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7:20180414-23Than Ngo - 7:20180414-22Than Ngo - 7:20180414-21Than Ngo - 7:20180414-20Than Ngo - 7:20180414-19Than Ngo - 7:20180414-18Than Ngo - 7:20180414-17Than Ngo - 7:20180414-16Than Ngo - 7:20180414-15Marek Kasik - 7:20180414-14Than Ngo - 7:20180414-13Than Ngo - 7:20180414-12Than Ngo - 7:20180414-11Than Ngo - 7:20180414-10Than Ngo - 7:20180414-9Than Ngo - 7:20180414-8Than Ngo - 7:20180414-7Marek Kasik - 7:20180414-6Than Ngo - 7:20180414-5Than Ngo - 7:20180414-4Than Ngo - 7:20180414-3Than Ngo - 7:20180414-2Than Ngo - 7:20180414-1Than Ngo - 7:20170524-11 Than Ngo - 7:20170524-10Than Ngo - 7:20170524-9Than Ngo - 7:20170524-8Than Ngo - 7:20170524-7Than Ngo - 7:20170524-6Than Ngo - 7:20170524-5Than Ngo - 7:20170524-4Than Ngo - 7:20170524-3Than Ngo - 7:20170524-2Than Ngo - 7:20170524-1Than Ngo - 2:2012-38.20130427_r30134Than Ngo - 2:2012-37.20130427_r30134Than Ngo - 2:2012-36.20130427_r30134Than Ngo - 2:2012-35.20130427_r30134Than Ngo - 2:2012-34.20130427_r30134Than Ngo - 2:2012-33.20130427_r30134Daniel Mach - 2:2012-32.20130427_r30134Daniel Mach - 2:2012-31.20130427_r30134Than Ngo - 2:2012-30.20130427_r30134Than Ngo - 2:2012-29.20130427_r30134Than Ngo - 2:2012-28.20130427_r30134Than Ngo - 2:2012-27-20130427Than Ngo - 2:2012-26-20130427Marek Kasik - 2012-25.1-20130427Than Ngo - 2012-25-20130427Than Ngo - 2012-24-20130427Than Ngo - 2012-23-20130427Tom Callaway - 2012-22-20130427Jindrich Novy - 2012-21-20130427Jindrich Novy - 2012-20-20130321Jindrich Novy - 2012-19-20130318Ralf Corsépius - 2012-18-20130310Jindrich Novy 2012-17-20130310Jindrich Novy 2012-16-20130205Jindrich Novy 2012-15-20130131Marek Kasik 2012-14-20130102Jindrich Novy 2012-13-20130102Jindrich Novy 2012-12-20130102Jindrich Novy 2012-11-20130102Jindrich Novy 2012-10-20121205Jindrich Novy 2012-9-20121120Jindrich Novy 2012-8-20121115Jindrich Novy 2012-7-20121107Jindrich Novy 2012-6-20121107Jindrich Novy 2012-5-20121024Jindrich Novy 2012-3-20121024Jindrich Novy 2012-3-20121019Jindrich Novy 2012-3-20120926Jindrich Novy 2012-2-20120926Jindrich Novy 2012-1-20120926Jindrich Novy 2012-1-20120613Jindrich Novy 2012-0.1.20120408Jindrich Novy 2011-1.20110726Jindrich Novy 2011-0.2.20110313Jindrich Novy 2011-0.1.20110227Jindrich Novy 2011-0.1.20110120Jindrich Novy 2010-14.20110105Jindrich Novy 2010-13.20101215Jindrich Novy 2010-13.20101112Jindrich Novy 2010-13.20101102Jindrich Novy 2010-12.20101016Jindrich Novy 2010-12.20101007Jindrich Novy 2010-11.20101007Jindrich Novy 2010-10.20100814Jindrich Novy 2010-9.20100814Jindrich Novy 2010-8.20100715Jindrich Novy 2010-7.20100604Jindrich Novy 2010-7.20100531Jindrich Novy 2010-6.20100521Jindrich Novy 2010-5.20100430Jindrich Novy 2010-4.20100421Jindrich Novy 2010-3.20100419Jindrich Novy 2010-0.1.20100416Jindrich Novy 2010-0.1.20100329Jindrich Novy 2009-3.20100326Jindrich Novy 2009-3.20100219Jindrich Novy 2009-2Jindrich Novy 2009-1Jindrich Novy 2009-0.13Jindrich Novy 2009-0.12Jindrich Novy 2009-0.11Jindrich Novy 2009-0.10Jindrich Novy 2009-0.9Jindrich Novy 2009-0.8Jindrich Novy 2009-0.7Jindrich Novy 2009-0.6Jindrich Novy 2009-0.5Jindrich Novy 2009-0.4Jindrich Novy 2009-0.3Jindrich Novy 2009-0.2Jindrich Novy 2009-0.1Jindrich Novy 2008-0.2Jindrich Novy 2008-0.1- Related: #1902187, rebuild regarding to broken binutils- Related: #1902187, require texlive-tetex- Resolves: #1902187, add missing dependencies for texlive-kpathsea- Resolves: #1889802, adapted texlive for poppler-20.10.0- Related: #1829136, add missing mtxrun for tlmgr- Related: #1829136, add missing texlive.tlpdb for tlmgr- Related: #1829136, fix for tps-rpmtest- Resolves: #1829136, add missing pst-tools, pst-arrow and fix the dependency issue- Resolves: #1796238, add missing tlmgr- Rebuild due to soname bump in poppler-0.66.0-21 - Resolves: #1715843- Resolves: #1665917, annocheck distro flag failures- texconfig is needed in texconfig-sys, added Requirement texlive-texconfig - multilib issue detected by rpmdiff - drop obsoleted patch for poppler-0.58 - XML validity issue Related: #1602712- Resolves: #1602712, review covscan- Resolves: #1632804, CVE-2018-17407- Fixed #1624178, another annocheck distro flag failures- Fixed #1624178 annocheck distro flag failures- fixed VerifyTest- Rebuild for poppler-0.66.0 - Backport required fixes- fixed trigger error- adjust python3 shebang to make it point at #!%{_python3}- fixed source url- fixed tetex-dvips dependency- update to 2018- add Provides: tetex-latex to the latex subpackage- rebuild against new poppler- fixed FTBFS in rhel8 mass rebuild, mangling shebang - added python3 support- cleanup - disabled t1lib- fixed conflicting requests: texlive-collection-basic, fontawesome- fix wrong provides tex(english.ldf) - add babel-english. add fontawesome, awesomebox - add reference to support old texmf tree - fix build issue, not found html.sty and texinfo.tex- fix typo in pdflatex which causes several build failures- add ctablestack, luatex85, dvisvgm - add provide tetex-dvips - fix changelog- add anyfontsize, classpack, collection-htmlxml, latex2man - add provide tetex-tex4ht, jadetex, tetex-tex4ht, texlive-collection-htmlxml, tex(anyfontsize.sty), texlive-latex2man- add capt-of, eqparbox, needspace, tabulary, upquote which are needed to build krb5- update to TeX Live 2017 - merge spot's changes- Resolves: bz#1198299, directory not owned by any package issue- Resolves: bz#1198299, add texlive-adjustbox- fix rpath issue in mpost (rpmdiff)- Resolves: bz#948318, wrong selinux context- Resolves: bz#1064453, add missing texlive-metapost and groff.enc Resolves: bz#948532, add missing manpages for pdfxmltex, xmltex Resolves: bz#1213886, tex4ht-bin requires latex Resolves: bz#1217556, port for poppler-0.26.5 Resolves: bz#1035679, scriptlet errors when installing texlive packages Resolves: bz#1184987, add texlive-titling- Resolves: bz#1125696- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27- bz#1035679, Scriptlet errors- fix issue in RPath- fix multilib issue - fix RPM requirement - fix issue in RPath - fix issue in XML validity- compile sources with -fno-strict-overflow - fix file permission- do not mark symlinks as %dir- Rebuild (poppler-0.22.5)- add missing dvipng- add missing fncychap, fontware, framed, sectsty, threeparttable, tocloft wrapfig, xtab- adapt for rhel- obsolete/provide ctan-musixtex-fonts and tex-musixtex- add missing shebang to context script - mark language.dat as config file (#929367) - add scripts for checking out sources and CTAN archives- bring chkweb back to life - fix context script (#924918) - prefer scripts installed from sources than from CTAN - BR: ghostscript-devel because of dvisvgm (#924662)- fix wrapper for context, remove chkweb man page (#910952)- Remove %config from %{_sysconfdir}/rpm/macros.* (https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/259).- run updmap-sys --syncwithtrees posttrans (#915086) - don't conflict with other packages (#913678) - obsolete tex-cm-lgc (#907728) - obsolete tex-kerkis (#907726) - fix clashes with xmltex (#877690) - use fedora latexmk instead of texlive latexmk (#914689) - fix broken symlinks in /usr/bin (#910952) - fmtutil doesn't print jadetex errors any more (#875266) - fix post scriptlets- fix symlinks pointing to system utilities (#907643) - add BR: texinfo because of makeinfo- enlarge tex(latex) dependency set, introduce tex(latex-base) (#904147) - fix post-scriptlets (#875257) - ship macros.texlive (#885762) - depend directly on texlive-kpathsea-lib - disable rpath- Rebuild (poppler-0.22.0)- make dvips require latex-fonts (#879661)- fix dependencies and upgrade path (#892054, #891709) - do not ship windows and other unneeded files- sync with CTAN - added new buildrequires - don't use texlive's psutils - don't obsolete latexmk (#868996)- sync with CTAN - compile also C++ sources with -fno-strict-aliasing - ship adhocfilelist - fix changelog dates- obsolete metapost-metauml (#573863) - update BR perl-MD5 to perl(Digest::MD5) - required for updmap - remove redundant posttrans executions in texlive-base (#865650) - own ls-R in texmf-local directory- prevent sed from being verbose in install log when uninstalling - be sure the old /usr/share/texmf tree is indexed and searched by kpathsea (#876710) - drop patch to fix build for dvisvgm, it is now applied upstream - fix dependencies in texlive and texlive-base subpackages (#875364)- run mtxrun only once per transaction (#865650), this considerably speeds up installation time- use -std=c++11 for all C++ apps in texlive to avoid symbol problems (thanks to Jakub Jelinek)- don't conflict with latexmk (#868996) - unify versioning for both binary and noarch subpackages - remove lcdf-typetools hack for s390(x)- sync with upstream - fixes problem lcdf-typetools tests - disable largefile support to fix pdflatex on 32bit arches (#872231) - put compatibility TEXMF tree reference into texm-local instead symlinking it to /usr/share/texmf directly- sync with upstream sources - make /usr/share/texmf visible to kpathsea, make texmf-local pointing to it (#867656, #864875) - fix versioning of binary packages- obsolete chktex (#864211) - make config.ps a config file (#441171) - fix post/postun scriptlet dependencies - all subpackages now have %dist tag- drop relase subpackage (no more needed as TL is now in Fedora) - fix -doc dependencies - remove (not-built) asymtote from source tarball - undefined catalogue version defaults to 0 - perform automatic license audit - include also packages not part of any scheme - don't strip binaries so that we can generate debuginfo (#863635) - clean up depsolver- introduce TeX Live 2012 to Fedora (#488651) - fixes: #619481, #759534, #814880, #819157- update to 2012 final - obsolete system latexmk - include dvisvgm back- temporarily disable dvisvgm due to gcc-4.7 compilation problems- update to the official TeX Live 2011 release- bump version to fix koma-skript versioning problem- fix upgrade path with old TL2007 xetex, context or dvips installed - fix package generation bug that caused some package might be missing from the repository (http://www.linux.cz/pipermail/texlive/2011-February/000086.html) - fix upstream source URLs- bump release to 2011 (we are using the 2011/dev SVN version) - add more file virtual provides (TFM, TTF, TTC, PFA, PFB, PCF, OTF, TEX, CNF, CFG, DEF, DAT, LDF, FD, ENC, MAP, VF, VPL, CLO, BUG, BUG2)- sync with upstream - install texlive.tlpdb for autodep finder- sync with upstream as of 15th Dec - fix dangling symlink (thanks to Michel Alexandre Salim)- temporarily disable dvi2tty because of failing test suite - package /etc/texmf and point texmf-config there- make release package part of the main build- texlive-jadetex-bin obsoletes jadetex- fix symlinks in /usr/bin so that they are not pointing to wrong location- sync with the latest TL2010 sources - don't make redundant copies of binaries, symlink them - fix symlinks to perl utilities- add obsolete of dvisvgm to allow smooth updates- fix file attributes and rpmlint warnings - define libdir when calling configure - rebuild against new poppler- move all the licenses and base directory hierarchy to texlive-base noarch subpackage - add automatic licensing code- sync with upstream (introducing mptopdf) - compile C source with -fno-strict-aliasing- switch to "tlpretest" source tree - add lua and ruby dependencies to packages requiring them - generate global package database "texlive.tlpdb" directly from tlpobj files shipped with each package- disable chktex so that build passes - fix dist tags in releases in binary packages- add dependencies resolution among biblatex files - another %postun scriptlets fix- add Requires(posttrans) to the main package- bump version of binaries because of the kpathsea soname increase- sync with upstream, remove ptex stuff for now- use 2010 prefix - do not ship/build asymptote (#548761)- declare fmutil.cnf, updmap.cfg, context.cnf and texmf.cnf as config files so that they don't get overwritten with texlive-kpathsea update - move man and info pages to the main packages, not -doc- blacklist a4wide.sty because of bad (noinfo) license- install man and info pages into proper locations visible by man and info - update scriptlets - remove xindy bits- update to oficcially released TeX Live 2009 - enable large file support- remove postun scriptlet to avoid accidential removal of texmf bits when not removing the package- tighten kpathsea devel dependency- fix generation of packages that ships only documentation - fix versioning of packages without version but with revision - fix heuristics for gathering .sty files dependencies - include packages under GFSL license - make files in old texmf tree from previous installs visible - do not obsolete old kpathsea, try to coexist - remove dvipdfm, dvipdfmx,depend of Fedora ones- TL2007 compatibility fixes: - create /usr/share/texmf symlink - clean all in post scriptlets- fix kpathsea Provides/Obsoletes- sync with latest upstream- make kpathsea independent on the main texlive package- remove packages under GFSL non-free license (tex-gyre)- fix dependencies to hyphenation packages - fix provides/obsoletes- require recommended LaTeX bits, the installation of pure scheme-basic is too minimalistic- require system psutils and t1utils and don't build the TL ones - correctly obsolete old kpathsea - binaries now have -bin postfix - support for Fedora fonts- add tetex-* virtual provides - fix unversioned requires - filter out unwanted libs and utilities from source- update to TeX Live 2009 - pretest- update to today's svn sources of binaries from upstream - fix directory -> symlink conversion - add ly1 (#488651)- initial packaging for TeX Live 2008 - wrote tl2rpm.c to autogenerate packages and post scriptlets from TeX Live metadata - fix kpathsea default search pathtexlive-epstopdf-bintexlive-epstopdf-doc7:20180414-23.el87:20180414-23.el87:20180414-23.el87:20180414-23.el87:20180414-23.el87:201804147:20180414epstopdfrepstopdfepstopdf.1.gzrepstopdf.1.gzepstopdfREADMEepstopdfepstopdf.pl/usr/bin//usr/share/man/man1//usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/doc/support//usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/doc/support/epstopdf//usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/scripts//usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/scripts/epstopdf/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2aarch64-redhat-linux-gnutroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)directoryASCII textPerl script text executableRRRRutf-8acb623259d2ec8965b50623e1c4ce5071aef4ee1ffa05b0bd584f742da23d730?7zXZ !#,#=|] b2u B0RŔDeS2j,ڙSXmM1~(!_qצ9;dscNӨ~F6ڷ߭u+\g"MGRNZQtk士lY5cg'Zwh*6jb%>bUʌ<+~'Țay/o6C]d7>ߍ@Dr u^LHZ6|v\[shKN8,TS4KO)>.+B(*7okp59W0aZT扊0dZ%N67[E4g#f%FdsY/bgg7r؜$\oxLBncKkM`Ay҉sdL2w`}[({4`>T `ݲHʠEwdS yD,_]+T_{jn*;^&ʥؚ""K~vҡ{kbhNDW;@CL\YPB[ geϸ[Hr *a`47JS7W#AwfriUNqf Oz4:= K=dz=!,J֯:TM 7,1LQH/Br>7{+u˘ixvHo,fjym'5h)~J`rTYyvKKSEdu';:<& 40#C,-ilnM8Bm1cm)RWǎ[o50JͿEpPRd`qeMpƄ .#Bg|b|﫯>Hd}[4Sɺ]Yd805diӑx=jaI]?dKFlfB}(VyIk6? 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