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4.99.2-2Rex Dieter - 4.99.2-1Wim Taymans - 4.0-12.gitf81e3Rex Dieter - 4.0-11.gitf81e3Rex Dieter - 4.0-10.gitf81e3Rex Dieter - 4.0-9.gitf81e3Rex Dieter - 4.0-8.gitf81e3Rex Dieter - 4.0-7.gitf81e3Rex Dieter - 4.0-6.gitf81e3 Rex Dieter - 4.0-5.gitf81e3Kalev Lember - 4.0-4.gita89caKalev Lember - 4.0-3.gitbf9b3Fedora Release Engineering - 4.0-2Peter Robinson 4.0-1Rex Dieter 3.99.2-2Peter Robinson 3.99.2-1Rex Dieter 3.99.1-1Rex Dieter 3.0-7Rex Dieter 3.0-6Ville Skyttä - 3.0-5Rex Dieter 3.0-4Rex Dieter 3.0-3Dan Horák 3.0-2Rex Dieter 3.0-1Peter Robinson 2.99.3-1Dan Horák 2.1-4Dan Horák 2.1-3Debarshi Ray 2.1-2Rex Dieter 2.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0-4Kalev Lember - 2.0-3Kay Sievers - 2.0-2Rex Dieter 2.0-1Matthias Clasen - 1.1-9Bruno Wolff III - 1.1-8Bruno Wolff III - 1.1-7Dan Horák - 1.1-6Fedora Release Engineering - 1.1-5Adam Jackson 1.1-4Rex Dieter 1.1-3Rex Dieter 1.1-2Lennart Poettering - 1.1-1- Add pulseaudio-daemon' Provides + Conflicts only on fedora - Resolves: rhbz#1924094- Update to 14.0 - Add pulseaudio-daemon' Provides + Conflicts to support swapping with PipeWire - Resolves: rhbz#1906322- Update to 13.99.1 - Resolves: rhbz#1817378- Add xauthority parameter to X11 modules - Fix compilation against newer alsa-lib - Resolves: rhbz#1723065- Use python3 version of qt5 - Resolves: rhbz#1591134- Fix port to qt5. - Resolves: rhbz#1591134- Fix dbus-python dependency- fixed bz#1580853, FTBFS- manually package sockets.target.wants/pulseaudio.socket to help handle socket activation on upgrades- omit -gdm-hooks, moved to gdm (f28+)- skip patch93, seems to cause crashes w/headphone jacks (#1544507,#1551270,#1554035)- Fixup ldconfig scriptlets- use %make_build, %make_install - enable systemd socket/service activation on f28+ (and disable autospawn)- use %license, %ldconfig_scriptlets - use better upstream patch for exit-idle-time- BR: gcc-c++- Escape macros in %changelog- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild- backport upstream fixes: memfd, qpape PyQt5 port- exit-idle-time = 4 (#1510301) - f28+ ftbfs: memfd_create conflicts - drop getaffinity.patch (no longer needed) - enable webrtc support for all archs - make tests non-fatal on i686,s390x- backport 'pa_sink_input_assert_ref()' crashfix (#1472285) - --disable-tcpwrap on f28+ (#1518777)- Fix pa crashing on Bay- and Cherry-Trail devices- actually install new dell-dock-tb16-usb-audio.conf alsa profile (#1492344)- experimental fixes bluetooth profile switching (f28+ only, fdo#93898)- include experiemental Intel HDMI LPE fixes (fdo#100488)- backport some alsa-mixer related fixes (#1492344)- pulseaudio-11.1- pulseaudio-11.0- Enable pulseaudio-module-bluetooth on s390x- Remove /var/run/pulse and /var/lib/pulse, they are directories in tmpfs- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuild with binutils fix for ppc64le (#1475636)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild- pulseaudio-10.99.1 (#1474559)- Add flatpak access control- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild- Fix the build on RHEL- Update to 10.0- pulseaudio-9.99.1 (#1409939) - %check: use %_smp_mflags- pulseaudio-9.0- enable %check - fix bz#1345826, only start threads on activ CPUs- %check: make non-fatal, echo test-suite.log on failure (#1345826)- pulseaudio-8.99.2- re-enable webrtc support (arm,x86_64 only for now)- pulseaudio-8.99.1 (#1335527) - disable webrtc support for now (waiting on #1335536)- use %tests macro, enable systemd socket activation (#1265720)- respin disable_flat_volumes.patch harder- respin disable_flat_volumes.patch- RFE: Disable PulseAudio's flat volumes f24+ (#1265267)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild- own /var/run/pulse (#1173811)- pulseaudio-8.0 (#1301040)- pulseaudio-7.99.2 (#1297774)- pulseaudio-7.99.1 (8.0 rc1) (#1294555)- pulseaudio-7.1 (#1276811)- apply srbchannel patch- backport srbchannel crasher fix- PulseAudio doesn't load locales (fdo#92142)- pulseaudio-7.0- 6.99.2 (#1262579)- enable libsoxr support- 6.99.1 (#1257770)- autostart.patch: fix stdout/stderr redirection- fix resampler-related build dependencies (libsamplerate/speex) (#1239208)- better autostart.patch, handle case were autospawn is disabled (or otherwise doesn't work, like for root user)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild- pulseaudio 6.0 breaks 5.1 network sound configuration (#1230957)- Rebuilt for GCC 5 C++11 ABI change- duplicate directory between pulseaudio and pulseaudio-libs (#909690)- pulseaudio-6.0 (#1192384)- pulseaudio-5.99.3 (6.0-rc3) (#1184850)- fix changelog- pulseaudio-5.99.2 (6.0-rc2)- pulseaudio-5.99.1 (6.0-rc1)- artificially bump Release to 100, to ensure upgrade path- --disable-systemd-daemon, revert to autospawn mode- 20141103 327-gaec81 snapshot, pulseaudio socket activation support - use bash completionsdir- Really add pulse-rt group when needed (bug #885020)- BR: automake libtool (for bootstrap.sh)- snapshot, with wip bt headset2 patches (#1045548,#1067470)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt once more for libjson-c- Rebuild (libjson-c)- Provide padsp-32, /usr/bin/padsp is native arch only (#856146)- rtp-recv: fix crash on empty UDP packets (CVE-2014-3970,#1104835,#1108011) - name HDMI outputs uniquely- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild- always run tests, but don't fail the build on big endian arches (relates #1067470)- Pulse Audio settings lost after reboot / HDMI is set as default (#1035025)- drop Requires: kernel (per recent -devel ml thread)- 5.0 (#1072259)- disable make check on PPC* (rhbz #1067470)- -qpaeq subpkg (#1002585)- 4.99.4- 4.99.3- don't mark .desktop and dbus configurations as %config- 4.99.2 (#1057528)- Use the statically allocated UID and GID from /usr/share/doc/setup/uidgid (#1056656) - The pulse-rt group doesn't exist (#885020)- handle jack/lirc modules better (#1056619) - -libs-devel: own some dirs to avoid deps on cmake/vala - -module-bluetooth: make dep arch'd for consistency- enable hardened build (#983606)- X-KDE-autostart-phase=1- fix PACKAGE_VERSION- %build fix typo, explicitly --enable-tests- ship a single autostart file- fresh snapshot- Update to today's git snapshot - Backport a patch for pulseaudio crash at startup (#1000966)- Update to git snapshot bf9b3f0 for BlueZ 5 support- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild- New 4.0 stable release - http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Notes/4.0/- [RFE] Build with libcap (#969232)- pulseaudio-3.99.2 (#966631)- pulseaudio-3.99.1 (#952594) - RFE: Restore the pipe-sink and pipe-source modules (#958949) - prune (pre 1.x) changelog- pull a few more patches from upstream stable-3.x branch- default.pa: fix for renamed modules (#908117)- Own the %{_libdir}/pulseaudio dir. - Fix bogus %changelog dates.- alsa-mixer: Fix the analog-output-speaker-always path- move libpulsedsp plugin to -libs, avoids -utils multilib (#891425)- SBC is needed only when BlueZ is used- pulseaudio-3.0- PulseAudio 2.99.3 (3.0 rc3)- fix the with_webrtc condition- webrtc-aec is x86 and ARM only for now- Enable webrtc-aec- pulseaudio-2.1- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild- Move module-jackdbus-detect.so to -module-jack subpackage with the rest of the jack modules- rebuild for libudev1- pulseaudio-2.0- Don't load the ck module in gdm, either- Bring in Lennart's patch from f17 - Temporary fix for CK/systemd move (#794690)- Fix for building with gcc 4.7- rebuilt for json-c-0.9-4.fc17- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild- Fix RHEL build- Obsoletes: padevchooser < 1.0- -libs: Obsoletes: pulseaudio-libs-zeroconf - use versioned Obsoletes/Provides - tighten subpkg deps via %_isa - remove autoconf/libtool hackery- New upstream release14.0-2.el814.0-2.el8.build-id69187cded2a93f2bcd6bb0109944499e2814db32libpulse-mainloop-glib.so.0libpulse-mainloop-glib.so.0.0.6/usr/lib//usr/lib/.build-id//usr/lib/.build-id/69/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2i686-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=69187cded2a93f2bcd6bb0109944499e2814db32, strippedPPRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRR R R RRR RRRutf-87c1bfd7adb3c0f043ea42dfb9264b31305f7da910655efa47c9db30b268ec0dc?@7zXZ !#,Pk/] b2u jӫ`(y|$oc`rдr;B{jY)Ϸg k'Uub6Q5&30xeHR5f0\j;!.eeç~-ݔO[ҹfO8Lu0^jUC茗g S3!;DWjI/g4&Ac0Q*2ܒsZPkhujl,u,{M)2<ُ]_'%p<4#/Q&*~:EwQDGE#ʻ݄7hE]Yc};"aM^*Ȑh``ʨm=JOh~NBZT0"Z ag~KT4NSKїDn/㋿%əŅ)8sVr*Vp.FtyvL(2Ϗ 3?9/Q:֡((MH@f' XtՋlLCl2,57abWr/'^q,Qأ 1Twk=ovsvՕwGVpH"GkD9 9}ma9@X5/H X>v:+Qo|~ s1sݷ'M^v"U;#M_6aL{m]Jzz-4#Y)GeYD֣+ ӧp*wk>Til%o@f`c}A2ӰE b9R}+ۆNq@ TP7lhW(STXkcxAEI}&ި-;(k_C.\gm##GW ɋӭЩ(s $:{eP=]B#,_qP4B ĪX9`l k5II &14[SRŖn~=jhF݈1v{ꤲ:wb9:tٮ]~(xA-}q`iܻ8#D %^&u#8~@kE'&ߩߕ?{2+ n"G'tA7cN&;W sJn\#@#w~?,M+H*Z@{ if4 ƶhC 85;j+3P9{dTdAu.Oߡի[W0?WnEOSZ+aYl~nǦՕ !}U. w`;xaBLCaӷ8D[A =hfkNYcΧHtnJo2Xk|)58cˠ)QkpR5dS}x_6A=Oyzֿll# l(k: #/5tVj?A-8q>t%SPqNF1i$N{Fc-o`n5f.=]iKZj%byE$e>q{,VB56*tR C82v@{4Ov' sJ)m/fgmeзkD?nU~1f>($;9FnŵGfh@2xNXmrǬJZX?Ir,zʕwA[I=w'a\ z=wZ@d%QJo8yw;bvAA#&a8D _bFT#0>e1ǐVw"spWfo]3(Iy +:-9ϤP^+Km'(3n'.(T0dlF0xV,!6by\3uCu"+p/ p#iܠL!dqKwj螒/uߞ Hpc /T: _w㹈(Q:SUx <)^yⅽ1uiT3>tit&C1?{8: P\0zMW ;y%9pW<m"HJaz$KD'?yAX 0#5ހh>GgU$NZxC KxѣW`y?*)?Hs1iV+~21Fe6ãrEB Y,y>bB$G߈/`G!31ebk--OG؈v?#O3ҍgN>&J|EP/Cq5[!Ǜ Hyp+mpᑭ;1FS_ɏW g>qz:űA}*~c@!oXlJJW㳟ٙ1݌"R 0, Ǖ[Y;$^$_q+fя *}NV} ^BP&+9VP-wk')s9#&cMT!~o8rBۂ鴶D ;z^tvs5gLLX©=̀3 ˬ=,˯eHvjvY@ IzEH[A\yWOP5Ɯx_er3r p"Y-DGY)7}˅@-Hv K/7~˜|ӠO^v\Ê쾥U` o}`T .܅Bjs7H"R&nRUs'bچCdB5@j6E` 2VeΑ Z Ц4l>~ Ζ5[px5(xԇB08+pR*s2% sһ̏T}{Ƕ/pC-z8>e3`CA?uxP;dGdxS$&)@\O9_@?IFlywh7'qA73 qi(ɇKZB$!fRw{|FSW~".%Ѧ;:#g3/FMNf*StCXE7lf7& rD+ƸAy4XMc=l{^p`c)uku@C؊;3moCMU:kzȼKl5೻(Hԟ)|#Vw$9E˂gc-@,=}ثxxHI+lL<}Iߏ@>t{˓u>Jɫb!ah8VB isNZ`? %79W5}Q"(j5lDp #ףtkަ6'bw>#nLfS󀋰$!z&7ާĤb cNqm!S$v])6G &~n:%?m2 Wo? 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