unbound-devel-1.7.3-8.el8 >  A ]U]E!c(`(ʯL9=1ʾ$J@PXdB-WVk*y$KNf+m9^1Z>a|A`:e _kӜۛ!1L~W|~d'aD`}yuj-DX2v^ _xJ/B:xfh6DI!duxj$6/0c|7w=#igC(@2"hڞs $j9>R C01fM4=mF*=݂~YCB]@mi)Bvv:H&[L"뭋X>}˙Dk]@`hKVO>S|ԉJ@-[T囃E0pXt(i^kpcB 􊬜RYGNe["2QtӜքxK5#+vob8b -eQ)\_kܝkx9w6548395005670f867b3d1f5ddb5bbc2e8bec5f1006f65632f494f0e83d49446ce8a8275aea4e94cb52cc1cc9862bd7ab1f3236fc̉]U]N& ' 9m~AO WH>fnX_^IJ`_+ѭiԠZZع@LcU|Ֆ4.Al8؀i͡ϑR'2xFtkBC+m#E" bty7\w}͚]HO_=pЌ7+ [gMcɋޏx1Uz^N.``~bРAIb\jiw F|z]ڮ& S b)d>p<4?$d  W $A(A A ,A 0A qA AAAVtAx   (#8,9:>`G~XAH\AI`AXY\A]A^nbdef l t(Au,Av0wAxAy Cunbound-devel1.7.38.el8Development package that includes the unbound header filesThe devel package contains the unbound library and the include files\Tx86-02.mbox.centos.org5CentOSCentOSBSDCentOS Buildsys Unspecifiedhttps://www.unbound.net/linuxx86_64*n1************************************************************\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T\T10b34640bf335702dda11a734153bbcd047b6fce3f637e9f886b60ad8f05b7843626731e743907b5449578586bf7fcaebf2fc86050b2cb5f772d170efc61f779985bee4894203ab687519d09a7e1ac5905823147dc8fea997f5df448638cc7716bd5b7703a36c0d41b61989cea6121c9739f0bc312d2ac7b2c445d9bb292303f5a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a9650705a65a52e48d88ae5aab21fada64ff411014f381ef02b7f4dd8ece2c26a965070libunbound.so.2.5.11rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootunbound-1.7.3-8.el8.src.rpmpkgconfig(libunbound)unbound-develunbound-devel(x86-64)@@@@@@    /usr/bin/pkg-configlibunbound.so.2()(64bit)openssl-develpkgconfigpkgconfig(libcrypto)pkgconfig(libevent)pkgconfig(libssl)pkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)unbound-libs(x86-64)3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-11.7.3-8.el84.14.2[`O@[U@[O+[I[CN@[<[:[3|@[3|@[0@ZUZUZa@ZI@Z`@ZZ_@Z_@Z$Z}@Ze@Z6\@YY@Y{Y*@Y@Y3Y@YyYX@YK@Y?Y9<@YXg@XXXXj@Xj@XZnXWXW_@W@W~D@WbW^@WVVV@VjVEV9@V @U@U6@UUUUU~@Ud`@US$U/@UTfT@T@T@TxcTxcTuTl@T"@S@SSP@Sb7@S!RRe@R:@RC@R@QB@QQکQ@Q@Q@QQu&@Qq1Qm=@Qg@Qb@Q5@Q#@PqP@Pb@PE@P6@P@P @LLLk@Lk@LLK@K8@K@KK}+KC)J@J@J@JF@JlE@J<@J<@JJIIV@II2Il@IsImIa@Ia@I= @I3I/@I%Q@I#I#Ih@HH@H!@H@H@H}H4H4HH$Petr Menšík - 1.7.3-8Petr Menšík - 1.7.3-7Petr Menšík - 1.7.3-6Fedora Release Engineering - 1.7.3-5Petr Menšík - 1.7.3-4Petr Menšík - 1.7.3-3Miro Hrončok - 1.7.3-2Petr Menšík - 1.7.3-1Petr Menšík - 1.7.2-3Tomas Hozza - 1.7.0-6Petr Menšík - 1.7.0-5Paul Wouters - 1.7.0-4Paul Wouters - 1.7.0-3Paul Wouters - 1.7.0-2Paul Wouters - 1.7.0-1Petr Menšík - 1.6.8-6Petr Menšík - 1.6.8-5Petr Menšík - 1.6.8-4Filipe Rosset - 1.6.8-3Igor Gnatenko - 1.6.8-2Paul Wouters - 1.6.8-1Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek - 1.6.7-2Paul Wouters - 1.6.7-1Petr Menšík - 1.6.6-3Paul Wouters - 1.6.6-2Paul Wouters - 1.6.6-1Paul Wouters - 1.6.4-4Fedora Release Engineering - 1.6.4-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.6.4-2Paul Wouters - 1.6.4-1Paul Wouters - 1.6.4-0.rc2Paul Wouters - 1.6.3-1Paul Wouters - 1.6.2-2Paul Wouters - 1.6.2-1Paul Wouters - 1.6.0-6Fedora Release Engineering - 1.6.0-5Paul Wouters - 1.6.0-4Paul Wouters - 1.6.0-3Paul Wouters - 1.6.0-2Kevin Fenzi - 1.6.0-1Miro Hrončok - 1.5.10-3Ilya Evseev - 1.5.10-2Paul Wouters - 1.5.10-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.5.9-4Paul Wouters - 1.5.9-3Paul Wouters - 1.5.9-2Paul Wouters - 1.5.9-1Toshio Kuratomi - 1.5.8-2Paul Wouters - 1.5.8-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.5.7-3Tomas Hozza - 1.5.7-2Paul Wouters - 1.5.7-1Tomas Hozza - 1.5.6-1Robert Kuska - 1.5.5-2Tomas Hozza - 1.5.5-1Tomas Hozza - 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1.4.1-5Paul Wouters - 1.4.1-3Paul Wouters - 1.4.1-2Paul Wouters - 1.4.1-1Paul Wouters - 1.3.4-2Paul Wouters - 1.3.4-1Tomas Mraz - 1.3.3-2Paul Wouters - 1.3.3-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.3.0-3Paul Wouters - 1.3.0-2Paul Wouters - 1.3.0-1Paul Wouters - 1.2.1-7Paul Wouters - 1.2.1-6Paul Wouters - 1.2.1-5Adam Tkac - 1.2.1-4Adam Tkac - 1.2.1-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.2.1-2Paul Wouters - 1.2.0-2Paul Wouters - 1.1.1-7Paul Wouters - 1.1.1-6Paul Wouters - 1.1.1-4Paul Wouters - 1.1.1-3Adam Tkac - 1.1.1-2Paul Wouters - 1.1.1-1Paul Wouters - 1.1.0-3Adam Tkac - 1.1.0-2Paul Wouters - 1.1.0-1Paul Wouters - 1.0.2-5Paul Wouters - 1.0.2-4Paul Wouters - 1.0.2-3Paul Wouters - 1.0.2-2Paul Wouters - 1.0.2-1Paul Wouters - 1.0.1-1Paul Wouters - 1.0.0-2Paul Wouters - 1.0.0-1Wouter Wijngaards - 0.12Wouter Wijngaards - 0.11- Release memory in unbound-host- Remove unused Group tag- Cleanup generated client and server keys (#1601773)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_29_Mass_Rebuild- Do not call ldconfig if possible- Update trust anchors also behind firewall (#1598078)- Rebuilt for Python 3.7- Update to 1.7.3 (#1593708)- Remove last python2 dependency from python3 build- Disable Python2 support- Require gcc and make on build - Remove group, simplify systemd requires - Simplify building with single python version, make python3 primary- Patch for prefetching after flushing cache- Patch for referral with auth-zone: response- Patch for broken Aggressive NSEC + stub-zone configuration causing NXDOMAIN at TTL expiry- Updated to 1.7.0 (aggressive nsec, local root support, bugfixes)- Uncomment again original max-upd-size- Use default RPM build flags and configure parameters (#1539097)- Remove group writable bit from some config files (#1528445)- rebuilt due new libevent 2.1.8- Escape macros in %changelog- Resolves rhbz#1483572 unbound-1.6.8 is available - Resolves rhbz#1507049 CVE-2017-15105 unbound: Improper validation of wildcard synthesized NSEC records - Resolves rhbz#1536518 CVE-2017-15105 unbound: Improper validation of wildcard synthesized NSEC records [fedora-all]- Python 2 binary package renamed to python2-unbound See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FinalizingFedoraSwitchtoPython3- Updated to 1.6.7 (minor bugfixes)- Update icannbundle.pem- Enable RFC 8145 Trust Anchor Signaling to help the root zone get keytag statistics- Resolves: rhbz#1483572 unbound-1.6.6 is available - Resolves: rhbz#1465575 unbound fails to start up, complains about missing ipsecmod-hook (edit)- Rebuilt with KSK2017 added to root.key and root.anchor - Remove noreplace for root key files. We can only improve these files over local copies- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild- Updated to 1.6.4 full release, patch to allow missing ipsechook - Resolves rhbz#1465575 unbound fails to start up, complains about missing ipsecmod-hook- Update to 1.6.4 (esubnet, ipsecmod support, bugfixes)- Updated to 1.6.3 (fixes assertion failure when receiving malformed packet with 0x20 enabled)- Patch for cmd: unbound-control set_option val-permissive-mode: yes- Update to 1.6.2 (rhbz#1425649) - Updated unbound.conf with new options- Call make unbound-event-install to install unbound-event.h- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild- Remove obsoleted DLV key- Actually remove dependency because minimum is always satisfied- Depend on openssl-libs, not opensl- Update to 1.6.0- Rebuild for Python 3.6- Bugfix building without python2 and python3 - Fixup streamtcp build (Paul)- Updated to 1.5.10 (better TCP handling, bugfixes) - Install pkgconfig file in -devel package - Updated unbound.conf- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Automatic_Provides_for_Python_RPM_Packages- Fix upper port range to 60999 because that's what selinux allows- Patch for allowing more queries before failure (needed for query minimalization)- Updated to 1.5.9- Fix streamtcp to link against libpython3.x instead of libpython2.x- Update to 1.5.8 (rhbz#1313831) which incorporates rhbz#1294339 patch - Updated unbound.conf with new upstream options - Enabled ip-transparent: yes (see rhbz#1291449)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild- Fix escaping of shell chars in unbound-control-setup (#1294339)- Update to 1.5.7 - Enable query minimalization for enhanced DNS query privacy - Enable nxdomain hardening to assist with query minimalization and SBLs - Updated default unbound.conf for new features from upstream.- Update to 1.5.6 (#1176729)- Rebuilt for Python3.5 rebuild- New upstream release 1.5.5 (#1269137) - Removed the anchor update from %post section of -libs subpackage (#1269137#c2)- Removed dependency and ordering on unbound-anchor.service in unbound.service- Prefer Python3 build over Python2 build for now (#1254566)- Added ExecReload section to unbound.service (#1195785) - Removed After syslog.target since it is not needed any more- Start unbound-anchor.timer only on new installations - Rename root.anchor to root.key in %post section- Update to 1.5.4 - Removed patches merged into upstream- Revert: Use low maximum negative cache TTL (5 sec) (#1229596)- Add option for maximum negative cache TTL (#1229599) - Use low maximum negative cache TTL (5 sec) (#1229596)- Removed usage of DLV from the default configuration (#1223363)- unbound.service now Wants unbound-anchor.timer - unbound-anchor man page moved to the unbound-libs- Fixup scriptlets causing systemctl: command not found - Resolves rhbz#1219587 Error in PREIN scriptlet in rpm package unbound-libs- migrate cronjob to systemd timer unit (#1177285) - change the period for unbound-anchor from monthly to daily (#1180267) - Thanks to Tomasz Torcz for the initial patch- Fix FTBFS (#1206129) - Build python3-unbound and python-unbound bindings for Python 3 and 2 (#1188080)- Updated to 1.5.3 which is a bugfix on 1.5.2 for sighup handling - Updated to 1.5.2 which fixes DNSSEC validation with different trust anchors upstream, local-zone has a new keyword 'inform'- Build with --enable-ecdsa- Fix post to create root.anchor, not root.key, to match cron job- Change systemd-units to systemd - Use _tmpfilesdir macro, don't mark tmpfiles as config- Update to 1.5.1 for CVE-2014-8602 (rhbz#1172066) - Removed unbound-aarch64.patch which was merged upstream - Don't require autotools for non snapshots or run autoreconf- update to 1.5.1rc1- fix build on aarch64- Fix race condition in arc4random (#1166878)- update to 1.5.0- Resolves: #1115489 - build with python 3.x for fedora >= 22- Rebuild for rpm bug 1131960- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild- Added flushcache patch (SVN commit 3125)- Updated to 1.4.22 - No longer requires the ldns library- Fix segfault on adding insecure forward zone when using only iterator (#1054192)- run test suite during the build- Updated to 1.4.21, - Enabled new max-udp-size: 3072 (so ANY isc.org won't fit) - Removed patched merged in by upstream - Enable statistics-cumulative for munin-plugin - Added outgoing-port-avoid: 0-32767 conformant to SElinux restrictions - Updated unbound.conf- Fix errors found by static analysis of source- Change unbound.conf to only use ephemeral ports (32768-65535)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild- provide man page for unbound-streamtcp- Re-introduce hardening flags for full relro and pie - Fixes compilation failure for python module- remove missing unbound-rootkey.service from post/preun/postun sections - don't hardcode hardening flags, let hardened build macro handles it- Run unbound-anchor as user unbound in unbound.service- Enable round-robin (with noths() patch) - Change cron and systemd service to use root.key, not root.anchor- Use /var/lib/unbound/root.key (more consistent with other distros) - Enable minimal responses- Refix- Fix runuser call in post.- /var/lib/unbound should be owned by unbound. group write is not enough- Fix cron job syntax (rhbz#951725) - Use install -p to prevent .rpmnew files that are identical to originals- Updated to 1.4.20 - Build with full RELRO (not use -z,relro but with -z,relo,-z,now) - Fixup man page for unbound-control-setup - unbound.service should start before nss-lookup.target (rhbz#919955) - Removed patch for rhbz#888759 merged in upstream - Move root.anchor to /var/lib/unbound to make selinux policy easier for updating (rhbz#896599/rhbz#891008) - Move cronjob for root.anchor from unbound to unbound-libs, require crontabs - /etc/unbound (and all) should be owned by unbound-libs (rhbz#909691) - Remove Obsolete/Provides for dnssec-conf which was last seen in f13 - Ensure any unbound-anchor failure in post is ignored- build with full RELRO - symlink unbound-control-setup.8 manpage to unbound-control.8- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild- Updated to 1.4.19 - this integrates all existing patches - Patch for unbound-anchor (rhbz#888759)- Patch to ensure stube-zone's aren't lost when using dnssec-triggerd - added unbound-munin.README file- Patch to allow wildcards in include: statements - Add directories /etc/unbound/keys.d,conf.d,local.d with example entries - Added /etc/unbound/root.anchor, maintained by unbound-anchor which is installed as monthly cron and PreExec in systemd config (root.key is unused, but left installed in case people depend on it) - Native systemd (simple) and /etc/sysconfig/unbound support - Run unbound-checkconf in PreExec - Moved trust anchor related files to unbound-libs, as they can be used without the daemon. - sub packages now depends on base package of same arch - Build munin package as noarch - unbound-anchor moved to unbound-libs package. It is needed to update the root.anchor key file.- Fix openssl thread locking bug under high query load- Use new systemd-rpm macros (rhbz#850351) - Clean up old obsoleted dnssec-conf from < fedora 15- Updated to 1.4.18 (FIPS related fixes mostly) - Removed patches that were merged in upstream - Added comment to root.key- Fix for unbound crasher (upstream bug #452) - Support libunbound functions in man pages and place in -devel- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild- unbound FIPS patches for MD5,randomness (rhbz#835106)- don't build unbound-munin on RHEL- Updated to 1.4.17 (which mostly brings in patches we already applied from svn trunk)- Since the daemon links to the libs staticly, add Requires: (this is rhbz#745288) - Package up streamtcp as unbound-streamtcp (for monitoring)- Don't ghost the directory (rhbz#788805) - Patch for unbound to support unbound-control forward_zone (needed for openswan in XAUTH mode)- Upgraded to 1.4.16, which was relesed due to the soname and some DNSSEC validation failures- Patch for SONAME version (libtool's -version-number vs -version-info)- Upgraded to 1.4.15 - Updated unbound.conf to show how to configure listening on tls443- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild- Upgraded to 1.4.14 for CVE-2011-4528 / VU#209659 - SSL-wrapped query support for dnssec-trigger - EDNS handling changes - Removed integrated EDNS patches - Disabled use-caps-for-id, GoDaddy domains now break on it - Enabled new harden-below-nxdomain- Upgraded to 1.4.13 - Removed merged in pythonmod patch - Added EDNS1480 patch to fix unbound on broken EDNS/UDP networks - Fix python to go into sitearch instead of sitelib- convert to systemd, tmpfiles.d- Added pythonmod docs and examples- Fix for python module load in the server (Tom Hendrikx) - No longer enable --enable-debug as it causes degraded performance under load.- Updated to 1.4.12- Updated to 1.4.11 - removed integrated CVE patch - updated stock unbound.conf for new options introduced- Added ghost for /var/run/unbound (bz#656710)- rebuilt- Applied patch for CVE-2011-1922 DoS vulnerability- Updated to 1.4.9- rebuilt- Updated to 1.4.8 - Enable root key for DNSSEC - Fix unbound-munin to use proper file (could cause excessive logging) - Build unbound-python per default - Disable gost as Fedora/EPEL does not allow ECC and has mangled openssl- Revert last build - it was on the wrong branch- Disable do-ipv6 per default - causes severe degradation on non-ipv6 machines (see comments in inbound.conf)- Bump release - forgot to upload the new tar ball.- Upgraded to 1.4.5- Added accidentally omitted svn patches to cvs- Upgraded to 1.4.4 with svn patches - Obsolete dnssec-conf to ensure it is de-installed- Update to 1.4.3 that fixes 64bit crasher- Updated to 1.4.2 - Updated unbound.conf with new options - Enabled pre-fetching DNSKEY records (DNSSEC speedup) - Enabled re-fetching popular records before they expire - Enabled logging of DNSSEC validation errors- Overriding -D_GNU_SOURCE is no longer needed. This fixes DSO issues with pthreads- Change make/configure lines to attempt to fix -lphtread linking issue- Removed dependancy for dnssec-conf - Added ISC DLV key (formerly in dnssec-conf) - Fixup old DLV locations in unbound.conf file via %post - Fix parent child disagreement handling and no-ipv6 present [svn r1953]- Updated to 1.4.1 - Changed %define to %global- Bump version- Upgraded to 1.3.4. Security fix with validating NSEC3 records- rebuilt with new openssl- Updated to 1.3.3- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- Added missing glob patch to cvs - Place python macros within the %with_python check- Updated to 1.3.0 - Added unbound-python sub package. disabled for now - Patch from svn to fix DLV lookups - Patches from svn to detect wrong truncated response from BIND 9.6.1 with minimal-responses) - Added Default-Start and Default-Stop to unbound.init - Re-enabled --enable-sha2 - Re-enabled glob.patch- unbound-iterator.patch was not commited- Fix for https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=499793- Use --nocheck to avoid giving an error on missing unbound-remote certs/keys- enable DNSSEC only if it is enabled in sysconfig/dnssec- add DNSSEC support to initscript and enabled it per default - add requires dnssec-conf- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild- updated to 1.2.1- rebuild with new openssl- Updated to 1.2.0 - Added dependancy on minimum SSL for CVE-2008-5077 - Added dependancy on bc for unbound-munin - Added minimum requirement of libevent 1.4.5. Crashes with older versions (note: libevent is stale in EL-4 and not in EL-5, needs fixing there) - Removed dependancy on selinux-policy (will get used when available) - Enable options as per draft-wijngaards-dnsext-resolver-side-mitigation-00.txt - Enable unwanted-reply-threshold to mitigate against a Kaminsky attack - Enable val-clean-additional to drop addition unsigned data from signed response. - Removed patches (got merged into upstream)- Modified scandir patch to silently fail when wildcard matches nothing - Patch to allow unbound-checkconf to find empty wildcard matches- Added scandir patch for trusted-keys-file: option, which is used to load multiple dnssec keys in bind file format- Added Requires: for selinux-policy >= 3.5.13-33 for proper SElinux rules.- We did not own the /etc/unbound directory (#474020) - Fixed cvs anomalies- removed all obsolete chroot related stuff - label control certs after generation correctly- Updated to unbound 1.1.1 which fixes a crasher and addresses nlnetlabs bug #219- Remove the chroot, obsoleted by SElinux - Add additional munin plugin links supported by unbound plugin - Move configuration directory from /var/lib/unbound to /etc/unbound - Modified unbound.init and unbound.conf to account for chroot changes - Updated unbound.conf with new available options - Enabled dns-0x20 protection per default- unbound-1.1.0-log_open.patch - make sure log is opened before chroot call - tracked as http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=219 - removed /dev/log and /var/run/unbound and /etc/resolv.conf from chroot, not needed - don't mount files in chroot, it causes problems during updates - fixed typo in default config file- Updated to version 1.1.0 - Updated unbound.conf's statistics options and remote-control to work properly for munin - Added unbound-munin package - Generate unbound remote-control key/certs on first startup - Required ldns is now 1.4.0- Only call ldconfig in -libs package - Move configure into build section - devel subpackage should only depend on libs subpackage- Fix CFLAGS getting lost in build - Don't enable interface-automatic:yes because that causes unbound to listen on instead of Split off unbound-libs, make build verbose- FSB compliance, chroot fixes, initscript fixes- Upgraded to 1.0.2- upgraded to new release- Build against ldns-1.3.0- Split of -devel package, fixed dependancies, make rpmlint happy- Using parts from ports collection entry by Jaap Akkerhuis. - Using Fedoraproject wiki guidelines.- Initial version.  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@A1. -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuC source, ASCII textpkgconfig filetroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)RPRRRRRutf-8c85a57867965867e3e32513ad549169cdbea7865b0dbfc67d9cfdb4c99b7191a?@7zXZ !#,c?p] b2u Q{K_IJ܉a*  H{sQ\-18,f+ɱ6G{z!MK VjцYP<6¶E B͏ǿ-nCئсJb%Ce%V< ˥ZvjΕeawxRܭJ5yB_@T@RZ8.Q_?[]wqzq fBKaǕW s#XRS Y:6>MDQ OX+F`\XdY(qF\S7rK?1`Pk'RZջ=]G)r"2\<3,oC'K;"th3p^fKTHA\g>΂˴P%h*6ˍSYy.$2x#!}UoMwהI.Na ڋD&mjNz6 1pdGZ, rhi\ ieL.j@:z{tf8e*d,t3/Mcj{ 1QDd!Đ  x n+xUO%>>I甦(TE;narw/|(QclU3:.z{-J|==o|7yၞ5`r)[$VJH]h:{=v&pM&`]C%ѭq0:G !R*0Ws1X=T!J {8X;yEikSr/#*[! 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