supermin-devel-5.1.19-10.module_el8.5.0+746+bbd5d70c >  A `e U]fk%"Cg|Hhy[!ؗUĹ5nr5y%2ޠZܑrN`{Mճnh#|5F.d S(H_/  w +? ׶$ Z2fEb 5#N q]`mdj3Uc$)hZk5As8̅@ڢg )X\lm d qSIL <濩- !k2Р͑y V T`>N}#?K/weP,IϬp{U^4o#UW'?c'5f((:]Gem#DNk"}Q4?= q.qxzTUQlun5M rZ7×n[7YeSi@?DS^ק!9m[Wj#UC<K*Te~XcЊo}ت2q}r(X bTOw ɕ<}LdClOϺ '%j{ӓ9fh [DuԒ+&Ԙ῜}_j34堮Ki}zz>p=L?Lwd 7 V ?Kv|      (2<t|@(89: GIpHIxIIXIYI\I]I^JbJ+dK{eKfKlKtKuKvKwKxKyKLLL LLLPCsupermin-devel5.1.1910.module_el8.5.0+746+bbd5d70cDevelopment tools for superminsupermin-devel contains development tools for supermin. It just contains tools for automatic RPM dependency generation from supermin appliances.` CentOSCentOSGPLv2+CentOS Buildsys Unspecified`d`d6046070fd8ddb5452292a9e21fe5c8235ac12f1993f7d64f828c099bf22493c62adbf0ddcd86bde7151679abb8876ba769807c2cfc92306cfecab976cdfc4935rootrootrootrootsupermin-5.1.19-10.module_el8.5.0+746+bbd5d70c.src.rpmsupermin-develsupermin-devel(x86-64)@    /bin/bashrpm-buildrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)supermin3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-15.1.19-10.module_el8.5.0+746+bbd5d70c4.14.3^@]@[[Q[[@ZSZ@Z}@YYJY@Y@YyYg`X!@XXXXWڍ@Wڍ@W|W;W VV`V`VVV@V@U@U@Ud`@U]U'@UU UUT@T@Tq@TKT3TT@SS$@SSSP@S|@Sy@SuSl@Sb7@SB@SAAS=M@S5d@S4S0@S!Sc@S@SS @S @R%R%R@R2@R,fR)R@RR@QQQ@P@PՠP@@P4PPO@O@O؀O/@O@OE@O@O@Ou@OtNOOdO3@OONk@Nj@N$@N$@N_sNWN.@N +M)Mߒ@MI@MI@MQ0@M0:M0:M.@MgL!L!L@L@L@L~LOLeLwLs@LoK;@KY@JI@Jq@Ji@J67J67J@J@I@IcIzIzDanilo C. L. de Paula - 5.1.19Danilo de Paula - 5.1.19-9Richard W.M. Jones - 5.1.19-8Richard W.M. 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See RHBZ#1202091 RHBZ#1204162.- Enable hardening flags by building the static 'init' specially before the main build. - Use _smp_mflags.- Add a -devel subpackage containing automated RPM dependency generator for supermin appliances.- Disable hardened build as it breaks building the static 'init' binary.- New upstream version 5.1.12. - Includes ARM fix: lpae kernels can now be booted (RHBZ#1199733).- Rebuild for xz-5.2.0 in Rawhide (RHBZ#1179252).- New upstream version 5.1.11.- Update to upstream commit d78c898c7e2bc5f12cbebef98b95a7908d9120f1. - BR rpm-devel, since it is now used instead of invoking rpm. - BR automake and autoconf, and run autoreconf ( is modified by the patches).- New upstream version 5.1.10. - Remove patch which is now included upstream.- Rebuilt for Add upstream patch to avoid endless loop in Rawhide.- New upstream version 5.1.9. - Remove patches which are now upstream.- Add Requires findutils (RHBZ#1113029).- Rebuilt for Add patch to fix RPM handler when filenames may contain spaces.- Skip execstack test on Fedora 20 (ARM only).- BR xz-static & xz-devel packages, to support xz-compressed kernel modules.- New upstream version 5.1.8. - Remove patches which are now upstream.- Add upstream patch which removes need to run execstack (RHBZ#1093261).- Add patch to fix quoting around mke2fs parameter (RHBZ#1084960).- New upstream version 5.1.7. - Remove ppc64p7 patch which is now upstream.- Requires tar, which is not installed in an @Core installation.- Add upstream patch to fix supermin on ppc64p7.- New upstream version 5.1.6. - Fix tests.- Disable execstack on aarch64. It comes from prelink which does not exist on aarch64.- New upstream version 5.1.5.- New upstream version 5.1.3.- New upstream version 5.1.2. - Fixes a serious bug in --build mode.- New upstream version 5.1.1. - Remove patch which is now upstream.- Add BR yum-utils (for yumdownloader). - Add upstream patch which stops duplicate packages appearing.- New upstream version 5.1.0. - Note this is effectively a rewrite, and is not completely compatible. - There is no separate 'supermin-helper' subpackage any more. - Requires rpm instead of yum.- New upstream version 4.1.6. - Should fix all autotools brokenness. - Man pages are now all in section 1. - Remove patch which is now upstream. - +BR /usr/bin/execstack (from prelink).- Rerun autoreconf to fix autotools brokenness.- Why was prelink required? Remove it.- correct Obsoletes version for febootstrap and febootstrap-supermin-helper- (For ARM) Don't crash if SUPERMIN_DTB is set and --dtb not specified.- New upstream version 4.1.5. - Has (optionally) a new command line syntax. - Supports device trees for ARM.- New upstream version 4.1.4. - Supports compressed cpio image files, experimentally.- New upstream version 4.1.3. - Remove patch which is now upstream. - Add examples directory to documentation.- Include upstream patch to get correct directory setgid/sticky bits in the appliance.- New upstream version 4.1.2. - Remove patch which is now upstream.- Add upstream patch to ignore ghost non-regular files. - This fixes builds on Fedora 20 because the filesystem package has been changed so /var/lock and /var/run are marked as ghost.- New upstream version 4.1.1. - The program has been renamed 'supermin' from 'febootstrap'. - Obsolete, but don't Provide because supermin is not a compatible replacement. - Use '_isa' to specify architecture of supermin-helper subpackage.- Add upstream patch to drop supplemental groups (RHBZ#902476). - Remove 'Group:' RPM headers which are no longer necessary. - Remove some commented-out requirements.- New upstream version 3.21.- New upstream version 3.20.- Work around brokenness in yum (RHBZ#850913). - Remove defattr, no longer required.- New upstream version 3.19.- Rebuilt for New upstream version 3.18. - This adds support for EPEL 5.- New upstream version 3.17.- New upstream version 3.16.- New upstream version 3.15. - This version includes root= support, needed for libguestfs with virtio-scsi. - Remove upstream patch.- For RHEL 7 only, add ExclusiveArch x86-64.- Bundled gnulib (RHBZ#821752).- Add back explicit dependencies for external programs.- Drop ExclusiveArch as it's supported on all primary & secondary arches - Cleanup spec and deps- New upstream version 3.14. - Add upstream patch to fix RHBZ#808421.- e2fsprogs moved /sbin/mke2fs to /usr/sbin (thanks Eric Sandeen).- Missing BR zlib-static.- New upstream version 3.13. - Remove upstream patch which is included in this version.- Rebuilt for Depend on latest e2fsprogs (RHBZ#771310).- Include upstream patch to work around Python stupidity.- New upstream version 3.12. - Remove upstream patch which is included in this version.- Add upstream patch to fix febootstrap on non-Debian.- New upstream version 3.11.- New upstream version 3.10.- New upstream version 3.9.- New upstream version 3.8.- New upstream version 3.7.- New upstream version 3.6. - This version no longer needs external insmod.static.- New upstream version 3.5. - Remove patch which is now upstream.- Don't fail if objects are created in a symlinked dir (RHBZ#698089).- New upstream version 3.4. - febootstrap-supermin-helper Obsoletes older versions of febootstrap.- Rebuilt for Split package into febootstrap (for building) and febootstrap-supermin-helper (for running). Note that febootstrap depends on febootstrap-supermin-helper, but you can install febootstrap-supermin-helper on its own.- Clear executable stack flag on febootstrap-supermin-helper.- add the ocaml's ExclusiveArch- New upstream version 3.3.- New upstream version 3.2. - Remove upstream patches.- Previous fix for RHBZ#654638 didn't work, fix it correctly.- Properly ignore .*.hmac files (accidental reopening of RHBZ#654638).- Uses yumdownloader at runtime, so require yum-utils.- New upstream version 3.1. - BR insmod.static.- New upstream version 3.0 (note this is incompatible with 2.x). - Fix upstream URLs. - fakeroot, fakechroot no longer required. - insmod.static is required at runtime (missing dependency from earlier). - The only programs are 'febootstrap' and 'febootstrap-supermin-helper'. - BR ocaml, ocaml-findlib-devel. - No examples are provided with this version of febootstrap.- New upstream version 2.11. - Fixes "ext2fs_mkdir .. No free space in directory" bug which affects libguestfs on rawhide.- New upstream version 2.10. - Adds -u and -g options to febootstrap-supermin-helper which are required by virt-v2v.- New upstream version 2.9. - Fixes directory ordering problem in febootstrap-supermin-helper.- New upstream version 2.8.- New pre-release version of 2.8. + Note this is based on 2.7 + mailing list patches. - New BRs on mke2fs, libext2fs, glibc-static.- New upstream version 2.7. - febootstrap-supermin-helper shell script rewritten in C for speed. - This package contains C code so it is no longer 'noarch'. - MAKEDEV isn't required.- New upstream release 2.6. - Recheck package in rpmlint.- New upstream release 2.5. - Remove BR upx (not needed by upstream). - Two more scripts / manpages.- New upstream release 2.4.- Rebuilt for New upstream release 2.3.- New upstream release 2.2.- New upstream release 2.0.- New upstream release 1.9.- New upstream release 1.8.- New upstream release 1.7.- Configure script has (unnecessary) BuildRequires on fakeroot, fakechroot, yum.- Initial build for Fedora.5.1.19-10.module_el8.5.0+746+bbd5d70c5.1.19-10.module_el8.5.0+746+bbd5d70csupermin.attrsupermin-find-requires/usr/lib/rpm/fileattrs//usr/lib/rpm/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textBourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executableRutf-85a4b50d2435cff99476f76e5a8f07aa4b4cf261835466b3f4e004a12e0f48d64virt:rhel:8050020210331192048:b4937e53?07zXZ !#,S] b2u Q{LPm&,VّL0b Y.= 6B~j^JK2/_˼?Y{q9ܪ7\aTQ~l,C?A/Fehpmt3(BK60fжRa8L͜RzlPK浿<Qٰf-0Ac%t+T=ppԌŔΡr݌*S-ؼfnQd#7A"n_6c+az . h|X\L&S2{A\ ݫB֌X( : ʱTxStIP';A#ͽV <ϕ0SBi(;djdQs&6]*t{|1QѬwX>hI l0lh09kdH-NMSJ_7)plzU VavW2^ 0qQHa}c[EB /Paݳd TakJ q T%vvK,LbPRI ( YZ