redhat-lsb-desktop-4.1-47.el8 >  A ]U]y2ջoHWZQ`)['$ ~#[+>;Bӣgz(k`^2^`b[,OSAn׽XNÑa&wdFEb&D͎zK_P 7*Sdh _%[hTW|.{p"T-vW:ef| PJS! 50򶇈ods.a36270254fb08ed940e3b51ac03ad2022ad835b32040d2d32a6272e8936e433aef6f281705bfe4d3a1cf62fea8aeed58b909f499Q]U]#U&{6M ^4_M~uH'=wIΕnXHLe|">MgD^=v 8儲'&z=;9'h%4,SJ.3,1GÌ7, +F`iǹ`{f IF.G< ƽEnP!}/,7n"RO#-H r5FN rA~;B-%`!]nȪih~]cGM,}-vrd4 BCn@k :WQeҁSe($>&СL%Pq1Nivd7Z+m28?eb_M  rG;5HpPH`I(C k\\v1%>ZE Hnke|B:rϗ8(W.=fJSt[1sĤbP<3@xZ?i7&Ѻ/m˩cG,N8>p>K?Kd  ; "\bg\   $ =  p j   d! ! =!( 8 q9\q:"q@DBDGDHE,IEXEYEZF[F \F]F|^HfbHdJSeJXfJ[lJ]tJtuJvK<KPKTKZKCredhat-lsb-desktop4.147.el8LSB Desktop module supportThe Linux Standard Base (LSB) Desktop Specifications define components that are required to be present on an LSB conforming system.\Kx86-02.mbox.centos.orgCentOSCentOSGPLv2CentOS Buildsys Unspecified"/usr/share/lsb/4.1/submodules") os.remove("/usr/share/lsb/4.1/modules") os.remove("/usr/share/lsb/4.1") os.remove("/usr/share/lsb")&("$&($&%'A\K\K\K\K\K\K\K\K\K\K\K\K\K\K\K\K\K\K\K\K\K\K\K\K\Ke3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855../../submodules/desktop-misc-4.1-ia32../../submodules/desktop-misc-4.1-noarch../../submodules/graphics-4.1-ia32../../submodules/graphics-4.1-noarch../../submodules/graphics-ext-4.1-ia32../../submodules/graphics-ext-4.1-noarch../../submodules/multimedia-4.1-ia32../../submodules/multimedia-4.1-noarch../../submodules/toolkit-gtk-4.1-ia32../../submodules/toolkit-gtk-4.1-noarch../../submodules/xml-4.1-ia32../../submodules/xml-4.1-noarchrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootredhat-lsb-4.1-47.el8.src.rpmlsb-desktop-ia32lsb-desktop-noarchlsb-graphics-ia32lsb-graphics-noarchredhat-lsb-desktopredhat-lsb-desktop(x86-32)     /usr/bin/fc-cache/usr/bin/fc-list/usr/bin/fc-matchatk(x86-32)cairo(x86-32)freetype(x86-32)gdk-pixbuf2(x86-32)glib2(x86-32)gtk2(x86-32)libICE(x86-32)libSM(x86-32)libX11(x86-32)libXext(x86-32)libXft(x86-32)libXi(x86-32)libXrender(x86-32)libXt(x86-32)libXtst(x86-32)libjpeg-turbo(x86-32)libpng(x86-32)\s@[@[l,[CN@Z@Z@Z}@Zu@Z @Z @ZC@ZNY@YyXX$a@VIV=@US@S@SP@ShSW@R;Ro@R_@R^R R@QQdQ@Q@QQ?Q0@QP@PPqP7@P@P Oĺ@O@OOgOn@NNNN@MRL7@L$@L#HKPXKG@JJJlE@IIX@I2H@H@H@H@H@GG@F@F_Fɂ@FFFEvEmv@EE~D@D@D@D@C@CCǖ@BBBB%BۙBv@BB/@B] Ao@A@AAT@Ag@?@> @> @>R @=u=@<<@< - 4.1-47.el8.centosLukas Nykryn - 4.1-47Lukas Nykryn - 4.1-46Lukas Nykryn - 4.1-45Parag Nemade - 4.1-44Than Ngo - 4.1-43Fedora Release Engineering - 4.1-42Igor Gnatenko - 4.1-41Sébastien Santoro - 4.1-40Igor Gnatenko - 4.1-39Igor Gnatenko - 4.1-38Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-37Fedora Release Engineering - 4.1-36Fedora Release Engineering - 4.1-35Fedora Release Engineering - 4.1-34Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-33Parag Nemade - 4.1-32Fedora Release Engineering - 4.1-31Fedora Release Engineering - 4.1-30Parag - 4.1-29Fedora Release Engineering - 4.1-28Fedora Release Engineering - 4.1-27Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-26Peter Robinson 4.1-25Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-24Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-23Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-22Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-21Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-20Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-19Petr Pisar - 4.1-18Dennis Gilmore - 4.1-17Petr Pisar - 4.1-16Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-15Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-14Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-13Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-12Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-11Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-10Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-9Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-8Ondrej Vasik - 4.1-7Parag - 4.1-6Fedora Release Engineering - 4.1-5xning - 4.1-4Parag - 4.1-3xning - 4.1-2xning - 4.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 4.0-11Parag - 4.0-10Parag - 4.0-9Parag - 4.0-8Parag - 4.0-7Fedora Release Engineering - 4.0-6Parag - 4.0-5Parag - 4.0-4Parag - 4.0-3Lawrence Lim - 4.0-2Lawrence Lim - 4.0-1Tom "spot" Callaway - 3.2-7Tom "spot" Callaway - 3.2-6Fedora Release Engineering - 3.2-5Jens Petersen Jens Petersen - 3.2-4Fedora Release Engineering - 3.2-3Hao Liu 3.2-2Hao Liu 3.2-1Hao Liu - 3.1-22Lawrence Lim - 3.1-21Mats Wichmann 3.2-1Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1-20Lawrence Lim - 3.1-19Lawrence Lim - 3.1-18Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1-17Lawrence Lim - 3.1-16Lawrence Lim - 3.1-15.f8Lawrence Lim - 3.1-14.fc7Lawrence Lim - 3.1-12.3.ELLawrence Lim - 3.1-12.2.ELLawrence Lim - 3.1-12Jesse Keating - 3.1-11Lawrence Lim - 3.1-10.3Jesse Keating - 3.1-10.2.1Lawrence Lim - 3.1-10.2Lawrence Lim - 3.1-10.1Lawrence Lim - 3.0-10Jesse Keating - 3.0-9.2Jesse Keating - 3.0-9.1Leon Ho 3.0-9Leon Ho 3.0-8.ELLeon Ho 3.0-7.ELLeon Ho 3.0-6.ELLeon Ho 3.0-5.ELLeon Ho 3.0-4.ELLeon Ho 3.0-3.ELLeon Ho 3.0-2.ELLeon Ho 3.0-1.ELLeon Ho 1.3-10Leon Ho 1.3-9Leon Ho 1.3-8Leon Ho 1.3-7Phil Knirsch 1.3-6Phil Knirsch 1.3-4Matt Wilson 1.3-3Matt Wilson 1.3-2Matt Wilson 1.3-2Matt Wilson 1.3-1Matt Wilson Tim Powers Tim Powers Matt Wilson Bill Nottingham Matt Wilson - Apply debranding changes- drop the trigger on glibc to re-establish the symlink in the forced downgrade case- drop dependency on qt- drop dependency on qt3 and python2- Add BuildRequires: gcc as per packaging guidelines- fixed FTBS- Rebuilt for greps are now in /usr/bin- Resolves:rh#1512650: /bin/mailx is still in /bin- /bin/ed is in /usr/bin/ed now - /usr/bin/*grep are in /bin still- change /bin requirements to /usr/bin- drop the postscriptlet specific for itanium completely(#1508613)- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for require ncurses-compat-libs - as LSB strictly requires (#1392972)- Resolves:rh#1307989: FTBFS in rawhide by adding perl-Getopt-Long in BuildRequires - Drop Group: tag - Added %license tag - Changed %define -> %global- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Resolves:rh#1133536 - redhat-lsb does not requires /usr/sbin/sendmail- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for add support for ppc64le (#1094371)- Update aarch64 patch- remove nsswitch handling - broken and unnecessary (#986728, #915147)- fuser moved from /sbin to /usr/sbin/ (#1023283)- pidof moved from /sbin to /usr/bin/ as part of the transfer to procps-ng package- fix the broken dependency caused by hostname move after recent post UsrMove cleanup- fix the patch for aarch64 support to be not patch of patch but real patch (sorry, simply, fix aarch64 build)- Require sil-abyssinica-fonts in supplemental(#994341) - Fully specify requirements on subpackages(#971386)- Perl 5.18 rebuild- dont use -static when compiling redhat_lsb_trigger on arm- Perl 5.18 rebuild- fix build on aarch64 (#973343) - fix the defines for arm and aarch64 (may need adjustment)- require spax instead of pax (more POSIX compatible) (#965658) - require another set of perl modules in -languages (#959129) - polish a bit the nsswitch.conf hack - include mdns4_minimal (#915147)- require /usr/bin/cpio (binary moved as part of UsrMove)- require perl(Pod::Checker), perl(B::Lint) and perl(Text::Soundex) in languages (#916898)- require perl(Pod::LaTeX) in languages (#908705) - require xorg-x11-server-Xvfb in supplemental (#896058)- require abattis-cantarell-fonts in supplemental (#892998)- ship README and COPYING file in -core subpackage (#887195)- require in other architectures (#881596)- add new subpackage -supplemental for LSB testuite-only dependencies - require net-tools in -supplemental (#882122) - require xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-{75,100}dpi in -supplemental (#883385) - require perl(XML::LibXML) (#880954) - keep usermodified /etc/nsswitch.conf as /etc/nsswitch.conf.rpmsave, warn about modification (#867124)- Resolves:rh#873066 - missing dependency /bin/su moved to /usr/bin/su- Rebuilt for Resolves:rh:#825261: redhat-lsb scripts blow away my /etc/nsswitch.conf- Resolves:rh#824305: Dependency glibc-common%{?_isa} should be changed to glibc-common only- Resolves:rh:#806190: gethostbyaddr sets h_errno to 3, not HOST_NOT_FOUND - Resolves:rh:#799284: perl(Pod::Plainer) is required by LSB 4.1 - Resolves:rh:#821308: redhat-lsb 4.1 test failed on fedora 17- Update to 4.1 release - Added -core, -cxx, -desktop, -languages, -printing modules as subpackages - Added submod-security, -submod-multimedia subpackages - Implements - Resolves:rh#800249: new package update review by Parag.- Rebuilt for Resolves:rh#758383:- redhat-lsb does not pull in required perl-Pod-Perldoc- Resolves:rh#738256:- redhat-lsb fails to build on ARM- Resolves:rh#745100: Add requires: perl-Digest-MD5- Resolves:rh#654689,rh#736822 - Added dependencies for perl-Locale-Codes and perl-Class-ISA- Rebuilt for Fix directory ownership issue for %{_sysconfdir}/lsb-release.d - Fix duplicate files issue as reported in bodhi testing for 4.0-4- Revert license back to GPLv2- Resolves:rh#585858:-redhat-lsb-graphics broken- update spec file to split package into core, desktop and printing (Curtis Doty, #472633)- update to LSB4.0- apply fix from bz514760 (thanks to Jakub Jelinek)- apply fix from bz485367 (thanks to Jon Thomas)- Rebuilt for improve url to LSB WG- use dist tag (Debarshi, #496553) - update to ix86 (caillon)- Rebuilt for Modify "Requires: /usr/bin/mailx" to "Requires: mailx" (Bug #460249)- Port forward to LSB 3.2 - Remove symlink for mailx if user is upgrading from the redhat-lsb of older version - Since F10 put mailx under /usr/bin, change the corresponding requires- Remove 2 requires which provided by redhat-lsb - Add comments explaining why hard-coded path is kept - Resolve some hard-coded path problems - Add comments explaining why importing '-static' option while compiling redhat_lsb_trigger - Replace %{_libdir}/lsb with /usr/lib/lsb - Replace /%{_lib}/* with /%{_lib}/*so* - Replace /lib/lsb with /lib/lsb*- remove symlink for mailx (Bug #457241)- port forward to LSB 3.2- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3- fix build issue on ppc - (.opd+0x10): multiple definition of `__libc_start_main'- fix build issue in minimal build root (Bug #265241)- Rebuild for selinux ppc32 issue.- update spec file in accordance to feedback provided through merge review - merge-review.patch - #226363- Resolved: #239842 - /lib/lsb/init-functions shall use aliases but not functions - forward port the patch from 3.1-12.3.EL which fix #217566, #233530, #240916- fixed Bug 232918 for new glibc version- Resolves: #217566 - rewrite /lib/lsb/init-functions file needs to define the commands as true shell functions rather than aliases. - Resolves: #233530 - LSB pidofproc misspelled as pidofprof. - Resolves: #240916 - "log_warning_message" replaced with "log_warning_msg" per the LSB 3.1 spec- Resolves: bug 217566 - revise patch- replaced aliases with functions in /lib/lsb/init-functions; Bug 217566- rebuilt for unwind info generation, broken in gcc-4.1.1-21- Fix upgrade issue; Bug 202548- rebuild- for some strange reason, need to be (LSB3.0) rather than (LSB3.1)- generate spec file on RHEL5-Alpha system - fix vsw4 test suite setup by creating symlink for X11 SecurityPolicy and XFontPath- Rewrite most part of the mkredhat-lsb to obtain information directly via specdb rather than sniffing through sgml - remove redundent script and bump up tarball version- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- Migrated back to rawhide- Added requirement (RH#154605)- Fixed multilib problem on lsb_release not to read /etc/lsb-release and solely depends on /etc/lsb-release.d/ (Advised by LSB committee) - Removed /etc/lsb-release (Advised by LSB committee)- Made the /etc/lsb-release useful (RH#154605) - Added redhat_lsb_trigger to fix RH#160585 (Jakub Jelinek) - Fixed AMD64 base libraries requirement parsing (RH#154605)- Fixed redhat-lsb's mkredhat-lsb on fetching lib and cmd requirements- Rebuilt- Disabled support for LSB 1.3 and 2.0- Upgraded to lsb-release 2.0- Moved to LSB 3.0- Fixed ix86 package with ia32 emul support- Sync what we have changed on the branches Wed Nov 24 2004 Harald Hoyer - added post section to recreate the softlink in emul mode (bug 140739) Mon Nov 15 2004 Phil Knirsch Tiny correction of bug in new triggers- Add support provide on lsb-core-* for each arch- Add to support multiple LSB test suite version - Add %endif in trigger postun- Fixed invalid sln call for trigger in postun on ia64 (#137647)- Bump release and rebuilt for RHEL4.- fix lsb name for ia64 (#100613)- use /usr/lib/lsb for install_initd, remove_initd- add ia64 x86_64 ppc ppc64 s390 s390x- 1.3- 1.2.0- automated rebuild- automated rebuild- addeed trigger on glibc to re-establish the symlink in the forced downgrade case.- add initscripts support- Initial build.redhat-lsb-graphics 4.1-47.el84.1-47.el84.1-47.el84.1-47.el84.1-47.el84.1-47.el84.1-47.el8desktop-4.1-ia32desktop-4.1-noarchdesktopdesktop-misc-4.1-ia32desktop-misc-4.1-noarchgraphics-4.1-ia32graphics-4.1-noarchgraphics-ext-4.1-ia32graphics-ext-4.1-noarchmultimedia-4.1-ia32multimedia-4.1-noarchtoolkit-gtk-4.1-ia32toolkit-gtk-4.1-noarchxml-4.1-ia32xml-4.1-noarchdesktop-misc-4.1-ia32desktop-misc-4.1-noarchgraphics-4.1-ia32graphics-4.1-noarchgraphics-ext-4.1-ia32graphics-ext-4.1-noarchtoolkit-gtk-4.1-ia32toolkit-gtk-4.1-noarchxml-4.1-ia32xml-4.1-noarch/etc/lsb-release.d//usr/share/lsb/4.1/modules//usr/share/lsb/4.1/modules/desktop//usr/share/lsb/4.1/submodules/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2i686-redhat-linux-gnuemptydirectoryutf-8a825268fe8f51a0ac8e55de3e0562e3a92d9793cb43989ef2b34152a286494f8? 7zXZ !#,7] b2u Q{K_? uL˵ yr~9W'a(^}Kð!gȧ uxٓ[ͮj`JK˾P*UCJMA]%[}Aaż:r;(>!]@HN`T@O0B)l[5(Jxf2c[/֤O˜VeN_l|'ew)j&J#mhk¬׿k6PV_