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1.8.1-3Marek Kasik - 1.8.1-2Jiri Popelka - 1.8.1-1Jiri Popelka - 1.8.0-1Jiri Popelka - 1.7.0-1Jonathan Wakely - 1.6.0-2Jiri Popelka - 1.6.0-1Jiri Popelka - 1.5.0-1Jiri Popelka - 1.4.0-1Jiri Popelka - 1.3.0-1Jiri Popelka - 1.2.0-1Peter Robinson 1.1.0-2Jiri Popelka - 1.1.0-1Jiri Popelka - 1.0.76-1Jiri Popelka - 1.0.75-1Jonathan Wakely - 1.0.74-2Jiri Popelka - 1.0.74-1Jiri Popelka - 1.0.73-1David Tardon - 1.0.71-3Orion Poplawski - 1.0.71-2Marek Kasik - 1.0.71-2Jiri Popelka - 1.0.71-1Jiri Popelka - 1.0.70-1Tim Waugh - 1.0.69-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.69-2Jiri Popelka - 1.0.69-1Marek Kasik - 1.0.68-2Jiri Popelka - 1.0.68-1Jiri Popelka - 1.0.67-1Jiri Popelka - 1.0.66-1Jiri Popelka - 1.0.65-1Marek Kasik - 1.0.61-3Marek Kasik - 1.0.61-2Jiri Popelka - 1.0.61-1Jiri Popelka - 1.0.60-1Jiri Popelka - 1.0.59-1Jiri Popelka - 1.0.58-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.55-3Jiri Popelka - 1.0.55-2Jiri Popelka - 1.0.55-1Tim Waugh - 1.0.54-4Jiri Popelka - 1.0.54-3Tim Waugh - 1.0.54-2Jiri Popelka - 1.0.54-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.53-4Jiri Popelka - 1.0.53-3Marek Kasik - 1.0.53-2Jiri Popelka - 1.0.53-1Jiri Popelka - 1.0.52-2Jiri Popelka - 1.0.52-1Jiri Popelka - 1.0.51-1Jiri Popelka - 1.0.50-1Jiri Popelka - 1.0.49-1Jiri Popelka - 1.0.48-1Jiri Popelka - 1.0.47-2Jiri Popelka - 1.0.47-1Jiri Popelka - 1.0.46-3Tim Waugh - 1.0.46-2Jiri Popelka - 1.0.46-1Jiri Popelka - 1.0.45-1Jiri Popelka - 1.0.44-1Jiri Popelka - 1.0.43-2Jiri Popelka - 1.0.43-1Jiri Popelka - 1.0.42-1Tim Waugh - 1.0.41-4Jaromír Končický - 1.0.41-3Tim Waugh - 1.0.41-2Jiri Popelka - 1.0.41-1Tim Waugh - 1.0.40-4Tim Waugh - 1.0.40-3Tim Waugh - 1.0.40-2Jiri Popelka - 1.0.40-1Jaromír Končický - 1.0.39-1Tim Waugh - 1.0.38-4Tim Waugh - 1.0.38-3Tim Waugh - 1.0.38-2Jiri Popelka - 1.0.38-1Jaromír Končický - 1.0.37-1Jaromír Končický - 1.0.36-5Jaromír Končický - 1.0.36-4Tim Waugh - 1.0.36-3Marek Kasik - 1.0.36-2Tim Waugh - 1.0.36-1Tim Waugh - 1.0.35-7Tim Waugh - 1.0.35-6Tim Waugh - 1.0.35-5Tim Waugh - 1.0.35-4Jiri Popelka - 1.0.35-3Jiri Popelka - 1.0.35-2Jiri Popelka - 1.0.35-1Marek Kasik - 1.0.34-9Jiri Popelka - 1.0.34-8Jiri Popelka - 1.0.34-7Jiri Popelka - 1.0.34-6Jiri Popelka - 1.0.34-5Jiri Popelka - 1.0.34-4Jiri Popelka - 1.0.34-3Jiri Popelka - 1.0.34-2Jiri Popelka - 1.0.34-1Fridolin Pokorny - 1.0.33-1Fridolin Pokorny - 1.0.32-2Fridolin Pokorny - 1.0.32-1Jiri Popelka - 1.0.31-3Jiri Popelka - 1.0.31-2Jiri Popelka - 1.0.31-1Jiri Popelka - 1.0.30-4Jiri Popelka - 1.0.30-3Jiri Popelka - 1.0.30-2Jiri Popelka - 1.0.30-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.29-4Rex Dieter 1.0.29-3Adam Tkac - 1.0.29-2Jiri Popelka 1.0.29-1Jiri Popelka 1.0.28-1Jiri Popelka 1.0.25-1Jiri Popelka 1.0.24-1Jiri Popelka 1.0.23-1Jiri Popelka 1.0.22-1Jiri Popelka 1.0.20-4Jiri Popelka 1.0.20-3Jiri Popelka 1.0.20-2Jiri Popelka 1.0.20-1Jiri Popelka 1.0.19-1Jiri Popelka 1.0.18-1- 1981612 - [RHEL 8] pdftopdf doesn't handle "page-range=10-2147483647" correctly- 1972981 - cups-browsed doesn't renew DBus subscription in time and all printing comes to a halt- 1931603 - cups-browsed doesn't save "*-default" options- require the explicit gs version- 1894543 - Fix '.setfilladjust' usage after gs upgrade to 9.27- 1889798 - Rebuild cups-filters due to rebase of poppler- 1891681 - [RHEL 8] foomatic-rip files up /var/spool/tmp with temporary files- 1813229 - cups-browsed leaks memory- 1677731 - error messages when using cups-browsed - 1776230 - missing dependency for ippfind- 1776270 - cups-browsed leaks sockets- 1605101 - qpdf: should not re-implement crypto- 1738533 - rpm -V failed for /etc/cups/cups-browsed.conf- Rebuild due to soname bump in poppler-0.66.0-21 - Resolves: #1715836- 1712814 - Removed option from Ghostscript causes breakage of printing by foomatic-rip filter- 1609264 - man pages: wrong links in man cups-browsed- 1602470 - covscan fixes from upstream - 1632268 - cups-filters needs to obsolete ghostscript-cups and foomatic-filters - 1626996 - cups-filters: Sticky EOF behavior in glibc breaks descriptor concatenation using dup2- correcting license- Rebuild for poppler-0.66.0- requires ghostscript and poppler-utils- cups-browsed needs cups.service to run- 1572450 - cupsd: Filter "brftopagedbrf" not found.- dependency on poppler-utils is now only recommended- gcc and gcc-c++ is no longer in buildroot by default- rebuild for poppler 0.62.0- Escape macros in %changelog- remove old stuff Rebuilt for Rebase to 1.20.0- Rebuilt for switch to libxcrypt- Rebase to 1.19.0- adding build dependency on ghostscript because of its package changes- 1529680 - set CreateIPPPrintQueues to ALL and LocalRemoteCUPSQueueNaming to RemoteName- fixing patch for upstream issue 1413- rebuild for poppler 0.61.0- rebase to 1.17.9- removing Provides ghostscript-cups and foomatic-filters- rebuild for poppler 0.60.1- upstream 1413 - Propagation of location doesn't work- rebase to 1.17.8- rebase to 1.17.7- rebuild for poppler 0.59.0- rebase to 1.17.2- rebase to 1.16.3- rebase to 1.16.1- rebuilt for qpdf-libs- rebase to 1.16.0- rebuild for poppler 0.57.0- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Boost 1.64- rebase to 1.14.1- update python Requires/BuildRequires accordingly to Fedora Guidelines for Python (python-cups -> python3-cups)- removing BuildRequires: mupdf- rebase to 1.14.0- rebase to 1.13.5- rebuild for poppler 0.53.0- rebase to 1.13.4 - 1426567 - Added queues are not marked as remote ones- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Boost 1.63- Rebuilt for Boost 1.63- rebase to 1.13.3- rebase to 1.13.2- rebase to 1.13.1- rebuild for poppler 0.50.0- rebase to 1.13.0- adding new sources- rebase to 1.12.0- rebuild for poppler 0.49.0- rebase to 1.11.6- rebase to 1.11.5- Rebuild for poppler-0.48.0- rebase to 1.11.4- rebase to 1.11.3- rebase to 1.11.2, adding cupsfilters-poppler.convs and cupsfilters-mupdf.convs into package- %{_defaultdocdir}/cups-filters/ -> %{_pkgdocdir}- adding new sources cups-filters-1.10.0- rebase 1.10.0, include missing ppd.h- Rebuild for poppler-0.45.0- 1.9.0- Rebuild for poppler-0.43.0- Update to 1.8.3, adding cupsfilters-ghostscript.convs to %files- 1.8.2- Rebuilt for Rebuild for poppler-0.40.0- 1.8.1- 1.8.0- 1.7.0- Rebuilt for Boost 1.60- 1.6.0- 1.5.0- 1.4.0- 1.3.0- 1.2.0- Rebuild (qpdf-6)- 1.1.0 (version numbering change: minor version = feature, revision = bugfix)- 1.0.76- 1.0.75- Rebuilt for Boost 1.59- 1.0.74- 1.0.73 - new implicitclass backend- rebuild for Boost 1.58 to fix deps- Add upstream patch for poppler 0.34 support- Rebuild (poppler-0.34.0)- 1.0.71- 1.0.70- Fixes for glib source handling (bug #1228555).- Rebuilt for 1.0.69- Rebuild (poppler-0.33.0)- 1.0.68- 1.0.67- 1.0.66- 1.0.65- Rebuild (poppler-0.30.0)- Rebuild (poppler-0.28.1)- 1.0.61- 1.0.60- 1.0.59- 1.0.58- Rebuilt for Use %_defaultdocdir instead of %doc- 1.0.55- Really fix execmem issue (bug #1079534).- Remove (F21) pdf-landscape.patch- Fix build issue (bug #1106101). - Don't use grep's -P switch in pstopdf as it needs execmem (bug #1079534). - Return work-around patch for bug #768811.- 1.0.54- Rebuilt for Remove BuildRequires pkgconfig(lcms). pkgconfig(lcms2) is enough.- Rebuild (poppler-0.26.0)- 1.0.53- Remove pdftoopvp and urftopdf in %install instead of not building them.- 1.0.52- 1.0.51 (#1083327)- 1.0.50- 1.0.49- 1.0.48- Don't ship pdftoopvp (#1027557) and urftopdf (#1002947).- 1.0.47: CVE-2013-6473 CVE-2013-6476 CVE-2013-6474 CVE-2013-6475 (#1074840)- BuildRequires: pkgconfig(foo) instead of foo-devel- The texttopdf filter requires a TrueType monospaced font (bug #1070729).- 1.0.46- 1.0.45- 1.0.44- add /usr/bin/foomatic-rip symlink, due to LSB3.2 (#1052452)- 1.0.43: upstream fix for bug #768811 (pdf-landscape)- 1.0.42: includes foomatic-rip (obsoletes foomatic-filters package)- Adjust filter costs so application/vnd.adobe-read-postscript input doesn't go via pstotiff (bug #1008166).- Fix memory leaks in cups-browsed (bug #1027317).- Include dbus so that colord support works (bug #1026928).- 1.0.41 - PPD-less printing support- Fix socket leaks in the BrowsePoll code (bug #1021512).- Ship the gstoraster MIME conversion rule now we provide that filter (bug #1019261).- Fix PDF landscape printing (bug #768811).- 1.0.40 - Use new "hybrid" pdftops renderer.- 1.0.39 - Removed obsolete patches "pdf-landscape" and "browsepoll-notifications"- Use IPP notifications for BrowsePoll when possible (bug #975241).- Fixes for some printf-type format mismatches (bug #1014093).- Fix landscape printing for PDFs (bug #768811).- 1.0.38- 1.0.37.- Added build dependency - font required for running tests- Added checking phase (make check)- Upstream patch to re-work filter costs (bug #998977). No longer need text filter costs patch as paps gets used by default now if installed.- Rebuild (poppler-0.24.0)- 1.0.36.- Upstream patch to move in filters from ghostscript.- Set cost for text filters to 200 so that the paps filter gets preference for the time being (bug #988909).- Handle page-label when printing n-up as well.- Added support for page-label (bug #987515).- Rebuild (qpdf-5.0.0)- add cups-browsed(8) and cups-browsed.conf(5) - don't reverse lookup IP address in URI (#975822)- 1.0.35- Rebuild (poppler-0.22.5)- fix the note we add in cups-browsed.conf- Obsolete cups-php (#971741)- one more cups-browsed leak fixed (#959682)- perl is actually not required by pstopdf, because the calling is in dead code- fix resource leaks and other problems found by Coverity & Valgrind (#959682)- ship ppdc/pcl.h because of cupsfilters.drv- pstopdf requires bc (#960315)- 1.0.34- 1.0.33 - removed cups-filters-1.0.32-null-info.patch, accepted by upstream- fixed segfault when info is NULL- 1.0.32- add note to cups-browsed.conf- check cupsd.conf existence prior to grepping it (#928816)- 1.0.31- revert previous change- don't ship banners for now (#919489)- move BrowsePoll from cupsd.conf to cups-browsed.conf in %post- 1.0.30: CUPS browsing and broadcasting in cups-browsed- Rebuilt for backport upstream buildfix for poppler-0.22.x- rebuild due to "jpeg8-ABI" feature drop- 1.0.29- 1.0.28: cups-browsed daemon and service- 1.0.25- 1.0.24- 1.0.23: old pdftopdf removed- 1.0.22: new pdftopdf (uses qpdf instead of poppler)- rebuild- commented multiple licensing breakdown (#832130) - verbose build output- BuildRequires: poppler-cpp-devel (to build against poppler-0.20)- 1.0.20- 1.0.19- initial spec file 1.20.0-27.el81.20.0-27.el81. -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryC source, ASCII textpkgconfig fileASCII textRRPRPRutf-878083036cc0be3abb688a804b82b4a13da084cd7a2f6db56dc104275991e6eef?@7zXZ !#,rw ] b2u jӫ`(y,yiS%zH'9FQ1_9V_o623I/o# V 5Z?V$;WHitknX \5k+C5/X)%*ç~$ \z?Z2+YB 9I+v 5ěL35CO–ೂ)/GScD0 Ae@3 PհңǠLL-7SbFhާ'GP'sOEt,JRrU<+5tQ ȂB=3% N'ř7ֆdT.u0X̝Z3*J% lΫ QRzEF‡sKl׆8%zWط=?{֔F2% =5GS 2› |qkwGygRhbƗCBi:V`j Fl$ĂȀd1 ǿ1V\-5Jǥ](g*yJQ%H'D=V&*ͦz,/qRUZ`턕e*qd&1X~RGj 0XdtqlwXHHP/(kU_bZq7=kPtuDOS'Uj-`K6RbEĵ-=L;I4bnaFq䙑#^^K ^SXX̯auQUL -asȫDF g$}v.7 UD ʈɓf &/H} aCukZ;EO`w_ =:Bɱ! @ fob|Ź3qJԹ.3>Jhd)E+.cG3hwX3c],o cOzee$`%`ExMOߧeZ5K(rp3 amR1"z[cWOyMCC .)Z RH9@7/ |i㕇` q6ָ0R Ve@/HħS~8>do;g3RV)D4K{r:Ҩt+IdnAq~nu#Y D 34jn֐̡F~vm9uNz$̿PQM[HkCʉX׹c *[<ڃK>վ[~ISzH8˪֖PzDӨ`A\}9fsڠ%deZ^ԇ/M\ uXb5kަhB=~iI-vPB3;ר>90+P L~%@eEd;Z@0bܷ>ݙ) }@r܉y#g0ř!Ƿk8Ƶ!q) i]"O4;@O)Xyd'k}G2tdM=C]rq⇈ߦ ZSHMf]o@F8*BoF@(R%AeSy1@=i ˆ=)%aᣮbiLjc0 2ɑtٜ XhE,>m`\q.*}Ph/?vi48+,ؔ=R.s%i~)9HGlMSJ;m;4H} gXxkw?M50Yp1%onEq/ |؊H[@@]/S}ic)ZGB!4KWW Q;rrNTsjs:BAl4q.f\C_)@ !K>LwKw>W3?$|HBK.:Y5ma\6i{c ,k0dLvo4AP3Xsz=ӡݫ(v͏r`ܥh{'878q2(e.HV2kPfix4]:1g=}"C&eX [4Sa+FFш0i Q"8cǮgw.P^3Y{šQ31͡wd> tKWQA=3tejͷiٶ%d_\+lsr"GӔyA+ 4UW:ιT,7Ymƽu$3Z3ڹߊ7b_\4C$@|zdo+_N4hCN,u 8;k|MDJ{`זw_jle\+ƀQ[vV^IŅ'S~~lJۗ|cTUAokD(@?, _ILaGo8 6VZqQۆGJסGl=ժθww6G.'5c%g{OBixҹ0 }&*a >ϊ&i֗jObIs$c;2#*ΩA<溵u`;pnΊKj}%O$0RֈflO,:ͿL/;H#:©ĐX@"e9:5jXĖhodQH)Q UZc3uȈR ZMOD; 0; RΧd[ ~M0zs\E1؅`wW^:47"nIQGҨ55Ljк.$`ҡ(3iWuٳ?_σ[L5%u\ x.JzĴskq[[JڃǨrIq`mtL/ i;T_)nՠzz~BtbR|k }ZuFp6hW!,?]7)Ý~P| n2r<نH)8D{=춏|p'qyQ aE kר;E;`HqAbC^~J>~}1cd3]ٔP{$V Nǧ Y:vB5j ;^1[[R]Qm<=\:_zRsz:WS~}힮LLr٬ނeiw=>DP?BA2Z<!%E^$z%s 4k*@\Tʃ-An*iن$Mp^h8Oaj铐q8Crgo$|2sb䏇_~+F\ivx8%]nzE0}RTndSp Xb: : 1Ԓʍ6O/S 'h(O0/P Wҵ$>zE%%M<ѫ"fA \{=/=bc7'AxuOO1b[ ̠I <-iCvc|,? 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