xterm-resize-331-1.el8 >  A ]U]g'Ȳo)L;Ea*㝺DNe[v*ӄ׾H\Ȭ GW Q?̸/qA=V2\zφXƷou Izܬdi<:rWnˀG|.T[[p\2*"$08b:b{}`mQp<J?Jd  V  @Qtz    E dx , Y (}89:$GF\HFpIFXFYF\F]F^GbGWdHeHfHlHtHuHvHwJ(xJ<yJPJpJtJzJCxterm-resize3311.el8Set environment and terminal settings to current window sizePrints a shell command for setting the appropriate environment variables to indicate the current size of the window from which the command is run.\Qx86-02.mbox.centos.orguCentOSCentOSMITCentOS Buildsys User Interface/Xhttps://invisible-island.net/xtermlinuxx86_64i  AA\Q\Q\Q\Q\Q01bfd1dbdb1292d59bac0c4df9067f7098d6b65323eff8a22edfde96af4e6bd08d802c8b1da2d160324ae793606192f6d83cf51c416c14cddc4a2e74ad8ade2c../../../../usr/bin/resizerootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootxterm-331-1.el8.src.rpmxterm-resizexterm-resize(x86-64)@@@@@@@    @libc.so.6()(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.14)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2.5)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3.4)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.4)(64bit)libtinfo.so.6()(64bit)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)rtld(GNU_HASH)3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.14.2Z@Z}@ZP@Y@YyYJ_Y>@Y0Xe@X,J@WW@WXVV޾VVU6@U@U@U/@U@T@T|TTT)ITSS׌SǺSSSP@SSj @SSRa@R@RR0@R:@QB@QLQQ~`Q/FQQP@PYP@P{Puc@Pmz@PaP @O!@@O N/Nm@N\N +M@MbSMY@MQ0@LLL6L)@L-L)@LT@LK]K8@KhK"4@K?K3@Jݦ@J@JJ$J JJ@JmI@I@I@IcGHϟHWH @G@GPG@G@G~F%@FGF@F@F{F@F @EE՜Eɿ@Ea@Ex@Ee@D@DY@D{D@DD}@D>=@D*vDD uCR@C@C@CC@CCC @CqCC}@Cx|@Cw*CkM@CLC5?C(CBv@B`@B-B*B*BX@BX@@@@@@@,@?\o@?\o@?L@?:(@?:(@>@>G>>R@>R@>@Miroslav Lichvar 331-1Fedora Release Engineering - 330-5Igor Gnatenko - 330-4Fedora Release Engineering - 330-3Fedora Release Engineering - 330-2Miroslav Lichvar 330-1Miroslav Lichvar 329-1Miroslav Lichvar 328-1Miroslav Lichvar 327-3Jason L Tibbitts III 327-2Miroslav Lichvar 327-1Miroslav Lichvar 326-1Miroslav Lichvar 325-1Miroslav Lichvar 324-1Miroslav Lichvar 323-1Fedora Release Engineering - 322-2Miroslav Lichvar 322-1Miroslav Lichvar 320-1Miroslav Lichvar 319-1Fedora Release Engineering - 318-2Miroslav Lichvar 318-1Miroslav Lichvar 316-1Miroslav Lichvar 315-1Miroslav Lichvar 314-1Adam Jackson 313-2Miroslav Lichvar 313-1Miroslav Lichvar 312-1Miroslav Lichvar 311-1Fedora Release Engineering - 310-2Miroslav Lichvar 310-1Miroslav Lichvar 309-1Miroslav Lichvar 308-1Miroslav Lichvar 306-1Fedora Release Engineering - 305-2Miroslav Lichvar 305-1Miroslav Lichvar 304-1Miroslav Lichvar 303-1Miroslav Lichvar 302-1Miroslav Lichvar 301-1Miroslav Lichvar 300-1Miroslav Lichvar 299-1Miroslav Lichvar 298-1Miroslav Lichvar 297-1Fedora Release Engineering - 295-2Miroslav Lichvar 295-1Miroslav Lichvar 293-1Miroslav Lichvar 292-1Miroslav Lichvar 291-1Parag Nemade - 289-2Miroslav Lichvar 289-1Miroslav Lichvar 288-1Miroslav Lichvar 287-1Miroslav Lichvar 286-1Miroslav Lichvar 284-1Miroslav Lichvar 283-1Rex Dieter 278-4Rex Dieter 278-3Fedora Release Engineering - 278-2Miroslav Lichvar 278-1Miroslav Lichvar 277-1Miroslav Lichvar 276-1Miroslav Lichvar 275-1Miroslav Lichvar 273-1Miroslav Lichvar 271-1Miroslav Lichvar 270-1Miroslav Lichvar 269-1Miroslav Lichvar 268-1Fedora Release Engineering - 267-2Miroslav Lichvar 267-1Miroslav Lichvar 266-1Miroslav Lichvar 264-1Miroslav Lichvar 262-1Miroslav Lichvar 261-2Miroslav Lichvar 261-1Miroslav Lichvar 260-1Miroslav Lichvar 259-1Miroslav Lichvar 258-1Miroslav Lichvar 256-1Miroslav Lichvar 255-1Miroslav Lichvar 253-1Miroslav Lichvar 252-1Miroslav Lichvar 251-1Miroslav Lichvar 250-1Miroslav Lichvar 249-1Miroslav Lichvar 248-2Miroslav Lichvar 248-1Miroslav Lichvar 247-1Miroslav Lichvar 246-1Miroslav Lichvar 245-1Fedora Release Engineering - 242-4Miroslav Lichvar 242-3Fedora Release Engineering - 242-2Miroslav Lichvar 242-1Miroslav Lichvar 238-1Miroslav Lichvar 237-1Miroslav Lichvar 236-1Miroslav Lichvar 235-1Miroslav Lichvar 234-1Miroslav Lichvar 233-1Miroslav Lichvar 232-1Miroslav Lichvar 231-1Miroslav Lichvar 230-1Miroslav Lichvar 229-2Miroslav Lichvar 229-1Miroslav Lichvar 228-1Miroslav Lichvar 227-1Miroslav Lichvar 226-1Miroslav Lichvar 225-2Miroslav Lichvar 225-1Miroslav Lichvar 224-2Miroslav Lichvar 224-1Miroslav Lichvar 223-3Miroslav Lichvar 223-2Miroslav Lichvar 223-1Miroslav Lichvar 222-1Miroslav Lichvar 215-3.fc6Mike A. Harris 215-2.fc6Jason Vas Dias - 215-1.fc6Jesse Keating - 213-2.1Adam Jackson - 213-2.fc6Jason Vas Dias - 213-1Jason Vas Dias - 212-1Jason Vas Dias - 211-4Jason Vas Dias - 211-1Jason Vas Dias - 209-4Jason Vas Dias - 209-2Jason Vas Dias - 209-1Jesse Keating - 208-1.2Jesse Keating - 208-1.1Jason Vas Dias - 208-1Jason Vas Dias - 207-10Jason Vas Dias - 207-8Jesse Keating Jason Vas Dias - 207-5Jason Vas Dias - 207-4Jason Vas Dias - 207-1Jeremy Katz - 206-4Jason Vas Dias 206-1Jason Vas Dias 205-1Mike A. Harris 200-10Mike A. Harris 200-9Mike A. Harris 200-8Mike A. Harris 200-7Mike A. Harris 200-6Soeren Sandmann 200-5Mike A. Harris 200-4Mike A. Harris 200-3Mike A. Harris 200-2Mike A. Harris 200-1Mike A. Harris 192-1Mike A. Harris 191-1Elliot Lee 179-8Mike A. Harris 179-7Elliot Lee 179-6.ELMike A. Harris 179-5.ELMike A. Harris 179-5Bill Nottingham 179-4.1Mike A. Harris 179-3.ELMike A. Harris 179-3Elliot Lee 179-2.ELMike A. Harris 179-1.ELMike A. Harris 179-1Mike A. Harris 177-2.0.ELMike A. Harris 177-2Mike A. Harris 177-1- update to 331 - add gcc to build requirements- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild- Remove obsolete scriptlets- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild- update to 330- update to 329- update to 328- recommend xorg-x11-fonts-misc (#487499)- move resize tool to a subpackage (#1349582)- update to 327- update to 326 - buildrequire xorg-x11-apps to get correct path of luit- update to 325- update to 324- update to 323- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild- update to 322- update to 320- update to 319- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild- update to 318- update to 316- update to 315- update to 314- Don't BuildRequire: imake, we're not actually using it to build.- update to 313- update to 312- update to 311- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild- update to 310- update to 309- update to 308- update to 306- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild- update to 305- update to 304- update to 303- update to 302- update to 301- update to 300- update to 299- update to 298- update to 297- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild- update to 295- update to 293- update to 292- update to 291- Remove vendor tag from desktop file as per https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1077- update to 289- update to 288- update to 287- update to 286- update to 284- update to 283 - install icon to hicolor theme and use it in desktop file (#804279) - use new configure options to set some resource defaults (#819588) - fix URL (#856957) - remove obsolete macros- revert bad -3 build- xterm.desktop: +Path=$HOME- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild- update to 278- update to 277- update to 276- update to 275- update to 273- update to 271- update to 270- update to 269- update to 268- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild- update to 267- update to 266 - fix building with new libXaw- update to 264- update to 262- remove NoDisplay=true from desktop file, use upstream version (#607018)- update to 261- update to 260- update to 259 - link with -lICE - convert THANKS to UTF-8- update to 258- update to 256 - enable XKB Bell support (#568748)- update to 255- update to 253- update to 252- update to 251- update to 250- update to 249- fix various bugs when display is scrolled up (#524503)- update to 248- update to 247- update to 246- update to 245- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- fix bell (#487829)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild- update to 242 - use upstream default value for modifyFunctionKeys resource - remove png suffix from icon name in desktop file- update to 238 (#479000, CVE-2008-2383) - set default values of allowWindowOps and allowFontOps resources to false- update to 237- update to 236 - enable support for spawn-new-terminal action (#457130)- update to 235- update to 234- update to 233- update to 232- update to 231 - remove setgid utempter from xterm binary (#229360)- update to 230- rebuild- update to 229- update to 228- update to 227- update to 226- fix sections in man pages- update to 225- fix background color setting in alternate screen - don't display xterm in menus (#231000)- update to 224 - drop utempter group before creating pty - add Icon to desktop file (#227925)- spec cleanup (#226660)- make xterm binary sgid utempter (#222847) - fix font size changes with -fa option (#222340) - fix redrawing of internal border (#223027) - enable metaSendsEscape resource and set modifyFunctionKeys to 0 by default- update to 223- update to 222 - link with libncurses instead of libtermcap - spec cleanup- fix segfault when /etc/termcap is missing (#201246)- Replace BuildRequires utempter with libutempter-devel - Change BuildRoot tag to comply with Fedora packaging guidelines - Use pkg-config to autodetect the location of the system app-defaults dir - Add BuildRequires: pkgconfig- Upgrade to upstream version 215- rebuild- Use correct dist tag in Release string.- Upgrade to upstream version 213 (fixes bug 192627) - fix bug 189161 : make -r/-rv do reverseVideo with or without xterm*{fore,back}ground set- Upgrade to upstream version 212 - fix bug 188031 : paths in man-page- fix bug 186935: cursor GCs must be freed with XtReleaseGC- Upgrade to upstream version 211 (fixes bug 186094). - Enable new 'utf8Title' resource by default- fix bug 183993: call set_cursor_gcs in ReverseVideo- fix bug 182382: check for (VWindow(screen)!=0) in set_cursor_gcs - further fix for bug 178302: allow *vt100*cursorColor to be same as fg- Upgrade to upstream version 209 (fixes bug 180450)- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- Upgrade to upstream version 208 - Allow root user to grab the console, even if /dev/console not owned by root - restore Red Hat '*VT100*scrollBar:1' default Xresource- Fix bug 164210: tek4014 support should be enabled by default- Fix bug 175684: compile with --enable-256-color - Fix bug 155538 addenda - restore '*VT100*backarrowKey:0'- rebuilt- fix bug 173703: remove reference to /usr/X11R6/bin/luit : PROJECTROOT should be /usr, not /usr/X11R6- fix bug 173541: better fix for freetype configuration problem- Upgrade to upstream version 207 - Fix app-defaults directory for modular X11- rebuild for newer modular X- Upgrade to upstream version 206- Upgrade to upstream version 205 fixes bugs: 124421, 129146, 159562, 161894, 169347- Updated xterm-resources-redhat.patch to add "xterm*ttyModes: erase ^?" resource to fix bug (#155538,160354,163812,162549)- Updated xterm-resources-redhat.patch to remove utf8 resource which was added in the 200-7 build, as it was incorrectly set to 'true' instead of '1', and bug #138681 turned out to be a gdm bug instead of an xterm bug. This fixes bug (#163568).- Added --disable-tek4014 to ./configure flags, to disable tek support for bug (#164210)- Updated xterm-resources-redhat.patch to enable xterm utf8 resource by default, as our default OS environment is UTF-8, for bug (#138681)- Added option to spec file to allow easy rebuilding with 256 color option for those who prefer this non-default behaviour (#103402)- Ported xterm-resources-redhat.patch to newer xterms. (#126855)- Added libtermcap-devel and utempter to BuildRequires - Changed BuildRequires from XFree86-devel to xorg-x11-devel- Rebuild with gcc 4 for FC4 development- Removed chmod from prep, and updated comment to refect (#128341c12)- Updated main tarball to xterm-200 for FC4 devel - Disabled xterm-179-ppc-fix-bug-101472.patch for now, to see if the problem occurs on ppc still or not.- Updated main tarball to xterm-192 for FC3 devel - Resolved bugs #126569,127132- Updated main tarball to xterm-191 for FC3 devel - Disabled xterm-resources-redhat.patch to see what if anything breaks, as it no longer applies cleanly. Hopefully we can just ship stock xterm resources now, although I realize that is more likely to be a pie in the sky fantasy once the bug reports trickle in from this change. ;o)- rebuilt- Rebuilt for FC3 devel- rebuilt- Rebuilt 179-5 for Taroon- Added xterm-179-ppc-fix-bug-101472.patch ifarch ppc ppc64 to fix bug (#101472)- fix symlink - rebuild- Rebuilt for Taroon with symlink fixes.- Added symlink /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm pointing to _bindir/xterm so that apps and scripts which invoke xterm explicitly as /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm, will continue to work correctly without surprises (#101994)- rebuilt- Bump release to 1.EL for Red Hat Enterprise Linux build- Updated to upstream xterm 179 - [SECURITY] Added xterm-can-2003-0063.patch from XFree86 4.3.0-12 package - Added Red Hat xterm-resources-redhat.patch from XFree86 4.3.0-12 package - Added "chmod -R u+w *" after source is decompressed or else patches can not be applied due to upstream source being read only files - Built xterm 179-1 in rawhide- Bump release to 2.0.EL for Red Hat Enterprise Linux build- Build fix for lib64: _x11datadir == /usr/X11R6/lib - Another lib64 build fix: xterm uses /usr/%{_lib}/X11/app-defaults when it should be using an arch-neutral dir {_x11datadir}/X11/app-defaults instead- Call configure with "--enable-luit --enable-warnings --enable-wide-chars --with-utempter" - Initial build.331-1.el8331-1.el8resize.build-idf2d8f78af898dabb7832acef6744afc09c7e7040resize.1.gz/usr/bin//usr/lib//usr/lib/.build-id//usr/lib/.build-id/f2//usr/share/man/man1/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=f2d8f78af898dabb7832acef6744afc09c7e7040, strippeddirectorytroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)RRRRRRRR utf-89f830f2929f01675b375667f8ad304d369b021ada0941226e54228f443be8281?@7zXZ !#,y73] b2u y-iSqhhHw1a#ZOxx;qsŒ-ك=٠{a[%63WjuF:e?~}ētdp(@P!4oӡ!)g@k+yoPVQr!BQ g^ ʰ1^:^v=bIඥC,kM6QYJ2OњTEcTa3Y#C coh.x5ld6|CP!83= }hїtN\ˆ 31ܕY Qgl/~ YʼnMqndĬ Hp0FKi֣pC 7`I0B TK2o"hAZ1i+:PgwpKZ?q`!n-Z,aAewh^]_`k2Pgo].1]=:U%^ 97K 6>.H&̭agyZ`ҥ 'WD7\1'ͺE1Ɛeb=> Q"ZYg?/ jD92= p8L5D+3h~p)9/q-sUCݣ34dx. wOhH8R9\grN>РYr܍Q[VyKGVBah8 ˍWB'oK W/E4 u$**gpBE_mOf }f/DlJ5 aCI*_3u]C¬,sC'1lKK+Zb=%ޢ?\c(}vPv!jx qC, qq>t}<o3(ɔo݃!1p\?QwE }Npd>([B3ۜ8+sfyk@cK=ߩ{Xyo+|=`A l3 > 5o(`/mˋM;$Lp[_-`{jX}w F=B+9-[w)oSc-f"X1˟_7~B# t0Nᒃ7&.D6]W <Ź4h%#"ޟrM8pU I_:'kY۰ݯ4X]:M̀ԫjoOaG'ӗ A5tb.PG"C DdT-,AƛebM$Ǣ[jBYPCXuTs2+ryGr}8ıj LpI= v?oPi1|{j `Sno'~wr&:@:K6zm(NKmάROVnz&# Q!ҺB MS؛Z+2kwР U[F9pkExNPu:d(gي6J/ugnەȺL[DƦ ķ; 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