for (#1666033)- Rebase to upstream release 11.1 build also contrib *plpython3 modules- new upstream release, per release notes: build without postgresql-libs; libraries moved to libpq and libecpg- devel subpackage provides postgresql-server-devel and libecpg-devel (first step for rhbz#1618698)- packaging cleanup - devel subpackage to provide libpq-devel (first step for rhbz#1618698)- update to 10.5 per release notes: new postgresql-setup, the %postgresql_tests* macros now start the build-time server on random port number- Rebuilt for drop ppc64 patch, gcc is already fixed (rhbz#1544349) - move pg_config*.mo files into devel subpackage- re-enable -O3 for 64bit PPC boxes - explicitly set PYTHON=python2, /bin/python doesn't exist fc29+- Perl 5.28 rebuild- Perl 5.28 rebuild- Rebuilt for Python 3.7- update to 10.4 per release notes: pltcl: drop tcl-pltcl dependency (rhbz#1571181)- upgrade: package plpython*.so modules- upgrade: package and - upgrade: package contrib modules - upgrade: drop dynamic libraries- define %precise_version helper macro - drop explicit provide from *-libs - update postgresql-setup tarball - add postgresql-test-rpm-macros package- update to 10.3 per release notes: update to 10.2 per release notes: Rebuilt for switch to libxcrypt- configure with --with-systemd (rhbz#1414314) - disable startup timeout of PostgreSQL service (rhbz#1525477)- unify %configure options for python2/python3 configure - drop --with-krb5 option, not supported since PostgreSQL 9.4 - python packaging - requires/provides s/python/python2/- postgresql-setup v7.0- update to 10.1 per release notes: rebase to new postgresql-setup 6.0 version, to fix CVE-2017-15097- confess that we bundle setup scripts and previous version of ourseleves - provide %postgresql_upgrade_prefix macro- stricter separation of files in upgrade/upgrade-devel- support for upgrade with extenstions i.e the postgresql-upgrade-devel subpackage was added (rhbz#1475177)- update to 10.0 per release notes: move %_libdir/pgsql into *-libs subpackage- update to 9.6.5 per release notes: update to 9.6.4 per release notes: Rebuilt for Rebuilt for drop perl rpath patch;* is now in %_libdir (rhbz#1474417)- don't provide soname- drop the __os_install_post redefinition hack- drop -DLINUX_OOM_SCORE_ADJ=0 define from CFLAGS (rhbz#1110969, rhbz#1436554)- Perl 5.26 rebuild- fix indentation issues in hstore_plperlu test-case (rhbz#1453111)- update to 9.6.3 per release notes: rebase to postgresql-setup 5.1- spring cleanup- rebuild for rhbz#1436006- update to 9.6.2 per release notes: - remove mistakenly isntalled libpgfeutils.a- Rebuild for readline 7.x- Rebuild for Python 3.6- update to 9.6.1 per release notes: - add script - remove plpython build hack, fixed upstream - remove aarch64 and ppc64p7 hacks, fixed by the %configure call- rebase the postgresql-setup tarball- update to 9.6.0 per release notes: update to 9.5.4 per release notes: use multilib-rpm-config package for multilib hacks- Perl 5.24 rebuild- update to 9.5.3 per release notes: fix the test subpackage, pg_regress now uses --bindir- update to 9.5.2 per release notes package static libraries without dynamic counterparts (rhbz#784281)- update to 9.5.1 per release notes Rebuilt for update to 9.5.0 per release notes - update postgresql-setup to v4.0 to reflect new packaging style- fixed problem with xml2 test (rhbz#1286692)- fixed short-circuit build- fix testsuite failure with new Python 3.5 (rhbz#1280404)- Rebuilt for devel package should not require the main package (rhbz#1272219) - multilib fix, more general solution (rhbz#1190346)- update to 9.4.5 per release notes postgresql-setup rebase to 3.4 (rhbz#1265319, rhbz#1247477)- enable hardening (safe for kernel 4.1+) (see rhbz#952946 comment #24)- install README.rpm-dist properly (rhbz#1249708)- revert/fix part of e6acde1a9 commit related to multilib hack (rhbz#1242873)- Rebuilt for fix for Perl 5.22 rebase (rhbz#1231279)- update to 9.4.4 per release notes Perl 5.22 rebuild- update to 9.4.3 per release notes update to 9.4.2 per release notes make the %check phase more verbose for FAIL cases - don't FTBFS on f23+ where hardening is on by default- update to postgresql-setup 3.3- Adding tcl-pgtcl into Requires of -tcl subpackage- update to 9.4.1 per release notes sort file lists alphabetically- update to 9.4.0 per release notes print regression.diffs contents to stdout (#1118392)- be forgiving of variant spellings of locale names in pg_upgrade (#1007802)- postgresql-setup & relatives are now in separate tarball- Perl 5.20 rebuild- install macros.postgresql, not postgresql.macros- Rebuilt for fix the prevversion sum link and comment a little- update to 9.3.5 per release notes provide postgresql-doc for postgresql-docs package (#1086420) - move html documentation to *-docs subpackage (#1086420) - provide postgresql-server(:MODULE_COMPAT_%{postgresql_major}) to guard against incompatible plugin installation (#1008939)- OOM handling compatible with 9.5+, by Tom Lane (#1110969)- Rebuilt for Rebuild for Python 3.4- Change plpython_do test a bit so it is universal for all python versions- Rebuilt for set basic $PATH when it is empty or unset, (#1097317)- update to 9.3.4 minor version per release notes: Fix WAL replay of locking an updated tuple kudos to Alvaro Herrera- update to 9.3.3 minor version per release notes: postgresql-setup: typos- add PGSETUP_PGUPGRADE_OPTIONS env var for postgresql-setup- fix the postgresql-setup --version option- postgresql-setup(upgrade): don't stop old server when it can not be started - postgresql-setup(initdb, upgrade): add $PGSETUP_INITDB_OPTIONS - postgresql-setup: do not pretend 'sh' compatibility - move script generation to proper place - postgresql-setup: document a little and genrate manual page- build with -O3 on ppc64 (private #1051075)- lint the postgresql-setup script- don't fail if user has badly configure 'postgres' user access (#1040364)- update to 9.3.2 minor version per release notes: the prevversion (see package upgrade process) is updated from 9.2.4 to 9.2.5- update to 9.3.1 minor version per release notes: update to 9.3 major version per release notes: upgrade: stop old server in case of permissions problem (#896161)- disable aggressive loop optimizations for old codebase (#993532)- generate links docdir links in postgresql-check-db-dir correctly (#994048)- allow `rpmbuild -bi --short-circuit`- Rebuilt for split aarch64 patch to allow build without postgresql-upgrade- fix testsuite to allow build against Perl 5.18- Perl 5.18 rebuild- do not use -b for manual page fixes- fix README.rpm-dist for the bug (#969050) - replace hard-wired path with %{_datadir}- add atomic operations support for aarch64 to preupgrade version also (#970661) - apply the forgotten man-page-day patch (#948933)- added patch for manual pages (#948933)- postgresql-setup: don't create whole path to server's data to make sure that the parent directory has correct permissions (#972425)- fix rpmlint warnings - fix aarch64 build by defining missing atomic operations (#970661)- Update to PostgreSQL 9.2.4, for various fixes described at including the fixes for CVE-2013-1899, CVE-2013-1900, CVE-2013-1901 Resolves: #929223, #929255, #929328 - fix build for aarch64 and ppc64p7- Update to PostgreSQL 9.2.3, for various fixes described at including the fix for CVE-2013-0255 Resolves: #908722 - Make the package build with selinux option disabled Resolves: #894367 - Include old version of pg_controldata in postgresql-upgrade subpackage Related: #896161- Prevent creation of TCP socket during pg_upgrade regression test, so that concurrent RPM builds on the same machine won't fail Resolves: #891531 - Make sure $PGDATA/pg_log/ gets the right SELinux label in postgresql-setup Resolves: #891547- Make building of plpython3 dependent on Fedora version, per guidelines Resolves: #888419- Update to PostgreSQL 9.2.2, for various fixes described at - Use new systemd install/uninstall trigger macros conditionally, so that package can still be installed on pre-F18 branches- Update to PostgreSQL 9.2.1, for various fixes described at including a nasty data-loss bug - Adopt new systemd macros for server package install/uninstall triggers Resolves: #850277- Update to PostgreSQL 9.2.0 (major version bump); in-place upgrade support now works from 9.1.x as the previous version - Add postgresql-plpython3 subpackage with PL/Python built against Python 3- Remove unnecessary ldconfig calls in pre/post triggers Resolves: #849344- Update to PostgreSQL 9.1.5, for various fixes described at including the fixes for CVE-2012-3488, CVE-2012-3489- Back-port upstream support for postmaster listening on multiple Unix sockets - Configure postmaster to create sockets in both /var/run/postgresql and /tmp; the former is now the default place for libpq to contact the postmaster. Resolves: #825448 - Annotate postgresql.conf about not setting port number there - Minor specfile cleanup per suggestions from Tom Callaway Related: #845110- Rebuilt for Update code to use oom_score_adj not oom_adj, thereby suppressing whining in the kernel log - Add "legacy action" scripts to support "service postgresql initdb" and "service postgresql upgrade" in a now-approved fashion (requires a recent version of initscripts to work) Resolves: #800416- Perl 5.16 rebuild- Update to PostgreSQL 9.1.4, for various fixes described at including the fixes for CVE-2012-2143, CVE-2012-2655 Resolves: #826606 - Update previous version (embedded in postgresql-upgrade) to 9.0.8 because fix in whole-row variable dumping could be needed for upgrades - Revert fix for bug #800416, per fedora-packaging discussion at "service postgresql initdb" is dead and will stay that way- Fix postgresql-setup to rely on systemd to parse the unit file, instead of using ad-hoc code Resolves: #804290- Fix postgresql-setup to look for unit file in /usr/lib and to ignore comments therein Resolves: #802835 - Resurrect a now-mostly-dummy postgresql init script, so that people can keep on using "service postgresql initdb" if they wish Resolves: #800416- Update to PostgreSQL 9.1.3, for various fixes described at including the fixes for CVE-2012-0866, CVE-2012-0867, CVE-2012-0868 Resolves: #797918- Make systemd unit file more user-friendly by resurrecting the old init script's checks for data directory presence and version match Resolves: #771496- Update to PostgreSQL 9.1.2, for various fixes described at Create a symlink of pg_regress instead of full copy; Don't strip symbols from regress libs Related: #729012- Update to PostgreSQL 9.1.1, for various fixes described at - Enable build (but not test) of contrib/sepgsql - Clean up specfile build options so that turning options off works again- Update to PostgreSQL 9.1.0 (major version bump); in-place upgrade support now works from 9.0.x as the previous version- Convert to systemd startup support Resolves: #696427- Perl mass rebuild- Perl mass rebuild- Remove erroneously-included Default-Start line from LSB init block Related: #717024- Perl mass rebuild - incorporate upstream patch to make it build with Perl 5.14- Work around gcc 4.6.0 bug (temporary backport from next upstream release)- Add LSB init block to initscript, to ensure sane ordering at system boot Resolves: #703215- Update to PostgreSQL 9.0.4, for various fixes described at - Add %{?_isa} to cross-subpackage Requires, per latest packaging guidelines- Rebuilt for Remove, which doesn't seem to be needed now that PyGreSQL has been split out; and our use of it isn't compatible with rpm 4.9 anyway- Update to PostgreSQL 9.0.3, for various fixes described at including the fix for CVE-2010-4015 Resolves: #674296- Update to PostgreSQL 9.0.2 (major version bump) - Create infrastructure for in-place database upgrade using pg_upgrade Resolves: #398221- Update to PostgreSQL 8.4.6, for various fixes described at - Ensure we don't package any .gitignore files from the source tarball Related: #642210- Update to PostgreSQL 8.4.5, for various fixes described at including the fix for CVE-2010-3433 Related: #639371 - Add -p "$pidfile" to initscript's status call to improve corner cases. Related: #561010- Rebuilt for - Duplicate COPYRIGHT in -libs subpackage, per revised packaging guidelines- Mass rebuild with perl-5.12.0- Update to PostgreSQL 8.4.4, for various fixes described at including fixes for CVE-2010-1169 and CVE-2010-1170 Resolves: #593032- Update to PostgreSQL 8.4.3, for various fixes described at Bring init script into some modicum of compliance with Fedora/LSB standards Resolves: #201043- adjust license tag to reflect OSI decision- Emit explicit error message if user tries to build RPM as root Related: #558921- Latest version of systemtap needs the probes.o file to be built again Resolves: #557266 - Provide script and instructions for building the documentation PDF- Arrange for the postmaster, but not any of its child processes, to be run with oom_adj -17. This compensates for the OOM killer not being smart about accounting for shared memory usage.- Remove the postgresql-python and postgresql-tcl subpackages. These files are now broken out as their own packages (PyGreSQL and tcl-pgtcl, respectively), to reflect the now longstanding split of upstream projects. Related: #452306, #452321- Remove static libraries (.a files) from package, per packaging guidelines - Change %define to %global, per packaging guidelines- Update to PostgreSQL 8.4.2, for various fixes described at including two security issues Related: #546321 Related: #547662 - Use -N not the obsolete -n in useradd call Resolves: #495727 - Clean up specfile to eliminate rpmlint gripes, mainly by removing no-longer-needed provisions for superseding rh-postgresql- rebuild against perl 5.10.1- add sparc/sparc64 to multilib header support- Ensure pgstartup.log gets the right ownership/permissions during initdb Resolves: #498959- Use password-auth common PAM configuration instead of system-auth- Update to PostgreSQL 8.4.1, for various fixes described at including two security issues Related: #522085 Related: #522092- bump release and build again with the correct libssl- disable dtrace on s390x as a workaround until #520469 has been fixed- rebuilt with new openssl- update License tag to MIT (PostgreSQL calls it "BSD", but it is MIT) - Note: This changes nothing from a license compatibility perspective.- Update to PostgreSQL 8.4.0. See release notes at Rebuilt for Update to PostgreSQL 8.3.7, for various fixes described at notably the fix for CVE-2009-0922- Prevent dependent packages from needing to include sys/sdt.h (unintended side effect of previous patch) - Use -O1 on alpha, per report from Oliver Falk; -O2 tickles gcc bugs- Enable tracing via systemtap Resolves: #488941- Rebuilt for Update to PostgreSQL 8.3.6, for various fixes described at use -O1 on sparc64- rebuild with new openssl- Rebuild for Python 2.6- Update to PostgreSQL 8.3.5. - Improve display from init script's initdb action, per Michael Schwendt- Update to PostgreSQL 8.3.4.- Fix build failure caused by new default patch fuzz = 0 policy in rawhide.- Install Pgtcl in /usr/lib/tcl$TCL_VERSION, not directly in /usr/lib. Needed because tcl 8.5 no longer puts /usr/lib into its package search path. NOTE: do not back-port this change into branches using pre-8.5 tcl, because /usr/lib/tcl8.4 had been a symlink to /usr/share/tcl8.4, and /usr/share is exactly where we must not put Pgtcl. Resolves: #228263- Update to PostgreSQL 8.3.3. - Remove postgresql-prefer-ncurses.patch, no longer needed in recent Fedora releases because libtermcap is gone.- rebuild because of buildsystem hiccup- Enable LDAP support Resolves: #445315 - Use -Wl,--as-needed to suppress bogus dependencies for libraries that are really only needed by some of the subpackages- Fix build breakage on PPC due to incorrect configure test Related: #444317- Clean up cross-subpackage Requires: to ensure that updating any one subpackage brings in the matching versions of others. Resolves: #444271- Update to PostgreSQL 8.3.1.- add Requires for versioned perl ( Enable the new GSSAPI support in 8.3.0.- Update to PostgreSQL 8.3.0.- Update to PostgreSQL 8.3RC2 (not waiting for 8.3.0 because Fedora 9 alpha should be 8.3-based not 8.2-based). - Update to pgtcl 1.6.2- Update to PostgreSQL 8.2.6 to fix CVE-2007-4769, CVE-2007-4772, CVE-2007-6067, CVE-2007-6600, CVE-2007-6601 - Make initscript and pam config files be installed unconditionally; seems new buildroots don't necessarily have those directories in place- Rebuild for new openssl- Update to PostgreSQL 8.2.5 and pgtcl 1.6.0- Fix multilib problem for /usr/include/ecpg_config.h (which is new in 8.2.x)- Use nicer solution for tzdata file substitution: upstream discussion concluded that hardwiring the path was better than a symlink after all.- Use tzdata package's data files instead of private copy, so that postgresql-server need not be turned for routine timezone updates - Don't remove postgres user/group during RPM uninstall, per Fedora packaging guidelines - Seems we need an explicit BuildRequires on gawk now - Rebuild to fix Fedora toolchain issues- Recent perl changes in rawhide mean we need a more specific BuildRequires- Fix oversight in postgresql-test makefile: pg_regress isn't a shell script anymore. Per upstream bug 3398.- Update to PostgreSQL 8.2.4 for CVE-2007-2138, data loss bugs Resolves: #237682- rebuild with tcl-8.4- Update to PostgreSQL 8.2.3 due to regression induced by security fix Resolves: #227522- Update to PostgreSQL 8.2.2 to fix CVE-2007-0555, CVE-2007-0556 Related: #225496- Split -pl subpackage into three new packages to reduce dependencies and track upstream project's packaging.- Update to PostgreSQL 8.2.1 - Update to pgtcl 1.5.3 - Be sure we link to libncurses, not libtermcap which is disappearing in Fedora- rebuild for python 2.5- Update to PostgreSQL 8.2.0 - Update to PyGreSQL 3.8.1 - Fix chcon arguments in test/regress/Makefile Related: #201035 - Adjust init script to not fool /etc/rc.d/rc Resolves: #161470 - Change init script to not do initdb automatically, but require manual "service postgresql initdb" for safety. Per upstream discussions.- rebuild- Update to PostgreSQL 8.1.4 (includes fixes for CVE-2006-2313, CVE-2006-2314; see bug #192173) - Update to PyGreSQL 3.8 - Suppress noise from chcon, per bug #187744- Remove JDBC from this build; we will package it as separate SRPM- rebump for build order issues during double-long bump- Update to PostgreSQL 8.1.3 (fixes bug #180617, CVE-2006-0553) - Update to jdbc driver build 405 - Modify multilib header hack to not break non-RH arches, per bug #177564- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- Update to PostgreSQL 8.1.2 - Repair extraneous quote in pgtcl configure script ... odd that bash didn't use to spit up on this.- fix pg_config.h for 64-bit and ppc platforms - update Makefile.regress (needs to --load-language=plpgsql)- oops, looks like we want uname -i not uname -m- Update to PostgreSQL 8.1.1 - Make pg_config.h architecture-independent for multilib installs; put the original pg_config.h into pg_config_$ARCH.h- rebuilt- Update included PDF-format manual to 8.1.- Rebuild due to openssl library update.- Rebuild due to openssl library update.- Update to PostgreSQL 8.1.0, PyGreSQL 3.7, and jdbc driver build 404 - Fix PAM config file (must have account not only auth) (bug #167040) - Add BuildPrereq: libxslt-devel (bug #170141) - Sync with PGDG SRPM as much as feasible- use include instead of pam_stack in pam config- Add rpath to (bug #162198)- Update to PostgreSQL 8.0.4, PyGreSQL 3.6.2, and jdbc driver build 312 - Adjust pgtcl link command to ensure it binds to correct libpq (bug #166665) - Remove obsolete Conflicts: against other python versions (bug #166754) - Add /etc/pam.d/postgresql (bug #167040) - Include contrib/xml2 in build (bug #167492)- Update to PostgreSQL 8.0.3 (includes security and data-loss fixes; see bz#156727, CAN-2005-1409, CAN-2005-1410) - Update to jdbc driver build 311 - Recreate postgres user after superseding an rh-postgresql install (bug #151911) - Ensure postgresql server is restarted if running during an upgrade- rebuild for postgresql-tcl- Update to PostgreSQL 8.0.2.- Remove unwanted rpath specification from pgtcl (bz#150649)- Attach Obsoletes: declarations for rh-postgresql to subpackages (bz#144435) - Make Requires: and Prereq: package linkages specify release not only version, as per recent mailing list discussion.- rebuild with openssl-0.9.7e- Repair improper error message in init script when PGVERSION doesn't match. - Arrange for auto update of version embedded in init script.- Update to PostgreSQL 8.0.1. - Add versionless symlinks to jar files (bz#145744)- Update to PostgreSQL 8.0.0, PyGreSQL 3.6.1, pgtcl 1.5.2, and jdbc driver build 309. - Extensive cleanout of obsolete cruft in patch set. - Regression tests are run during RPM build (NOTE: cannot build as root when this is enabled). - Postmaster stderr goes someplace useful, not /dev/null (bz#76503, #103767) - Make init script return a useful exit status (bz#80782) - Move docs' tutorial directory to %{_libdir}/pgsql/tutorial, since it includes .so files that surely do not belong under /usr/share. - Remove useless .sgml files from docs RPM (bz#134450) - Put regression tests under /usr/lib64 on 64-bit archs, since .so files are not architecture-independent.- Rebuilt for new readline.- Add restorecon to postgresql.init in order to restore database to correct - SELinux context.- Update to PyGreSQL 3.6 (to fix bug #142711) - Adjust a few file permissions (bug #142431) - Assign %{_libdir}/pgsql to base package instead of -server (bug #74003)- Rebuild so python components play with python 2.4 (bug 139160)- Update to PostgreSQL 7.4.6 (bugs 136947, 136949) - Make init script more paranoid about mkdir step of initializing a new database (bugs 136947, 136949)- Remove contrib/oidjoins stuff from installed fileset; it's of no use to ordinary users and has a security issue (bugs 136300, 136301) - adjust chkconfig priority (bug 128852)- Solve the stale lockfile problem (bugs 71295, 96981, 134090) - Use runuser instead of su for SELinux (bug 134588)- Update to PyGreSQL 3.5.- Update to PostgreSQL 7.4.5. - Update JDBC jars to driver build 215. - Add Obsoletes: entries for rh-postgresql packages, per bug 129278.- Undo ill-considered chkconfig change that causes server to start immediately upon install. Mea culpa (bug 127552).- Update JDBC jars to driver build 214.- Update to PostgreSQL 7.4.3. - Uninstalling server RPM stops postmaster first, per bug 114846. - Fix su commands to not assume PG user's shell is sh-like, per bug 124024. - Fix permissions on postgresql-python doc files, per bug 124822. - Minor postgresql.init improvements.- rebuilt- Update to PostgreSQL 7.4.2; sync with community SRPM as much as possible. - Support PGOPTS from /etc/sysconfig/pgsql, per bug 111504. - Fix permissions on /etc/sysconfig/pgsql, per bug 115278. - SELinux patch in init file: always su ^d|Nڜ7h ~a$:$i/%:L&/T)]TD9 ٓo/qfv"07(cu)Iǚ 8y3aBju}ME7LV+ UlYOֺ[A]=t=e(n-1-}1㶌/R!ni[kw="vS^*2h󵛠[0b"B)`ovc8z)PO?g$Exq2b )w1})\kne>`ܡIBbwU3u`iyխŹG/ 'V>VOӣ$'Sgֿ#DN- h]'ȝVFz9RR3[6͞B-ǩ?Z\T-BB\>~/YqqXpF C!I/~,iմ;&C=_l/-a5|G zaE.}֦Y*pcwѪ? g?YA @?WxS8s=Fi7l4 4L[FKdm1a{=X}WD ~TlL(&E^(gH#J[:fih# vkpc"?O]ipjL ڌɋWD]Y?s]gمQ1;A+ S2~w5X2@ Ltp_^֏'>[f @XVe>!AW+Wd]^_1Ֆkrin5D%z[zURf,*LZ`ځ?xrK;ހ&+U:FlY5O;Z#ItL0XΣf3ʻ~L12kSI7gFT'Y%&.Jn^kPFŹW!"ƩWYl~^ -r; ]`- ٽ0pWxP^-ns<O}\zq-J~3rb{ğq+biz77`}4_J hPy>y5\Okp\'+s~$Eo4LIdZÍ-92KJ)ݘ][ڕ?tJ.hH$av #ֆ `XK3G^ #MJUH,L{f$@*wM)6ueQ5j*rf80/Nt$mY=uEQou1ۚ NDO!+^Y>Ǎ=㌿8)n$o<-hi(Z+DM)(4K$ 6!6̪ 58Otv=Q:=caۂ 9^E ub-JyO!Է rUsπ} [Fdݩ,ӿ=tb`a>T-'}ך] c.{m[M6z>Yȏ1av%$aFd Zń2ɺu+*IafwVeP3j%vr .%YKg(ad\Rs\RqLE*"\{.|;ƍ׫lʎ@ Ï|nKty Lsx}wMٸzb䶏> aRUAԪ'ѥy/gxOo EcًFx%5?G?fu9|r(^^J&H=66Q46]8;F+|tiQp ZB<ݝ_IeQaB|Cm~ +u9C Moc]ى3Z<ئ FT.B )0*e=f-f}~I,c%ƽ8@T?ϓ4PlTa4YF KSN[͘gGؔ<dEb16>m@)  A }^+꟝6s1p 'TE`Vx9 U)m-/O)>К}Ɓ$Ǭ\|1& B#wv(G9eQ, TbaaPY} :7:KaI;7:z/ÕEtl=f=.S<(o&a\̬)@ >'mيNiB۝SK0?)?6WNlI[rҞoT-jT$y(;uQ?^ }:3L~  ~1׀*0OlSRۉ,!Ǯ~%C)dtȘwT+a>Kx#jE\&kC3o*$o@m}ܒLo[W~Qɽy(4DSΒa'[^Oc~p[ nWMݘYA}gzV7 ^.5AV|@ʉ;u"K o* DQ{Oe ?B %H's:xs۷"Ōq4bYE"jtQ(B9]&>qׁوiW q IZ+$ ?@5ʢ b+V!OVr/kJT)0;ikpg ASYT>zWִUP4vUJzHiAɧwāL{wx}>FE_2Ghh1{!Wx~Ii5mniEElFQOY?dU ]$3x–=8PAFRK},.WAu= -YHQ9^le\$*e=#˼Lo78e*׃n +~MF8kVcj`C4MVX\|Qe0XZf3w!L9C3*X@;\N50+#'AZ ^,ch&eKg'E&֋oNr׏"TjVx8Uʶk ƌk,-z{Ii ޗJ<CTǎ"=cC nͩğꨞ7hk!Ɗ'Ў/L*d-R0ψ%h6xmZAG"*;d Mo}Ȭ/:iSiYBby8en|kF`@e̍/D*}, 6p)]7#p1ȚDduQ^^`Vrx?Q3ĴVsD~'|EȠ|-C G+iH15UB9B4u̵CV{&Ȇ)ꦈ5҃5ku/a@!?l/ kdZˍL,8 q"-s|G\8D+&!=E|(HNd=T'P+:L2GlLpqL i`B۹GN*FU x dx 23)Sb0Y(Ǚq NOC@N֜++N<T8TlQ1v>`l_.b;2`?3٨e$gr   Mک\*v\/B2rغ:#CIsޓgN:XPǯ'M$mDĿgEkQW_-cZOD "v%)9%IA`vop䉷OC^|O3L۫4MY2]޾WWZCiAY*xH.`@{(nTqv",lEy4_pW `dڑ 6B05 @I:nax_Ur 4?H(X- uA/M`0'lǚ ^ )NkS(OaC[ئu}pA!j 'l,I5Q˨~}]yC6DM}_k:s"c>=׽޶95v`-:KewN}$1ݘaUR1c. 8AJ<+lˌ۶L4-  ANxwm$P-˩6>%]ff9l6[T#ͳ:4uj*׼淇؃䶎cC7l{~YxS|%8rf<B'Smn/DB`& a14ψ9T;mؿZ c*](hc> ~ķEn%MkSCG=M1nHUxh8s3bO`, hPT:3Jrp%SMCXYCps[忲4bB KNЧVkl9zZe:V>DLI@ɯ #A5OڼnW[zBrOJNls+ތGֶdĠsv պnc6(_ZbRo|帅&!G6z;CAGZVT;L`Q"r{C`Dɲ pDZ?M&O7 Dhd|W$º<TK W}-!݃%G& 0XPMEnɧ3E-&}jV99-i"M46㑈^/A&/ڋ QK|6pO=4>HY?jwx&,~i%ىcJ1H?+4ߍl~.AYh 28ƻN X ‚ޞe9O! 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