python3-dnf-plugin-post-transaction-actions-4.0.21-3.el8 >  A aHRU]2j2^06Jo|C_F婢A ѱ'(Di6YiY=룝B2Л+C\'^d"L1oЋ7u[CF&]|B9'W3k_gh,03HzV6vxl˥đxӵMi)%u֞N~<؎|OzO)0yj 7A @xnV^~lLdti!zQ mP'E^0^ Z]*96@qp>(+!F)zFd_f&tpȀ 4 8S]}?yLƵu] >{zw3kDDm<|33ඇ KȥP0x(^ :>p? ?d.5 ; c $(/6= _k    B H`~`X(8[9L[:[GH,IDXLYX\]^ebdnesfvlxtuvwpxyCpython3-dnf-plugin-post-transaction-actions4.0.213.el8Post transaction actions Plugin for DNFPost transaction actions Plugin for DNF, Python 3 version. Plugin runs actions (shell commands) after transaction is completed. Actions are defined in action files.aD7x86-01.mbox.centos.org5CentOSCentOSGPLv2+CentOS Buildsys Unspecified끤A큤`tgaD,aD.aD.`tgaD,5a97b91adedeb99a75891b98211525a78263f1c368c308efb74260d8f326fd9f8e5a9bb5d6924c7d92dde94c7467d3779e61e4c665a28a17801fef561a2633f88e5a9bb5d6924c7d92dde94c7467d3779e61e4c665a28a17801fef561a2633f8219ca35cd7c0b19fdae94162ae3cf9d7d1c728bfda27bd2a3b8fded1315ec758464329315d425f454c307f80a8d719c034b15704dbfb597095420ea9f7188605rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootdnf-plugins-core-4.0.21-3.el8.src.rpmconfig(python3-dnf-plugin-post-transaction-actions)dnf-plugin-post-transaction-actionspython3-dnf-plugin-post-transaction-actions@     config(python3-dnf-plugin-post-transaction-actions)python(abi)python3-dnf-plugins-corerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PartialHardlinkSets)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)4.0.21-3.el83.64.0.21-3.el83.0.4-14.6.0-14.0.4-14.0-15.2-1python2-dnf-plugin-post-transaction-actions4.0.21-3.el84.14.3a?=@`@``_j__*@_ @_^^@^א^^4^[]@]A]@]S]Ik\\\@\4\/J\[[ā@[#@[a[6@[2*['Z~Z}@Zz@Yp@Y*@Yx@Yu@YX@YWY>@Y"YtXX@X@X@X@XOW@WH6W=WV3V3VV@Vs@VI@VCVBVBU@UȒ@UUa@UJ@UB@U%@TTT[@T@TT@S;@SESES @SSW@S&S @S @S Ry@R@R=R@RʚR1@Marek Blaha - 4.0.21-3Pavla Kratochvilova - 4.0.21-2Pavla Kratochvilova - 4.0.21-1Nicola Sella - 4.0.18-3Marek Blaha - 4.0.18-2Nicola Sella - 4.0.18-1Nicola Sella - 4.0.17-5Marek Blaha - 4.0.17-4Nicola Sella - 4.0.17-3Nicola Sella - 4.0.17-2Nicola Sella - 4.0.17-1Nicola Sella - 4.0.16-1Ales Matej - 4.0.15-1Marek Blaha - 4.0.12-3Ales Matej - 4.0.12-2Ales Matej - 4.0.12-1Ales Matej - 4.0.11-1Ales Matej - 4.0.10-1Pavla Kratochvilova - 4.0.8-3Pavla Kratochvilova - 4.0.8-2Pavla Kratochvilova - 4.0.8-1Pavla Kratochvilova - 4.0.7-1Daniel Mach - Mracek - Mach - Mracek - 4.0.2-1Jaroslav Mracek - 4.0.0-1Jaroslav Mracek - 3.0.4-1Charalampos Stratakis - 3.0.1-3Jaroslav Mracek 3.0.1-2Jaroslav Mracek 3.0.1-1Miro Hrončok - 2.1.5-5Igor Gnatenko - 2.1.5-4Igor Gnatenko - 2.1.5-3Fedora Release Engineering - 2.1.5-2Igor Gnatenko - 2.1.5-1Jaroslav Mracek 2.1.4-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.1.3-2Jaroslav Mracek 2.1.3-1Igor Gnatenko - 2.1.2-2Igor Gnatenko - 2.1.2-1Jaroslav Mracek 2.1.1-1Jaroslav Mracek 2.1.0-1Jaroslav Mracek 2.0.0-1Igor Gnatenko 1.1.0-1Jaroslav Mracek 1.0.2-1Igor Gnatenko - 1.0.1-2Jaroslav Mracek 1.0.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.0-0.rc1.2.1Stratakis Charalampos - 1.0.0-0.rc1.2Michal Luscon 1.0.0-0.rc1.1Igor Gnatenko 0.1.21-2Igor Gnatenko 0.1.21-1Michal Luscon 0.1.20-1Miroslav Suchý 0.1.19-1Miroslav Suchý 0.1.18-1Michal Luscon 0.1.17-1Jan Silhan 0.1.16-1Michal Luscon 0.1.15-1Michal Luscon 0.1.14-1Jan Silhan 0.1.13-1Michal Luscon 0.1.12-2Michal Luscon 0.1.12-1Michal Luscon 0.1.11-1Jan Silhan 0.1.10-1Michal Luscon 0.1.9-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.1.8-2Michal Luscon 0.1.8-1Michal Luscon 0.1.7-1Michal Luscon 0.1.6-3Jan Silhan - 0.1.6-2Jan Silhan - 0.1.6-1Jan Silhan - 0.1.5-1Jan Silhan - 0.1.4-1Jan Silhan - 0.1.3-1Aleš Kozumplík - 0.1.2-1Aleš Kozumplík - 0.1.1-2Aleš Kozumplík - 0.1.1-1Aleš Kozumplík - 0.1.0-1Aleš Kozumplík - 0.0.8-1Aleš Kozumplík - 0.0.7-1Aleš Kozumplík - 0.0.6-1Aleš Kozumplík - 0.0.5-2Aleš Kozumplík - 0.0.5-1Radek Holý - 0.0.4-1Aleš Kozumplík - 0.0.3-1Aleš Kozumplík - 0.0.2-1Cristian Ciupitu - 0.0.1-4Aleš Kozumplík - 0.0.1-3Aleš Kozumplík - 0.0.1-2Aleš Kozumplík - 0.0.1-1- Translations update (RhBug:1961633)- [versionlock] Locking obsoleted package does not make the obsoleter unavailable (RhBug:1957280) - [repomanage] Allow running with metadata only - [repomanage] Enhance repomanage documentation (RhBug:1898293)- Update to 4.0.21 - [repomanage] Don't use cached metadata (RhBug:1899852) - [needs-restarting] fix -r in nspawn containers (RhBug:1913962,1914251) - doc: add packages to needs-restarting conf - Set blacklist subcommand as deprecated - Removed dependency on dnf.yum.misc.Checksum class (RhBug:1935465) - Bugs fixed (RhBug:1914827,1916782)- [reposync] Check GPG signatures of downloaded packages (RhBug:1856818)- Introduce groups-manager plugin (RhBug:1826016) - [needs-restarting] add -s to list services (RhBug:1772939)- Update to 4.0.18 - [needs-restarting] Fix plugin fail if needs-restarting.d does not exist - [needs-restarting] add kernel-rt to reboot list - Fix debug-restore command - [config-manager] enable/disable comma separated pkgs (RhBug:1830530) - [debug] Use standard demands.resolving for transaction handling - [debug] Do not remove install-only packages (RhBug:1844533) - return error when dnf download failed - README: Reference Fedora Weblate instead of Zanata - [reposync] Add latest NEVRAs per stream to download (RhBug: 1833074) - copr: don't try to list runtime dependencies- [reposync] Add latest NEVRAs per stream to download (RhBug: 1833074)- Debug-restore command do not remove installonly packages (RhBug:1844533) - Update translations (RhBug:1820546)- Fix debug-restore command (RhBug:1844533)- [needs-restarting] Fix plugin fail if needs-restarting.d does not exist- [repomanage] Add modular support (RhBug:1804720) - [needs-restarting] add options using .conf file (RhBug:1810123)- Update to 4.0.16 - [versionlock] Take obsoletes into account (RhBug:1627124) - Move args "--set-enabled", "--set-disabled" from DNF (RhBug:1727882) - Add missing arguments --set-enabled/--set-diabled into error message - Warn when --enablerepo/--disablerepo args were passed (RhBug:1727882) - [copr] add support for enabling/disabling runtime dependencies - [copr] no-liability text to be always printed- Update to 4.0.15 - Fix: config_manager respect config file location during save - Fix conflict for dnf download --resolve (RhBug:1787908) - Fix: don't open stdin if versionlock is missing (RhBug:1785563) - config-manager calls parser error when without options (RhBug:1782822) - Update with --norepopath option - Support remote files in dnf builddep - [versionlock] Prevent conflicting/duplicate entries (RhBug:1782052) - [download] Respect repo priority (RhBug:1800342) - [doc] Skip creating and installing migrate documentation for Python 3+- [translations] Update translations from zanata (RhBug:1754960)- [config-manager] Allow use of --set-enabled without arguments (RhBug:1679213) - [reposync] Fix --delete with multiple repos (RhBug:1774103) - Redesign reposync --latest for modular system (RhBug:1775434)- Update to 4.0.12 - [reposync] Add --urls option (RhBug:1686602) - [versionlock] Add --raw option (RhBug:1645564) - [doc] move manpages for plugins to "dnf-PLUGIN" (RhBug:1706386) - Add new plugin post-transaction-actions (RhBug:967264) - [builddep] Add --skip-unavailable switch (RhBug:1628634) - [versionlock] Don't apply excludes on @System (RhBug:1726712) - [reposync] Ignore only modular excludes (RhBug:1750273)- Update to 4.0.11 - [spec] Specify attributes for ghost file (RhBug:1754463) - download: add the --debugsource option (RhBug:1637008) - Fix incorrect handling richdeps in buildep (RhBug:1756902)- Update to 4.0.10 - debuginfo-install: Update both debuginfo and debugsource for updated package (RhBug:1586084) - copr: Support multilib repofiles (RhBug:1393664) - copr: Fix disable if copr instance has non-default port - copr: Fix repoid when using subdirectories in copr project- Generate yum-utils(1) instead of symlinking (RhBug:1676418)- Update localizations from zanata (RhBug:1689984) - Rename dnf-utils to yum-utils (RhBug:1722093) - [builddep] Report all rpm errors (RhBug:1724668) - [config-manager] Behaviour of --setopt (RhBug:1702678)- Update to 4.0.8 - [reposync] Enable timestamp preserving for downloaded data (RhBug:1688537) - [reposync] Download packages from all streams (RhBug:1714788) - Make yum-copr manpage available (RhBug:1673902) - [needs-restarting] Add --reboothint option (RhBug:1192946) (RhBug:1639468) - Set the cost of ``_dnf_local`` repo to 500, to make it preferred to normal repos- Update to 4.0.7 - Use improved config parser that preserves order of data - Fix: copr disable command traceback (RhBug:1693551) - [doc] state repoid as repo identifier of config-manager (RhBug:1686779) - [leaves] Show multiply satisfied dependencies as leaves - [download] Fix downloading an rpm from a URL (RhBug:1678582) - [download] Do not download src without ``--source`` (RhBug:1666648) - [download] Fix problem with downloading src pkgs (RhBug:1649627) - [download] Fix download of src when not the latest requested (RhBug:1649627)- reposync: fix-up path traversal prevention (RhBug: 1600722)- Add option for reposync - Add changelog plugin- zanata update - Attribute repo.metadata._comps_fn does not exist anymore - [download] Fix traceback when local rpm / url is passed - Run transaction hook only if transaction - [versionlock] Accept more NEVRA forms in the deletion code (RhBug:1654529) - [spec] Obsolete yum-utils < 1.1.31-513 (RhBug: 1579322)- Added repodif command - copr: fix enabling Rawhide repository - Add needs-restarting CLI shim - [reposync] Fix traceback with --quiet option - [versionlock] Accept more pkgspec forms- Update to 4.0.0 - Enhance documentation - [repoclosure] check every --pkg attribute separately - [repoclosure] Now accepts nevra as a argument of --pkg option - [reposync] enhancements (RhBug:1550063,1582152,1550064,1405789,1598068) - package-cleanup: remove --oldkernels - Download only packages with unique NEVRAs (RhBug:1612874)- [copr] Huge upgrade of copr plugin - [spec] Disable building python2 modules on Fedora 30+ - Add characters into repo URL sanitization (RhBug:1615416) - copr: add support for multiple copr instances (RhBug:1478208) - Redirect repo progress to std error (RhBug:1626011) - Resolves: rhbz#1578787 - repodiff command not available in dnf-utils- Rebuild for platform-python- Rebuilt for Python 3.7- Enhanced documentation - Resolves: rhbz#1576594 - Resolves: rhbz#1530081 - Resolves: rhbz#1547897 - Resolves: rhbz#1550006 - Resolves: rhbz#1431491 - Resolves: rhbz#1516857 - Resolves: rhbz#1499623 - Resolves: rhbz#1489724- Rebuilt for Python 3.7- Conflict with any yum-utils- Escape macros in %changelog- Rebuilt for Fix download command (RHBZ #1498426)- Added four new options for ``list`` subcommand of ``copr`` plugin - Resolves: rhbz#1476834 - [abrt] dnf: arch(): unhashable type: 'list'- Rebuilt for Solve conflict with migrate plugin (RhBug:1470843) (Jaroslav Mracek) - Move copying to dnf (RhBug:1279001) (Ondřej Sojka) - Return 1 if dnf config-manager --add-repo fails (RhBug:1439514) (Jaroslav Mracek) - bump minimal dnf version to 2.6.0 (Igor Gnatenko) - trivial: remove whitespace at end of line (Igor Gnatenko)- Fix crash in COPR plugin- debuginfo-install: install only requested packages - Unify user confirmation in copr with dnf itself- bump version to 2.1.1 + update release notes (Jaroslav Mracek) - Enhance versionlock documentation (Jaroslav Mracek) - Fix typos in args.ingex to args.index (RhBug:1458446) (Jaroslav Mracek) - dont run versionlock on non-transactional operations (Jan Silhan)- bump version to 2.1.0 + update release notes (Jaroslav Mracek) - Adjust the dnf-utils subpackage to be more accurate (Neal Gompa) - Add new sub-package dnf-utils (RhBug:1381917) (Jaroslav Mracek) - Fix two renamed functions by dnf privatization (Jaroslav Mracek)- update release notes (Jaroslav Mracek) - po: Update translations (Igor Gnatenko) - Fix incorrect exclude of locked version in versionlock (Jaroslav Mracek) - po: Update translations (Igor Gnatenko) - Setup selectively provides for python2 packages (Jaroslav Mracek) - Build python3 packages only if with_python3 (Jaroslav Mracek) - Search only according nevra in versionlock (Jaroslav Mracek) - Solve a problem in performance of versionlock (RhBug:1431493) (Jaroslav Mracek) - Repoclosure exit with 1 if unsatisfied dependencies (RhBug:1416782) (Jaroslav Rohel) - Not raise an Error if strict=False and --url for download command (Jaroslav Mracek) - Check argument if it is a file ending with .rpm (RhBug:1436570) (Jaroslav Mracek) - update link to "What I can build in Copr? documentation page (clime) - po: Update translations (Igor Gnatenko) - Create dir for local plugin if path not exist (Jaroslav Mracek) - Correct some PEP8 violations after plugin import (Jaroslav Mracek) - Add debug into dnf-plugins-core (Jaroslav Mracek) - Added latest doc changes from plugins-extras upstream (Jaroslav Mracek) - bump version to 2.0.0 (Jaroslav Mracek) - Add migrate plugin into dnf-plugins-core (Jaroslav Mracek) - Add man pages for transfered plugins (Jaroslav Mracek) - Add provide dnf-plugin-* for each plugin (Jaroslav Mracek) - Correct some PEP8 violations (Jaroslav Mracek) - Add local into dnf-plugins-core (Jaroslav Mracek) - Add leaves and show-leaves into dnf-plugins-core (Jaroslav Mracek) - Add versionlock into dnf-plugins-core (Jaroslav Mracek) - Add repograph into dnf-plugins-core (Jaroslav Mracek) - Add repoclosure into dnf-plugins-core (Jaroslav Mracek) - Add repomanage into dnf-plugins-core (Jaroslav Mracek) - Add --archlist option for dnf download command (Jaroslav Mracek) - Change code that provides package location for download command (Jaroslav Mracek) - po: update translations (Igor Gnatenko) - po: add sv translations (Igor Gnatenko)- dnf dowload --resolve should download everytime requested packages (RhBug:1276611) (stepasm) - builddep: install requirements by provides (RhBug:1332830) (Igor Gnatenko) - builddep: do not check GPG key of SRPM (RhBug:1431486) (Igor Gnatenko) - builddep: properly check for nosrc.rpm (Igor Gnatenko) - po: Update translations (RhBug:1429087) (Igor Gnatenko) - Remove noroot plugin that was move into dnf itself (Jaroslav Mracek)- bump version to 1.0.2 + update release notes (Jaroslav Mracek) - download: add --urlprotocols option (Dusty Mabe) - download: add --url cli option (RhBug:1250115) (Dusty Mabe) - download: refactor download code (Dusty Mabe) - copr: Tweak wording to be more generic (Neal Gompa) - Automatic commit of package [dnf-plugins-core] release [1.0.1-1]. (Jaroslav Mracek) - bump version to 1.0.1 + update release notes (Jaroslav Mracek)- Rebuild due to infra breakage- bump version to 1.0.1 + update release notes (Jaroslav Mracek) - setup SideCI to ignore some PEP8 violations (Jaroslav Mracek) - spec: define all configs as (noreplace) (Igor Gnatenko) - spec: include __pycache__ files (Igor Gnatenko) - builddep: print errors from RPM SPEC parser (Petr Spacek)- Rebuilt for Rebuild for Python 3.6- doc: open rpmspec in utf-8 mode (Igor Gnatenko) - cls.chroot_config inside _guess_chroot returns None (RhBug: 1361003) (Michael Goodwin) - builddep: adjust to new config (dnf-2.0) (Michal Luscon) - Change minimal required version (Jaroslav Mracek) - introduced config-manager --dump-variables (RhBug:1360752) (Michael Mraka) - Fix string puzzle in translatable message (Luigi Toscano) - Added alias to 'builddep'->'build-dep' (RhBug:1350604) (stepasm) - reposync should keep packages (RhBug:1325350) (Michael Mraka) - Change usage of add_remote_rpm according to new API (Jaroslav Mracek) - Remove from plugins-core (Jaroslav Mracek) - Delete repoquery from dnf-plugins-core (Jaroslav Mracek) - removed protected_packages plugin (Jan Silhan) - repoquery: add --requires-pre switch (RhBug:1303117) (Michal Luscon) - spec: bump version to 1.0.0 (Igor Gnatenko) - Automatic commit of package [dnf-plugins-core] release [0.1.21-2]. (Igor Gnatenko) - Automatic commit of package [dnf-plugins-core] release [0.1.21-1]. (Igor Gnatenko) - spec: explicitly conflict with python-%{name} with different version (Igor Gnatenko) - updated plugin to read_config() change (RhBug:1193823) (Michael Mraka) - repoquery: sourcerpm does not contain epoch (RhBug:1335959) (Michael Mraka) - enforce-api: use api method transaction (Michal Luscon) - enforce-api: apply changes from Base class (Michal Luscon) - copr: Read the %distro_arch macro to determine Mageia chroot arch (Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ)) - copr: Remove unnecessary function calls/options and simplify conditional (Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ)) - copr: Add Mageia chroot selection support (Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ)) - copr: Simplify and fix up reading copr chroot config override (Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ)) - autoglob feature has been moved to filter() (RhBug:1279538) (Michael Mraka)- spec: explicitly conflict with python-%{name} with different version (Igor Gnatenko)- doc: release notes 0.1.21 (Igor Gnatenko) - spec: correctly set up requirements for python subpkg (Igor Gnatenko) - spec: improve python packaging according to new guidelines & compat with EL7 (Igor Gnatenko) - tests/support: set priority and cost in RepoStub (Igor Gnatenko) - repoquery: sourcerpm does not contain epoch (RhBug:1335959) (Michael Mraka) - enforce-api: use api method transaction (Michal Luscon) - enforce-api: apply changes from Base class (Michal Luscon) - copr: Read the %distro_arch macro to determine Mageia chroot arch (Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ)) - copr: Remove unnecessary function calls/options and simplify conditional (Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ)) - copr: Add Mageia chroot selection support (Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ)) - copr: Simplify and fix up reading copr chroot config override (Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ)) - zanata update (Jan Silhan) - Add link for other project documentation pages (Jaroslav Mracek) - autoglob feature has been moved to filter() (RhBug:1279538) (Michael Mraka) - support globs in --what (RhBug:1303311) (Michael Mraka) - repoquery: fix typo (there -> that, and plural form) (Luigi Toscano) - copr: fix string - singular is required (Luigi Toscano) - doc: release notes updated to vallid plugins version (Jan Šilhan)- doc: release notes 0.1.20 (Igor Gnatenko) - copr: Properly detect reposdir and add chroot override capability (Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ)) - config_manager: Use new API in dnfpluginscore.lib for determining reposdir (Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ)) - dnfpluginscore.lib: Add get_reposdir() API function (Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ)) - Fix typo (Eduardo Mayorga Téllez)- spec: correct requires on F22 + EPEL (Miroslav Suchý)- Add myself as contributor in AUTHORS (Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ)) - copr: -> (Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ)) - copr: fix traceback when trying to enable non-existing project (RhBug: 1304615) (Jakub Kadlčík) - README: mention translation fixes should be made on Zanata (Jan Šilhan)- enable debuginfo repos if autoupdate is on (RhBug:1024701) (Michael Mraka) - fixed string suffix removal (Michael Mraka) - install latest debuginfo by default (Michael Mraka) - Enable strings for translation (RhBug:1302214) (Parag Nemade)- zanata update (Jan Silhan) - AUTHORS: updated (Jan Silhan) - run noroot in non cli mode (RhBug:1297511) (Jan Silhan) - Sanitize repos containing a tilde in the URL (François RIGAULT) - contributor added (clime) - latest-limit option moved to base set of options making it compatible with --queryformat and other output formatters (RhBug: 1292475) (clime) - builddep: do not download source package (Jeff Smith) - repoquery: keep --autoremove as secret option (Jan Silhan) - cosmetic: repoquery: remove unused imports (Jan Silhan) - doc: repoquery: --recent (Jan Silhan) - doc: renamed autoremove to unneeded and extended docs (Jan Silhan)- Make it possible to specify the source package name as parameter in stub constructor. (Alexander Todorov) - Add --debuginfo to download (Alexander Todorov) - resolve local RPMs when downloading. useful with --source (Alexander Todorov) - spec: ensure python*-dnf-plugins-core versions are the same (RhBug:1283448) (Jan Silhan) - reimplemented config file writing (RhBug:1253237) (Michael Mraka)- zanata update (Jan Silhan) - repoquery: do not require loading metadata when we want to query system only (Jan Silhan) - repoquery: fix unicode tracebacks (Michal Luscon) - repoquery: use new methods recent, extras, unneeded (Michal Luscon) - repoquery: use new api methods duplicated and latest (RhBug:1231572) (Michal Luscon) - Exit with non-zero status if strict and package not found (alde) - Fix cmdline conversion to unicode (RhBug:1265210) (Michal Domonkos) - Remove extra 'l' in test class name (Alexander Todorov) - copr: PEP formating (Miroslav Suchý) - copr: allow to use staging instance of Copr for testing (Miroslav Suchý) - do not use @ in repoid (RhBug:1280416) (Miroslav Suchý) - reverts unintentional releaser from e035152 (Jan Silhan) - don't look for builddeps on source packages (RhBug:1272936) (Michael Mraka) - Fix hawkey version constraint (Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ))- updated: release notes for 0.1.13 (Jan Silhan) - Remove kickstart plugin from core plugins (Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ)) - read file as utf-8 in Py3 (RhBug:1267808) (Miroslav Suchý) - playground: check if repo actually exists for our version of OS (Miroslav Suchý) - add Catalan (Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch) - repoquery: Fix UnicodeEncodeError with --info (RhBug:1264125) (Jaroslav Mracek) - lookup builddeps in source package for given package name (RhBug:1265622) (Michael Mraka) - functions moved to library (Michael Mraka) - functions to return name of source and debuginfo package (Michael Mraka) - try -debuginfo first then -debuginfo (RhBug:1159614) (Michael Mraka) - Automatic commit of package [dnf-plugins-core] release [0.1.12-2]. (Michal Luscon) - doc: release notes 0.1.12 (Michal Luscon)- add python2-dnf requirements- repoquery: add globbing support to whatrequires/whatprovides. (RhBug:1249073) (Valentina Mukhamedzhanova) - needs_restarting: Rewrite a warning message (Wieland Hoffmann) - Remove extra quotation mark in comment (Alexander Todorov)- dnf donwload checks for duplicate packages (rhBug:1250114) (Adam Salih) - Extend repoquery --arch option. You can now pass multiple archs separated by commas (RhBug:1186381) (Adam Salih) - download plugin now prints not valid packages (RhBug:1225784) (Adam Salih) - correct typo (Adam Salih) - dnf now accepts more than one key (RhBug:1233728) (Adam Salih) - description should be print unwrapped (Adam Salih) - alternative to pkgnarrow (RhBug:1199601) (Adam Salih) - sort output alphabetically, tree accepts switches --enhances --suggests --provides --suplements --recommends (RhBug:1156778) (Adam Salih)- generate_completion_cache: use list for each insert (fixes regression introduced in e020c96) (Igor Gnatenko) - generate_completion_cache: store NEVRA insted of NA (RhBug:1226663) (Igor Gnatenko) - repoquery: weak deps queries (RhBug:1184930) (Michal Luscon) - builddep requires an argument (Michael Mraka) - disable c++ checks in rpmbuild (Michael Mraka) - path may contain unicode (RhBug:1234099) (Michael Mraka) - fail if no package match (RhBug:1241126) (Michael Mraka) - make --spec and --srpm mutually exclusive (Michael Mraka) - handle error message in python3 (RhBug:1218299) (Michael Mraka) - options to recognize spec/srpm files (RhBug:1241135) (Michael Mraka) - copr: set chmod to rw-r--r-- on repo files (Miroslav Suchý) - [copr] refactor duplicated lines (Jakub Kadlčík) - [copr] allow utf-8 user input (RhBug:1244125) (Jakub Kadlčík) - [copr] fix regression with handling `search` and `list` subcommands (Valentin Gologuzov) - [copr] terminate execution when failed to parse project name (Valentin Gologuzov) - [copr] unused import (Valentin Gologuzov) - [copr] subcommand `disable` now only set `enabled=0`, repo file could be deleted by new subcommand `remove` (Valentin Gologuzov)- repoquery: add srpm option (RhBug:1186382) (Vladan Kudlac) - create repo files readable by users (RhBug:1228693) (Michael Mraka) - copr: use librepo instead of python-request (Miroslav Suchý) - --tree now works with --conflicts --obsoletes --requires and --whatrequires (RhBug:1128424) (RhBug:1186689) (Adam Salih) - url for copr repos changed (RhBug:1227190) (Miroslav Suchý) - repoquery: fixed conflicts package format (Adam Salih) - document that globs can be used in dnf config-manager (Michael Mraka)- Rebuilt for spec: fix an upgrade path from dnf-plugins-core <= 0.1.5 (Radek Holy)- doc: release notes dnf-plugins-core-0.1.7 (Michal Luscon) - spec: fix Conflicts of the new plugins (Radek Holy) - spec: allow DNF 1.x.x (Radek Holy) - AUTHORS: filled in missing email address (Jan Silhan) - download: enabling source repos when desired only (Jan Silhan) - download: using enable_source_repos from lib (Jan Silhan) - lib: inform user when enabling disabled repo (Jan Silhan) - AUTHORS: made 2 categories (Jan Silhan) - fixed typos and missing demand (Michael Mraka) - changed warning paragraph (Michael Mraka) - AUTHORS: updated (Jan Silhan) - debuginfo-install: don't consider src packages as candidates for installation (RhBug:1215154) (Lubomir Rintel) - documentation warning about build deps in srpm (Michael Mraka) - fixed builddep tests (Michael Mraka) - builddep: enable source repos only when needed (Michael Mraka) - fixed builldep documentation (Michael Mraka) - mark appropriate dnfpluginscore.lib as API (Michael Mraka) - fixed builddep configure test (Michael Mraka) - moved enable_{source|debug}_repos() to dnfpluginscore.lib (Michael Mraka) - builddep: add feature to get builddeps from remote packages (RhBug:1074585) (Igor Gnatenko) - doc: repoquery: doesn't print 'No match for argument:...' garbage (Jan Silhan) - updated repoquery documentation (Michael Mraka) - implemented repoquery --latest-limit (Michael Mraka) - implemented repoquery --unsatisfied (Michael Mraka) - builddep: Support defining macros for parsing spec files (David Michael) - removed redundant argument (Michael Mraka) - doc: update repoquery docs with --resolve (Tim Lauridsen) - repoquery: add --resolve option (RhBug:1156487) (Tim Lauridsen) - spec: dnf version upper boundaries (Jan Silhan) - spec: added plugin command provides (Related:RhBug:1208773) (Jan Silhan) - make --repo cumulative (Michael Mraka) - rename --repoid to --repo (Michael Mraka) - don't delete local repo packages after download (RhBug:1186948) (Michael Mraka) - doc: replaced last references pointing to akozumpl (Jan Silhan)- doc: release notes 0.1.6 (Michal Luscon) - initialize to use tito (Michal Luscon) - prepare repo for tito build system (Michal Luscon) - migrate raw_input() to Python3 (RhBug:1208399) (Miroslav Suchý) - require dnf 0.6.5+ which contains duplicated/installonly queries (Michael Mraka) - implemented --duplicated and --installonly (Michael Mraka) - create --destdir if not exist (Michael Mraka) - repoquery: Added -s/--source switch, test case and documentation for querying source rpm name (Parag Nemade) - repoquery: Added documentation and test case for file switch (Parag Nemade) - spec: ship man pages in dnf-plugins-core metapackage (Jan Silhan) - debuginfo-install: support cases where src.rpm name != binary package name (Petr Spacek) - spec: added empty %files directive to generate rpm (Jan Silhan) - spec: adapt to pykickstart f23 package split (Jan Silhan) - spec: requires >= dnf version not = (Jan Silhan) - spec: python3 source code by default in f23+ (RhBug:1194725,1198442) (Jan Silhan) - use dnfpluginscore.lib.urlopen() (RhBug:1193047) (Miroslav Suchý) - implemented functionality of yum-config-manager (Michael Mraka) - repoquery: Added --file switch to show who owns the given file (RhBug:1196952) (Parag Nemade) - debuginfo-install: accept packages names specified as NEVRA (RhBug:1171046) (Petr Spacek) - repoquery: accept package names specified as NEVRA (RhBug:1179366) (Petr Spacek) - download: fix typo in 'No source rpm definded' (Petr Spacek) - download: accept package names ending with .src too (Petr Spacek) - download: Do not disable user-enabled repos (thanks Spacekpe) (Jan Silhan) - Add README to tests/ directory (Petr Spacek) - AUTHORS: updated (Jan Silhan) - download: fix package download on Python 3 (Petr Spacek)- man pages moved into dnf-plugins-core subpackage- fixed python(3)-dnf dependency in f23- updated package url (Michael Mraka) - also dnf_version could be specified on rpmbuild commandline (Michael Mraka) - simple script to build test package (Michael Mraka) - let gitrev be specified on rpmbuild commandline (Michael Mraka) - assign default GITREV value (Michael Mraka) - standard way to find out latest commit (Michael Mraka) - debuginfo-install: fix handling of subpackages with non-zero epoch (Petr Spacek) - debuginfo-install: Make laywers happier by assigning copyright to Red Hat (Petr Spacek) - debuginfo-install: remove dead code uncovered by variable renaming (Petr Spacek) - debuginfo-install: clearly separate source and debug package names (Petr Spacek) - debuginfo-install: use descriptive parameter name in _is_available() (Petr Spacek) - repoquery: add -l option to list files contained in the package (Petr Spacek) - 1187773 - replace undefined variable (Miroslav Suchý) - download: fixed unicode location error (RhBug:1178239) (Jan Silhan) - builddep recognizes nosrc.rpm pkgs (RhBug:1166126) (Jan Silhan) - builddep: added nosignatures flag to rpm transaction set (Jan Silhan) - builddep: more verbose output of non-matching packages (RhBug:1155211) (Jan Silhan) - package: archive script is the same as in dnf (Jan Silhan) - spec: exclude __pycache__ dir (Igor Gnatenko)- revert of commit 80ae3f4 (Jan Silhan) - transifex update (Jan Silhan) - spec: binded to current dnf version (Jan Silhan) - generate_completion_cache: use sqlite instead of text files (Igor Gnatenko) - logging: renamed log file (Related:RhBug:1074715) (Jan Silhan) - Add reposync. (RhBug:1139738) (Ales Kozumplik) - download: fix traceback if rpm package has no defined sourcerpm (RhBug: 1144003) (Tim Lauridsen) - lint: ignore warnings of a test accessing protected attribute. (Ales Kozumplik) - repoquery lint: logger is not used. (Ales Kozumplik) - repoquery: support querying of weak deps. (Ales Kozumplik) - needs_restarting: fix typo (Miroslav Suchý) - copr: migrate copr plugin form urlgrabber to python-request (Miroslav Suchý) - Add needs-restarting command. (Ales Kozumplik)- repoquery: output times in UTC. (Ales Kozumplik) - repoquery: missing help messages. (Ales Kozumplik) - repoquery: add --info. (RhBug:1135984) (Ales Kozumplik) - add Jan to AUTHORS. (Ales Kozumplik) - spec: extended package description with plugin names and commands (Related:RhBug:1132335) (Jan Silhan) - copr: check for 'ok' in 'output' for json data (RhBug:1134378) (Igor Gnatenko) - README: changed references to new repo location (Jan Silhan) - transifex update (Jan Silhan) - copr: convert key to unicode before guessing lenght (Miroslav Suchý) - Add pnemade to AUTHORS (Ales Kozumplik) - debuginfo-install: Use logger as module level variable and not instance attribute since dnf-0.6.0 release (RhBug:1130559) (Parag Nemade) - copr: Use logger as module level variable and not instance attribute since dnf-0.6.0 release (RhBug:1130559) (Parag Nemade) - copr: implement help command (Igor Gnatenko) - debuginfo-install: fix indenting (Igor Gnatenko) - debuginfo-install: use srpm basename for debuginfo (Igor Gnatenko)- BashCompletionCache: error strings are unicoded (RhBug:1118809) (Jan Silhan) - transifex update (Jan Silhan) - debuginfo-install: remove some pylint warnings (Igor Gnatenko) - debuginfo-install: fix installing when installed version not found in repos, optimize performance (RhBug: 1108321) (Ig - fix: copr plugin message for repo without builds (RhBug:1116389) (Adam Samalik) - logging: remove messages about initialization. (Ales Kozumplik)- packaging: add to the package. (Ales Kozumplik)- protected_packages: prevent removal of the running kernel. (RhBug:1049310) (Ales Kozumplik) - packaging: create and own /etc/dnf/protected.d. (Ales Kozumplik) - doc: add documentation for protected_packages. (Ales Kozumplik) - doc: rename: generate-completion-cache -> generate_completion_cache. (Ales Kozumplik) - add protected_packages (RhBug:1111855) (Ales Kozumplik) - build: add python-requests to requires (RHBZ: 1104088) (Miroslav Suchý) - doc: typo: fix double 'plugin' in release notes. (Ales Kozumplik)- pylint: fix all pylint builddep problems. (Ales Kozumplik) - builddep: better error reporting on deps that actually don't exist. (Ales Kozumplik) - builddep: load available repos. (RhBug:1103906) (Ales Kozumplik) - tests: stop argparse from printing to stdout when tests run. (Ales Kozumplik) - packaging: all the manual pages with a glob. (Ales Kozumplik) - fix: packaging problem with (Ales Kozumplik) - doc: add reference documentation for repoquery. (Ales Kozumplik) - repoquery: support --provides, --requires etc. (Ales Kozumplik) - repoquery: make the CLI more compatible with Yum's repoquery. (Ales Kozumplik) - repoquery: some cleanups in the plugin and the tests. (Ales Kozumplik) - rename: query->repoquery. (RhBug:1045078) (Ales Kozumplik) - add pylint script for dnf-core-plugins. (Ales Kozumplik) - tests: repoquery: fix unit tests. (Ales Kozumplik) - add query tool (Tim Lauridsen)- build: add sphinx to build requires. (Ales Kozumplik) - doc: packaging: add license block to each .rst. (Ales Kozumplik) - tests: stray print() in (Ales Kozumplik) - doc: put each synopsis on new line (Miroslav Suchý) - doc: cosmetic: project name in the documentation. (Ales Kozumplik) - doc: cleanups, form, style. (Ales Kozumplik) - doc: add documentation and man pages (Tim Lauridsen) - copr: remove repofile if failed to enable repo (Igor Gnatenko) - copr: honor -y and --assumeno (Miroslav Suchý) - py3: absolute imports and unicode literals everywhere. (Ales Kozumplik) - debuginfo-install: doesn't install latest pkgs (RhBug: 1096507) (Igor Gnatenko) - debuginfo-install: fix description (Igor Gnatenko) - debuginfo-install: fix logger debug messages (Igor Gnatenko) - build: install the download plugin (Tim Lauridsen) - download: update the download plugin with --source, --destdir & --resolve options (Tim Lauridsen) - Add a special ArgumentParser to parsing plugin cmd arguments and options (Tim Lauridsen) - tests: add to make tests a module and use abs imports (Tim Lauridsen) - build: simplify plugins/CMakeLists.txt. (Ales Kozumplik) - dnf.cli.commands.err_mini_usage() changed name. (Ales Kozumplik) - kickstart: do not include kickstart errors into own messages. (Radek Holy)- build: gettext is also needed as a buildreq (Tim Lauridsen) - copr: use usage & summary class attributes, to work with dnf 0.5.0 use shared lib dnfpluginscore for translation wrapp - build: add cmake as buildreq (Tim Lauridsen) - generate-completion-cache: fix shared lib name (Tim Lauridsen) - make .spec use gitrev in the source file add helper script for building source archive (Tim Lauridsen) - Added transifex config (Tim Lauridsen) - tests: use cli logger in kickstart test (Tim Lauridsen) - Added translation .pot file Added da translation files so we have something to build & install (Tim Lauridsen) - Added CMake files Added CMake build to .spec & and added translation files handling (Tim Lauridsen) - make plugins use shared lib added translation wrappers added missing usage & summary PEP8 fixes (Tim Lauridsen) - added shared dnfpluginscore lib (Tim Lauridsen) - copr: C:139, 0: Unnecessary parens after 'print' keyword (superfluous-parens) (Miroslav Suchý) - copr: W: 23, 0: Unused import gettext (unused-import) (Miroslav Suchý) - copr: C: 33, 0: No space allowed before : (Miroslav Suchý) - copr: some python3 migration (Miroslav Suchý) - copr: get rid of dnf i18n imports (Miroslav Suchý) - remove dnf.yum.i18n imports. (Ales Kozumplik) - copr: Fix the playground upgrade command. (Tadej Janež) - copr: implement search function (Igor Gnatenko) - better format output (Miroslav Suchý) - implement playground plugin (Miroslav Suchý) - move removing of repo into method (Miroslav Suchý) - check root only for actions which really need root (Miroslav Suchý) - move repo downloading into separate method (Miroslav Suchý) - define copr url as class attribute (Miroslav Suchý) - better wording of warning (Miroslav Suchý) - move question to function argument (Miroslav Suchý) - move guessing chroot into function (Miroslav Suchý) - copr: use common lib use Command.usage & summary cleanup imports & PEP8 fixes (Tim Lauridsen) - builddep: added usage & summary & fix some PEP8 issues (Tim Lauridsen) - kickstart: use new public Command.usage & Command.summary api (Tim Lauridsen) - fix resource leak in (Ales Kozumplik) - refactor: command plugins use demands mechanism. (Ales Kozumplik) - noroot: move to the new 'demands' mechanism to check the need of root. (Ales Kozumplik) - tests: fix locale independence. (Radek Holy) - [copr] correctly specify chroot when it should be guessed (Miroslav Suchý)- clenaup: remove commented out code (Miroslav Suchý) - copr: list: print description (Igor Gnatenko) - builddep: rpm error messages sink. (Ales Kozumplik) - builddep: improve error handling on an command argument (RhBug:1074436) (Ales Kozumplik) - copr: handling case when no argument is passed on cli (Miroslav Suchý) - copr: delete excess argument (Igor Gnatenko) - add copr plugin (Miroslav Suchý) - debuginfo-install: check for root with dnf api (Igor Gnatenko) - packaging: fix bogus dates. (Ales Kozumplik)- packaging: add (Ales Kozumplik)- packaging: add to the RPM. (Ales Kozumplik)- refactor: use Base.install instead of installPkgs in kickstart plugin. (Radek Holy) - refactor: move kickstart arguments parsing to standalone method. (Radek Holy) - tests: test effects instead of mock calls. (Radek Holy) - Add debuginfo-install plugin. (RhBug:1045770) (Igor Gnatenko) - builddep: needs to be run under root. (RhBug:1065851) (Ales Kozumplik)- tests: import mock through support so its simpler for the test cases. (Ales Kozumplik) - packaging: fix typos in the spec. (Ales Kozumplik) - [completion_cache] Cache installed packages, update the cache less frequently (Elad Alfassa) - Add bash completion to dnf (Elad Alfassa) - packaging: missing buildrequire (Ales Kozumplik)- First release.- Spec updates.- Spec updates.- Spec updates.- The initial package version. 4.0.21-3.el84.0.21-3.el84.0.21-3.el8post-transaction-actions.confpost-transaction-actions.dpost-transaction-actions.cpython-36.opt-1.pycpost-transaction-actions.cpython-36.pycpost-transaction-actions.pydnf-post-transaction-actions.8.gz/etc/dnf/plugins//usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dnf-plugins/__pycache__//usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dnf-plugins//usr/share/man/man8/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2noarch-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textdirectorypython 3.6 byte-compiledPython script, ASCII text executabletroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)RRRutf-836e5275c47a4cff95308d5b512a6dab47a170fb1c9d7fb815e57071856dcf7e2?7zXZ !#,: ] b2u Q{Lv[̲.75X(^9D?cFNvEŲ7LvA xQGf87-FdUΣ+ZOs!cJW`Ю%ODaNf,h4)E {PP初bk y?!z1bx''^HrxԱN]S[KbH>Ϧ/ x}6`/ Xx`z(0t[~~ `AܢJ5ΖSX'o;섵57־O;Yjl; @tlp \~)F -C?|=  .$)覄6 Ç0rmþYJ;P݊_Ê(1Yd_F$8aP=t'zؓ[jwÁ)ziB_BoQV=sVNB-_ BP4e?: 7Sy=!2CP8i]f#,oD_F9%'k6]"K}⃆-;Eq1陌PrdKDXiSmx~H2}EG LOY=?7l#ib( zz' 5?N+Y Wnו\"Sw#0_kLp_MCӝҭei$$Pآ*X@2N0QvhCH=Z\k"2Ճ'i pՌ )j5D{]( JE;REb-G>xB +ga?hrLVP8Bڞm}uEd,0ӆ$/ƚ29/'4w@!/ߘϾلpRoVsEy1<ֳEz'1:~.Zt+ֈ hݱC̗L쏁KleI@CKPk֍!& {M\pJ܊ifO7?ԙ.m{`ޮy>9dl]ޛ OEtZ$dha?PMtCDXfc@jp飸}8sRz!0hV_BJl5r;h Y|] :-H MZGe <[>[)eݸᚖ*=vt#ګr8iDg#><['RS6CGl{c-pHTrAPoM`Rj3U4ԓw`1b}\  o4-Uds}k>"8fxk₎FIӽ .0c=_ S {1G-(x''>NZfQxY48JC+JCFC{LfCQ@?1L I&9^[&"nS6M,^x(}w\6Z~V'-~ 3(ϕuRX*˘}C l0PA$]K#Dͻj>A[4s q PA7&>J%5,CBHA"bVV<w'|xVΩ'70"ĐKoJʧjt-S{+˃v $mLu(Y@[)\~rl)܆%Imf*-ܼ6{햐k+̣amOk0ŻϸgjpOQy1_yг HXmc ePN+NgMLpAK(R <<1k>7=x?v[GW߹3zeb{64ezb#E䇦QhT֔_+}OͱjD8IX$2[6ȶA0xq.8ʿn\W ;b#G!sI^7$t54,a XU(dT:DBږ9*د27?\k0dj6bf|M{IFhBKt7; 50j,O;Ö仄-3Ί_-&嘔UWGrںnsoha^'T%D&8Эx#GflBGR)G:DtrLF_l|$$Ehԉ Lb8q":FJ\>xz{Q/[j ȋbyk۔rré-$| - . ;C[6; s#Yƞ/b4a@*٬:P1)xx8ۡ ~4=8B@Q7Z>:Z&AZ%'L0g4]'. ;O>Ld忳e] |E3 O>Px gF`ƾI5s_󁀧iG(򇬂$(6s uОU¾݈+|3`䤇<0u2ZnYko`Ir~^!Қp7MoUdm!@;WQ NAZu٧92~_9qCYZwSL9 Z^VCWf{Fp_PKIZNnc~ǀacQl e#™qٿ=!h4|E.KG."?=Ј[=aEW$@k|UPKX)$ .yHpIXυ KE"MiH'u9:{.KOVƇn6;F5vkM T c&agX/سb'u/eKsd~&܀1!^R {zȂuaIud 1r>(%>)@ E~(u?Pu{k1%,v?M͋>1}~V/K,Pm2|mm{Y}+5{Њ &4:I{1.dS+mK0+iX_\q6%Q1(<_*WC8#9ףA8kw5HkXQ?|WQj;CLB{\+v@{%Ȧ2rU)wߺM6e5*p,wpo5q9^]]Nt/|0Κd2ln7YNfDg*BwʑɄrK(K R*T$piԎ"w&]k\:=$BN&-g։ͤ/c} ~ϑ?mm=Bvu@{):IC6GEN3D}d]:٭p~us5/im{vX5VP~V)tL>L*컁H8Cgzg=JY𣆝kS2qb_o|a_ưGK +!q_9G֢[YR?=]9Y% P0|o`,Š %v /z:sX>vٸΞ^( *01*2 N/nPTELz#2`* Ě#G_҉-~u&2?NC >/ąȍF<L})(݄9T%tPߣ@~vFqPGA"aR#G}3czU[fetKУW".k7EI@C߆ Cjd{DB6&R7 `sg 3LiFoB/5o{r=XZ^y# [vB#BsUʂlG_꾭Ƃb&f9gMג|4].Nn9mu=;Uj(H,o\%OkbRvn^KΎp)T~=4)SM$ mV +8 TUU'eq!e]19[gԽ O9ηҭ<-Lo=KPfKt)j,oslSHL˞o|?#s;&<\ʰ~&ż eǥ}^lgom/@+&;'oC6 !㤳Cc?:ljBK3vbKIB>PR}d_D;XRbld ɤ]bnrL6n`fʺy|cO SK_>p> {41i:pqNt^Wu g%%G:5`LvLn?dަ<ŭޓuOl7> GVb+kAqӣwBܲ$Y~'{ -lc2T`֫OuoSk53?EeEP a*Ӟz `Ԅڻq[XI N<@?Ckq4-yRܕp'?7x.wƿ}5]DGwɰٓ]DkMw$-=%&qm޿O GNF F!4RkVꄧ(2{S3] GdӨ0!\ sCڳn_I3Q)}U#pĕMM8=gW߈4W|[B Qj˟g> CɖDUg&F0 N!3UѦٔ,w%%1^~S;G}d! )^=]LOsJ I-vR+K8<}t+z*$AKͧ VbzԋYZ[!H?ߡOGi9ŪBg)VYG`5}qK|+vjSIDl,'t dTBJRLR{Cs4(RKyi ? 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