python3-ipaclient-4.9.6-10.module_el8.5.0+1055+c415bbe9 >  A aU]fמ#;w kRV6T̺9GPĺ2՘,Oe15 %= >^붟RV(m ׼A\Wn.r_EƦq(:X,_׳R9Ə3+y&u LS@jyVevs*>6$wj.2xX"Soռtbl{VlܶG?/O CW?J-sz {$%l^Sѥևm̴wƷɰ2/MjLη {Kw1y%JIhi u%|Q&cY",L0$zr;PY6#XaلZ \Iuq&aZMI0O Sndsc^ي(0fZ"9r4mzǨmܱSfpebS"r=[Ed!zDdɔ>'Lvӯ\ x%EN6G?X9ӪgH3I _4ɳ@482612a6675541b2212c6109495c514b6ee57dc00827cdc15147f324b373c02ff4cd332612c98284a95fa912451135f68289fcf7 aU]/b(;FR Gl9VPV3\l,8͔AQRJҙZ!]es( 9AL<.T)@©<^(j]GH2[yYOӐ٩:n x/Ex=4Q6=$yӭ%x+\B1X`MIr/0vދZÁtH}//[_;l;0ZV)RZl7OoG~c$z`wкge畨4@ˡ~mdk'j|ya7LN*dnOfik˂4x̏YJ֚z^gj-z_%a+cN:.ݧo!@y o'QC$etD?f<~s5 RZ azk!?M\12}cQ51H :+ s]Mh|o ^V8d/쓥eB;t>p=?d : ^04PT[bi 8   %0  l"T H 5 (8q9q:`qGtHHI@X Y,\`]^bܘdefltudvwHxy @tx~Cpython3-ipaclient4.9.610.module_el8.5.0+1055+c415bbe9Python libraries used by IPA clientIPA is an integrated solution to provide centrally managed Identity (users, hosts, services), Authentication (SSO, 2FA), and Authorization (host access control, SELinux user roles, services). The solution provides features for further integration with Linux based clients (SUDO, automount) and integration with Active Directory based infrastructures (Trusts). If your network uses IPA for authentication, this package should be installed on every client machine.aaarch64-04.mbox.centos.orgrUCentOSCentOSGPLv3+CentOS Buildsys Unspecified qq78'++];7Gqq**FF7J7J  ??W[W[%%7%Ltg1r!1{{{BB((55NNzz__BB66qq55[[kkaa^^)'<H^T L! vsri N   FZFZEjEj^)^)kk,,%%`F`FB?B?U8U8EE'' | |hh25259:9:__77<7<7::NNKK..EE'_'_33??QOQOccII''ww`K`Kjjci_k&-5t)gq,9#~OsL5( _(e| |Ek.;1P$xb`~gb7*y:kNO   FZFZEjEj^^kkLL$$%%UUSSBaBaUZUZgg'&'& | |pcpc2W2W;[;[gWgW!S!S77  EE>>]]VV##ttKcKc==??RR%g%g{{GG0 0 77  6S6S""9977,M,MEqEq0066==11bb%S%Skk88]]c+V,3A)|O(`6)4uJI( [U&p?lLH$Q\Fwb'5O AA JN -KAA큤A큤A큤AA큤A큤A큤A큤A큤A큤a3a(a(a(a(a(`@W@V@VVZV@U@UYU@Uݪ@Uݪ@Uݪ@UoUU(UK@Ub@UJ@UU @U hTE@T T}TTZ@TZ@Tp@T5T@TuTto@TsTl@Td@Ta@T[bTG@TG@TFJT)IT%U@T$TSS:@S2@S1oS!S!S L@S L@Sc@SS @Rb@R@R@RUR@RRx@RR=RʚRƦ@RkRv@RG@RiRz/@RxRsRo@Ro@R^RW@RNR@-@R/ R-@R(r@R7RZ@R R R@R@R@R@R@R6QQQ'@Q@QvwQu&@Qm=@QZ@QVQ(@Q@PPPPPx@Px@PnPj@P\VPG>P@@P4P.2@PP @M6@M.@M.@M.@M-M M@L!LfLNLdLLLzLe3La?@LD>@L#HL#HL@K/KՀ@KK@KKs@Kie@K`*KK@K @JJ@J@J@JJB@J{IIIm@I1Iq@IKIFFI9I1.Ih@IIP@H@HXHO@H-w@H HHH@G߮GGgGs@G@G@G@G}G}G}GG@GC@GkGDG<4G)G(n@G3G@GJF@FS@FFuF@Rafael Jeffman - 4.9.6-10Rafael Jeffman - 4.9.6-9Alexander Bokovoy - 4.9.6-8Alexander Bokovoy - 4.9.6-7Thomas Woerner - 4.9.6-6Thomas Woerner - 4.9.6-5Thomas Woerner - 4.9.6-4Thomas Woerner - 4.9.6-3Thomas Woerner - 4.9.6-2Thomas Woerner - 4.9.6-1Thomas Woerner - 4.9.5-1Thomas Woerner - 4.9.3-1Alexander Bokovoy - 4.9.2-1Alexander Bokovoy - 4.9.1-1Thomas Woerner - 4.9.0-1Thomas Woerner - 4.9.0-0.5.rc3Alexander Bokovoy - 4.9.0-0.3.rc2Thomas Woerner - 4.9.0-0.2.rc2Thomas Woerner - 4.9.0-0.1.rc1Thomas Woerner - 4.9.0-0.rc1Thomas Woerner - 4.8.7-11Thomas Woerner - 4.8.7-10Thomas Woerner - 4.8.7-9Thomas Woerner - 4.8.7-8Thomas Woerner - 4.8.7-7Thomas Woerner - 4.8.7-6Thomas Woerner - 4.8.7-5Thomas Woerner - 4.8.7-4Thomas Woerner - 4.8.7-3Thomas Woerner - 4.8.7-2Thomas Woerner - 4.8.7-1Thomas Woerner - 4.8.6-2Thomas Woerner - 4.8.6-1Thomas Woerner - 4.8.4-6Thomas Woerner - 4.8.4-5Thomas Woerner - 4.8.4-4Alexander Bokovoy - 4.8.4-3Thomas Woerner - 4.8.4-2Thomas Woerner - 4.8.4-1Thomas Woerner - 4.8.3-3Thomas Woerner - 4.8.3-2Alexander Bokovoy - 4.8.3-1Alexander Bokovoy - 4.8.2-4Thomas Woerner - 4.8.2-3Thomas Woerner - 4.8.2-2Thomas Woerner - 4.8.2-1Thomas Woerner - 4.8.0-10Thomas Woerner - 4.8.0-9Thomas Woerner - 4.8.0-8Thomas Woerner - 4.8.0-7Thomas Woerner - 4.8.0-6Thomas Woerner - 4.8.0-5Alexander Bokovoy - 4.8.0-4Alexander Bokovoy - 4.8.0-3Thomas Woerner - 4.8.0-2Thomas Woerner - 4.8.0-1Alexander Bokovoy - 4.7.90-3Alexander Bokovoy - 4.7.90-2Thomas Woerner - 4.7.90-1Alexander Bokovoy - 4.7.1-12Rob Crittenden - 4.7.1-11Christian Heimes - 4.7.1-10Thomas Woerner - 4.7.1-9Christian Heimes - 4.7.1-8Thomas Woerner - 4.7.1-7.el8Lumír Balhar - 4.7.1-6.el8Alexander Bokovoy - 4.7.1-5.el8Alexander Bokovoy - 4.7.1-4.el8Thomas Woerner - 4.7.1-3.el8Alexander Bokovoy - 4.7.1-2.el8Alexander Bokovoy - 4.7.1-1.el8Tomas Orsava - 4.7.0-6.el8Rob Crittenden - 4.7.0-5.el8Rob Crittenden - 4.7.0-4.el8Thomas Woerner - 4.7.0-3.1.el8Thomas Woerner - 4.7.0-3.el8Alexander Bokovoy - 4.7.0-2.el8Rob Crittenden - 4.7.0-1.el8Rob Crittenden - 4.6.90.pre1-2.el8Rob Crittenden - 4.6.90.pre1-1.el8Troy Dawson - 4.5.4-5.el8.1Alexander Bokovoy - 4.5.4-5.el7Pavel Vomacka - 4.5.4-4.el7Rob Crittenden - 4.5.4-3.el7Felipe Barreto - 4.5.4-2.el7Pavel Vomacka - 4.5.4-1.el7Felipe Barreto - 4.5.0-21.el7.2.2Felipe Barreto - 4.5.0-21.el7.2Pavel Vomacka - 4.5.0-21.el7.1.2Pavel Vomacka - 4.5.0-21.el7.1.1Pavel Vomacka - 4.5.0-21.el7.1Pavel Vomacka - 4.5.0-21.el7Pavel Vomacka - 4.5.0-20.el7Pavel Vomacka - 4.5.0-19.el7Pavel Vomacka - 4.5.0-18.el7Pavel Vomacka - 4.5.0-17.el7Pavel Vomacka - 4.5.0-16.el7Pavel Vomacka - 4.5.0-15.el7Pavel Vomacka - 4.5.0-14.el7Pavel Vomacka - 4.5.0-13.el7Pavel Vomacka - 4.5.0-12.el7Jan Cholasta - 4.5.0-11.el7Jan Cholasta - 4.5.0-10.el7Jan Cholasta - 4.5.0-9.el7Jan Cholasta - 4.5.0-8.el7Jan Cholasta - 4.5.0-7.el7Pavel Vomacka - 4.5.0-6.el7Jan Cholasta - 4.5.0-5.el7Jan Cholasta - 4.5.0-4.el7Jan Cholasta - 4.5.0-3.el7Jan Cholasta - 4.5.0-2.el7Jan Cholasta - 4.5.0-1.el7Jan Cholasta - 4.4.0-14.7Jan Cholasta - 4.4.0-14.6Jan Cholasta - 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4.2.0-3Jan Cholasta - 4.2.0-2Jan Cholasta - 4.2.0-1Jan Cholasta - 4.2.0-0.2.alpha1Jan Cholasta - 4.2.0-0.1.alpha1Jan Cholasta - 4.1.0-18.3Alexander Bokovoy - 4.1.0-18.2Jan Cholasta - 4.1.0-18.1Martin Kosek - 4.1.0-18Jan Cholasta - 4.1.0-17Jan Cholasta - 4.1.0-16Jan Cholasta - 4.1.0-15Jan Cholasta - 4.1.0-14Jan Cholasta - 4.1.0-13Jan Cholasta - 4.1.0-12Jan Cholasta - 4.1.0-11Jan Cholasta - 4.1.0-10Jan Cholasta - 4.1.0-9Jan Cholasta - 4.1.0-8Jan Cholasta - 4.1.0-7Jan Cholasta - 4.1.0-6Jan Cholasta - 4.1.0-5Jan Cholasta - 4.1.0-4Jan Cholasta - 4.1.0-3Jan Cholasta - 4.1.0-2Jan Cholasta - 4.1.0-1Jan Cholasta - 4.1.0-0.1.alpha1Petr Vobornik - 4.0.3-3Jan Cholasta - 4.0.3-2Jan Cholasta - 4.0.3-1Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-29Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-28Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-27Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-26Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-25Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-24Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-23Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-22Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-21Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-20Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-19Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-18Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-17Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-16Daniel Mach - 3.3.3-15Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-14Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-13Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-12Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-11Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-10Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-9Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-8Daniel Mach - 3.3.3-7Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-6Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-5Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-4Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-3Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-2Martin Kosek - 3.3.3-1Martin Kosek - 3.3.2-5Martin Kosek - 3.3.2-4Martin Kosek - 3.3.2-3Martin Kosek - 3.3.2-2Martin Kosek - 3.3.2-1Martin Kosek - 3.3.1-5Martin Kosek - 3.3.1-4Martin Kosek - 3.3.1-3Martin Kosek - 3.3.1-2Rob Crittenden - 3.3.1-1Rob Crittenden - 3.3.0-7Martin Kosek - 3.3.0-6Martin Kosek - 3.3.0-5Martin Kosek - 3.3.0-4Martin Kosek - 3.3.0-3Martin Kosek - 3.3.0-2Martin Kosek - 3.3.0-1Martin Kosek - 3.3.0-0.2.beta2Martin Kosek - 3.3.0-0.1.beta2Martin Kosek - 3.2.2-1Martin Kosek - 3.2.1-1Rob Crittenden - 3.2.0-2Rob Crittenden - 3.2.0-1Rob Crittenden - 3.2.0-0.4.beta1Rob Crittenden - 3.2.0-0.3.beta1Rob Crittenden - 3.2.0-0.2.beta1Martin Kosek - 3.2.0-0.1.pre1Kevin Fenzi 3.1.2-4Kevin Fenzi - 3.1.2-3Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1.2-2Rob Crittenden - 3.1.2-1Martin Kosek - 3.1.0-2Rob Crittenden - 3.1.0-1Martin Kosek - 3.0.0-3Rob Crittenden - 3.0.0-2Rob Crittenden - 3.0.0-1Rob Crittenden - 3.0.0-0.10Martin Kosek - 3.0.0-0.9Rob Crittenden - 3.0.0-0.8Rob Crittenden - 3.0.0-0.7Rob Crittenden - 3.0.0-0.6Alexander Bokovoy - 3.0.0-0.5Rob Crittenden - 3.0.0-0.4Martin Kosek - 3.0.0-0.3Alexander Bokovoy - 3.0.0-0.2Rob Crittenden - 3.0.0-0.1Rob Crittenden - 2.2.0-1Rob Crittenden - 2.1.90-0.2Rob Crittenden - 2.1.90-0.1Alexander Bokovoy - 2.1.4-5Martin Kosek - 2.1.4-4Alexander Bokovoy - 2.1.4-3Alexander Bokovoy - 2.1.4-2Rob Crittenden - 2.1.4-1Rob Crittenden - 2.1.3-8Alexander Bokovoy - 2.1.3-7Alexander Bokovoy - 2.1.3-6Fedora Release Engineering - 2.1.3-5Alexander Bokovoy - 2.1.3-4Alexander Bokovoy - 2.1.3-3Alexander Bokovoy - 2.1.3-2Alexander Bokovoy - 2.1.3-1Alexander Bokovoy - 2.1.2-1Rob Crittenden - 2.1.0-1Simo Sorce - 2.0.1-2Rob Crittenden - 2.0.1-1Rob Crittenden - 2.0.0-1Rob Crittenden - 2.0.0-0.4.rc2Rob Crittenden - 2.0.0-0.3.rc1Rob Crittenden - 2.0.0-0.1.rc1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0.0-0.2.beta2Rob Crittenden - 2.0.0-0.1.beta2Rob Crittenden - 2.0.0-0.2.beta.git80e87e7Rob Crittenden - 2.0.0-0.1.beta.git80e87e7Rob Crittenden - 1.99-41Adam Young - 1.99-40Simo Sorce - 1.99-39Simo Sorce - 1.99-38Rob Crittenden - 1.99-37Rob Crittenden - 1.99-36Rob Crittenden - 1.99-35Jr Aquino - 1.99-34Simo Sorce - 1.99-33Rob Crittenden - 1.99-32Rob Crittenden - 1.99-31Rob Crittenden - 1.99-30Rob Crittenden - 1.99-29Rob Crittenden - 1.99-28Rob Crittenden - 1.99-27Rob Crittenden - 1.99-26Rob Crittenden - 1.99-25Adam Young - 1.99-24Rob Crittenden - 1.99-23Rob Crittenden - 1.99-22Rob Crittenden - 1.99-21Rob Crittenden - 1.99-20Rob Crittenden - 1.99-19Jason Gerard DeRose - 1.99-18Jason Gerard DeRose - 1.99-17Jason Gerard DeRose - 1.99-16Rob Crittenden - 1.99-15Jason Gerard DeRose - 1.99-14Rob Crittenden - 1.99-13Rob Crittenden - 1.99-12Rob Crittenden - 1.99-11Rob Crittenden - 1.99-10Rob Crittenden - 1.99-9Jason Gerard DeRose - 1.99-8Rob Crittenden - 1.99-7Rob Crittenden - 1.99-6Rob Crittenden - 1.99-5Rob Crittenden - 1.99-4Rob Crittenden - 1.99-3Rob Crittenden - 1.99-2Rob Crittenden - 1.99-1Tomas Mraz - 1.2.1-3Dan Walsh - 1.2.1-2Simo Sorce - 1.2.1-1Simo Sorce - 1.2.1-0Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams - 1.2.0-4Simo Sorce - 1.2.0-3Simo Sorce - 1.2.0-2Rob Crittenden - 1.2.0-1Simo Sorce - 1.1.0-3Rob Crittenden - 1.1.0-2Rob Crittenden - 1.1.0-1Rob Crittenden - 1.0.0-5Rob Crittenden - 1.0.0-4Rob Crittenden - 1.0.0-3Rob Crittenden - 1.0.0-2Rob Crittenden - 1.0.0-1Rob Crittenden 0.99-12Rob Crittenden 0.99-11Rob Crittenden 0.99-10Rob Crittenden 0.99-9Rob Crittenden 0.99-8Rob Crittenden 0.99-7Rob Crittenden 0.99-6Rob Crittenden 0.99-5Rob Crittenden 0.99-4Rob Crittenden 0.99-3Rob Crittenden 0.99-2Rob Crittenden 0.99-1Rob Crittenden - 0.6.0-2Karl MacMillan - 0.6.0-1Karl MacMillan - 0.5.0-1Rob Crittenden - 0.4.1-2Karl MacMillan - 0.4.1-1Karl MacMillan - 0.4.0-6Rob Crittenden - 0.4.0-5Rob Crittenden - 0.4.0-4Karl MacMillan - 0.4.0-3Karl MacMillan - 0.4.0-2Karl MacMillan - 0.2.0-1Rob Crittenden - 0.1.0-3Rob Crittenden - 0.1.0-2Karl MacMillan - 0.1.0-1- Bump realease version due to build issue. Related: RHBZ#2021489- Hardening for CVE-2020-25717, part 3 Related: RHBZ#2021489- Hardening for CVE-2020-25717, part 2 - Related: RHBZ#2021171- Hardening for CVE-2020-25717 - Related: RHBZ#2021171- Don't store entries with a usercertificate in the LDAP cache Resolves: RHBZ#1999893- Catch and log errors when adding CA profiles Resolves: RHBZ#1999142 - selinux policy: allow custodia to access /proc/cpuinfo Resolves: RHBZ#1998129 - extdom: LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX returned instead of LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT Resolves: RHBZ#2000263 - ipa migrate-ds command fails to warn when compat plugin is enabled Resolves: RHBZ#1999992 - Backport latest test fixes in python3-ipatests Resolves: RHBZ#2000553- ipatests: NAMED_CRYPTO_POLICY_FILE not defined for RHEL Resolves: RHBZ#1982956- man page: update ipa-server-upgrade.1 Resolves: RHBZ#1973273 - Fall back to krbprincipalname when validating host auth indicators Resolves: RHBZ#1979625 - Add dependency for sssd-winbind-idmap to server-trust-ad Resolves: RHBZ#1982211- IPA server in debug mode fails to run because time.perf_counter_ns is Python 3.7+ Resolves: RHBZ#1974822 - Add checks to prevent assigning authentication indicators to internal IPA services Resolves: RHBZ#1979625 - Unable to set ipaUserAuthType with stageuser-add Resolves: RHBZ#1979605- Upstream release FreeIPA 4.9.6 Related: RHBZ#1945038 - Revise PKINIT upgrade code Resolves: RHBZ#1886837 - ipa-cert-fix man page: add note about certmonger renewal Resolves: RHBZ#1780317 - Certificate Serial Number issue Resolves: RHBZ#1919384- Upstream release FreeIPA 4.9.5 Related: RHBZ#1945038 - IPA to allow setting a new range type Resolves: RHBZ#1688267 - ipa-server-install displays debug output when --debug output is not specified. Resolves: RHBZ#1943151 - ACME fails to generate a cert on migrated RHEL8.4 server Resolves: RHBZ#1934991 - Switch ipa-client to use the JSON API Resolves: RHBZ#1937856 - IDM - Allow specifying permanent logging settings for BIND Resolves: RHBZ#1951511 - Cache LDAP data within a request Resolves: RHBZ#1953656 - ipa-server-upgrade is failing while upgrading rhel8.3 to rhel8.4 Resolves: RHBZ#1957768- Upstream release FreeIPA 4.9.3 Resolves: RHBZ#1945038- Upstream release FreeIPA 4.9.2 Related: RHBZ#1891832- Upstream release FreeIPA 4.9.1 Related: RHBZ#1891832- Upstream final release FreeIPA 4.9.0 Related: RHBZ#1891832- Upstream pre release FreeIPA 4.9.0rc3 Related: RHBZ#1891832- Remove ipa-server dependency from ipa-selinux subpackage - Related: RHBZ#1891832- Upstream pre release FreeIPA 4.9.0rc2 Related: RHBZ#1891832 - Synchronize spec file with upstream and Fedora Related: RHBZ#1891832 - Traceback while doing ipa-backup Resolves: RHBZ#1901068 - ipa-client-install changes system wide ssh configuration Resolves: RRBZ#1544379 - ipa-kdb: support subordinate/superior UPN suffixes Resolves: RHBZ#1891056 - KRA Transport and Storage Certificates do not renew Resolves: RHBZ#1872603 - Move where the restore state is marked during IPA server upgrade Resolves: RHBZ#1569011 - Intermittent IdM Client Registration Failures Resolves: RHBZ#1812871 - Nightly test failure in (updates-testing) Resolves: RHBZ#1903025 - Add IPA RA Agent to ACME group on the CA Resolves: RHBZ#1902727- Fix requirement for python3-kdcproxy, add no autoreqprov for ipatests sub package Related: RHBZ#1891832- Upstream pre release FreeIPA 4.9.0rc1 Resolves: RHBZ#1891832 - Requirements and design for libpwquality integration Resolves: RHBZ#1340463 - When parsing options require name/value pairs Resolves: RHBZ#1357495 - WebUI: Fix issue with opening links in new tab/window Resolves: RHBZ#1484088 - Use a state to determine if a 389-ds upgrade is in progress Resolves: RHBZ#1569011 - Unlock user accounts after a password reset and replicate that unlock to all IdM servers Resolves: RHBZ#1784657 - Set the certmonger subject with a string, not an object Resolves: RHBZ#1810148 - Implement ACME certificate enrolment Resolves: RHBZ#1851835 - [WebUI] Backport jQuery patches from newer versions of the library (e.g. 3.5.0) Resolves: RHBZ#1859249 - It is not possible to edit KDC database when the FreeIPA server is running Resolves: RHBZ#1875001 - Fix nsslapd-db-lock tuning of BDB backend Resolves: RHBZ#1882340 - ipa-kdb: support subordinate/superior UPN suffixes Resolves: RHBZ#1891056 - wgi/ ignore empty plugin directories Resolves: RHBZ#1894800- SELinux Policy: let custodia replicate keys Resolves: RHBZ#1868432- Set mode of /etc/ipa/ca.crt to 0644 in CA-less installations Resolves: RHBZ#1870202- CAless installation: set the perms on KDC cert file Resolves: RHBZ#1863616 - EPN: handle empty attributes Resolves: RHBZ#1866938 - IPA-EPN: enhance input validation Resolves: RHBZ#1866291 - EPN: enhance input validation Resolves: RHBZ#1863079 - Require new samba build 4.12.3-52 Related: RHBZ#1868558 - Require new selinux-policy build 3.14.3-52 Related: RHBZ#1869311- [WebUI] IPA Error 3007: RequirmentError" while adding members in "User ID overrides" tab (updated) Resolves: RHBZ#1757045 - ipa-client-install: use the authselect backup during uninstall Resolves: RHBZ#1810179 - Replace SSLCertVerificationError with CertificateError for py36 Resolves: RHBZ#1858318 - Fix AVC denial during ipa-adtrust-install --add-agents Resolves: RHBZ#1859213- replica install failing with avc denial for custodia component Resolves: RHBZ#1857157- selinux don't audit rules deny fetching trust topology Resolves: RHBZ#1845596 - fix iPAddress cert issuance for >1 host/service Resolves: RHBZ#1846352 - Specify cert_paths when calling PKIConnection Resolves: RHBZ#1849155 - Update crypto policy to allow AD-SUPPORT when installing IPA Resolves: RHBZ#1851139 - Add version to ipa-idoverride-memberof obsoletes Related: RHBZ#1846434- Add missing ipa-selinux package Resolves: RHBZ#1853263- Remove client-epn left over files for ONLY_CLIENT Related: RHBZ#1847999- [WebUI] IPA Error 3007: RequirmentError" while adding members in "User ID overrides" tab Resolves: RHBZ#1757045 - EPN does not ship its default configuration ( /etc/ipa/epn.conf ) in freeipa-client-epn Resolves: RHBZ#1847999 - FreeIPA - Utilize 256-bit AJP connector passwords Resolves: RHBZ#1849914 - ipa: typo issue in ipanthomedirectoryrive deffinition Resolves: RHBZ#1851411- Remove ipa-idoverride-memberof as superceded by ipa-server 4.8.7 Resolves: RHBZ#1846434- Upstream release FreeIPA 4.8.7 - Require new samba build 4.12.3-0 Related: RHBZ#1818765 - New client-epn sub package Resolves: RHBZ#913799- Support krb5 1.18 Resolves: RHBZ#1817579- Upstream release FreeIPA 4.8.6 - New SELinux sub package to provide own module - Depend on selinux-policy-devel 3.14.3-43 for build due to a makefile issue in SELinux external policy support Related: RHBZ#1818765- Allow an empty cookie in dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent-submit Resolves: RHBZ#1790663- Fixed weekday in 4.8.4-2 changelog date Related: RHBZ#1784003 - adtrust: print DNS records for external DNS case after role is enabled Resolves: RHBZ#1665051 - AD user without override receive InternalServerError with API Resolves: RHBZ#1782572 - ipa-client-automount fails after repeated installation/uninstallation Resolves: RHBZ#1790886 - install/updates: move external members past schema compat update Resolves: RHBZ#1803165 - kdb: make sure audit_as_req callback signature change is preserved Resolves: RHBZ#1803786- Update dependencies for samba, 389-ds and sssd Resolves: RHBZ#1792848- Depend on krb5-kdb-version-devel for BuildRequires - Update nss dependency to 3.44.0-4 - Reset per-indicator Kebreros policy Resolves: RHBZ#1784761- DNS install check: Fix overlapping DNS zone from the master itself Resolves: RHBZ#1784003- Rebase to upstream release 4.8.4 - Removed upstream patches 0001 to 0008 that are part of version 4.8.3-3 Resolves: RHBZ#1782658 Resolves: RHBZ#1782169 Resolves: RHBZ#1783046 Related: RHBZ#1748987- Fix otptoken_sync plugin Resolves: RHBZ#1777811- Use default crypto policy for TLS and enable TLS 1.3 support Resolves: RHBZ#1777809 - Covscan fixes Resolves: RHBZ#1777920 - Change pki_version to 10.8.0 Related: RHBZ#1748987- Rebase to security release 4.8.3 (CVE-2019-14867, CVE-2019-10195) Resolves: RHBZ#1767304 Resolves: RHBZ#1776939 - Support KDC ticket policies for authentication indicators Resolves: RHBZ#1777564- CVE-2019-14867: Denial of service in IPA server due to wrong use of ber_scanf() Resolves: RHBZ#1767304 - CVE-2019-10195: Don't log passwords embedded in commands in calls using batch Resolves: RHBZ#1776939- Use default ssh host key algorithms Resolves: RHBZ#1756432 - Do not run trust upgrade code if master lacks Samba bindings Resolves: RHBZ#1757064 - Finish group membership management UI Resolves: RHBZ#1773528- Update dependency for bind-dndb-ldap to 11.2-2 Related: RHBZ#1762813- Rebase to upstream release 4.8.2 - Removed upstream patches 0001 to 0010 that are part of version 4.8.2 - Updated branding patch Resolves: RHBZ#1748987- Fix automount behavior with authselect Resolves: RHBZ#1740167- extdom: unify error code handling especially LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT Resolves: RHBZ#1741530- FreeIPA 4.8.0 tarball lacks two update files that are in git Resolves: RHBZ#1741170- Allow insecure binds for migration Resolves: RHBZ#1731963- Fix --external-ca-profile not passed to CSR Resolves: RHBZ#1731813- Remove posixAccount from service_find search filter Resolves: RHBZ#1731437 - Fix repeated uninstallation of ipa-client-samba crashes Resolves: RHBZ#1732529 - WebUI: Add PKINIT status field to 'Configuration' page Resolves: RHBZ#1518153- Fix krb5-kdb-server -> krb5-kdb-version Related: RHBZ#1700121- Make sure ipa-server depends on krb5-kdb-version to pick up right MIT Kerberos KDB ABI Related: RHBZ#1700121 - User field separator uses '$$' within ipaSELInuxUserMapOrder Fixes: RHBZ#1729099- Fixed kdcproxy_version to 0.4-3 - Fixed krb5_version to 1.17-7 Related: RHBZ#1684528- New upstream release 4.8.0 - New subpackage: freeipa-client-samba - Added command ipa-cert-fix with man page - New sysconfdir sysconfig/certmonger - Updated pki_version, certmonger_version, sssd_version and kdcproxy_version Related: RHBZ#1684528- Fix upgrade issue with AD trust when no trust yet established Fixes: RHBZ#1708874 Related: RHBZ#1684528- Require certmonger 0.79.7-1 Related: RHBZ#1708095- Update to 4.7.90-pre1 Related: RHBZ#1684528 - Removed patches 0002 to 0031 as these are upsteram and part of 4.7.90-pre1 - Added new patches 0001-revert-minssf-defaults.patch and 0001-Correct-default-fontawesome-path-broken-by-da2cf1c5.patch- Remove strict dependencies to krb5-server version in order to allow update of krb5 to 1.17 and change dependency to KDB DAL version. Resolves: RHBZ#1700121- Handle NFS configuration file changes. nfs-utils moved the configuration file from /etc/sysconfig/nfs to /etc/nfs.conf. Resolves: RHBZ#1676981- Fix systemd-user HBAC rule Resolves: RHBZ#1664974- Resolve user/group names in idoverride*-find Resolves: RHBZ#1657745- Create systemd-user HBAC service and rule Resolves: RHBZ#1664974 - ipaserver/dcerpc: fix exclusion entry with a forest trust domain info returned Resolves: RHBZ#1664023- Fix misleading errors during client install rollback Resolves: RHBZ#1658283 - ipa-advise: update url of cacerdir_rehash tool Resolves: RHBZ#1658287 - Handle NTP configuration in a replica server installation Resolves: RHBZ#1651679 - Fix defects found by static analysis Resolves: RHBZ#1658182 - ipa-replica-install --setup-adtrust: check for package ipa-server-trust-ad Resolves: RHBZ#1658294 - ipaldap: invalid modlist when attribute encoding can vary Resolves: RHBZ#1658302 - Allow ipaapi and Apache user to access SSSD IFP Resolves: RHBZ#1639910 - Add sysadm_r to default SELinux user map order Resolves: RHBZ#1658303 - certdb: ensure non-empty Subject Key Identifier and validate server cert sig Resolves: RHBZ#1641988 - ipa-replica-install: password and admin-password options mutually exclusive Resolves: RHBZ#1658309 - ipa upgrade: handle double-encoded certificates Resolves: RHBZ#1658310 - PKINIT: fix ipa-pkinit-manage enable|disable Resolves: RHBZ#1658313 - Enable LDAP debug output in client to display TLS errors in join Resolves: RHBZ#1658316 - rpc: always read response Resolves: RHBZ#1639890 - ipa vault-retrieve: fix internal error Resolves: RHBZ#1658485 - Move ipa's systemd tmpfiles from /var/run to /run Resolves: RHBZ#1658487 - Fix authselect invocations to work with 1.0.2 Resolves: RHBZ#1654291 - ipa-client-automount and NFS unit name changes Resolves: RHBZ#1645501 - Fix compile issue with new 389-ds Resolves: RHBZ#1659448- Require platform-python-setuptools instead of python3-setuptools - Resolves: rhbz#1650139- Fixed: rhbz#1643445 - External CA step 2 fails with pki_client_database_dir is missing - Fixed: rhbz#1642834 - Smart card advise script uses hard-coded Python interpreter- Fix mapping of BUILTIN\Guests to 'nobody' group during upgrade to not use generated Samba config at this point - Related: rhbz#1623895- New command automember-find-orphans to find and remove orphan automemeber rules has been added Resolves: RHBZ#1638373 - Moved ipa/idm logos and background to redhat-logos-ipa-80.4: header-logo.png, login-screen-background.jpg, login-screen-logo.png, product-name.png New requirement to redhat-logos-ipa >= 80.4 in ipa-server-common Resolves: RHBZ#1626507- Move initialization of Guests mapping after cifs/ principal is created - Related: rhbz#1623895- 4.7.1 - Fixes: rhbz#1633105 - rebase to 4.7.1- Require the Python interpreter directly instead of using the package name - Related: rhbz#1619153- sudo rule for "admins" members should be created by default (#1609873)- ipaclient-install: chmod needs octal permissions (#1609880)- Resolves: #1609883 ipaserver/plugins/ Add reason to raise of errors.NotFound - Resolves: #1615765 do-not-use-RC4-in-FIPS-mode - Move fips_enabled to a common library to share across different plugins - ipasam: do not use RC4 in FIPS mode- Resolves: #1614301 Remove --no-sssd and --noac options - Resolves: #1613879 Disable Domain Level 0 - New patch sets to disable domain level 0 - New adapted patch to disable DL0 specific tests (pytest_ipa vs. pytest_plugins) - Adapted branding patch in ipa-replica-install.1 due to DL0 removal- Require 389-ds-base-legacy-tools for setup tools- Update to upstream 4.7.0 GA- Set krb5 DAL version to 7.0 (#1580711) - Rebuild aclocal and configure during build- Update to upstream 4.6.90.pre1- Use java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel- Resolves: #1415162 ipa-exdom-extop plugin can exhaust DS worker threads- Resolves: #1388135 [RFE] limit the retro changelog to dns subtree. - ldap: limit the retro changelog to dns subtree - Resolves: #1427798 Use X509v3 Basic Constraints "CA:TRUE" instead of "CA:FALSE" IPA CA CSR - Include the CA basic constraint in CSRs when renewing a CA - Resolves: #1493145 ipa-replica-install might fail because of an already existing entry cn=ipa-http-delegation,cn=s4u2proxy,cn=etc,$SUFFIX - Checks if replica-s4u2proxy.ldif should be applied - Resolves: #1493150 [RFE] set nsslapd-ignore-time-skew: on by default - ds: ignore time skew during initial replication step - ipa-replica-manage: implicitly ignore initial time skew in force-sync - Resolves: #1500218 Replica installation at domain-level 0 fails against upgraded ipa-server - Fix ipa-replica-conncheck when called with --principal - Resolves: #1506188 server-del doesn't remove dns-server configuration from ldap- Drop workaround for building on AArch64 (#1482244) - Temporarily reduce Requires on python-netaddr to 0.7.5-7 (#1506485)- Resolves: #1461177 ipa-otptoken-import - XML file is missing PBKDF2 parameters! - Resolves: #1464205 NULL LDAP context in call to ldap_search_ext_s during search in cn=ad, cn=trusts,dc=example,dc=com - Resolves: #1467887 iommu platform support for ipxe - Resolves: #1477178 [ipa-replica-install] - 406 Client Error: Failed to validate message: Incorrect number of results (0) searching forpublic key for host - Resolves: #1478251 IPA WebUI does not work after upgrade from IPA 4.4 to 4.5 - Resolves: #1480102 ipa-server-upgrade failes with "This entry already exists" - Resolves: #1482802 Unable to set ca renewal master on replica - Resolves: #1484428 Updating from RHEL 7.3 fails with Server-Cert not found (ipa-server-upgrade) - Resolves: #1484826 FreeIPA/IdM installations which were upgraded from versions with 389 DS prior to doesn't have whomai plugin enabled and thus startup of Web UI fails - Resolves: #1486283 TypeError in renew_ca_cert prevents from swiching back to self-signed CA - Resolves: #1469246 Replica install fails to configure IPA-specific temporary files/directories - Resolves: #1469480 bind package is not automatically updated during ipa-server upgrade process - Resolves: #1475238 Use CommonNameToSANDefault in default profile (new installs only) - Resolves: #1477703 IPA upgrade fails for latest ipa package- Use OpenJDK 8 to bootstrap on AArch64 until RH1482244 is resolved in buildroot - Resolves: #1470177 - Rebase IPA to latest 4.5.x version - Resolves: #1398594 ipa topologysuffix-verify should only warn about maximum number of replication agreements. - Resolves: #1404236 Web UI: Change "Host Based" and "Role Based" to "Host-Based" and "Role-Based" - Resolves: #1409786 Second phase of --external-ca ipa-server-install setup fails when dirsrv is not running - Resolves: #1451576 ipa cert-request failed to generate certificate from csr - Resolves: #1452086 Pagination Size under Customization in IPA WebUI accepts negative values - Resolves: #1458169 --force-join option is not mentioned in ipa-replica-install man page - Resolves: #1463186 IPA shouldn't allow objectclass if not all in lower case - Resolves: #1478322 user-show command fails when sizelimit is configured to number <= number of entity which is user member of - Resolves: #1496775 Enterprise principals should be able to trigger a refresh of the trusted domain data in the KDC - Resolves: #1502533 Changing cert-find to go through the proxy instead of using the port 8080 - Resolves: #1502663 pkinit-status command fails after an upgrade from a pre-4.5 IPA - Resolves: #1498168 Error when trying to modify a PTR record - Resolves: #1457876 ipa-backup fails silently - Resolves: #1493531 In case full PKINIT configuration is failing during server/replica install the error message should be more meaningful. - Resolves: #1449985 Suggest CA installation command in KRA installation warning- Resolves: #1477367 ipa-server-upgrade timeouts on wait_for_open ports expecting IPA services listening on IPv6 ports - Make sure upgrade also checks for IPv6 stack - control logging of host_port_open from caller - log progress of wait_for_open_ports - Resolves: #1477243 ipa help command returns traceback when no cache is present - Store help in Schema before writing to disk - Disable pylint in get_help function because of type confusion.- Resolves: #1477178 - [ipa-replica-install] - 406 Client Error: Failed to validate message: Incorrect number of results (0) searching forpublic key for host - Always check peer has keys before connecting - Resolves: #1482802 - Unable to set ca renewal master on replica - Fix ipa config-mod --ca-renewal-master - Resolves: #1486283 - TypeError in renew_ca_cert prevents from swiching back to self-signed CA - Backport PR 988 to ipa-4-5 Fix Certificate renewal (with ext ca) - Resolves: #1480102 - ipa-server-upgrade failes with "This entry already exists" - Backport PR 1008 to ipa-4-5 Fix ipa-server-upgrade: This entry already exists - Resolves: #1484826 - FreeIPA/IdM installations which were upgraded from versions with 389 DS prior to doesn't have whomai plugin enabled and thus startup of Web UI fails - Adds whoami DS plugin in case that plugin is missing - Resolves: #1478251 - IPA WebUI does not work after upgrade from IPA 4.4 to 4.5 - Fixing how sssd.conf is updated when promoting a client to replica - Resolves: #1461177 - ipa-otptoken-import - XML file is missing PBKDF2 parameters! - ipa-otptoken-import: Make PBKDF2 refer to the pkcs5 namespace - Resolves: #1484428 - Updating from RHEL 7.3 fails with Server-Cert not found (ipa-server-upgrade) - Backport 4-5: Fix ipa-server-upgrade with server cert tracking- Resolves: #1477703 IPA upgrade fails for latest ipa package - Restore old version of caIPAserviceCert for upgrade only- Resolves: #1475238 Use CommonNameToSANDefault in default profile (new installs only) - Restore old version of caIPAserviceCert for upgrade only- Resolves: #1455946 Provide a tooling automating the configuration of Smart Card authentication on a FreeIPA master - smart-card advises: configure systemwide NSS DB also on master - smart-card advises: add steps to store smart card signing CA cert - Allow to pass in multiple CA cert paths to the smart card advises - add a class that tracks the indentation in the generated advises - delegate the indentation handling in advises to dedicated class - advise: add an infrastructure for formatting Bash compound statements - delegate formatting of compound Bash statements to dedicated classes - Fix indentation of statements in Smart card advises - Use the compound statement formatting API for configuring PKINIT - smart card advises: use a wrapper around Bash `for` loops - smart card advise: use password when changing trust flags on HTTP cert - smart-card-advises: ensure that krb5-pkinit is installed on client - Resolves: #1475238 Use CommonNameToSANDefault in default profile (new installs only) - Add CommonNameToSANDefault to default cert profile - Resolves: #1464205 NULL LDAP context in call to ldap_search_ext_s during search in cn=ad,cn=trusts,dc=example,dc=com - NULL LDAP context in call to ldap_search_ext_s during search- Resolves: #1469246 Replica install fails to configure IPA-specific temporary files/directories - replica install: drop-in IPA specific config to tmpfiles.d - Resolves: #1469480 bind package is not automatically updated during ipa-server upgrade process - Bumped Required version of bind-dyndb-ldap and bind package- Resolves: #1452216 Replica installation grants HTTP principal access in WebUI - Make sure we check ccaches in all rpcserver paths- Resolves: #1462112 ipaserver installation fails in FIPS mode: OpenSSL internal error, assertion failed: Digest MD4 forbidden in FIPS mode! - ipa-sam: replace encode_nt_key() with E_md4hash() - ipa_pwd_extop: do not generate NT hashes in FIPS mode - Resolves: #1377973 ipa-server-install fails when the provided or resolved IP address is not found on local interfaces - Fix local IP address validation - ipa-dns-install: remove check for local ip address - refactor CheckedIPAddress class - CheckedIPAddress: remove match_local param - Remove ip_netmask from option parser - replica install: add missing check for non-local IP address - Remove network and broadcast address warnings- Resolves: #1449189 ipa-kra-install timeouts on replica - kra: promote: Get ticket before calling custodia- Resolve: #1455946 Provide a tooling automating the configuration of Smart Card authentication on a FreeIPA master - server certinstall: update KDC master entry - pkinit manage: introduce ipa-pkinit-manage - server upgrade: do not enable PKINIT by default - Extend the advice printing code by some useful abstractions - Prepare advise plugin for smart card auth configuration - Resolve: #1461053 allow to modify list of UPNs of a trusted forest - trust-mod: allow modifying list of UPNs of a trusted forest - WebUI: add support for changing trust UPN suffixes- Resolves: #1377973 ipa-server-install fails when the provided or resolved IP address is not found on local interfaces - Only warn when specified server IP addresses don't match intf - Resolves: #1438016 gssapi errors after IPA server upgrade - Bump version of python-gssapi - Resolves: #1457942 certauth: use canonical principal for lookups - ipa-kdb: use canonical principal in certauth plugin - Resolves: #1459153 Do not send Max-Age in ipa_session cookie to avoid breaking older clients - Add code to be able to set default kinit lifetime - Revert setting sessionMaxAge for old clients- Resolves: #1442233 IPA client commands fail when pointing to replica - httpinstance: wait until the service entry is replicated - Resolves: #1456769 ipaAnchorUUID index incorrectly configured and then not indexed - Fix index definition for ipaAnchorUUID - Resolves: #1438016 gssapi errors after IPA server upgrade - Avoid possible endless recursion in RPC call - rpc: preparations for recursion fix - rpc: avoid possible recursion in create_connection - Resolves: #1446087 services entries missing krbCanonicalName attribute. - Changing cert-find to do not use only primary key to search in LDAP. - Resolves: #1452763 ipa certmaprule change not reflected in krb5kdc workers - ipa-kdb: reload certificate mapping rules periodically - Resolves: #1455541 after upgrade login from web ui breaks - kdc.key should not be visible to all - Resolves: #1435606 Add pkinit_indicator option to KDC configuration - ipa-kdb: add pkinit authentication indicator in case of a successful certauth - Resolves: #1455945 Enabling OCSP checks in mod_nss breaks certificate issuance when ipa-ca records are not resolvable - Turn off OCSP check - Resolves: #1454483 rhel73 ipa ui - cannot del server - IPA Error 903 - server_del - TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable - fix incorrect suffix handling in topology checks- Resolves: #1438731 Extend ipa-server-certinstall and ipa-certupdate to handle PKINIT certificates/anchors - certdb: add named trust flag constants - certdb, certs: make trust flags argument mandatory - certdb: use custom object for trust flags - install: trust IPA CA for PKINIT - client install: fix client PKINIT configuration - install: introduce generic Kerberos Augeas lens - server install: fix KDC PKINIT configuration - Add option to set umask before executing command - certs: do not export keys world-readable in install_key_from_p12 - certs: do not export CA certs in install_pem_from_p12 - server install: fix KDC certificate validation in CA-less - replica install: respect --pkinit-cert-file - cacert manage: support PKINIT - server certinstall: support PKINIT - Resolves: #1444432 CA-less pkinit not installable with --pkinit-cert-file option - certs: do not export CA certs in install_pem_from_p12 - server install: fix KDC certificate validation in CA-less - Resolves: #1451228 ipa-kra-install fails when primary KRA server has been decommissioned - ipa-kra-install: fix pkispawn setting for pki_security_domain_hostname - Resolves: #1451712 KRA installation fails on server that was originally installed as CA-less - ipa-ca-install: append CA cert chain into /etc/ipa/ca.crt - Resolves: #1441499 ipa cert-show does not raise error if no file name specified - ca/cert-show: check certificate_out in options - Resolves: #1449522 Deprecate `ipa pkinit-anonymous` command in FreeIPA 4.5+ - Remove pkinit-anonymous command - Resolves: #1449523 Provide an API command to retrieve PKINIT status in the FreeIPA topology - Allow for multivalued server attributes - Refactor the role/attribute member reporting code - Add an attribute reporting client PKINIT-capable servers - Add the list of PKINIT servers as a virtual attribute to global config - Add `pkinit-status` command - test_serverroles: Get rid of MockLDAP and use ldap2 instead - Resolves: #1452216 Replica installation grants HTTP principal access in WebUI - Fix rare race condition with missing ccache file - Resolves: #1455045 Simple service uninstallers must be able to handle missing service files gracefully - only stop/disable simple service if it is installed - Resolves: #1455541 after upgrade login from web ui breaks - krb5: make sure KDC certificate is readable - Resolves: #1455862 "ipa: ERROR: an internal error has occurred" on executing command "ipa cert-request --add" after upgrade - Change python-cryptography to python2-cryptography- Resolves: #1451804 "AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'append'" error observed during ipa upgrade with latest package. - ipa-server-install: fix uninstall - Resolves: #1445390 ipa-[ca|kra]-install with invalid DM password break replica - ca install: merge duplicated code for DM password - installutils: add DM password validator - ca, kra install: validate DM password- Resolves: #1447284 Upgrade from ipa-4.1 fails when enabling KDC proxy - python2-ipalib: add missing python dependency - installer service: fix typo in service entry - upgrade: add missing suffix to http instance - Resolves: #1444791 Update man page of ipa-kra-install - ipa-kra-install manpage: document domain-level 1 - Resolves: #1441493 ipa cert-show raises stack traces when --certificate-out=/tmp - cert-show: writable files does not mean dirs - Resolves: #1441192 Add the name of URL parameter which will be check for username during cert login - Bump version of ipa.conf file - Resolves: #1378797 Web UI must check OCSP and CRL during smartcard login - Turn on NSSOCSP check in mod_nss conf - Resolves: #1322963 Errors from AD when trying to sign ipa.csr, conflicting template on - renew agent: respect CA renewal master setting - server upgrade: always fix certmonger tracking request - cainstance: use correct profile for lightweight CA certificates - renew agent: allow reusing existing certs - renew agent: always export CSR on IPA CA certificate renewal - renew agent: get rid of virtual profiles - ipa-cacert-manage: add --external-ca-type - Resolves: #1441593 error adding authenticator indicators to host - Fixing adding authenticator indicators to host - Resolves: #1449525 Set directory ownership in spec file - Added plugins directory to ipaclient subpackages - ipaclient: fix missing RPM ownership - Resolves: #1451279 otptoken-add-yubikey KeyError: 'ipatokenotpdigits' - otptoken-add-yubikey: When --digits not provided use default value- Resolves: #1449189 ipa-kra-install timeouts on replica - ipa-kra-install: fix check_host_keys- Resolves: #1438833 [ipa-replica-install] - 406 Client Error: Failed to validate message: Incorrect number of results (0) searching forpublic key for host - Make sure remote hosts have our keys - Resolves: #1442815 Replica install fails during migration from older IPA master - Refresh Dogtag RestClient.ca_host property - Remove the cachedproperty class - Resolves: #1444787 Update warning message when KRA installation fails - kra install: update installation failure message - Resolves: #1444896 ipa-server-install with external-ca fails in FIPS mode - ipa-server-install with external CA: fix pkinit cert issuance - Resolves: #1445397 GET in KerberosSession.finalize_kerberos_acquisition() must use FreeIPA CA - kerberos session: use CA cert with full cert chain for obtaining cookie - Resolves: #1447375 ipa-client-install: extra space in pkinit_anchors definition - ipa-client-install: remove extra space in pkinit_anchors definition - Resolves: #1447703 Fix SELinux contex of http.keytab during upgrade - Use proper SELinux context with http.keytab- Resolves: #1200767 [RFE] Allow Kerberos authentication for users with certificates on smart cards (pkinit) - spec file: bump krb5 Requires for certauth fixes - Resolves: #1438729 Configure local PKINIT on DL0 or when '--no-pkinit' option is used - separate function to set ipaConfigString values on service entry - Allow for configuration of all three PKINIT variants when deploying KDC - API for retrieval of master's PKINIT status and publishing it in LDAP - Use only anonymous PKINIT to fetch armor ccache - Stop requesting anonymous keytab and purge all references of it - Use local anchor when armoring password requests - Upgrade: configure local/full PKINIT depending on the master status - Do not test anonymous PKINIT after install/upgrade - Resolves: #1442427 ipa.ipaserver.install.plugins.adtrust. update_tdo_gidnumber: ERROR Default SMB Group not found - upgrade: adtrust update_tdo_gidnumber plugin must check if adtrust is installed - Resolves: #1442932 ipa restore fails to restore IPA user - restore: restart/reload gssproxy after restore - Resolves: #1444896 ipa-server-install with external-ca fails in FIPS mode - Fix CA/server cert validation in FIPS - Resolves: #1444947 Deadlock between topology and schema-compat plugins - compat-manage: behave the same for all users - Move the compat plugin setup at the end of install - compat: ignore cn=topology,cn=ipa,cn=etc subtree - Resolves: #1445358 ipa vault-add raises TypeError - vault: piped input for ipa vault-add fails - Resolves: #1445382 ipa vault-retrieve fails to retrieve data from vault - Vault: Explicitly default to 3DES CBC - Resolves: #1445432 uninstall ipa client automount failed with RuntimeWarning - automount install: fix checking of SSSD functionality on uninstall - Resolves: #1446137 pki_client_database_password is shown in ipaserver-install.log - Hide PKI Client database password in log file- Resolves: #1443869 Command "openssl pkcs12 ..." failed during IPA upgrade - Fix CAInstance.import_ra_cert for empty passwords- Resolves: #1431520 ipa cert-find runs a large number of searches, so IPA WebUI is slow to display user details page - cert: defer cert-find result post-processing - Resolves: #1435611 Tracebacks seen from dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent-submit helper when installing replica - server-install: No double Kerberos install - Resolves: #1437502 ipa-replica-install fails with requirement to use --force-join that is a client install option. - Add the force-join option to replica install - replicainstall: better client install exception handling - Resolves: #1437953 Server CA-less impossible option check - server-install: remove broken no-pkinit check - Resolves: #1441160 FreeIPA client <= 4.4 fail to parse 4.5 cookies - Add debug log in case cookie retrieval went wrong - Resolves: #1441548 ipa server install fails with --external-ca option - ext. CA: correctly write the cert chain - Resolves: #1441718 Conversion of CA-less server to CA fails on CA instance spawn - Fix CA-less to CA-full upgrade - Resolves: #1442133 Do not link libkrad, liblber, libldap_r and libsss_nss_idmap to every binary in IPA - configure: fix AC_CHECK_LIB usage - Resolves: #1442815 Replica install fails during migration from older IPA master - Fix RA cert import during DL0 replication - Related: #1442004 Building IdM/FreeIPA internally on all architectures - filtering unsupported packages - Build all subpackages on all architectures- Resolves: #1382053 Need to have validation for idrange names - idrange-add: properly handle empty --dom-name option - Resolves: #1435611 Tracebacks seen from dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent-submit helper when installing replica - dsinstance: reconnect ldap2 after DS is restarted by certmonger - httpinstance: avoid httpd restart during certificate request - dsinstance, httpinstance: consolidate certificate request code - install: request service certs after host keytab is set up - renew agent: revert to host keytab authentication - renew agent, restart scripts: connect to LDAP after kinit - Resolves: #1436987 ipasam: gidNumber attribute is not created in the trusted domain entry - ipa-sam: create the gidNumber attribute in the trusted domain entry - Upgrade: add gidnumber to trusted domain entry - Resolves: #1438679 [ipa-replica-install] - IncorrectPasswordException: Incorrect client security database password - Add pki_pin only when needed - Resolves: #1438348 Console output message while adding trust should be mapped with texts changed in Samba. - ipaserver/dcerpc: unify error processing - Resolves: #1438366 ipa trust-fetch-domains: ValidationError: invalid 'Credentials': Missing credentials for cross-forest communication - trust: always use oddjobd helper for fetching trust information - Resolves: #1441192 Add the name of URL parameter which will be check for username during cert login - WebUI: cert login: Configure name of parameter used to pass username - Resolves: #1437879 [copr] Replica install failing - Create system users for FreeIPA services during package installation - Resolves: #1441316 WebUI cert auth fails after ipa-adtrust-install - Fix s4u2self with adtrust- Resolves: #1318186 Misleading error message during external-ca IPA master install - httpinstance: make sure NSS database is backed up - Resolves: #1331443 Re-installing ipa-server after uninstall fails with "ERROR CA certificate chain in ... incomplete" - httpinstance: make sure NSS database is backed up - Resolves: #1393726 Enumerate all available request type options in ipa cert-request help - Hide request_type doc string in cert-request help - Resolves: #1402959 [RFE] Universal Smart Card to Identity mapping - spec file: bump libsss_nss_idmap-devel BuildRequires - server: make sure we test for sss_nss_getlistbycert - Resolves: #1437378 ipa-adtrust-install produced an error and failed on starting smb when hostname is not FQDN - adtrust: make sure that runtime hostname result is consistent with the configuration - Resolves: #1437555 ipa-replica-install with DL0 fails to get annonymous keytab - Always check and create anonymous principal during KDC install - Remove duplicate functionality in upgrade - Resolves: #1437946 Upgrade to FreeIPA 4.5.0 does not configure anonymous principal for PKINIT - Upgrade: configure PKINIT after adding anonymous principal - Remove unused variable from failed anonymous PKINIT handling - Split out anonymous PKINIT test to a separate method - Ensure KDC is propery configured after upgrade - Resolves: #1437951 Remove pkinit-related options from server/replica-install on DL0 - Fix the order of cert-files check - Don't allow setting pkinit-related options on DL0 - replica-prepare man: remove pkinit option refs - Remove redundant option check for cert files - Resolves: #1438490 CA-less installation fails on publishing CA certificate - Get correct CA cert nickname in CA-less - Remove publish_ca_cert() method from NSSDatabase - Resolves: #1438838 Avoid arch-specific path in /etc/krb5.conf.d/ipa-certmap - IPA-KDB: use relative path in ipa-certmap config snippet - Resolves: #1439038 Allow erasing ipaDomainResolutionOrder attribute - Allow erasing ipaDomainResolutionOrder attribute- Resolves: #1434032 Run ipa-custodia with custom SELinux context - Require correct custodia version- Resolves: #800545 [RFE] Support SUDO command rename - Reworked the renaming mechanism - Allow renaming of the sudorule objects - Resolves: #872671 IPA WebUI login for AD Trusted User fails - WebUI: check principals in lowercase - WebUI: add method for disabling item in user dropdown menu - WebUI: Add support for login for AD users - Resolves: #1200767 [RFE] Allow Kerberos authentication for users with certificates on smart cards (pkinit) - ipa-kdb: add ipadb_fetch_principals_with_extra_filter() - IPA certauth plugin - ipa-kdb: do not depend on certauth_plugin.h - spec file: bump krb5-devel BuildRequires for certauth - Resolves: #1264370 RFE: disable last successful authentication by default in ipa. - Set "KDC:Disable Last Success" by default - Resolves: #1318186 Misleading error message during external-ca IPA master install - certs: do not implicitly create DS pin.txt - httpinstance: clean up /etc/httpd/alias on uninstall - Resolves: #1331443 Re-installing ipa-server after uninstall fails with "ERROR CA certificate chain in ... incomplete" - certs: do not implicitly create DS pin.txt - httpinstance: clean up /etc/httpd/alias on uninstall - Resolves: #1366572 [RFE] Web UI: allow Smart Card authentication - configure: fix --disable-server with certauth plugin - rpcserver.login_x509: Actually return reply from __call__ method - spec file: Bump requires to make Certificate Login in WebUI work - Resolves: #1402959 [RFE] Universal Smart Card to Identity mapping - extdom: do reverse search for domain separator - extdom: improve cert request - Resolves: #1430363 [RFE] HBAC rule names command rename - Reworked the renaming mechanism - Allow renaming of the HBAC rule objects - Resolves: #1433082 systemctl daemon-reload needs to be called after httpd.service.d/ipa.conf is manipulated - tasks: run `systemctl daemon-reload` after httpd.service.d updates - Resolves: #1434032 Run ipa-custodia with custom SELinux context - Use Custodia 0.3.1 features - Resolves: #1434384 RPC client should use HTTP persistent connection - Use connection keep-alive - Add debug logging for keep-alive - Increase Apache HTTPD's default keep alive timeout - Resolves: #1434729 man ipa-cacert-manage install needs clarification - man ipa-cacert-manage install needs clarification - Resolves: #1434910 replica install against IPA v3 master fails with ACIError - Fixing replica install: fix ldap connection in domlvl 0 - Resolves: #1435394 Ipa-kra-install fails with weird output when backspace is used during typing Directory Manager password - ipapython.ipautil.nolog_replace: Do not replace empty value - Resolves: #1435397 ipa-replica-install can't install replica file produced by ipa-replica-prepare on 4.5 - replica prepare: fix wrong IPA CA nickname in replica file - Resolves: #1435599 WebUI: in self-service Vault menu item is shown even if KRA is not installed - WebUI: Fix showing vault in selfservice view - Resolves: #1435718 As a ID user I cannot call a command with --rights option - ldap2: use LDAP whoami operation to retrieve bind DN for current connection - Resolves: #1436319 "Truncated search results" pop-up appears in user details in WebUI - WebUI: Add support for suppressing warnings - WebUI: suppress truncation warning in select widget - Resolves: #1436333 Uninstall fails with No such file or directory: '/var/run/ipa/services.list' - Create temporaty directories at the begining of uninstall - Resolves: #1436334 WebUI: Adding certificate mapping data using certificate fails - WebUI: Allow to add certs to certmapping with CERT LINES around - Resolves: #1436338 CLI doesn't work after ipa-restore - Backup ipa-specific httpd unit-file - Backup CA cert from kerberos folder - Resolves: #1436342 Bump samba version, required for FIPS mode and privilege separation - Bump samba version for FIPS and priv. separation - Resolves: #1436642 [ipalib/] - "maximum recursion depth exceeded" with ipa vault commands - Avoid growing FILE ccaches unnecessarily - Handle failed authentication via cookie - Work around issues fetching session data - Prevent churn on ccaches - Resolves: #1436657 Add workaround for pki_pin for FIPS - Generate PIN for PKI to help Dogtag in FIPS - Resolves: #1436714 [vault] cache KRA transport cert - Simplify KRA transport cert cache - Resolves: #1436723 cert-find does not find all certificates without sizelimit=0 - cert: do not limit internal searches in cert-find - Resolves: #1436724 Renewal of IPA RA fails on replica - dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent-submit: fix the is_replicated() function - Resolves: #1436753 Master tree fails to install - httpinstance.disable_system_trust: Don't fail if module 'Root Certs' is not available- Resolves: #1432630 python2-jinja2 needed for python2-ipaclient - Remove csrgen - Resolves: #1432903 Set GssProxy options to enable caching of ldap tickets - Add options to allow ticket caching- Resolves: #828866 [RFE] enhance --subject option for ipa-server-install - Resolves: #1160555 ipa-server-install: Cannot handle double hyphen "--" in hostname - Resolves: #1286288 Insufficient 'write' privilege to the 'ipaExternalMember' attribute - Resolves: #1321652 ipa-server-install fails when using external certificates that encapsulate RDN components in double quotes - Resolves: #1327207 ipa cert-revoke --help doesn't provide enough info on revocation reasons - Resolves: #1340880 ipa-server-install: improve prompt on interactive installation - Resolves: #1353841 ipa-replica-install fails to install when resolv.conf incomplete entries - Resolves: #1356104 cert-show command does not display Subject Alternative Names - Resolves: #1357511 Traceback message seen when ipa is provided with invalid configuration file name - Resolves: #1358752 ipa-ca-install fails on replica when IPA server is converted from CA-less to CA-full - Resolves: #1366572 [RFE] Web UI: allow Smart Card authentication - Resolves: #1367572 improve error message in ipa migrate-ds: mention ipa config-mod --enable-migration=TRUE - Resolves: #1367868 Add options to retrieve lightweight CA certificate/chain - Resolves: #1371927 Implement ca-enable/disable commands. - Resolves: #1372202 Add Users into User Group editors fails to show Full names - Resolves: #1373091 Adding an auth indicator from the CLI creates an extra check box in the UI - Resolves: #1375596 Ipa-server WebUI - long user/group name show wrong error message - Resolves: #1375905 "Normal" group type in the UI is confusing - Resolves: #1376040 IPA client ipv6 - invalid --ip-address shows traceback - Resolves: #1376630 IDM admin password gets written to /root/.dogtag/pki-tomcat/ca/pkcs12_password.conf - Resolves: #1376729 ipa-server-install script option --no_hbac_allow should match other options - Resolves: #1378461 IPA Allows Password Reuse with History value defined when admin resets the password. - Resolves: #1379029 conncheck failing intermittently during single step replica installs - Resolves: #1379858 [RFE] better debugging for ipa-replica-conncheck - Resolves: #1384310 ipa dnsrecord-add fails with Keyerror stack trace - Resolves: #1392778 Update man page for ipa-adtrust-install by removing --no-msdcs option - Resolves: #1392858 Rebase to FreeIPA 4.5+ - Rebase to 4.5.0 - Resolves: #1399133 Delete option shouldn't be available for hosts applied to view. - Resolves: #1399190 [RFE] Certificates issued by externally signed IdM CA should contain full trust chain - Resolves: #1400416 RFE: Provide option to take backup of IPA server before uninstalling IPA server - Resolves: #1400529 cert-request is not aware of Kerberos principal aliases - Resolves: #1401526 IPA WebUI certificates are grayed out on overview page but not on details page - Resolves: #1402959 [RFE] Universal Smart Card to Identity mapping - Resolves: #1404750 ipa-client-install fails to get CA cert via LDAP when non-FQDN name of IPA server is first in /etc/hosts - Resolves: #1409628 [RFE] Semi-automatic integration with external DNS using nsupdate - Resolves: #1413742 Backport request for bug/issue Change IP address validation errors to warnings - Resolves: #1415652 IPA replica install log shows password in plain text - Resolves: #1427897 different behavior regarding system wide certs in master and replica. - Resolves: #1430314 The ipa-managed-entries command failed, exception: AttributeError: ldap2- Resolves: #1419735 ipa-replica-install fails promotecustodia.create_replica with cert errors (untrusted) - added ssl verification using IPA trust anchor - Resolves: #1428472 batch param compatibility is incorrect - compat: fix `Any` params in `batch` and `dnsrecord` - Renamed patches 1011 and 1012 to 0159 and 0157, as they were merged upstream- Resolves: #1416454 replication race condition prevents IPA to install - wait_for_entry: use only DN as parameter - Wait until HTTPS principal entry is replicated to replica - Use proper logging for error messages- Resolves: #1365858 ipa-ca-install fails on replica when IPA Master is installed without CA - Set up DS TLS on replica in CA-less topology - Resolves: #1398600 IPA replica install fails with dirsrv errors. - Do not configure PKI ajp redirection to use "::1" - Resolves: #1413137 CVE-2017-2590 ipa: Insufficient permission check for ca-del, ca-disable and ca-enable commands - ca: correctly authorise ca-del, ca-enable and ca-disable- Resolves: #1370493 CVE-2016-7030 ipa: DoS attack against kerberized services by abusing password policy - ipa-kdb: search for password policies globally - Renamed patches 1011 and 1012 to 0151 and 0150, as they were merged upstream- Resolves: #1398670 Check IdM Topology for broken record caused by replication conflict before upgrading it - Check for conflict entries before raising domain level- Resolves: #1382812 Creation of replica for disconnected environment is failing with CA issuance errors; Need good steps. - gracefully handle setting replica bind dn group on old masters - Resolves: #1397439 ipa-ca-install on promoted replica hangs on creating a temporary CA admin - replication: ensure bind DN group check interval is set on replica config - add missing attribute to ipaca replica during CA topology update - Resolves: #1401088 IPA upgrade of replica without DNS fails during restart of named-pkcs11 - bindinstance: use data in named.conf to determine configuration status- Resolves: #1370493 CVE-2016-7030 ipa: DoS attack against kerberized services by abusing password policy - password policy: Add explicit default password policy for hosts and services - Resolves: #1395311 CVE-2016-9575 ipa: Insufficient permission check in certprofile-mod - certprofile-mod: correctly authorise config update- Resolves: #1378353 Replica install fails with old IPA master sometimes during replication process - spec file: bump minimal required version of 389-ds-base - Resolves: #1387779 Make httpd publish CA certificate on Domain Level 1 - Fix missing file that fails DL1 replica installation - Resolves: #1387782 WebUI: Services are not displayed correctly after upgrade - WebUI: services without canonical name are shown correctly - Resolves: #1389709 Traceback seen in error_log when trustdomain-del is run - trustdomain-del: fix the way how subdomain is searched- Resolves: #1318616 CA fails to start after doing ipa-ca-install --external-ca - Keep NSS trust flags of existing certificates - Resolves: #1360813 ipa-server-certinstall does not update all certificate stores and doesn't set proper trust permissions - Add cert checks in ipa-server-certinstall - Resolves: #1371479 cert-find --all does not show information about revocation - cert: add revocation reason back to cert-find output - Resolves: #1375133 WinSync users who have First.Last casing creates users who can have their password set - ipa passwd: use correct normalizer for user principals - Resolves: #1377858 Users with 2FA tokens are not able to login to IPA servers - Properly handle LDAP socket closures in ipa-otpd - Resolves: #1387779 Make httpd publish CA certificate on Domain Level 1 - Make httpd publish its CA certificate on DL1- Resolves: #1373910 IPA server upgrade fails with DNS timed out errors. - Resolves: #1375269 ipa trust-fetch-domains throws internal error- Resolves: #1373359 ipa-certupdate fails with "CA is not configured" - Fix regression introduced in ipa-certupdate- Resolves: #1355753 adding two way non transitive(external) trust displays internal error on the console - Always fetch forest info from root DCs when establishing two-way trust - factor out `populate_remote_domain` method into module-level function - Always fetch forest info from root DCs when establishing one-way trust - Resolves: #1356101 Lightweight sub-CA certs are not tracked by certmonger after `ipa-replica-install` - Track lightweight CAs on replica installation - Resolves: #1357488 ipa command stuck forever on higher versioned client with lower versioned server - compat: Save server's API version in for pre-schema servers - compat: Fix ping command call - schema cache: Store and check info for pre-schema servers - Resolves: #1363905 man page for ipa-replica-manage has a typo in -c flag - Fix man page ipa-replica-manage: remove duplicate -c option from --no-lookup - Resolves: #1367865 webui: cert_revoke should use --cacn to set correct CA when revoking certificate - cert: include CA name in cert command output - WebUI add support for sub-CAs while revoking certificates - Resolves: #1368424 Unable to view certificates issued by Sub CA in Web UI - Add support for additional options taken from table facet - WebUI: Fix showing certificates issued by sub-CA - Resolves: #1368557 dnsrecord-add does not prompt for missing record parts internactively - dns: normalize record type read interactively in dnsrecord_add - dns: prompt for missing record parts in CLI - dns: fix crash in interactive mode against old servers - Resolves: #1370519 Certificate revocation in service-del and host-del isn't aware of Sub CAs - cert: fix cert-find --certificate when the cert is not in LDAP - Make host/service cert revocation aware of lightweight CAs - Resolves: #1371901 Use OAEP padding with custodia - Use RSA-OAEP instead of RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 - Resolves: #1371915 When establishing external two-way trust, forest root Administrator account is used to fetch domain info - do not use trusted forest name to construct domain admin principal - Resolves: #1372597 Incorrect CA ACL evaluation of SAN DNS names in certificate request - Fix CA ACL Check on SubjectAltNames - Resolves: #1373272 CLI always sends default command version - cli: use full name when executing a command - Resolves: #1373359 ipa-certupdate fails with "CA is not configured" - Fix ipa-certupdate for CA-less installation - Resolves: #1373540 client-install with IPv6 address fails on link-local address (always) - Fix parse errors with link-local addresses- Resolves: #1081561 CA not start during ipa server install in pure IPv6 env - Fix ipa-server-install in pure IPv6 environment - Resolves: #1318169 Tree-root domains in a trusted AD forest aren't marked as reachable via the forest root - trust: make sure ID range is created for the child domain even if it exists - ipa-kdb: simplify trusted domain parent search - Resolves: #1335567 Update Warning in IdM Web UI API browser - WebUI: add API browser is tech preview warning - Resolves: #1348560 Mulitple domain Active Directory Trust conflict - ipaserver/dcerpc: reformat to make the code closer to pep8 - trust: automatically resolve DNS trust conflicts for triangle trusts - Resolves: #1351593 CVE-2016-5404 ipa: Insufficient privileges check in certificate revocation - cert-revoke: fix permission check bypass (CVE-2016-5404) - Resolves: #1353936 custodia.conf and server.keys file is world-readable. - Remove Custodia server keys from LDAP - Secure permissions of Custodia server.keys - Resolves: #1358752 ipa-ca-install fails on replica when IPA server is converted from CA-less to CA-full - custodia: include known CA certs in the PKCS#12 file for Dogtag - custodia: force reconnect before retrieving CA certs from LDAP - Resolves: #1362333 ipa vault container owner cannot add vault - Fix: container owner should be able to add vault - Resolves: #1365546 External trust with root domain is transitive - trust: make sure external trust topology is correctly rendered - Resolves: #1365572 IPA server broken after upgrade - Require pki-core-10.3.3-7 - Resolves: #1367864 Server assumes latest version of command instead of version 1 for old / 3rd party clients - rpcserver: assume version 1 for unversioned command calls - rpcserver: fix crash in XML-RPC system commands - Resolves: #1367773 thin client ignores locale change - schema cache: Fallback to 'en_us' when locale is not available - Resolves: #1368754 ipa server uninstall fails with Python "Global Name error" - Fail on topology disconnect/last role removal - Resolves: #1368981 ipa otptoken-add --type=hotp --key creates wrong OTP - otptoken, permission: Convert custom type parameters on server - Resolves: #1369414 ipa server-del fails with Python stack trace - Handled empty hostname in server-del command - Resolves: #1369761 ipa-server must depend on a version of httpd that support mod_proxy with UDS - Require httpd 2.4.6-31 with mod_proxy Unix socket support - Resolves: #1370512 Received ACIError instead of DuplicatedError in stageuser_tests - Raise DuplicatedEnrty error when user exists in delete_container - Resolves: #1371479 cert-find --all does not show information about revocation - cert: add missing param values to cert-find output - Renamed patch 1011 to 0100, as it was merged upstream- Resolves: #1298288 [RFE] Improve performance in large environments. - cert: speed up cert-find - Resolves: #1317379 [EXPERIMENTAL][RFE] Web UI: allow Smart Card authentication - service: add flag to allow S4U2Self - Add 'trusted to auth as user' checkbox - Added new authentication method - Resolves: #1353881 ipa-replica-install suggests about non-existent --force-ntpd option - Don't show --force-ntpd option in replica install - Resolves: #1354441 DNS forwarder check is too strict: unable to add sub-domain to already-broken domain - DNS: allow to add forward zone to already broken sub-domain - Resolves: #1356146 performance regression in CLI help - schema: Speed up schema cache - frontend: Change doc, summary, topic and NO_CLI to class properties - schema: Introduce schema cache format - schema: Generate bits for help load them on request - help: Do not create instances to get information about commands and topics - schema cache: Do not reset ServerInfo dirty flag - schema cache: Do not read fingerprint and format from cache - Access data for help separately - frontent: Add summary class property to CommandOverride - schema cache: Read server info only once - schema cache: Store API schema cache in memory - client: Do not create instance just to check isinstance - schema cache: Read schema instead of rewriting it when SchemaUpToDate - Resolves: #1360769 ipa-server-certinstall couldnt unlock private key file - server install: do not prompt for cert file PIN repeatedly - Resolves: #1364113 ipa-password: ipa: ERROR: RuntimeError: Unable to create cache directory: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/test_user' - schema: Speed up schema cache - Resolves: #1366604 `cert-find` crashes on invalid certificate data - cert: do not crash on invalid data in cert-find - Resolves: #1366612 Middle replica uninstallation in line topology works without '--ignore-topology-disconnect' - Fail on topology disconnect/last role removal - Resolves: #1366626 caacl-add-service: incorrect error message when service does not exists - Fix ipa-caalc-add-service error message - Resolves: #1367022 The ipa-server-upgrade command failed when named-pkcs11 does not happen to run during dnf upgrade - DNS server upgrade: do not fail when DNS server did not respond - Resolves: #1367759 [RFE] [webui] warn admin if there is only one IPA server with CA - Add warning about only one existing CA server - Set servers list as default facet in topology facet group - Resolves: #1367773 thin client ignores locale change - schema check: Check current client language against cached one- Resolves: #1361119 UPN-based search for AD users does not match an entry in slapi-nis map cache - support multiple uid values in schema compatibility tree- Resolves: #1309700 Process /usr/sbin/winbindd was killed by signal 6 - Revert "spec: add conflict with bind-chroot to freeipa-server-dns" - Resolves: #1341249 Subsequent external CA installation fails - install: fix external CA cert validation - Resolves: #1353831 ipa-server-install fails in container because of hostnamectl set-hostname - server-install: Fix --hostname option to always override api.env values - install: Call hostnamectl set-hostname only if --hostname option is used - Resolves: #1356091 ipa-cacert-manage --help and man differ - Improvements for the ipa-cacert-manage man and help - Resolves: #1360631 ipa-backup is not keeping the /etc/tmpfiles.d/dirsrv-.conf - ipa-backup: backup /etc/tmpfiles.d/dirsrv-.conf - Resolves: #1361047 ipa-replica-install --help usage line suggests the replica file is needed - Update ipa-replica-install documentation - Resolves: #1361545 ipa-client-install starts rhel-domainname.service but does not rpm-require it - client: RPM require initscripts to get *-domainname.service - Resolves: #1364197 caacl: error when instantiating rules with service principals - caacl: fix regression in rule instantiation - Resolves: #1364310 ipa otptoken-add bytes object has no attribute confirm - parameters: move the `confirm` kwarg to Param - Resolves: #1364464 Topology graph: ca and domain adders shows question marks instead of plus icon - Fix unicode characters in ca and domain adders - Resolves: #1365083 Incomplete output returned for command ipa vault-add - client: add missing output params to client-side commands - Resolves: #1365526 build fails during "make check" - ipa-kdb: Fix unit test after packaging changes in krb5- Resolves: #1353829 traceback message seen in ipaserver-uninstall.log file. - Do not initialize API in ipa-client-automount uninstall - Resolves: #1356899 need update after thin client changes - idrange: fix unassigned global variable - Resolves: #1360792 Migrating users doesn't update krbCanonicalName - re-set canonical principal name on migrated users - Resolves: #1362012 ipa hbactest produces error about cannot concatenate 'str' and 'bool' objects - Fix ipa hbactest output - Resolves: #1362260 ipa vault-mod no longer allows defining salt - vault: add missing salt option to vault_mod - Resolves: #1362312 ipa vault-retrieve internal error when using the wrong public key - vault: Catch correct exception in decrypt - Resolves: #1362537 ipa-server-install fails to create symlink from /etc/ipa/kdcproxy/ to /etc/httpd/conf.d/ - Correct path to HTTPD's systemd service directory - Resolves: #1363756 Increase length of passwords generated by installer - Increase default length of auto generated passwords- Resolves: #1117306 [RFE] Allow multiple Principals per host entry (Kerberos aliases) - harden the check for trust namespace overlap in new principals - Resolves: #1351142 CLI is not using session cookies for communication with IPA API - Fix session cookies - Resolves: #1353888 Fix the help for ipa otp and other topics - help: Add dnsserver commands to help topic 'dns' - Resolves: #1354406 host-del updatedns options complains about missing ptr record for host - Host-del: fix behavior of --updatedns and PTR records - Resolves: #1355718 ipa-replica-manage man page example output differs actual command output - Minor fix in ipa-replica-manage MAN page - Resolves: #1358229 Traceback message should be fixed, seen while editing winsync migrated user information in Default trust view. - baseldap: Fix MidairCollision instantiation during entry modification - Resolves: #1358849 CA replica install logs to wrong log file - unite log file name of ipa-ca-install - Resolves: #1359130 ipa-server-install command fails to install IPA server. - DNS Locations: fix update-system-records unpacking error - Resolves: #1359237 AVC on dirsrv config caused by IPA installer - Use copy when replacing files to keep SELinux context - Resolves: #1359692 ipa-client-install join fail with traceback against RHEL-6.8 ipa-server - compat: fix ping call - Resolves: #1359738 ipa-replica-install --domain= option does not work - replica-install: Fix --domain - Resolves: #1360778 Vault commands are available in CLI even when the server does not support them - Revert "Enable vault-* commands on client" - client: fix hiding of commands which lack server support - Related: #1281704 Rebase to softhsm 2.1.0 - Remove the workaround for softhsm bug #1293340 - Related: #1298288 [RFE] Improve performance in large environments. - Create indexes for krbCanonicalName attribute- Resolves: #1296140 Remove redhat-access-plugin-ipa support - Obsolete and conflict redhat-access-plugin-ipa - Resolves: #1351119 Multiple issues while uninstalling ipa-server - server uninstall fails to remove krb principals - Resolves: #1351758 ipa commands not showing expected error messages - frontend: copy command arguments to output params on client - Show full error message for selinuxusermap-add-hostgroup - Resolves: #1352883 Traceback on adding default automember group and hostgroup set - allow 'value' output param in commands without primary key - Resolves: #1353888 Fix the help for ipa otp and other topics - schema: Fix subtopic -> topic mapping - Resolves: #1354348 ipa trustconfig-show throws internal error. - allow 'value' output param in commands without primary key - Resolves: #1354381 ipa trust-add with raw option gives internal error. - trust-add: handle `--all/--raw` options properly - Resolves: #1354493 Replica install fails with old IPA master - DNS install: Ensure that DNS servers container exists - Resolves: #1354628 ipa hostgroup-add-member does not return error message when adding itself as member - frontend: copy command arguments to output params on client - Resolves: #1355856 ipa otptoken-add --type=totp gives internal error - messages: specify message type for ResultFormattingError - Resolves: #1356063 "ipa radiusproxy-add" command needs to prompt to enter secret key - expose `--secret` option in radiusproxy-* commands - prevent search for RADIUS proxy servers by secret - Resolves: #1356099 Bug in the ipapwd plugin - Heap corruption in ipapwd plugin - Resolves: #1356899 need update after thin client changes - Use server API in oddjob helper - Resolves: #1356964 Renaming a user removes all of his principal aliases - Preserve user principal aliases during rename operation- Resolves: #1274524 [RFE] Qualify up to 60 IdM replicas - Resolves: #1320838 [RFE] Support IdM Client in a DNS domain controlled by AD - Related: #1356134 'kinit -E' does not work for IPA user- Resolves: #1356102 Server uninstall does not stop tracking lightweight sub-CA with certmonger - uninstall: untrack lightweight CA certs - Resolves: #1351807 ipa-nis-manage config.get_dn missing - ipa-nis-manage: Use server API to retrieve plugin status - Resolves: #1353452 ipa-compat-manage command failed, exception: NotImplementedError: config.get_dn() - ipa-compat-manage: use server API to retrieve plugin status - Resolves: #1353899 ipa-advise: object of type 'type' has no len() - ipa-advise: correct handling of plugin namespace iteration - Resolves: #1356134 'kinit -E' does not work for IPA user - kdb: check for local realm in enterprise principals - Resolves: #1353072 ipa unknown command vault-add - Enable vault-* commands on client - vault-add: set the default vault type on the client side if none was given - Resolves: #1353995 Default CA can be used without a CA ACL - caacl: expand plugin documentation - Resolves: #1356144 host-find should not print SSH keys by default, only SSH fingerprints - host-find: do not show SSH key by default - Resolves: #1353506 ipa migrate-ds command fails for IPA in RHEL 7.3 - Removed unused method parameter from migrate-ds- Resolves: #747612 [RFE] IPA should support and manage DNS sites - Resolves: #826790 Disabling password expiration (--maxlife=0 and --minlife=0) in the default global_policy in IPA sets user's password expiration (krbPasswordExpiration) to be 90 days - Resolves: #896699 ipa-replica-manage -H does not delete DNS SRV records - Resolves: #1084018 [RFE] Add IdM user password change support for legacy client compat tree - Resolves: #1117306 [RFE] Allow multiple Principals per host entry (Kerberos aliases) - Fix incorrect check for principal type when evaluating CA ACLs - Resolves: #1146860 [RFE] Offer OTP generation for host enrollment in the UI - Resolves: #1238190 ipasam unable to lookup group in directory yet manual search works - Resolves: #1250110 search by users which don't have read rights for all attrs in search_attributes fails - Resolves: #1263764 Show Certificate displays in useless format - Resolves: #1272491 [WebUI] Certificate action dropdown does not display all the options after adding new certificate - Resolves: #1292141 Rebase to FreeIPA 4.4+ - Rebase to 4.4.0 - Resolves: #1294503 IPA fails to issue 3rd party certs - Resolves: #1298242 [RFE] API compatibility - compatibility of clients - Resolves: #1298848 [RFE] Centralized topology management - Resolves: #1298966 [RFE] Extend Smart Card support - Resolves: #1315146 Multiple clients cannot join domain simultaneously: /var/run/httpd/ipa/clientcaches race condition? - Resolves: #1318903 ipa server install failing when SUBCA signs the cert - Resolves: #1319003 ipa-winsync-migrate: Traceback should be fixed with proper console output - Resolves: #1324055 IPA always qualify requests for admin - Resolves: #1328552 [RFE] Allow users to authenticate with alternative names - Resolves: #1334582 Inconsistent UI and CLI options for removing certificate hold - Resolves: #1346321 Exclude o=ipaca subtree from Retro Changelog (syncrepl) - Resolves: #1349281 Fix `Conflicts` with ipa-python - Resolves: #1350695 execution of copy-schema script fails - Resolves: #1351118 upgrade failed for RHEL-7.3 from RHEL-7.2.z - Resolves: #1351153 AVC seen on Replica during ipa-server upgrade test execution to 7.3 - Resolves: #1351276 ipa-server-install with dns cannot resolve itself to create ipa-ca entry - Related: #1343422 [RFE] Add GssapiImpersonate option- Resolves: #1348948 IPA server install fails with build ipa-server-4.4.0-0.el7.1.alpha1 - Revert "Increased mod_wsgi socket-timeout"- Resolves: #712109 "krbExtraData not allowed" is logged in DS error log while setting password for default sudo binddn. - Resolves: #747612 [RFE] IPA should support and manage DNS sites - Resolves: #768316 [RFE] ipa-getkeytab should auto-detect the ipa server name - Resolves: #825391 [RFE] Replica installation should provide a means for inheriting nssldap security access settings - Resolves: #921497 Incorrect *.py[co] files placement - Resolves: #1029640 RHEL7 IPA to add DNA Plugin config for dnaRemote support - Resolves: #1029905 389 DS cache sizes not replicated to IPA replicas - Resolves: #1196958 IPA replica installation failing with high number of users (160000). - Resolves: #1219402 IPA suggests to uninstall a client when the user needs to uninstall a replica - Resolves: #1224057 [RFE] TGS authorization decisions in KDC based on Authentication Indicator - Resolves: #1234222 [WebUI] UI error message is not appropriate for "Kerberos principal expiration" - Resolves: #1234223 [WebUI] General invalid password error message appearing for "Locked user" - Resolves: #1254267 ipa-server-install failure applying ldap updates with limits exceeded - Resolves: #1258626 realmdomains-mod --add-domain command throwing error when doamin already is in forwardzone. - Resolves: #1259020 ipa-server-adtrust-install doesn't allow NetBIOS-name=EXAMPLE-TEST.COM (dash character) - Resolves: #1260993 DNSSEC signing enablement on dnszone should throw error message when DNSSEC master not installed - Resolves: #1262747 dnssec options missing in ipa-dns-install man page - Resolves: #1265900 Fail installation immediately after dirsrv fails to install using ipa-server-install - Resolves: #1265915 idoverrideuser-find fails if any SID anchor is not resolvable anymore - Resolves: #1268027 ipa-dnskeysync-replica crash with backtrace - LimitsExceeded: limits exceeded for this query - Resolves: #1269089 Certificate of managed-by host/service fails to resubmit - Resolves: #1269200 ipa-server crashing while trying to preserve admin user - Resolves: #1271321 Reduce ioblocktimeout and idletimeout defaults - Resolves: #1271579 Automember rule expressions disappear from tables on single expression delete - Resolves: #1275816 Incomplete ports for IPA ad-trust - Resolves: #1276351 [RFE] Remove /usr/share/ipa/updates/50-lockout-policy.update file from IPA releases - Resolves: #1277109 Add tool tips for Revert, Refresh, Undo, and Undo All in the IPA UI - Resolves: #1278426 Better error message needed for invalid ca-signing-algo option - Resolves: #1279932 ipa-client-install --request-cert needs workaround in anaconda chroot - Resolves: #1282521 Creating a user w/o private group fails when doing so in WebUI - Resolves: #1283879 ipa-winsync-migrate: Traceback message should be replaced by "IPA is not configured on this system" - Resolves: #1285071 ipa-kra-install fails on replica looking for admin cert file - Resolves: #1287194 [RFE] Support of UPN for trusted domains - Resolves: #1288967 Normalize Manager entry in ipa user-add - Resolves: #1289487 Priority field missing in Password Policy detail tab - Resolves: #1291140 ipa client should configure kpasswd_server directive in krb5.conf - Resolves: #1292141 Rebase to FreeIPA 4.4+ - Rebase to 4.4.0.alpha1 - Resolves: #1298848 [RFE] Centralized topology management - Resolves: #1300576 Browser setup page includes instructions for Internet Explorer - Resolves: #1301586 ipa host-del --updatedns should remove related dns entries. - Resolves: #1304618 Residual Files After IPA Server Uninstall - Resolves: #1305144 ipa-python does not require its dependencies - Resolves: #1309700 Process /usr/sbin/winbindd was killed by signal 6 - Resolves: #1313798 Console output post ipa-winsync-migrate command should be corrected. - Resolves: #1314786 [RFE] External Trust with Active Directory domain - Resolves: #1319023 Include description for 'status' option in man page for ipactl command. - Resolves: #1319912 ipa-server-install does not completely change hostname and named-pkcs11 fails - Resolves: #1320891 IPA Error 3009: Validation error: Invalid 'ptrrecord': Reverse zone requires exactly 4 IP address compnents, 5 given - Resolves: #1327207 ipa cert-revoke --help doesn't provide enough info on revocation reasons - Resolves: #1328549 "ipa-kra-install" command reports incorrect message when it is executed on server already installed with KRA. - Resolves: #1329209 ipa-nis-manage enable: change service name from 'portmap' to 'rpcbind' - Resolves: #1329275 ipa-nis-manage command should include status option - Resolves: #1330843 'man ipa' should be updated with latest commands - Resolves: #1333755 ipa cert-request causes internal server error while requesting certificate - Resolves: #1337484 EOF is not handled for ipa-client-install command - Resolves: #1338031 Insufficient 'write' privilege on some attributes for the members of the role which has "User Administrators" privilege. - Resolves: #1343142 IPA DNS should do better verification of DNS zones - Resolves: #1347928 Frontpage exposes runtime error with no cookies enabled in browser- Resolves: #1339483 ipa-server-install fails with ERROR pkinit_cert_files - Fix incorrect rebase of patch 1001- Resolves: #1339233 CA installed on replica is always marked as renewal master - Related: #1292141 Rebase to FreeIPA 4.4+ - Rebase to Resolves: #1332809 ipa-server-4.2.0-15.el7_2.6.1.x86_64 fails to install because of missing dependencies - Rebuild with krb5-1.14.1- Resolves: #837369 [RFE] Switch to client promotion to replica model - Resolves: #1199516 [RFE] Move replication topology to the shared tree - Resolves: #1206588 [RFE] Visualize FreeIPA server replication topology - Resolves: #1211602 Hide ipa-server-install KDC master password option (-P) - Resolves: #1212713 ipa-csreplica-manage: it could be nice to have also list-ruv / clean-ruv / abort-clean-ruv for o=ipaca backend - Resolves: #1267206 ipa-server-install uninstall should warn if no installation found - Resolves: #1295865 The Domain option is not correctly set in idmapd.conf when ipa-client-automount is executed. - Resolves: #1327092 URI details missing and OCSP-URI details are incorrectly displayed when certificate generated using IPA on RHEL 7.2up2. - Resolves: #1332809 ipa-server-4.2.0-15.el7_2.6.1.x86_64 fails to install because of missing dependencies - Related: #1292141 Rebase to FreeIPA 4.4+ - Rebase to Resolves: #1277696 IPA certificate auto renewal fail with "Invalid Credential" - cert renewal: make renewal of ipaCert atomic - Resolves: #1278330 installer options are not validated at the beginning of installation - install: fix command line option validation - Resolves: #1282845 sshd_config change on ipa-client-install can prevent sshd from starting up - client install: do not corrupt OpenSSH config with Match sections - Resolves: #1282935 ipa upgrade causes vault internal error - install: export KRA agent PEM file in ipa-kra-install - Resolves: #1283429 Default CA ACL rule is not created during ipa-replica-install - TLS and Dogtag HTTPS request logging improvements - Avoid race condition caused by profile delete and recreate - Do not erroneously reinit NSS in Dogtag interface - Add profiles and default CA ACL on migration - disconnect ldap2 backend after adding default CA ACL profiles - do not disconnect when using existing connection to check default CA ACLs - Resolves: #1283430 ipa-kra-install: fails to apply updates - suppress errors arising from adding existing LDAP entries during KRA install - Resolves: #1283748 Caching of ipaconfig does not work in framework - fix caching in get_ipa_config - Resolves: #1283943 IPA DNS Zone/DNS Forward Zone details missing after upgrade from RHEL 7.0 to RHEL 7.2 - upgrade: fix migration of old dns forward zones - Fix upgrade of forwardzones when zone is in realmdomains - Resolves: #1284413 ipa-cacert-manage renew fails on nonexistent ldap connection - ipa-cacert-renew: Fix connection to ldap. - Resolves: #1284414 ipa-otptoken-import fails on nonexistent ldap connection - ipa-otptoken-import: Fix connection to ldap. - Resolves: #1286635 IPA server upgrade fails from RHEL 7.0 to RHEL 7.2 using "yum update ipa* sssd" - Set minimal required version for openssl - Resolves: #1286781 ipa-nis-manage does not update ldap with all NIS maps - Upgrade: Fix upgrade of NIS Server configuration - Resolves: #1289311 umask setting causes named-pkcs11 issue with directory permissions on /var/lib/ipa/dnssec - DNS: fix file permissions - Explicitly call chmod on newly created directories - Fix: replace mkdir with chmod - Resolves: #1290142 Broken 7.2.0 to 7.2.z upgrade - flawed version comparison - Fix version comparison - use FFI call to rpmvercmp function for version comparison - Resolves: #1292595 In IPA-AD trust environment some secondary IPA based Posix groups are missing - ipa-kdb: map_groups() consider all results - Resolves: #1293870 User should be notified for wrong password in password reset page - Fixed login error message box in LoginScreen page - Resolves: #1296196 Sysrestore did not restore state if a key is specified in mixed case - Allow to used mixed case for sysrestore - Resolves: #1296214 DNSSEC key purging is not handled properly - DNSSEC: Improve error reporting from ipa-ods-exporter - DNSSEC: Make sure that current state in OpenDNSSEC matches key state in LDAP - DNSSEC: Make sure that current key state in LDAP matches key state in BIND - DNSSEC: remove obsolete TODO note - DNSSEC: add debug mode to - DNSSEC: logging improvements in ipa-ods-exporter - DNSSEC: remove keys purged by OpenDNSSEC from master HSM from LDAP - DNSSEC: ipa-dnskeysyncd: Skip zones with old DNSSEC metadata in LDAP - DNSSEC: ipa-ods-exporter: add ldap-cleanup command - DNSSEC: ipa-dnskeysyncd: call ods-signer ldap-cleanup on zone removal - DNSSEC: Log debug messages at log level DEBUG - Resolves: #1296216 ipa-server-upgrade fails if certmonger is not running - prevent crash of CA-less server upgrade due to absent certmonger - always start certmonger during IPA server configuration upgrade - Resolves: #1297811 The ipa -e skip_version_check=1 still issues incompatibility error when called against RHEL 6 server - ipalib: assume version 2.0 when skip_version_check is enabled - Resolves: #1298289 install fails when locale is "fr_FR.UTF-8" - Do not decode HTTP reason phrase from Dogtag - Resolves: #1300252 shared certificateProfiles container is missing on a freshly installed RHEL7.2 system - upgrade: unconditional import of certificate profiles into LDAP - Resolves: #1301674 --setup-dns and other options is forgotten for using an external PKI - installer: Propagate option values from components instead of copying them. - installer: Fix logic of reading option values from cache. - Resolves: #1301687 issues with migration from RHEL 6 self-signed to RHEL 7 CA IPA setup - ipa-ca-install: print more specific errors when CA is already installed - cert renewal: import all external CA certs on IPA CA cert renewal - CA install: explicitly set dogtag_version to 10 - fix standalone installation of externally signed CA on IPA master - replica install: validate DS and HTTP server certificates - replica install: improvements in the handling of CA-related IPA config entries - Resolves: #1301901 [RFE] compat tree: show AD members of IPA groups - slapi-nis: update configuration to allow external members of IPA groups - Resolves: #1305533 ipa trust-add succeded but after that ipa trust-find returns "0 trusts matched" - upgrade: fix config of sidgen and extdom plugins - trusts: use ipaNTTrustPartner attribute to detect trust entries - Warn user if trust is broken - fix upgrade: wait for proper DS socket after DS restart - Insure the admin_conn is disconnected on stop - Fix connections to DS during installation - Fix broken trust warnings - Resolves: #1321092 Installers fail when there are multiple versions of the same certificate - certdb: never use the -r option of certutil - Related: #1317381 Crash during IPA upgrade due to slapd - spec file: update minimum required version of slapi-nis - Related: #1322691 CVE-2015-5370 CVE-2016-2110 CVE-2016-2111 CVE-2016-2112 CVE-2016-2113 CVE-2016-2114 CVE-2016-2115 CVE-2016-2118 samba: various flaws [rhel-7.3] - Rebuild against newer Samba version- Resolves: #1252556 Missing CLI param and ACL for vault service operations - vault: fix private service vault creation- Resolves: #1262996 ipa vault internal error on replica without KRA - upgrade: make sure ldap2 is connected in export_kra_agent_pem - Resolves: #1270608 IPA upgrade fails for server with CA cert signed by external CA - schema: do not derive ipaVaultPublicKey from ipaPublicKey- Resolves: #1217009 OTP sync in UI does not work for TOTP tokens - Fix an integer underflow bug in libotp - Resolves: #1262996 ipa vault internal error on replica without KRA - install: always export KRA agent PEM file - vault: select a server with KRA for vault operations - Resolves: #1269777 IPA restore overwrites /etc/passwd and /etc/group files - do not overwrite files with local users/groups when restoring authconfig - Renamed patch 1011 to 0138, as it was merged upstream- Resolves: #1204205 [RFE] ID Views: Automated migration tool from Winsync to Trusts - winsync-migrate: Convert entity names to posix friendly strings - winsync-migrate: Properly handle collisions in the names of external groups - Resolves: #1261074 Adjust Firefox configuration to new extension signing policy - webui: use manual Firefox configuration for Firefox >= 40 - Resolves: #1263337 IPA Restore failed with installed KRA - ipa-backup: Add mechanism to store empty directory structure - Resolves: #1264793 CVE-2015-5284 ipa: ipa-kra-install includes certificate and private key in world readable file [rhel-7.2] - install: fix KRA agent PEM file permissions - Resolves: #1265086 Mark IdM API Browser as experimental - WebUI: add API browser is experimental warning - Resolves: #1265277 Fix kdcproxy user creation - install: create kdcproxy user during server install - platform: add option to create home directory when adding user - install: fix kdcproxy user home directory - Resolves: #1265559 GSS failure after ipa-restore - destroy httpd ccache after stopping the service- Resolves: #1258965 ipa vault: set owner of vault container - baseldap: make subtree deletion optional in LDAPDelete - vault: add vault container commands - vault: set owner to current user on container creation - vault: update access control - vault: add permissions and administrator privilege - install: support KRA update - Resolves: #1261586 ipa config-mod addattr fails for ipauserobjectclasses - config: allow user/host attributes with tagging options - Resolves: #1262315 Unable to establish winsync replication - winsync: Add inetUser objectclass to the passsync sysaccount- Resolves: #1260663 crash of ipa-dnskeysync-replica component during ipa-restore - IPA Restore: allows to specify files that should be removed - Resolves: #1261806 Installing ipa-server package breaks httpd - Handle timeout error in ipa-httpd-kdcproxy - Resolves: #1262322 Failed to backup CS.cfg message in upgrade. - Server Upgrade: backup CS.cfg when dogtag is turned off- Resolves: #1257074 The KRA agent cert is stored in a PEM file that is not tracked - cert renewal: Include KRA users in Dogtag LDAP update - cert renewal: Automatically update KRA agent PEM file - Resolves: #1257163 renaming certificatte profile with --rename option leads to integrity issues - certprofile: remove 'rename' option - Resolves: #1257968 kinit stop working after ipa-restore - Backup: back up the hosts file - Resolves: #1258926 Remove 'DNSSEC is experimental' warnings - DNSSEC: remove "DNSSEC is experimental" warnings - Resolves: #1258929 Uninstallation of IPA leaves extra entry in /etc/hosts - Installer: do not modify /etc/hosts before user agreement - Resolves: #1258944 DNSSEC daemons may deadlock when processing more than 1 zone - DNSSEC: backup and restore opendnssec zone list file - DNSSEC: remove ccache and keytab of ipa-ods-exporter - DNSSEC: prevent ipa-ods-exporter from looping after service auto-restart - DNSSEC: Fix deadlock in ipa-ods-exporter <-> ods-enforcerd interaction - DNSSEC: Fix HSM synchronization in ipa-dnskeysyncd when running on DNSSEC key master - DNSSEC: Fix key metadata export - DNSSEC: Wrap master key using RSA OAEP instead of old PKCS v1.5. - Resolves: #1258964 revert to use ldapi to add kra agent in KRA install - Using LDAPI to setup CA and KRA agents. - Resolves: #1259848 server closes connection and refuses commands after deleting user that is still logged in - ldap: Make ldap2 connection management thread-safe again - Resolves: #1259996 AttributeError: 'NameSpace' object has no attribute 'ra_certprofile' while ipa-ca-install - load RA backend plugins during standalone CA install on CA-less IPA master- Resolves: #1254689 Storing big file as a secret in vault raises traceback - vault: Limit size of data stored in vault - Resolves: #1255880 ipactl status should distinguish between different pki-tomcat services - ipactl: Do not start/stop/restart single service multiple times- Resolves: #1256840 [webui] majority of required fields is no longer marked as required - fix missing information in object metadata - Resolves: #1256842 [webui] no option to choose trust type when creating a trust - webui: add option to establish bidirectional trust - Resolves: #1256853 Clear text passwords in KRA install log - Removed clear text passwords from KRA install log. - Resolves: #1257072 The "Standard Vault" MUST not be the default and must be discouraged - vault: change default vault type to symmetric - Resolves: #1257163 renaming certificatte profile with --rename option leads to integrity issues - certprofile: prevent rename (modrdn)- Resolves: #1249226 IPA dnssec-validation not working for AD dnsforwardzone - DNSSEC: fix forward zone forwarders checks - Resolves: #1250190 idrange is not added for sub domain - trusts: format Kerberos principal properly when fetching trust topology - Resolves: #1252334 User life cycle: missing ability to provision a stage user from a preserved user - Add user-stage command - Resolves: #1252863 After applying RHBA-2015-1554 errata, IPA service fails to start. - spec file: Add Requires(post) on selinux-policy - Resolves: #1254304 Changing vault encryption attributes - Change internal rsa_(public|private)_key variable names - Added support for changing vault encryption. - Resolves: #1256715 Executing user-del --preserve twice removes the user pernamently - improve the usability of `ipa user-del --preserve` command- Resolves: #1199530 [RFE] Provide user lifecycle managment capabilities - user-undel: Fix error messages. - Resolves: #1200694 [RFE] Support for multiple cert profiles - Prohibit deletion of predefined profiles - Resolves: #1232819 testing ipa-restore on fresh system install fails - Backup/resore authentication control configuration - Resolves: #1243331 pkispawn fails when migrating to 4.2 server from 3.0 server - Require Dogtag PKI >= 10.2.6 - Resolves: #1245225 Asymmetric vault drops traceback when the key is not proper - Asymmetric vault: validate public key in client - Resolves: #1248399 Missing DNSSEC related files in backup - fix typo in BasePathNamespace member pointing to ods exporter config - ipa-backup: archive DNSSEC zone file and kasp.db - Resolves: #1248405 PassSync should be disabled after ipa-winsync-migrate is finished - winsync-migrate: Add warning about passsync - winsync-migrate: Expand the man page - Resolves: #1248524 User can't find any hosts using "ipa host-find $HOSTNAME" - adjust search so that it works for non-admin users - Resolves: #1250093 ipa certprofile-import accepts invalid config - Require Dogtag PKI >= 10.2.6 - Resolves: #1250107 IPA framework should not allow modifying trust on AD trust agents - trusts: Detect missing Samba instance - Resolves: #1250111 User lifecycle - preserved users can be assigned membership - ULC: Prevent preserved users from being assigned membership - Resolves: #1250145 Add permission for user to bypass caacl enforcement - Add permission for bypassing CA ACL enforcement - Resolves: #1250190 idrange is not added for sub domain - idranges: raise an error when local IPA ID range is being modified - trusts: harden trust-fetch-domains oddjobd-based script - Resolves: #1250928 Man page for ipa-server-install is out of sync - install: Fix server and replica install options - Resolves: #1251225 IPA default CAACL does not allow cert-request for services after upgrade - Fix default CA ACL added during upgrade - Resolves: #1251561 ipa vault-add Unknown option: ipavaultpublickey - validate mutually exclusive options in vault-add - Resolves: #1251579 ipa vault-add --user should set container owner equal to user on first run - Fixed vault container ownership. - Resolves: #1252517 cert-request rejects request with correct krb5PrincipalName SAN - Fix KRB5PrincipalName / UPN SAN comparison - Resolves: #1252555 ipa vault-find doesn't work for services - vault: Add container information to vault command results - Add flag to list all service and user vaults - Resolves: #1252556 Missing CLI param and ACL for vault service operations - Added CLI param and ACL for vault service operations. - Resolves: #1252557 certprofile: improve profile format documentation - certprofile-import: improve profile format documentation - certprofile: add profile format explanation - Resolves: #1253443 ipa vault-add creates vault with invalid type - vault: validate vault type - Resolves: #1253480 ipa vault-add-owner does not fail when adding an existing owner - baseldap: Allow overriding member param label in LDAPModMember - vault: Fix param labels in output of vault owner commands - Resolves: #1253511 ipa vault-find does not use criteria - vault: Fix vault-find with criteria - Resolves: #1254038 ipa-replica-install pk12util error returns exit status 10 - install: Fix replica install with custom certificates - Resolves: #1254262 ipa-dnskeysync-replica crash cannot contact kdc - improve the handling of krb5-related errors in dnssec daemons - Resolves: #1254412 when dirsrv is off ,upgrade from 7.1 to 7.2 fails with starting CA and named-pkcs11.service - Server Upgrade: Start DS before CA is started. - Resolves: #1254637 Add ACI and permission for managing user userCertificate attribute - add permission: System: Manage User Certificates - Resolves: #1254641 Remove CSR allowed-extensions restriction - cert-request: remove allowed extensions check - Resolves: #1254693 vault --service does not normalize service principal - vault: normalize service principal in service vault operations - Resolves: #1254785 ipa-client-install does not properly handle dual stacked hosts - client: Add support for multiple IP addresses during installation. - Add dependency to SSSD 1.13.1 - client: Add description of --ip-address and --all-ip-addresses to man page- Resolves: #1072383 [RFE] Provide ability to map CAC identity certificates to users in IdM - store certificates issued for user entries as - user-show: add --out option to save certificates to file - Resolves: #1145748 [RFE] IPA running with One Way Trust - Fix upgrade of sidgen and extdom plugins - Resolves: #1195339 ipa-client-install changes the label on various files which causes SELinux denials - Use 'mv -Z' in specfile to restore SELinux context - Resolves: #1198796 Text in UI should describe differing LDAP vs Krb behavior for combinations of "User authentication types" - webui: add LDAP vs Kerberos behavior description to user auth - Resolves: #1199530 [RFE] Provide user lifecycle managment capabilities - ULC: Fix stageused-add --from-delete command - Resolves: #1200694 [RFE] Support for multiple cert profiles - certprofile-import: do not require profileId in profile data - Give more info on virtual command access denial - Allow SAN extension for cert-request self-service - Add profile for DNP3 / IEC 62351-8 certificates - Work around python-nss bug on unrecognised OIDs - Resolves: #1204501 [RFE] Add Password Vault (KRA) functionality - Validate vault's file parameters - Fixed missing KRA agent cert on replica. - Resolves: #1225866 display browser config options that apply to the browser. - webui: add Kerberos configuration instructions for Chrome - Remove ico files from Makefile - Resolves: #1246342 Unapply idview raises internal error - idviews: Check for the Default Trust View only if applying the view - Resolves: #1248102 [webui] regression - incorrect/no failed auth messages - webui: fix regressions failed auth messages - Resolves: #1248396 Internal error in DomainValidator.__search_in_dc - dcerpc: Fix UnboundLocalError for ccache_name - Resolves: #1249455 ipa trust-add failed CIFS server configuration does not allow access to \\pipe\lsarpc - Fix selector of protocol for LSA RPC binding string - dcerpc: Simplify generation of LSA-RPC binding strings - Resolves: #1250192 Error in ipa trust-fecth-domains - Fix incorrect type comparison in trust-fetch-domains - Resolves: #1251553 Winsync setup fails with unexpected error - replication: Fix incorrect exception invocation - Resolves: #1251854 ipa aci plugin is not parsing aci's correctly. - ACI plugin: correctly parse bind rules enclosed in - Resolves: #1252414 Trust agent install does not detect available replicas to add to master - adtrust-install: Correctly determine 4.2 FreeIPA servers- Resolves: #1170770 [AD TRUST]IPA should detect inconsistent realm domains that conflicts with AD DC - trusts: Check for AD root domain among our trusted domains - Resolves: #1195339 ipa-client-install changes the label on various files which causes SELinux denials - sysrestore: copy files instead of moving them to avoind SELinux issues - Resolves: #1196656 [ipa-client][rhel71] enable debugging for spawned commands / ntpd -qgc $tmpfile hangs - enable debugging of ntpd during client installation - Resolves: #1205264 Migration UI Does Not Work When Anonymous Bind is Disabled - migration: Use api.env variables. - Resolves: #1212719 abort-clean-ruv subcommand should allow replica-certifyall: no - Allow value 'no' for replica-certify-all attr in abort-clean-ruv subcommand - Resolves: #1216935 ipa trust-add shows ipa: ERROR: an internal error has occurred - dcerpc: Expand explanation for WERR_ACCESS_DENIED - dcerpc: Fix UnboundLocalError for ccache_name - Resolves: #1222778 idoverride group-del can delete user and user-del can delete group - dcerpc: Add get_trusted_domain_object_type method - idviews: Restrict anchor to name and name to anchor conversions - idviews: Enforce objectclass check in idoverride*-del - Resolves: #1234919 Be able to request certificates without certmonger service running - cermonger: Use private unix socket when DBus SystemBus is not available. - ipa-client-install: Do not (re)start certmonger and DBus daemons. - Resolves: #1240939 Please add dependency on bind-pkcs11 - Create server-dns sub-package. - ipaplatform: Add constants submodule - DNS: check if DNS package is installed - Resolves: #1242914 Bump minimal selinux-policy and add booleans to allow calling out oddjobd-activated services - selinux: enable httpd_run_ipa to allow communicating with oddjobd services - Resolves: #1243261 non-admin users cannot search hbac rules - fix hbac rule search for non-admin users - fix selinuxusermap search for non-admin users - Resolves: #1243652 Client has missing dependency on memcache - do not import memcache on client - Resolves: #1243835 [webui] user change password dialog does not work - webui: fix user reset password dialog - Resolves: #1244802 spec: selinux denial during kdcproxy user creation - Fix selinux denial during kdcproxy user creation - Resolves: #1246132 trust-fetch-domains: Do not chown keytab to the sssd user - oddjob: avoid chown keytab to sssd if sssd user does not exist - Resolves: #1246136 Adding a privilege to a permission avoids validation - Validate adding privilege to a permission - Resolves: #1246141 DNS Administrators cannot search in zones - DNS: Consolidate DNS RR types in API and schema - Resolves: #1246143 User plugin - user-find doesn't work properly with manager option - fix broken search for users by their manager- Resolves: #1131907 [ipa-client-install] cannot write certificate file '/etc/ipa/': must be string or buffer, not None - Resolves: #1195775 unsaved changes dialog internally inconsistent - Resolves: #1199530 [RFE] Provide user lifecycle managment capabilities - Stageusedr-activate: show username instead of DN - Resolves: #1200694 [RFE] Support for multiple cert profiles - Prevent to rename certprofile profile id - Resolves: #1222047 IPA to AD Trust: IPA ERROR 4016: Remote Retrieve Error - Resolves: #1224769 does not overwrites schema files - copy-schema-to-ca: allow to overwrite schema files - Resolves: #1241941 kdc component installation of IPA failed - spec file: Update minimum required version of krb5 - Resolves: #1242036 Replica install fails to update DNS records - Fix DNS records installation for replicas - Resolves: #1242884 Upgrade to 4.2.0 fails when enabling kdc proxy - Start dirsrv for kdcproxy upgrade- Resolves: #846033 [RFE] Documentation for JSONRPC IPA API - Resolves: #989091 Ability to manage IdM/IPA directly from a standard LDAP client - Resolves: #1072383 [RFE] Provide ability to map CAC identity certificates to users in IdM - Resolves: #1115294 [RFE] Add support for DNSSEC - Resolves: #1145748 [RFE] IPA running with One Way Trust - Resolves: #1199520 [RFE] Introduce single upgrade tool - ipa-server-upgrade - Resolves: #1199530 [RFE] Provide user lifecycle managment capabilities - Resolves: #1200694 [RFE] Support for multiple cert profiles - Resolves: #1200728 [RFE] Replicate PKI Profile information - Resolves: #1200735 [RFE] Allow issuing certificates for user accounts - Resolves: #1204054 SSSD database is not cleared between installs and uninstalls of ipa - Resolves: #1204205 [RFE] ID Views: Automated migration tool from Winsync to Trusts - Resolves: #1204501 [RFE] Add Password Vault (KRA) functionality - Resolves: #1204504 [RFE] Add access control so hosts can create their own services - Resolves: #1206534 [RFE] Offer Kerberos over HTTP (kdcproxy) by default - Resolves: #1206613 [RFE] Configure IPA to be a trust agent by default - Resolves: #1209476 package ipa-client does not require package dbus-python - Resolves: #1211589 [RFE] Add option to skip the verify_client_version - Resolves: #1211608 [RFE] Generic support for unknown DNS RR types (RFC 3597) - Resolves: #1215735 ipa-replica-prepare automatically adds a DNS zone - Resolves: #1217010 OTP Manager field is not exposed in the UI - Resolves: #1222475 krb5kdc : segfault at 0 ip 00007fa9f64d82bb sp 00007fffd68b2340 error 6 in - Related: #1204809 Rebase ipa to 4.2 - Update to upstream 4.2.0 - Move /etc/ipa/kdcproxy to the server subpackage- Resolves: #1228671 pkispawn fails in ipa-ca-install and ipa-kra-install - Related: #1204809 Rebase ipa to 4.2 - Fix minimum version of slapi-nis - Require python-sss and python-sss-murmur (provided by sssd-1.13.0)- Resolves: #805188 [RFE] "ipa migrate-ds" ldapsearches with scope=1 - Resolves: #1019272 With 20000+ users, adding a user to a group intermittently throws Internal server error - Resolves: #1035494 Unable to add Kerberos principal via kadmin.local - Resolves: #1045153 ipa-managed-entries --list -p still requires DM password - Resolves: #1125950 ipa-server-install --uinstall doesn't remove port 7389 from ldap_port_t - Resolves: #1132540 [RFE] Expose service delegation rules in UI and CLI - Resolves: #1145584 ipaserver/install/ creates pkiuser not matching uidgid - Resolves: #1176036 IDM client registration failure in a high load environment - Resolves: #1183116 Remove Requires: subscription-manager - Resolves: #1186054 permission-add does not prompt to enter --right option in interactive mode - Resolves: #1187524 Replication agreement with replica not disabled when ipa-restore done without IPA installed - Resolves: #1188195 Fax number not displayed for user-show when kinit'ed as normal user. - Resolves: #1189034 "an internal error has occurred" during ipa host-del --updatedns - Resolves: #1193554 ipa-client-automount: failing with error LDAP server returned UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM. This likely means that minssf is enabled. - Resolves: #1193759 IPA extdom plugin fails when encountering large groups - Resolves: #1194312 [ipa-python] ipalib.errors.LDAPError: failed to decode certificate: (SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS) security library: invalid arguments. - Resolves: #1194633 Default trust view can be deleted in lower case - Resolves: #1196455 ipa-server-install step [8/27]: starting certificate server instance - confusing CA staus message on TLS error - Resolves: #1198263 Limit deadlocks between DS plugin DNA and slapi-nis - Resolves: #1199527 [RFE] Use datepicker component for datetime fields - Resolves: #1200867 [RFE] Make OTP validation window configurable - Resolves: #1200883 [RFE] Switch apache to use mod_auth_gssapi - Resolves: #1202998 CVE-2015-1827 ipa: memory corruption when using get_user_grouplist() [rhel-7.2] - Resolves: #1204637 slow group operations - Resolves: #1204642 migrate-ds: slow add o users to default group - Resolves: #1208461 IPA CA master server update stuck on checking getStatus via https - Resolves: #1211602 Hide ipa-server-install KDC master password option (-P) - Resolves: #1211708 ipa-client-install gets stuck during NTP sync - Resolves: #1215197 ipa-client-install ignores --ntp-server option during time sync - Resolves: #1215200 ipa-client-install configures IPA server as NTP source even if IPA server has not ntpd configured - Resolves: #1217009 OTP sync in UI does not work for TOTP tokens - Related: #1204809 Rebase ipa to 4.2 - Update to upstream 4.2.0.alpha1- [ipa-python] ipalib.errors.LDAPError: failed to decode certificate: (SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS) security library: invalid arguments. (#1194312)- IPA extdom plugin fails when encountering large groups (#1193759) - CVE-2015-0283 ipa: slapi-nis: infinite loop in getgrnam_r() and getgrgid_r() (#1202998)- "an internal error has occurred" during ipa host-del --updatedns (#1198431) - Renamed patch 1013 to 0114, as it was merged upstream - Fax number not displayed for user-show when kinit'ed as normal user. (#1198430) - Replication agreement with replica not disabled when ipa-restore done without IPA installed (#1199060) - Limit deadlocks between DS plugin DNA and slapi-nis (#1199128)- Fix ipa-pwd-extop global configuration caching (#1187342) - group-detach does not add correct objectclasses (#1187540)- Wrong directories created on full restore (#1186398) - ipa-restore crashes if replica is unreachable (#1186396) - idoverrideuser-add option --sshpubkey does not work (#1185410)- PassSync does not sync passwords due to missing ACIs (#1181093) - ipa-replica-manage list does not list synced domain (#1181010) - Do not assume certmonger is running in httpinstance (#1181767) - ipa-replica-manage disconnect fails without password (#1183279) - Put LDIF files to their original location in ipa-restore (#1175277) - DUA profile not available anonymously (#1184149) - IPA replica missing data after master upgraded (#1176995)- Re-add accidentally removed patches for #1170695 and #1164896- IPA Replicate creation fails with error "Update failed! Status: [10 Total update abortedLDAP error: Referral]" (#1166265) - running ipa-server-install --setup-dns results in a crash (#1072502) - DNS zones are not migrated into forward zones if 4.0+ replica is added (#1175384) - gid is overridden by uid in default trust view (#1168904) - When migrating warn user if compat is enabled (#1177133) - Clean up debug log for trust-add (#1168376) - No error message thrown on restore(full kind) on replica from full backup taken on master (#1175287) - ipa-restore proceed even IPA not configured (#1175326) - Data replication not working as expected after data restore from full backup (#1175277) - IPA externally signed CA cert expiration warning missing from log (#1178128) - ipa-upgradeconfig fails in CA-less installs (#1181767) - IPA certs fail to autorenew simultaneouly (#1173207) - More validation required on ipa-restore's options (#1176034)- Expand the token auth/sync windows (#919228) - Access is not rejected for disabled domain (#1172598) - krb5kdc crash in ldap_pvt_search (#1170695) - RHEL7.1 IPA server httpd avc denials after upgrade (#1164896)- RHEL7.1 ipa-cacert-manage renewed certificate from MS ADCS not compatible (#1169591) - CLI doesn't show SSHFP records with SHA256 added via nsupdate (regression) (#1172578)- Throw zonemgr error message before installation proceeds (#1163849) - Winsync: Setup is broken due to incorrect import of certificate (#1169867) - Enable last token deletion when password auth type is configured (#919228) - ipa-otp-lasttoken loads all user's tokens on every mod/del (#1166641) - add --hosts and --hostgroup options to allow/retrieve keytab methods (#1007367) - Extend host-show to add the view attribute in set of default attributes (#1168916) - Prefer TCP connections to UDP in krb5 clients (#919228) - [WebUI] Not able to unprovisioning service in IPA 4.1 (#1168214) - webui: increase notification duration (#1171089) - RHEL7.1 ipa automatic CA cert renewal stuck in submitting state (#1166931) - RHEL7.1 ipa-cacert-manage cannot change external to self-signed ca cert (#1170003) - Improve validation of --instance and --backend options in ipa-restore (#951581) - RHEL7.1 ipa replica unable to replicate to rhel6 master (#1167964) - Disable TLS 1.2 in nss.conf until mod_nss supports it (#1156466)- Use NSS protocol range API to set available TLS protocols (#1156466)- schema update on RHEL-6.6 using latest from RHEL-7.1 build fails (#1167196) - Investigate & fix Coverity defects in IPA DS/KDC plugins (#1160756) - "ipa trust-add ... " cmd says : (Trust status: Established and verified) while in the logs we see "WERR_ACCESS_DENIED" during verification step. (#1144121) - POODLE: force using safe ciphers (non-SSLv3) in IPA client and server (#1156466) - Add support/hooks for a one-time password system like SecureID in IPA (#919228) - Tracebacks with latest build for --zonemgr cli option (#1167270) - ID Views: Support migration from the sync solution to the trust solution (#891984)- Improve otptoken help messages (#919228) - Ensure users exist when assigning tokens to them (#919228) - Enable QR code display by default in otptoken-add (#919228) - Show warning instead of error if CA did not start (#1158410) - CVE-2014-7850 freeipa: XSS flaw can be used to escalate privileges (#1165774) - Traceback when adding zone with long name (#1164859) - Backup & Restore mechanism (#951581) - ignoring user attributes in migrate-ds does not work if uppercase characters are returned by ldap (#1159816) - Allow ipa-getkeytab to optionally fetch existing keys (#1007367) - Failure when installing on dual stacked system with external ca (#1128380) - ipa-server should keep backup of CS.cfg (#1059135) - Tracebacks with latest build for --zonemgr cli option (#1167270) - webui: use domain name instead of domain SID in idrange adder dialog (#891984) - webui: normalize idview tab labels (#891984)- ipa-csreplica-manage connect fails (#1157735) - error message which is not understandable when IDNA2003 characters are present in --zonemgr (#1163849) - Fix warning message should not contain CLI commands (#1114013) - Renewing the CA signing certificate does not extend its validity period end (#1163498) - RHEL7.1 ipa-server-install --uninstall Could not set SELinux booleans for httpd (#1159330)- Fix: DNS installer adds invalid zonemgr email (#1056202) - ipaplatform: Use the dirsrv service, not target (#951581) - Fix: DNS policy upgrade raises asertion error (#1161128) - Fix upgrade referint plugin (#1161128) - Upgrade: fix trusts objectclass violationi (#1161128) - group-add doesn't accept gid parameter (#1149124)- Update slapi-nis dependency to pull 0.54-2 (#891984) - ipa-restore: Don't crash if AD trust is not installed (#951581) - Prohibit setting --rid-base for ranges of ipa-trust-ad-posix type (#1138791) - Trust setting not restored for CA cert with ipa-restore command (#1159011) - ipa-server-install fails when restarting named (#1162340)- Update Requires on pki-ca to 10.1.2-4 (#1129558) - build: increase java stack size for all arches - Add ipaSshPubkey and gidNumber to the ACI to read ID user overrides (#891984) - Fix dns zonemgr validation regression (#1056202) - Handle profile changes in dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent (#886645) - Do not wait for new CA certificate to appear in LDAP in ipa-certupdate (#886645) - Add bind-dyndb-ldap working dir to IPA specfile - Fail if certmonger can't see new CA certificate in LDAP in ipa-cacert-manage (#886645) - Investigate & fix Coverity defects in IPA DS/KDC plugins (#1160756) - Deadlock in schema compat plugin (#1161131) - ipactl stop should stop dirsrv last (#1161129) - Upgrade 3.3.5 to 4.1 failed (#1161128) - CVE-2014-7828 freeipa: password not required when OTP in use (#1160877)- Do not check if port 8443 is available in step 2 of external CA install (#1129481)- Update Requires on selinux-policy to 3.13.1-4- Update to upstream 4.1.0 (#1109726)- Update to upstream 4.1.0 Alpha 1 (#1109726)- Add redhat-access-plugin-ipa dependency- Re-enable otptoken_yubikey plugin- Update to upstream 4.0.3 (#1109726)- Server installation fails using external signed certificates with "IndexError: list index out of range" (#1111320) - Add rhino to BuildRequires to fix Web UI build error- ipa-client-automount fails with incompatibility error when installed against older IPA server (#1083108)- Proxy PKI URI /ca/ee/ca/profileSubmit to enable replication with future PKI versions (#1080865)- When IdM server trusts multiple AD forests, IPA client returns invalid group membership info (#1079498)- Deletion of active subdomain range should not be allowed (#1075615)- PKI database is ugraded during replica installation (#1075118)- Unable to add trust successfully with --trust-secret (#1075704)- ipa-replica-install never checks for 7389 port (#1075165) - Non-terminated string may be passed to LDAP search (#1075091) - ipa-sam may fail to translate group SID into GID (#1073829) - Excessive LDAP calls by ipa-sam during Samba FS operations (#1075132)- Do not fetch a principal two times, remove potential memory leak (#1070924)- trustdomain-find with pkey-only fails (#1068611) - Invalid credential cache in trust-add (#1069182) - ipa-replica-install prints unexpected error (#1069722) - Too big font in input fields in details facet in Firefox (#1069720) - trust-add for POSIX AD does not fetch trustdomains (#1070925) - Misleading trust-add error message in some cases (#1070926) - Access is not rejected for disabled domain (#1070924)- Remove ipa-backup and ipa-restore functionality from RHEL (#1003933)- Display server name in ipa command's verbose mode (#1061703) - Remove sourcehostcategory from default HBAC rule (#1061187) - dnszone-add cannot add classless PTR zones (#1058688) - Move ipa-otpd socket directory to /var/run/krb5kdc (#1063850)- Lockout plugin crashed during ipa-server-install (#912725)- Fallback to global policy in ipa lockout plugin (#912725) - Migration does not add users to default group (#903232)- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24- Fix NetBIOS name generation in CLDAP plugin (#1030517)- Do not add krbPwdPolicyReference for new accounts, hardcode it (#1045218) - Increase default timeout for IPA services (#1033273) - Error while running trustdomain-find (#1054376) - group-show lists SID instead of name for external groups (#1054391) - Fix IPA server NetBIOS name in samba configuration (#1030517) - dnsrecord-mod produces missing API version warning (#1054869) - Hide trust-resolve command as internal (#1052860) - Add Trust domain Web UI (#1054870) - ipasam cannot delete multiple child trusted domains (#1056120)- Missing objectclasses when empty password passed to host-add (#1052979) - sudoOrder missing in sudoers (#1052983) - Missing examples in sudorule help (#1049464) - Client automount does not uninstall when fstore is empty (#910899) - Error not clear for invalid realm given to trust-fetch-domains (#1052981) - trust-fetch-domains does not add idrange for subdomains found (#1049926) - Add option to show if an AD subdomain is enabled/disabled (#1052973) - ipa-adtrust-install still failed with long NetBIOS names (#1030517) - Error not clear for invalid relam given to trustdomain-find (#1049455) - renewed client cert not recognized during IPA CA renewal (#1033273)- hbactest does not work for external users (#848531)- PKI service restart after CA renewal failed (#1040018)- Move ipa-tests package to separate srpm (#1032668)- Fix status trust-add command status message (#910453) - NetBIOS was not trimmed at 15 characters (#1030517) - Harden CA subsystem certificate renewal on CA clones (#1040018)- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27- Remove "Listen 443 http" hack from deployed nss.conf (#1029046) - Re-adding existing trust fails (#1033216) - IPA uninstall exits with a samba error (#1033075) - Added RELRO hardening on /usr/libexec/ipa-otpd (#1026260) - Fixed ownership of /usr/share/ipa/ui/js (#1026260) - ipa-tests: support external names for hosts (#1032668) - ipa-client-install fail due fail to obtain host TGT (#1029354)- Trust add tries to add same value of --base-id for sub domain, causing an error (#1033068) - Improved error reporting for adding trust case (#1029856)- Winsync agreement cannot be created (#1023085)- Installer did not detect different server and IPA domain (#1026845) - Allow kernel keyring CCACHE when supported (#1026861)- ipa-server-install crashes when AD subpackage is not installed (#1026434)- Update to upstream 3.3.3 (#991064)- Temporarily move ipa-backup and ipa-restore functionality back to make them available in public Beta (#1003933)- Server install failure during client enrollment shouldn't roll back (#1023086) - nsds5ReplicaStripAttrs are not set on agreements (#1023085) - ipa-server conflicts with mod_ssl (#1018172)- Reinstalling ipa server hangs when configuring certificate server (#1018804)- Deprecate --serial-autoincrement option (#1016645) - CA installation always failed on replica (#1005446) - Re-initializing a winsync connection exited with error (#994980)- Update to upstream 3.3.2 (#991064) - Add delegation info to MS-PAC (#915799) - Warn about incompatibility with AD when IPA realm and domain differs (#1009044) - Allow PKCS#12 files with empty password in install tools (#1002639) - Privilege "SELinux User Map Administrators" did not list permissions (#997085) - SSH key upload broken when client joins an older server (#1009024)- Remove dependency on python-paramiko (#1002884) - Broken redirection when deleting last entry of DNS resource record (#1006360)- Remove ipa-backup and ipa-restore functionality from RHEL (#1003933)- Replica installation fails for RHEL 6.4 master (#1004680) - Server uninstallation crashes if DS is not available (#998069)- Unable to remove replica by ipa-replica-manage (#1001662) - Before uninstalling a server, warn about active replicas (#998069)- Update to upstream 3.3.1 (#991064) - Update minimum version of bind-dyndb-ldap to 3.5- Fix replica installation failing on certificate subject (#983075)- Allow ipa-tests to work with older version (1.7.7) of python-paramiko- Prevent multilib failures in *.pyo and *.pyc files- ipa-server-install fails if --subject parameter is other than default realm (#983075) - do not allow configuring bind-dyndb-ldap without persistent search (#967876)- diffstat was missing as a build dependency causing multilib problems- Remove ipa-server-selinux obsoletes as upgrades from version prior to 3.3.0 are not allowed - Wrap server-trust-ad subpackage description better - Add (noreplace) flag for %{_sysconfdir}/tmpfiles.d/ipa.conf - Change permissions on to fix ipa-python Provides- Update to upstream 3.3.0 (#991064)- Require slapi-nis 0.47.7 delivering a core feature of 3.3.0 release- Update to upstream 3.3.0 Beta 2 (#991064)- Update to upstream 3.2.2 - Drop ipa-server-selinux subpackage - Drop redundant directory /var/cache/ipa/sessions - Do not create /var/lib/ipa/pki-ca/publish, retain reference as ghost - Run ipa-upgradeconfig and server restart in posttrans to avoid inconsistency issues when there are still old parts of software (like entitlements plugin)- Update to upstream 3.2.1 - Drop dogtag-pki-server-theme requires, it won't be build for RHEL-7.0- Add OTP patches - Add patch to set KRB5CCNAME for 389-ds-base- Update to upstream 3.2.0 GA - ipa-client-install fails if /etc/ipa does not exist (#961483) - Certificate status is not visible in Service and Host page (#956718) - ipa-client-install removes needed options from ldap.conf (#953991) - Handle socket.gethostbyaddr() exceptions when verifying hostnames (#953957) - Add triggerin scriptlet to support OpenSSH 6.2 (#953617) - Require nss 3.14.3-12.0 to address certutil certificate import errors (#953485) - Require pki-ca 10.0.2-3 to pull in fix for sslget and mixed IPv4/6 environments. (#953464) - ipa-client-install removes 'sss' from /etc/nsswitch.conf (#953453) - ipa-server-install --uninstall doesn't stop dirsrv instances (#953432) - Add requires for openldap-2.4.35-4 to pickup fixed SASL_NOCANON behavior for socket based connections (#960222) - Require libsss_nss_idmap-python - Add Conflicts on nss-pam-ldapd < 0.8.4. The mapping from uniqueMember to member is now done automatically and having it in the config file raises an error. - Add backup and restore tools, directory. - require at least systemd 38 which provides the journal (we no longer need to require - Update Requires on policycoreutils to 2.1.14-37 - Update Requires on selinux-policy to 3.12.1-42 - Update Requires on 389-ds-base to - Remove a Requires for java-atk-wrapper- Remove release from krb5-server in strict sub-package to allow for rebuilds.- Add a Requires for java-atk-wrapper until we can determine which package should be pulling it in, dogtag or tomcat.- Update to upstream 3.2.0 Beta 1- Update to upstream 3.2.0 Prerelease 1 - Use upstream reference spec file as a base for Fedora spec file- Rebuild for broken deps - Fix 389-ds-base strict dep to be and krb5-server 1.11.1- Rebuild for broken deps in rawhide - Fix 389-ds-base strict dep to be Rebuilt for Update to upstream 3.1.2 - CVE-2012-4546: Incorrect CRLs publishing - CVE-2012-5484: MITM Attack during Join process - CVE-2013-0199: Cross-Realm Trust key leak - Updated strict dependencies to 389-ds-base = and pki-ca = 10.0.1- Remove redundat Requires versions that are already in Fedora 17 - Replace python-crypto Requires with m2crypto - Add missing Requires(post) for client and server-trust-ad subpackages - Restart httpd service when server-trust-ad subpackage is installed - Bump selinux-policy Requires to pick up PKI/LDAP port labeling fixes- Updated to upstream 3.1.0 GA - Set minimum for sssd to 1.9.2 - Set minimum for pki-ca to 10.0.0-1 - Set minimum for 389-ds-base to 1.3.0 - Set minimum for selinux-policy to 3.11.1-60 - Remove unneeded dogtag package requires- Update Requires on krb5-server to 1.11- Configure CA replication to use TLS instead of SSL- Updated to upstream 3.0.0 GA - Set minimum for samba to 4.0.0-153. - Make sure server-trust-ad subpackage alternates plugin to /dev/null since they cannot be used when trusts are configured - Restrict krb5-server to 1.10. - Update BR for 389-ds-base to 1.3.0 - Add directory /var/lib/ipa/pki-ca/publish for CRL published by pki-ca - Add Requires on zip for generating FF browser extension- Updated to upstream 3.0.0 rc 2 - Include new FF configuration extension - Set minimum Requires of selinux-policy to 3.11.1-33 - Set minimum Requires dogtag to 10.0.0-0.43.b1 - Add new optional strict sub-package to allow users to limit other package upgrades.- Require samba packages instead of obsoleted samba4 packages- Updated to upstream 3.0.0 rc 1 - Update BR for 389-ds-base to - Update BR for krb5 to 1.10 - Update BR for samba4-devel to 4.0.0-139 (rc1) - Add BR for python-polib - Update BR and Requires on sssd to 1.9.0 - Update Requires on policycoreutils to 2.1.12-5 - Update Requires on 389-ds-base to - Update Requires on selinux-policy to 3.11.1-21 - Update Requires on dogtag to 10.0.0-0.33.a1 - Update Requires on certmonger to 0.60 - Update Requires on tomcat to 7.0.29 - Update minimum version of bind to 9.9.1-10.P3 - Update minimum version of bind-dyndb-ldap to 1.1.0-0.16.rc1 - Remove Requires on authconfig from python sub-package- Rebuild against samba4 beta8- Rebuild against samba4 beta7- Adopt to samba4 beta6 (libsecurity -> libsamba-security) - Add dependency to samba4-winbind- Updated to upstream 3.0.0 beta 2- Updated to current upstream state of 3.0.0 beta 2 development- Rebuild against samba4 beta4- Updated to upstream 3.0.0 beta 1- Updated to upstream 2.2.0 GA - Update minimum n-v-r of certmonger to 0.53 - Update minimum n-v-r of slapi-nis to 0.40 - Add Requires in client to oddjob-mkhomedir and python-krbV - Update minimum selinux-policy to 3.10.0-110- Update to upstream 2.2.0 beta 1 (2.1.90.rc1) - Set minimum n-v-r for pki-ca and pki-silent to 9.0.18. - Add Conflicts on mod_ssl - Update minimum n-v-r of 389-ds-base to - Update minimum n-v-r of sssd to 1.8.0 - Update minimum n-v-r of slapi-nis to 0.38 - Update minimum n-v-r of pki-* to 9.0.18 - Update conflicts on bind-dyndb-ldap to < 1.1.0-0.9.b1 - Update conflicts on bind to < 9.9.0-1 - Drop requires on krb5-server-ldap - Add patch to remove escaping arguments to pkisilent- Update to upstream 2.2.0 alpha 1 (2.1.90.pre1)- Force to use 389-ds 1.2.10-0.8.a7 or above - Improve upgrade script to handle systemd 389-ds change - Fix freeipa to work with python-ldap 2.4.6- Fix ipa-replica-install crashes - Fix ipa-server-install and ipa-dns-install logging - Set minimum version of pki-ca to 9.0.17 to fix sslget problem caused by FEDORA-2011-17400 update (#771357)- Allow Web-based migration to work with tightened SE Linux policy (#769440) - Rebuild slapi plugins against re-enterant version of libldap- Allow longer dirsrv startup with systemd: - IPAdmin class will wait until dirsrv instance is available up to 10 seconds - Helps with restarts during upgrade for ipa-ldap-updater - Fix pylint warnings from F16 and Rawhide- Update to upstream 2.1.4 (CVE-2011-3636)- Update SELinux policy to allow ipa_kpasswd to connect ldap and read /dev/urandom. (#759679)- Fix wrong path in packaging freeipa-systemd-upgrade- Introduce upgrade script to recover existing configuration after systemd migration as user has no means to recover FreeIPA from systemd migration - Upgrade script: - recovers symlinks in Dogtag instance install - recovers systemd configuration for FreeIPA's directory server instances - recovers freeipa.service - migrates directory server and KDC configs to use proper keytabs for systemd services- Rebuilt for glibc bug#747377- clean up spec - Depend on sssd >= 1.6.2 for better user experience- Fix Fedora package changelog after merging systemd changes- Fix postin scriplet for F-15/F-16- 2.1.3- Default to systemd for Fedora 16 and onwards- Update to upstream 2.1.0- Fix bug #702633- Update minimum selinux-policy to 3.9.16-18 - Update minimum pki-ca and pki-selinux to 9.0.7 - Update minimum 389-ds-base to - Update to upstream 2.0.1- Update to upstream GA release - Automatically apply updates when the package is upgraded- Update to upstream freeipa-2.0.0.rc2 - Set minimum version of python-nss to 0.11 to make sure IPv6 support is in - Set minimum version of sssd to 1.5.1 - Patch to include SuiteSpotGroup when setting up 389-ds instances - Move a lot of BuildRequires so this will build with ONLY_CLIENT enabled- Set the N-V-R so rc1 is an update to beta2.- Set minimum version of sssd to 1.5.1 - Update to upstream freeipa-2.0.0.rc1 - Move server-only binaries from admintools subpackage to server- Rebuilt for Set min version of 389-ds-base to 1.2.8 - Set min version of mod_nss 1.0.8-10 - Set min version of selinux-policy to 3.9.7-27 - Add dogtag themes to Requires - Update to upstream freeipa-2.0.0.pre2- Remove unnecessary moving of v1 CA serial number file in post script - Add Obsoletes for server-selinxu subpackage - Using git snapshot 442d6ad30ce1156914e6245aa7502499e50ec0da- Prepare spec file for release - Using git snapshot 80e87e75bd6ab56e3e20c49ece55bd4d52f1a503- Re-arrange doc and defattr to clean up rpmlint warnings - Remove conditionals on older releases - Move some man pages into admintools subpackage - Remove some explicit Requires in client that aren't needed - Consistent use of buildroot vs RPM_BUILD_ROOT- Moved directory install/static to install/ui- Remove dependency on nss_ldap/nss-pam-ldapd - The official client is sssd and that's what we use by default.- Remove radius subpackages- Set minimum pki-ca and pki-silent versions to 9.0.0- Drop BuildRequires on mozldap-devel- Add Requires on krb5-pkinit-openssl- Add ipa-host-net-manage script- Add ipa init script- Set minimum level of 389-ds-base to 1.2.7 for enhanced memberof plugin- remove ipa-fix-CVE-2008-3274- Remove duplicate %files entries on share/ipa/static - Add python default encoding shared library- Drop requires on python-configobj (not used any more) - Drop ipa-ldap-updater message, upgrades are done differently now- Drop conflicts on mod_nss - Require nss-pam-ldapd on F-14 or higher instead of nss_ldap (#606847) - Drop a slew of conditionals on older Fedora releases (< 12) - Add a few conditionals against RHEL 6 - Add Requires of nss-tools on ipa-client- Set minimum version of certmonger to 0.26 (to pck up #621670) - Set minimum version of pki-silent to 1.3.4 (adds -key_algorithm) - Set minimum version of pki-ca to 1.3.6 - Set minimum version of sssd to 1.2.1- Add BuildRequires for authconfig- Bump up minimum version of python-nss to pick up nss_is_initialize() API- Removed python-asset based webui- Change Requires from fedora-ds-base to 389-ds-base - Set minimum level of 389-ds-base to 1.2.6 for the replication version plugin.- Drop Requires of python-krbV on ipa-client- Load ipa_dogtag.pp in post install- Set minimum level of sssd to 1.1.1 to pull in required hbac fixes.- No need to create /var/log/ipa_error.log since we aren't using TurboGears any more.- Fixed share/ipa/ so .pyc, .pyo files are included- Added Require mod_wsgi, added share/ipa/ Require python-wehjit >= 0.2.2- Add sssd and certmonger as a Requires on ipa-client- Require python-wehjit >= 0.2.0- Add ipa-rmkeytab tool- Set minimum of python-pyasn1 to 0.0.9a so we have support for the ASN.1 Any type- Remove v1-style /etc/ipa/ipa.conf, replacing with /etc/ipa/default.conf- Add bash completion script and own /etc/bash_completion.d in case it doesn't already exist- Remove ipa_webgui, its functions rolled into ipa_httpd- Removed python-cherrypy from BuildRequires and Requires - Added Requires python-assets, python-wehjit- Added httpd SELinux policy so CRLs can be read- Move ipalib to ipa-python subpackage - Bump minimum version of slapi-nis to 0.15- Set 0.14 as minimum version for slapi-nis- Add Requires: python-nss to ipa-python sub-package- Remove the IPA DNA plugin, use the DS one- Build radius separately - Fix a few minor issues- Replace TurboGears requirement with python-cherrypy- rebuild with new openssl- Fix SELinux code- Fix breakage caused by python-kerberos update to 1.1- New upstream release 1.2.1- Rebuild for Python 2.6- Respin after the tarball has been re-released upstream New hash is 506c9c92dcaf9f227cba5030e999f177- Conditionally restart also dirsrv and httpd when upgrading- Update to upstream version 1.2.0 - Set fedora-ds-base minimum version to 1.1.3 for winsync header - Set the minimum version for SELinux policy - Remove references to Fedora 7- Fix for CVE-2008-3274 - Fix segfault in ipa-kpasswd in case getifaddrs returns a NULL interface - Add fix for bug #453185 - Rebuild against openldap libraries, mozldap ones do not work properly - TurboGears is currently broken in rawhide. Added patch to not build the UI locales and removed them from the ipa-server files section.- Add call to /usr/sbin/upgradeconfig to post install- Update to upstream version 1.1.0 - Patch for indexing memberof attribute - Patch for indexing uidnumber and gidnumber - Patch to change DNA default values for replicas - Patch to fix uninitialized variable in ipa-getkeytab- Set fedora-ds-base minimum version to and mod_nss minimum version to 1.0.7-4 so we pick up the NSS fixes. - Add selinux-policy-base(post) to Requires (446496)- Add missing entry for /var/cache/ipa/kpasswd (444624) - Added patch to fix permissions problems with the Apache NSS database. - Added patch to fix problem with DNS querying where the query could be returned as the answer. - Fix spec error where patch1 was in the wrong section- Added patch to fix problem reported by ldapmodify- Fix Requires for krb5-server that was missing for Fedora versions > 9 - Remove quotes around test for fedora version to package egg-info- Update to upstream version 1.0.0- Pull upstream changelog 722 - Add Conflicts mod_ssl (435360)- Pull upstream changelog 698 - Fix ownership of /var/log/ipa_error.log during install (435119) - Add pwpolicy command and man page- Pull upstream changelog 678 - Add new subpackage, ipa-server-selinux - Add Requires: authconfig to ipa-python (bz #433747) - Package i18n files- Pull upstream changelog 641 - Require minimum version of krb5-server on F-7 and F-8 - Package some new files- Marked with wrong license. IPA is GPLv2.- Ensure that /etc/ipa exists before moving user-modifiable html files there - Put html files into /etc/ipa/html instead of /etc/ipa- Pull upstream changelog 608 which renamed several files- package the sessions dir /var/cache/ipa/sessions - Pull upstream changelog 597- Updated upstream pull (596) to fix bug in ipa_webgui that was causing the UI to not start.- Included LICENSE and README in all packages for documentation - Move user-modifiable content to /etc/ipa and linked back to /usr/share/ipa/html - Changed some references to /usr to the {_usr} macro and /etc to {_sysconfdir} - Added popt-devel to BuildRequires for Fedora 8 and higher and popt for Fedora 7 - Package the egg-info for Fedora 9 and higher for ipa-python- Added auto* BuildRequires- Unified spec file- Fixed License in specfile - Include files from /usr/lib/python*/site-packages/ipaserver- Version bump for release- Preverse mode on ipa-keytab-util - Version bump for relase and rpm name change- Broke invididual Requires and BuildRequires onto separate lines and reordered them - Added python-tgexpandingformwidget as a dependency - Require at least fedora-ds-base 1.1- Version bump for release- Add dep for freeipa-admintools and acl- Add dependency for python-krbV- Require mod_nss-1.0.7-2 for mod_proxy fixes- Convert to autotools-based build* Fri Sep 7 2007 Karl MacMillan - 0.3.0-1 - Added support for libipa-dna-plugin- Added support for ipa_kpasswd and ipa_pwd_extop- Abstracted client class to work directly or over RPC- Add mod_auth_kerb and cyrus-sasl-gssapi to Requires - Remove references to admin server in ipa-server-setupssl - Generate a client certificate for the XML-RPC server to connect to LDAP with - Create a keytab for Apache - Create an ldif with a test user - Provide a certmap.conf for doing SSL client authentication- Initial rpm version  ""$$&&((**,,..0123456789:;<==??AACCEEGGIIKKMMOOQQSSUUWWYY[[]^_`aacceeggiikkmmooqqssuvwxyz{|}~     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