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Eigler Martin Hunt - 0.2.2-1Roland McGrath - 0.2.1-1Roland McGrath - 0.2-1Roland McGrath Martin Hunt Will Cohen - rhbz1991631 iommu tracepoints break ppc64le- rhbz1986543 rebuild against dyninst 11- Upstream release.- rhbz1927497 enable debuginfod client for buildid probing- rhbz1902696 fix invocation as stapusr with procfs/lockdown- rhbz1650594 fix boot time probing feature- rhbz1906662 backport transport/utrace/locking patches- rhbz1908904 fix lock-pushdown codegen for conditional probes- rhbz1902696 fix invocation as stapusr vs. root- rhbz1873492 related: rhel8 kernel_is_locked_down detection- rhbz1898288: stability for exhausted UTRACE_TASK_WORK_POOL - rhbz1873492 related: mokutil parser robustness for RH keys- Upstream release.- rhbz1868095: Refix including PR26379.- rhbz1868095: byteman-java-methods-probing- rhbz1857749: uprobes-inode changes - rhbz1855264: @cast adaptations- rhbz1804319: Upstream release.- rhbz1795196 cont'd: autoconf fix for kernel change to stack_trace_save_regs- rhbz1795196: kallsyms vs. elfutils/vmlinuz- rhbz1788662: check for rcu_is_watching() during prologue- rhbz1788544: stop bytecompiling systemtap-mode.el- rhbz1788648: aarch64 sdt.h parse [x0, x1]- rhbz1744989: Upstream release.- rhbz1732514: add java-devel prereq to systemtap-runtime-java- rhbz1734973: Fix possible stapbpf segfault with foreach string key iteration.- rhbz1732173 (arm64 syscall parameters)- Rebuilt for dyninst 10.1.0- Correct GNU_parameter_ref dwarf feature typo.- Upstream release.- rhbz1657909: vfs tapset fixes for $cred- rhbz1657857: Please, backport periodic.stp from current upstream aacee6563.- rhbz1657186: fix/port nfsd.proc4.[read,commit] tapset aliases- rhbz1656795: support bdflush syscall- rhbz1655631: change kernel-devel* deps to Recommends:- rhbz1643997: backported string tapset functionality and bugfixes- Upstream release.- Enable brp-mangle for python scripts (rhbz1619413).- Automated weekly rawhide release - Applied spec changes from upstream git- respin w/ fixed glibc- Automated weekly rawhide release - Applied spec changes from upstream git- Add rhbz1549063.patch (/bin/env -> /usr/bin/env) - Add rhbz1566745.patch (4.15 kernel tapset updates) - Enable accidentially disabled Suggests: kernel-devel again.- Add unwind-fallback.patch - rhbz1566422.patch- Add unwind-fallback.patch.- Rebuilt for (json-c v0.13.1) on fc28- rhbz1546563 (backport fix for removed timers in kernel 4.15)- rebuilt- Escape macros in %changelog- Fix very old Requires- Rebuilt for rhbz1504009 (dtrace -G -o /dev/null)- Upstream release.- Rebuilt after RPM update (№ 3)- Rebuilt for RPM soname bump- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Automated weekly rawhide release - Applied spec changes from upstream git- Automated weekly rawhide release - Applied spec changes from upstream git- Automated weekly rawhide release - Applied spec changes from upstream git- Automated weekly rawhide release - Applied spec changes from upstream git- Rebuild for dyninst 9.3- Upstream release.- Upstream release.- Upstream release.- Upstream release.- Upstream release.- Upstream release.- Flip with_dyninst to an %ifarch whitelist.- Upstream release.- Add directory checks for runtime-java sym links- Added dracut module to initscript package- Upstream release.- Added runtime-virthost and runtime-virtguest packages.- Upstream release.- Upstream release.- Upstream release.- Upstream release.- Upstream release.- Fix ifarch statement - use file based requires for glibc-devel on x86_64 so that we work in koji- Upstream release.- Upstream release.- Fixed /bin/mktemp require.- Upstream release.- Upstream release.- Upstream release.- Upstream release.- Upstream release.- Upstream release.- Upstream release.- Upstream release.- Upstream release.- Upstream release.- Upstream release.- Add location of man pages.- Upstream release.- Upstream release.- Upstream release.- Add zlib-devel to buildreq; missing from crash-devel - Process testsuite .stp files for #!stap->#!/usr/bin/stap- Add crash-devel buildreq to build crash(8) module. - Many robustness & functionality improvements:- Correct Source to point to location contain code.- Bumped version, added libcap-devel BuildRequires.- Fix Requires and BuildRequires for sqlite.- Many robustness improvements: 1117, 1134, 1305, 1307, 1570, 1806, 2033, 2116, 2224, 2339, 2341, 2406, 2426, 2438, 2583, 3037, 3261, 3282, 3331, 3428 3519, 3545, 3625, 3648, 3880, 3888, 3911, 3952, 3965, 4066, 4071, 4075, 4078, 4081, 4096, 4119, 4122, 4127, 4146, 4171, 4179, 4183, 4221, 4224, 4254, 4281, 4319, 4323, 4326, 4329, 4332, 4337, 4415, 4432, 4444, 4445, 4458, 4467, 4470, 4471, 4518, 4567, 4570, 4579, 4589, 4609, 4664- An emergency / preliminary refresh, mainly for compatibility with 2.6.21-pre kernels.- Many changes, see NEWS file.- Added 'systemtap-runtime' subpackage.- PRs 2669, 2913- PRs 2627, 2520, 2228, 2645- PRs 2511 2453 2307 1813 1944 2497 2538 2476 2568 1341 2058 2220 2437 1326 2014 2599 2427 2438 2465 1930 2149 2610 2293 2634 2506 2433- Many changes, affected PRs include: 2068, 2293, 1989, 2334, 1304, 2390, 2425, 953.- PRs 1916, 2205, 2142, 2060, 1379- Many changes, affected PRs include: 2056, 1144, 1379, 2057, 2060, 1972, 2140, 2148- Fixed build with gcc 4.1, various tapset changes.- elfutils update, build changes- Many fixes and improvements: 1425, 1536, 1505, 1380, 1329, 1828, 1271, 1339, 1340, 1345, 1837, 1917, 1903, 1336, 1868, 1594, 1564, 1276, 1295- Many fixes and improvements: PRs 1344, 1260, 1330, 1295, 1311, 1368, 1182, 1131, 1332, 1366, 1456, 1271, 1338, 1482, 1477, 1194.- Many fixes and improvements since 0.2.2; relevant PRs include: 1122, 1134, 1155, 1172, 1174, 1175, 1180, 1186, 1187, 1191, 1193, 1195, 1197, 1205, 1206, 1209, 1213, 1244, 1257, 1258, 1260, 1265, 1268, 1270, 1289, 1292, 1306, 1335, 1257- Bump version.- Bump version.- Add directory /var/cache/systemtap - Add stp_check to /usr/libexec/systemtap- New version 0.2.1, various fixes.- New version 0.2, requires elfutils 0.111- Clean up spec file, build bundled elfutils.- Set Version to use version from autoconf. - Fix up some of the path names. - Add Requires and BuildRequires.- Initial creation of RPM.systemtap-runtime-python2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryASCII textELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=b8664f8b68c2e962c579a643f20935d6dbb2468e, strippedPython script, ASCII text executablepython 3.6 byte-compiled PPRRRRRRRR RRRRRRutf-8f11cbde375e0f67bd8ba4a09581c027ace6ef261f51a76a9105b8ae6bf508a0d?7zXZ !#,O%] b2u jӫ`(y-]Eh4@Qzp[**:q0^BNZ̞P~_D`H lΈV:x 7N g*Bz"ټ#=XBƱA AI cpRv_'ߏ^cO3A^2h|eDOf~\eu ;8 [p3+@摩hU}t%DXpm7^˸zKTkB=9L{#tKGvdӼOqEU]h=瑲` !')BE)#f)cbSuzb7 nFQ?H<9akR S{mANTHHKD<.ff'w|F|.C<̰-YߨYco'Ek+\V-Ȉ~1$ғ2 4:ru.7b}x~`tEѰUp>3Pƈ{c҉.(2 ]h+te>^[yCkRѰ&sՐ It}XDXcGk&uVC3̌-)QWd߾H*4%?C%S˒5֌A>-+RrH6Mx /?TߦeEc|}cmċglO!NlJ$ 9EgQu KB3"4?U) [К򢚴o>܀Gi’.G! 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