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The same tools can be run on existing log files.aUFYx86-01.mbox.centos.orgkXCentOSCentOSGPLv2+CentOS Buildsys Unspecified I`+P'& T SXCdlU&o;A큤A큤aUFUaUFIaUFNaUFVaUFVaUFVaUFV^v,]&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_icon.pngrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootsetroubleshoot-3.3.24-4.el8.src.rpmapplication()application(setroubleshoot.desktop)config(setroubleshoot)metainfo()metainfo(setroubleshoot.appdata.xml)setroubleshootsetroubleshoot(x86-64)@ @     /usr/libexec/platform-pythonconfig(setroubleshoot)dbusdbusdesktop-file-utilsdesktop-file-utilsgtk3libnotifylibreport-gtklibreport-python3python(abi)python3-gobjectpython3-pydbusrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PartialHardlinkSets)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)setroubleshoot-serverxdg-utils3.3.24-4.el82.2.1-`>__3^@^^ @]@]V]/ \ڭ\ @\\w[[O+[;e@ZZ Z}@ZaZaZOhZ@ZZ YY@YyY?XXWWW@W!Wi,@WPWPWJUJ@JJ@J@JJJkJ@ĴJJęJ@JJ_@J@J;J@J@J J@J@Ju@J#JJJ:JJJJ@Jq@JmJlE@JeJc J[!JS8JKOJKOJHJD@JB@J?r@J:,@J7@J/@J,@J&eJB@J{II@I@In@II2Il@Il@Il@Iw@IpvI1.H@H׈HǶHe@He@He@GgG@G@GZ@G~Gt@G2FIFFFFFvFvFnF]g@F/BE{@E@E݅E՜E՜Eb@Eɿ@E'Ex@E&E@E%EE@E@Ez@EySEt Ep@EnEl$Ee@Eb@EQEPu@E>@E4E"PE"PE EgE@E@E @E E D@D@D@D}D@DDDDDDDDD@D@D@D@DNDZ@DD|D+@DԈ@D@DY@D@DDDDp@DDD@D@Dm@Vit Mojzis - 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0.27-1Dan Walsh - 0.26-1Dan Walsh - 0.25-1Dan Walsh - 0.24-1John Dennis - 0.23-1Dan Walsh - 0.20-1Dan Walsh - 0.19-1Dan Walsh - 0.18-1Dan Walsh - 0.17-1Dan Walsh - 0.16-1Dan Walsh - 0.15-1Dan Walsh - 0.13-1Dan Walsh - 0.12-1John Dennis - 0.11-1Dan Walsh - 0.10-1Dan Walsh - 0.9-1Dan Walsh - 0.8-1Dan Walsh - 0.7-1John Dennis - 0.3-1John Dennis - 0.2-1John Dennis - 0.1-1- Update translations (#1962030)- sealert: exit on any connection close (#1875290)- Optimize get_rpm_nvr_by_type by adding a cache (#1794807) - Stop building seappletlegacy (#1878792) - Update translations- Add 'fur' into shipped locales - Update translations (#1820570) - Log full reports with correct syslog identifier - Cancel pending alarm during AVC analyses- browser: Check return value of Gdk.Screen().get_default() (#1574434) - Improve and unify error messages (#1763982) - setroubleshoot.util: Catch exceptions from sepolicy import - Add dpkg support - Do not refer to hardcoded selinux-policy rpm in signature - Make date/time format locale specific (#1812674) - Improve speed of plugin evaluation (#1794807) - Do not try to report a bug on None package - sealert: Drop unused import slib.dbus.service - Drop - it's not used and doesn't work - root user doesn't need to use SetroubleshootPrivileged API - Use pydbus, a modern Python dbus API, for SetroubleshootPrivileged - Report bug on a package which owns the related SELinux domain (#1811644) - Add Local SELinux policy package version to analyses reports - setroubleshoot.utils.get_rpm_nvr_by_scontext add option to use DBUS method - Export setroubleshoot.utils.get_rpm_nvr_by_scontext via DBUS - setroubleshoot.util: get_rpm_nvr_by_type() and get_rpm_nvr_by_scontext()- Log plugin exception traceback when log level is DEBUG - returns a generator, not a list (#1784564)- returns a generator, not a list (#1784564)- Use dbus.mainloop.glib.DBusGMainLoop() instead of dbus.glib - Fix AVC.__typeMatch to handle aliases properly - Handle sockets with abstract path properly (#1775135)- Fix file mode of email_alert_recipients (#1741960)- Add man page for seapplet (#1612529)- Update "missing" scripts to automake-1.15 - Add active polling for acquiring policy file - Fix translation of hex values in AVCs (#1477236, #1709742) - require initscripts to ensure that "service" call works properly- Require plugins >= 3.3.10- Update translations - Catch exceptions caused by lookup_signature- Update scriptlets to reload auditd after install or uninstall- Update translations - Improve myplatform detection in get_os_environment()- Move sedispatch.conf to /etc/audit/plugins.d/ - Fix summary and "if" text for AVCs with unknown target path- Switch hardcoded python3 shebangs into the %{__python3} macro- Set auto_save_interval to 5 (#1548913,#1523406,#1539180) - seapplet: Try send and close notifications (#1541624,#1541719,#1544222,#1539367)- Do not show status_icon when there's no alert (#1543758) - Run seapplet only on SELinux enabled system (#1541631) - Use context in Gio.AppInfo.launch (#1542156)- Escape macros in %changelog- Fix runtime dependency: 's!lipreport!libreport!g' (#1536580) - Prefer %global over %define - Remove obsolete %defattr(-,root,root,-)- Rewrite seapplet to Python3 to use Notify and Gtk 3.0 - Add setroubleshoot-seappletlegacy with legacy seappletlegacy based on Gtk 2 - sealert: Finish dbus communication after error- Remove obsolete scriptlets- Update translations- Update translations- Increase the space for suggested solutions in sealert - Highlight suggestions with the highest confidence - Remove additional "If " string from plugin messages - Fix sealert message for process2 (#1507909) - Do not change if_string[0] to lowercase- Don't stop when the plugin directory is empty - Fix missing margins on Troubleshoot window - Resize all solutions panels horizontally - Fix missing priority color for proposed solutions - Do not split If sentences to framework and plugins - requires setroubleshoot-plugins 3.3.8 at least (rhbz#1210243, rhbz#1322734, rhbz#1115510) - Set translation domain for Gtk.Builder() object to have strings correctly translated - Make labels on GtkButtons translatable - Handla all exceptions from do_analyze_logfile() - Fix semi-translated messages - Update translations - Do not catch POSIX signals (rhbz#1366004, rhbz#1419245)- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Remove "Report bug" button when mozplugger plugin is used (#1290135) - Change "check_for_man" return value upon failure (#1431191) - Fix "plugin details" message content - Add "init_args" function to Plugin - Fix sealert crash when setroubleshootd fails to start (#1405003) - Improve obtaining AVC object path - Fix setroubleshootd.8 - Fix report problem summary string - sealert - provide a better error message when SELinux is disabled - Spelling fixes - Python 3.6 invalid escape sequence deprecation fixes- Rebuilt for Rebuild for Python 3.6- Fix "list all alerts" in sealert gui (#1370272, #1332485) - Fix sealert message for capability2 (#1360392)- setroubleshootd fixed to catch all subprocess exceptions - Translations updated- Do not use dangerous shell=True - Use subprocess.check_output() with a sequence of program arguments- fixed get_all_alerts_ignored()- added setroubleshootd_log.log_full=True|False directive - setroubleshootd_log.level and sealert_log.level can be set to different values - get_alert() and get_all_alerts_since() DBUS APIs change to use number of microseconds instead of date string - setroubleshoot.conf cleanup- Added new methods to DBUS API: set_filter(), get_all_alerts_ignored(), delete_alert()- Translations updated (#1322654) - Suggest my-.pp modules instead of mypol.pp (#1329037)- Drop unwanted debug message in sedispatch (#1326985)- setroubleshoot: Ensure that dbus string param isn't null- get_alert() DBUS API extended with more parameters - sedispatch uses a timeout when collecting audit events (#1322771) - Use correct packaging for byte compiled files (#1321047)- fixed traceback in (#1279396)- Rebuilt for fixed few UI browser problems - extended DBUS API, see - import MIMEText from the right module (#1297111) - Fix several GTK deprecated warnings- Rebuilt for Move the AppData file to the right subpackage so it gets used.- Sanitize requires for Python 3- port setroubleshoot to Python 3- setroubleshoot-server depends on policycoreutils-python-utils (#1246625)- Rebuilt for translations updated from - setroubleshoot_database.xml and email_alert_recipients are %ghost again- setroubleshootd is set to be run as setroubleshoot user instead of root user - several bugfixes- Add an AppData file for the software center- Ship a symbolic setroubleshoot icon (#1182652) - Fix get_rpm_nvr_*_temporary functions - CVE-2015-1815 (#1203352)- Provide the policy rpm in Bugzilla bug reports by Rebuild for rpm bug 1131960- Rebuilt for Fix handling of target paths that decode screws up- Rebuilt for Remove at_console lines from policykit so cockpit can use dbus interfaces.- Add the policy rpm string to the user comments of an already reported bug from Stop sending syslog.LOG_DEBUG Messages unless loglevel is set to debug- Stop sending syslog.LOG_DEBUG Messages unless loglevel is set to debug- Fix unicode settings- Remove requires for notify-python and yum- Don't error out on no policy installed - Update translations.- Eliminate requirement on service script.- Update Lanquages - Use in Makefile for setroubleshoot dir- Add requires for libreport-python- Remove "the the" typo from code. - Update Translations- Move some of the Requires block down to -server package- Fix typo again in - Make setroubleshoot less noicy in logs- Fix typo in fix systemd-python requirement versioning- Add journald support for OBJECT_ID when logging journal messages - Update Translations.- Make audit2allow optional, only requre policycoreutils-python not -devel. - Update Translations.- On update cp instead of rename, since there could be a situation where someone has ~/.config on a different file sytem then ~. It has happened. - Fix --password spelling error - Remove --quit option from sealert - Update translations- Fix handling of timeout attempt #2- Fix translations to show in browser- Fix handling of timeout - Update Translations- Remove old options from setroubleshoot usage statement. - Update Translations- Fix usage of "it's" versus its in man pages. - Update Translations- Remove requirement for setools-libs-python, no longer needed.- Update Translations - Fix audit2allow -R output to actually work.- Fix handling of sesearch data- Remove sesearch from package and start using sepolicy from policycoreutils-python - Fix retrieval of writable types to translate attributes into the group of types available, and not return non file types.- Need to add a requires for systemd-python- Update translations. - Restart auditd service on install and removal- Update translations.- Require policycoreutils-devel to pull in audit2allow- Update Translations- Update Translations - Add keywords to desktop file- Update Translations- Update Translations- Fix sealert to handle avc's in /var/log/messages which will be numbered 1400 and 1107 rather then AVC and USER_AVC - Update Translations - Fix hostname substitution to only effect hostnames- More translation fixes.- Fix Translations code to actually show translations- Rebuilt for Change requires to libreport-gtk instead of report-gtk- Update translations - Remove /var/log/setroubleshoot /run/setroubleshoot which are no longer used- Update translations - Only check for rpm on target process if is still exists- Add file_types as a param to setroubleshoot.utils - Update translations- Add missing lanquages, using lang supported by gtk- Add missing lanquages- Remove gnome-keyring requirement- Fix potential memory leak in setools - Update to latest translations- Update to latest translations- Update to latest translations - Fix handling of avc messages, missing \n - Default to check for AVC's on login- Fix crash caused by switching to syslog, and update trans- remove specific logging and move to syslog - Fix handling of AVC messages broken by fix for memory leaks- Fixup for memory leaks- Update to latest translations- optimize/update scriptlets - don't own icons/hicolor - drop %config tag on applications/*.desktop - Patch from Mgrepl to stop printable from crashing if None is passed in - Update to latest translations- Update to latest translations - Fix memory leak in sedispatch- Update to latest translations- Set the gobject prg_name for better integration into the desktop- Don't report to syslog when sedispatch gets an signal to exit.- Apply Miroslav patch that rewrites sealert option handling with using optparse. Fixing conflicting options problems.- Fix requires to include pygtk2-libglade- Fix path to setroubleshoot xml in spec file- Remove dependancy on X from sedispatch- Move and FixIt commands from setroubleshoot to setroubleshoot-server - Remove Make work on RHEL6 - Fix if Button to allow user to select full button- Stop translating strings into bogus hex strings- Allow browser to close even if windows are still open - Cleanup imports in Change seapplet to only check for AVCs on login, if checkonlogin flag is turned on in ~/.setroubleshoot file - Fix list_all_alerts bug causing crash on bad type- Fix handling of "/" in alert list - Update translations- Tighten up screen to fit on little screens- Remove dependance on gnome python modules - Update translations- Cleanup handling of current_alert - Change Details button to say Plugin\nDetails- Rebuilt for Turn off sensitivity of details button when no AVC's exist- Add ProtocolError from xmlrpclib so Bugzilla reporting throwing an error will work.- Fixup for allow_execstack have to add pid to avc struct- Fix email_alerts to work with new infrastructure- Added details button and context as tooltips to gui on front end for advanced users- Fix man page to reflect change in gui - Fix sealert -fixit call to import load_plugins - update translations - Fix handling of empty tpath in gui- Fix dbus Introspect handling - Make sealert use terminal for errors when in terminal mode- Update Translations- Fix Details Button - Fix table display - Handle situations when you have no spath and tpath- Fix dbus config file to allow console to use sealert- setroubleshoot will create /var/run/setroubleshoot if it does not exist- Ghost /var/run/setroubleshoot- Update translations - Allow seapplet to check for updates- Better handling of tracebacks in terminal mode - Fix up messages on process and capability avc messages - Update translations- Fix config name- Fix crash in sealert with missing log_* - Report bugzillas in english- Apply patch from Yuri Chornoivan to fix spelling mistakes - Remove py files that are no longer used - Add details button- Fix handling of report_count and ignore button- Add white level, so plugins can tell setroubleshoot to ignore avc- Fix browser to handle ignore flag - Remove tpath for signature - Fix audit2why handling for sealert and setroubleshoot - Fix sort order selection - Fix dontnotify handling- Update translations- Fix saving last position exception- Fix seapplet infinite loop from Tim Eliseo- Fix requires setools-libs-python line- Fix setroubleshoot seapplet to not show ignored avc- Remove packagekit dependancy- Add Gavin Romig-Koch report patch - Cleanup Browser window - Remove avc messages that are allowed or dontaudited in current poilcy- Remove untest attachfile code - Catch ProtocolError- Fix remembering of bugzilla username/password- Remove send_interface from Setroubleshootd.conf- Don't crash on missing inode - Fix up default_encoding an translations- Cleanup spec file - Add default_encoding - Fix wording in bug report window- Fix ignore button - Add delete button- Exit with error code if you run sealert as root and try to connect to session bus - Fix Crash when ino is not defined- Fix bug in substitute code- Fix semanage fcontext lines to substitute "." for " " in path - Update po- Fix bugzilla reporting to work on RHEL6- Do not translate hex files - Catch exception on non dbus system- Get version correct for both RHEL and Fedora- Fix crash on selinux disabled and bad /etc/redhat-release reporing of bugzillas- Update po - Fix bugzilla reporting to handle LoadError exception- Add icon to browser- Fix up browser button handling when there are 0, 1 or more alerts- Catch additional bugzilla exception- Show that the application is starting. - Fix ignore sealert button- Don't throw up an error box if yum cache is not setup- Fix Fix It button - Remove Setroubleshoot: from every heading- Fix translations, plurals and glade - Update Po - Fix plural form - Add support for Green Plugins- Fix translations, plurals and glade- Fix browser bug handling- Fix translations- Update po and fix translation line- Fix permissive domain check- Close open file descriptors on exec- Fix setroubleshoot error dialog and hash to catch more dups on reportbug- Fix pipe and socket plugins to return tclass as path- Fix permissive fix- Add PackageKit requires- Move python-slip-dbus requirement to server package- Fix Permissive Domain reporting- Turn on libcap-ng-devel- Differentiate between permissive domains and permissive mode- Turn on libpcap- Turn on copy to clipboard button-Update to upstream - 2009-8-18 Thomas Liu - Added check for new policy.- Default syscall field in audit_data- Add buildrequires python-slip-dbus- Add sgrubb drop capabilities, patch - Fix infiniteloop- Fix handling of mountpoints that the kernel reports as "/"- Rebuilt for Fix sesearch handling- Fix a1 handling- Update to upstream 2009-7-15 Dan Walsh - Fix handling of syscall record a1 field - Translate "/" to mountpoint when returned by kernel- Update to upstream 2009-7-07 Thomas Liu - Fixed detail doc not clearing when deleting all alerts - Hid notify check when deleting all alerts.- Fix locate code to use os.lstat- Update to upstream 2009-7-01 Thomas Liu - Fixed browser behavior when there are no alerts - Fixed seapplet behavior when there are no alerts - Made delete all button delete alerts on server side and on local side- Add open access to define statements- Update to upstream 2009-6-25 Thomas Liu - Added a "Copy to Clipboard" button to the browser GUI.- Add sesearch- Fix handling of last seen - Add open_with_write check- Update to upstream * Thomas Liu Bug fixes to GUI, added Delete All Alerts menu item.- Update to upstream * New Gui- Fix handling of PATH with locatepwd- Redesign of GUI- Fix handling of PATH- Fix crash when gathering stats- Make sure setroubleshoot exists after 10 seconds- Change multiple signatures from exception to warning - Update links on Fix sealert segfault- Stop sending messages with scon or tcon == setroubleshootd_t- Split out documentation- Stop logging on normal shutdown of sedispatch- Rebuilt for Fix cpu utilization problems - Save database on exit- make sure setroubleshoot is running when using sealert -l- sedispatch needs to connect to dbus on avc arrival, instead of startup, since the dbus daemon is not started when sedispatch starts- Fixes missing dbus config files- Switch to C Based applet - Use dbus for messaging. Only run setroubleshoot when- Rebuild for Python 2.6- Update to upstream - 2008-10-06 Dan Walsh - remove .png from desktop files- Update to upstream - 2008-10-22 - Fix pruning code - Fix time stamps- Fix requires line to gnome-python2-gnome- Fix startup problems- Fix setroubleshoot init to rely on messagebus being running- Fix spelling mistakes - Update translations- add dialog to run a command in the background, capture it's stdout & stderr report it's status, kill it, and pass it a pseudo terminal for password prompts - separate the fix command into it's own section in formatted alerts - add UI for running the fix command, enable only if there is a single selection and the selected alert has a fix command - add a config parameters 'run_fix_cmd_enable' to control if fix commands can be run, defaults to False - Resolve bug 431380: prevent notify popups while setroubleshoot is open- allow sealert -l lookup to accept * wildcard - add a few more audit fields needing special decode handling- Resolve bug 430421: audit_listener_database.xml:3029: parser error in xmlParseDoc() rewrite the audit_msg_decode logic to beaware of specific audit fields - add new template substitution $SOURCE, a friendly name, $SOURCE_PATH still exists and is the full path name of $SOURCE, also add 'source' attribute in AVC class, fix how source and source_path are computed from audit's comm and exe fields - fix the computation of tpath to also look at the audit name field, formerly it had only been looking at path, fixes showing up for many targets - add exception handling around xml file writes (Alan Cox reports problem when /var is full) - add testing documentation - Resolve bug 430845: obsolete URL in setroubleshoot package description - Resolve bug 428960: Permissive message makes no sense. - init script now allows extra test options - show_browser() now opens and raises the window (e.g. presents) rather than just assuring it's realized (e.g. iconified, or hidden) - sealert -l message in syslog converts from html before writing to syslog - Resolve bug 320881: export setroubleshoot_selinux_symposium in PDF format - add code to verify all async rpc's have been cleared from the async rpc cache - add code to set a default rpc method return if the interface does not define a callbak (methods which did not have a callback were not returning anything and hence were no getting cleared from the cache)- Resolve bug 428252: Problem with update/remove old version - Add code to validate xml database version, if file is incompatible it is not read, the next time the database is written it will be in the new version format. This means the database contents are not preserved across database version upgrades. - Remove postun trigger from spec file used to clear database between incompatible versions the new database version check during database read will handle this instead - bullet proof exit status in init script and rpm scriptlets - Resolve bug 247302: setroubleshoot's autostart .desktop file fails to start under a KDE session - Resolve bug 376041: Cannot check setroubleshoot service status as non-root - Resolve bug 332281: remove obsolete translation - Resolve bug 344331: No description in gnome-session-properties - Resolve bug 358581: missing libuser-python dependency - Resolve bug 426586: Renaming translation po file from sr@Latn to sr@latin - Resolve bug 427260: German Translation - enhance the sealert man page- make connection error message persist instead of timeout in browser - updated Brazilian Portuguese translation: Igor Pires Soares - implement uid,username checks - rpc methods now check for authenticated state - fix html handling of summary string - add 'named' messages to status bar, make sure all messages either timeout or are named - fix ordering of menus, resolves bug 427418 - add 'hide quiet' to browser view filtering, resolves bug 427421 - tweak siginfo text formatting - add logon to SECommandLine so that sealert -l works- prepare for v2 test release - Completed most work for version 2 of setroubleshoot, prepare for test release - import Dan's changes from the mainline primarily allow_postfix_local_write_mail_spool plugin - escape html, fix siginfo.format_html(), siginfo.format_text() - add async-error signal - change identity to just username - make sure set_filter user validation works and reports error in browser - fix generation of line numbers and host when connected to audispd - add permissive notification, resolves bug 231334: Wording doesn't change for permissive mode - resolves bug 244345: avc path information incomplete - get the uid,gid when a client connects to the server - set_filter now verifies the filter is owned by the user, - resolves bug 288261: setroubleshoot lack of user authentication - remove filter options which weren't being used - change '@' in audit data hostname to '.' - remove restart dialog resolves bug 321171: sealert's dialog after update is higly confusing - fix rpc xml arg - fix handling of host value - tweak what fields are in signature - move data items which had been in 'avc' object into siginfo - clean up siginfo format - large parts of new audit data pipeline working, checkpoint - fix duplicate xml nodes when generating xml tree - audit event can now be xml serialized - switch from using int's for audit record types to strings - avoid conversion headaches and possibilty of not being able to convert a new unknown type - add logic to allow XmlSerialize to be subclassed and init_from_xml_node to be overridden - add support to xml serialize classes AuditEventID, AuditEvent, AuditRecord - use metaclass for xml class init - start adding xml support to audit data classes - Use metaclass to wrap class init - move xml serialization code from to - simplify aspect of the serialization code - add unstructured xml mapping, each xml element name has its content mapped to - modify xml serialization to be driven by xml contents - general clean up - checkpoint conversion of serialization to use metaclasses - clean up class/data specifications for XmlSerializable - add support for client rpc testing - add changelog entry - add SubProcess class to setroubleshootd in preparation to - run daemon as subprocess so we can gather results and compare them to the expected data we sent - rewrite all plugins to use new v2 audit data - add SubProcess class to setroubleshootd in preparation to run daemon as subprocess so we can gather results and compare them to the expected data we sent - add new test support: add config section 'test', add boolean 'analyze' to config test section, add class TestPluginReportReceiver which is installed if test.analyze is True, it prints analysis report. In test_setroubleshootd send AUDIT_EOE to assure sequential event processing so analysis results have same ordering as events that are sent by test_setroubleshootd - alert signatures now include host information, alerts will be grouped by host- Fix spec file requires for opening an HTML page In search for xdg-open and htmlview in priority order, set variable html_browser_open to the one found, in spec file require xdg-utils for fedora and htmlview for RHEL. - add "Host" column in browser add "Toggle Column Visibility" menu to toggle display of any column on/off - Resolves bug 310261: setroubleshoot notifications aren't throttled - add support for AUDIT_EOE, end-of-event, if AUDIT_EOE immediately emit cached event. Disable timeouts used to flush events if AUDIT_EOE has been seen.- make selinx-policy requires in spec file specific to dist tag- update code for command line log file scanning to work with new log file scanning code introduced for the browser. - update Bulgarian translation (Doncho N. Gunchev ( - update Polish translation (Piotr Drąg ( - Resolves bug 239893: sealert wakes up very often This was caused by the use of threads and pygtk's thread signal handling. The only use of threads in sealert was for log file scanning so that the UI would remain responsive during a scan. Threads in sealert have now been completely removed. Instead the scanning work is performed in a gobject idle function called from the main loop. The idle function is written as a python generator function which allows for the function to perform a small amount of work, save it's execution state and return. The next time the idle function is called from the main loop it resumes execution from it's last state until it decides to yield control again. This way the long running scan/analysis can be performed in small successive units of work during the time the application is otherwise idle and it does not interfere with the rest of the GUI event processing. Everything now occurs in an event loop, think of it as the applications process/thread scheduler whose event handlers execute time slices. - rewrote parts of the audit input pipeline to use generators instead of callbacks, thus permitting the logfile scanning code to yield control with more granularity. Also updated test_setroubleshootd and audisp_listen to use the new generator/yield logic. - rewrote the dialog used for scanning log files, progress bar updates are now in the dialog, the scan can be terminated part way through, errors from the scan are reported in pop-up dialog, one can only dismiss the dialog with success if the scan had been successfully run to completion, otherwise the user is only left with the option to cancel. - Relates bug 252035 bug 247469, setroubleshootd and sealert should exit if SELinux is disabled. - add utility functions escape_html() and unescape_html() - fix initial sort order in browser, track sort order in browser - modify AVC.get_path() to only return a value if the 'path' field is set, formerly it also considered the fields 'name' & 'file' which were incorrect. get_path() now also looks to see if the string begins with a slash for a fully qualified path, if not it looks to see if its a pseudo path such as 'pipe[12345]' or 'socket[12345]' and if so strips out the instance information inside the brackets and returns just the type of the pseudo path. This is done because we do not want path information in the signature to be unique for each instance of the denial. - modify the TimeStamp class to hide it's internal datetime member, remove the cmp() method, the internal __cmp__ will be automatically invoked. - require selinux policy version in spec file to allow system dbus use - Resolves bug 256601: audit2allow generates incorrect syntax when comma "," in denied list - update po i18n files - Add support for pruning database by age and size- fix init script- modify to use new implementation - can listen for audit events on either /var/run/audit_events in bindary protocol mode or /var/run/audisp_events in text protocol mode- remove all copied code from test_setroubleshootd, now we import from setroubleshoot - export ClientConnectionHandler from as a base class. Derive SetroubleshootdClientConnectionHandler and AuditClientConnectionHandler from ClientConnectionHandler. - add audisp_listen as test program - create setroubleshoot sym link in top devel directory pointing to src so import if PYTHONPATH=topdir - add get_option, convert_cfg_type to so that one can pass optional dict to override config file settings - rewrite log_init() so it's easier for other programs to use it, fix the import logic concering log & config - remove log code from test_setroubleshoot, now just does import from setroubleshoot. - test_setroubleshootd can now handle audit records in both text and binary formats, can be selected by command line arg. It can now either output to clients connecting on a socket or to stdout. Can now optionally exit after N socket client connections. - remove non audit record lines from test data - remove config_init() and log_init() from package It was the wrong place to call them, now call them when the process initializes before the first setroubleshoot imports - add parse_config_setting() and set_config() to config module - setroubleshootd now accepts -c --config command line arg - test_sectroubleshoot: add err defines & program_error exception add is_valid() tests to assure we read a valid audit record log the unrecognized line if not valid, clean up socket close() - Relates Bug #247056, update initscript to LSB standards Note: LSB initscripts in Fedora is not yet a resolved issue, the changes implemented were to add an LSB block and support the new LSB try-restart and force-reload commands. However the new /lib/lsb/init-functions are NOT currently used as this is the unstable part.- add BuildRequires perl-XML-Parser- move all plugins and their translations to independent package - wrap XML generation inside try/except - correct how access list is obtained in - add try/except around top level of so exceptions in the thread get reported and the analysis thread does not just die. - also add try/except around LogfileThread.process_logfile - add new function assure_file_ownership_permissions() - server now forces it's database file permissions/ownership to be 0600 root:root - rpm now forces the server's database file permissions/ownership to be 0600 root:root - Resolves Bug #251545: Review Request: setroubleshoot-plugins - analysis plugins for setroubleshoot - clean up some other rpmlint warnings in setroubleshoot.spec - fix missing install of setroubleshoot icon and sym link to it - Resolves Bug #251551, setroubleshoot shows up in in wrong desktop menu also run desktop-file-install in rpm install - add /etc/dbus-1/system.d/setroubleshootd.conf dbus configuration file - Resolves Bug #250979, Bug #250932 Missing dependencies - Restore plugins/ which got nuked somehow - remove dus.dbus_bindings.bus_name_has_owner(), deprecated as of F7 - wrap rpm transactions in try/except- Resolves Bug# 241739, this bug is the lead bug for several bug reports, all consequences of the same problem, setroubleshootd/sealert when run in a non latin language environment because of incompatibilities in i18n encoding between components.- add, now has option to use audit parsing library instead of built-in audit parsing. - fix bug in log file scanning and detail display update - Resolves Bug# 238516, python pkg directory not owned- Update translations - Fix mislabeled file- Remove disable_trans boolean - Check for paths in filesystem before suggesting chcon -R - Remove default to listen on local ports- install icon in /usr/share/icons, refer to icon by name using standard API - Fix performance problems in setroubleshoot browser log file scanning - Significant rewrite of data/view management code in setroubleshoot browser. data and view now cleanly separated, can easily switch between data views while maintaining selections, view state, with proper update of status information in status area - Resolves Bug# 227806: right click context menu resets selection - Logfile scans now operate in independent thread, proper asynchronous updates of browser during scan, browser used to appear to hang - Resolves Bug# 224340: Rewrite Menu/Toobar/Popup to use UIManger instead of glade - Add toobar support - Implement GUI to edit email recipient list in setroubleshoot browser - Added user help to setroubleshoot browser - Related Bug# 224343: Fix setroubleshoot browser to respond to desktop theme changes - improve traceback error reporting in sealert - rewrite AboutDialog, replacing glade version - Resolves bug 229849 Bug# 230115, Relates bug 221850: fix uuid code to resolve '_uuid_generate_random' is not defined error- Suck in AuditMsg since audit libs are dropping support- Split into server and gui packages- Remove use of ctypes in uuid, which is causing bad avc messages- Remove avc from Remove tempfile handling in Causes lots of avc's and is not used[John Dennis ] - Fixes Bug# 224343 sealert's "Aditional Info:" text should be in white box - Fixes Bug# 224336 sealert should have GtkRadioButtons in menu View - Related: bug 224351 Rewrite parts of logging support to better support changing output categories, output destinations. Now -v -V verbose works in sealert. - Resolves bug 225161, granted AVC's incorrectly identified as a denial - add alert count to status bar - add "Help" command to Help menu, opens web browser on wiki User FAQ [Dan Walsh ] - Make setroubleshoot.logrotate correctly- Update po - Additional Plugins - Cleanup Plugins- Fixes 221850 plugin module loading was failing in python 2.5 with the message "SystemError: Parent module 'plugins' not loaded". This is due to a change in behavior between python 2.4 and 2.5, in python 2.4 the lack of a parent module was silently ignored. The fix is to load plugins.__init__ first.- update translations - change SETroubleshootDatabase so it is optional if it's backed by a file, this fixes the problem of us littering temporary files when scanning logfiles which does not require persistence. - disable the view logfile menu item if no logfile has been opened - fix redundant log messages for case where there is no log file and the console flag is set. When there is no log file the logging module opens a console stream, thus the console stream produced by the console flag was redundant. - add username and password command line arguments rework startup logic so that all command line args are processed before we do any real work - rework the email preferences so that each email address can have a filter type associated with it. add a new filter_type "Ignore After First Alert" which filters after the first alert has been delivered - add UI for setting the email addresses alerts are sent to. Add menu item to edit email list, add email list dialog. Remove 'recipient' config file entry, now list is stored in seperate file. Add rpc to query and set the email list, the GUI calls this to get the current list from the server and set it in the server, it is the server which reads and writes the file. Add 'enable' flag to each email entry. Modify how the server iterates over the email list when it receives an alert. When marking an alert as having been sent the username is the email address but with 'email:' prepended so as not to collide with non-email filtering options for the same user.- remove obsolte requires for python element tree- Fixes 216575, more translations - Replace delete and expunge menu labels with something more intuitive - add ability for browser to be restarted with identical window position and state - add pkg version and protocol version to logon handshake, test for compatibility between clint and server, prompt for restart - add non-modal restart dialog - add dialog to display traceback if sealert faults with an uncaught exception, try to limit invisible errors - fix return args on rpc method - add instance id to server- Improve quality of plugins - Make matching easier - Fixes 216575- Additional Translations - Fixes 216575- Additional Translations - Change sealert to be able to run without X-Windows - Fixes 216575- Additional Translations - Change to allow it to analyze /var/log/messages- Fixes 218150, "If view is set to "hide delete" you cannot filter new entries" Actually, the bug was toggle cell renderer was connected to the base model instead of the model attached to the view, the sort model, this meant the toggle was occuring on the wrong row if the view was sorted differently than the base model.- fix bug, "could not convert path to a GtkTreePath" when database is initially empty, caused by last_selected_row == None- Fixes 217961, sealert needs pygtk2-libglade - more i18n translations - Fixes 217710, date representation did not respect locale, at the same time remove old date formatting code, now cruft since we can't use it because it was specific to US English. - fix how selections are handled when rows are expunged. - add Copy to Edit menu, for copying selection from detail pane, unfortunately gtkhtml2 widget does not preserve line breaks between table rows.- Fixes 216936, bug 215290, add 'Copy Alert' edit menu item - clean up menu items, add tooltips - fix printing so it will work with multiple alerts, force font to monospace 10pt, display error dialog if printing fails. - Fixes 216908, platform and raw audit messages were not wrapped to fit on page. - Related: 216575, update i18n po files - Fixes 216941, set default folder for save operation, also set default filename - Fixes 216327 add menu items "toggle hide deleted", "select none". Add model filter to control visibility of alerts - Fixes 214218, sealert with no command line arguments induces startup as dbus service, this had been a regression. - Fixes 216327, rework how deletes are performed in browser. Delete now marks each seleted siginfo with a delete flag, expunge permanently deletes siginfo's marked for deletion, also add undelete command, removed delete confirmation dialog. Modify how text attributes in cell renderer are computed to allow for strike-throughs of alerts marked for deletion. - multiple alerts can now be selected, add select all command,- New Icon and translations[John Dennis ] - Add command line utilities - logfile scanning finally seems to work connected to browser - Additional Information section of report now includes line number information (if alert was generated from logfile) - replace database update_callback() with notify interface, a more generic solution more easily shared between components - object implementing rpc method is now explicitly attached via connect_rpc_interface() instead of walking the MRO chain with magic exclusions. explicitly connecting is more flexible and robust (no getting the wrong object by mistake) - fix handling of return args in local rpc case - fix signal connections between audit and logfile - split databae and database_properties for audit and logfile - fix initial connection state - fix lookup_local_id- Speed up startup of service- Many fixes - Changed the api- Speed enhancments [John Dennis ] - log file parsing now approx 4 times faster - greatly enhance the statistics reporting capability in attempt to diagnose slow log file parsing performance - make gathering of environmenatal information optional, environment information is only relevant at the time the alert fires, not in a post processing scenario - clean up several places where environmental information was assumed and/or was always gathered, or gathered in the wrong place.- Fix signature for PORT_NUMBER src command- Additional Plugins for port_t and device_t and mislabled files.- Release of first version - Fix icon [John Dennis ] - Memory leak fixes - Substitution fixes - File names in hex fixes- Sealert only notify dropped connection once - setroubleshoot shutdown cleanly [John Dennis ] - Gui cleanups- Change close key binding to ctrl-w- Add new plugins cvs_data, rsync_data, xen_image, swapfile, samba_share [John Dennis ] - clear the GUI of old data before loading new data, fix the code used to display the filter icon in the filter column[John Dennis ] - Major rewrite of the client/server RPC code,- Fix Affected RPMS handling- Fix mail handling - fix bugs related to recording per user per signature filtering [John Dennis ] - fix bugs related to recording per user per signature filtering [Karl MacMillan ] - Add signal handling to client and server. - Fix minor plugin bugs.[Karl MacMillan ] - Add rpm information for target. - Add hostname and uname to signature info - Add display of the full AVC - Add display of the analysis id - Change html generation to be separated out and us elemmenttree [John Dennis ] - add CommunicationChannel class to encapsulate data transfer operations, in particular to provide an object threads can lock during data transfer. - checkpoint the logfile scanning code, somewhat working- Fix printing- Fix notification window problems. Now dissappears and does not regenerate if it has already been seen- Add Icon [John Dennis ] - rework how audit messages injected into the system and processed. Much of this work was in support of log file scanning which should be coupled to the exact same processing code as audit messages arriving from the audit socket. In essence log file scanning synthesizes an audit message and we inject it into the system the same way socket messages are injected. This was also an excellent moment correctly handle out of order audit messages, something we were not able to handle previously. This may have been contributing to splitting what should have been a single alert into two or more separate alerts because we didn't recongize the incoming audit events as a single event. Correctly assembling out of order messages introduced a fair amount of extra complexity as we now maintain a cache of recent audit events, this is fully documented in - Turn notifications back on by default. [Karl MacMillan ] - Separated out HTML rendering and made it easier to translate.[Dan Walsh] - Hook up the rest of the menu bars on browser window - Add plugin [John Dennis ] - add delete_signatures() method to AlertClient class - start using the AppBar in the browser. - "open logfile" now connected all the way from browser menu to server rpc, still needs implementation, but "plumbing" is working. - fixes for the date/time dialog - remove install of, we now only use - some fixed to DateTimeDialog- Add back in the status icon- change dbclear trigger to 0.35- add sorting on category column and seen column in browser, fix reference to my_draw() in print function. - make browser window hidden by default so it does not flash when it's first realized, connect to the "realize" signal to initially position the vpane, add signal handlers to track when the browser is visible, the presentation of the status icon now checks if the browser is visible, the status icon is not presented if the browser is already displayed.- Standardize on the browser. remove alert window [John Dennis ] - remove all vestiges of popup alert, now browser is the only UI game in town - restore the automatic updating of the browser window which had been a regression, the AlertClient class now emits signals which the GUI classes can connect to receive signals from the fault server, also fix the "mark seen" regression - restore mark_seen timeout- Spell check plugins - fix dbus instantiation- Add avc_syslog to syslog translated avc message - Fix submitbug button [John Dennis ] - fix signature inflation, all data attached to a signature is now encapsulated in a SEFaultSignatureInfo (siginfo) class. The GUI no longer reaches into a signature looking for information, it looks in the siginfo. The Plugin class now defines the method get_signature() which report() calls to obtain the signature. The default signature provided by the Plugin class includes the analysisID, an AVC with just the src & target contexts, and the object_path. All data accesses and parameters which had been "sig and solution" are now done via the unified siginfo class. There is still a bit more work to be done on this but this represents a reasonble point to checkpoint the code in CVS.- Fix desktop- fix bug 203479, missing requires of audit-libs-python - add support to sealert to listen on a dbus session signal to display the gui. This is needed for when the status icon is not visible and the user wants to see the UI. There is now a seperate program setroubleshoot_launch_gui which emits the signal.- Add Requires: audit-libs-python - Add translations- Fix file - Add translations- load_plugins() now catches exceptions when a plugin won't load, reports the traceback in the log file, and continues with the next plugin. Previously a bad plugin caused the entire plugin loading to abort and no plugins were loaded. - Add "daemon_name" to automake variables, change pid file to match - turn off "noreplace" on config file till things settle down a bit - now validates data, also test for missing column data in the cell_data function to avoid exceptions. - add stub for analyzie_logfile() rpc call - turn off balloon notifications by default in config file, libnotify is just plain busted at this point :-( - only the setroubleshootd daemon creates it's log file under /var/log now, the user app's do it in /tmp, change file permissions on /var/log/setroubleshoot back to 0644. - sealert now looks up the username rather than hardcoding it to "foo" - CamelCase to lowercase_underscore clean up- Zero out datbase.xml for updated browser- Fix 64 bit issue that caused runaway problem- add missing runcmd- fix for bug 202206, require correct version of audit, fixes for audit connection.- add html support - remove setroubleshoot_dispatcher2006-08-08 Dan Walsh - Fix up handling of mls ranges in context - Cleanup some pychecker errors 2006-08-07 John Dennis - add first seen, last seen, and report count to alert detail view - make the seen icon work, if the alert has been displayed more than N seconds, mark the alert as having been seen by the user and update the icon is the list view - change the schema for the xml data; the database now has a version, there is a local id attached to each signature, the filter list in the siginfo was replaced by a list of per user data, the per user data now contains the filter, seen_flag. Modify all the code which was operating on the filter information to use the new model. - fix the xml serialization so that booleans can be used as a basic type and also so that non-string types can be used in element attributes (e.g. int, bool) and the serialization code will automatically convert between python types and strings.- Add[John Dennis ] - clean up and rework the timestamp code in so that time zones are handled properly, there were a number of bugs. Hopefully it's correct now because timezone handling is a pain. - change the time format in the browser so all times are displayed identically, the friendly time relative format was hard to compare. - modify the plugin 'make install' to delete all existing plugin's prior to installing the new ones - add popup menu to status icon to choose between browser and alert GUI (not fully connected yet). Several bug fixes related to changing the filter_type from a string to an int. - add filter selection to bottom pane, change filter_type from string to integer constant. Enhance how columns are handled. Get init_combo_box to work. Remove unused RPM and Bugzilla fields from bottom pane. Modify the default size of the browser window. Fix missing import in - add ability in broswer to sort on columns, initially the report count column and the last seen date column. The date column now stores a TimeStamp object instead of a string. Add new method to TimeStamp to return a friendly string relative to the current time. The date column in the browser now has a cell data function which invokes the friendly format method of the TimeStamp object. - add ability fo serialize to/from xml for classes which can inititialized from strings and serialized as strings (e.g. numbers, TimeStamps, etc.) - add count of how many times a signature is reported, the date when first and last reported, add columns for report count and last date count to browser. - checkpoint browser code, list pane and detail pane now working. - add initial support for browser applet, move some functions which kept getting reused to - add reporting of environment to email alert (email alerts still need work) [Dan Walsh ] - Fix set_boolean call - Complete all boolean plugins except disable - Change interface to use audit unix domain socket[John Dennis ] - modify SetFilter in server to return errors instead of throwing an exception. Default the filter list on each alert display. - minor tweaks to alert queue handling - fix analyze() parameter list in plugin - sealert now responds to pending alerts more correctly, it shows how many pending alerts are in the queue, if you filter the pending alert status is updated, the next alert button will advance you to the next alert in the queue - simplify major pieces of sealert by coalescing common code into subroutines. [Dan Walsh ] - Complete all boolean plugins except disable - Make Close button work. - Make setroubleshoot_dispatcher exit if it gets an avc about itself[Karl MacMillan ] - Add generic templating mechanism to Plugin - Ported all plugins to use templating mechanism- Fixes to plugins - Fixes to dispatcher- Fix problem in dispatcher- add email alerts - stop the status icon from blinking, add notification balloon.- Fix startup order for setrobleshoot - Fix Plugins- Additional Plugins plus a lot of cleanup- Added a bunch more plugins [Karl MacMillan ] - Add, allow_ftp_use_cifs, allow_ftp_use_nfs, and allow_gssd_read_tmp. - Change AVC to have additional helpers for matching messages. - Change Plugin to work better with more than one solution.- Fix setroubleshoot_dispatcher to catch all information from avc. Much cleaner interface and no longer uses audit2allow cruft. - Remove toolbar from popup window since it did nothing, and I think it looks better without it. - fix allow_execmod plugin to report better data.- add missing /var/log directory files section in spec file, and add logrotate script- clean up spec file, reduce rpmlint complaints- Initial build.  3.3.24-4.el83.3.24-4.el83.3.24-4.el8 sealertauto.desktopseappletsetroubleshootbrowser.cpython-36.opt-1.pycbrowser.cpython-36.pycgui_utils.cpython-36.opt-1.pycgui_utils.cpython-36.pycbrowser.pygui_utils.pysetroubleshoot.appdata.xmlsetroubleshoot.desktopsealert.servicesetroubleshoot_icon.pngsetroubleshoot_red_icon.pngsetroubleshoot_icon.pngsetroubleshoot_red_icon.pngsetroubleshoot_icon.pngsetroubleshoot_red_icon.pngsetroubleshoot_icon.p -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu ASCII textPython script, ASCII text executabledirectorypython 3.6 byte-compiledPython script, UTF-8 Unicode text executableXML 1.0 document, ASCII textUTF-8 Unicode textPNG image data, 16 x 16, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 22 x 22, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 24 x 24, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 32 x 32, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 48 x 48, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedXML 1.0 document textSVG Scalable Vector Graphics imageXML 1.0 document, UTF-8 Unicode text RR R R R R R PPPPutf-8954f82b1ff7e7adbd57ebc56a40cbbb35788ac8f660b2e53eb79ddd558f14541?@7zXZ !#,f] b2u Q{LRyY. 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