freeipmi-ipmidetectd-1.6.8-1.el8 >  A `U]EJ`L3|`sUa_^ K`JT0@f*{HϏmA9u]TeN [_]лE3kE}~\Ⴘ#ŵjicO~L^cKu`V~?k&*k>8 k =~VVή1 gp۟'Š%E7EB{( kC <CKѨm+[s_ʜlΑn~ Hr""孑YړIs=3}~ q%4d G_W7Wn1}` f,LNV䯊%77/z1 By-Q ksrQs&y풏v?샰m|` 1Mj]Djgo%\J.ޱު[ؑ%d %T/$ـ)'ߐd3/:2YkJ48>pBR?Rd # I  3     h  @(8B9 B:B>MH?MP@MXGM`HMIMXMYM\M]M^NbOdPfePkfPnlPptPuPvPwRxR$yRD RtRxR~RCfreeipmi-ipmidetectd1.6.81.el8IPMI node detection monitoring daemonProvides a tool and a daemon for IPMI node detection.`M^x86-01.mbox.centos.orgCentOSCentOSGPLv3+CentOS Buildsys Unspecified if [ $1 -eq 1 ] ; then # Initial installation systemctl --no-reload preset ipmidetectd.service &>/dev/null || : fi if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then # Package removal, not upgrade systemctl --no-reload disable --now ipmidetectd.service &>/dev/null || : fi if [ $1 -ge 1 ] ; then # Package upgrade, not uninstall systemctl try-restart ipmidetectd.service &>/dev/null || : fiL  X"AA큤`MQ`M\`M\`M\`L7`MY`MS`MS393f7ec1b45dd536ad378349d2cd120bd04b2fecf79cba341ae7859cd23472f9a0d9af1447e72c449bbec5cc1fedd447673eaf6cca93e5c4644517d853b39e202f03da4b066ea125fcba3b41e5f1ede4cf374476a5d723a3151a10d1ced90ce7bd3bfffb63a739e7e026f903b82bcc51591c8a6cde72c2cae7a8a1bafe476ba7ff8a383a8a94e0c4c7a4757bd8f024fbaa37bfc8f052b8ef41661220c949f5be../../../../usr/sbin/ipmidetectdrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootfreeipmi-1.6.8-1.el8.src.rpmconfig(freeipmi-ipmidetectd)freeipmi-ipmidetectdfreeipmi-ipmidetectd(x86-64) @@@@@@@@@@@    @/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shconfig(freeipmi-ipmidetectd)freeipmi(x86-64)`ٹ_ Z̧@Z%Z_@Zz@Y@YYx@Ycl@XX@XWDB@VV^@V4@Ua@U7@T@TXSGSESSuS@R&R - 1.6.8-1Josef Ridky - 1.6.6-1Josef Ridky - 1.6.1-1Josef Ridky - 1.5.7-4Josef Ridky - 1.5.7-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.5.7-2Josef Ridky - 1.5.7-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.5.6-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.5.6-2Josef Ridky - 1.5.6-1Josef Ridky - 1.5.5-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.5.4-2Boris Ranto - 0:1.5.4-1Boris Ranto - 0:1.5.2-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.5.1-2Boris Ranto - 1.5.1-1Fedora Release Monitoring - 1.4.11-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.4.8-3Ales Ledvinka - 1.4.8-2Christopher Meng - 1.4.8-1Ales Ledvinka - 1.4.6-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.4.4-2Ales Ledvinka - 1.4.4-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.4.3-2Ales Ledvinka - 1.4.3-1Ales Ledvinka - 1.4.1-1Ales Ledvinka - 1.3.4-2Christopher Meng - 1.3.4-1Ales Ledvinka - 1.3.3-1Ales Ledvinka - 1.3.2-1Ales Ledvinka - 1.3.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.2.9-3Ales Ledvinka - 1.2.9-2Ales Ledvinka - 1.2.9-1Ales Ledvinka - 1.2.7-2Ales Ledvinka - 1.2.7-1Ales Ledvinka - 1.2.6-2Ales Ledvinka - 1.2.6-1Ales Ledvinka - 1.2.5-1Fedora Release Engineering - 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Fix segfault in crypt code with libgcrypt versions >= 1.6.0. - Fix --fanout command line parse bug. - Fix typ - from FRU spec, language "Tegulu" is actually "Telugu". - Fix typ - in SEL session output, "Invalid Username of Password" to "Invalid Username or Password". - Loop on select() call if interrupted by EINTR in openipmi, ssif, and sunbmc inband drivers. - Fix integer overflow bug in ipmi-config when configure vlan ID > 255. - Add workaround for ipmi-config issue on Supermicr - X10DDW-i. - Fix error handling bug in bmc-info.- Updated to upstream freeipmi-1.4.6 - In ipmi-fru, support output of DDR4 SDRAM modules. - Fix EFI probing on non IA64 systems. - Fix corner case in ipmi-raw w/ standard input or --file and empty lines. - Fix parsing corner case in ipmi-chassis. - Support SSIF bridging. - Fix libipmiconsole calculation bug w/ SOL character send size. - Support Supermicro H8DGU and H8DG6 OEM sensors and events. - Minor documentation updates.- Rebuilt for Updated to upstream freeipmi-1.4.4 - Support retrys of SSIF reads to handle SSIF NACKs.- Rebuilt for Updated to upstream freeipmi-1.4.3 - In ipmi-oem, support Supermicro get-power-supply-status and get-pmbus-power-supply-status commands. - Support 'ipmiping' workaround in ipmipower. - Minor documentation updates.- Updated to upstream freeipmi-1.4.1 - Support new tool ipmi-config. Ipmi-config is a consolidated configuration tool implementing everything that was previously in bmc-config, ipmi-pef-config, ipmi-sensors-config, and ipmi-chassis-config. - The consolidated tool will allow users to checkout, commit, and diff sections/fields across the four former tools using only one tool. - The consolidated tool will also allow users to checkout, commit, and diff new sections/fields not yet covered in the four former tools. - Legacy scripts for bmc-config, ipmi-pef-config, ipmi-sensors-config, and ipmi-chassis-config will point to the new tool with all appropriate options to ensure full backwards compatability. - The ipmi-pef-config --info option has been made legacy. It is still supported but no longer advertised. - Support Intel Data Center Host Interface / Management Engine as optional driver type for in-band communication. - Typically these are loaded as /dev/dcmi and /dev/mei drivers. - This driver is identified as the "inteldcmi" type, as it is specific to Intel systems. - Support OEM extensions for Intel Windmill, Wiwynn Windmill, and Quanta Winterfell motherboards in ipmi-sel and ipmi-sensors. These motherboards are also know as motherboards for the Open Compute Project (OCP). - Support DCMI configuration in ipmi-config. - Update FreeIPMI for changes in IPMI 2.0 Errata 5. Include are: - New sensor events for Power Supply and OS Boot sensors. New events are supported in all areas, ipmi-sensors, ipmi-sel, libipmimonitoring, etc. - PEF now supports 255 filter numbers, not 127. This is supported in ipmi-config (formerly ipmi-pef-config). - Support get/set of new System Info Parameters Present OS Version, BMC URL, and Base OS/Hypervisor URL. This is supported in bmc-info and bmc-device. - Update ipmi-oem Intel Node Manager OEM commands for changes listed in Intelligent Power Node Manager 2.0 specification. - Due to changes in the specification, minor text changes may exist in some output from intelnm OEM commands. - Update ipmi-sel to support new SEL events in Intelligent Power Node Manager 2.0 specification. - Support 'serialalertsdeferred' workaround in ipmiconsole. - Support 'solpacketseq' workaround in ipmiconsole. - Fix portability issues for Apple / OS X. - Fix bmc-info output of GUID, format was output with two bytes out of order. - May affect scripts parsing and using the GUID. - Bmc-info now supports --get-system-guid and outputs the System GUID as well as the Device GUID by default. - The Device GUID is not prefixed with the text "Device GUID" instead of just "GUID". Any scripts scripting against this will need to be adjusted. - Bmc-info now supports a workaround of 'guidformat' to read the GUID with a format a number of vendors have incorrectly used. - In ipmi-config's sensor configuration, decimal values that cannot be encoded accurately now report a clearer error message.- Module alias dependencies. - Changes for previous 1.3.4 update: - Support 'solchannelsupport' workraound in ipmiconsole / IPMICONSOLE_WORKAROUND_SKIP_CHANNEL_PAYLOAD_SUPPORT workaround flag in libipmiconsole. - Fix SDR cache workaround for motherboards with invalid SDR record counts listed. - Workaround Supermicro bug in bmc-watchdog. - Fix error checks in sensor decoding functions, leading to possible problems in ipmi-sensors-config. - Update documentation with additional workarounds for motherboards.- Updated to freeipmi-1.3.4- Updated to freeipmi-1.3.3 - Add support for intelnm get-node-manager-alert-destination and set-node-manager-alert-destination in ipmi-oem. - Under very verbose mode, ipmi-sel will now record types for OEM records. This should allow OEM parses outside of FreeIPMI to more effectively parse OEM specific SEL records. - Fix big endian portability bugs.- Updated to freeipmi-1.3.2 - Update FreeIPMI tools to check libfreeipmi API error codes correctly. - Update ipmi-api.h to list mappings of IPMI completion codes and RMCPPlus codes to API Error codes.- Updated to freeipmi-1.3.1 - Timestamp UTC/localtime reporting compliant with specification. Remote timestamp expected to be in localtime already. - Timestamp reporting options --utc-to-localtime, --localtime-to-utc and --utc-offset. - In ipmi-fru, support output of DDR3 SDRAM modules. - In ipmi-fru, support output of new FRU multirecords, most notably extended DC output and extended DC load (per FRU Revision 1.2). - Support additional chassis types (per FRU Revision 1.2 update). - and more- Rebuilt for Requires modalias package for module loading dependency.- Updated to upstream freeipmi-1.2.9 - Fix threshold output corner case in ipmi-sensors. - Fix invalid declaration in libipmimonitoring header. - Fix older compiler build problems. - - Fix portability build bug on ARM systems. - Add 'internal IPMI error' troubleshooting to manpages. - Fix bmc-info corner case on Bull 510 systems.- Fix build on architectures where va_list is not pointer.- Updated to freeipmi-1.2.7 - Fix sensor output errors with OEM sensors.- spec update by Christopher Meng - hardened build flags should include PIE also for bmc-watchdog.- Updated to freeipmi-1.2.6 - Support HP Proliant DL160 G8 OEM sensors. - Support Supermicro X9SCM-iiF OEM sensors and events. - Support output of temperature sampling period to ipmi-dcmi. - Clarify error message when SOL session cannot be stolen in ipmiconsole/libipmiconsole. - Fix dcmi rolling average time period output error - Fix ipmi-dcmi output errors with --get-dcmi-sensor-info. - Fix corner case in calculation of confidentiality pad length with AES-CBC-128 encryption. Incorrect pad effects some vendor firmware implementations. - Send IPMI 2.0 packets differently than IPMI 1.5 packets, as the former does not require legacy pad data to be appended to payloads. - Fix Intel OEM SEL buffer overflow. - Fix out of trunk source build. - Support new ipmi_rmcpplus_sendto() and ipmi_rmcpplus_recvfrom() functions. - Support new HP Proliant DL160 G8 OEM sensor events.- Updated to freeipmi-1.2.5: - Support Supermicro X9SPU-F-O OEM sensors and events. - Support Supermicro X9DRI-LN4F+ OEM intepretations (previously forgotten).- Rebuilt for Updated to freeipmi-1.2.4: - Support Supermicro X9DRI-LN4F+ OEM sensors and events. - Fix output corner case for "session-based" channels. - Fix ipmi-oem set-power-restore-delay corner case in time settings. - Fix ipmiseld memleak. - Fix libfreeipmi potential fd leak when generating random numbers. - Fix libfreeipmi error output bug in RMCP interface. - Fix several minor corner cases discovered by static code analysis.- Updated to freeipmi-1.2.3: - In ipmi-oem, support new Dell Poweredge R720 OEM commands extensions, including: - get-nic-selection-failover - set-nic-selection-failover - power-monitoring-over-interval - power-monitoring-interval-range - get-last-post-code - In ipmi-oem, update active-lom-status for Dell Poweredge R720. - In ipmi-oem, support new Dell Poweredge R720 get-system-info option 'cmc-info'. - In ipmi-oem, Dell get-system-info "slot-number" key changed to "blade-slot-info". Legacy option still supported. - In ipmi-sel, support Dell Poweredge R720 OEM SEL extensions. - In all tools, support nochecksumcheck workaround option. - In all daemons (ipmiseld, ipmidetectd, bmc-watchdog), check for syscall errors during daemon setup. - In libfreeipmi, support Dell R720 OEM extension intepretations. - In libfreeipmi, libipmimonitoring, and libipmiconsole, support NO_CHECKSUM_CHECK workaround flag. - In libipmiconsole, IPMICONSOLE_DEBUG_FILE logs debug to files in current working directory and not /var/log. PID is also appended to debug files.- Updated to freeipmi-1.2.2: - Support new --sol-payload-instance and --deactivate-all-instances options in ipmiconsole. - Fix ipmiseld compile issue with -Werror=format-security.- Reworked RPM scriptlets to use systemd-rpm macros (#850117). - Updated to freeipmi-1.2.1: - Support new ipmiseld daemon, a daemon that regularly polls the SEL and stores the events to the local syslog. - In ipmipower, support --oem-power-type option to support OEM specific power control operations. Included in this support were the follow changes to ipmipower: - Support initial OEM power type of C410X. - Re-architect to allow input of extra information for an OEM power operation via the '+' operator after the hostname. - Re-architect to allow input of target hostname multiple times under OEM power cases. - Re-architect to allow serialization of power control operations to the same host. - Globally in tools, support --target-channel-number and --target-slave-address to specify specific targets. - Globally in tools, support ability to specify alternate port via optional [:port] in hostname or host config. - In ipmi-fru, support --bridge-fru option to allow reading FRU entries from satellite controllers. - In bmc-config, add configuration support for Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_15 under RMCPplus_Conf_Privilege. - Globally support Cipher Suite ID 15 and 16 based on comments from Intel. - In ipmi-sensors, support --output-sensor-thresholds, to allow outputting of sensor thresholds in default output for scripting. - In ipmi-sel, support new --post-clear option. - In bmc-device, support new --set-sensor-reading-and-event-status option. - In ipmi-oem, support additional Intel Node Manager commands, including: - get-node-manager-capabilities - node-manager-policy-control - get-node-manager-policy - set-node-manager-policy - remove-node-manager-policy - get-node-manager-alert-thresholds - set-node-manager-alert-thresholds - get-node-manager-policy-suspend-periods - set-node-manager-policy-suspend-periods - set-node-manager-power-draw-range - In ipmi-oem, support Wistron OEM commands extensions. - In ipmi-sel, support Wistron OEM SEL interpretations. - In ipmi-fru, support Wistron OEM FRU records. - In ipmi-pef-config, support configuration volatile Alert String 0 and Lan Alert Destination 0.- Updated to freeipmi-1.1.7- Rebuilt for fixed License to GPLv3+- fixed upstream URL- Updated to freeipmi-1.1.6- Updated to freeipmi-1.1.5- Updated to freeipmi-1.1.4- Updated to freeipmi-1.1.3- Updated to freeipmi-1.1.2- added systemd unit files (#767611)- Updated to freeipmi-1.1.1- Updated to freeipmi-1.0.10- Updated to freeipmi-1.0.9- enable build on all archs, the iopl issue #368541 is fixed - Updated to freeipmi-1.0.8- Updated to freeipmi-1.0.7- Updated to freeipmi-1.0.6- Updated to freeipmi-1.0.5- Updated to freeipmi-1.0.4- Updated to freeipmi-1.0.3, see announce at Updated to freeipmi-1.0.2, see announce at Rebuilt for Updated to freeipmi-1.0.1, see announce at - Configuration files moved from /etc/ to /etc/freeipmi/. Support legacy config files for backwards compatibility. - More detailed release information can be found in the NEWS file./bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/ -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textdirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=79978339fdf10825f86465060153a262cafeaa67, strippedtroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix) RRR RR RR RR R RRutf-86bba7606f72016dc529660774e6ce29d3b5833a5fe2d59a6ae68fe762a954bf3?7zXZ !#,7O] b2u n(+9ߘ1lGhR]pѡ֣G .euKqb'HhN-d\I|k}!p}ELO.h֋J@<}l78f٧@ۏ_EmۼY̨۠]sC+Ϸ^vpW΂yǁ߻{dbDEbL\Et6gМeYo@⹚A !3{u2%O?t [wҭRwbB]T4J￾(?N`ѭ$I\usn zO먄.:Eme^E.ɍ=kg2 ~~YC\*sIiż ?@[ uQQ!:yd(Ҏ5K[75m1!«S`x0Շ}䜃 ȍӜ-ʞNX,]51 #ՠ{k{߿QPScHŒÎūuO\ZCzͻ :fbX.0nen{ 7)kfMAVڐT\ҩׄם2"k cXV j5y݆yP /setۢ*;q4 Dwb<.~<}A4}8fT8m V4WK@PPhUP3!@ _{a!!C`{U"Gϖupf@5gv nqkmcR/.N*;Cc (✻ k~ɿ\W$auӺΒ7&, &_)̞ uIAh#hQT^NXZt\(-a #7kERAnD (an+=;Cg|p ȦɮL@~.0~W)xa[xEP{5 xT2jO)oK}Kqڿ;CF閻aômcV*pP[ #+8qdWo¹mFsK1s *hTέ]l  8^P貉oC DP|EY{x--цLf|?(d˄Y|!fS3c5S89iNK &_Z= 6f1-x0ɆI/f~EEbY<MF4O|<DteTsN|GMNUк ⲄR6`j!*X`1ҮhP%a3z@^0ncU $/&@FFt6UOɀ|DR} s-x.S$6*`BA~FgAFSp8[{똉HJ@.HpfPVl2b'|{9u^@Xj?Ƨ fwn_二4]+bvi\92h G-ש )Gn/S@ Wޯg.dVZݻ 䓴-^<1=H5(1;J;o56/L딢1Hl:ϰ_wϾNs)lgBquFC}P'!A vkh.>gƓŷ"[_Z)*,-~C খ=4}pD\/Qs/QH1cv}Q< Y6Yd), {7Ҁ6ZWA\# l%&-=o!*(׏t~v%TP5 VvgjCh~Nil[' bLg1\\5+^u(\7Wz\NGG ~ܑp;^PX:"0-vdʖfYfV^ R-,uX Z[E-Lĉ sNŻjt&@z V@![\Q772$LWX55uI6h|77Us~<P#p ]s}>D*X@2KaqAوv$K h潶4ɔg<$*|u}wXe[G苅KsM̚e{p2]Sˌz-x}Cm~M[ܘKT? x;*qmHXA![oCSNw@*]3G"܌]wҷbZuQ$3D8t54jT *p$G%A-"U 藍ρ{3IRD{e&!5*CI™9zQvUEF6ywu~a-ȍniZa8:SO 9ïVXYwJhr'k4D^#}bF,(n7WIVW=[NT(TL>EBi?] .8,sW>ZH8*BI)ZQtܴh[|(8čsenP"fQjJX6mn,⟾o%IPBm,WRA,rtamF c]GfT Ko$(3G5ܝ9`mJ@{@Mj,t˓W%RZ`bonS*XvaH`g"QLK__@(Csi废7~ã׵V!M >І!WebX%n ]mqzN6Uu'ڨg!T #9~//a66/T =Oܽ:a\eGh_xXte)Zq@8w{-i=Fm.aȅ3$-0iNb)drf "5e "moFOe 5zͬ\;wQ$_͈aNV) )V2\E0E 7sM,pJiF 85$|eUd 1 C_Q 9dCp>4՛C^h8g :$"vUY}f.t݄ƾ3QkR" 0A c=M,#'WC5J5餓,Fk)e5OWoPQlv.m^K*55vb%=;ղ5gѠxQ*ɟ27?lX>:?^D&T,Ԧ&rEӮ(5mPje5ʸݨbpyyUxB"Hȵ93NQ+f0.-:jWg~oKm9vҴk]9ա@;,ZH[e—`*9@P¶`zX Z aOx O[-nQwժ[1& dFcE(Q (z1nh>}2%K']YSdU6r8=hJ|uDvWF;꧵w 91w?8O\!5:u .d:oB!S *uhp;>8-ˇ+gT@f@k|E>NL@@/tB]> ]eƝ4kDt[kP䪶;0չE 26Mm l⨳%{ՍaKV(tM3q>9_Wpe]|mmZI1p9LV]yщ#4USx4v _bž:.4j.ZWv;&m~lcR/矪uK; Eؾ{PcbWe@8sjDA: tp\Qр=})=IƮ,cAS!t P(YRډv5 )d|XOj-:uI wBz-VZ!92l8EV 8T)Vz9~§m>dØ߾:wyo(bRRZlcCfKr?v8 ;ikh^u`,t0iF̈́`lsT>/)G)@ 32@eN ;z>ϥN׵G),ev Oc4f$_.=Q_}2c[|+S1OVKx23`i< [.o"1>J$0ƽ^iqW 8V ^tUa<G/#eF>YwQE>eQW ڮXGS*sd3?$ oi`AzU8A.N^0'~XȀ;/@$\M N>]̪qgcF nC3-Θ8\,4zbVjQs+ "~ˏMxn/Iީ4*}/99vTʷUc } %TmLtvau ?)~x$4?O }t*2A^ ;V<7."QA>9YK_Zނʉ;Zo.zvTDČn{)b0iAN%['56pqtwKW}u!GR."Y2ib]{=6r|0* jMF=5xɹbpf:tO:#vHXb!v|䦜݌PJ%K37,jS~E mCćlLۆr4{zU¬+=[2NCT&kS-_؋*v+]vLq=[/8?3?_ir_baJM QW4SL%.'3eSˑa.Ofux&_ }_jZ XPhS!3W-ř@ {aK%M3hCuy L.nE$G\ATƄ4[T=n~P81QIۖ7(ُΑ։' %[m$7g@CU@M{m 9p> 0S~He WVWOJE:z Dnpyͷp &eM^VbkXVb@¯y%! 2gIWUvdhݻ>Μ_sy꜔:^O؇\JgZ*]A1Żvdyl@ݮb;;0{ f)3oDUfnT7mӍMlM|"FV.Fn w!uջ]d0I*2|\ק%x i q4|#YhG\ߜ`զ KRiC/tȹCT fKF%joaWXb,LAbّ%1I0(!x?Q=-#|Tr&o*ҥ ~K38UtAĆmFd;tٙx1aXK*JLOv<O=X)}jWcmݴֆf {f`mlOV,zҋʮ3}Zw $S`s\!9~!MWaz8 3n 5`ӵT-i ELO;F\m7tw D?1xs-F 4\]ruh\Z!V\H^'f%l K,e\-M#OYڲq7fu}E+p_}F!fJ;JN7>WDCZ'jf}P/S) ٴ_ӎ tXj/?&΅O F;IO6Rw( 5, Y6e+-|)ɊQKm%֘X;7Ot7\-?%>&kf4@:/5l։h mFM &X䱱];ZLw WPsi̿Z"BY(5RBW7Pn3RE`Rk:] V"qߧǶmCS4|O*&<:'DzG9i ]^5ĽsO!t ej >d;4$_udE옄9ڽ|Q:"su[8ٽ^W!U+p/#1rV_I} m 'D?P't:bާNrK!L9.6֗] =gQz[E9.?cxN{pؿhV"?㫾ɛZPcQ1Jqu@; #LȻqXCWgGrj`pc6~AUF>x O>njJWmyQ+-oxg >]񏳉Fkqۭjɽ&7&8氪h{YIm0*[LqêaɻRzP-V@oISǒɠ7(&,XpI۰q[pt%纒WТgfnγ>#%qnw巸=|*ֈ^nBϯˣu):].8EX|t_ |$qM̨{Y>JŎ?vg"=0-=GARM[r2džLx I<$}mP8& )aǙ,RY=Uf^)pcCCT\V?ׯe42"ȅ:vGt*HTtV$yۂL@V5#($ IfE A{gj;8d afXuZsjgv!BO;bU tDAS*z cgn5Y< ,yUª/qsҷ [`.$sB{0|XӜxN\eD90ⓚBٌ&`TTE3֎W<uzxCDw]ZLa~|1Yan'lHz5Q&9vo*׹{+ &=E"Xy$ M #r"@>>6DPg~H8NVZz싪%p(M0"ժ͈dMVg~_^ߎIH5r X]d1m߰<-pXƋ)$pxt3#;JCm|h4csxMtX)o k; #Wq܃M_rdUFfݧ:߃0^NNKSRmrbބ߷ [Qbv12:XS%+lnėTjt!T%"+mi@3㡬u,$|FCMFXtsq=r1ӭr BV}d}rMn&3 䕦a3$AH'3[lPf<A}B=vܻ-C\8$ʾQ)T3SH4^\~ NT| %OTwJjq(q3Y'+^vg~w-;ׯV(|?BqR>Jup8i5d$w{e7_QKk%ړ?ETWqu#g2H8/SĿœp 1*uMqr.rm" 2fD;&-(HL -f]'f wO<ƥ\WQG>Y'd+'Hj 脨8fn&ݰXp;[ʩ*_vH*-nAhp&|<;{HXʎG3sê&%vO涼wピ&`z,݁F2ܻDqS؇?inbǬ=r/@kz1.ݪU-ǿ<.GcUoug}/v$0T\`o o=x9mP+&oϽù* `l\H&wC1!6/5@0cF5>)C \B# R5:f {4WU/?*aJkRYݐ&uj'KyƤP #wl:RWd:G=X!瑍0!RL#}!rB<^%/d c?8]FU,O@9Qq7&E4&[ Jq以-;\guξ^(&!/ ``hDz+ VgbٍS̀XyE,r?. 3 ;iNB.خȢ;nE=ͽJ1hLH=ciݽ|/i'!$ w/`֯W/kc_Sa' VDDV#9X;QLBQ9YAj6*k_hCkaܵ! 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