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fixed the build-requires (Jitka Plesnikova)- drop Berkeley DB support for Fedora > 32 - BR java-11-openjdk-devel- update to 1.14.0-rc2- fix FTBFS on 32-bit arches (#1800120) - conditionally package bdb tools in -tools- Rebuilt for F-32: fix include path for ruby 2.7 - Rebuild for ruby 2.7- update for KDE 5 (Phil O, #1768693)- switch to Python 3 for F32+ (#1737928)- update to 1.12.2- Perl 5.30 rebuild- update to 1.12.0 (#1702471)- fix build with APR 1.7.0 (upstream r1857391)- Rebuilt for F-30: rebuild against ruby26- Rebuilt for (#1666033)- update to 1.11.1- update to 1.11.0- update to 1.10.3- update to 1.10.2 (#1603197)- Rebuilt for Perl 5.28 rebuild- fix test suite invocation- switch build conditional to disable only python bindings- really disable Berkeley DB support if required by bcond - add build conditional to disable swig binding subpackages- remove build and -devel deps on libgnome-keyring-devel- drop -devel dep on libserf-devel- add bdb, tests as build conditional- move new tools to -tools- update to 1.10.0 (#1566493)- add build conditionals for python2, python3 and kwallet- force use of Python2 in test suite- Update Python 2 dependency declarations to new packaging standards (See Rebuilt for switch to libxcrypt- F-28: rebuild for ruby25- Python 2 binary package renamed to python2-subversion See update to 1.9.7 (CVE-2017-9800, #1480402) - add Documentation= to svnserve.service- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for move javahl .so to -libs (#1469158)- update to 1.9.6 (#1467890) - update to latest upstream psvn.el - move libsvnjavahl to -libs, build -javahl noarch - fix javahl Requires- Perl 5.26 rebuild- Rebuilt for F-26: rebuild for ruby24- update to 1.9.5 (#1400040, CVE-2016-8734)- Enable tests - Revert one of Ruby 2.2 fixes- Perl 5.24 rebuild- Update to 1.9.4 (#1331222) CVE-2016-2167 CVE-2016-2168 - Move tools in docs to tools subpackage (rhbz 1171757 1199761) - Disable make check to work around FTBFS- Rebuilt for rebuild for Ruby 2.3- update to 1.9.3 (#1291683) - use private /tmp in svnserve.service- update to 1.9.2 (#1265447)- update to 1.9.1 (#1259099)- update to 1.9.0 (#1207835) - package pkgconfig files- move svnauthz to -tools; make svnauthz-validate a symlink - move svnmucc man page to -tools - restore dep on systemd (#1183873)- rebuild with tests enabled- Rebuilt for Own bash-completion dirs not owned by anything in dep chain- Perl 5.22 rebuild- Disable tests to fix swig test issues- Fix Ruby's test suite.- update to 1.8.13 (#1207835) - attempt to patch around SWIG issues- update to 1.8.11 (#1174521) - require newer libserf (#1155670)- prevents assert()ions in library code (#1058693)- drop sysv conversion trigger (#1133786)- move svn-bench, fsfs-* to -tools- Perl 5.20 rebuild- Rebuild for rpm bug 1131960- update to 1.8.10 (#1129100, #1128884, #1125800)- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for update to 1.8.9 (#1100779)- Rebuilt for require minitest 4 to fix tests for Ruby bindings (#1089252)- update to 1.8.8- fix _httpd_mmn expansion in absence of httpd-devel- fix permissions of /run/svnserve (#1048422)- don't drop -Wall when building swig Perl bindings (#1037341)- update to 1.8.5 (#1034130) - add fix for wc-queries-test breakage (h/t Andreas Stieger, r1542774)- add fix for ppc breakage (Andreas Stieger, #985582)- update to 1.8.4- update to 1.8.3 - move bash completions out of /etc (#922993)- rebuild for perl 5.18 (again; 1.8.1-1 beat out 1.8.0-2)- update to 1.8.1- temporarily ignore test suite failures on ppc* (#985582)- Perl 5.18 rebuild- update to 1.8.0; switch to serf - use full relro in mod_dav_svn build (#973694)- update to 1.7.10 (#970014) - fix aarch64 build issues (Dennis Gilmore, #926578)- fix spurious failures in ruby test suite (upstream r1327373)- try harder to avoid svnserve bind failures in ruby binding tests - enable verbose output for ruby binding tests- update to 1.7.9- Rebuild for - Drop Ruby version checks from configuration script. - Fix and enable Ruby test suite.- drop specific dep on ruby(abi)- Rebuilt for update to latest psvn.el- Scriptlets replaced with new systemd macros (#850410)- update to 1.7.8- update to 1.7.7- update to 1.7.6- Rebuilt for switch svnserve pidfile to use /run, use /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d (#840195)- Perl 5.16 rebuild- fix build with recent gcc 4.7 (svn rev 1345740)- Perl 5.16 rebuild- update to 1.7.5- drop strict sqlite version requirement (#815396)- switch to libdb-devel (#814090)- adapt for conf.modules.d with httpd 2.4 - add possible workaround for kwallet crasher (#810861)- re-enable test suite- fix build with httpd 2.4- update to 1.7.4 - fix build with httpd 2.4- re-enable kwallet (#791031)- update psvn- add tools subpackage (#648015)- trim contents of doc dic (#746433)- re-enable test suite- add upstream test suite fixes for APR hash change (r1293602, r1293811) - use ruby vendorlib directory (#798203) - convert svnserve to systemd (#754074)- update to 1.7.3 - ship, enable mod_dontdothat- require ruby 1.9.1 abi- update to 1.7.2 - add Vincent Batts' Ruby 1.9 fixes from dev@- fix gnome-keyring build deps- Rebuilt for update to 1.7.1 - (temporarily) disable failing kwallet support- Build with libmagic support.- Fix apr Conflicts syntax in -libs. - Fix obsolete chown syntax in subversion.conf. - Fix use of spaces vs tabs in specfile.- update to 1.7.0 - drop svn2cl (no longer shipped in upstream tarball) -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=72123078313b7715e0712ee952072d8ddedd09fc, strippedPRRRRRRRRR R RRR RRRR R RRutf-81727526e351b74473f91896445e0a518fc5c762e8f7d13daaa60c5eed36f8d69subversion:1.14:8040020210212192542:4d97b3c8?07zXZ !#,3C] b2u jӫ`(y,bY{h!ΠYtrtfMSF-8Y'һ-"a APŒ'm&$SՑtfp)뺬"(!}Qbx:OgWmjt؍A*:=l f] eumn钅*_󃀰̬u&WPa8wHty-ʡ u'8|PYOd_2XP[d*p6>y|vؿULy \uީ/bt2\;r9*aPfmD>7g(5[ngiFy(uպ~:W& C+2we(^sl-03l@|e=kDrgrwI 8/f `t#{r_U;sdN͆}ySi9QXN)Q*-91s'9( k{Eh;ի~ZNŧB\_7!3>*nw)d Mσ,}O"֜b-[)(],zgjqL+)G s+Bnn =OP b[ `!30'Pbcsk[ }mLO1ZC +y-Qjw$:_yZ+P25-bxs3_#8we]{S䌼^ϐ, Dmyً':VckGRծ}z_y+쉇GޏeD!r\Gru Vu"Z>S^8dzU+ԄQų*bkE ckKW@#̅{C a+CÈxLsFɘ"A, \mR3 w|{LdOJX",SCFDIy2LvC(lKI2ˎ<ϫ8GӇ\ _5qg@r5Kl9Bk&gSj]?@z0 3nkF[sU) vz}OpNgEvq|H{2cE|z ;no % \#w{ "ܒb" (D_j0 [KSߘ-,i~B pBƃד#Ǯf| äY>= Ƨǟ͈$[a|M6>J>^fo[b3Wv>*Dl//#+hyM%Д>PLr@.I].:)yL[xbSr8e7Z0NZuq_b|q֑ծ$Qnx{GCH՜nd'5dUWˬtE)QV?7N2be`k.JIap*//^gď۶M$Gru^AJ&C .b6^6].Y"RGlă J;VN5ҁYX<džH?}@ۂ`(sbZ dе,TZS$pe ,׬ a#ի^}/wf=6f-Lj 2m(!7/ mEYG챐N7V.`-h[G!jz*g~:[n'ڜ=pwȻ ERקS 6hW3ihLube z-ܘV~9>ClÞW[C.ƙ85yZ:9տ 0F\i#l`Wnװ݂ -w;\t[:9 =2}U\C>g0knFhfVR @Fٚ3!0x`"4K>obz{,:J F{q0˿K>|u4ϴʘ^4_ >p'^*Sܪg&#%rBS+kfJJ"=TkyXk"{{L1eG[2c* )"a 5dsk2x U˹KR1`'vse*+)[,tdry{Hb¿AW_= |l*~S[bO({LN9Px 4^QCB$ <k#3ngwF)t0* 2O׿2Yf r HK'%[EWgƊ>,QfZmFrξ!KPNOd*NGwhqKf?r@ z^L0a7 ^&G .f+7 5]Quv XV2iUM٬TgDGﵗs{lsU8 "qvTz#x.O?@&Hc01# wg*U\9PV;ѪXHPotmإYYz4E+ K1[ D5v$vsY&!QFG\4:ȹz`<53}̳1V~X# &Q*͈;R{r߫ap(fsB&F%|X`_a;HP|v(,`,6/y:V <0oݛk{Χwԍ]7G@sw2 t#Uei(BHkkj(t2!i, NƑ8MCXg}'hCez'A`쑑mp!ϲufk,@cMEE'kx/'zc: .;9u3-}=je&Iz `tmܺ"=L󮗁_P*l}( xi ,xkpALuA@VrS^M1۸m*{ }pJ tΥAZȄ\Ё{V)}k-4s+59m'-צr 7{:zoH9Aw`ra>f{cvZ:Fu>(˿0]>;yc]~"QMbyΰ.(Ee+!\V4Ǣ$OMK`WŸ{,Ci J_: $Vu*WWq𐎓EX gɦG 3t r'ص@`@mqn7YQn뒹\AF4w-T _|ZiX4?Í󬇾 3 /C(r i?&g&1[Gl$T\;xʠ iGoJGҠ[ "gg;(ȑoke֭~ɟ7(e_(C:I/J"U&go /DTDC&#{îuUs/Қy@XX[d2=BJ|yLff|5S[u-kUio߆9ɞd3tw@Y{~E'J[$#:i1pۻs %*!pWX|ojLOs/+  q{x%DD[0D-s-ZˉX !`ʛSCs!G$RmbT-ײȽ / p鐷+:;Jb%^!RHģŘ w|%sU_5sʯ[rMV޺Go5Z *>wq,!eJVؕh=F\.Ғ6sPцb?|E]3cf㎒-1=z YZ